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Travel through Nepal, Bangladesh, and India

Led by DAVID MARSHALL International Needs Canada


ASIA 2016 3

OVERVIEW OF THE UMOJA JOURNEYThe Umoja Journey is an exciting journey by road, air and train across Asia. The tour highlights the work of International Needs in Nepal, Bangladesh, and India, and gives you the adventure of a lifetime.

The objectives are as follows:• To give you a glimpse into the development projects in Nepal, Bangladesh, and India.• To provide funding for the projects we’ll be visiting.• To invite you to share your expertise and insight with our development partners.• To share the exciting launch of Astha Guitars by Mr. Raghu Dixit.

UMOJA JOURNEY COSTThe cost of the journey is CAN $20,000 per person, which may be processed as a charitable donation toward the work of International Needs, if your country of residence permits deductions of this nature. You can make astraightcontribution,findsponsors,ordosomefund-raising.

Your donation will cover the cost of the following:• Funding for the development projects in Nepal, Bangladesh, and India.• All travel costs of the trip, including airfare from North America • You can join us for the whole journey or just one leg. However, the full cost applies.

LOGISTICS OF THE JOURNEYThis itinerary provides the day-by-day details so you know what to expect: • Destinations and maps• Travel plans• Accommodations• Activities• Projects we will be visiting

WELCOMEThe Umoja Journey is an adventure that will remain with you for the rest of your life. After you say ‘yes’ to thisjourney,themostdifficultpartoftheprocesswillbeover,andthefunandexcitementcanbegin.


UMOJA JOURNEY AT A GLANCENepal, Bangladesh, and India

September 18 through October 7, 2016

Day Date Destination What’s Happening

1 Sunday, September 18 ................................... Kathmandu, Nepal Arrival day

2 Monday, September 19 .................................. Kathmandu, Nepal Sightseeing

3 Tuesday, September 20 .................................. Kathmandu, Nepal Sightseeing

4 Wednesday, September 21 ...............................Bhaktapur, Nepal Visit Program: Lydia Vocational Training Centre

5 Thursday, September 22 ...............................Dhaka, Bangladesh Travel Day

6 Friday, September 23 ................................. Jessore, Bangladesh Visit Program: Jessore Computer Skills Training & Bethany Children’s Village

7 Saturday, September 24 ...............................Barisal, Bangladesh Visit Program: Savar Children’s Village

8 Sunday, September 25 ............................. Naogoan, Bangladesh Naogoan Free School

9 Monday, September 26 ............................................ Siliguri, India Sano Diyo Orphanage

10 Tuesday, September 27 ......................................... Varanasi, India Sightseeing

11 Wednesday, September 28 ................................... Varanasi, India Sightseeing

12 Thursday, September 29 ....................................Kachhawa, India Visit Program: Kachhawa Christian School

13 Friday, September 30 ..........................................Allahabad, India Neva Villages

14 Saturday, October 1 .................................................... Delhi, India Travel Day

15 Sunday, October 2 ....................................................... Delhi, India Maharajas Express train tour

16 Monday, October 3 .......................................................Agra, India Maharajas Express train tour

17 Tuesday, October 4 ....................................................Jaipur, India Maharajas Express train tour

18 Wednesday, October 5 ................................................ Delhi, India Visit Program: ACTS School

19 Thursday, October 6 .......................................... Bangalore, India Visit Program: ACTS Schools Evening Concert, Raghu Dixit (Astha Guitars Launch)

20 Friday, October 7 ............................................... Bangalore, India Evening Flight Home

ASIA 2016 5

You may choose to arrive earlier than Sunday 18 Sept to enjoy some retreat time at the Dwarika’s Dhulikhel, Resort, near Kathmandu. This is a holistic lifestyle retreat, drawing on ancient Himalayan knowledge and philosophy of care fornatureandforone’sself.Setinmagnificentnaturalsurroundings,itoffersaplaceinwhichto contemplate, to learn and to explore the connectedness between mind, body and earth.www.dwarikas-dhulikhel.com

DAY ONESunday, September 18

Arrive Kathmandu, Nepal.Airport transfers arranged as required.

AccommodationsOvernight at the Dwarika’s Hotel in Kathmandu.www.dwarikas.com


DAY TWOMonday, September 19

ActivitiesKathmandu Sightseeing Day The Kathmandu Valley is the political, commercial and cultural hub of Nepal. Once a separate kingdom initself,itcontainsthreefabledcities-Kathmandu,PatanandBhaktapur.Eachisanartisticexpositionofgraceful temples, elegant palaces, brick paved courtyards and quaint streets. There are seven UNESCO World Heritage sites in the valley.

The tour starts with Swambhunath and Kathmandu Durbar Square, the historic seat of royalty. The Durbar Square, with its old temples and palaces, epitomizes the religious and cultural life of the people. It is here that kings of Nepal are crowned and their coronations solemnized. Interesting things to see here are: Taleju Temple built by King Mahendra Malla in 1549 AD, the temple of Kal Bhairav, the God of destruction, Nautalle Durbar, Coronation Nasal Chowk, the Gaddi Baithak, the statue of King Pratap Malla, the Big Drum and the Jagannath Temple.

In the right hand corner, a large wooden lattice screen hides an enormous gilded face of Sweta Bhairav. The screen is removed only during the Indra Jatra festival. The Numismatic Museum and the Tribhuvan Museum are inside the Hanuman Dhoka Palace building.

The Buddhist temple of Swayambhunath situated on the top of a hill west of the city, is one of the most popular and instantly recognizable symbols of Nepal. The temple is colloquially known as the ‘monkey temple’ after the large tribe of handsome monkeys which guards the hill and amuses visitors and devotees with tricks, including sliding gracefully down the double banisters of the main stairway to the temple. The roving monkeys quickly snatchupanyofferingsoffoodmadebydevoteesandwilljustasquicklygrabanythingyoumaybecarrying!

AccommodationsOvernight at the Dwarika’s Hotel in Kathmandu.www.dwarikas.com

ASIA 2016 7

DAY THREETuesday, September 20

ActivitiesSightseeing day Bhaktapur and PatanSituated at an altitude of 1,401m, and about 14km east of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur covers an area of four square miles. Bhaktapur, or the city of Devotees, still retains a medieval charm and visitors to this ancient town are treated to wonders of cultural and artistic achievements. Pottery and weaving are its traditional industries. Bhaktapur is famous for woodcarving, the Bhadgaolen topi (cap) and curd.

After sightseeing in Bhaktapur,we continue with a tour of Patan.

Patan,thesecond-largestcityinthevalley,liesjustacross the Bagmati River from Kathmandu, but it is a much quieter and less frenetic place to visit. It includes the Royal Palace, which contains a richlydecoratedbathtub,andthetwo-tieredbrickJagannarayan Temple.

Visit the Buddhist monuments and the ancient temples.

AccommodationsOvernight at the Dwarika’s Hotel in Kathmandu.www.dwarikas.com

DAY FOURWednesday, September 21

Visit a ProjectWomen with Skills, Hope and PurposeLydia Vocational Training Centre (Lydia) is committed to providing underprivileged young women of Nepal with the basic life skills, literacy, numeracy and vocational skills to make a living and lead productive, independent lives in their communities.

Every year two batches of approximately 30 women affectedbyvaryingdegreesofsocial,religious,educational and economic hardship spend 5 months in residence at Lydia immersed in sewing, playing guitar, madal and tambourine, and exploring issues in health education as well as Bible studies.

At the end of the course the women, newly empowered with marketable skills, return to their homes and put their training to use. At graduation each graduate receives a sewing machine. In return, the women commit to passing along their sewing skillstofiveotherwomenintheircommunities.In this way skills and information are quickly disseminated through remote communities and across a variety of cultural and physical barriers.

AccommodationsOvernight at the Dwarika’s Hotel in Kathmandu.


DAY FIVEThursday, September 22

Flight to JessoreRelaxedmorning.AfternoonflighttoBangladesh.

1345 KATHMANDU to DHAKA 15151645 DHAKA to JESSORE 1730

AccommodationsOvernight at Hotel City Plaza International, Jessore

DAY SIX Friday, September 23

Visit a ProjectMorning visit to Jessore, an isolated, rural districtintheSWtipofBangladesh.Sufferingfrom high unemployment and low literacy rates, more than half the population of Jessore live below the poverty line. International Needs Bangladesh provide vocational training in computer applicationsforruralwomenenablingthemtofindwork and support their families.

Drive to Bethany Children’s Village, Barisal (Approx 4 hours).

Visit Bethany Children’s Village a boy’s boarding school. Since 1994, Bethany Children’s Village has served as home and school for 100 orphans and vulnerable boys in the Barisal District of Bangladesh, providing primary school education,aswellasvocationaltraininginofficeadministration,fish,poultryandvegetablefarming.

Over the years, many lives have been changed. The school focuses on providing a nurturing learning environment—equipping vulnerable children with the coping skills to manage the unusual circumstances of their lives, the life skills to function as productive members of society and the educational foundation required to compete successfully in the labour market.

AccommodationsOvernight at Hotel Grand Park, Barisal.

ASIA 2016 9

DAY SEVENSaturday, September 24

FLY Barisal to Dhaka.

Arrive in Bangladesh’s thriving capital, Dhaka, one of Southeast Asia’s major cities, and head to the vibrant PanPacificSonargaon,aprestigious5starDhakahotelsituatedprominentlyinthecentreofBangladesh’sdiplomatic zone and commercial district. The hotel is close to historic sites and exciting shopping, a modern oasis in a bustling city.

Visit a ProjectIn the afternoon there will be an optional visit to Savar Children’s Village.

International Needs’ Savar Children’s Village is a girl’s boarding school located 45 minutes outside Dhaka, the country’s capital city. The facility includes a large courtyard, a church, school dormitories, and a medical clinic. Savar hosts 250 orphans and vulnerable girls from various regions in Bangladesh.

ActivitiesSpend the evening touring around Old Dhaka. The historic architecture here conjures memories of times past when Dhaka was one of the largest and most prosperous cities of the Indian subcontinent. Spend some time at Ahsan Manjil, or the Pink Palace, and Tara Masjid, also known as the Star Mosque, before embarking on a rickshawtourofthecity-atraditionalexperienceyouwillnotforget!www.panpacific.com/en/hotels-resorts/bangladesh/dhaka.html


DAY EIGHTSunday, September 25

Dhaka (DAC) to Rajshahi (RJH)Biman Bangladesh Airlines 491 Dep: 0800 Arr 0845 BG 491

Visit a ProjectNaogoan Integrated ProjectThe Naogoan Free School is located in northwest Bangladesh in a rural area. The people who live in rural areas face debilitating poverty and many of the children have no families or adults who care for them. Someworkasdaylaborersinlocalfactoriesorfields,while others live on the streets, stealing food when theycanandsleepingwherevertheyfindshelter.While the government subsidizes education, rural children are all but forgotten.

When International Needs opened the Naogoan Free School, the teachers and leaders simply invited anyone who wanted to learn to come to school. More than 250 children started coming to school every day of their own free will to learn to read, write and do simplemath!Today,thereare400childrenattendingclasses. Through child sponsorship they receive food, clothing, medical care and Christian teaching.

International Needs Bangladesh is hoping to move forward with the Naogoan Integrated Project by constructingathree-storybuildingtoexpanditsministry to the families in the region. Project duration is estimated at 18 months, six months for each phase.

Afternoon Drive from Naogaon to Siliguri, INDIA which is 305 Km away, approx. 6 hour drive.

AccommodationsOn arrival, transfer to the hotel and overnight at the Sinclairs Siliguri hotel in Pradhan Nagar, at the heart of the city, a luxury hotel equipped with modern amenities. One of the most renowned hotels in the region. If there’s time you could take a dip in the hotel’s outdoor swimming pool or visit the Health Club which has a gym, steam and sauna, or rejuvenate at The Laya Spa.www.sinclairshotels.com/siliguri

DAY NINEMonday, September 26

Visit a ProjectVisit the Sano Diyo Orphanage, a shelter home for girls. Sano Diyo today takes care of 37 girls. At Sano Diyo, needy and abandoned children have been given a home, irrespective of caste, creed or religion. The home is situated in the foothills of Darjeeling, in Siliguri, West Bengal, and is managed byACTSstaffPrasannaandArpanaKhaling,adedicated and devoted couple.


AccommodationsOvernight at Holiday Inn Express, Delhi International Airport

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DAY TENTuesday, September 27


Varanasi is one of the oldest living cities in the world. Though many names have been given to Varanasi, it probablyderivesfromthetworiversthatflankthecity,theVarunatothenorthandtheAsitothesouth.

Varanasi’s prominence in Hindu mythology is virtually unrivalled. For the devout Hindu the city has always had a special place. Besides being a pilgrimage centre, it is considered especially auspicious to die here, ensuring an instant route to heaven. The revered and ancient city Varanasi is the religious center of the world ofHindus.Acitywherethepastandpresent,eternityandcontinuityco-exist.ThecityofBanarasissituatedon the west bank of the holiest of all Indian rivers, the Ganga or Ganges. The relationship between the sacred riverandthecityistheessenceofVaranasi-‘thelandofsacredlight’.TheGangaisbelievedtohaveflownfrom heaven to wash away the worldly sins of the human race of mortals .The life and activities in the city center around the holy river. Life on the banks of the Ganga begins before dawn when thousands of pilgrims -men,womenandchildren-comedowntotherivertowaitfortherisingsunwhenimmersioninthesacredriverwillcleansethemoftheirsufferingsandwashtheirsinsaway.

We will be staying at the Nadesar Palace Hotel which has hosted royalty, statesmen and celebrities since 1835. The name Nadesar is derived from the Goddess Nadesari, whose shrine is located in the front of the Palace.Setamidstverdantgardens,mangoorchards,marigoldandjasminefields,NadesarPalaceisahaven of peace and tranquility.

Works of art from the Maharaja’s collection decorate the walls of the Palace’s 10 luxurious suites. Embellished with original pieces of furniture refurbished to recreate the atmosphere of a bygone era, the décor of the rooms isintendedtoevokethecolorsofmarigolds,jasmines,andpalepinklotusesthatareofferedtotheholyGanges

AccommodationsOvernight at Nadesar Palace hotel, Varanasiwww.taj.tajhotels.com/en-in/taj-nadesar-palace-varanasi


DAY TWELVEThursday, September 29

Drive to Allahabad, via Kachhawa 220 KM • Approx. 3 hours

Visit a ProjectCheck out and drive to Kachhawa (a top Hindu pilgrimage destination) which is 101 Km away, approx. 45 minute drive. Visit the Kachhawa Christian School a part of the ACTS Group of Institutions. This is the only school in Kachhawa providing quality education. This school primarily caters to the needs of the village children who are lookingforqualityEnglish-mediumschoolingatamoderate cost.

Continue journey to Allahabad where we will visit the IN work in Allahabad, which is the community development program mainly for women and children.

AccommodationsOvernight at Hotel Harsh Ananda in Allahabad. www.hotelharshananda.com/

DAY ELEVENWednesday, September 28

Another day in Varanasi.

Along the water’s edge, there are the burning ghats. The most sacred one is Manikarnika, associated with Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva’s wife. The major shrine is the Vishwanath Temple the abode of Lord Shiva, the most important of the trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, the Lords of this universe. Around this temple evolved the spiritual identity of Varanasi.

AccommodationsOvernight at Nadesar Palace hotel, Varanasihttps://taj.tajhotels.com/en-in/taj-nadesar-palace-varanasi/

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DAY THIRTEENFriday, September 30

Visit a ProjectThis project provides quality education (Neva villages), the provision of some basic essentials, vocational training, medical treatment and health education to girls in the villages of Allahabad, North India.

Girls have very limited access to education in this semi-ruralareaandmanystudentsstartattheschools having had no previous education. Around 400girlsandyoungwomenbenefitfromtheworkof this program.

AccommodationsOvernight at Hotel Harsh Ananda in Allahabad.

DAY FOURTEENSaturday, October 1

Air India 9604 Allahabad (IXD) to Delhi (DEL) Dep: 1430 Arr: 1615

AccommodationsChosen as India’s best ‘Luxury Historical Hotel’ by World Luxury Hotel Awards 2015. The Imperial is an iconic property in Delhi’s 5 star hotel category and the most distinguished address situated in the heart of the capital, reminiscent of the halcyon days of the Raj. A luxury hotel with an iconic and awe-inspiringheritageinterwovenincolonialelegance,itdwellsinitsmoderndeliveryofold-styleclass,magnificenceandluxuriesaplenty.

Builtin1931byBlomfield,oneofSirEdwinLutyen’sassociates and inaugurated by Lord Willingdon in 1936, it is New Delhi’s landmark Hotel, located on Janpath, the erstwhile Queensway. The Hotel is steps away from the renowned shopping district and city’s major attractions.

Overnight: The Imperial, Delhi.www.theimperialindia.com


Assemble at Safdarjung Railway Station for a welcome ceremony and begin the 3 day Treasures of India rail journey aboard the luxurious Maharajas’ Express train.www.maharajas-express-india.com/treasures-of-india.html

Soon after a traditional Indian welcome, complete your registration formalities and get ushered to your cabins. Savor your delicious brunch onboard.

Arrival in the city of love, Agra where we visit the iconic Taj Mahal, and other architectural gems of theMughalEmpire;theItmad-ud-Daullahandtheimpressive Agra Fort. Your discovery of the essence of Mughal architecture is completed with a visit to Fatehpur Sikri, a masterpiece in red sandstone.

TajMahal:ThefifthMughalemperor,ShahJahan,built it in 1631 in the memory of his second wife, Mumtaz Mahal, a Muslim Persian princess. She died while accompanying her husband in Behrampur in a campaign to crush a rebellion, after giving birth to their 14th child. Her death so crushed the emperor that all his hair and beard were said to have grown

snow white in a few months. When Mumtaz Mahal was still alive, she extracted four promises from the emperor:first,thathebuildtheTaj;second,thatheshould marry again; third, that he be kind to their children; and fourth, that he visit the tomb on her deathanniversary.Hekeptthefirstandsecondpromises. Construction began in 1631 and was completed in 22 years. Twenty thousand people were deployed to work on it. An Iranian architect designed it and it is best appreciated when the architecture and its adornments are linked to the passion that inspired it. It is a “symbol of eternal love”.

DAY FIFTEENSunday, October 2

8am Check in: Maharajas Express Train journey

Day 1 Delhi - Agra

Having buried her down at Behrampur, it was time for the emperor to keep his promise and build a tomb there itself. But by and by, it was felt that it was virtually impossible to transfer all the marble there, as it would cost an entire fortune and an entire lifetime. So, when Agra was chosen as the only alternative, astonishingly her grave was uprooted andbroughttoAgra,onlytobefinallytransferredtothemonument,completedtwenty-twoyearslater.

AftertheTajwewillvisitAgraFort-thatwasbuiltby Akbar In 1525 AD. After Agra Fort we will visit BabyTaj-theinteriorsofwhichareconsideredbetter than the Taj.

Return to enjoy the comfort of Maharajas’ express or go for the optional Mohabbat, the Taj Show or optional shopping tour

Dinner and overnight stay on board the train.

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DAY SIXTEENMonday, October 3

Day 2 Agra - Ranthambore


Leave for Sawai Madhopur as you enjoy lunch onboard.

Enjoy a thrilling Jeep Safari to Ranthambore Tiger Reserve, once the private hunting ground of the Maharajas of Jaipur. Enjoy adventurous morning and afternoon safaris at the Reserve, looking for the elusive big cats.

Return to Maharajas’ Express, and leave for Jaipur.

DAY SEVENTEENTuesday, October 4

Day 3 Jaipur

Arrive in Jaipur and have breakfast on board

The historic capital of Rajasthan, Jaipur, often called the Pink City. Explore the forts and palaces with a walk through the colorful bazaars of this beautiful city.

Proceed to visit Amber Fort, visit the Royal Observatory (Jantar Mantar). You may also choose activities such as spa facilities at a Palace hotel, visit to Amber Fort, private shopping tour or a golf session at Rambagh Golf club.

Post lunch you have an option of visiting the local bazaars of Jaipur or indulging in a rejuvenating spa session at a palace hotel or local sightseeing tour of the City Palace complex which houses the royal family of Jaipur and an exquisite museum, the royal observatory Jantar Mantar.

Dinner and overnight stay aboard Maharajas’ Express.


DAY EIGHTEENWednesday, October 5

Day 4 Delhi

Today you will bid adieu to the Treasure of India tour on board Maharajas’ Express train.Post breakfast, disembark the train and transfer to the airport

FLY DELHI 1330 to BANGALORE 1615 AI 502

Visit a ProjectOn arrival visit ACTS Secondary School.

ACTS SECONDARY SCHOOLWe have a big school in Bangalore with 1400 kids,3to16-year-olds.Therehasbeenlotsof

investment here in digital smart classes and computer labs. Even though the fees are very reasonable, we want to give these kids the best. A smallprofitisgeneratedherewhichreallyhelpstosupport the rest of ACTS.

AccommodationsTransfer to the Leela Palace Bengaluru Hotel, which is among the few places to stay in Bengaluru. Spread over nine acres of lush gardens, resplendent with cascading waterfalls and ornate blooms the hotel is unabashed in its opulence. Strategically situated near the Bengaluru airport, the hotel showcases the architectural glory of Mysore.

Overnight at Leela Palace Bengaluru Hotelwww.theleela.com/locations/bangalore

Bangalore,officiallyknownasBengaluruisthecapital of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is the third-mostpopulouscityinIndia,withover8.4million residents. Located in southern India on the Deccan Plateau, at a height of over 900 m (3,000 ft.) above sea level, Bengaluru is known for its pleasant climate throughout the year. Its elevation is the highest among the major large cities of India.

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DAY NINETEENThursday, October 6

Visit a ProjectVisit two ACTS schools catering to under privileged children. Nirmala Vidyalaya, Gattahalli is a smaller village school in Bangalore with 400 kids and Nirmala Vidyalaya, Rajendranaga a small slum school in Bangalore with 60 kids. Parents of these kidsaredaily-wagelaborers,maids,drivers,etc.and are quite poor.

EveningconcerttocelebrateUmojaandtheofficiallaunch of Astha Guitars by famous musician Mr. Raghu Dixit.


AccommodationsOvernight at Leela Palace Bengaluru Hotel

DAY TWENTYFriday, October 7

Evening Flight Home