a how to guide to schedule a gotowebinar

A How To Guide for Scheduling with… by: Kaitlyn Houseman

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Learn how to schedule a GoToWebinar.


Page 1: A How to Guide to Schedule a GoToWebinar

A How To Guide for Scheduling with…

by: Kaitlyn Houseman

Page 2: A How to Guide to Schedule a GoToWebinar

1. First, lets make sure we are on the same page. GoToWebinar is NOT GoToMeeting

GoToMeeting: Useful when you will need to email the person their login details, add to Google Calendar, send to one individual who will then share the login with many others. TIP: It is a MEETING, not a WEBINAR

GoToWebinar: Useful when you will have multiple attendees (More than 5) and would like to track engagement, gather information via registration, polls, chat box, or track attendance.

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2. Visit www.gotomeeting.com & sign in

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3. Click on “Schedule a Webinar”

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4. From here, you will be setting up the details of your webinar.If you have done a webinar in the past that you’d like to have this one set up similar to, choose it from the drop down titled “Schedule Similar Webinar”

Want to start fresh?Just type in the Webinar Name and go from there.

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5.Editing your webinars details

Pay close attention to the AM and PM options when setting up a webinar. Also be sure to select the appropriate time-zone.

Usually you will want to select both audio options. Most webinars will give attendees the choice to dial in or join with a headset.

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6. Co-Organizers and PanelistsThis option is available if you are not the only presenter of the webinar.

Panelists is helpful so that you do not waste a registration spot as well. Panelists automatically receive the log in details for the webinar allowing for an extra space for webinar attendees.

Click save and continue when you are ready. Don’t worry. If you mess up you can always go back and edit all of these items.

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7. Branding and ThemeThis area gives you the option to change the “waiting room” appearance for the webinar attendees. Upload GroupOne’s logo, choose a theme (business, basic, PR, Sales, or training)

Choose a background color for the waiting room. You can choose from the standard options or type in a custom color.

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8. Branding and Theme cont.

List the Presenter. This is not the same as the panelist. A panelist is someone joining the webinar to “co-present”. The presenter is the star of the show. The person that will be leading the webinar.

Say something short and sweet for the waiting room. The waiting room will appear before you show your screen for the webinar.

Click to view a preview of the waiting room you created.

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9. Select which already created fields you want your registrants to complete.

Create your own questions for registrants here. Click “create” and the question will populate in the box titled “Your questions”

You can edit the questions you have created here

Choose whether you will be approving the registrants or if they will automatically be approved after signing up for the webinar.

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10. Now that your webinar is created, you will need to invite others. Do so by going to the main GoToWebinar screen and clicking the orange plus (+) button.

The registration web link can be shared with multiple people so that they can register for your webinar.

Need to cancel it? Click cancel the session

Edit any setting you created by selecting it from this drop down menu. You can also create a survey for your registrants, create polls, or customize the reminder emails.

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The EndHave more questions?

Search for #GoToMeeting or #GoToWebinar on chatterOR

Visit http://support.citrixonline.com/GoToMeeting/videos for support resources from Citrix