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Information for our partners in the lighting industry

A new twist to workplAce lighting

leD competence combineD with innovAtive lightingiDeAs meAns orientAtion towArD the future | pAge 4

No. 2 | July 2013

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 1 27.06.13 11:10

Dear Readers,

summer, sun and lots of light: it is the perfect time to be thinking about the upcoming lighting season. we are ready to support your future projects with the right products. osrAm has long departed from defining quality of light only in terms of colour rendering and luminous flux. our systems stand for efficiency, reliability, flexibility and convenience. for example, the pArAthom clAssic A 60 was crowned this year's test winner by the international trade journal “lux review“. our sophisticated components, elegant luminaires and intelligent light management systems create the prerequisite for outstanding solutions for professional applications – and that applies to simple as well as complex projects. this edition of light sphere features some interesting examples of how osrAm products demonstrate their special qualities. for example, the renovation of the conventional lighting installation at unilever in sweden has shown how the combination of daylight and motion sensors as well as integration into the DAli professionAl light management system can save a considerable amount of energy. A highlight is surely the leD lighting at sgl, which creates a motivating working atmosphere as a result of its circadian control system. the potential of modern lighting and light management systems can be experienced in the newly opened poc (point of competence) in Dresden, an additional occ network partner (osrAm competence center). this is where architects, lighting designers and electrical installers meet to become acquainted with, and discuss, new lighting solutions as well as to plan and execute lighting projects. stop by and experience osrAm solutions in person.

for now, enjoy the inspiring solutions found in this latest edition of light sphere!kind regards,

Wolfgang Mailänderhead of sales & marketing – osrAm gmbh


03 for A grAnD AmbiAnce siteco and traxon illuminate the bosnjaci park in Zagreb

04 circADiAn for more well-being

leD lighting emphasises the spirit of the time

06 lighting Art in its highest form

leDs with daylight make for an impressive experience

08 first clAss worlD of lighting experiences

poc Dresden fascinates visitors with leD and oleD lighting

10 retrofitting for energy sAvings

the DAli professionAl light management system demonstrates its extensive benefits

12 the seconD generAtion

Additional benefits through more intelligent functions

14 QuAlity of light AnD energy efficiency

the modario leD trunking system with beneficial characteristics

16 short AnD sweet • with high switching capacity • ArktikA-p leD

office luminaires • surface mounted siluette leDs

mAstheAD:PublisheR: osrAm gmbh s-gi mk em, uwe bongArtZ hellAbrunner strAsse 1 | munich 81543 germAny [email protected] www.osrAm.com/lightsphereeDitoRial staff: Dipl.-ing. ursulA sAnDner CoNCePt: meDienkeller, Design AgencyRealisatioN: grAphit, germeringtRaNslatioNs: pluslinguA, munichreproDuction, incluDing excerpts, reQuires express permission.CiRCulatioN: 40,100 copiestitle iMage: sgl, wiesbADenPhotogRaPheR: peter wolf



No. 2 | July 2013

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 2 27.06.13 11:11

leD light foR a gRaND aMbiaNCesiteCo aND tRaxoN illuMiNate the bosNJaCi PaRk iN ZagReb

twenty-two Dl20 leD outdoor luminaires pleasantly illuminate the green spaces and footpaths with symmetrical light distribution. supported by two brackets on the mast like branches growing from a tree trunk, the special effect of the simple illuminated corona of the leD is revealed at night. the luminaries from siteco are impressive during the day with a minimalistic and clean shape and delicate appearance. the design is both organic and technical: a mixed style was a prerequisite for harmonising and integrating the luminaires into the surroundings. it reinforces light colour selection. leDs with a 3,000 k colour temperature compliment the yellowish high-pressure sodium lamps of the surrounding street lighting. equipped with a plus light management system for variable scenarios and night reduction, the innovative optical system of the Dl20 leD ensures even light distribution with extremely good light efficiency. spill losses and, therefore, light pollution of the night sky are avoided. the memorial in the centre of the park is made of white stone and 30 dark grey marble tablets on which the names of the victims of the war are engraved in white lettering (figure 1). this stark contrast, along with the surface quality, represents a formidable challenge to the lighting solution. Dynamic white liner xb leD luminaires from traxon accomplish the task. their colour temperature is set so that the white contours of the inscriptions stand out particularly well on the dark surface, while at the same time achieving a deep and

the bosnjaci memorial park in the croatian capital of Zagreb is dominated by a central monument for the bosnian victims of the war. lighting solutions from the two osrAm subsidiaries siteco and traxon technologies create a grand ambience.

vivid effect. in addition, the glare from the reflection in the stone is reduced. the external power supply can be placed separately from the liner xb luminaires. the result is their space-saving and discreet installation into the monument itself.

Claudia Rieling, siteco traunreut

01 the lighting solution from

siteco and traxon creates a

grand ambiance on the grounds

of bosnjaci park


Light Sphere | informAtion for our pArtners in the lighting inDustry

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 3 27.06.13 11:11

CiRCaDiaN CoNtRol foR gReateR Well-beiNg leD lightiNg eMPhasises the sPiRit of the tiMe

in part to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the company, the sgl group – the carbon company – moved their headquarters to the rheingau palace at the end of August 2012. As one of the world's leading manufacturers of carbon products, sgl focuses on innovative solutions and the creation of added value for their clients. their portfolio ranges from carbon and graphite products to carbon fibres and composite materials. 02 the reception area achieves its inviting character with lighting strips and

cove lighting, which are each equipped with osrAm leD modules

01 “circadian“ pendant luminaires, which almost

appear to float, illuminate the conference room at

the “villa“


No. 2 | July 2013

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 4 27.06.13 11:12

highly representative is the rheingau palace with its adjacent villa in wiesbaden-schierstein, the former home of henkell & söhnlein champagne winery. All 150 employees can now work “under one roof“. the 5,000 m2 of floor space in this former hoechst building in the biebrich District was previously subdivided into multiple spaces. the board of Directors, with only 15 members in the founding year of 1992, moved into the originally temporary quarters. fast corporate growth, restructuring, intra-group transfers and an initial public offer have caused the number of employees to grow tenfold. the local architect hs.02 huthwelker.stoehr + partner was responsible for the renovation of the rheingau palace, and they placed great emphasis on sustainability and environmental friendliness. the air conditioning technology is based, among other things, on innovative ecophit materials by sgl, which ensure a pleasant room climate through uniform temperature distribution. the lighting solution planned and developed by hans-Jörg tangermann, owner of the lighting Design & leD solutions planning agency in wiesbaden, also promotes the well-being of the employees. presenting itself as an embodied dialogue between old and new, the villa at the rheingau palace houses the board of Directors. Dynamic natural daylight is a model for the lighting solution, which takes into account current scientific information about the “circadian system“ and its effect on humans. balanced light colour and brightness increase well-being while improving emotional condition, immune system health and the ability to concentrate. the scenarios in the individual rooms are comprised of two perfectly harmonised lighting elements (figure 1). on the one hand, these are object-specific pendant luminaires equipped with microprism covers, which shield the direct lighting portion in order to prevent glare for pleasant working light. they are equipped with DrAgonchain tunable white leD chains by osrAm whose colour temperature can be altered in an infinitely-variable manner between 2,700 k and 6,500 k – i.e. from warm white to daylight white. controlled by an optotronic oti 75 converter, this configuration allows for the artificial light to be

adapted to the dominating daylight from outside. this also applies to the “uplight“ of the pendant luminaires equipped with lineArlight flex leD strips with the light colours warm white and cold white. on the other hand, the shadow gap that is also integrated into the room functions as cove lighting. the included l profile tear-off edge creates a clean and defined cast shadow (figure 2). the warm white and cold white lineArlight flex leD strips by osrAm installed in the cove lighting, which are combined with ot75 optotronic control gear units and oti DAli Dim dimmers, are synchronised in terms of light colour and brightness with the appearance of the pendant luminaires via an interface. A mini server with its own programmed software automatically adjusts the lighting atmosphere based on the parameters gps location, daylight, time, season and weather. the control system required custom development because the desired lighting scenarios could not be fulfilled using software available on the market. this custom software even allows for lighting atmospheres to be altered remotely. the villa's “circadian“ luminaires were assembled on site with the support of osrAm application engineers. each luminaire was individually calibrated, tested and installed. commissioning then took place room-by-room in order to ensure the synchronous function of the shadow gaps and luminaires. sgl employees now have glare-free working light which follows the course of natural light throughout the day (figure 3). the lighting scenarios also react “on demand“, because according to experience gained during a “trial period“, the brightness and light colour values were adjusted slightly. the lighting solution designed by hans-Jörg tangermann and executed together with osrAm also expressively accentuates the charm of the historic building. the result is not only a representative setting for the sgl board of Directors, but also an energy efficient operation that is a building block of sustainability and environmental friendliness.

ludwig Nieberle, osrAm munich

03 pendant luminaires and cove lighting create a pleasant working environment in the individual

offices with a lighting atmosphere that follows the course of natural daylight


Light Sphere | InformatIon for our partners In the lIghtIng Industry

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 5 27.06.13 11:12

silo 468: this is the name of a 35 m wide and 16 m high steel tank in the finnish capital helsinki. it was previously used to store oil and is now open to the public. the madrid based firm “lighting Design collective“ (lDc), which specialises in lighting designs and light art installations, has converted this industrial building into a landmark of modern architecture (figure 1). this illuminated monument represents the industrial past of the kruunuvuorenranta District as well as its future as a residential area. the new silo sparkles like a giant lantern from afar. inside, leDs and reflectors create unique lighting scenes (figure 2). influenced by the impinging sunlight, they project an impressive display of brilliant red tones (figure 3); leDs take over at night. with this concept, the lighting Design collective emerged as the winner of an international competition in november 2011 and they began implementation in conjunction with traxon technologies in 2012.

During the day, 200 mirrors, which are moved by the wind, reflect daylight into the silo. when darkness falls, 1,280 Dot xl-9 luminaires by osrAm subsidiary traxon technologies, bring the façade to life with a virtual flock of birds – in the style of the nearby coastal area. this animation – always with new, non-recurring formations – is the product of a sophisticated combination of various parameters: a video of an actual flock of birds, real time measurement of the wind direction using rss feeds and the current ambient temperature as measured by sensors. this artificial light scenario is visible far and wide, starting at sunset and switching off again at 2:05 a.m. every day. in addition, wall washer shield Ac xb-36s – a special solution with warm white and red leDs – illuminate the building from the outside. this interactive installation is controlled with a “lighting control engine mx“ (lcemx) server by e:cue (figure 4). the external sensor systems are integrated using the “lighting Application suite“ (lAs) control software calibrated for this purpose and the luminaires are operated with the various parameters via Dmx. the climatic conditions, with ambient temperatures dropping as low as –30 °c, proved to be an additional technical challenge. special thermal sensors were installed, therefore, to heat the leD luminaires to protect them from frost, and to automatically switch them off at temperatures below –20 °c if required. with this lighting design, the lighting Design collective has artistically increased the value of this former oil tank. As such, this staged industrial building superbly represented helsinki as the “world Design capital 2012“. furthermore, this urban highlight along with its light installation will be on display for the next ten years. “…endless fascination with the complex movement of light set against the ocean as the backdrop make it an enchanting experience for visitors and the residents of helsinki… “, explained tapio rosenius, Director of lDc.

kristin Nünning, traxon technologies, cologne

light aRt iN its highest foRM leDs With Daylight Make foR aN iMPRessive exPeRieNCe

with first class animation, a highly visible urban highlight has been created in helsinki. flocks of birds, composed of leD points of light fly across silo 468.

01 the simulated flock of birds fascinates: various parameters influence

the animation, which appears in continuously new and non-recurring



No. 2 | July 2013

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02 leDs and reflectors create

unique lighting scenes

04 Dot xl9 leD luminaires –

controlled with a lcemx-server and

the lighting Application software

suite – create an animated flock

of birds flying over the façade of

silo 468

03 the interior of silo 468 captivates with its coloured light

display of various red tones – influenced only by the impinging



Light Sphere | InformatIon for our partners In the lIghtIng Industry

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 7 27.06.13 11:12

fiRst Class WoRlD of lightiNg exPeRieNCes“PoC DResDeN“ fasCiNates With leD aND oleD lightiNg

the state capital of saxony, the cultural and economic centre of the region, is the location of the “point of competence Dresden“ here, architects, lighting designers and electrical installers alike are inspired by fascinating lighting solutions.

01 guests are welcomed in

the reception area by a stylish

ambiance with a pleasant colour

changing light atmosphere;

suspended ceiling lights with

indirect and direct emissions are

controlled via the DAli eAsy

control unit and a touch panel

02 the oleD mirrored wall consists of 252 mirrored light

modules which become invisible when switched off


No. 2 | July 2013

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 8 27.06.13 11:13

nmd – licht am bau gmbh opened the “point of competence Dresden“ (poc) in December 2012 in the heart of old town in Dresden. this third presentation and training centre complements the poc breidenbach and hamburg locations as part of the oc network. the “osrAm competence center“ (occ) in saarbrücken presents itself, together with the poc, as a professional network of associated companies. with the motto “experience light“, the focus is information and consultation as well as the realisation of innovative solutions for all areas where light is applied. “poc Dresden“, operated by nmd, an architectural lighting specialist, presents 2,500 products from ten companies “packaged“ into fascinating lighting solutions. on three levels with 25 room scenarios, all of which create a unique ambiance by the use of high quality materials, visitors can experience lighting applications for outdoors, shops, offices, industry, home and hospitality first hand and let their senses be immediately immersed in unimagined worlds. this starts in the reception area where guests are welcomed by a stylish ambiance (figure 1). in remembrance of Dresden as the cradle of oleD technology, the primary focus at “poc Dresden“ is future-oriented leD and oleD lighting. the ideas came from the creative minds at nmd – licht am bau gmbh (a light manufacturer founded in 1926), a team of architects, lighting designers and practice-oriented engineers and technicians. the perfectly coordinated light and room arrangements were also realised in-house in a complete vertical range of manufacture. this also applied to the software solutions that were required to ensure harmonised interaction of light, sound and dynamics.

the Dresden location offers the potential to develop and mentor lighting projects not only in eastern german states, but also in the greater berlin metropolitan area. because germany's capital is still one big “construction site“. in the oleD and display case exhibition area (figure 3), visitors are greeted by a mirrored wall (figure 2) consisting of 252 reflective oleDs, which are invisible when switched off and individually controlled via ot Dmx control gear units. special Dmx512 software ensures simple pc operation. furthermore, the scenes can be called up via iphone or ipad in stand-alone mode. An “animated“ application on the office floors makes for a nice highlight. innovative architectural lighting elements, luminaires and light management systems (lms) are combined, the functions of which visitors can experience first hand and interactively. knx building systems technology with siemens components is used for the interdisciplinary networking of DAli, DAli eAsy, Dmx, media control system and home automation. the operation uses a multitude of mobile and permanently installed, touch-sensitive surfaces and is both easy to understand and suggestively accessible. poc Dresden's creative yet exclusive atmosphere has proven to be a pleasant setting for cooperatively developing and planning upcoming projects. this close proximity to technology and production creates the right atmosphere for fast implementation, high quality and perfection.

andreas krawczyk, nmd – licht am bau gmbh, DresdenPeter kulf, osrAm munich

03 lineArlight colormix flex leD

light strips make the wall float; the

display cases are illuminated with

round coinlight pro leD modules

and lineArlight power flex leD

light strips


Light Sphere | InformatIon for our partners In the lIghtIng Industry

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 9 27.06.13 11:13

uPgRaDiNg to eNeRgy saviNgs aND gReateR quality of light The inTelligenT lighT managemenT sysTem Dali PROFessiOnal DemOnsTRaTes cOmPRehensive beneFiTs

the british-Dutch company unilever, one of the world's largest producers of branded goods, with over 163,000 employees, markets its products in 170 countries. with 400 brands in the sectors of household and textile care, health, personal hygiene and foodstuffs, no other company is able to touch the everyday existence of so many people and in so many different ways. As a consequence, somebody somewhere in the world selects a unilever product 160 million times a day, and in addition to high manufacturing quality, sustainability is a central component of the business strategy. this is why value is also placed on high-efficiency, sustainable operation for property and buildings. this approach can be clearly seen in the swedish unilever subsidiary who trimmed their office and warehouse lighting to create greater efficiency in the middle of 2012 at their company headquarters in solna in order to comply with their desired role as a pioneer in this field. osrAm installed a sample lighting system for a period of two weeks in some of the offices in order to demonstrate beforehand the enormous potential for savings that come hand-in-hand with state-of-the-art lighting solutions. the existing luminaires with 1…10-v technology were retained, merely being supplemented by Dim multieco control units and ls/pD multi 3 ci sensors. in this way, the employees were able to experience the added value of lighting controlled according to daylight and presence (figure 1). At the same time, proof could also be made during this short period that intelligent lighting systems enable significant energy savings: measurements demonstrated that the lighting system controlled in this way ensured operation with around 70% more efficiency in comparison to systems with t8 tubes, conventional control gear – and without sensor systems.

existing luminaires, supplemented with sensors and integrated into the DAli professionAl light management system, significantly cut both energy consumption and costs.

01 Daylight and presence-dependent lighting in the offices provides added

value for the employees and also achieves significant energy savings


No. 2 | July 2013

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 10 27.06.13 11:13

This paved the way for a rapid decision for complete upgrading, and also selection of OSRAM as an expert partner. In total, several hundred luminaires in the offices, corridors, conference rooms, bathrooms and warehouse areas were integrated into the DALI PROFESSIONAL light management system. This also enabled compliance with the request for subdividing the lighting into several groups with separate control, maximum flexibility for any possible changes in room use in the future and also the integration of daylight and presence sensors. The DALI PROFESSIONAL light management system has been designed for the separate control of up to 256 control gear in a maximum of 64 groups, and commissioning and modifying the configuration is very simple using the software. Relays were additionally used to avoid stand-by consumption. The existing 240 1..10-V luminaires in the offices are integrated with DALI CON 1…10 LI DALI converters into the DALI system and are controlled in 42 groups. Purely switchable luminaires as found in the corridors are connected via the DALI-controlled DALI SWITCH switching output. In this way, each second or third luminaire can be switched off in times of low “employee frequency“ (Figure 2). WALL Switch presence sensors in the bathrooms, mounted simply in flush boxes, implement automatic

02 Existing switchable luminaires

in the corridors are integrated into


management system via the DALI

SWITCH DALI-controlled switching

output, so that with times of low

“employee frequency“, each second

or third luminaire can be switched off

switching the lighting on and off if the presence of people is detected. Switches in the conference rooms supplement the WALL Switch sensors to also enable manual switching of the luminaires. Motion sensors in the storerooms ensure lighting according to needs; the luminaires are now switched off in areas with no traffic that previously had continuous operation throughout the day before the upgrading project. This brought with it significant improvements in energy efficiency. Both Unilever and OSRAM are highly enthusiastic about the lighting installation upgraded with innovative components: approximately 70% saving of energy and costs measured with a combination of T8 lamps and CCGs without a sensor system, the potential of such a solution is clear! And because the system is also adapted to the needs of the staff, the conditions for executing visual tasks improve. The result is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Martin Arvidsson, OSRAM SwedenNicolai Heber, OSRAM Munich


Light Sphere | InformatIon for our partners In the lIghtIng Industry

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 11 04.07.13 12:25

02 the second generation Quicktronic intelligent DAli

control gear is more convincing than ever

the seCoND geNeRatioNThe QTi Dali gii OFFeRs aDDiTiOnal beneFiTs ThROugh mORe inTelligenT FuncTiOns

01 Awarded with a gold leeD certificate from the

u.s. green building council, the office building of the

süddeutscher verlag is a beacon of sustainability


No. 2 | July 2013

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 12 27.06.13 11:13

Sustainability is a trendy topic, and not only because continuously increasing energy costs and legal requirements such as the German Energy Saving Ordinance (ENEV) require it. Rethinking how we handle the world's resources is the bigger implication. A holistic assessment also reflects the criteria of LEED certification or DGNB certification (Figure 1). Socio-cultural and functional aspects as well as ecological questions and energetic perspectives are evaluated in the process. A total of six disciplines carry equal weight in the DGNB evaluation of a building or its lighting systems. This is why the design of a performance-enhancing work environment is applicable; i.e. a lighting atmosphere suitable for visual tasks. This type of visual convenience from a lighting solution is also part of the evaluation criteria of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V.). A prerequisite for such future-oriented solutions is intelligent control gear, such as the QUICKTRONIC INTELLIGENT DALI control gear by OSRAM. Technology of this kind allows for the development of presence and daylight sensitive lighting systems. Constant lighting control using dynamic natural light inspires employees' motivation and offers high light quality on the one hand. On the other hand, energy efficiency is improved since less energy is required for artificial lighting and cooling. This illustrates the interlacing of visual convenience with economic implications and their influence on life cycle costs. The QUICKTRONIC INTELLIGENT DALI (Figure 2) control gear from OSRAM is one of the best-selling ECG multi-lamps with DALI interface in Europe, thanks to outstanding characteristics, such as a lifespan of up to 100,000 hours, up to 94 % efficiency, an extremely low stand-by consumption of 0.2 W, and switching and dimming functions that do not influence the lifespan of the lamp. The second generation, i.e. the QTi DALI GII, now offers an array of intelligent functions (Figure 3) which ensure maximum flexibility in their application and fulfil a multitude of requirements. The spectrum ranges from simple dimming through to linking the “DALI world“ with the interdisciplinary building management. Up to 20 QTi DALI GII control gear units can be connected to standard switches – without additional components – in order to accomplish simple applications such as the TOUCH DIM mode with memory function. Even the combination with commercially-available motion sensors creates added value. In this connection, the lighting is either controlled analogous to the factory default corridor func-tion or according to a pre-programmed luminous flux-time dia-gram, which the user can individually configure using the DALI magic analysis tool (Figure 4) and the DALI wizard software. The new functions include comprehensive monitoring analysis capabilities such as the readout of absorbed mains power, lamp life and the ECG operating temperature. The DALI G II bears the newly issued EL emblem of quality; and therefore complies with the new Emergency Lighting Approbation EL according to IEC 61347-2-3. This refers to the working method, safety, harmonics, immunity and disturbances from radiation and conduction. Likewise, DC voltage detection can be optionally configured for emergency lighting applications.

The energy efficiency of lighting systems is gaining in importance in the same way as the quality of light. The QTi DALI GII, with its additional functions, offers the best conditions.

03 The functionality of the QTi DALI GII is almost limitless

04 All settings are easy to configure using the DALI magic analysis tool and

the DALI wizard software

The certification of the luminaires with QTi DALI GII is simplified for the manufacturer considerably, because the dimensions and wiring as well as the designation and order number are the same for both generations. Furthermore, the “Quality Tested“ certificate makes an additional approbation of the luminaires superfluous. “Mixed equipment“ first and second generation QTi DALI is allowed as long as only QTi DALI-GI functions are used. Second generation QUICKTRONIC INTELLIGENT DALI control gear units offer users numerous benefits. They include the great versatility of this intelligent QTi DALI GII and its broad functionality, which lead to extremely energy efficient and economic lighting solutions. After all, the topic of sustainability will only have ever greater significance in the future.

More information about the QTi DALI GII is available at www.osram.com/quicktronic.

Johann Herdl, OSRAM Munich


Light Sphere | InformatIon for our partners In the lIghtIng Industry

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 13 04.07.13 12:28

quality of light aND eNeRgy effiCieNCy iN syMbiosis The mODaRiO leD sTRiP lighT sysTem wiTh many beneFicial chaRacTeRisTics

01 A total of 270 modario ip 20

leD modules with wide-beam

reflectors and DAli control gear

units are mounted onto the support

rails in the tramway hall


No. 2 | July 2013

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 14 27.06.13 11:14

An approximate 30 % reduced connection rating with a lighting intensity twice as strong Qualities like this make the lighting solution from siteco, with modario ip 20 leD modules, in the tramway depots of linZ Ag linien an impressive example.

the Austrian transportation company linZ Ag linien operates a modern infrastructure including buses, trams and on-call collective taxis to ensure that passengers in the greater linz area arrive at their destinations punctually, safely, comfortably and stress-free. naturally, the company ensures the efficient operation of its property. this includes a nearly 4,500 m2 tramway depot, which serves, on the one hand, as the parking and reversing hall for roughly 20 trams and, on the other hand, as the workshop for maintenance, cleaning and service work. the existing old system, with severely dirt-contaminated luminaires and fluorescent lamps and operating on conventional control gear, proved to be outdated. for example, the lighting intensity that is necessary for precise execution of all work and the safety of employees was not achievable. in addition, the lighting wasn't able to be controlled on demand. therefore, a new lighting solution, characterised by high energy efficiency and good light quality was installed at the end of 2012. linZ Ag linien also placed a great deal of value on easy installation and maintainability. the modario leD trunking system by the osrAm subsidiary siteco, based on the light engine prevaleD linear slim, fulfils these requirements. A total of 270 modario ip 20 leD modules with wide-beam reflectors and DAli control gear units were mounted onto the strip lighting support rails (figure 1). the result in comparison to the old system is much higher lighting intensities of up to 350 lx as well as even and glare-free light for the individual visual tasks. smaller repair work on the

trains is much easier today, especially without having to install auxiliary lighting, which was often the case in the past (figure 2). in order to minimise energy costs, the lighting is controlled centrally and using motion sensors to meet the need. likewise, pre-programmed lighting scenes can be called up for maintenance and parking. for this purpose, luminaires are integrated into the knx building systems technology of the hall via a DAli/knx gateway. “light only when it is needed: the route is automatically illuminated using motion sensors when trains approach and the lighting switches off again after more than ten minutes of no motion“, underlines helmut wöckinger, head of the linZ Ag linien depot, the efficiency of the system. An installation and maintenance-friendly solution was required because of the height of the hall and because the train catenary wires had to be switched off in order to dismantle and install the old and new systems, respectively. the modario system fulfils these requirements perfectly. After the installation of the mounting rails, the leD modules were able to be clicked in easily using a rotating-lock closure. the completely closed construction as well as the lifespan of the leD module of up to 50,000 hours speaks for the maintainability of the solution. “we are extremely satisfied with the improved quality of light and presence-dependent control“, says helmut wöckinger. “when considering the energy savings and lower maintenance costs, we were also impressed with the price-performance ratio.“ the electrical connection rating of the new leD luminaires alone was reduced by approximately 30 % – and with double the lighting intensity. “compare the leD solution with a new modario system with conventional 2x49 w fluorescent lamp technology and the resulting payback period is 7.5 years, despite higher acquisition costs from the energy savings and reduced maintenance costs“, explains markus schopper, Director of technical planning for building management at linZ Ag, the investment in innovative leD technology.

Claudia Rieling, siteco traunreut

02 higher lighting intensity and

improved light quality make work

on the tram cars much easier

– and with an approximate

30 % reduction in the electrical

connection rating


Light Sphere | InformatIon for our partners In the lIghtIng Industry

81912_OSRAM_LIGHTSPHERE_2_13_GB.indd 15 27.06.13 11:15

Fluorescent lamps with Quicktronic ECG. Frequent switching is the programme. Modern generations of LUMILUX T5 and T8 fluorescent tubes as well as OSRAM DULUX compact fluorescent lamps have proven to be extremely resilient in connection with QUICKTRONIC control gear units. As recent examinations of LUMILUX T5 and T8 and DULUX compact fluorescent lamps have shown, their operation on QUICKTRONIC control gear units with adjusted filament preheating requires a minimum operating time of only 1 min in order to achieve an extremely long lifespan. A higher number of switching cycles is therefore possible, depending on which QUICKTRONIC ECG warm start is utilised. As a result, T8 tubes, in connection with a QT-FIT8, can be switched on 30 times daily for five years; 60 switching cycles are achieved daily with T5 tubes or compact fluorescent lamps and QT...ECG and even up to 200 in the case of dimmable QTi.

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Munich 81735 Germany

Phone +49 (0)89-6213-60 00

Fax +49 (0)89-6213-60 01



Marcel-Breuer-Strasse 6

Munich 80807 Germany

Phone +49 (0)89-6213-0

Fax +49 (0)89-6213-20 20



Short and SwEEtappliCation-oriEntEd produCtS and SolutionS From thE world oF liGht

arKtiKa-p lEd. the eye catcher for the office At less than 8 mm high, the ARKTIKA-P LED pendant luminaire by OSRAM is one of the slimmest computer screen workplace luminaires.

Equipped with low-power DURIS E3 LEDs with 3,000 K or 4,000 K as well as an OPTOTRONIC control gear, the ARKTIKA-P LED has a lifespan of up to 40,000 hours (L70). Ideal for professional office lighting with regard to uniformity and glare reduction (UGR < 19) – and packaged in a noble and puristic design.

Siluette lEds. Quality of light and efficiency A proven concept with sustained high light quality, yet with innovative LED technology – this is the Siluette LEDsurface-mounted ceiling luminaire.

With high quality prism technology or diffuser optics, the Siluette LED offers even light distribution – ideal for school rooms, offices, workshops and communication and social areas. With a luminous flux of approximately 4,600 lm, it replaces conventional solutions with up to 1 x 80 W or 2 x 35 W.



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