a really really fast introduction to pyspark - lightning fast cluster computing with python

PySpark Lightning fast cluster computing with Python

Upload: holden-karau

Post on 16-Aug-2015



Data & Analytics

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PySparkLightning fast cluster computing with Python

Who am I?

Holden● I prefer she/her for pronouns● Co-author of the Learning Spark book● @holdenkarau● http://www.slideshare.net/hkarau● https://www.linkedin.com/in/holdenkarau

What we are going to explore together!

● What is Spark?● Getting Spark setup locally OR getting access to cluster● Spark primary distributed collection● Word count● How PySpark works● Using libraries with Spark● Spark SQL / DataFrames

What is Spark?

● General purpose distributed system○ With a really nice API

● Apache project (one of the most active)● Must faster than Hadoop Map/Reduce

The different pieces of Spark

Apache Spark

SQL & DataFrames Streaming Language


Scala, Java, Python, & R

Graph Tools

Spark ML bagel & Grah X

MLLib Community Packages

Setup time!

Remote Azure HDI cluster:http://bit.ly/clusterSignup (thanks Microsoft!)We can use Jupyter :)

Local Machine:If you don’t have Spark installed you can get it from http:

//spark.apache.org/downloads.html (select 1.3.1, any hadoop version)

Starting the shell

./bin/pyspark[Lots of output]SparkContext available as sc, SQLContext available as sqlContext.


Reducing log level

cp ./conf/log4j.properties.template ./conf/log4j.properties

Then set

log4j.rootCategory=ERROR, console

Connecting to your Azure cluster

● Don’t screw up the password (gets cached)● Use the Jupyter link● Optionally you can configure your cluster to assign more

executor cores to Jupyter

Sparkcontext: entry to the world

● Can be used to create RDDs from many input sources○ Native collections, local & remote FS○ Any Hadoop Data Source

● Also create counters & accumulators● Automatically created in the shells (called sc)● Specify master & app name when creating

○ Master can be local[*], spark:// , yarn, etc.○ app name should be human readable and make sense

● etc.

Getting the Spark Context on Azure

from pyspark import SparkContextfrom pyspark.sql.types import *

sc = SparkContext( 'spark://headnodehost:7077', 'pyspark')

RDDs: Spark’s Primary abstraction

RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)● Recomputed on node failure● Distributed across the cluster● Lazily evaluated (transformations & actions)

Word count

lines = sc.textFile(src)words = lines.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" "))word_count = (words.map(lambda x: (x, 1)) .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x+y))word_count.saveAsTextFile(output)

Word count

lines = sc.textFile(src)words = lines.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" "))word_count = (words.map(lambda x: (x, 1)) .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x+y))word_count.saveAsTextFile(output)

No data is read or processed until after this line

This is an “action” which forces spark to evaluate the RDD

Some common transformations & actions

Transformations (lazy)● map● filter● flatMap● reduceByKey● join● cogroup

Actions (eager)● count● reduce● collect● take● saveAsTextFile● saveAsHadoop● countByValue

Photo by Steve

Photo by Dan G

Exercise time

Photo by recastle

Lets find the lines with the word “Spark”

import ossrc = "file:///"+os.environ['SPARK_HOME']+"/README.md"lines = sc.textFile(src)

What did you find?

A solution:

lines = sc.textFile(src)spark_lines = lines.filter(

lambda x: x.lower().find("spark") != -1)print spark_lines.count()

Combined with previous example

Do you notice anything funky?● We read the data in twice :(● cache/persist/checkpoint to the rescue!

lets use toDebugString

un-cached:>>> print word_count.toDebugString()

(2) PythonRDD[17] at RDD at PythonRDD.scala:43 []

| MapPartitionsRDD[14] at mapPartitions at PythonRDD.scala:346 []

| ShuffledRDD[13] at partitionBy at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 []

+-(2) PairwiseRDD[12] at reduceByKey at <stdin>:3 []

| PythonRDD[11] at reduceByKey at <stdin>:3 []

| MapPartitionsRDD[10] at textFile at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 []

| file:////home/holden/repos/spark/README.md HadoopRDD[9] at textFile at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 []

lets use toDebugString

cached:>>> print word_count.toDebugString()

(2) PythonRDD[8] at RDD at PythonRDD.scala:43 []

| MapPartitionsRDD[5] at mapPartitions at PythonRDD.scala:346 []

| ShuffledRDD[4] at partitionBy at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 []

+-(2) PairwiseRDD[3] at reduceByKey at <stdin>:3 []

| PythonRDD[2] at reduceByKey at <stdin>:3 []

| MapPartitionsRDD[1] at textFile at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 []

| CachedPartitions: 2; MemorySize: 2.7 KB; ExternalBlockStoreSize: 0.0 B; DiskSize: 0.0 B

| file:////home/holden/repos/spark/README.md HadoopRDD[0] at textFile at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:-2 []

A detour into the internals

Photo by Bill Ward

Why lazy evaluation?

● Allows pipelining procedures○ Less passes over our data, extra happiness

● Can skip materializing intermediate results which are really really big*

● Figuring out where our code fails becomes a little trickier

So what happens when we run this code?





HDFS / Cassandra/ etc

So what happens when we run this code?





HDFS / Cassandra/ etc


So what happens when we run this code?





HDFS / Cassandra/ etc




So what happens when we run this code?





HDFS / Cassandra/ etc





Spark in Scala, how does PySpark work?

● Py4J + pickling + magic○ This can be kind of slow sometimes

● RDDs are generally RDDs of pickled objects● Spark SQL (and DataFrames) avoid some of this

So what does that look like?



Worker 1

Worker K



Using other libraries

● built ins○ just import!*

■ Except for Hive, compile with -PHive & then import

● spark-packages○ --packages

● generic python○ pre-install on workers (pssh, puppet, etc.)○ add it with --zip-files○ sc.addPyFile

So lets take “DataFrames” out for a spin

● useful for structured data● support schema inference on JSON● Many operations done without* pickling● Integrated into ML!● Accessed through SQLContext● Not the same feature set as Panda’s or R DataFrames

Loading data

df = sqlContext.read.load("files/testweet.json", format="json")

# Built in json, parquet, etc.# More formats (csv, etc.) at http://spark-packages.org/

DataFrames aren’t quite as lazy...

● Keep track of schema information● Loading JSON data involves looking at the data● Before if we tried to load non-existent data wouldn’t fail

right away, now fails right away

Examining Schema Informationroot |-- contributorsIDs: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) |-- createdAt: string (nullable = true) |-- currentUserRetweetId: long (nullable = true) |-- hashtagEntities: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) |-- id: long (nullable = true) |-- inReplyToStatusId: long (nullable = true) |-- inReplyToUserId: long (nullable = true) |-- isFavorited: boolean (nullable = true) |-- isPossiblySensitive: boolean (nullable = true) |-- isTruncated: boolean (nullable = true) |-- mediaEntities: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) |-- retweetCount: long (nullable = true) |-- source: string (nullable = true) |-- text: string (nullable = true) |-- urlEntities: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) |-- user: struct (nullable = true) | |-- createdAt: string (nullable = true) | |-- description: string (nullable = true) | |-- descriptionURLEntities: array (nullable = true) | | |-- element: string (containsNull = true) | |-- favouritesCount: long (nullable = true) | |-- followersCount: long (nullable = true) | |-- friendsCount: long (nullable = true) | |-- id: long (nullable = true) | |-- isContributorsEnabled: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- isFollowRequestSent: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- isGeoEnabled: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- isProtected: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- isVerified: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- lang: string (nullable = true) | |-- listedCount: long (nullable = true) | |-- location: string (nullable = true) | |-- name: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileBackgroundColor: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileBackgroundImageUrl: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileBackgroundImageUrlHttps: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileBackgroundTiled: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- profileBannerImageUrl: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileImageUrl: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileImageUrlHttps: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileLinkColor: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileSidebarBorderColor: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileSidebarFillColor: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileTextColor: string (nullable = true) | |-- profileUseBackgroundImage: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- screenName: string (nullable = true) | |-- showAllInlineMedia: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- statusesCount: long (nullable = true) | |-- translator: boolean (nullable = true) | |-- utcOffset: long (nullable = true) |-- userMentionEntities: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)

Manipulating DataFrames

SQLdf.registerTempTable("panda")sqlContext.sql("select * from panda where id = 529799371026485248")

APIdf.filter(df.id == 529799371026485248)

DataFrames to RDD’s & vice versa

● map lets us work per-rowdf.map(lambda row: row.text)

● Converting back○ infer_schema

○ specify the schema

Or we can make a UDF

def function(x):# Some magic

sqlContext.registerFunction(“name”, function, IntegerType())

More exercise funtimes :)

● Lets load a sample tweet● Write a UDF to compute the length of the tweet● Select the length of the tweet

Getting some tweets

● Could use Spark Streaming sample app if you have twitter keys handy

● Normally we would read data from HDFS or similar

import urllib2data = urllib2.urlopen('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/databricks/learning-spark/master/files/testweet.json').read()print datardd = sc.parallelize([data])path = "mytextFile.txt"rdd.saveAsTextFile(path)

Loading the tweets

df = sqlContext.jsonFile(path)df.printSchema()

MLLib / ML

● Example in the notebook :)

Additional Resources

● Programming guide (along with JavaDoc, PyDoc, ScalaDoc, etc.)○ http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/

● Books● Videos● Training● My talk tomorrow

Conferences & Meetups

● Strata & Hadoop World (next one in NYC)● Spark summit (next one in Amsterdam)● Seattle Spark Meetup (next event on Aug 12th)

& more at http://spark.apache.org/community.html#events