a guide to writing a reflective report

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  • 7/29/2019 A Guide to Writing a Reflective Report


    University of Southampton 2009 1

    A Guide to Writing a Reflective Report

    What does it mean to reflect?

    Officially, it means to explore experiences in order to lead to new understandings and

    improved practice.

    At its simplest it means:

    To think deeply about an experience. To go beyond the simple question, Whats going

    on here? to ask Whats really going on here?

    To ask yourself what this experience means to you and your practice

    To churn ideas, thoughts and experiences around in your head and make connections

    between what you knew before and what you know now

    To express your feelings or insights based on the knowledge you have/theories you

    have studied.

    To be critically analytical as part of this process. This doesnt mean to criticize, but to

    look at both sides of an event or experience and comment on the pros and cons,

    advantages and disadvantages, good bits and bad bits as part of your new


    Schon (1991) speaks of reflecting in action. Those are the moments when you are in the

    middle of an activity or someone says something and you think to yourself, I didnt know that.

    That must be why. Sometimes these manifest as aha moments of new insight. Other

    times the wires quietly connect and you just seem to realise something new. Capture those


    Schon also speaks of reflecting on action. Those are the moments after an activity, event

    or procedure when you think about what occurred, what you experienced or what others

    experienced. This type of reflection typically occurs immediately after an event or perhaps

    later when you are driving home, having a cup of coffee or are in the shower. Capture those

    thoughts, as you will be making some insightful connections that are the stuff of reflection.

    A Reflective Report is not:

    a description

    a list

    a series of complaints

    a lot of meaningless emotional language

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide to Writing a Reflective Report


    University of Southampton 2009 2

    A Reflective Report is:

    a considered view, in personal terms, of what an activity or new piece of information

    means to you or how it affects you. It is acceptable, even necessary, to write about

    yourself, your realizations, your feelings. Reflective writing requires evidence of what

    you have learned and what you will take away from the experience.

    In the report you are required to:

    refer to, or give an example of, the activities or events that took place in the given

    context without being overly descriptive

    reflect on these facts by stating how they affect you now or how you anticipate they may

    affect your future inter-professional practice

    where appropriate include theories that support or give structure to your statements and


    Here are some examples from previous papers of statements made by students, thinking

    they were being reflective, compared to some more fully developed reflective comments:


    I knew I had some pre-conceived ideas about certain professions.

    Reflective comment:

    I knew I had some pre-conceived ideas about certain professions. However, I was

    seriously mistaken as these students were team players who did not take control but

    contributed effectively to the same standards as everyone else. I now see them in a new

    light, and my new attitude will no doubt affect my professional relationship with them for

    the better.


    It is vital for health and social care professionals to work together to give the patient apositive experience.

    Reflective comment:

    My main realization about other health and social care professionals was the way in

    which interaction between us is completely vital in order for patients to have positive

    health and social care experiences.


    I had no idea prior to IPL week what Social Workers did.

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide to Writing a Reflective Report


    University of Southampton 2009 3

    Reflective comment:

    For example, I was completely ignorant of the fact that Social Workers are sometimes

    involved in rehabilitation and long term care and assessment. I can see now that this

    could be useful for me in the future, as I will now know who to contact if I come across a

    patient needing this type of support.


    Our group did not set any ground rules.

    Reflective comment:

    As our group worked well from the start, we never felt the need to establish a written set

    of ground rules. If things had started to go wrong, I do feel that we would have taken the

    time out to establish a set of rules.


    I came out as a Reflector in the Learning Styles Questionnaire.

    Reflective comment:

    The Learning Styles Questionnaire indicated that my learning style is reflective, which I

    think had something to do with my reluctance to participate in the week. Not knowing

    what was expected of me made me resistant to participation, but once I knew the

    parameters, I was eager to get stuck in. This probably goes for others like me. Ill need

    to remember in the future the importance of setting out the parameters of a session

    early on so people can feel comfortable.


    I challenged the leader who was out of order in my opinion.

    Reflective statement:

    At one point I challenged the leader about how we should present the information. This

    is not my usual way of acting. Im usually shy in groups. I surprised myself that I was so

    bold. I think I gained the confidence to do this because the group was so friendly and

    supportive. This is something I need to consider as a member of any group, but

    especially as a leader, that you get the best out of people in a supportive atmosphere.

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide to Writing a Reflective Report


    University of Southampton 2009 4

    Some techniques to aid the process of reflection and reflective writing

    Assignment 3 in IPLU1 week B requires you to be both analytical and reflective.

    The Oxford Dictionary says that reflection refers to calm, lengthy and intent consideration,

    contemplation or musing. Essentially reflection is focused thinking of an evaluative type.

    Reflection involves being honest with yourself about your previous ignorance and your

    new learning, however enlightening or hard it was to face.

    Much reflective thinking takes place in your head. Few of us have time to go and write it

    down, though reflective journals are excellent practice and used widely by professionals and

    people generally to help them muster their thoughts and feelings and move forward in their

    life and profession. Recognising that you are reflecting is a useful realisation.

    New situations tend to make us self-aware and we become reflective and self-evaluative.

    In time we move out of the conscious incompetence stage and move into that unconscious

    competence that allows us to get on with what we do best not always aware of why or how

    we do it, rather like a competent driver.

    Questions are the key to reflection. You may well have found yourself reflecting-in-action

    as you experienced working in the team. Some people are good at recognising that they are

    reflecting, asking themselves questions such as Whats really going on here? and

    evaluating as they go along.

    Some useful questions to ask yourself when reflecting on your work, your placements, your

    experiences of IPL weeks:

    What would I do differently next time? What have I learned about myself from this experience?

    Could I avoid this situation another time?

    What am I not facing up to in this situation?

    What other choices do I have?

    What would happen if I did nothing?

    What havent I asked that I should ask?

    What do I hope to achieve by doing that?

    What do I feel about this new information?

    How does it impact on me?

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide to Writing a Reflective Report


    University of Southampton 2009 5

    What have I learned about myself?

    So what?

    Johns provides a model of structured reflection with some more useful questions to use

    when reflecting-in-action and on-action (Johns, 2004).


    Johns, C. (2004) Becoming a Reflective Practitioner(2nd ed). Oxford, Blackwell.

    Schon, Donald A. (1991) The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action,

    Aldershot: Arena