a quick glance at jisc research data projects 2017

6/24/22 A quick glance at Jisc Research Data Projects and Services Daniela Duca

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May 1, 2023

A quick glance at Jisc Research Data Projects and Services Daniela Duca

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»On research data»Discovering research data»Measuring usage of research data»The research data shared service»Next co-design challenges

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A story that fascinates me

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What do these have in common?

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2016 – The summer trends and Triangl

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1965 – Yves Saint Laurent

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1921 Composition with large red plane, yellow, black, gray and blue

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1920 1918 1913

1912 1912 1908

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Does my data look good in this?








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Research data

»A bit about replicability»A lot about process and inspiration»Complex and varied»But still indispensable and valuable

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»Within the UK and around the world there is a policy requirement for research data to be managed and shared.

»Well managed data can be re-used, and re-combined and lead to new findings, and also save others having to repeat it.

RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy

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Photo creditsDisclaimer – for educational purposes. Acknowledgements below:» Slide 4,5,9: Insta-famous: Launched on Instagram, the Triangl bikini (pictured) is iconic» Slide 6, 9: Reclusive, petulant, difficult: Yves Saint Laurent and the Robe Mondrian of

1965 Photo: Rex Features» All Mondrian pictures curtesy of Piet-Mondrian.org:

– 1908 The Red Tree– 1912 The Gray Tree– 1912 The Flowering Apple Tree– 1913 Composition No VII– 1918 Composition with gray and light brown– 1921 Composition with large red plane, yellow, black, gray and blue

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Discovering research data

Christopher Brown

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Discovering data across UK

A platform that enables the discovery of research data from across UK higher education institutions and data centres

website: http://jisc.ac.uk/rd/projects/uk-research-data-discovery contact: [email protected]

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Who is involved?

» University of Hull» University of St Andrews» University of Glasgow» Oxford Brookes

University» University of Edinburgh» University of Oxford» University of

Southampton» University of Leeds» University of Lincoln

Pilots - Data Centres» Archaeology Data Centre» Cambridge Crystallographic Data

Centre » ISIS/ICAT - STFC» UK Data Service» Visual Arts Data Centre» NERCNon-funded» University of Nottingham» University of Bath» University of Bristol» Lancaster University» University of Sheffield

Pilots - HEIs

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Phase 3 : October – September 2017

› From test service to production ready› Harvest from more data sources› System testing› Further requirements (refine and

implement) › Develop business case for service› Deliver a more mature and tested service

to Digital Resources

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Demo» Staging server http://staging.ckan.data.alpha.jisc.ac.uk/dataset

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Measuring usage of research data

David Kernohan

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Tracking usage

A prototype service for tracking usage measures and other metrics to help assess research data impact and use.

blog: https://rdmetrics.jiscinvolve.org/ webpage: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/rd/projects/research-data-metrics-for-usage contact: [email protected]

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»Based on the existing IRUS-UK service »COUNTER compliant download metrics to 18

institutions and subject repositories»Connects to the majority of repository platforms

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The research data shared service

John Kaye

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Why a Shared Service?There is no single “solution” easily available and that meets requirements for Universities to enable Research Data Management

research data network: http://researchdata.network web: https://www.jisc.ac.uk/rd/projects/research-data-shared-servicegithub https://github.com/JiscRDSS

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Where are we now?

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Data Asset Framework

»http://bit.ly/2g5Or7k »Sample of 1185 researchers»Priorities: business of research and

collaboration ‘the now’ so active data is important

»RDSS must make it easy for researchers to deposit and integrate with their workflows

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» Test environment hosted on Jisc servers for:

– Installation of platform products – Test products with dummy (real) data– Start alpha/beta integration work and bespoke development

prior to institutional deployment– Start UX analysis and improvements early

University of Jisc

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Data Model


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Next bits

Milestones 2017-18

Jul 2017-Sept 2017 Oct 2017-Apr 2018

-Beta Development-Feedback on Beta Service

- Business case decision

-If go then begin transition to production service

-Business planning and Begin Business Case-Market Research and Consultation

-Promote service to institutions-Start on next phases (service enhancement/modular)

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Next co-design challenges

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»What should a next-generation research environment look like?

[email protected] »Which skills do people need to prepare for research

practice now and in the future?– [email protected]

Help prioritise the ideas and indicate where you would be interested in collaborating from 9-30 January 2017http://bit.ly/2jlFrxk

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Daniela [email protected] @danielagduca

blog: https://researchdata.jiscinvolve.org/

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND

Thank You! And Questions?

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Service MVP (Alpha)

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Service MVP (Beta)