a fighter's line by ungku malik

A Fighter Line By Marzuki Ali

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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A Fighter Line

By Marzuki Ali

I am old and wornand have lost all my strength

sufferingsand the history of the fight for independence

have forced sacrificethat know no name

or life 

From the wheelchair of the rest of my daysI, body and energy crushed

see and cannot do muchthese times are too big a challenge

for the remnants of my crippled yearsthe net of deceit spread everywhere

disturbs me 

In the name of justiceWake up and form ranks son of our ancestor

Be braveAnd erect a wall of people

Stand up heirs of our freedom 

I have no more voiceIt is you now who should speak!

S Y N O P S I S This poem is about a man who used to serve his country but he is

now old, frail and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. However, this old man has not lost his fighting spirit as reflected in the title of the poem, "A Fighter's Lines". Although "body and

energy crushed, see and cannot do much", he still fights by voicing out his opinions to the younger generation. he challenges them to come forward and stand up for what is right and truthful amidst "the net of deceit". He also expresses his concern for the future of the country. the man feels that his generation has made a lot of sacrifices to gain independence, freedom and justice. in order to maintain the country's peace and harmony, he calls for

the young people to unite, "be brave" and "stand up" to take responsibility for the freedom of the country. In the last stanza, the man is saying that his glory days are over and it is now the

younger generation's turn to take the lead. 

Theme.• Untied we stand, divided we fall• The poem calls out to all citizens to be united and "erect a wall of people" so that

together they can protect the freedom and independence of their country. if people are patriotic, brave and united they can fight all enemies enthralled in a "net of deceit". If they are divided they will lose the freedom of their country that has been earned by their ancestors who fought for independence. 

• Success can never be achieved without sacrifices  • the poet highlights that in order to achieve success like gaining the independence

and freedom for the country we must fight and be willing to make many "forced sacrifices that know no name or life". Therefore, if we want any success we must be willing to make sacrifices. 

• Freedom comes with a price• The poet shows us that the freedom and independence of the country came with a

 price - that is lots of "sufferings" and "forced sacrifices that know no name or life". All freedom fighters like the old man, who is now confined to a wheelchair highlights that "history of the fight for independence" will talk about their suffering, sacrifices and challenges. 

Moral Values %• Be patriotic - love your country• We must be willing to fight for our freedom.• The young generation must also be willing to stand up,

united in the name of justice and be brave enough to speak up against deceit or anything else that may jeopardize our freedom. 

• Appreciate sacrifices of the old • We must appreciate the sacrifices of our ancestors

especially the freedom fighters who made many sacrifices and underwent lots of sufferings in order to gain independence of our country.