a guide to starting a project incorporating a startup checklist

Starting a Project A PMSquared Presentation

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Starting a Project

A PMSquared Presentation

Once the project has been handed over to the project manager and you are faced with thechallenge of starting a new project it is important to outline how the project will be deliveredand what are the key components for a successful project delivery. This process should beconducted when a mandate has been given for a new project or taking over a project that isin progress.

Starting a Project

As you work through the core fundamentals of starting off a project always keep you eye on the final goal and using your agreed approach the rest will all fall into place as you move into the full management and control of the project

1st point of call

Starting a Project

Read the Business Case

The business case provides project management with information on the full scope, costand time to market for the approved project. It is vital that this document is carefullyassessed and proved viable.

The business case formulates the information that is used in the Project InitiationDocument, or a Scope of Work and will be used as a baseline throughout the full project lifecycle

On approval of the business case the implementation of the approved goals and objectivesbecomes the responsibility of the project manager.

A PMSquared Presentation

2nd point of call

By successfully managing your stakeholders youensure that you will be supported throughout yourproject and your influence will be recognised as keydecisions need to be made and implementedthroughout the project life cycle . Managing yourstakeholders effectively is vital for the success ofyour project. When you start a project go andwhere possible meet the stakeholders. Get toknow them, let them know who you are as a projectmanager. Find out their concerns, their expectationsand a good cup of coffee always helps.

Know your stakeholders

2nd point of call

Starting a Project

The project approach start up list should be aligned to both the project and environment thatyou are working in and be generic to cover all sizes of projects and companies. This is thegroundwork that needs to be performed to seamlessly integrate into the initiation, planningand execution phases

Prepare the project approach3rd point

of call

• Project Administration

• Project Governance

• Business Requirements

• Setting up the project team

• The project management plan

• Preparing for project initiation

• Kicking off the project

Starting a Project

• Setup the project folders

• Update your contact information

• Ensure all software is loaded onto your computer

• Identify what cloud technology will be used

• Confirm how documentation is to be stored centrally

• Where required request for a project administrator (this is very dependent on the company and their structure

• Setup the back up process and schedule

Without a doubt project administration is a big part of managing andcontrolling a project and as digital and as cloud technology becomes areality it is important to ensure that your project administrationprocess fits easily into the way that you will be managing a project. Ascompanies streamline costs for projects more and more of the adminresponsibility is falling on the project manager's shoulders.

The best advice is to ensure that your project admin is in line withyour project and does not impact on the day to day management ofyour project

Starting a Project

• Setup a meeting with the PMO or assigned representative

• Confirm which best practice and methodology is used for project management within the company

• Request approved project documentation and templates

• What project management support is available

• Are the project resources provided by the PMO

• Training and Development

• Schedule a project orientation and induction session

Starting a Project

Project governance is the framework which ensures that the projecthas been correctly conceived and is being executed in accordance withbest project management practice and within the wider framework ofthe enterprise governance processes.

In the start up of your project you will need to ensure that you arefamiliar with these practices and where necessary recommendimprovements . The governance for project management is normallysetup by the Project Management Office (PMO).

Starting a Project

• Outline the Project Organogram at deliverable level

• Identify the skills required

• Identify internal resources

• Identify external resources

• Setup roles and responsibilities

• Prepare the internal documentation

• Prepare the external documentation

• Finalise the team structure

Setting up the right project team is very important as these are thepeople that you will be working with day on day to deliver yourproject. You need to ensure that the people on your project have theright skill, and are passionate in delivering the project.

You need the right mix of skills and of personalities to ensure the taskgets done with the minimum friction and the maximum effectiveness.Be methodical as you select your project team members

• Outline the goals and objectives to be achieved

• Outline the project components

• Define the project management activities to be performed

• Define the development activities to be performed

• Finalise the scope, schedule and execution baselines

• Setup the processes

• Outline the agreed project best practice and methodology

• Provide a stakeholder matrix

• Provide the high level communication plan

Starting a Project

In both instances of either taking over a project in progress or rollingout a new project it would be advisable to put in a formal projectmanagement plan that would provide a summarised framework of theproject and its purpose.

The project management plan should be adapted to your projectenvironment and provide the correct level of detail to ensure thescope, cost and schedule for the project are clear and have the correctapprovals. From here the correct project processes can be setup tomanage the end to end project deliverables

• Send out the date and venue for the meeting

• Send out the agenda and finalise

• Identify the delegate and stakeholders for the meeting

• Confirm the equipment to be used for the meeting

• Setup video and tele conferencing

• Confirm the structure for the meeting

• Appoint a resource to take minutes

• Finalise and distribute minutes

• Prepare for project initiation

Starting a Project

To prepare for the kick off meeting ensure that all of the project teammembers receive the project documentation to allow them to reviewin order to provide the correct level of detail in the meeting.

This is a great forum to ensure that everyone is on the same page forhow the project is to be managed and delivered. It would also be theright place to confirm the roles and responsibilities and ensure thateveryone is comfortable with what each team member has to perform.

Start-up Checklist

Project Name

Project Manager Kick off Date

Completed Contract

Received the Signed Contract

Distributed copies of the contract and communicate terms to the project team

Completed Client Needs and Goals

Documented and communicated client needs and goals to the project team

Reviewed the business case with the project team

Completed Project Plan

Reviewed the approved project plan with the team

Identified the constraints, assumptions issues and risk

Discussed the scope, cost, schedule and quality baselines

Reviewed the project approach and best practice that would be followed

A step by step approach to be followed for a project start-up

Project Name

Project Manager Kick off Date

Completed Roles and Responsibilities

Discuss the roles and responsibilities and how this will be managed

Define communication guidelines and decision pathways (communication plan)

Completed Scope of Work

Discuss the WBS with the team

Assign the appointed tasks to the team

Completed Project Schedule

Go through the project schedule and when each task needs to be completed

Discuss the independencies between the tasks

Reinforce that at each major milestone a go or no go decision would be made

Outline how the timesheets would be completed in line with the schedule

A step by step approach to be followed for a project start-up

Project Name

Project Manager Kick off Date

Completed Project Financials

Review the approved financials with the team

Discuss how the financials will be tracked at stakeholder level

Completed Project Quality

Review the quality plan with the project team

Outline the quality checkpoints against the project schedule

Completed Project Review and Status Reporting

Communicate how status reporting will be conducted both internally and digitally

Review and discuss the status dashboards and status metrics

Ensure that the status meetings have been setup and planned

Agee on how the status meetings are to be recorded

A step by step approach to be followed for a project start-up

Project Name

Project Manager Kick off Date

Completed Change Management

Identify the method on how changes will be identified, tracked and managed

Review the change management procedures with the project team

Completed Risk Management

Review the risk initially identified for the project

Establish how risks will be managed going forward and what templates/dashboards will be used

Completed Supplier and Subcontracting

Identify who the relevant suppliers and contractors are

Specify how this will be managed

Outline what audit will be taken on supplier performance

A step by step approach to be followed for a project start-up

Project Name

Project Manager Kick off Date

Completed Project Administration

Discuss the role and responsibility of the administration team

Review the admin documentation and templates to be used for the project

Discuss how the documentation is to be stored

Discuss how back-ups will be performed

A step by step approach to be followed for a project start-up

Starting a project is always the time when as the project manager yourealise that you are responsible for the success of the end goal. There isalways the impulse to jump straight in but if you take the time to runthrough a complete start-up checklist and allow the team to get to knowyou, the way ahead becomes a lot clearer.

You know you have the skills and experience but for right now you needto get a full understanding on how you can make this project work, bringin your own personal style and begin to put into play your managementstyle. It is the best way to get the buy-in from both your project team andyour stakeholders.

All the best

A final word

Contact Information

Email [email protected]

Mobile +27(0)60 798 2769

LinkedIn Profile LinkedIn Profile

Skype clionaoh

To obtain my full CV please send me an email

Cliona O’HanrahanMPM; Prince2 ; PMI SME