a quilled story

1 A QUILLED STORY Contents: 1. Quilling`s exposure in words ……………………………………2 2. Bianca`s Quillings a story about ambition and changes……….3 3. History of Quilling……………………………………………….8 4. Quilling materials and instruments 4.1: The paper……………………………………..…………….11 4.2: The quilling instruments………..…………………………..12 4.3: Another useful materials……………..……………………..14 5. Different Techniques 5.1: Quilling……………………..………………………………15 5.2: Quillography..........................................................................16 5.3: Tridimensional quilling..........................................................16 6. Artworks…………………………………………………………17 7. Quilling a necessity……………………………………………18 8. References……………………………………………………….19

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This is an English Thesis about Quilling


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    1. Quilling`s exposure in words 2

    2. Bianca`s Quillings a story about ambition and changes.3

    3. History of Quilling.8

    4. Quilling materials and instruments

    4.1: The paper...11

    4.2: The quilling instruments....12

    4.3: Another useful materials....14

    5. Different Techniques

    5.1: Quilling..15

    5.2: Quillography..........................................................................16

    5.3: Tridimensional quilling..........................................................16

    6. Artworks17

    7. Quilling a necessity18

    8. References.19

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    1. Quilling`s exposure in words

    Quilling is my hobby, but I also prefer to call it a job because that is what it

    actually became with time. I decided to write my English thesis about quilling

    because it is one of the things that represent me and I thought that this is a great

    opportunity to share my experience with others and also because I wanted to expose

    in words a visual art that changed my life!

    What is quilling? that is the question that people usually ask when I tell them

    that this is my hobby and it becomes annoying to always repeat the meaning of this

    unknown word.

    I remember that at the beginning I used to explain them a lot of things about

    quilling but then I realized that people do not actually care about my explanations

    and with time I got to answer the question very briefly, with simple and short words.

    I do not like it when I give such answers because I think that in this way nobody can

    really understand what quilling is all about, but I neither want somebody to get bored

    while I am speaking about my passion. Anyway, if I could give a pleasant answer it

    will be the following:

    Quilling is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled,

    shaped and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper can be rolled,

    looped, curled, twisted and otherwise manipulated to create shapes which make up

    designs to decorate everything we want. The most popular and versatile technique is

    that of rolling. The paper strip is rolled in fingers or using a tool. The coil is then

    released and then glued at the tip and then shaped. These shaped coils are arranged to

    form flowers, leaves, and various ornamental patterns.

    If I give such answers people would understand exactly what quilling is, but

    maybe because of the length of the explanation they would not see it as an interesting

    thing, so that is why I think a short explanation is the best one.

    So basically, quilling is the art that involves the use of paper`s strips which are rolled,

    shaped and glued in order to create special designs. The process is time consuming

    and requires a lot of patience and imagination, but at the end we can have amazing

    results: framed artwork, three-dimensional miniatures, greeting cards, jewelry,

    decorated boxes or other items.

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    2. Bianca`s Quillings a story about ambition and changes

    The story of Bianca`s Quillings started at the end of the year 2011 when a girl

    decided that she had to do something valuable with her life. She was sick of going to

    school and coming back home to do nothing more than homework. She had

    wondered herself for days what could she do in such a small city, with so few

    opportunities, with no parks for teenagers or places to go out. She had a few friends

    but they were just like her: they were going to school and then coming back home,

    they were wasting time and that was all! But she wanted something different, special

    and she realized that it is all depending on her to change her life. She needed to

    refresh her life.

    At first she started reading and she was spending hours with her books. She

    thought that this would be a great way to develop herself and improve her

    knowledge. And it was exactly as she thought, but it was not enough! She realized

    that this was not the thing she was looking for in order to change her life. Few days

    later, while wasting time on the internet, she saw some quilling products for the first

    time and she was amazed. They were so beautiful and delicate! Immediately she

    thought that this could be what she was looking for. She started to search for

    information about quilling but there were just a few on the internet. She found

    thousands of pictures with quilling paper works, some of them were really fancy and

    sophisticated, but others seemed to be not that hard to make. She decided that she

    wanted to give it a try because it was something unique, beautiful and more than

    anything it was something that she hadn`t heard about before. She was really excited

    to start all this new hand-made adventure.

    Since she was young she had some skills and abilities for hand-made but she had

    never thought to really work on this, she was just making different things for school,

    but now it was time to use her skills and make something much harder than ever


    The decision was made, but when she wanted to buy the materials she

    realized that she could not find any Romanian website with what she needed. She

    was disappointed, but she did not stop the search. One day she saw a picture with a

    quilling paper work on facebook and she asked the person that shared the picture if

    she knew anything about quilling or a website from where she could buy some

    materials. Fortunately, that person was the one that had made that quilled work and

    she could give her the needed information. Clara became Bianca`s friend, they were

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    The first tableau made by Bianca

    always talking about quilling, the materials they use and what works they were

    doing. It was very helpful for Bianca because everything was new and at first she did

    not even know from where to start.

    With time everything got better, she became used with the procedures and she

    started to imagine and create different types of flowers and some very beautiful

    cards. After two months since she started the work on quilling she finished her first

    tableau just in a few days

    In March 2012 Bianca started to win the first money from her works. When

    she decided to start working on quilling, she did not

    think for a second that this could become a business,

    she just thought that this could be something for her

    free time, something for her but in March that year,

    some relatives asked her to make a few cards for

    them. They wanted to offer these to others as some

    special cards, not as the ordinary ones and like this

    Bianca put the base of her business. She had so

    many orders that she hardly could finish all of

    them. Because of the fact that there were many

    things to do and a lot of paper works to finish,

    Bianca`s mother started to work with her, alone she could not finish everything in

    time. The entire family was surprised to see Bianca`s new hobby and business and

    even her father and brother offered themselves to help. For a few days in the evening

    all the family was reunited in the dining room, working on quilling and chatting. That

    was a pleasant time for everyone!

    Since that March Bianca and her mother kept working together because they

    realized that everything is more productive if they work together. Quilling is not a

    work for one person. Quilling takes a lot of time and patience and if someone is

    working alone he can get really bored of doing this and either he gives up, either he

    is not productive at all. If there are two or more persons working together, they do

    not just combine their ideas, but also they can feel more relaxed and with more will

    of working and finally like this they can have much more beautiful creations.

    The months from the beginning of Bianca`s quillings were really productive.

    Quilling was new for everyone Bianca met and everybody wanted to have at least a

    small object created by her. She was excited about her hobby. Her mother and she

    were working with pleasure all the time. Sometimes when she got different orders

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    and she also got homework for school, she preferred to not do the homework, but to

    finish the quilling work. Also, during that period, when she saw how successful her

    quilling paper works can be, she decided to extend her small business and create

    some other different objects: fridge magnets, picture frames and other ornamental

    objects. It should have been a great business but it had not.

    It was not enough to have different or much more beautiful creation, because

    a person that once bought something cannot

    buy again a similar object for himself and the

    situations in which one person buys more than

    one creation are rare. Considering these,

    Bianca thought about making some market

    strategies in order to sell the products. In May

    she created a facebook page named Bianca`s

    Quillings where she intended to promote her creations for finding new customers. It

    did not have the impact she wanted but at least in time she got to be known. Most of

    her friends, her acquaintances or her family`s acquaintances found out what she was

    doing and this was a big step. Another strategy she used was to talk about hand-made

    and quilling. This strategy turned to be the best one ever! Once people had heard

    about this, they wanted to also see how it looks, so they were asking her to show

    them some items. She was always having a camera with some quilling pictures with

    her and she immediately showed them

    what they wanted. If it happened not to

    have the camera with her, she was

    always telling them about her facebook

    page. As she wanted to be known she

    also had to make one more step. It was

    not enough to be known by friends and

    acquaintances and she decided to

    participate to different exhibitions with her creations.

    In the summer from 2012 she left home for two months to work in another

    city, but she got a big order from somebody from Canada and she had to take all the

    materials she had and work alone to finish these in time. It was really challenging for

    her because she was not used to work alone. At first she did not find the power to

    create the items, but the deadline was coming so she had to do these anyway. She

    finished them in time but it took her more than double the usual time. She was lucky

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    Getting ready for future exhibitions in autumn 2012

    that one day a person that was living with her got really interested in the combination

    of colors and the process of arranging all the flowers together and helped her with

    some interesting ideas.

    In autumn Bianca and her mother created for the first time an autumn quilling

    collection of tableaux for an

    exhibition. They found out about

    it few days before it started so

    they had to work really fast.

    Since then they realized that it is

    very important to always have

    few items ready for an

    exhibition because they could

    never know what opportunity

    could appear.

    The next few months were very productive! Until Christmas they prepared more than

    fifteen tableaux and pictures frames, plus some cards and magnets. Bianca found

    some new customers and the business grew pretty fast because the success motivated

    them to create new and more beautiful items. Another productive period was in

    March 2013 when they managed to sell everything they had at that moment.

    Moreover, they got some big orders and with all these their business got to the

    highest level ever.

    Since then and until now the business did not work as well as they expected,

    but like a hobby, Bianca`s Quillings got to the highest level because they evolved a

    lot and improved their techniques. The fact that they did not have much orders let

    them enough time to practice and become much more professional.

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    The future of Bianca`s Quillings will have some ups and downs because soon

    Bianca will leave her home to go to university. The best part is that she will find new

    customers and maybe much more opportunities to sell or exhibit the items her mother

    and she create, but the worst part is that they will not be together anymore to create

    the items. At the beginning it will be a little bit hard, like it was when she left home

    for going to work in another city in the summer from 2012, but after a while maybe

    she will find somebody else to work with and create another beautiful tableaux.

    Quilling changed Bianca`s life and she will never give up on working this.

    Quilling is more than just a business or a simple hobby. Quilling teaches you how to

    appreciate time, how to become patient, how to see the beauty in the small things and

    how to always be happy.

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    Tea caddy dating from 18th century,


    3. History of Quilling

    Quilling is a lovely old art form which some believe may date back to ancient

    Egypt. It has been known by many names including paper-rolling, paper-scrolling,

    filigree, paper mosaic. It is theorized that early quillers rolled their papers on a

    feather, or quill, hence the name quilling. Through the years its popularity has waxed

    and waned.

    French and Italian nuns during the 16th and 17th centuries, decorated

    reliquaries and holy pictures and book covers with quilling. During the regency and

    Victorian eras, young ladies of affluence were taught paper filigree just as they were

    taught needlework. They decorated furniture, tea caddies, and boxes which were

    made with recessed sides specifically to accommodate quilling. The quilling during

    this period was quite heavy by our standards. Every inch of space was covered

    with tiny coils and shapes. Wax chips and flaked shells were often added. References

    to quilling and patterns were published in magazines in the 1700s. In 1875

    Mosaicon kits were produced. In an article called Floral Mosaicon found in an

    Edwardian book of household management, mention is made of quill work being

    purchased by Queen Mary and Queen Alexander.

    In the 18th century, quilling became popular in Europe where gentle ladies of

    quality ("ladies of leisure") practiced the art. It was one of the few things ladies could

    do that was thought not too taxing for their minds

    or gentle dispositions. Quilling also spread to the

    Americas and there are a few examples from

    Colonial times. Many quilled art works can be

    found on cabinets and stands, cribbage boards,

    ladies' purses, a wide range of both pictures and

    frames, work baskets, tea caddies, coats of arms

    and wine coasters. Storage boxes, larger than

    most jewelry boxes with drawers and/or tops that opened, quilled lock boxes, and

    much more. Some items were specially designed for quilling with recessed surfaces.

    Quilling was also combined or married with other techniques such as embroidery and


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    Betty Christys book

    Picture frame decorated with quilled motives, 19th century

    In the United States, early examples of quilling were usually scones and coats

    of arms. In the early nineteenth century quilling disappeared. Margaret Carlson, of

    Kansas City Missouri, is credited with starting the modern revival of this art (in the

    mid 1950s), after being asked to repair and do restorative work on some very old

    pieces. She became interested in the art form

    herself and taught many people to quill. In the

    mid-sixties, Gini Antonie of Independence,

    Missouri, pioneered a lacy form of paper filigree

    and began the custom of naming the different coils

    and shapes. Betty Christys book Quilling, Paper

    art for everyone published in 1974, listed 29

    companies that specialized in quilling. Quilling

    papers and kits could be found in every mom and

    pop craft store. Unfortunately, once the big craft

    store chains started taking over, most of the small

    stores went out of business. Of the 29 companies

    listed in Bettys book, only one survived. Hers. One fledgling company NOT listed

    in Betty Christys book was Lake City Crafts. Malinda Johnston, a Missouri quiller,

    started her company in 1974 just as Bettys book was published. Lake City Crafts

    went on to become the largest manufacturer of quilling supplies, books, and kits in

    the country.

    While quilling struggled for survival in the USA, quilling was alive and well

    in England. In 1983, English quillers formed The Quilling Guild. The mission of the

    Guild is to promote and spread the art of quilling and enable quillers to meet and

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    exchange ideas. Information about the English Guild can be found in the Lake City

    Crafts newsletter. Even if English quillers formed the Guild, they have member

    from all over the world. The representative of the English Guild began writing a

    newsletter, Quill America for the American quillers. In 1993, a small group of

    American quillers attended the International Festival of Quilling in England. They

    had such a wonderful time with each other, that they planned a reunion meeting in

    New Jersey the following spring. The meeting was such a success, that the American

    quillers, who kept in touch through Quill America, have had a national meeting

    each year. At the 2000 Quill America meeting, held in Nova Scotia, it was decided to

    organize the American and Canadian quillers into an official quilling guild. The

    North American Quilling Guild was born, and Quill America became its official

    newsletter. The quilling guilds of England and USA have played a large part in the

    revival of this beautiful art.

    Another very important factor in this current quilling revival has been the

    internet. There is a large active group of quillers from all over the world who

    exchange ideas and scan their work for each other to see. Martha Stewart has even

    jumped on the bandwagon. Her February 2002 article about quilling in Martha

    Stewart Living stirred up so much interest that Lake City Crafts had to hire

    additional staff to keep up with the orders. Most recently, the scrapbooking industry

    has discovered quilling bringing a whole new group of potential quillers. This ever

    changing history is constantly written with each new person who learns to quill.

    During the years the craft has gone through many transformations and

    changes using new techniques, styles and materials. One of the biggest and most

    important improvment in the quilling art is the Dimensional quilling with 3D items.

    Today, quilling is seeing a resurgence in popularity with quillers (people who

    practice the art of quilling) on every continent and in every walk of life. No longer

    confined to the "upper classes", this is a peoples art form and the beauty of the art is

    always expanding. The craft has become increasingly popular due to the low cost of

    the material. It is used to decorate wedding invitations, birth announcements,

    greeting cards, scrapbook pages, and boxes. Quilling can be found in art galleries in

    Europe, in the United States and also in other place because it is an art that is

    practiced around the world.

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    4. Quilling materials and instruments

    4.1: The Paper

    For starting a quilling project, there is needed a heavy-duty quilling paper or

    similar paper product. Quilling

    papers should be smooth, sturdy,

    acid-free and uniform in size. Papers

    specifically created for quilling are

    sold in craft stores. Other materials

    needed for a quilling project include:

    a toothpick or quilling tool, tweezers

    for detail work, card stock or

    cardboard for your work surface and

    a high-quality, tacky craft glue.

    Quilling Paper Types

    Quilling paper is available on the consumer market in over 250 colors and

    dimensions. It can be divided into various categories, like solid colored Quilling

    paper, graduated Quilling paper, two-tone Quilling paper, acid free Quilling paper

    and other assorted parcels of Quilling paper. It is available in various dimensions,

    such as 1/8, and 3/8 broad paper parcels.

    Acid-Free Quilling paper:

    As the name clearly indicates this is a paper that is completely acid free. The quality

    makes it an outstanding choice for making scrapbooks, rubber stamping, and creating

    frames for pictures. It assures your project will last a lifetime, without any side

    effects on the framed picture or album.

    Graduated Quilling Papers:

    This type of paper provides you an exceptional look to your decorative quilling

    projects. On the edges, you will have a solid, concrete color but gradually, it will fade

    to white. It is the nature of the quilling ring, that, when using a graduated paper, it

    begins with a dark shade but ends up being faded to a lighter side. On the contrary,

    some graduated papers begin as white, or a lighter shade, and then slowly fades into a

    solid, darker color.

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    Two-Tone Quilling Papers:

    This is another important type of quilling paper. It is quite similar to the graduated

    quilling paper in its use. The look consists of a concrete color on one side and

    comparatively lighter color on the other side. Although, with two-tone paper, the

    color remains same, however, the intensity of color is different. The main use of this

    quilling paper is to provide a desired level of softness to the quilled subject. It

    possesses the capacity to quill many papers in a single spiral.

    4.2: The Quilling instruments

    There are a lot of quilling instruments but the best thing about quilling is that you

    can make your own tools and you do not have to buy anything if you do not want to.

    The paper curling tools:

    There are two main tools: the slotted tool and the needle one. The slotted tool is best

    for beginners, while the needle tools lends itself to a more perfect creation. It can also

    be used a toothpick or corsage needle.

    o Slotted tool: This is thin pencil-like instrument with a slit or slot at the

    top. The one downside of the slotted tool is that it creates a tiny crimp in

    the center of the paper where you slide the paper into the head of the tool.

    o Needle tool: This tool is harder to use but will result in an uncrimped

    spiral (meaning it looks more professional) and perfect.

    The onion holder (or quilling comb)

    It is the ideal tool for making wheat ears-flat weaving and quill wrapping techniques.

    Create loops and patterns with quilling paper strips.

    The scissors

    o Normal Scissors: straight cut scissors and curved cut scissors. These

    extra fine tip, stainless steel scissors are designed to give a perfect cut

    without perforating or buckling your paper. The curved scissors will

    neatly cut leaf and petal shapes. The straight scissors are great for

    cutting 45 or 90 fringed flowers.

    o Micro Scissors: The sharp micro pointed nose is ideal for precise

    detailed trimming. The micro scissors are easy on the hands and great

    for making hand fringed strips.

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    Special Fringe Scissors: The five blades are about 3 inches long and spaced

    1/8 inch apart. They warp/twist the paper a bit at the end when the cut is

    started but it can be straightened out It is tricky to make buts longer than just

    3 inch blade because repositioning and lining up the strips again takes a little

    effort but it can be done. When the fringed strips are rolled, the edges are

    rough and give the appearance of strips cut with a paper shredder.

    The Curling Coach:

    It is perfect for making quilled miniatures, but it can also be used for every kind of

    rolling ! Adding a slotted tool to the Curling Coach makes holding and rolling large

    tight circles a breeze! This instrument gives extra support while rolling. Children are

    the ones that love it most.

    The Quilling Paper Fringer

    With the quilling paper fringer you can make fringed leaves quickly and easily,with

    uniform, precise 45 or 90 degree fringe. The machine means time-saving and fun

    while using. This adjustable tool will fringe folded paper from 1/4" to 3/4" or 3/8

    widths. Trim your folded paper into a half-leaf shape, fringe, and unfold for beautiful

    leaves or fringe strips of paper, twirl, and then spread fringes apart to create beautiful


    The Quilling Border Buddy

    Fill the shapes with Quilled shapes & curls to create unique flowers, snowflakes and


    The Mini Mold Tool

    It transforms flat tight coils into perfect domes! It is the perfect 3-Dimensional

    shaping tool.

    The Crimper Tool

    Create fine or coarse crimping paper strips with just a turn of the knob! In general the

    re are crimpers with different sizes.

    The tweezers

    o The magnifier tweezers: Tweezers with a magnifying glass that pulls

    apart are allowing you to magnify the area you're working on, as you

    place the quilled piece. It is very handy!

    o Standard tweezers are perfect for every quilling action, it can be used

    for arranging the small pieces and it can also be used instead of the

    quilling tool, in rolling the strips of paper.

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    The Quilling Grid Guide

    Concentric circles and grid system are used for piecing and gluing snowflakes and

    flowers. It also includes 45-degree and 60-degree markers to help you make 8-

    pointed or 6-pointed snowflakes and flowers. The 5 squares/inch grid system is

    perfect size for husking as well as aligning your paper strips while braiding and


    The Quilling Board

    The coil must be released inside the shape and then with some pins the coil must be

    directed to create the shape from the board.

    The pins

    These are very useful if you want to create unique shapes, petals of flowers or other


    4.3: Another useful materials

    Besides all the quilling instruments and the paper strips, a quilling worker also needs:

    white/invisible glue will be needed for forming the flowers, leaves or the

    other shapes;

    gloss varnish will be needed for the fixation and protection from water of all

    the items;

    colored papers will be needed for making the frames and other things.

    The basic instruments and materials

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    5. Different techniques


    Quilling is a very simple technique which involves the shaping of the paper`s

    strips. From an open coil we can create many other shapes like in the picture below:

    Besides this basic shapes we can create more complicated ones, similar to these:

    For professional and complicated designs it is recomanded to use the onion holder.

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    Quillography is another quilling technique which involves the use of strips of

    paper which are designed after a pattern. From all the quilling techniques it is

    thought to be the most complicated one.

    5.3: Tridimensional Quiling

    Tridimensional Quilling is a modern technique which also involves the use of

    paper`s strips. Besides the curling tool, this technique involves the use of some other

    instruments: The Curling Coach, The Mini Mold Tool and some other random

    instruments, depending on type of work.

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    6. Artworks

    The art of quilling has some very simple basic rules. Once a person gets used

    with the procedures he can start and create complicated, intricate and amazing

    designs. The following artworks are made by different people around the world.

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    7. Quilling a necessity

    Quilling is more than it seems to be! As a person who is not involved in the

    making process, besides the final results, you may see few hours of working: time

    consuming and perseverance, but quilling is not just that. Quilling is about learning

    how to love and appreciate everything around us, quilling teaches us how be become

    patient not only while working on this, but also with the persons around us.

    Moreover, quilling is about making relationships because we have a lot of

    opportunities to meet new people with whom we share this passion and not only, at

    exhibitions, events or on the internet.

    I have always seen the persons that had a hobby as some amazing aliens. I like

    to use this word because I think they are pretty rare nowadays, at least here in

    Romania. I think that everybody who has a hobby is a special and different person

    because of the artistic spirit which can be observed easily and immediately. I

    remember one day I read something very nice and interesting on the internet, it was

    said that besides all the standard rules for impressing an employee one person should

    have an interesting or strange hobby. And I cannot agree more! Why is that? I

    strongly believe that because nowadays everybody has or can get a diploma, but the

    differences between the candidates for a job are made considering the extra activities

    or hobbies that they have. Sometimes a hobby can speak for ourselves more than a

    CV does.

    More than everything, quilling or handmade in general can be considered the best

    way to offer original presents to the people we love. Douglas Coupland said:

    Handmade presents are scary because they reveal that you have too much free

    time!, but, personally, I prefer to say that the handmade presents reveal how much

    time one person can invest for their friends.

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