a presentation on comparing five year plannings

A presentation on fve year planning AGRICULTURAL SECTOR

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A rapid agricultural growth will sustain high growth

o the econo!y with "etter capacity to reducepoverty through enhancing rural wages# creatingsynergies or diversiying the rural econo!y# andena"ling the supply o low$cost ood to i!provenutritional status and ood security o the people%

SI&T' (I)E *EAR +LA, - (*./00$(*./01 2  Accelerating Growth and Reducing +overty

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I!portance O Agriculture

e!ploy!ent and livelihood

principal source o ood and nutrition

contri"utes signifcantly to e3port earnings o4angladesh

used as an i!portant source o raw !aterials o !any


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 Agricultural growth has

accelerated from less than 2.0%

per year during the first two

decades after independence to

around 3.0% during the lastdecade.

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+ro"le! (acing (or Gaining(ood Security ,atural disasters

(luctuations in ood prices ro! the in5uence o volatileinternational !ar6et or "asic ood ite!s%

Sudden increase o price o staple ood erode the purchasincapacity o the poor people%

Lac6 O technology Lac6 o 6nowledge o our ar!ers

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4angladesh has achieved re!ar6a"le progress in agriculture sinceher independence in 0890%In crop agriculture# 4angladesh has !ade steady progress in thepost$independence period% The cropping intensity increased ro!0:; to 0;0 percent%

the introduction o high yielding varieties -'*)2 and application o

!odern inputs li6e ertili<ers and pesticides rain productionalthough increased su"stantially over the years

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Growth +eror!ances o Agriculture Su"$Sectors

  FY80-90 FY91-00 FY00-05 FY05-09 FY10

FY 13 FY 14 FY15

-Growth as = Change2

Agriculture-A>42 .%1 .%; ?%? :%. 1%. 1%:%: ?%/

A% Agriculture and (orestry .%@ 0%1 ?%@ :%. 1%@ :%;?%; .%0

i2 Crops horticulture .%9 0%0 ?%. :%/ @%0 1%/?%; 0%?

ii2 Ani!al ar!ing .%0 .%1 :%1 :%: ?%: ?

.%; ?%0

iii2 (orest and related services .%9 ?%1 :%9 1%: 1%. 1%:1%0 1%0

4% (ishing .%? ;%0 .%@ :%0 :%0 @%: @%:

-Share as = o GB+2

Agriculture-A>42 ?0%. .@%9 .?%8 .0%: ./%? ./0@%1 0@%/

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(irst (ive *ear +lan






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Causes of Slow Growth in Agriculture( (irst (ive *ear +lan 2

 lac6 o appropriate develop!ent strategies in agriculture

lac6 o incentive

lac6 o right technology

low level o invest!ent

low a"sorption o high productivity inputs

ineFective i!ple!entation o the develop!ent progra!!e

inadeuate physical and institutional inrastructure

,atural ha<ards caused considera"le 5uctuations in production ocrops

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O"Hectives-(irst fve yearplanning2

 To increase agricultural inco!es

 To provide productive e!ploy!ent to the growing rural la"ourorce

 To reduce rural poverty and pro!ote euality o inco!edistri"ution%

 To contri"ute to the i!prove!ent o the oreign e3changesituation "y increasing e3ports and su"stituting i!ports "ydo!estic production o agricultural and orestry productswherever it is ecient to do so%

 To i!prove nutritional standards

 To increase contri"ution o orest resources to the develop!eno the country

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Specic Aims of the Plan  -(irst fve year

planning2 Sel$suciency in the production o ood grains

Creating e!ploy!ent opportunities or the rural une!ployed anunder e!ployed so as to ena"le the! to attain a "asic !ini!u!level o consu!ption%

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Strategies -(irst fve yearplanning2

 To e3pand irrigation coverage ro! ?$@ !illion acres

 To provide intensive pac6age o '*) seeds# ertili<ers

 To e3pand '*) wheat and rice

 To ensure ull utili<ation o irrigation acilities

 To ensure ull capacity utili<ation o irrigation acilities

 To derive !a3i!u! output ro! land

 To provide ull veterinary coverage

 To increase !arine harvests

 To pro!ote ho!estead orestry through seed supply ande3tension

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SECO,B (I)E *EAR +LA,-7ain Constraints2

7aHor pro"le! 4angladesh (acing was natural Bisaster as!onsoon season 5ood# periodic cyclones and draughts

A rapidly increased population

+oor land use and low productivity o land in spite o high ertility

Inadeuate O !odern input Such as irrigation acilities# !oderseeds

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O"Hectives-Second (ive *ear +lanning2

i!prove the uality o rural lie

to widen the scope o local participation in planning andi!ple!entation o develop!ent proHects in the rural areas

 to provide adeuate ood and f"er# specially cotton and Hute# tothe !anuacturing sector including agro$"ased industries

to create !ore e!ploy!ent opportunities in the rural areas

to diversiy agriculture with a view to producing a wider range ocrops or e3port and i!port

to achieve a !ore euita"le distri"ution o inco!e# a!ong thes!all and !arginal ar!ers

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On Third (ive *ear +an Govern!ent had given i!portance gon irrigation syste!s% ith a view to ta6ing agricultural prodat its highest point they had decided to develop irrigation sy

and added various technologies

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7ain O"Hectives -T'IRB (I)E *EAR +LA, 2

I!proving Irrigation sector or producing . crore 9 la6h tons oodgrain

+reventing crop da!ages due to sudden 5ood# saltiness

Creating e!ploy!ent on productive sectors to distri"utedevelop!ent acilities eually

Utili<ing water resources according ti!e and regional condition

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 Targets -Third (ive *ear plan2

According to survey total possi"le area or ta6ing under irrigatioproHect was 0 crore 0/ la6h acre%

 7ain Constraints or ta6ing re!aining lands under proHect wassaltiness in water# using water or drin6ing# industrial use#

:/= o water could "e used or irrigation

In 08;8J8/ 8@%:: acre land will co!e under irrigation

At end total ;;= o targeted land will co!e under Irrigation

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Strategies-Third (ive *ear+lanning2

Giving i!portance on areas which are already accessingirrigation acilities to !a3i!i<ing proft

Giving I!portance on ending all unfnished proHects

hile creating proHects giving i!portance on ti!e #fnishingti!e# e3penses

Giving i!portance on water develop!ent +roHects

(inishing larger proHects "y dividing the! in shorter units

Inspiring people to contri"ute in irrigation proHects

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(ith (ive *ear +lanning

Sustaina"ility o high yield and environ!ental protection was thprincipal concern% Loss o soil ertility ollowed "y un"alanced uso che!ical ertili<ers# lac6 o adeuate uantity o water in so!areas as well as their appropriate conservation and !anage!enare the !aHor actors causing divergence "etween potential andactual output o .?? !aHor agricultural co!!odities%

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specifc o"Hectives-(ith (ive *ear +lanning2

increase productivity and real inco!e o ar!ing a!ilies in ruraareas on a sustaina"le "asis

attain sel$suciency in ood grain production along with

increased production o other nutritional crops

encourage e3port o agricultural co!!odities# particularly

vegeta"les and ruits 6eeping in view do!estic production and

need pro!ote adoption o !odern agricultural practices in dry land#

wetland and coastal areas

ensure sustained agricultural growth

encourage co!paratively large ar! to graduate into co!!ercia


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+olicies and Strategies-(ith (ive *ear +lanning2

i!prove!ent o the uality o seeds# particularly '*) and hy"ridseeds and increasing their uantity

develop!ent o !odern# irrigated and least$ris6 agriculture

strengthening o the agricultural research and e3tension syste!s

increasing profta"le production o !inor crops

develop!ent o suita"le technologies in rain$ed# dry land andwetland ar!ing syste! to enhance the productivity

restorationJi!prove!ent o soil ertility through "etter !anage!en

assistance to s!all and !arginal ar!ers in or!ing groups andassociations

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participation o ,GOs in the agricultural develop!ent process

i!prove!ent and conservation o plant and genetic resources

acilitation o access to !ar6ets and the pro!otion o ecient!ar6eting syste!

develop!ent o the capa"ilities o rural wo!en and the youth

develop!ent o hu!an resources through education# training !otivation

adoption o policies and regulations that will ensure sustaina"agricultural develop!ent

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Crop diversifcation-(ith (ive *ear +lanning2

4angladesh is endowed with a avora"le cli!ate and soil or

the production o a variety o crops all the year round and it ispossi"le to develop '*)s and use hy"rid technology and geneticupgradation o non$cereal crops% introduce diversifed croppingsyste!s in order to ree upland areas in winter season or non$ricecrops so as to acilitate introduction o third crop on the land andunder

irrigated conditionK short duration !ustard can "e introduced in"etween "oro and a!an seasons

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Si3th (ive *ear +lan


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ey Challenges - Si3th (ive *ear+lanning 2

Dominance of cereal food Inadeuate progress with di!ersification and commerciali"ation production

#ac$ of moderni"ation of soil and water tests

#ac$ of modern form of productioncontract farming and !alue chain

 A&sence of farm and nonfarm lin$ages

 A&sence of demanding technologies to coopt with climate change'

(ery little stress to agro&ased industriali"ation'

Depletion of soil health)soil fertility'

*!erdose of chemical fertili"er &y the farmer is a threat to soil health.

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Sector Specifc Challenges$Crop-Si3th (ive *ear +lan2

Bependence on i!ports (ood inta6e and nutritional i!"alance

)olatility o prices o ood ite!s

Growth o population and rapid ur"ani<ation

 Becreased Crop Area Becreased Soil (ertility

Betri!ental EFect o Cli!ate Change

(rag!ented Land Structure

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Livestoc6 (eed and odder 

Ani!al disease

 Genetic "reed 

 Research and !anage!ent 


Construction o 5ood control e!"an6


Over fshing and fshing o undersi<e

Incidence o fsh diseases

Bischarge o che!ical ertili<ers and in the water#

Con5ict "etween paddy cultivation a

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 Targets and O"Hectives or Su"$Sectors-Si3th (ive *ear plan2

Achieving sel$suciency in the production o rice Biversifcation in ood production !ust address the challenge o

achieving "alanced nutrition% (or crop intensifcation# the coastal <one# the Sylhet region and

the char areas !ust receive priority in crop sector develop!ent

plans%  The short winter season# ,ove!"er to (e"ruary# should "e 6ept

or the production o non rice crops  To !eet up scarcity o uality Hute seeds 4ABC should underta6e

seed production progra!s li6e rice and wheat% I!prove the wor6ing eciency o "ulls through i!proved

"reeding and eeding practices%

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  E!phasis should "e given on the !anage!ent o open water

capture fsheries since the potential or pond culture has nearly"een e3hausted%

Although the potential or pond culture has nearly "eene3hausted# steps should "e ta6en to raise the productivity opond fshery in the country%

Initiatives should "e ta6en to enhance the productivity o shri!p


(or the !arine fsheries# it is vitally i!portant to assess theresources in the artisanal and deep sea levels%

 Co!!unity$"ased fsheries !anage!ent should "e encouraged

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Specifc Strategies-Si3th (ive *ear plan2 Agricultural +rices and 7ar6etingBeveloping Rural Inrastructure7echani<ation o Agriculture +rotection o +lant Agricultural Inputs M Seeds Agricultural +rices and 7ar6eting

Agricultural ResearchN Increase o yield per unit land 

I!prove!ent o uality o ood grain and other agricuproduces with !ore digesti"le protein

Increase in eciency in water use in rice cultivationK


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 Review o Agricultural Sector +eror!ance under the Si3t(ive *ear +lan

It achieved considera"le success and attained a re!ar6a"le 1%0= growth in(*00%

,on$crop agriculture ared "etter# especially in ter!s o a solid peror!ance infshing%

Livestoc6 did "etter than crops "ut could not sustain the !o!entu! it gainedduring (*/1$(*0/%

Crop diversifcation has appeared to start ro! last ew years% 4etween .//9J/;and ./0.J0? period# wheat# !ai<e# oilseeds# spices# pulses# potato andvegeta"les areas rose%

(isheries sectors grew at over 1= during (*00$(*0? accounting or :%:= o GB+and engaging a"out 0?= o rural la"or orce

(isheries sector contri"utes :%?9= to our national GB+ and al!ost one$ourth-.?%?9=2 to agricultural GB+%

 livestoc6 sector# contri"utes to GB+ averaged .%1= in (*00$(*0?# currentlye!ploys around ./= o rural wor6 orce and serves as a !aHor source o protein

In (*0?# orestry su"$sector contri"uted around 0%@= o GB+# with a growth rate 1%1=%

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 (ood Security Situation

$$$One o the "iggest achieve!ents in 4angladesh agriculture has"een its a"ility to secure ood or its 01.%1 !illion people$$ the country has !oved ro! "eing a chronically ood defcitcountry to sel$suciency in its staple ood reuire!ent%$ The country has !ade signifcant progress on the ood securityront# pri!arily through ecient ood delivery !echanis!# i!proverural inrastructure# and li"erali<ed agricultural input and output


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Seventh (ive *ea


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Mini!"#$S%&!'" FY2016





Ministry of Agriculture 0;%: .@%/ .8%? ?.%1 ?@%:

Ministry of Fisheries &Livestock

; ;%. 8%? 0/%? 00%1

Ministry of Land . .%? .%@ .%8 ?%:

Ministry of Water Resources ?/%@ ?;%9 :?%9 :;%1 1:%?

S%&!'" T'!*+ 18%/ 91%. ;:%; 8:%. :/1%@

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ey Challenges (or Seventh (ive *ear +lanning

Promoting Agricultural Technology SystemsIncreasing private sector interest/investments in agricu

chainSustaining climate change challenges


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Challenges to Raising Pro%uctivity  Sustaining growth

 +roductivity Enhance!ent

 Technology transerJdisse!ination &iversi'ication into !igh (alue Crops  Agro-Processing

arm )echani*ationE+pansion o' mechani*ation

- #ee% 'or a''or%a,le an% suita,le euipment

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Ensure food security for the national populace in which food is broadly

defined to go beyond cereals

Increase productivity and real incoe of far failies in rural areas on

sustainable basis

!roote farer"s right through digital repository by achieving farer"sindigenous innovations# farer"s creativity under intellectual property

laws and protect their intellectual properties and establish a database

for indigenous technologies owned by the rural faring counity

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Creating Opportunities 'or Sustaina,le Agriculture an% $reen $ro.th Application o' Science an% Technology 'or higher levels o' oo%

Pro%uction Agricultural ResearchCrop oning an% "an% Use Planning Agricultural Inputs- See%s an% ertili*ersPromotion o' Precision Agriculture

Promoting agricultural %iversi'ication an% e+pansion o' !orticulturaCropsUse o' 0ater Resources an% 0ater Economy Intro%uction an% Populari*ation o' $oo% Agricultural Practices 1$AP2arm )echani*ation

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Boosting Agro-Processing In%ustries (alue Chain &evelopment Agricultural Cre%it Agricultural E+tension )ainstreaming 0omen in Agriculture Agriculture in the ne.ly accrete% Coastal "an% an% )arine Islan%s Sea.ee%s as oo% an% 'or &isease Control

Crop &isease )anagement Bio-Control o' Pest Technology ,ase% .eather pre%iction an% 'orecasting


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OUR +roposals (or (uture +olicy

An Agricultural +rice Co!!ission can "e set up under theBepart!ent o Agricultural 7ar6eting -BA72# which will orecastprices o agricultural co!!odities

 There is the need to e3tend and diversiy the scope o productioin land# instead o !aintaining only rice !ono culture%

 The salinity issue is now "eco!ing a signifcant headache or thpolicy !a6ers in 4angladesh as "oth surace water andunderground water are dwindling "ecause o overpopulation andcli!ate change%

Govern!ent can e3tend their operations in agricultural!ar6eting

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  Govern!ent !ay support the develop!ent o diFerent ar!ersP

clu"s# associations# and cooperatives etc%

A gradual decline has "een o"served in cultiva"le lands due to

the rise in population and unplanned develop!ent oinrastructures% The country had around .%01 crore acres ocultiva"le lands fty years ago# which ca!e down to 0%;; croreacres in .//;# according to an agriculture census in .//; % So#productivity has to "e increased