a quilt for all seasons

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  • 7/31/2019 A Quilt for All Seasons


    a quilt forall seasons...

  • 7/31/2019 A Quilt for All Seasons


    From an early childhood I have always been grateful for thelittle magical highlights in our otherwise drab sensible world.

    A stained glass window, a panel of decorative tiles, well

    coloured paintings and most of all those embellished textiles,

    knitted, embroidered or patchwork. These little islands of

    delights lovingly made to lift up the soul are what get most

    of us through lifes many trials.

    There is a mystic that making of these life enhancing objects is

    beyond the wit of most of us. What a day of celebration and revelation,

    when we discover how easy and deeply satisfying these crafts are.

    Through my knitting my good friend Liza Lucy pulled me into the

    patchwork world. She took patterns Id done in knitting and translated

    them to patchwork proving to me I was good at designing for that

    craft. Her offer to sew, if I laid out the colours, was an offer I could

    not refuse, resulting in many books, lectures, workshops and museum

    exhibitions, but mostly hours of satisfaction. I went from doing

    the quilts to launching my own fabric print collections. Everything

    becomes grist to an artists mill when designing. Oriental worlds of

    pattern have figured heavily but I do feel I was deeply affected by the

    landscape I grew up in. The wild coast of California gave me a lusty

    belief I could do anything I chose in life.

    When I was invited to Northern Ireland, in June 2008 to work with

    Patchworkers in Derry / Londonderry, I was struck by the intense

    beauty of the countryside surrounding, the city and the history within

    its battle scared walls. It was not surprising to experience the passion



    and creativity that flowed from the students. My assistant, Brandon

    Mably and I were encouraged to find a liking of our fabrics and

    books but even more how the quilters took our encouragement and

    ran with it. You can see from this book how engaged those hands

    and minds are. We should all be profoundly grateful to have found

    such an expressive craft to channel our creative energies into.

    Kaffe Fassett

  • 7/31/2019 A Quilt for All Seasons



    Conversations with ten different people, but with onepurpose - to find out why quilting is important to them?

    Ten people with varying ages, life experiences and reasons

    for signing up for a course.A Quilt for All Seasons enables

    them to describe their experiences of a Calico Project

    quilting course run by Mission Hall Quilts.

    The Calico Project was operated by Mission Hall Quilts, one of

    the newest centres for quilting in Northern Ireland. Situated in the

    centre of Derry / Londonderry, and run by people with a passion, it

    sells a huge range of fabrics and material. Not only that. It runs awide range of courses to suit the beginner or a seasoned quilter.

    Calico started providing quilting classes in August 2006. The

    response was overwhelming. Every class was booked out within

    days, and waiting lists soon appeared. People from across the

    city and beyond came to a range of classes to learn every aspect

    of the craft.

    Many of those who came had never quilted before. Each week

    between 40 and 50 people would attend classes at Mission Hall.

    A community of people with a shared passion for quilting hasbeen established. Old friendships have been re-kindled, and

    many new friendships established as the craft crosses all

    sectors of society, and appeals to those from all walks of life.

    Calico courses were made possible by the generous support of

    the Peace II Programme1. There are two key words in this funding


    stream - pathway and transition. They express some of the hopes

    of the funders. It is the desire to enable growth, development and

    the learning of new skills - to build a strong sense of community.

    Do the words pathway and transition describe the experiences

    of those whose stories are featured here? Have new skills led to

    new possibilities? Have new relationships been forged? There is a

    power in each individual story told. It is not in the way each has

    been written but in the fact that the experiences related are real.

    Pathway and transition become appropriate words to describe

    the impact on those who took part.

    A Quilt for All Seasons captures the experiences of ten people who

    participated in the quilting classes run by the Calico Project. Each

    has a unique story. They are stories of new skills learned. Sometimes

    there were challenges to be faced. In every case fresh possibilities

    are discovered. The benefits have not just been experienced by

    those who took part but by those around them too.

    1 Measure 2.4 of the PEACE II Programme

  • 7/31/2019 A Quilt for All Seasons



    I dont feel Im the person standing at the back wall

    any more. That is the effect of a quilting course on

    Sandra Montgomery.

    Sandra has always been comfortable working with her hands.

    Whether it was gardening or DIY, she has always been ready to

    take up the challenge. Yet there is a sense in which, for her, it felt

    functional rather than particularly creative. Despite her practicalabilities she says, I would never have thought that I was

    particularly artistic or creative.

    Describing herself as a stay-at-home mum for twelve years,

    she talks of the routine of housework, kids, exams, making

    meals but I had no hobbies. She had not worked outside

    the home since having her second child and felt that the

    opportunities for meeting people were limited for her.

    Coming upon Mission Hall Quilts by chance, she signed up

    for a course along with her daughter. I always loved workingwith my hands but never took that part of me seriously, she

    says. It was the beginning of a journey - one that has reached

    a place where quilting has turned into a passion. It really

    grabs on to you and doesnt let go (It) has given me a

    real buzz in my life.

    the light bulb moment...Sandra Montgomery

    One of the great attractions of quilting for Sandra is that it is like

    having limitless possibilities with fabric and colours You are just

    held by your imagination. In some way it has not only released

    a new enjoyment in creating but it has also given her a new sense

    of possibilities and imagination for the future.

    Quilting has obviously made a big impact on the Montgomery

    household. Sandra wants to make quilts for family membersfor special occasions. Her husband has

    even made her a design wall.

  • 7/31/2019 A Quilt for All Seasons



    Its the big light bulb moment.Something switched on in myhead Quilting gives you thatlicence to make and create.

    What did the opportunity of mixing with other quilters

    do for her? It renewed my faith in human nature. The

    positiveness from quilters is amazing. She particularly

    valued the way in which they were willing to freely sharewhat they know and have learnt. I had not experienced

    that to that extent in anything else Ive done.

    As Sandra describes it, Its the big light bulb moment.

    Something switched on in my head Quilting gives you

    that licence to make and create. She talks of getting

    to the stage of teaching and selling what she has made.

    One gets the sense that, as well as new friends and a

    passion for quilting, something else has happened. It

    is the unlocking of ideas and possibilities in her mind.


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    Over the years Pearl has found many ways to work with

    her hands. She has created baskets, pictures and intricate

    pieces of embroidery. One of the first things you notice

    about any of her handiwork is the choice of colours.

    They are bright and happy.

    When Pearl was ten years old she asked her mother to let her

    sew. It is a skill she has used in one way or another ever since.

    The shirt factory was an important part of her life. Her mother

    was a quilter and her grandfather a tailor.

    With such a background you might be forgiven for thinking

    that Pearl had little else to learn. Yet she feels that taking part

    in a quilting course has taught her a lot. When she talks about

    her classes she says she is looking forward to whats next;

    looking forward to seeing everyone elses (work) and seeing

    all the different colours.

    Pearls husband died five years ago. She talks of the sense ofloss and new routines. Sometimes it is the simple things that

    are hard to bear. It is a lonely life when your husband dies.

    We were always together. She spoke about the loneliness

    of long evenings.

    lead kindly light...Pearl Steele

    looking forward to whats

    next; looking forward to seeingeveryone elses (work) andseeing all the different colours.

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    Involvement in a Luncheon Club has been a happy part of her

    life, as has her involvement in various crafts. However, it was

    her granddaughter, Emma, who suggested that she get involved

    in a Mission Hall class.

    When Pearl talks about quilting, she puts it very simply. It hasmade a difference in my life. Through the classes she meets

    a lot of people and enjoys the company. She enjoys it because

    everyone is in the same position. Everyone is quick to help

    each other. In the evenings she loves to sew. When I sit

    down to sew, time flies.

    Quilts are often special to the maker because of who they are

    made for. They also tell stories, the threads of which can go

    through the generations. One of Pearls first quilts was made

    for her granddaughter, Emma. On the back of it there is awoven inscription which reads, When I was a little girl you

    taught me all I know. The times I loved the best, you taught

    me how to sew.

    She talks of finding a collection of her mothers embroidery

    transfers. She found them after her death and has now made

    a quilt of all these transfers. A quilt is like a family heirloom;

    those who make them and those who receive them know

    their true value.

    The pleasure of quilting for Pearl comes in what you can

    create. The classes in Mission Hall made something for her.

    As she says in her own words, they made a difference in

    my life. You cant ask for much better than that.Tutor:MichaelaMorrison

  • 7/31/2019 A Quilt for All Seasons



    You hope that your quilt is an heirloom; that it will be

    handed down to your offspring.

    Paulas first quilt, called Love Is, took ten months to make. It was

    a big commitment but made possible by doing a little bit at a time.

    She gave it as a gift to her daughter who was moved as she knew

    just how much work had gone into it.

    For someone who is unfamiliar with quilting it takes time to

    learn the value of each individual one. Seeing the time, effort and

    commitment that each one takes helps the onlooker to understand.

    Quilts are often made to mark special family occasions or given

    to family and friends. As Paula describes, Love Is she sheds light

    on why they have such value. Love Is is about your family and

    friends. Quilts are warm and homely It is lovely to pass that

    on to someone you love. There is a lot of yourself in it.

    sea of tranquillity...Paula Taylor

    Quilts are warm and homely... It islovely to pass that on to someone youlove. There is a lot of yourself in it.

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    When she took early retirement from teaching, quilting met

    a demand for her - a creative outlet. Although Paula loved the

    creative side of things, she had never sewn in her life and never

    used a sewing machine. With reading as her only hobby, she

    looked forward to attending a class with a friend.

    Paula has had rheumatoid arthritis for twenty years and

    described herself as not a very physical person. With herarthritis, she thought that she would never be able to make

    something like a quilt.

    There are lots of things I cant do with my hands, but quilting

    makes you feel normal, says Paula. My hands are more active

    than theyve ever been. It keeps your hands and joints exercised.

    It is exercising your fine motor skills.


    Talking of her mother as a wonderful dressmaker someone

    I looked up to, and someone with a great eye she describes the

    moment when she showed her one of her quilts. Her mother was

    impressed and shocked at what she had been able to create.

    Coming from someone important in her life and who had great

    creative skills was important for Paula That pleased me. It gave

    me a great sense of achievement.

    Involvement in quilting has given her something to do with old

    friends. It also introduces her to new ones. Along with developing

    friendships and learning new skills, something else is happening

    for Paula. Quilting is my area of tranquillity and peace.

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    Every day, Jacqueline ODoherty goes to a Womens Centre to

    sew. As someone able to sew since she was nine, it mightnt

    be a surprise that she also signed up for a quilting class. She

    has now become a quilting tutor. As well as taking classes,

    she has travelled to other parts of the country and

    to Scotland to meet people involved in quilting.

    Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a health condition affecting

    around 2% of the population. Those affected experience widespread

    muscular and skeletal pain and fatigue, often to a disabling degree.

    It is a very distressing condition and one that Jacqueline has

    struggled with for a number of years.

    The effects of ill health for Jacqueline were profound. I was that

    sick I didnt want to do anything. I was tired all the time. I had

    nothing to look forward to. As the years went on, the FMS got

    worse. One side effect of her condition was depression and

    thinking of the things you cant do. Movement or travel was very

    difficult which meant that she did not go out, and had one friend.

    for the love of andrew...Jacqueline ODoherty

    Im like Pandoras Box. Quiltingwas the key to unlocking that box!

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    Something has had a direct and powerful effect on Jacquelines

    health and sense of well-being in the last two years. Her own

    words describe it most eloquently: Quilting changed my life.

    I dont take painkillers. I work through my pain (by) quilting.

    I dont think of FMS any more. I am thinking about all the

    things I can do I used to think of what I couldnt do.

    Asked if her involvement in quilting had changed anything about

    her attitude to life, she had this to say: I believe, no matter how

    sick you are, there is still something you can do. The less you think

    about it (FMS), the more you can do. Everyone has something

    theyre good at.

    From a place where ill health meant that even getting up the

    morning was a struggle to now considering a degree in quilting

    is a considerable journey. What has aided that journey? Im likePandoras Box. Quilting was the key to unlocking that box! It is

    a journey that has affected not only her but the rest of her family

    for the good.

    The creation of a quilt is sometimes a way of marking the

    deepest of moments in the journey of a life. Jacqueline has a

    brother in the USA whose son, Andrew, was diagnosed with a

    serious illness. She decided to make a very special quilt to help

    raise funds for his treatment.

    Tragically, the young boy died recently before the quilt wascompleted. She has now given it to his father. Poignantly

    and fittingly, the quilt is named Andrew. Tutor:PaulineOpeener

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    You wouldnt think a wee sewing class can do so much!

    The impact of a quilting class has been significant for Julie

    Hamilton. Talking of her involvement in the class she says,

    This year was the best year of my life.

    Julie has had over twenty years of ill health. A number of very

    significant illnesses have meant living with constant pain and

    discomfort. She describes the year she enrolled in a quilting

    course as a bad year for her health.

    Deciding to come to a Mission Hall course was no easy matter.

    She spent eighteen months thinking about it before summoning

    up the courage to put her name down. She feared being unable

    to complete the course because of illness.

    Being in company and making new friends are not pleasures

    Julie has been able to enjoy over the years due to her struggles

    with illness. It is not surprising that there were days when she

    felt a little overwhelmed meeting new people at her class. Yet, shefound the courage to persevere and the benefits are tangible for her.

    The word therapeutic refers to something tending to cure

    or restore to health. It is the word Julie uses to describe her

    involvement in quilting.

    fearfully and wonderfully made...Julie Hamilton

    You wouldnt think a weesewing class can do so much!

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    Thinking of her ongoing battle with chronic pain she says of

    quilting, Ive kept my chin up because of the classes. It gives

    you something to occupy your mind, away from the pain

    Because of Mission Hall, I didnt get depressed.

    Quilting has opened up an artistic side to Julies personality

    that she didnt realise she had. In fact, she says it has openedup a whole new way of life for her. Her own words describe

    the effect of using her creative abilities. It gave me such

    joy to see something Id made.

    The curative effects of quilting, making new friends and the

    discovery of creative talents are not all that have helped to enhance

    Julies quality of life. Creating a quilt is a very personal expression.

    For Julie it is one of her ways of leaving something behind. It is

    very important to me my mark that Ive made in the world.

    She continued, I havent had a job or met a lot of people in my

    life (Quilting) is a mark that I was here.

    There is a new sense of the future in Julie Hamiltons life. She

    talks warmly of the place of family in her life. Being part of a

    quilting class showed her something else. I always thought I

    could get on just on my own and with my family - I think you do

    need friends. Friendship is a lot more important than I thought.


    I think you do needfriends. Friendship is a lotmore important than I thought.

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    If I didnt have this, I wouldnt be moving forwards.

    Quite a statement about the impact of quilting; it is

    one that Frances Doherty does not make lightly.

    Frances describes how she was aimlessly walking up Carlisle

    Road one day when the window display in Mission Hall Quilts

    caught her eye. Attracted by the shop and the enthusiasm of

    Michaela, the shop manager, she signed up for a course.

    Despite some initial nervousness, the attraction of the course

    for Frances was simple. It was welcoming, creative and I didnt

    have to compete or prove myself. It had a profound effect on

    her. Quilting opened up a whole new way of looking at and doing

    things. She feels that it has unlocked a creative ability which was

    always there but that had been suppressed.

    When people have misfortunes or ill health, Frances believes

    that there is great benefit in looking to something that is

    simple and artistic. She knows the truth of this from her ownexperience. She has Bipolar Disorder, a depressive illness. She

    describes her involvement in quilting as bringing many benefits.

    surprised by joy...Frances Doherty

    If I didnt have this,I wouldnt be moving forwards.

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    Describing the making of her first quilt, Frances talks of the skills

    that come to the fore - choosing colours, working to patterns and

    putting it all together in a combination that is unique to each quilt-

    maker. She describes how it is a process of starting with small and

    realistic goals.

    For her the quilting course provided an atmosphere of

    encouragement where there was no competitiveness. Reflecting on

    the negative effects of competitiveness in any aspect of life, she says,

    Competitiveness leads to pressure - and that takes the joy out.

    Creating a quilt is a very personal expression. It showed Frances that

    she had the ability to create something. Creating something unique

    that is appreciated and recognised by fellow quilters, friends and

    family is empowering. It was my own handiwork. It was accepted

    one of those things I did myself. The quilting course has

    unlocked skills and a confidence to create.

    For Frances the effects of quilting have real benefit for her health

    and well-being. The therapy is always the simple thing. For her

    the processes of quilting somehow bring you back to your centre.

    She talks of the therapy of bringing joy as she reflects on the

    benefits that have come to her. It is something she wants to share.

    Perhaps Frances captures the hope of any human being when she

    talks of how she wanted the passion and creativity all to come out.

    The creative art of quilt-making has helped her do just that. Her hopeis that it is only the beginning of manifesting what is inside. The

    benefits speak for themselves! Tutor:MaeveGallagher

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    As an art student Donnie Browne knew he had creative

    gifts. Yet, through a combination of circumstances,

    these had been unused for some time. As he describes

    it, I hadnt done much art for seven years. I hadnt

    an interest in it for a long time.

    A previous interest in fabrics meant that the shop front of

    Mission Hall Quilts caught his eye. A visit to the shop and

    an enquiry found him signing up for a Pot Luck course -

    one where the participant learns a wide range of new skills.

    Even though Donnie had a sewing machine sitting in the

    house for five years, it had rarely been used. He describes

    how being part of a quilting course brought back not only

    an interest in art but also in life.

    Reflecting on his creative skills that had lain dormant, he

    talks of how the course showed me new ways of expressing.

    It showed me new ways to put things together. It showed mehow to think bigger.

    art unplugged...Donnie Browne

    ...showed me new ways of

    expressing. It showed me newways to put things together.It showed me how to think bigger.

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    For Donnie, one of the greatest benefits came in learning new

    skills. Cutting, sewing and learning how to piece fabric took

    place in an atmosphere that was not competitive. Everyone

    was supporting everyone elses progress. His first quilt

    captures a theme familiar to the North West - fish. It was

    inspired by a visit to Greencastle.

    Doing something that he enjoyed was an important part of

    quilting for Donnie. Since Art College I didnt do much (art)

    that I enjoyed. It was something that was always there but

    hadnt surfaced for a long time.

    Kind of therapeutic - relaxing is one way in which he talks

    of the effects of quilting. He also talks of how it calms. In

    whatever way it has worked, he says that it has brought back

    art (and) interest in life for him.

    Since taking part in a quilting course, Donnie has had an

    exhibition of some of his work in Greencastle. He is still keento learn and develop his skills. Having his creative talents

    reawakened has given him new thoughts of the future.

    Quilting is making me think of a career in art. I always

    wanted that but didnt have the motivation. Tutor:JacquelineODoherty

    ... brought back artand interest in life.

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    The enjoyment of making a quilt is not the only reason

    people sign up for a course. Not everyone would come to

    sew Its like a wee community, says Patricia McDonagh.

    Patricia worked in some of the local shirt factories in times past.

    She remembers the sense of community that existed amongst

    workers and feels that she experiences some of that in her visits

    to the Mission Hall shop and her involvement in courses. In the

    shop, its still there that kind of closeness and spirit.

    Sewing has been part of her life for many years, both in employment

    as well as being a pastime. She still gets a sense of achievement

    from finishing a quilt even finishing one block. Quilting brings

    back many of the skills she learned, and fond memories too.

    One of the pleasures for Patricia has been theShow and Tell

    events at Mission Hall. These are opportunities for quilters

    to set out their own work and see other peoples work. It

    is a chance to exchange tips and ideas.

    Everyone has a unique ability to create something. This is part

    of what makes quilting so enjoyable for Patricia. It is also the

    opportunity to meet friends and enjoy the comradeship that it

    brings. Thinking of how Mission Hall recaptures something of the

    for the joy of it...Patricia McDonagh

    Not everyone wouldcome to sew... Its likea wee community.

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    past for her, she says, I worked in the shirt factories with all sides

    of the community. All sides of the community come into the shop.

    It has been some time since Patricia worked. She describes her

    routine as having been quiet. I was in the house. I am divorced

    and have no children. Mission Hall was somewhere to come to.

    Coming to classes, mixing with new people and sharing ideas has

    had a great effect on her. Describing how it got her out of the house,

    she says, It gave me more confidence in myself. I would never have

    come into a room and talked to other people. It brought me out of

    my shell. It is a new confidence that, she says, has followed me

    through into everyday life.

    Patricias skill is matched by her enthusiasm. I have a whole pile

    of fabric in the house. There are loads I want to make. Im hopingthis (Mission Hall) will be here for a long time.

    Asked why she liked to make quilts, she says, I make them (to tell)

    stories, for special occasions and sometimes I make them just for

    the sake of making them. She still creates simply for the joy of it.



    It gave me more confidence in myself.I would never have come into a roomand talked to other people. It broughtme out of my shell.

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    I loved it because they are capturing something about

    bringing community back. This is what attracts Nanda

    to the quilting courses in Mission Hall. It isnt just the

    enjoyment in creating something. It also meets a human

    need for relationships, friendships and people who

    will listen.

    Originally from The Netherlands, Nanda and her husband live in

    Derry / Londonderry because of a strong sense of commitment to

    the city and its people. An expression of her Christian faith is a

    commitment to unity and reconciliation in the community.

    As someone who has moved into the city from outside, it can

    sometimes feel difficult to break into the strong bonds of community

    that already exist in the city. As an outsider its very hard. The

    small human touches that come from going in and out of Mission

    Hall or to courses have been important. For Nanda it has been the

    simple things. Last year my father had a major heart operation.

    It was nice to be asked how he was.

    She talks of the sense of loss she felt when a close-knit church

    community she had been part of closed down a number of years ago.

    This experience, as well as that of being an outsider in a new city,

    simply reminded her that you are not made to be on your own. Her

    enjoyment of Mission Hall came with being with other women and

    the winter has passed...Nanda Uitterdijk

    I loved it because they arecapturing something aboutbringing community back.

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    having the opportunity to talk to them, listen, (and)

    work with them on things together.

    With an artistic background, she loves to create. She took

    part in aShirt Off My Back course, which, as the name suggests,

    means using second-hand fabrics. Using material from old

    shirts, pyjamas and skirts gave her a sense of tapping intothe history in Derry - all the shirt factories.

    For Nanda quilts have the power to tell stories. One of her

    quilts is entitled The Winter Has Passed. Nanda reflects on

    what her quilt expresses: For Derry, there is another season

    coming. (The city) is entering new things. She sees hope

    coming where there has often seemed to have been so much

    hopelessness. I like to see new pictures coming - pictures of

    hope and not just all the hurt and loss.

    One of her ambitions is to make a quilt with other women for

    this city - a message of hope, colourful; a new story. She sees

    a process taking place in the city, the telling of a new story.

    In the telling of that story Mission Hall is a small part of it.Tutor:GayeGrant

    For Derry, there is anotherseason coming. The cityis entering new things.

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    There was a time when Mary Kennedy felt she had no

    time for a pastime like quilting. It wasnt a lack of aptitude.

    She has sewn since she was four years old, worked as a

    seamstress producing speciality items, and has a family

    background in quilting.

    The problem for Mary was one of time - there wasnt enough

    ofit. Juggling a busy career schedule, raising four children and

    finishing a university course took just about every spare ounceof energy she had.

    A new phase in her life has just begun - she has more time. Her

    family has grown up, study is completed and she no longer works

    in the same job. But there is an even greater reason why Marys

    life is in a moment of change. A United States citizen and native

    of Oklahoma, she has only recently moved with her husband to

    live in this country.

    Leaving family and friends is a difficult part of moving to a new

    country. Making new friends and adapting to different surroundings

    is also part of the challenge. Reflecting on her enrolment on a

    quilting course, she says, It helped me to adjust to a new country,

    away from family and friends. I didnt know many people here -

    this was a good way to meet and socialise.

    green pastures...Mary Kennedy

    It helped me to adjustto a new country, awayfrom family and friends.

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    A move to Ireland and having more time also helped Mary to reflect

    on the demanding lifestyle she had left behind in the US. As well

    as the ordinary demands of family life and study, she also ran an

    extremely busy counselling practice. All of this left little time or

    energy for herself.

    Quilting has had an important effect on Mary at a time of great

    change in her life. Quilting was doing something for myself. I

    had forgotten my creative part, and how important it was to me- I (now) had time to look at things differently.

    Marys words speak powerfully as she reflects on her quilting. It

    has been life-changing. My confidence was rebuilt. I was blocked

    in my heart. I went through a lot of adjustment moving over here

    and leaving family behind.

    There is a sense of energy about the future. Quilting has rekindled

    not only an interest in a former career as a graphic artist but

    designing in general (from graphic designs to quilts, other softfurnishings and accessories. It has made me feel competent and

    capable again. Creative ideas are flowing. Im getting things done.

    Quilting has not just opened the door It just opened up the

    creativity floodgates!


    It has been life-changing.My confidence was rebuilt.

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    reflection...There is something that quickly becomes apparent. It

    does not need to be exaggerated because the reality speaks

    powerfully for itself. Quilting has been an overwhelmingly

    positive experience for all those who have been involved in

    it, and for those who have taken part in one of the courses

    at Mission Hall.

    For many it has been the opportunity to meet people and make

    new friends. For others it has been about discovering new skills,

    or reawakening old ones. Some have used words such as relaxing,

    calming or therapeutic to describe what quilting does for them.

    Positive effects on health and well-being have been experienced.

    The pleasure or benefit that comes to each individual may be

    different. Yet it still leaves a question: What is it about quilting that

    can have such an effect for the good? Why has a quilting course got

    the power to be recreation in every sense of that word?

    Mary Kennedy remarks on how, as human beings, we are social

    creatures. We want to belong. We like encouragement. We like to

    find commonalities. When people come in and find an air of

    acceptance people respond to that.

    All those interviewed talked of an atmosphere of acceptance and

    friendliness when they came along to a class. It was a place to learn

    new things from others as well as to share their own ideas and skills.

    It has been a place for all sorts of people to meet, chat and to

    feel that others are interested in them. In a small way, it has

    been living out the qualities of community - that is something


    The very nature of a quilt itself gives a clue as to why the

    act of making it can bring such pleasure. Think of how we

    use them. A quilt is something we associate with warmth,

    comfort and protection. It is a thing of beauty as well as being

    something merely functional. We place them on our beds and

    sofas. They are used to decorate and protect.

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    Making a quilt is a creative act. It is also very personal. Quilts are

    made for special occasions and for special people. They take an

    immense amount of time and effort to make. It is these things that

    give them such value and worth, not only for those who make them

    but for those who receive them as well. They are given to remind

    others of the love and affections of those who made them. They areheirlooms - the creative mark of the maker for others to remember

    them by.

    The word therapeutic was often used by those interviewed.

    Sometimes a circumstance, anxiety or pain level is so challenging

    that it becomes difficult to focus on anything else. It can become


    Quilting is an activity that is ordered and creative. It holds out the

    goal of making something beautiful. It is something done in small

    achievable steps. Causing the individual to focus on doing what

    needs to be done in achieving each small achievable goal is to

    enable them to think in new ways - to see the possible. By its

    creative nature it also gives the mind a rest from the anxieties

    and challenges that may beset it.

    A common experience for many of our quilters was that of

    experiencing something being unlocked. For some it was creative

    abilities - either old or new. For others it was about being able todream a new dream for the future.

    The manifestation is different for each person, but for each it

    has been the unlocking of the imagination to think of new

    possibilities for their future.

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    At Mission Hall Quilts Michaela, Anne, Janine and Jill looked after

    everyone coming in to class. They are all enthusiastic quilters, with

    a love and a passion for the craft. The interviews highlighted how

    welcome people felt when they came to class, and how much they

    loved coming into the shop. The wonderful displays of quilts,fabrics, buttons and threads are like an Aladdins Cave, and

    its all the work of the team at Mission Hall.

    Dr. Helena Schlindwein was the external evaluator for The Calico

    Project, and it was Helena who captured the first indicators that

    something special was happening within this project. In discussions



    with participants, tutors, facilitators, designers and administrators it

    was evident to Helena that this project was meeting its objectives, and

    more. It was Helena who said this would make a wonderful book.

    The idea of capturing a small sample of the impact of the Calico

    Project through this publication was then driven forward by Dr.

    Annette Begley, Research & Policy officer at Cresco. Annette devised

    the work plan and interview questions to provide an insight, and

    then in her own special style kept the rest of us on schedule

    to ensure we met the deadlines and put the plan into action.

    A Project like this publication would

    not have happened without the

    input from a number of people

    from within the Cresco family.

    From within the Cresco office team at

    Pump Street a very big vote of thanks

    to Annette, Gillian, Helen, Cormac,

    Emma, Jaqi, Lindsay, Carol, Paul and

    Lesley. Although some may say they

    had little input, that is not true,

    because the idea of a book to celebratethe Calico Project was discussed and

    debated at many team meetings

    before it became a plan of action.

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    Gillian Doherty kept us all on budget, which is not an easy job,

    and more importantly on time, to ensure we stayed not only within

    budget, but got the work completed within the period allowed.

    This project would not have been possible without the financial

    assistance provided by The Community Foundation for Northern

    Ireland under the Peace 2 measure 2.4 initiative.

    We are very pleased to be able to acknowledge CFNI for supporting

    our Calico Project, we appreciate the risk they took with us, almost

    into the unknown. When planning the project we were unable to

    find another example of where a business and teaching model using

    the heritage craft of quilting and patchwork had been used to build

    peace. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the

    importance of their decision to fund us as the evaluation of the

    project has highlighted repeatedly the importance of the project

    as a peace building mechanism.

    Earl Storey conducted the interviews and wrote the text for this

    book. It is Earls wonderful way with words that has created this

    publication. It was Earl who found the photographer Martina

    Gardiner and knew that Martina would be able to capture visually

    the magical colours and textures of the quilts featured. It was also

    Earl who worked with the graphic designer Chris Conville to bring

    the text and photographs together. Without Earl this book would

    still be an idea being discussed at team meetings within Cresco.

    Without hesitation Kaffe Fassett said he would write the forward

    for us, a huge endorsement. Kaffe is a quilter with an international

    reputation, who held a master class for us during the Calico Project.

    He was inspiring, entertaining and encouraging in his enthusiasm

    for the Calico Project.

    If the book is to be dedicated to anyone, it would be to the ten

    participants, and their tutors, whose stories are featured. The stories

    are representative of the phenomena that is Mission Hall Quilts, and

    a big thank you goes to everyone featured. It would also be dedicated

    to all those who continue to come through the doors at Fountain

    Street, to share their passion for quilting, and for being a part ofthis serendipitous journey.

    Margaret Lee

    CEO Cresco

    August 2008

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    The Calico Project is financed by the European Union, measure 2.4 through

    the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation managed for the Special

    EU Programmes Body by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland.