a seedy story poem

A Seedy Story

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: A seedy story poem

A Seedy Story

Page 2: A seedy story poem


Page 3: A seedy story poem


Grandmother wore

a dark dress.

Without light

Night is dark.

Dark colours like for example black, dark blue, dark green…

Page 4: A seedy story poem

EARTHThe world we live on.

Earth is called a planet because it circles around the sun.

The earth has the shape of an orange.

Page 5: A seedy story poem

SEEDThe part of a plant from which another plant will grow.

Fruits and vegetables have seeds in them.

The farmer plants vegetable seeds and fruit seeds.

Page 6: A seedy story poem

ROOTThe part of a plant bush or tree that grows downward into the earth.

Roots hold the plants

in place.

The roots take water and food from the soil to feed the plant.

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PUSHEDMove something away from you.

The rabbit pushed the trolley.

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BRAVECourageous – not afraid.

A good soldier is brave.

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SHOOTA small branch

The bush has many new shoots, now that spring has come.

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CREPTMove very softly and quietly.

The monster crept under the tree to hide.

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DAMP SOILA little wet soil.

We walked on the damp soil and left our footprints.

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PLUMA fruit

Plums are very good to eat.

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In the dark, dark earth

Was a small, small seed.

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And the sun came up

And the rain came down

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From the small, small seed

Burst a white, white root.

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And the sun came up

And the root pushed down.

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From the small, small seed

Crept a brave, brave shoot.

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And the shoot grew up

And the rain came down

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From the damp, damp soil

Crept the brave, brave shoot.

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And the shoot grew green

And the sun shone down.

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From the green, green shoot

Grew a tall, tall tree.

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And the sun came up

And the rain came down.

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On the tall, tall tree

Grew A PLUM for me!

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And the sun came up

And the sun shone down.

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