a kiss in the rain

I know I shouldn’t I have been warned against, but I can’t help it There it is, right outside, beckoning and calling me... The grey that is not dark, Yet it is not bright. The winds sway the branches, Hypnotizing me with the sounds it makes. And it drops, one by one All its burden upon the celebrating Earth. The rain, she falls as the wind guides her, She falls as the clouds permits her, She falls into the hands of the Earth and trees that accept her, And I am here to welcome her. And I relinquished myself of the bounds of shade, Set to be protected what that shall stay dry. And I stepped out, bare to others and joy, And I danced in the rain. I embraced the rain where it touches, I shiver in pleasure where is flows through me, I sway in peace where the wind nudges me, I see with clarity as the clouds aid me. And I danced to the tune of the winds, The rhythm of the rain, The drums of the thunder, And the lighting of the clouds. For me none can be more of a joy, For a sunny day is a dragging dry, And the night a wonder of sight, But it gives not this might. A splash here and a drop there, Needless to say I resemble a human fountain, But it is a joy, for my friend the rain has come, And I unleash myself, unbridled, unbound and open to it.

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Post on 04-Apr-2015




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Page 1: A kiss in the rain

I know I shouldn’t I have been warned against, but I can’t help itThere it is, right outside, beckoning and calling me...The grey that is not dark,Yet it is not bright.

The winds sway the branches,Hypnotizing me with the sounds it makes.And it drops, one by oneAll its burden upon the celebrating Earth.

The rain, she falls as the wind guides her,She falls as the clouds permits her,She falls into the hands of the Earth and trees that accept her,And I am here to welcome her.

And I relinquished myself of the bounds of shade,Set to be protected what that shall stay dry.And I stepped out, bare to others and joy,And I danced in the rain.

I embraced the rain where it touches,I shiver in pleasure where is flows through me,I sway in peace where the wind nudges me,I see with clarity as the clouds aid me.

And I danced to the tune of the winds,The rhythm of the rain,The drums of the thunder, And the lighting of the clouds.

For me none can be more of a joy,For a sunny day is a dragging dry,And the night a wonder of sight,But it gives not this might.

A splash here and a drop there,Needless to say I resemble a human fountain,But it is a joy, for my friend the rain has come,And I unleash myself, unbridled, unbound and open to it.

And then Love comes in, tentative at first,Thinking that I would be mad to this, To forsake the safety of dryness,To forsake the words of elders.

Page 2: A kiss in the rain

But I told Love, trust me, my love, for this is a joy for me,And fear not the rain, for Love is a dear friends,To live in rain when you can manage it,It is a gift to be alive.

Love looked at me, and what a sight it was.It was fear, it was excitement, it was curiosity, it was love.Love wonder took over, Love trust for me held Love,And my love for her convinced Love.

Love took discarded that Love cannot get wet,And what a beauty Love was,And Love jumped into the rain,To celebrate her too.

Love tested the rain and let it flow through Love,Love felt the wind whispering to her,Love felt the day neither bright nor dark,And she felt me, here for her.

And Love let it all go as well, but not as wild as me,But it was there where Love beauty lay within,For Love is not me, but so like me,Ah, to be a fool in love, I make no sense.

And Love came to me, the cold getting to Love,For the wind and rain conspired,And the thunder and cloud inspired,For Love to come to me.

And Love embraced me, letting our bodies to join,Love merged our wills and love as the cold rain and wind protects us,Love warmth and mine held each other,As did we.

Now Love saw me, all of me,And Love accept it, as did I,For I saw Love for all she was,And all Love was willing for me.

And I took Love in my arms deeper that before,And looked at Love eyes, ah, such beauty they be,And Love gave me the signal, as Love only could,And our lips joined, in the windy cold rain