a look at psalm 119 - kiokee baptist church...psalm 119 is the longest chapter in scripture. each...


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Page 1: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the


Page 2: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the

INTRODUCTIONJanuary is a wonderful month at Kiokee. We kick off every new year by encouraging our body to develop intimacy with the Father through a month-long prayer emphasis. This year, we will be studying how intimacy with God is developed through the study of His Word. During the Advent season, we looked at the incarnation, the prophesies that foretold of it, how it happened, and why it matters. We called that series: The Word Made Flesh. In January, we turn our attention to the importance of Scripture. We’ll look at the essential nature of the Bible, its reliability, its purpose, and what it means to live in obedience to it. We’re calling this series: The Word in My Life. All of our Sunday School lessons, from children through adults, will follow this pattern, as well. Having everyone on the same page during January helps unify us with one another as we pray together.

Our K-Group curriculum for January is based on select passages of Psalm 119 and is designed to supplement The Word in My Life emphasis. We’re calling it Eight Verses.

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the Greek alphabet, starting with Aleph. The next eight verses with the second letter, Beth, and so on. The reason we are using it as a focus is that Psalm 119 is all about the word of God. Albert Barnes describes it this way: “The general subject of the psalm is the law of God considered as a rule of life; as sanctifying the soul; as a support in trial; as imparting happiness to the mind - in its contemplation, and in obedience to it. The psalm appears to have been intended to set forth the excellency of that law, and the happy effects of obeying it, in every variety of form, and with every variety of expression.”

While it is unchanging and still the Word of God, the synonyms the psalmist uses for God’s Word help us understand different aspects of its significance and varied uses in life. Here are a few:

God’s law: a rule or direction;

His commandments: they are given with divine authority and mandate a course of action;

His precepts: similar to a prescription to address what ails us;

and His statutes: they are to be fixed and inscribed in our hearts. Since our hope is to supplement the churchwide emphasis, the passages we study will not be arranged in sequential order.

If you already have a plan for Scripture reading as part of your personal quiet time, we encourage you to “add eight verses” before you begin. Begin your normal study of Scripture with the section of Psalm 119 we will explore that week to serve as an encouragement and reminder as you read.

If you do not have a regular time of Bible study, we encourage you to “begin with eight verses.” Ask God to show you the value of His Word in hopes that you will continue to spend time with it.

For all of us. Let us ask the Lord to give us, our K-Group, and our church a hunger for His word as we move into 2018.

Page 3: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the


Read Matthew 4 before your K-Group Meeting.

OVERVIEWThis lesson comes from the fifth section of Psalm 119. Here, the author has come to a place in his life where he knows of his need for God’s truth. He also realizes that this revelation must be followed by action. He asks the Lord to help him understand, see, and desire God’s word while neglecting worthless things.

Hook: How easy is it for you to “self diagnosis” a problem rather than go to a professional?

Tell the Story: Psalm 119:33-40Tell the story as best you can; don’t stop and teach, don’t make points, just tell the story. The objective is not to memorize it, but to learn it and be able to share it.

Read the passage from your Bible.

Head• What verbs does the author use in this passage?• Why do they matter? • What does he ask that God help him avoid?

Heart• Why is understanding important?• Why are we tempted to look at or towards “worthless things?”

Hands • This Psalm reminds us of the priority of God’s Word. Share with the group (on a scale of 1-10) where God’s

Word currently ranks in your life.• Discuss some of the challenges you may face to move that rating up and spend some time praying that God

would “incline” the hearts of all in your group to His testimonies.

Discipleship Decision:What is one thing I’ll implement in my life this week? What’s one change I’ll make, one prayer I’ll pray, one area of my life I’ll address, one step of obedience, etc.

“The more we have to do on this earth, the more we should be getting into God’s Word. That is what’s going to equip us to do everything else.” Gretchen Saffles

Page 4: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the






















Page 5: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the



Read 2 Peter 1 and 2 Timothy 3 before your K-Group Meeting.

OVERVIEWIf we commit God’s word to memory, He will use it to counsel, comfort, guide, and encourage us. Verse 11 of today’s passage is a classic reminder of that truth. D.L. Moody once said: “The only way to keep a broken vessel full is by keeping the faucet turned on. Today we look to keep the word of God flowing in our life.”

Hook: What was the last verse you memorized?

Tell the Story: Psalm 119:9-16Tell the story as best you can; don’t stop and teach, don’t make points, just tell the story. The objective is not to memorize it, but to learn it and be able to share it.

Read the passage from your Bible.

Head• How can a young man, or any of us for that matter, keep his way pure?• What does that mean?• How is meditating on God’s Word different from memorizing it?• Why do you think both are important?

Heart• The psalmist delighted in God’s Word. How would knowing joy like this change your outlook on life?• What keeps you from seeking God with your whole heart?

Hands • Read 2 Timothy 3:14-17 as a group. Discuss what Paul is urging Timothy (and us) to do. • Memorize 2 Timothy 3:16-17 this week.

Discipleship Decision:What is one thing I’ll implement in my life this week? What’s one change I’ll make, one prayer I’ll pray, one area of my life I’ll address, one step of obedience, etc.

“They [God’s promises] are meant to give us courage. They are meant to defeat feelings of loneliness, inability, and fear. They are meant to give us peace when things around us are chaotic and confusing. God’s promises are meant to blow

your mind and settle your heart. They are his gifts of grace to you. In your heart of hearts, you know you could never have earned the riches that he pours down on you. His promises are meant to leave you in awe of him and in wonder at the

glory of his grace. His promises are designed to be the way that you interpret and make sense of your life... When doubt replaces awe, you will soon give up on all the gospel disciplines of the Christian life. Your problem isn’t that life is hard.

Your problem is that you’ve lost your awe of the God who made the promises that once motivated the way you dealt with life. Do you stand with hope and courage on the awesome promises of God? Or do you walk through the quicksand

of questioning their reliability?” Paul David Tripp

Page 6: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the






















Page 7: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the



Read Hebrews 4 before your K-Group Meeting.

OVERVIEWA man approached his pastor after the Sunday morning service and greeted him with these words: “That was a great message, pastor. You must have been reading my file!” We ought not be surprised at how the Holy Spirit works through Scripture to correct and guide us. God’s word is indeed living and active. It meets us where we are, but doesn’t leave us where it finds us.

Hook: January is the time for New Year’s resolutions. Share with your group the resolution you’ve kept the longest.

Tell the Story: Psalm 119:129-136Tell the story as best you can; don’t stop and teach, don’t make points, just tell the story. The objective is not to memorize it, but to learn it and be able to share it.

Read the passage from your Bible.

Head• How does God’s Word give light? (v. 130)• Sometimes we approach Scripture as if it’s more difficult than advanced calculus, yet the second half of verse

130 mentions that it gives understanding to the simple. What does that mean?

Heart• This section mentions the opposition that comes to those who seek to obey God’s Word. This opposition often

comes from others (v. 134). How does “man’s oppression” look in your life?• How does someone else’s disobedience break your heart? (v. 136)• What can you do about it?

Hands • Verse 133 reminds us of the importance of faithfulness in our walk with Jesus. How can you “order your steps”

according to God’s Word?• Is there an area in your life where sin has dominion? How can we pray for one another and encourage one

another to surrender more fully to Jesus?

Discipleship Decision:What is one thing I’ll implement in my life this week? What’s one change I’ll make, one prayer I’ll pray, one area of my life I’ll address, one step of obedience, etc.

Page 8: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the






















Page 9: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the



Read James 1 before your K-Group Meeting.

OVERVIEWWe end our study with the beginning of this chapter. Here, the psalmist sets forth key principles for blessing and how they relate to an understanding of and adherence to God’s Word.

Hook: Tell the group about one of your “heroes” from childhood, someone you admired or looked up to.

Tell the Story: Psalm 119:1-8Tell the story as best you can; don’t stop and teach, don’t make points, just tell the story. The objective is not to memorize it, but to learn it and be able to share it.

Read the passage from your Bible.

Head• What, according to this passage, are the marks of a person who is blessed?• How often is your way blameless? How often do you do no wrong, or keep His testimonies with

your whole heart?• What then, are we to learn from these opening verses?

Heart• How challenging is it for you to get back in the rhythm of faithfulness when you run off the rails a bit? • How do the words, repentance, grace, and gospel help us with words like shame, guilt, and epic fail?

Hands • In our walk through the book of James, we looked at the importance of being a “doer of the word.” How

does this passage reinforce the importance of obedience?• If we are saved by grace, not by anything we have done, why should we live lives of obedience?

Discipleship Decision:What is one thing I’ll implement in my life this week? What’s one change I’ll make, one prayer I’ll pray, one area of my life I’ll address, one step of obedience, etc.

Page 10: A Look At Psalm 119 - Kiokee Baptist Church...Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in Scripture. Each section of this Psalm is comprised of eight verses and begins with a letter in the




















