a monthly publication for the firs† news evangelical

Firs† News A monthly publication for the members and friends of First Evangelical Lutheran Church OCTOBER 2021 Our mission: First Evangelical Lutheran Church exists to welcome people to faith in Jesus Christ; equip persons with a faith that works in real life; and send us in service into the world in Jesus’ name. October 2021 Time with Tom Fifty-one verses of the RSV Bible I used, referenced repent or repentance’. How many of us actually know the biblical meaning of repent’, or why we should care? Most of us are not bank robbers and or murderers so; of our little sins, we are not bad people are we? Ok, our lack of good judgment may not make us bad people, but it may keep us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven? What are the fifty-one mentions of repentreferring? Let us look at the book of Peter the third chapter. For he that would love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile; let him turn away from evil and do right; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those that do evil." (RSV 1Peter 3:10-12) Repent’ “Let him turn away from evil and do right”. Confess and turn, this is repenting for our bad decisions. All too often, we feel the things we do are not sin. The things we say are not bad enough to be sin. However, look again, at what Peter said: let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile; let him turn away from evil and do right; let him seek peace and pursue it.” The issue becomes first to identify our sin or bad choices, and second to repent. Only after we have admitted our sin can we confess it and only by confession of sin can we repent, or turnfrom that sin. God will hear our prayers and turn his eyes to the righteous accordingto Peter. Therefore, if you have said something to someone in anger, robbed a bank, or murdered someone; it is all the same to God. Christ died on the cross for your sins and mine, so see our sin, confess and repent. Paul said to the Corinthians: Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals." Come to your right mind, and sin no more. For some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame. (RSV 1 Cor. 15:33-34) We do know God; we go and seek peace among the people. Salvation comes by the grace of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Loving God and loving our neighbor is part of seeing what we are doing that separates us from our God, break- ing our good relationship (sin) and turning (Repent) from the things that separate us from God breaking our good relationship. This is what Peter and Paul are talking about when they remind us of what Jesus said to so many people; repent and sin no more”. Do not let the fear of a pandemic nor the hatred stirred up by misinformation or the agenda of others cause you to treat your neighbor with disrespect. Jesus says, as his followers we may be persecuted for doing what he taught. Loving our neighbor is what Jesus taught as we are sent to love others the way Jesus first loved us. Begin today; repent’, turn from the things that keep us from a good relationship with God, and our neighbor. This would be a good way to start each day, in Jesus name. Amen. Live in Peace and the God of Love and Peace will be with you! 2 nd Cor. 13:11. Pastor Tom Evenson ———————————————- FIND THE CHURCH CALENDAR on page 11 Whats Inside: Pastors Article, Pg. 1 Church Council, Pg. 2, 3 Finance, Pg. 4 Stewardship, Pg. 3, 4 Gods Work Our Hands, Pg. 5 Mission Newsletter, Pg. 7 MST USA, Pg. 8 Church-wide Info, Pg. 4, 6, 9, 14,15,16 Calendar, Pg. 11 Serving Groups, B-Days, Pg. 12 Memorials, Thanks Pg. 10 Senior Dining Menu, Pg. 13 Worship Schedule, Pg. 14 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Mon. - Thur. 8 AM - 4:30 PM Fri. 8 AM - 12 PM 320-693-2487 Email: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.firstlitchfield.org

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Evangelical Lutheran Church
Jesus Christ;
life; and
October 2021 Time with Tom
Fifty-one verses of the RSV Bible I used, referenced ‘repent or repentance’. How many of
us actually know the biblical meaning of ‘repent’, or why we should care? Most of us are
not bank robbers and or murderers so; of our little sins, we are not bad people are we?
Ok, our lack of good judgment may not make us bad people, but it may keep us from
entering the Kingdom of Heaven? What are the fifty-one mentions of ‘repent’ referring?
Let us look at the book of Peter the third chapter.
“For he that would love life and see good days, let him keep his
tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile; let him turn away
from evil and do right; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the
eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open to
their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those that do
evil." (RSV 1Peter 3:10-12)
‘Repent’ “Let him turn away from evil and do right”. Confess and turn, this is repenting for
our bad decisions. All too often, we feel the things we do are not sin. The things we say
are not bad enough to be sin. However, look again, at what Peter said:
“let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile;
let him turn away from evil and do right; let him seek peace and
pursue it.”
The issue becomes first to identify our sin or bad choices, and second to repent. Only
after we have admitted our sin can we confess it and only by confession of sin can we
repent, or ‘turn’ from that sin.
“God will hear our prayers and turn his eyes to the righteous according” to Peter.
Therefore, if you have said something to someone in anger, robbed a bank, or murdered
someone; it is all the same to God. Christ died on the cross for your sins and mine, so
see our sin, confess and repent.
“Paul said to the Corinthians: “Do not be deceived: "Bad company
ruins good morals." Come to your right mind, and sin no more. For
some have no knowledge of God. I say this to your shame.”
(RSV 1 Cor. 15:33-34)
We do know God; we go and seek peace among the people. Salvation comes by the
grace of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Loving God and loving
our neighbor is part of seeing what we are doing that separates us from our God, break-
ing our good relationship (sin) and turning (Repent) from the things that separate us from
God breaking our good relationship. This is what Peter and Paul are talking about when
they remind us of what Jesus said to so many people; “repent and sin no more”. Do not
let the fear of a pandemic nor the hatred stirred up by misinformation or the agenda of
others cause you to treat your neighbor with disrespect. Jesus says, as his followers we
may be persecuted for doing what he taught. Loving our neighbor is what Jesus taught as
we are sent to love others the way Jesus first loved us. Begin today; ‘repent’, turn from
the things that keep us from a good relationship with God, and our neighbor. This would
be a good way to start each day, in Jesus name. Amen.
Live in Peace and the God of Love and Peace will be with you! 2 nd
Cor. 13:11.
Finance, Pg. 4
Mission Newsletter, Pg. 7
MST USA, Pg. 8
Calendar, Pg. 11
Memorials, Thanks Pg. 10
Worship Schedule, Pg. 14
Fri. 8 AM - 12 PM
First Evangelical Lutheran Church Council 2021
PRESIDENT: Corey Cervin
Amy Nelson Abby Hemingway
Gordon Burdick
First Evangelical Lutheran Church – Council Minutes Tuesday, September 21st, 2021
Our Mission: FLC exists to welcome people to faith in Jesus Christ, equip persons with a faith that works in real life, and send us in service into the world in Jesus’ name. Council Membership: 2022: Andrew Hoffman, *Beth Fruetel, Karla Hyberger, Corey Cervin 2023: Betty Allen, Karla Kadelbach, Amy Nelson, Abby Hemmingway 2024: Dennis Gartner, Joe Berube, Gordon Burdick, Chuck Fenton Devotions: Gordy Burdick *Secretary report was approved *Treasurer report was approved inclusive of previous month *Pastors report: Pastor Tom reported: ~The Co-op team of pastors continue to meet. They would like to share events that are happening within each congregation with the other congregations. This may allow more people to enjoy these events or activities. Still in progress from previous month. ~The First Lutheran facility and staff have been very busy with numerous weddings and funerals. ~MST International will be purchasing their tickets for their 2022 trip to Peru. The MST Garage sale fundraiser will be held on October 9th. The Cookie Walk will be on December 11th. One Lutefisk Dinner will be held on December 18th. ~Visits to members not able to attend Church services are taking place as time allows and following the facilities guidelines. ~We continue to get requests for people to become members of First Lutheran Church. Pastor Tom meets with these potential members to confirm that we are a good match. ~Pastor Tom also asked the Council to continue the discussion regarding a Visitation Pastor. The Personnel team will be discussing this in the near future. *Team Reports: *Christian Education: ~This team had a “working meeting” to prepare for the start of Sunday School. ~Rally Sunday was a huge success. ~They are still looking for more teachers. Please contact the church office or Heidi Thoma if you are interested in teaching. *Property: ~Some members of the Property team met to discuss the creation of a “working list” that the Council representatives recommended at the previous Council meeting. ~The format for this list is being created by one of the team members. ~At the next meeting, the team will start to compile the list of work to be completed and enter it into the formatted list. Tasks will be assigned to team members and will be tracked for status, progress etc. ~A routine maintenance list will also be created and assigned to team members. *Personnel Committee: ~The Personnel team discussed some items via email and will be discussing the possi- bility of a Visitation Pastor as soon as possible. *Worship and Music: ~The Worship and Music team reported that the Gods Work Our Hands event was a great success. Approximately 25 people of all ages and skill levels helped with this work. Lunch was provided by Karla Hyberger. The recipient was pleased with every- thing that was accomplished. Thank you to all who helped with this Mission outside of our Church walls.
Council Highlights
~Confirmation classes are being held on Wednesdays at 6:30. ~Bibles were presented to 3rd graders. ~Tammy Thompson will be resigning from the “calling person” position for Communion Servers. Please contact the Church office if you would like to take over the task of calling to organize servers. *Old Business: ~The 150 year celebration committee continues to meet and are making progress towards the celebration planning. They have been developing a “Logo” to commemorate the event and will be deciding on a final logo design soon. ~Life Line bracelets for members were discussed. This is a service that we have been paying a portion of the costs for members as needed. The Council recommended that the Social Ministries team research this service and come back to the Council with a recommendation for future guidelines to follow. This is still being discussed by the Social Ministries team. ~The Boiler / Window loan was discussed. This loan is periodically reviewed and confirmed that we are on track with the progress and meeting previous obligations when the loan was originated. *New Business: ~The Council discussed and ratified previous email discussions to include:
~A member wants to provide flute lessons in the Church facility. The Council voted to allow this to take place with no fee. ~The new copier contract was approved for the Church office staff. ~The Council approved the outsourcing of the payroll tasks to a local firm.
~The Council is asking the teams to submit their budget requests as soon as possible. The staff will prepare the reports for the teams to review before the next team meetings. *Dates to remember: *Coop services continue Sunday’s at 8:30 *Indoor services continue Sundays at 8:30 through October *Confirmation classes are on Wednesday evenings *Executive Team meeting Tuesday October 5th at 6:30 PM *Team meetings Tuesday October 5th at 7:00 PM *Council meeting Tuesday October 19th at 7:00 PM *New Member Sunday will be October 24th *Confirmation will be Sunday October 31st Submitted by Dennis Gartner
STEWARDSHIP/WELLNESS GRATITUTE JOURNAL Give thanks, and your life will be filled with joy. I am encouraging you to start a gratitude journal. The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California-Berkeley has continued to build upon the positive proof of thankfulness. Researchers have found that participants can improve heart health and blood conditions by keeping a gratitude journal. Force yourself to pay attention to the good things in life we’d otherwise take for granted. They say writing three times a week will give you the most health benefits. (this eases the pressure of daily entries!). Then write down 5 things for which you feel grateful. Remember a good event, experience, person, or thing and as you write them down you will re-enjoy the good emotions that came with it! Focus on being specific, descriptive, and personal instead of bullet points…digging deep into your feelings of gratitude will provide positive perks in your wellness. LABYRINTH WALKING Find a labyrinth and walk it. Years ago, we took a group of young women from our church to *Clare’s Well and walked their labyrinth, it is a spiritual healing action. TOUGH MUDDER They ask the questions: “When was the last time you did something for the very first time?” “When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone?” Try taking the path less traveled and do things a little differently throughout the day. Just one day.
General Fund: Year to Date:
Total Income for the month of August 2021: $40,751 Income as of Aug. 2021: $236,708 Expenses for the month of August 2021: $25,942 Expenses as of Aug. 2021: $240,985
Almighty God, all that we possess is from your loving hand. Give us grace that we may honor you with all we own, always remembering the account we must one day give to Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!
Psalm 25: 4-5, 10 “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the
God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long. All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.”
Stewardship/Wellness Continued………
SHOWER BOMBS These are wonderful additions to your wellbeing. The focus is on aromatherapy not skin conditioning… buy one or find a homemade recipe.
WILD BREAD By MaryJane Butters, the use of wild-yeast fermentation, baking bread is reinvented! And healthier-for-you. Shower yourself in flour.
PIE There isn’t anything more to say!
ARTISTIC THERAPY Building, that is the process of emotional wellness. Healing is a process. It requires both the body and the mind (hands & hearts). Any medium, any way… art is a tool for building and can help people find a path to greater peace and positivity. Just ask a prayer shawl knitter.
GROUP ACTIVITIES Join… a bible study, prayer group, our sewing group, WELCA, choir, a monthly team meeting, provide transportation or start something new in our church. Be around other Christians and support your own faith journey.
CHURCH COUNCIL There are so many ministries (missions) happening in our building. Our congregation is filled with faith servers doing generous works. Why wouldn’t I want to serve for a church like this? I have served on the church council for the past 2 ½ years. This has been a wonderful experience for me. I feel valued and respected. I like that there is a devotional component to our meetings. We always end in prayer. The meetings are God-focused. The council is supportive and welcoming. The council has diversity. The meetings include laughter. This has been a very healthy experience for my faith building. Consider saying yes when asked and take the opportunity to lead a healthy and vibrant congregation.
MUSIC THERAPY Find your favorite artist and take the time to soothe in the music. Research has shown that the wellness benefits from listening to music includes reducing anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory.
*FYI: Clare’s Well is now called Rootsprings, located on 36 biodiverse acres in Annandale, Minn. Rootsprings has eco trails, a spring-fed lake and three cot- tages for overnight guests, including a geodesic dome named for science-fiction writer Octavia E. Butler. It also has a retreat center and idyllic natural features.
Rachel Circle meets at 9:30 a.m. October 18th (3rd Monday of each month) Hosted by Sylvia Baumgartner at her home.
Priscilla Circle meets at 7:00 p.m. October 13th (2nd Wednesday of each month) Hosted by Valda Thomas at her home.
Anyone interested in joining, please let a circle member know or Call the Church Office. Thank you!
God’s Work Our Hands Many thanks to all of you helped on September 12th for GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS. What an awesome day! Praise the Lord! There were 25 of us, we worked on the back deck, made new front steps, added a new gate with hinges, did all the land scaping with river rock and added a new door with lock on the basement entry. Shared prayers and a noon lunch. What a loving congregation! Such an outpouring of physical work and talent.
CHRISTMAS CHILD GIFT BOX!! Please Take a Plastic Box from the table in the Narthex. Fill it up according to the pamphlet instructions inside the box. Drop off the box back at church. I will deliver them to the collection site on November 22. Shoeboxes full of Christmas gifts will be shipped to poor children in countries all over the world. Thank you, Julie Bredeson
If you belong to a club like: 4-H Club, Girl or Boy Scouts, Have a Confirmation project to fulfill, etc....
Please join us for the
Fall Communion Luncheon at First Evangelical Lutheran Church
703 South Sibley, Litchfield, MN
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 11:00 a.m.
Lunch and Fellowship to follow the service.
Please RSVP to the church office by
October 13, 2021.
TJ Christensen Shelby Dengerud Elliot Fluck Carli Gabrielson Tucker Liestman Olivia Rick
Nickolas Peterson Peyton Ratike Riley Hoff Cole Hoff Laila Mickelson Alixzandar Rodriguez
We will be having a New Member Orientation with all people who are planning on being New
Members on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in Chilstrom Hall.
We will be welcoming new members on Sunday, October 24, 2021.
8:30 a.m. Service with Communion and New Members
9:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee Hour in Honor of the New Members
If you are an adult and belong to an organization like: Quilters, Bible Study Group, Book Club, etc....wishing to participate in a "perfect" Christmas Project - (I will do all the delivery, wink, wink) - PLEASE take as many boxes from the back table and Fill Them UP! I will keep a supply of boxes on that table until November 22!! Julie
Beginning Sept. 26th MST-USA 2023 will be taking orders for Butter Braids. Orders may be placed with any MST-USA youth (online or in person), or through the church office. With the new "on-line" ordering options, customers are able to visit the on-line "store", place an order and pay all in one spot! Your Butter Braids will then be available for pick up at church, or delivered by one of our youth. If you'd like to place an order on-line, you can either visit the First Lutheran Facebook page for the link - or call the church office and Judy can assist by emailing you the link.
Butter Braids will be delivered on November 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Martha Christensen 320-981-0354. Thank you for your support of MST-USA!
Attention all First Lutheran Youth 7th - 11th grade!! Have you ever thought about going on a life-changing, service-filled, faith-growing trip with awesome people from our congre- gation, to a different community where you'll not only learn more about yourself, but deepen your faith while getting to travel somewhere in the USA?? If so, consider joining MST-USA for our 2023 mission and service trip!! There's no commitment just yet, but if you're interested - talk to one of the students that went last summer to Logan, WV and see what they have to say! Or, ask one of the adult leaders what it was like! We're going to begin fundraisers for the trip soon. Students can take part in any of the fundraisers without having to commit to a trip just yet. Students will have the opportunity to "vote" on where we'll go fall of 2022 and it isn't until then that you'd need to decide whether you're "in" or not. If you're curious, contact Martha Christensen for more information 320-981-0354 (call or text) and if you're ready to get started, Butter Braid order forms will be available in the MST-USA mailbox in the church office beginning Sunday, Sept 26.
Savannah Elizabeth Bearl
Sponsors: Elizabeth & Josiah Wig,
Amanda Koelln, Kirsten Haugland,
a wonderful and long lasting faith. Congratulations on this milestone!!
Arloueen Van Ort September 3, 2021
Arlene M. Poirier September 17, 2021
Viola Lenhard September 24, 2021
Graveside Service Only
To my dearest First "family",
This past month has been met with excitement
and anxiousness in preparation for this next step
in ministry as an intern. It is unbelievable to even
be writing about being on internship. The dust
has not settled, as it has only been one week
here at Peace Lutheran, one week and the
people have been helpful as they are
welcoming and kind.
First, I have been thinking about you and
praising God for the time and experiences we
shared together over the past 6 years. I also,
wanted to thank each of you for your thought-
ful cards and gifts paired with words of thanks
and encouragement, I am truly grateful.
The love of Christ you share has no bounds. May
God bless each and every one of you!
Peace & Blessings,
Memorials & Thanks
Gifts were given to the General Fund and Quilters Fund in memory of Arloueen Van Or t by Richard and Carol Heath, Vern and Lil Madson, Ron and Barb Piepenburg, Jerry and Lana Johnson, Charlie and Jo Ann Lindstrom, Mark and Julie Bredeson, DeWayne and Iona Albright, Carolyn Christensen, Karl and Darlene Lundin, Hannah Circle, Steve and Jackie Kraushaar, Rand and Dianne Thorp, and Jerry and Betty Urdahl.
Gifts were given to the General Fund in memory of Gordon Urdahl, Jer ry Urdahl’s brother and Geri Follett’s cousin by Mike and Kris Nelson, Geri Follett, Paul and Sue Lemmer, Carol Dragt, and Charlie and Jo Ann Lindstrom.
Gifts were given to the General Fund in memory of Gary Pr ieve by Carolyn Christensen, and Arlene Poirier.
A gift was given to the Undesignated Memor ial Fund in honor of my former music teacher Mrs. Devereaux from Carol Rowell.
A gift was given to the General Fund in memory of Andy Car lson by Mark and Judy Hulterstrum.
Gifts were given to the General Fund in memory of Arlene Poir ier by Bob and Sharon Johnson, Paul and Sue Lemmer, Vern and Lil Madson, and Kirk and Dorothy Lundin, Carol Dragt, Dan and Robin Johnson, Karl and Darlene Lundin, Rand and Dianne Thorp, Jerry and Betty Urdahl, Charlie and Jo Ann Lindstrom, Mark and Julie Bredeson, Jerry and Lana Johnson, Aldeen and Idell Kadelbach, Richard and Carol Heath, Gary Smith, and Mark and Judy Hulterstrum.
Gifts were given to the General Fund in honor of Karl and Dar lene Lundin’s 60th Wedding Anniversary by Jerry and Lana Johnson, Kirk and Dorothy Lundin, and Bob and Sally Gilberts, and Carol Dragt.
Gifts were given to the General Fund in memory of Viola Lenhard by Carol Dragt, Kirk and Dorothy Lundin, Paul and Sue Lemmer, Bob and Sharon Johnson, Wayne and Linda Carlson, Karl and Darlene Lundin, Mike and Kris Nelson, Gary Smith, and Einar Lundin. SPECIAL THANKS——————————————————————————————
Thank you for all of the cards, well wishes and gifts celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniver - sary. It is very much appreciated. Bob and Sally Gilberts
Thank you to the September Serving Group for your willingness to help serve when called upon. To those who were unable to serve due to medical and/or health reasons, may God bless you and bring you better days, health and healing! If you weren’t called upon, or able to serve for personal reasons, please consider volunteering during a month that isn’t designated for “our” group. Thank you, to those who came forward when it wasn’t your month to serve and to ALL who volunteered or simply pitched in to help serve this past month. Coffee and fellowship hour as well as funeral luncheons would not be possible without everyone’s “yes” and involvement in doing their part to serve and love one another. Many hands make light work and you are all living proof of that! God’s Blessings! Thank you, Serving Chair, Amy Nelson
Thank you for the cards and well wishes for our 60th Wedding Anniversary. We are blessed to have our family and our church family. Karl and Darlene Lundin
Tony Berglund- C Bob Hall Norma Hall
Karla Rick 320-693-7048
Sara Rick 320-493-7195
Sheri Nelson 701-307-0131
The Social Ministry Team invites you to drop off or pick up fresh garden
veggies and fruit during the summer and fall growing season.
Let us once again share our produce with one another!
A table is located in the southeast (Sunday School) entrance.
Worship Schedule
Sunday, October 3, 2021 8:30 a.m. Worship with Communion 9:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee Hour 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Sunday October 10, 2021 8:30 a.m. Worship with Communion 9:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee Hour 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Sunday, October 17, 2021 8:30 a.m. Worship with Communion 9:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee Hour 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Wed., October 20, 2021 *Communion Luncheon 11:00 a.m. Worship with Communion
Lunch & Fellowship following Sunday, October 24, 2021 *New Member Sunday 8:30 a.m. Worship with Communion 9:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee Hour No Sunday School
Sunday, October 31, 2021 *Confirmation Sunday 8:30 a.m. Worship with Communion 9:30 a.m. Fellowship and Coffee Hour 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Featuring: 'My Dad is a Soccer Mom” a charming wholesome movie that
entertains the entire family.
*Our members known to be in the military are:
Staff Sgt. US Army, Zachary Olimb, Vicenza, Italy, grandson of Edna and Martin Oldenburg, Vern and Lil Madson; Master Sgt. Austin Kleinschmidt, 934th Airwing, Minneapolis, son of Kipp and Lynette Kleinschmidt; Staff Sgt. Matthew Wiechmann, stationed at Fort Drum, NY; son of Virgil and Jamie Wiechmann; Major Troy Thomas, Severance, CO, nephew of Valda Thomas and Mike and Gaylene Thomas; Eric Kammermeier, active duty United States Navy, son-in-law of Mike and Beth Boyle.
Welcome Home! to those of you who now have returned to the States. Thank you all for your service *Please let the office know if titles, locations, and/or addresses have changed for any of the above.
GLOBAL MISSIONS OFFERING: Operation Christmas Child
Firs† News is a monthly publication of First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 703 S. Sibley Ave. Litchfield, MN 55355
Please send submissions to: The Church Office by October 15th For the NEXT ISSUE: November 2021
Family Fare Receipts: Please bring in your receipts (basket in the Sunday School Entrance). These receipts are added together and helps our education program earn $1000 per $150,000 worth of receipts. Please note we need the entire receipt. Thank you for all the receipts that have been turned in!! *receipts for prescriptions purchased are not eligible for the program.
Please keep our shut-in members in your prayers, Meeker Manor: Mary Klosner Emmaus Place: Mae Brehmer Gloria Dei: Willard Maahs, Lois Rusch, Janet Lundin Bethesda, Willmar: Richard Bohn Litchfield, in own home: Jutta Goodrich
Save your greeting cards! They can be recycled! They will take the whole card or you can cut off the signed names, if you wish. will drop them off at the Senior Center in Hutchinson. No Christmas Cards please. Thank you! Elaine Lenhard
Be still, Receive God’s Love, Embrace God’s Word, Welcome the Day. B.R.E.W.
meets every Tuesday morning at 7:00 a.m. with Pastor Tom for
Food Shelf Donations can be placed in the shopping cart in the Narthex. Please bring non-perishable donations (no expired items please). The needs are great within our community and our contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you!!
BOX TOP$ for Education: we are no longer keeping the box tops receipts at FLC please check with your local schools to drop off or go online to boxtops4education.com for more information. Thank you!
703 South Sibley Avenue • Litchfield, MN 55355
Address Service Requested
Non Profit Organization
Litchfield, MN 55355
First Lutheran Church Office: 320-693-2487
LIKE us on Facebook!
8:00 AM - Noon
We will accept your donations of gently used clothing, household items, toys, books, games,
etc. beginning on Monday, October 4th. Please place these items in the South Sunday School entrance.
Please understand that we are unable to accept the following:
Electronics, large furniture, exercise equipment, and encyclopedias.
~MST 2022