a few days ago during my semester break i went to my cousin

Assignment-1 Eng 105.12 Prepared For: Dina Forkan(DF) Prepared By: Rushdy Md. Bakth (081542030)

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A Few Days Ago During My Semester


Page 1: A Few Days Ago During My Semester Break I Went to My Cousin

Assignment-1Eng 105.12

Prepared For: Dina Forkan(DF)

Prepared By: Rushdy Md. Bakth (081542030)

Date of submission: October 4, 2010

Page 2: A Few Days Ago During My Semester Break I Went to My Cousin

Violent Sports Should Be Banned Or Not?

A few days ago during my semester break I went to my cousin’s house in Sylhet. There I have

two nephews. One day they asked me to come into their room and when I went there I saw both

of them were standing on their bed. They asked me to play the role of a referee of their fight.

One of them was pertaining the role of Rock and other one was pertaining the role of Stone Cold

Steve Austin. The fight began. They were very crazy hit each other. During the fight one of my

nephew gave stunner to my another nephew. Oh! I was just shocked. My nephew could not move

his right shoulder. I immediately took him to the hospital. The doctor told me that he had a major

fracture in his shoulder and it will take 2 months to recover. I strongly agree with the statement

that violent sports like wrestling and boxing should be outlawed because of its harmful effects

like mentality distortion, physical injury, getting the habit of abusing someone by using slang.

One of the crucial reasons behind supporting the topic is mentality distortion. Wrestling and

boxing develop cruel mentality among youngsters. When there is any conflict between them they

want to fight with each other which they learn by watching wrestling and boxing in TV. Female

wrestlers wear vulgar dresses which distort the mentality of young generation. I know one of my

cousin who is such a freak lover of wrestling and boxing, he always punch anyone like his

favorite wrestling star John Cenna .

The second reason is physical injury. Some accident might occur when the wrestlers and boxers

are playing in the ring. Sometimes their legs or hands might be broken . They might suffer from

internal bleeding, brain hemorrhage etc. We know the famous wrestler Rock’s wrestling career

totally spoiled because of physical injury. Even when young kids try to follow the wrestlers and

boxers they might have injuries which I have already mentioned earlier.

Page 3: A Few Days Ago During My Semester Break I Went to My Cousin

Last but not the least reason is getting the habit of abusing someone by using slang. Wrestlers

and boxers use some slang languages to abuse each other. Young generation try to follow the

same thing. They try to learn slang words without knowing the meaning and they misuse the

word. Sometimes they utter those words even in front of their guardians. I have seen that when

the boys are arguing about any topic they use the same slang used by the wrestlers and boxers.

Though wrestling and boxing are entertaining it has many demerits. Its demerits outperform the

entertainment. The destructive effects of wrestling and boxing like mentality distortion, physical

injury, getting the habit of abusing someone by using slang has greater negative impact on the

young generation as well as the athletes. So, for the betterment of athletes and young generation I

think violent sports like wrestling and boxing should be outlawed .