a portlet-api based approach for application integration

1 A portlet-API based approach for application integration Wolfgang Habicht Magnolia Conference, Basel 2009-09-10

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A portlet-API based approach for application integration


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A portlet-API based approach for application integration

Wolfgang HabichtMagnolia Conference, Basel


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MotivationConceptThe portlet API and portlet basicsImplementation detailsMagnolia integrationReal world experiences & findings

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Application Integration

Application integration is a generic problem§ Not CMS specific§ Depending on specific application issues

In general huge range of options§ Link, IFrame, “merged” content, integrated menu§ Adapting the application may be possible. Needed effort???

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Discussed solution

Possible solution for§ Seamless integration into Magnolia§ Small, new applications

Portlet-API based approach offers:§ Simple and flexible API§ Dynamic flow over several pages§ Different applications on the same page§ Configuration in AdminCentral

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§ Two-phase model

action render

Somewhere in filter chain While page rendering

Phase 1 Phase 2

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Interaction overview

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§ JSR-168 (and JSR-286)§ Standard for developing portal components with Java§ Run in a Portlet Container / Portal Server

§ Action / render phase§ Simple API

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interface Portlet{void init(PortletConfig);void processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse);void render(RenderRequest, RenderResponse);void destroy();


Portlet API (simplified)

interface ActionRequest extends PortletRequest{String getParameter(String);String[] getParameterValues(String name);Collection<String> getParameterNames();


interface PortletRequest{Object getAttribute(String);Collection<String> getAttributeNames();


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interface Portlet{void init(PortletConfig);void processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse);void render(RenderRequest, RenderResponse);void destroy();


Portlet API (simplified)

interface ActionRequest extends PortletRequest{String getParameter(String);String[] getParameterValues(String name);Collection<String> getParameterNames();


interface PortletRequest{Object getAttribute(String);Collection<String> getAttributeNames();


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Portlet API (simplified, continued)

interface PortletResponse{}

interface ActionResponse extends PortletResponse{void sendRedirect(String);void setRenderParameter(String, Object);HttpServletResponse handleResponseMyself();


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Portlet API (simplified, continued)

interface RenderRequest extends PortletRequest{}

interface RenderResponse extends PortletResponse{PortletURL createActionURL(String);Writer getWriter();


interface PortletURL{void setParameter(String, String)void setParameter(String, String[])String toString();


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Portlet API (simplified, continued)

interface RenderRequest extends PortletRequest{}

interface RenderResponse extends PortletResponse{PortletURL createActionURL(String);Writer getWriter();


interface PortletURL{void setParameter(String, String)void setParameter(String, String[])String toString();


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public class DemoPortlet implements Portlet{

public void init(PortletConfig config) {String myJspTemplate = config.getParameters().get("myJspTemplate");


public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {String action = request.getAttribute(ActionRequest.ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);if ("redirect".equals(action))

response.sendRedirect(request.getParameter("target"));response.setRenderParameter("jsp", myJspTemplate);


public void render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) {Writer out = response.getWriter();PortletURL url = response.createActionURL("new_action");out.write("<a href=\"" + url.toString() + "\">execute new_action</a>");

String jspTemplateName = (String) request.getAttribute("jsp");((WebContext) MgnlContext.getInstance()).include(jspTemplateName, out);


public void destroy() { }}

Portlet API usage example

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Portlet API usage examplepublic class DemoPortlet implements Portlet{

public void init(PortletConfig config) {String myJspTemplate = config.getParameters().get("myJspTemplate");


public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {String action = request.getAttribute(ActionRequest.ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);if ("redirect".equals(action))

response.sendRedirect(request.getParameter("target"));response.setRenderParameter("jsp", myJspTemplate);


public void render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) {Writer out = response.getWriter();PortletURL url = response.createActionURL("new_action");out.write("<a href=\"" + url.toString() + "\">execute new_action</a>");

String jspTemplateName = (String) request.getAttribute("jsp");((WebContext) MgnlContext.getInstance()).include(jspTemplateName, out);


public void destroy() { }}

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Portlet API usage examplepublic class DemoPortlet implements Portlet{

public void init(PortletConfig config) {String myJspTemplate = config.getParameters().get("myJspTemplate");


public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {String action = request.getAttribute(ActionRequest.ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);if ("redirect".equals(action))

response.sendRedirect(request.getParameter("target"));response.setRenderParameter("jsp", myJspTemplate);


public void render(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) {Writer out = response.getWriter();PortletURL url = response.createActionURL("new_action");out.write("<a href=\"" + url.toString() + "\">execute new_action</a>");

String jspTemplateName = (String) request.getAttribute("jsp");((WebContext) MgnlContext.getInstance()).include(jspTemplateName, out);


public void destroy() { }}

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Creates a link to the active portlet on the current page with specified action

§ Use the original URI of the current request as target address§ Set “action” and “portletId” parameters§ Add all (other) parameters of the current request

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API extensions

ActionResponse {HttpServletResponse handleResponseMyself();


§ Portlet must (and can!) do any further request handling itself

§ “Generalization” of the redirect concept

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Reply caching

§ Not every page load has an “action” and “render” phase!

Example: Page with a shopping cart and a weather forecast§ Remove one item of the shopping cart§ Change the displayed location in the weather gadgetà the last shopping cart action is “invalid”

A basic principle in the portlet context

Caching the RenderRequests for every portlet on the page allows independent portlet behaviour!

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Implementation details

ActionRequestImpl:§ Special handling for action and uuid§ Needs access to HttpServletRequest

ActionResponseImpl:§ Needs access to HttpServletResponse§ Store redirect location if called

RenderRequestImpl:§ Needs ActionResponse in constructor

RenderResponseImpl:§ Needs HttpServletRequest and Writer in constructor§ createActionURL(…)

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Implementation details (2)

PortletURLImpl:§ “Merge” parameters and action/portletId and create

parameter string

PortletConfig:§ Bean to provide the configuration (content2bean)§ classname§ portletId§ Description§ Map<String, String> parameters

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Keeping the RenderRequest§ Put portlet id, portlet object and RenderRequest in a

container§ Store container in session§ G container is page-specific

On a request:§ Check for action command à do it!§ store in new container in session

§ Check for stored container entry§ move to new container and keep in session§ render it later during rendering

§ Call default action for missing entries and store them§ Remove old container

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Default action

Provide a default action per portlet and page

§ Place the same portlet on different pages with different functionality (i.e. login, logout, display data, edit data, …)

§ Simple and intuitive menu integration§ Configure the default action on the page§ Allows one portlet per application

(in principle, different portlets could share the same data / state)

§ Transparent for the portlet!

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Integration into Magnolia

Action phase:§ Add a portlet filter§ Alternative: action phase in template’s model (Mgnl 4.x)

(in the paragraph’s model it’s already too late)

Render phase:§ Called while rendering the paragraph containing the portlet

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Get all portlets of current page

Portlets found?

Remove old container


Get action

Have action?

Have container





Store in new containeryes

Call processAction

Get default action

More portlets?no






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Render a portlet

§ JSP or Freemarker-template with only one tag: <mgnlportlet:portlet/>(integrated in Magnolia as paragraph)

§ Tag implementation:§ get portletId out of current content node§ get portlet object and render request out of container§ call portlet.render(…)

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Configuration (backend)

§ configure portlet classname and portletId§ content2bean à pass any configuration value(s)

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Configuration (frontend)

Portlet-Paragraph to add Portletsà choose portlet

and default action

Alternativ: “PortletApps” with preconfigured values

Portlet-specific configuration values:§ add subparagraph(s) inside your portlet§ access values by iterating through JCR nodes

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Advanced configuration (portlet config dialog)

portlet config dialog

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Advanced configuration (subparagraphs)

portlet config dialog

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Interaction overview (repetition)

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Putting all together: seamless Magnolia integration

text paragraph

portlet paragraph

applicational pages

CMS (only) pages

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Unaddressed issues

§ Caching

§ Deployment

§ Several applications on same page may conflict (due to redirects)à how should the applications behave?

§ Integration of 3rd party frameworks

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Real world experiences

§ Used in production§ Several applications integrated and live:§ virtual portfolio system§ serving personalized content (account information)§ CSV download of table content

(render into a CSV file instead of a HTML table)§ form editor (for Magnolia 3.5 / 3.6)§ wizards

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Real world experiences (2)

§ Well-suited for small applications§ Multi-page setup is fragile§ Additional configuration inside the paragraph possible§ Use “normal” CMS page for additional content (help, …)§ Mixing of portlet-paragraphs and normal paragraphs on

same page possible

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Intuitive and flexibleSimple API (no specific framework to use)Proper model phase supportFusing with Magnolia (menu, mix paragraphs, …)

Few programmer supportConfiguration dependencies (links to other pages)

Complexity of bigger applications

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