a new premium generation - mitsubishi electric€¦ · a new premium generation photovoltaic...


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Page 1: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

A New Premium Generation


Page 2: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

Te c h n o l o g y

Q u a l i t y

R e l i a b i l i t y

M it s u bi s h i E le c t r ic i s c on s t a nt l y pu r s u i n g

t he l a t e s t i n t e c h n o l o g ic a l i n no v a t i o n s a nd a d a p t i n g t he n e w e s t

bre a k t h rou g h s i nto ou r photovolt a ic pro d uc t s .

Tot a l q u a l i t y f rom de s i g n to m a nu f a c t u r i n g

e n s u re s opt i m a l p e r f or m a nc e a nd s a f e t y of ou r pro d uc t s

i n t he re a l wor ld .

B u i ld i n g up on a l mos t a c e nt u r y of m a nu f a c t u r i n g

e x p e r ie nc e s i nc e ou r fou nd i n g i n 19 21, we k now how to m a k e ou r pro d uc t s l a s t .

R e s t a s s u r e d t h a t w e w i l l b e t he r e f o r o u r c u s to m e r s i n t he l o n g t e r m .


Page 3: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the


M it s ubi s h i E le c t r ic ’s ph i lo s ophy

f or m a nu f a c t u r i n g phot ovolt a ic produc t s c ome s

f rom t h re e u nw av e r i n g ba s ic pr i nc iple s: a d v a nc e d t e c h nolog ie s ,

t he h i g he s t q u a l i t y, a nd lon g-t e r m re l i a bi l i t y.

We u nde r s t a nd t h at photovolt a ic s y s t e m s a re a lon g-t e r m i nv e s t me nt;

t he re f ore , no c omprom i s e s s hou ld be m a de w he n c hoo s i n g

t he r i g ht produc t s i n orde r to avoid f ut u re proble m s .

A t M it s ubi s h i E le c t r ic , w e i nt e g r at e a l l of ou r phot ovolt a ic produc t

de v e lopme nt a nd m a nu f ac t u r i n g ope r at ion s at ou r ow n f ac i l i t ie s i n Japa n .

From c e l l re s e a rc h a nd modu le de s i g n to c e l l produc t ion a nd modu le a s s e m bl y,

we a re a ble to t a k e c ont rol i n e ac h s t e p of t he proc e s s .

We a re f u l l y c on fi de nt a nd t a k e g re at pr ide i n e a c h of ou r produc t s ,

a nd w e i nv i t e y ou to e njoy pe a c e of m i nd f or y e a r s to c ome

w it h M it s ubi s h i E le c t r ic Photovolt a ic Sy s t e m s .

Page 4: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

M i t s u b i s h i E l e c t r i c ’ s M o n o c r y s t a l l i n e P r e m i u m M o d u l e L i n eThe tech nolog y a nd desig n of ou r produc ts i ncor porates ou r comprehensive ex per ience

a nd ex tensive k now-how i n creat i ng photovolta ic modu les .

The M itsubish i Elec t r ic d i fference l ies i n a l l of t he sma l l deta i ls t hat add up for outsta nd i ng per for ma nce,

rel iabi l it y, a nd sa fet y.


New select ive emitter and ha l f-cut technolog ies

boost cel l efficienc y

High-efficiency 4 Busbar Monocrystalline Cells

Excellent Durability and Protection

Our modules have an uncompromising design and are

built to last. Installable even in areas with high salt

concentrations in the air

Flex ible tab materia l has been developed to reduce

physica l stress on the cel ls caused by therma l


Flexible Cell Tab Wiring

Page 5: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the


Each modu le is tagged w ith a unique barcode which

is used for g reater product qua l it y control and

product traceabi l it y

Mitsubishi Electric Logo and Traceable Barcode

The new junction box has been redesigned for use

w ith monocr ysta l l ine cel ls for high safet y

New Junction Box Design with 4-layer Protection

A re-designed module frame with protection bar has

improved overall module strength

Improved Frame Design with New Protection Bar

Page 6: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

T e c h n o l o g y

Selective Emitter

In a standard doping process, si l icon wafers are doped w ith phosphorus to create a P/N junction. The level of dopingconcentration was a trade-off between conductiv ity w ith the cel l electrodes and carrier charge recombination.Higher concentration levels leads to higher conductiv ity, but more carrier charge losses, and vice versa.As a solution, Mitsubishi Electric has introduced a new selective emitter process in which only the area in contact w iththe electrodes is doped w ith high concentrations to maintain both high conductiv ity and low carrier charge losses.This improvement has resulted in an increase in cel l output of approx imately 5%.

By reducing the area of each cel l and connecting them in a paral lel formation, the amount of electrical current carried by each busbar is reduced by half . This results in the decreased of electrical resistance w ithin the busbars and an increase in overall efficiency of about 2.5%.

Cells are cut with a special process using a high-precision laser to maintain the integrity of the cel l .

Half-cut Cell


Full Size

electrical losses = current2 × resistance

Half-cut Size

(Amount of electrical current) i

1/2 i

By using half-cut cells, the electrical current ( i ) flowing in each busbar is halved. Therefore, the amount of internal losses in a half-cut module is 1/4 of a full sized cell module.

Monocrystalline silicon

Anti-reflection layer Lightly doped region(low carrier charge recombination loss)

Heavily doped region(greater conductivity)

Silver electrode

Page 7: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

4 Busbar Cell

Through an industr y-leading innovation of integrating 4 busbars into each cel l , internal electrical resistance is reduced, boosting cel l output by 3%*. This is possible because the distances between the busbars are shorter and less current flows through each smaller electrode where resistance is the highest.

Mitsubishi Electric was the first Japanese manufacture to introduce (and sti l l use) 100% lead-free solder in the inter-cel l connections as another initiative contributing to environmental protection.

Lead-free Solder

Our field-proven high safety junction box has been re-designed and optimized for use w ith monocr ystal l ine cel ls. A s one of the most critical parts of the module in terms of safety, our junction box features a waterproof, flame-resistant 4 layer barrier of protection. Combined w ith highly heat-resistant diodes, efficient heat-sink, and secured intertw ining tab connections, our junction boxes boast a top-class level of safety.

Newly Re-designed Junction Box

A n anti-reflective coating has been added to the glass of our modules. It improves the l ight transmittance of the glass by reducing the amount of reflection on the surface. This improvement has led to a module output increase of 2%. Furthermore, Mitsubishi Electric modules use a non-porous ty pe of anti-reflective coating , which is more resistant to the adhesion of dust than porous ty pes.

Anti-reflective Glass

2 busbar

4 busbar

Arrows signify flow of electricity

Resin cover

Metal cover

Mica sheet

Flame-resistant pottant


*Approximate improvement compared to a standard 2 busbar cell.





Standard Glass AR-treated Glass

Page 8: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

Q u a l i t y

Mitsubishi Electric takes pride in researching , designing , manufacturing and assembling al l of our photovoltaic products from the cel l to the module in our ow n faci l ities located in Japan. By tak ing total control, we can optimize each step of the production process to ensure the highest quality of our products.

Production from the Cell to Module

Taguchi Method


By integrating the quality control methods of Genichi Taguchi, a renow ned engineer and statistician, we have been able to optimize our quality management processes and f urther expand the range of production quality controls. A s a result, our products boast not only ver y high, but also a ver y stable level of production quality.

From assembly to inspections, our module l ines are highly automated w ith our ow n factor y automation equipment developed in-house. For example, using ccd camera imaging to al ign busbars for soldering or to detect mispositioned cel ls in an array, the high precision machines ensure an unsurpassed level of production uniformity and the abil ity to conduct greater quality inspections than traditional manual methods.

Highly Automated Production Line

Page 9: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

Cell ID Laser Marking

We have introduced a new cel l track ing system in which each cel l is marked w ith a unique dot matri x code. This makes each individual cel l traceable throughout the cel l production process, a l low ing us to make numerous manufacturing improvements. The dot matri x code is nearly impossible to see w ith the naked eye, and has absolutely no influence on output power.


Cell Uniformity

Ever y cel l we produce is measured for electrical characteristics and undergoes a ver y strict selection process before being assembled into a module. This ensures that al l cel ls in the module have uniform characteristics for optimal performance.

Module Barcode

Ever y individual module is marked w ith a unique identifiable barcode, which is used for track ing the module through al l production steps as part of our quality control .

High Power in Actual Use

Each module's electrical characteristics are measured and then paired together automatical ly by a sorting machine. Modules are matched together according to electrical data so that the average output of each carton is always greater than the nominal output power.

Page 10: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

R e l i a b i l i t y


4 Busbar Cell Strength

Improved Frame

Our classic hollowless L-frame design has been improved w ith a smarter protection bar insert. A s a result, the strength of the new frame has increased by approx imately double that of the previous L-frame. In addition, modules can now be instal led by cl ipping the shorter sides, simplif y ing system design and instal lation.

Double Corrosion-resistant Frame Coating

The highly durable aluminum frame is treated w ith two separate corrosion-resistant coatings for excel lent durabil ity and a beautif ul finish. Even the individual screws have double anti-corrosive coatings for lasting protection.

*Graph shows the distribution peaks of stress on the cell.The 4 busbar cel l has a more uniform tab stress dispersion than cel ls w ith fewer busbars. Because the stress peaks of the cel l are lower, it is less prone to crack ing.

Internal Testing Standards

At Mitsubishi Electric, our philosophy is to make products that w il l last . As PV modules are no exception, we have tested our monocr ystal l ine modules w ith ver y rigorous internal testing , using strict parameters that are well above than those required by international standards. Only after we have confirmed the rel iabil ity of the module's design is it a l lowed to be introduced into mass production.

(Representing the peak stress levels on the cell)

Some examples of Mitsubishi Electric's reliability standards


Mitsubishi Electric


Mitsubishi Electric

Thermal Cycling Test

Damp Heat Test

1000 hours

200 cycles

over 1000 cycles

over 2000 hours

Page 11: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the


High Snow Load

Our modules have been designed to w ithstand harsh environmental conditions, such as in areas w ith high snow fal l . The high structural strength of the modules has passed the IEC 61215 static loading test at 5400Pa.

Real-world Field Test

In addition to our accelerated testing in the laborator y, we have also been monitoring the performance of our products in real-world field testing. For example, we have instal led our modules near the seaside in Ok inawa, where the high salt content in the air poses a high threat of chemical corrosion to metal . Our modules have been work ing perfectly and safely as a testament to the true quality of the product.

Installable in Areas with High Salt Concentration

Normally, high salt content in the air (in areas such as next to the ocean) can do serious damage to the structural integrity of a PV module, and can also pose an electrical safety hazard by causing corrosion. However, due to the intel l igent design and high quality of the materials used, our modules can be safely instal led in such areas w ith high salt concentration in the air*.

*Excluding areas in which the module comes into direct contact with

salt water. The frame and laminate are designed so that a stong physical and electrical barrier is maintained even in harsh environments.

Page 12: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the


PV-MLT SeriesHigh-efficiency modules featuring half-cut monocrystalline cells

M o n o c r y s t a l l i n e P r o d u c t L i n e - u p

Page 13: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the


Unit : mm [ inch]

1019 [40.1]

685 [27.0]

1625 [64.0 ]

1167 [45.9 ]

1200 [47.2 ]

1000 [39.4 ]

46 [1.81] 976 [38.4]

( − )

( + )

ø4.09 [ø

0.16] (4 PLAC


ø9 [ø

0.35] (4 PLAC


Irradiance dependence of Isc, Voc and Pmax(Cell temperature : 25 )









Irradiance (W/m2)








00 200 400 600 800 1000 1200






Temperature dependence of Isc, Voc and Pmax








ax (%


Cell temperature ( )








0-25 0 25 50 75 100

Temp. Coeff. of Isc = +0.056%/℃ Temp. Coeff. of Voc = - 0.350%/℃ Temp. Coeff. of Pmax = - 0.450%/℃

Electrical Performance(Cell temperature : 25 )


Case of PV-MLT260HC


er (W





Voltage (V)











00 2010 30 40









1000 W/m2

900 W/m2

800 W/m2

500 W/m2

400 W/m2

300 W/m2

200 W/m2

700 W/m2

600 W/m2

Specifications Sheet

Electrical Characteristics

Drawings and Dimensions


Monocrystalline silicon, 78mm × 156mm120 cells

+/-3% (The average Pmax of each pair of modules has a positive tolerance)



1625×1019×46mm (64.0×40.1×1.81inches)20kg (44lbs.)

(+) 800mm/(-) 1250mm with MC connector (PV-KTB4/6II-UR, PV-KST4/6II-UR)Cable conforms with TÜV Specification 2 PfG 1169/08.2007

2 pcs / 1 cartonIEC 61215 Second Edition, IEC 61730

10 years90% of rated minimum Pmax for 10 years80% of rated minimum Pmax for 25 years





















ManufacturerModel nameCell typeNumber of cellsPerformance at STC Maximum power rating (Pmax) Warranted minimum Pmax Tolerance of Pmax Open circuit voltage (Voc) Short circuit current (Isc) Maximum power voltage (Vmp) Maximum power current (Imp)Normal operating cell temperature (NOCT)Performance at NOCT* Maximum power rating [Pmax] Open circuit voltage [Voc] Short circuit current [Isc] Maximum power voltage [Vmp] Maximum power current [Imp]Maximum system voltageFuse ratingDimensionsWeightOutput terminal

Module efficiencyPacking conditionCertificatesProduct WarrantyOutput Warranty

*Measured at 800w/m2, ambient temp. 20˚C, wind speed 1m/s

Page 14: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the


Made in Japan

Mitsubishi Electric photovoltaic cel ls, modules, and inverters are proudly designed and produced under strict quality standards at our ow n faci l it ies located in Japan.

Kyoto Factor y

Iida Factor y

Nakatsugawa Works

Our factories are managed using comprehensive water conser vation and recycling measures in order to minimize the impact on the environment.

ISO 14001 Certified Factory

Factor y faci l it ies are equipped w ith our

PV systems.

Waste paper and other materials are

col lected and separated for recycl ing.

Dozens of apple trees l ine the factor y grounds,

prov iding del icious apples in the fa l l .

Nakatsugawa Works

A b o u t U s

Page 15: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the




Southeast Asia East Asia

Holland (15kW system)


Sw itzerland (23kW system)


Germany (500kW system)

Small Power Plant

Germany (30kW system)


Italy (14kW system)


Italy (420kW system)

Small power plant

Spain (75kW system)


USA (1.9M W system)

Agricultural farm

USA (1.3M W system)

Brewer y

Cambodia (3.5kW system)

Junior High School

Thailand (3kW system)

Private residence

Japan (200kW system)


Page 16: A New Premium Generation - Mitsubishi Electric€¦ · A New Premium Generation PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES. Tech nolog y Quality Reliability Mitsubishi Electric is constantly pursuing the

L-175-0-C8721-B NK-1107 Printed in Japan〈MDOC〉 2011

Revised Publication, effective Jul. 2011.Superseding Publication, L-175-1-C8721-A of Feb. 2011.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

HEAD OFFICE: TOKYO BLDG., 2-7-3, MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPANhttp://www.mitsubishielectric.com