a man like mr darcy

A man like Mr. Darcy Chapter 1 Liz Watson turned the page excitedly, though she knew what was coming. She quickly read the interaction between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, imagining that she herself was the heroine. They were at the ball given by Mr. Bingley. Mr. Darcy approached, asking for the next dance. Too shocked to say anything but “Yes,” Miss Elizabeth Bennett danced with him. The words they sparred were witty and engaging. She was angry with him, but remained civil. So did he. Liz shivered with delight. This has to be the most romantic book ever written! When her cell phone beeped, alerting her that it was time for her to stop reading and get ready for church, she reluctantly closed the book. As she stepped into the shower, Liz’s thoughts ran just like the water pouring from the showerhead. I wish there was a Mr. Darcy for me. It was not the first time she had thought this. But the only person even close to him is Zach. Elizabeth didn’t like Mr. Darcy at first meeting and I can’t stand Zach. He’s definitely NOT a Mr. Darcy. Darcy was a kind heart hidden beneath an aloof exterior. I doubt that Zach has anything hidden beneath his jockish appearance. Just more of the same. Zach Taylor attended the same church as Liz; his family moved to town in sixth grade, and he and Liz went through Catechism classes together. She had developed a slight crush on the new boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes during their second year of classes

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Page 1: A man like Mr Darcy

A man like Mr. Darcy

Chapter 1

Liz Watson turned the page excitedly, though she knew what was

coming. She quickly read the interaction between Mr. Darcy and

Elizabeth Bennett, imagining that she herself was the heroine. They

were at the ball given by Mr. Bingley. Mr. Darcy approached, asking

for the next dance. Too shocked to say anything but “Yes,” Miss

Elizabeth Bennett danced with him. The words they sparred were

witty and engaging. She was angry with him, but remained civil. So

did he. Liz shivered with delight. This has to be the most romantic

book ever written! When her cell phone beeped, alerting her that it

was time for her to stop reading and get ready for church, she

reluctantly closed the book.

As she stepped into the shower, Liz’s thoughts ran just like the

water pouring from the showerhead. I wish there was a Mr. Darcy

for me. It was not the first time she had thought this. But the only

person even close to him is Zach. Elizabeth didn’t like Mr. Darcy at

first meeting and I can’t stand Zach. He’s definitely NOT a Mr.

Darcy. Darcy was a kind heart hidden beneath an aloof exterior. I

doubt that Zach has anything hidden beneath his jockish

appearance. Just more of the same.

Zach Taylor attended the same church as Liz; his family moved to

town in sixth grade, and he and Liz went through Catechism classes

together. She had developed a slight crush on the new boy with

dark brown hair and brown eyes during their second year of classes

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– eighth grade – but he had been interested in basketball and

soccer, not her. Suffering the heartbreak of a young teenager had

been difficult at the time, but Liz moved on. They went on to high

school then college, each attending different schools, but returning

to the same town, to the same church. Even now, he was active in

church, but mostly with the youth and coaching Lutheran High

North’s basketball team. Liz served on the Board of Education and

taught the combined First and Second Grade Sunday School class.

Many of the children in her class at Sunday School were also in her

class at Redeemer Lutheran School.

Stepping out of the shower, Liz selected a plain grey skirt, cut a

little fuller in the current mode of fashion. Her button-down shirt,

definitely not in the current mode of fashion, was tucked in. She

sighed. Much as she adored fashion of the Regency Era, she could

not keep up with the fashion of her own time. As she fastened her

watch, she saw that she still had half an hour to read some more,

so she quickly went in the direction of her book. Bending down to

pick it up, a stray lock of dripping blonde hair fell in her face,

reminding her that she had only dressed, but not finished the rest

of her toilette, as Jane Austen might have said. Blowing a breath of

frustrated air through her teeth, Liz finished readying for church,

then spent her extra time reading.

Chapter 2

Zach Taylor opened the door to the Narthex of Redeemer Lutheran Church, holding it while the Brown family went through. Josh

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Brown had been his friend since he moved to Cedarville, and the two exchanged a friendly handshake. Josh had married a woman he met at college, and they already had two children. Zach gave a high-five to the oldest boy, Peter, who was seven. Heading to the Sanctuary for the Sunday School opening, he spied Liz Watson. She was leading her class to their pew for the songs and prayers which made up the opening. “Hey, Eliza!” he called, sauntering toward her. Her head snapped up, and something that could almost be called a glare shot from her eyes. Such nice eyes shouldn’t have that sort of expression. Zach grinned in her direction. “Can I sit with you?” “May I sit with you?” she corrected. “Yes, you may,” he rejoined. Flushing, Liz just sat down. He scooted into the pew, then motioned the little kids Liz’s right side to scoot down. When he sat, he casually draped his arm along the pew behind Liz’s back, mostly because he knew it would annoy her. A small voice in his head asked, Is it right to do things just to get a rise out of her? But Zach ignored it. It seemed that Liz was ignoring him, too. “Timmy,” she whispered, “please stop poking Sophie’s arm.” Zach leaned close and whispered for her ears only, “Aw, leave him be. He just likes Sophie.” “He has a funny way of showing it.” Liz looked skeptical.

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“Sometimes boys don’t know how to show it, so they tease.” Zach held his breath, waiting for her reaction. “Timmy still shouldn’t be tormenting. If the girl doesn’t respond favorably to the teasing, he should stop.” “And do what?” “Nothing! Second graders are too young for crushes.” Zach sat back straight at this. He had forgotten they were talking about the children.

* * *

Liz ushered her kids from the room as each of their parents came to

pick them up. Only Peter Brown was left. To her surprise, Zach

came for him.

“Josh asked if I’d get Pete.” He squatted down in front of the boy.

“Your daddy had to help mommy with Baby Lila.”

Pete grinned, then grabbed Zach’s hand. “C’mon, Uncle Zach. Let’s

go find them.”

Pete started to dash down the hallway, but Liz saw Zach pull him

gently back and say, “Pete, you know we shouldn’t run in church.

Let’s see if Miss Watson wants to come with us. You know how

much she loves babies.”

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From his squatting position, Zach looked up at her with a grin. Liz

felt her face warm. Am I blushing? No! I can’t be!

Pete grabbed her other hand and pulled her along. She barely was

able to pull the door shut behind her before starting off down the


When they reached the Sanctuary, they easily located Josh and

Susie Brown. Liz didn’t see how Susie needed help with anything,

but she kept any comments to herself. She liked the Browns, but

generally avoided them because Zach always seemed to be hanging

around them.

“Good morning, Liz!” called Susie. Her bright smile made Liz think

perhaps she should get to know them better, despite their poor

choice of a friend.

“Good morning! How are you all doing?”

After a few minutes of exchanging pleasantries and Liz adoring

Baby Lila, Liz turned to go take a seat. As she did, she heard Susie

tell Pete to scoot over so Uncle Zach could sit by Josh.

“Uh, sorry, Zach, but we can’t scoot,” came Josh’s unconvincing

voice. “The Rainers were going to sit here. See? Their diaper bag is


Liz glanced back over her shoulder in time to see Susie give Josh a

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strange look, but Zach just shrugged and grinned. “That’s fine, I can

sit somewhere else. See you after the service.”

Mere seconds later, a large body nearly sat on her. “Scootch!”

came Zach’s deep voice. She did, but almost right into an elderly

couple who had come to sit on the other side of her. She had to

settle for sitting closely with Zach.

“There is an entire pew open in front of us,” she whispered, for the

prelude had begun.

“So there is,” came his reply. He took the hymnal from her hands,

flipped it open to the first hymn, and then let it rest on his lap.

With a slightly resigned sigh, Liz tried to scoot a little away from

him, deciding she’s rather be closer to Mrs. Rauch than to Zach. But

he was sitting on her skirt. His arm, like any time he sat by her,

came to rest behind her.

While it shouldn’t bother her – he was not actually touching her –

she still wished he would keep his arms at his sides. Casting a quick

glance in his direction, she saw that he seemed to almost need to

have his arm where it was; his frame was so large that perhaps he

was more comfortable this way.

Before Liz could turn her eyes down to her hands folded in her lap,

she took in his brown, wavy hair, blue-striped button-down shirt,

khaki pants, and brown dress shoes. Looking back up at his face,

she saw that it had turned to study her. His brown eyes, both dark

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and bright at the same time somehow, were fixed on her. His

mouth formed into a grin. He quirked an eyebrow, seeming to ask

Like what you see?

Liz blushed and lowered her head. She tried to calm her breathing,

but the sound of his quiet chuckling made it difficult. What an


Throughout the service, Liz did her best to concentrate on the

Word of God that was present in the hymns, the Scripture readings,

the Sermon. She was surprised by Zach’s nice bass. She hadn’t

heard him sing since high school youth events, when his voice,

though nice, had none of the rich masculinity it did now. She

blushed again. Somehow, she managed to make it through the

service and then returned home.

Chapter 3

Zach knew it was a risk, but he had to ask Liz to go on the youth

group’s camping trip. He hoped to get her alone for at least a few

moments, so they could talk.

They had known each other for so long. Throughout high school, he

thought she was pretty in a bookish sort of way, but he had been

too busy with his sports teams and hanging out with his friends to

think of her very much. When they both returned from college, he

with a business degree and she with an elementary education

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degree, he started seeing her differently.

All of the young kids in her Sunday School class loved her and he

saw what a wonderful mother she would make. He tried to sit near

her at church services often and her sweet voice, both speaking the

responsive liturgy and singing the hymns with the congregation

made him want to hear her speaking to him. The easy affection she

shared with her family – grandparents and aunts and uncles and

cousins, as well as parents and siblings – made him want to receive

affection from her and be a part of her family.

Just as he moved to pick up the phone and call the number he had

memorized three years ago, it rang. Surprised, he glanced quickly at

the caller ID. At first glance, he thought it might be Liz, for the first

word was “Watson.” Seeing that it was followed by “James” told

him that it was her parent’s house calling.


“Zach! Beverly Watson here. No, Jim, I told you I was calling him.

Sorry, dear. James and I were trying to decide whether or not we

should call you. He thought we should mind our own business, but

I’m afraid that some mothers just don’t do that so well.”

Zach didn’t know how to respond to this. “Um, what can I do for


“Are you and our Elizabeth, well. . .” It seemed that Mrs. Watson

was at a loss for words now that she had actually called.

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Suddenly he heard Mr. Watson’s voice on another extension, “Are

you an item?”

Zach didn’t suffer from nervousness very often, but at that, his

stomach dropped to his feet, then shot back into place, full of

moths tickling his insides. “Uhm. Well. . .”

Her father’s voice again spoke. “Would you like to be?”

Zach hoped his nervousness didn’t show in his voice. “Yes, sir.”

Something like a joyful female exclamation sounded through the

phone, but then Mrs. Watson spoke in a calmer tone. “We think

that’s fabulous, dear.” Mr. Watson grunted in agreement. “We

noticed you sitting together today. Then, after church, she left

before we could even say hi.”

“Did she?” Zach had never known that to happen.

“She seemed rather, well, flustered,” Mrs. Watson went on.

“Would you like some advice?”

“Yes, ma’am. I try to talk to her. In fact, I tried to ask her out three

years ago, but she thought I was teasing her.” Zach chuckled. “I’ve

tried to be serious when talking with her, but she just ignores me

most of the time. The only way I can get a response is to get under

her skin. So far, I’ve just stuck with what works. But it isn’t working,

really.” I can’t believe I’m spilling all this to Liz’s parents!

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Mrs. Watson spoke again. “If you have a chance, if I were you, I’d

force her to listen. By whatever means.”

“Excuse me?”

“Hold her til you’ve said your piece. Kiss her. Something to get her

attention!” Zach couldn’t believe he’d heard that from Liz’s mother,

of all people. “Elizabeth can be a bit dense when it comes to these

things. She gets stuck in her books, thinking people in real life

‘make declarations’ and all that.”

“Hmm.” Zach digested what she was saying. “Thanks. I’ll keep that

in mind.”

“No problem, dear. We’ve always secretly hoped you and she might

marry one day.”

“Bev!” chastised Mr. Watson. “He didn’t say he was proposing.”


“It’s all right, Mr. and Mrs. Watson.


“Beverly, please.”

“Thanks for the advice.” Zach felt hope rise in his chest. “Oh hey, do

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you know if I’d ever be able to convince her to come camping with

the youth next weekend?”

“She used to camp all the time as a girl, with scouts. She’s a great

camp cook.”

“Thanks for telling me!” Zach prepared to say good-bye. “Oh, do

you want me to let you know what happens?”

“No, we won’t poke our noses in your business any more,” said

Beverly. “I’m sure if things work out, we’ll know.”

“Sounds good. Thank you, Beverly. James.”

“Sure thing, dear! Good bye!”


Chapter 4

When the phone rang, Liz reluctantly placed her book on the couch

next to her. Mr. Darcy was just about to propose to Elizabeth . . .

the first time. It was a great scene.

“Hello?” she said distractedly.

“Eliza Watson. How ya doin’?”

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“Fine, thanks.” She pressed her lips together. The masculine voice

was strangely familiar, but she couldn’t place it. It was almost like

she’d imagine Mr. Darcy’s voice to be (minus the American accent),

though certainly not this playful. Darcy never called Miss Elizabeth

Bennett “Eliza” to her face. Wait a minute. . . Eliza?

“Is this Zach?”

“Yeah! You recognized my voice. I wasn’t sure that you would.”

“Hmph.” She sighed, wondering why he was now tormenting her at

home. “May I help you?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, you can.” She settled into the couch. This

ought to be good. “See, the youth are going camping this weekend.

I have everything planned, but forgot about the fact that I can’t

cook. Especially not over an open fire. Think you’re up to the task?”

“I haven’t camped since . . . high school!”

“Oh, it’s just like riding a bike. You’ll need some clothes that can get

dirty, a sleeping bag, your Bible. You don’t even need a tent; you

can share with the girls.”

“Well. . .” Liz searched frantically for an excuse.

“Thanks, Eliza, you’re a peach!”

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“But I—”

“Oh, sorry, pizza’s here. Sunday night is pizza night. I’ll e-mail you

with the details. Bye!”

Click. Liz’s shock was so great that she didn’t even hang up the

phone until the dial tone sounded in her ear. What just happened?

Before she could recover completely from that conversation, the

phone rang again. She picked it up and said in to the receiver,

“Zach, I’m not sure I can go.”

“Sorry, is this Elizabeth Watson?”

“Ye-e-es. Who is this?” Liz felt her face catch fire.

“This is Julia Lapsley, from the Jane Austen Society here in

Cedarville. Are you busy?”

“No. I’m sorry, Julia. I thought someone else was calling. How can I


“Well, we’re calling all of our members and asking them to ask

around and recruit guys for the ball at the end of this month. You

know how the lady-to-gentleman ratio is always off. We’d like to try

and even things up a bit.”

“Of course. There are a few guys I can ask from my church.”

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“Thanks, Liz. Any extra guys would help!”

“Sure, no problem.”

Liz replaced the receiver, then wondered if she should ask Zach. As

a single man, he’d be a likely candidate, but would he actually go?

Did she want him to go? Hardly. But if it would help the ball be a

success. . . Sighing, Liz decided to commit the matter to prayer.

Chapter 5

Tuesday evening, Liz arrived at small group Bible study a little late. Rob Meyer drove his sports car up to the parking lot just as she stepped from her own car. He worked in the IT department for one of the larger corporations downtown. As she made her way to the door of the church, he jogged to catch up with her. “Hey, Elizabeth! How are you doing this evening?” “Oh, fine. How about you?” “Just swell.” He sent a toothy grin her way, pushed his glasses up on his nose, and opened the door for her to walk into the church. They went to the room where the study met, which was filled with couches and coffee tables. The study had not yet started, but the room was full. A few people had cups of coffee or tea before them, and a plate of cookies on the counter by the kitchenette said that someone had been baking. Liz quickly got a mug of Lady Grey tea, as well as a sugar cookie,

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and then turned to find a seat. There were two couches not yet full; all of the chairs were taken. One couch had a little space on it, but she would have to sit close to Zach Taylor. The other couch was empty except for Rob Meyer. She elected to sit on the far end of the couch from Rob. “How was school today, Elizabeth?” asked Rob. He scooted a little closer to her. “It was fine. There was a minor disaster when Pebbles, our class pet, escaped from his cage. I didn’t know if we’d ever find him!” “Oh? Is he a rabbit?” “No, Pebbles is—” “A turtle,” finished Zach. He had risen from his seat, along with his Bible and coffee, and sauntered across the room. Liz glanced up at him, a little surprised by the way he was eying Rob. “How did you know that?” she asked. “Remember last year, when he got sick? He wouldn’t eat?” “Sure, but—” “You mentioned it here, at Bible study, in a prayer request.” Zach shrugged as he flopped down on the couch between Liz and Rob. “And you remembered that?” she asked dubiously. “Sure.” Zach shrugged, then grinned at Liz. He reached across to her left hand, where she still held the cookie, and broke off a piece.

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“May I?” He winked as he popped it into his mouth. Liz frowned, but decided to let it go. The leader was beginning the study.

* * *

Zach listened to the study, even participated, but his mind was

prayerful throughout the entire thing. He was worried. First of all,

did Liz come with Rob? That could certainly complicate his plans.

Secondly, it was much more difficult to break his habit of teasing

than he had thought it would be. He was upset when Liz came in

with Rob; all Zach wanted to do was to drag Liz into the hallway and

tell her everything on his heart. Instead, he found himself behaving

much as he’d always done. Maybe this wouldn’t be the appropriate

time to tell her everything, anyway. He glanced over at her, his arm

along the back of the sofa as it had been on the pew last Sunday.

Her soft blond hair was so close to his fingers, if he just adjusted his

hand a little. . .

With a start, he realized that the leader had asked him a question.

“Sorry, what?” A glance around the room revealed everyone

looking at him a little oddly.

“Any prayer requests tonight?”

“Oh, um.” He paused. “Yes. For patience and guidance.”

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“I’ll let you all know later. For now, just for patience and guidance.”

“Sure thing. Alright, let us pray.”

Chapter 6

Liz was packing. She had her clothes and poncho, hiking boots and sleeping bag, but couldn’t seem to find her Bible. Stopping to think, she wondered why she was so nervous about this trip. Must be because I haven’t been camping in so long. Finally, she found her Bible right where it always was, on her nightstand. On top of it was Pride and Prejudice. It almost seemed that Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy were beckoning to her from within, but she had to ignore them and finish packing. Zach had said he would pick her up in one hour. As she stashed her Bible in the duffle carrying her clothes, she suddenly realized that the reason she couldn’t find it was that her novel had been on top. I’ve always gone to church, read my Bible, but lately, I’ve been letting that get in the way. Liz felt badly. She knew it was the stirrings of the Holy Spirit calling her to repent. Lord, I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I can’t seem to find love in my own life, so I’ve been living vicariously through this. Please help me to be satisfied with the Love you’ve already given me, in Christ. Help me to know that it is indeed enough. Give me peace and restore Your wandering lamb. Liz felt a stinging at her eyes, but quickly brushed the tears away.

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On an impulse, she took the old, worn volume of Pride and Prejudice and threw it in the kitchen garbage can. Before she could pause to reconsider, she quickly tied up the kitchen garbage bag and ran it out to the dumpster, even though it was only half-full. As she tossed it into the monstrous bin, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders.

* * * Zach pulled up to Liz’s apartment fifteen minutes early. He debated whether he should just wait in his car or go ring the bell and let her know he was early. Before he could decide, Liz herself came out the door, duffle bag in tow. Feeling a doofy grin come across his face, he thought she looked adorable in her camp clothes. She wore jeans and an old t-shirt they’d gotten at one of the youth events in high school. Her long hair hung in two braids on either side of her face. He hopped out of his truck. “You look ready.” Her bright smile surprised him. “Sure am! I guess I forgot how much I loved camping. I’m really looking forward to this; thanks for asking me to come.” Zach resisted an urge to haul her to himself for a hug and instead took her bag from her and threw it into the back of his pickup, next to his own bag. He then walked around and opened the passenger door for her. She looked slightly uncomfortable as he waited for her to climb in before closing the door behind her. He then jogged around to climb into the truck himself.

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As he drove, Zach reviewed his plan in his mind. They would all be camping tonight, then hiking tomorrow and sleeping at the campsite again Saturday night. Sunday morning, they would get up early to make sure the kids were home with enough time to be ready for church. He wanted to talk to Liz Saturday evening. That way, if their conversation didn’t have the outcome he wanted, they wouldn’t have an entire day of awkward encounters on Saturday. After driving in the church van to the campsite with ten youths and another adult, they enjoyed a supper of hotdogs roasted over the fire and potatoes baked in the embers. Liz also showed them how to make banana boats. She took a banana, cut it down the middle, crammed mini marshmallows and chocolate chips in the middle, then wrapped the whole thing, peel and all, in aluminum foil. After a little time in the fire, they were ready to eat with a fork – gooy goodness, almost as good as s’mores. “We’ll have those tomorrow night,” promised Liz. After eating, Zach led them in a devotion he had planned, as they sat around the campfire.

* * *

Liz sat, listening to Zach’s words. It seemed she was seeing a

different side of him tonight.

“So we know that even though we are the young people of the

congregation, we still are part of the congregation, part of the body

of Christ. We can show his love, even if we’re not ‘grown-ups’ yet.”

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Liz’s thoughts wandered. She pondered what she could read in

place of the novel she had put in the trash earlier that evening. She

would definitely start by reading her Bible more often, like she used

to do. She could still read some fiction, but allow herself a set

amount of time to indulge in it. Smiling to herself, she brought her

mind back to the present.

Zach was saying, “So, instead of praying as a group, let’s each find a

partner to pray with. Take a few moments to discuss your concerns,

then pray together. Any questions?”

No one said anything, the kids just started finding partners. Liz hung

back, waiting to make certain none of the youth were left without

someone to pray with. The other adult, Josh Brown, was paired

with the last youth and soon Zach sauntered over to her. Does he

ever walk any other way?

“Will you be my partner, Eliza?” Zach asked. His voice, rather than

teasing, was soft and strangely intense.

Liz felt nervous all of a sudden and answered, “Looks like we’re the

only two left.”

“Yup,” answered Zach. “Here, let’s sit over there.”

He took her hand and led her to a log placed a short distance from

the fire-ring. The flames from the fire cast light and shadows on

their faces, making it difficult for Liz to see his very well.

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“Any prayer concerns?” Zach asked, still holding her hand.

“Um, yeah. Thanks for God helping me to see something.”

“Oh yeah? That’s great.” His smile was genuine. “Wanna


“Uh, not really.” Liz felt her face heat up, even though they were far

from the fire. “Just something that I needed to be shown, sort of

have my eyes opened to. You?”

“For patience and guidance.”

“Again?” Liz remembered him asking for prayers for the same thing

at Bible study. “Do you want to elaborate?”

“Nope.” Zach’s grin made her smile, in spite of herself.

“That’s fair,” she said.

They prayed together, hands clasped, for several minutes. When

they finished and opened their eyes, it seemed the entire group

was finished praying and now staring at them. Liz blushed and tried

to pull her hands away, but Zach only released one of them as he

led her back to the group for some campfire songs.

Chapter 7

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As it turned out, Zach never had a chance to talk to Liz. Saturday,

during their hike, one of the kids tripped and twisted her ankle.

Zach was pretty sure it was just a sprain, but he wanted to be

certain. When Liz offered to take her to the ER to have it X-rayed,

he reluctantly agreed. Liz was there with her all evening, until the

girl’s parents could make it back from the city they had been

visiting while their daughter was away. Zach felt cheated, but at

least he had been able to have a somewhat serious conversation

with Liz, even if it was a lot shorter than he’d planned. Praying

together was always a good thing.

Is this Your guidance, Lord? He prayed Saturday night, lying in his

sleeping bag. I sure could use some of that patience about now.

Sunday morning, after dropping the kids where their parents were

waiting at the church, he hurried back to his house and showered

and dressed for church. He pulled a suit from his closet even

though it wasn’t his turn to usher today. For some reason, he

wanted to look nice. Some reason, whatever. It’s Eliza. Soon, Zach

was driving back to the church.

When he arrived, he saw Liz climbing from her car. Jogging to her,

he asked, “How’s Lucy? Is she ok?”

“Yes, you were right; it was just a sprain. Were you all able to eat

without me there?” She smiled at him. He almost felt like

something had slammed into him; her smile was brilliant and filled

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with sunshine.

“Sure, we did fine.”

“Hey, since I did you a favor and cooked for the camping trip, would

you do me a favor?”

“Sure.” Zach kept quiet about the fact that she didn’t stay for the

whole trip. That bit of fact might come in handy later. “Name it.”

“Well, the Jane Austen Society here in Cedarville is having its

annual regency ball at the Town Hall. Its architecture and

decoration is closest to that of the period. Anyway, they are always

lacking gentlemen, as Jane Austen is more of a girl’s thing. So,

would you be willing to go? I can get you a suit and everything

you’d need. There’s even a workshop beforehand, if you want to

go, for learning the steps for the dances.” Liz’s face was flushed, as

though asking had embarrassed her.

Zach was actually tempted to say that he was busy, but she hadn’t

even said when it was yet.

“Josh and Susie Brown are coming, and I’ve managed to convince

Steve, Tom, and Rob to come, too.”

Rob is going? I’ll clear my schedule to be there, thought Zach.

Aloud, he said, “Do I have to talk with an accent?”

Liz actually laughed. “No, unless you really want to. Does that mean

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you’ll come? It’s next weekend.”

Zach knew his schedule was free. “Yeah, I’ll come. What time

should I pick you up?”

“Oh, I didn’t mean—”

“Oh, we’re gonna be late. C’mon.” He’d seen that she was not going

to let him take her, so he decided to interrupt. He grabbed her

hand and nearly dragged her into the church.

They sat down fifteen minutes before the prelude began. He

managed to chat enough to keep her from bringing up the fact that

she hadn’t intended the ball to be a date until it was too late for

conversation. After the service, he had to run off, because he was

driving to Plainsville, the city where his parents had moved after

retiring, for dinner. As he drove away, he saw Liz standing in the

parking lot, looking after him with a bemused expression on her


Chapter 8

Liz glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her gown was cut in the traditional Regency style with an empire waist. It was a bit more fitted in the front, but the back was gathered and had a small train. The underdress was made of pink silk with a sheer over-dress of shimmery white. She wore her hair curled and up, with curls falling about her face. Small white beads were woven throughout the

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locks. After placing a long necklace around her neck, pulling on gloves that came well above her elbows, and slipping her feet into delicate pink slippers, she was satisfied with her appearance. A loud knock made her start. She opened the door to reveal Zach – dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Her heart sank. I gave him the suit; wouldn’t he know to wear it the whole evening? His heart, however seemed to have done anything but sink. He let out a low whistle. “Wow, Eliza.” He shook his head a couple of times. “Wow.” Amusement lifted some of Liz’s disappointment. Was Zach finally speechless about something? Jerking her mind back to the problem, she scowled. “Where is your suit?” “In my truck. It’s been giving me trouble lately—” “The suit?” “No, my truck. I didn’t want to chance getting under the hood in that getup, so I decided to change once we get there.” Relief sank into Liz’s heart. “Oh. Well, good. Shall we go?” She picked up her reticule, a small purse of the time which contained her keys, a fan, and a few other things. “Yes, my lady.” On the drive to Town Hall, Zach was oddly quiet. She was surprised that he didn’t talk her ear off, but they just sat, listening to the quiet strains of Mozart playing.

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“Is this Mozart?” she asked suddenly. “Yeah. Didn’t think I knew who he was, did ya?” He grinned at her surprise. “Well, no,” Liz admitted. “I didn’t.” “There is much, Miss Elizabeth that you do not know about me.” She raised a brow at that. His truck carried them to the Town Hall without incident. Soon he parked in the lot beside the building. He jumped out, ran around to open her door, then helped her climb down from the truck’s cab. He then reached behind her to take out a bulging garment bag. Carrying it with one hand, he held out his other to her. “Shall we?” Smiling, Liz placed her hand on his arm. “Thank you, kind sir.”

* * * Zach changed in the men’s room. Liz had surprised him. He knew she was pretty, but tonight. . . I’m not sure I could describe her. Radient? Gorgeous? Enough to make a bachelor think about marriage? But he had already been thinking about marriage. He hurriedly tied the cravat. He’d been practicing at home for the past week, to make sure he could get it right. Zach had attended the dancing workshop, disappointed that Liz wasn’t there. At least I’ll know how to dance with her tonight. The anticipation made his fingers a little less sure than normal. Finally, he had the ridiculous thing tied. He slipped on the vest – waistcoat, Liz had called it when she gave it to him, then the jacket over that. Fastening the buttons,

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he looked in the mirror, hoping he was ready. It’s tonight or never, Eliza. Tonight you’ll be mine or . . . But he didn’t want to think about the alternative. Zach reached the ballroom and glanced around for Liz. He spied her in a chair off to the side, talking closely with another man. As he drew nearer, he saw that it was Rob. Rob! Drawing a breath to psych himself up, he sauntered over to the couple, his gait belying the anxiety he felt. As he drew near, he heard Liz’s voice. “Um, Rob, I must say that I am very flattered, but—” “But she’s promised this dance to me.” Zach bowed, as he’d been taught by the teacher of the workshop, holding out his hand to Liz. She took it, stood, and gave a brief curtsy to Rob. “Mr. Meyer,” she said, then followed Zach’s leading out to the floor. As they walked, Zach asked, “Trouble?” Liz seemed distracted. “Hm?” Her eyes were tracing his person, taking in his appearance. “I—that is, um, no.” She seemed to tear her eyes from him. “No trouble at all.” A smile graced her beautiful face. Zach led her through the steps of the country dance quite well, he thought. Afterward, he led her to the tables full of food, where they selected a few things to eat, as well as a glass of punch. He led her to a couple of empty chairs and they sat, sampling the food and observing the dancing couples. Liz broke the silence. “So, is it as terrible as you thought it would be?”

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“Not at all.” Zach’s face took on an impish grin. “Worse.” “Zach!” “Do you mean ‘Mr. Taylor’?” he asked, winking. “Of course, forgive my improper use of your Christian name.” She played right along. “I know that is reserved for immediate family and whatever woman claims your affections.” Zach’s heart felt tight in his chest as he said, “Then by all means, call me Zach.” She hadn’t heard him, for she said, “I beg your pardon? Zach set his plate and cup on the empty chair next to him, then took the same from her hands, setting them on the chair, too. He grasped her hands, gently pulling them until she stood, and then placed her hand on his arm to lead her from the crowded room.

* * *

Liz was confused and could not think of a possible reason for his

wanting to leave now. Had she offended him somehow? She

followed, though, as he led her from the building and to a small

bench in the front lawn. She sat when he bade her to do so, and

waited for him to speak.

The sky twinkled with stars, the night air warm around them. The

Town Hall was on a secluded street, so no cars drove past that Liz

noticed. The heady fragrance from some roses planted around the

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bench filled her senses.

“Eliza, I—” He seemed unable to say more. Suddenly, she was being

hauled from her seat and into a fierce embrace. He held her for a

few moments. She was too speechless and confused to say

anything. Then his lips found hers. His kiss was filled with the

suppressed emotion that Liz suddenly realized had been beneath

his teasing, his crowding her space, his getting under her skin.

Suddenly something within her broke and she finally realized that

her frustration had not been with his actions, but with his inactions.

She kissed him back for all she was worth.

They broke apart, breathing a bit heavily. They sat upon the bench

then, at opposite ends. She stared straight ahead, trying to let sink

in what had just happened. She jumped when Zach’s hand reached

out to take hers, but did not pull it away.

“Marry me, Eliza?”


They returned to the ball, happy to keep their secret for the time

being. Everyone would know soon enough.


Mr. Zachary Taylor led his wife of one month into the ballroom. The Town Hall looked exactly as it did last year. He gazed lovingly into

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Liz’s face, feeling so blessed to have her on his arm. Her face reflected a similar feeling. With a flourishing bow, he asked her for the dance. After the evening had ended, he led her outside. “I have something for you, Eliza,” he said. Pulling a parcel from his jacket, he held it out to her. When she reached for it, he yanked it out of her reach. “But I want something from you first,” he teased. “Zach! You are impossible.” Liz was trying to hide her grin, but couldn’t. She stepped closer to him and looked up into his face. “What if I don’t like it?” “Tough, Eliza. You can’t refuse a gift from your husband.” She inched even closer, bringing her face close to his. Distracted by Liz’s proximity, Zach’s arm lowered. When her lips were just a breath away from his, she reached up and plucked the package from his hand. Sending him a winning smile, she sat on the bench and tore the paper from what appeared to be a hard-bound book. When she turned it over, she saw that it was a copy of Pride and Prejudice. Zach had seated himself next to her. “I remember in middle school, you loved this book, but I’ve been looking around our house and you don’t seem to have a copy. I just thought you might like one.” Liz grinned at him, love radiating from her heart. She threw her arms around her husband, so glad that God had brought them together. No, he wasn’t a man like Mr. Darcy. He was better. He was real and he fit her and he had what she lacked and he was hers.

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The End.
