a golden era for open access or a trend towards the golden road to open access?

A golden era for Open Access or a trend towards the golden road to Open Access? 7th Munin Conference on Scientific Publishing 2012, Tromsø Dirk Pieper, Bielefeld UL

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Page 1: A golden era for Open Access or a trend towards the golden road to Open Access?

A golden era for Open Access or a trend towards the golden road to Open Access?

7th Munin Conference on Scientific Publishing 2012, Tromsø Dirk Pieper, Bielefeld UL

Page 2: A golden era for Open Access or a trend towards the golden road to Open Access?


1) Open Access Strategy at Bielefeld University

2) German Research Foundation: OA Publishing Program

3) Bielefeld University Publication Fund

4) Discussion

5) Conclusions


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• Institutional repository → now holistical publication data management with OA component

• Funding of publication fees (BMC member since 2004, publication fund since 2009)

• OA resolution 2005

• Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)

• OJS support for OA journals

1) Open Access Strategy at Bielefeld University

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Page 5: A golden era for Open Access or a trend towards the golden road to Open Access?


Overall goal: help to establish stable and reliable structures for funding OA publications

• Incentive to build a regular funding of OA publications

2) German Research Foundation: OA Publishing Program

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Requirements for funding:

– real OA (no hybrid publications)

– journals should have a certain quality

– publication fee max. 2,000 EURO

– author affiliation to supported institution

– acknowledgement of funding

2) German Research Foundation: OA Publishing Program

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19 universities have received about 1,18 Mio. EURO from German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2010 and 2011

• 25 universities are / will be supported in 2012 and 2013 by DFG

• Alliance of German Science Organisations (incl. DFG): OA component in national licensing programs

2) German Research Foundation: OA Publishing Program

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• established in 2009, additional support by DFG since 2010

• distinguishing mark: combination of OA funding and (OA) publication data management

3) Bielefeld University Publication Fund

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3) Funded OA Publications 2011: Journals

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3) Funded OA Publications 2011: Publishers

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3) Publications at Bielefeld University 2011

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• Number of publications probably on the same level as 2011

• Rise of publications in Frontiers journals

3) Funded Bielefeld Publications 2012: Trends

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• average APC: 1,740 EURO → calculation: total expenditures / published articles

• Solomon & Björk 2012: average APC 960 USD

• Finch Report: 1,500 – 2,000 GBP

3) Bielefeld University Publication Fund

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• Workflow (memberships, individual requests)

• „Old“ assignments:

– budget management

– membership management

– knowledge of several license models

– indexing of publications

3) Bielefeld University Publication Fund

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• „New“ assignments:

– more information and individual consulting service

– publication data management

– relying on other external resource databases (DOAJ, WoS, ...)

– providing identifiers for publications

– take care for visibility of publications

3) Bielefeld University Publication Fund

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• „Problems“:

– often long period between submission, payment and final publication → problems with balancing of accounts

– a lot of publishers and journals don´t offer central invoicing

– pros and cons prepaid membership models

– „predatory“ OA publishers

3) Bielefeld University Publication Fund

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• Further developments:

– continued support by DFG in 2013

– using more external databases via APIs to increase the number of Bielefeld publications in PUB

– becoming the „OA clearing center“ for Bielefeld University

3) Bielefeld University Publication Fund

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• the commercial OA publishers

• the established (STM-) publishers (who want us to pay the transformation to OA)

• the research funding organsiations? → conflict of aims: support the trend to commercial and non-commercial OA or support the transformation from TA- to OA-journals?

4) Discussion: who is interested in the golden road?

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• BASE: content of repositories consists mainly of „green“material

• Houghton et.al. (2009) self-archiving has the lowest costs per article

• Shieber (2009): 73% of OA-journals don´t demand APCs

• Lozano et.al. (2012): link between impact factor and number of paper citation decreases

• ...

4) Discussion: trend to golden road?

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• Universities want their publication output as much as visible as possible

• Dallmeier-Tiessen et.al (2011).: 89% of scientists say, OA articles are beneficial for their field

• … but authors are „prosumers“:

- as producers OA is not (yet) the most important factor when looking for a publication place

- as consumers authors like OA

4) Discussion: which road for universities and libraries?

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• assume 1,000 articles published at Bielefeld University in 2011

• average APC 1,740 EURO * 1000 = 1,74 Mio. EURO

• total expenditures on journals (p+e) by Bielefeld UL: 1,48 Mio. EURO (cost increase about 17,5%)

there will only be a benefit when everthing else is OA!

typical game theory problem!

4) Discussion: which road for universities and libraries?

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Houghton & Swan(2012)

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• libraries can cancel subscriptions, if they are too expensive

• … but can they stop paying APCs, if the costs get out of hands?

4) Discussion: which road for universities and libraries?

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• libraries can cancel subscriptions, if they are too expensive

• … but can they stop paying APCs, if the costs get out of hands?

4) Discussion: which road for universities and libraries?

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• in the long run TA-journals will disappear

• funders and libraries should not disturb this process!

Libraries should not only support the golden road but offer publication services (repositories, OJS, OMP, …) for their universities and support the green road too

5) Conclusions

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Björk, B.-C., Welling, P., Laakso, M., Majlender, P., Hedlund, T., & Gudnason, G. (2010). Open access to the scientific journal literature: situation 2009. PloS ONE, 5(6), e11273,http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0011273

Dallmeier-Tiessen et.al. (2011): Highlights from the SOAP project survey. What Scientists Think about Open Access Publishing,http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.5260v2

Eppelin A, Pampel H, Bandilla W, Kaczmirek L. Umgang mitOpen-Access-Publikationsgebühren – die Situation in Deutschland in2010. GMS Med Bibl Inf. 2012;12(1-2):Doc04.DOI: 10.3205/mbi000240

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German Research Foundation (DFG): Open Access and Research Funding by the DFG, http://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/programmes/infrastructure/lis/digital_information/open_access/index.html

Houghton, J. (2009). Open Access: What are the economic benefits? A comparison of the United Kingdom, Netherlands and Denmark., http://www.knowledge-exchange.info/default.aspx?id=316

Houghton, John & Swan, Alma (2012) Planting the green seeds for agolden harvest: Comments and clarifications on “Going for Gold“, http://www.cfses.com/projects/Going%20for%20Gold%20-%20Comment%20and%20Clarification%20%28Houghton%20and%20Swan%29.pdf

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Lozano G.A., Lariviere V., Gingras Y. (2012): The weakening relationship between the Impact Factor and papers' citations in the digital age, http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.4328

Shieber, S. (2009, May 29). What percentage of open-access journals charge publication fees? The Occasional Pamphlet, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/pamphlet/2009/05/29/what-percentage-of-open-access-journals-charge-publication-fees/

Solomon, D. J., & Björk, B.-C. (2012). A Study of Open Access Journals Using Article Processing Charges. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Preprint, http://www.openaccesspublishing.org/apc2/preprint.pdf

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