a nautical adventure for special needs children. agenda missionwho we arelocations populations...

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A Nautical Adventure For Special Needs Children Slide 2 Agenda MissionWho We AreLocations Populations Served Daysail Program Description Benefits of Sailing Upcoming Events Volunteer Opportunities Sponsorship Slide 3 Mission Heart of Sailing introduces sailing to children with developmental disabilities as a form of educational and recreational therapy. Slide 4 Who We Are An international network of volunteers, many of them sailors, united with a common goal sharing our love of sailing with children. Most are entrepreneurs committed to community service and volunteerism. Our staff and board members include a pediatrician, neurosurgeon, nurse, therapist, two attorneys, an accountant, and several financial planners. Slide 5 Where We Are International Headquarters: Bloomington, Indiana. Operational Regions: Bloomington & Indianapolis, IN Boston, Massachusetts Dana Point, San Diego, San Francisco, Ventura, California Houston, Texas Panama City, Florida Portland, Oregon Surf City & Tuckerton, New Jersey Seattle & Tacoma, Washington Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2 sites) Antibes, France (Au Coeur Des Voiles) Developing Regions: Bellingham, Washington Vancouver, BC, Canada Minneapolis, Minnesota Tampa, Florida Antigua, British West Indies St. Thomas, USVI Guadeloupe Slide 6 Populations Served Primarily Children 8-18 (though exceptions are made children as young as 3 have participated as well as adults into their 60s) Program is geared toward participants with pervasive developmental disorders affecting cognitive and/or behavioral development. Slide 7 Breakdown of Percentages 5% Other* 15% Down Syndrome 80% Autism/Spectrum Disorders *Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Cri du Chat, Fragile X, Williams Syndrome, Charge Syndrome, Tetrasomy 18 Slide 8 Program Description While therapeutic and educational, the focus is also on relaxation, fun, family time, bonding and making memories. The ultimate field trip for the family. Parents and children are encouraged to participate as crew hoisting and trimming sails, steering the boat, assisting with navigation and learning rescue procedures. Daysail Program A family oriented on-the-water sailing trip, which includes boating safety, sailing instruction, and active participation in operation of the sailboat. Slide 9 Benefits of Sailing Social Interaction: Small environment/cockpit requiring close interaction. Helps counter physical and social boundaries and improves physical and emotional comfort in small spaces. Teamwork: Team building and collaboration. Participants crew the boat to the best of their ability. Participants cooperate to assist in pulling the lines, wrapping them around the winches and securing them. Learn importance of cooperation for man- overboard procedure. Cooperative environment of everyone having a job on the boat. Communication/Comprehension: Ability to listen to instructions and follow procedure. Communication required between crew and captain to identify and name potential hazards and to navigate. Slide 10 Benefits Continued Concentration/Focus: Children with limited ability to sit still or concentrate are able to focus on tasks on boat and are visibly calmer, relaxed and focused. Ability increases to concentrate on task(s). Relaxation: Reduced noise stimuli: primarily rhythmic sounds of waves lapping the hull and wind in sails. Rhythmic movement of boat is also comforting, yet heeling provides excitement. Motor Skills/Coordination: Eye-hand coordination to hoist sail or pull lines. Balance when ambulating around the boat, using hand holds. Visual stimulation to watch for hazards, and align boat with object in distance/horizon while steering. Slide 11 Benefits Continued Confidence/Self-Esteem: Empowerment from sense of control while steering and maneuvering the boat as well as being part of team. Sense of accomplishment at facing fears and completing tasks Environmental Awareness: Appreciation of nature and waterways. Observation and interaction with wildlife including birds/fish/mammals. Understanding of effects of pollution on environment and species. Adventure/Exploration/Imagination: Children dream of being explorers, pirates, etc. Opens up the world to them. Encourages imagination. International program and virtual programs provide opportunities to learn about faraway places. Slide 12 Outline of a Daysail 10:00 am Participants arrive and prepare for departure Slide 13 Safety First - Life Jacket At all times, Youth Participants must wear Coast Guard approved Type 1,2 or 3 Personal Floating Devices (PFDs) or a life jacket, weight and age appropriate. Slide 14 Outline of a Daysail (contd) Safety Precautions: Boom Hand and Boat Squished Banana Winches and Fingers Man Overboard Slide 15 Outline of a Daysail (contd) Parts of sailboat Airfoil (how a sailboat sails into the wind) Slide 16 Outline of a Daysail (contd) Prepare the boat to sail (skipper & participants). Show participants around the boat (galley, head, etc.) Demonstrate usage of the head (if available) Review safety procedures. SET SAIL!!! After motoring out of harbor/marina/channel, skipper assigns duties and participants have opportunity to rotate through all positions: at the helm, hoisting sails, trimming. Slide 17 Daysail Conclusion Return to Dock Crew Prepares Meal for participants. T his is opportunity for parents & participants to mingle and discuss experiences. Distribution of medals and certificates to participants Discussion/Questions Slide 18 Teamwork Slide 19 Communication Slide 20 Social Interaction Slide 21 Motor Skills Slide 22 Confidence/Self-Esteem Slide 23 Adventure Slide 24 Concentration/Focus Slide 25 Comments from Parents & Participants Galina loved it! I have rarely seen her light up the way she did when she got to sail the boat. Galina's Dad, Michael Dear Captain: I had a fun time. Maybe sometime I will go again but its up to my mom but I think she will say yes. And then I'll drive on my own once I'm old enough. I'll buy my own boat when I grow up. Thank you. Sam (9 years old) Andrew had a wonderful time and will always remember his Daysail. Andrew remembers every child's name that he met that day. It was a great social event for him. Andrews Mom, Michelle Slide 26 How Donations are Spent Slide 27 How to Register www.heartofsailing.org Slide 28 How to Register (Continued) Choose Sail With Us from Home Page Title Bar Slide 29 Registration Contd Select Regional Location and view Schedule of available dates Select Register for your preferred date Slide 30 Registration Contd Slide 31 What to bring for a Daysail Layers of light clothing, plus a jacket (as it is always cooler on the water), white rubber sole shoes (tennis shoes or similar - flip flops are not suggested) and don't forget the sunscreen! Youre also welcome to bring water and extra snacks. Slide 32 Volunteer Opportunities Sailboat owners to provide their time, experience and/or boat for use in the Daysail Program Volunteers must pass background screening Captains/Skippers must complete training and abide by all policies and procedures outlined in Operations Manual Ask us how your talents and expertise can contribute (everything from writing an article for our newsletter, attending local charity events on Heart of Sailings behalf, participating in walks and other similar events, as well as helping with press releases and promotional events). Slide 33 Sea of Numbers As of September 30, 2007 Description200520062007 2008 Jan-SeptGoalEstimate Participants Served Total Special Needs participants1516571,1082,0003,000 Children served1275347671,6002,400 Teenagers/Young adults1894285325500 Adults (over 21)6295675100 Families served1345309121,6002,500 Total number of individuals served3221,3423,0144,0009,000 Newsletter subscribers3281,5843,4664,00010,000 Cost per participant and family$200$150$125 Slide 34 Sea of Numbers Contd Description 200520062007 2008 Jan-SeptGoalEstimate Fleet and Crew Sailboats owned157812 Sailboats volunteered3106075120 Volunteer captains4106585150 Volunteers1452231250500 Expansion Number of locations26141625 Year long operating locations0291014 International locations*11346 Website statistics Page loads17,78829,93847,79880,000300,000 Unique visitors to our website4,2668,60714,76624,00070,000 First time visitors3,4107,29712,54820,00055,000 Returning visitors8561,3102,2184,00015,000 Slide 35 Sponsorship Opportunities Local or national sponsors needed for regional Daysails can sponsor a season, an individual Daysail, or a certain number of participants. Sponsors can also provide funding for the lunches, medals, hats, certificates and other souvenirs for participants. (in-kind or financial). Sponsors receive promotional benefits including links and/or logo on Heart of Sailing web site, with publicity dependent upon level of sponsorship. Also, sponsors for specific activities, such as Launch Parties and/or Fundraising events will receive additional promotional recognition through brochures, flyers, posters, and media coverage. Slide 36 Thank You Slide 37