a fast high-resolution spectrograph with electron-optical recording

A FAST HIGH-RESOLUTION SPECTROGRAPH ELECTRON-OPTICAL RECORDING N. N. Mel'nik, V. B. Podobedov, A. M. Pyndyk, and Kh. E. Sterin WITH UDC 535.853 Fast recording of residual parts of spectra, particularly those which are low in intensity, cannot be achieved effectively with high resolution using the usual detectors. Photographic plates: with low quantum efficiency lose their advantage as a many-channel device, and photoelectric recording at fast scanning speeds results in a lowered signal-to-noise ratio. In [1] a fast spectrograph, capable of recording a 5-nm band of the Raman spectrum during a laser pulse (10-3-10 -8 sec), is described. The spectral resolution of such a device was limited by the low spatial resolution (~ 3 lines/mm) of the UM-95 electron-optical converter (EOC) and by the relatively large linear dispersion of the spectrograph (0.63 nm/rr~n). The resultant resolution was about 0.2 nm in the red region of the spectrum. In the present work, we describe a laboratory model of a fast spectrograph of high resolution (4" 10 -3 nm) withelectron-optical-recording spectra (Fig. 1). Suchhighresolutionwas achievedbecause of the UMI-93 EOC (2) with a spatial resolution of about 30 lines/mm (in the static regime) and the ISP-67 three-meter spectro- graph (1). In the latter, the prisms were replaced by a diffraction grating (28) and a Littrow mirror (27), allowing us to achieve a linear dispersion of 0.1 nm/mm in an autocollimator scheme and 0.06 nm/mm in a Littrow scheme. We used a grating of 600 lines/ram, working in second or third order, depending on the spectral region under investigation. The ISP-67 spectrograph (aperture ratio 1/30) exceeded the commercial instruments in dispersion, but had one serious drawback due to the lens optics -- the necessity of readjust- ment upon making a transition from one spectral region to another. The image of the spectra from the output screen of the EOC was transcribed lust as in [1, 2], with an LI-602 slit dissector (5) and could be observed as intensity distribution curves on the storage oscilloscope (9) screen. On the same screen, we could monitor the quality of focusing the spectrum on the photocathode of the EOC. As a pare-phase voltage to scan the dissector, we used the sawtooth voltage from the oscilloscope plates, amplified by the amplifier (8). To avoid nonlinear distortion of the frequency scale, we used only the central part of the dissector photocathode, about i0 mm in size. Using a large portion of the dissector photo- cathode is inconvenient because spatial resolution and sensitivityare strongly decreased toward the edge. The quality of spectral measurements from the EOC screen is thus worsened. In Fig. 2 we show photometric measurements of the mercury line (~ = 546 nm) using the dissector. The four components of the isotopic structure are well resolved. We can see that lines spaced by 0.15 cm -1 or 4.10 -8 inn are suitably resolved. During the photometric scan of the line, the EOC was constantly open, i.e., the EOC was used in the static regime. The recording time, 10 -4 sec, was determined in the case in question by the dissector sweep time. To demonstrate the sensitivity of the instrument, parts of the rotational Raman spectra of air and of CO 2 at a pressure of 1 atm are shown in Fig. 3. The spectra were obtained in 10 -3 sec, using excitation as shown in Fig. 1. The "constriction" of the laser beam in the investigated gas, produced by a lens (21) and a mirror (20), is imaged on the spectrograph slit by a lens (22) and a mirror (19). A prism (23) rotates the "constriction" image by 90% The Fabry--Perot interferometer (13) allows monitoring of the laser linewidth exciting Raman scattering and also allows us to obtain a grooved spectrum. The latter is very convenient for determining such parameters as the uniformity of the sensitivity in recording spectra and the linearity of the frequency scale. The necessary region of the spectrum is placed on the EOC photocathode using a line-spec- trum source (26). Translated from Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 9-12, January, 1976. Original article submitted February 7, 1974; revision submitted July 21, 1975. ~mf iS material is protected by copyright registered in the name of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 We~t 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011. No pa~ 1 this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,[ icrofilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $ ZSO. j

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A F A S T H I G H - R E S O L U T I O N S P E C T R O G R A P H

E L E C T R O N - O P T I C A L R E C O R D I N G

N. N. M e l ' n i k , V. B . P o d o b e d o v , A . M. P y n d y k , a n d K h . E . S t e r i n


UDC 535.853

Fas t record ing of res idua l p a r t s of spec t ra , pa r t i cu la r ly those which a r e low in intensity, cannot be achieved effect ively with high resolu t ion using the usual detectors . Photographic plates: with low quantum e f f i c i ency lose the i r advantage as a many-channe l device, and photoelec t r ic record ing at fas t scanning speeds r e su l t s in a lowered s igna l - to -no i se rat io. In [1] a fas t spec t rograph , capable of record ing a 5 -nm band of the R a m a n spec t rum during a l a s e r pulse (10-3-10 -8 sec) , is descr ibed. The spec t r a l resolu t ion of such a device was l imi ted by the low spa t ia l resolu t ion (~ 3 l i n e s / m m ) of the UM-95 e lec t ron-op t i ca l conve r t e r (EOC) and by the re la t ive ly l a rge l inear d i spe r s ion of the spec t rog raph (0.63 nm/rr~n). The resu l tan t resolut ion was about 0.2 nm in the red region of the spec t rum.

In the p r e se n t work, we desc r ibe a l abora to ry model of a fas t spec t rog raph of high resolut ion (4" 10 -3 nm) w i t h e l e c t r o n - o p t i c a l - r e c o r d i n g s p e c t r a (Fig. 1). Suchh ighreso lu t ionwas ach ievedbecause of the UMI-93 EOC (2) with a spat ia l resolu t ion of about 30 l i n e s / m m (in the s ta t ic regime) and the ISP-67 t h r e e - m e t e r spec t ro - g raph (1). In the la t ter , the p r i s m s were rep laced by a diffract ion grat ing (28) and a Li t t row m i r r o r (27), allowing us to achieve a l inear d i spe r s ion of 0.1 n m / m m in an autocol l imator scheme and 0.06 n m / m m in a Li t t row scheme. We used a gra t ing of 600 l ines / r am, working in second or th i rd o rde r , depending on the spec t r a l region under invest igation. The ISP-67 spec t rog raph (aper ture ra t io 1/30) exceeded the c o m m e r c i a l in s t rument s in d ispers ion , but had one se r ious drawback due to the lens optics - - the necess i ty of r ead jus t - ment upon making a t rans i t ion f r o m one s pec t r a l region to another.

The image of the s pec t r a f r o m the output s c r een of the EOC was t r a n s c r i b e d lust as in [1, 2], with an LI-602 sl i t d i s s ec to r (5) and could be obse rved as intensi ty distr ibution cu rves on the s to rage osci l loscope (9) screen. On the same screen, we could monitor the quality of focusing the spectrum on the photocathode of the EOC. As a pare-phase voltage to scan the dissector, we used the sawtooth voltage from the oscilloscope plates, amplified by the amplifier (8). To avoid nonlinear distortion of the frequency scale, we used only the central part of the dissector photocathode, about i0 mm in size. Using a large portion of the dissector photo- cathode is inconvenient because spatial resolution and sensitivity are strongly decreased toward the edge. The quality of spectral measurements from the EOC screen is thus worsened.

In Fig. 2 we show photometric measurements of the mercury line (~ = 546 nm) using the dissector. The four components of the isotopic s t ruc tu re a r e well reso lved . We can see that l ines spaced by 0.15 c m -1 or 4 . 1 0 -8 inn a re suitably resolved . During the photomet r ic scan of the line, the EOC was constant ly open, i . e . , the EOC was used in the s ta t ic reg ime. The record ing t ime, 10 -4 sec, was de te rmined in the case in question by the d i s s e c t o r sweep t ime.

To demons t r a t e the sensi t iv i ty of the ins t rument , p a r t s of the ro ta t ional Raman s p e c t r a of a i r and of CO 2 at a p r e s s u r e of 1 a tm are shown in Fig. 3. The spec t r a were obtained in 10 -3 sec , using excitat ion as shown in Fig. 1. The "cons t r ic t ion" of the l a s e r beam in the inves t igated gas, produced by a lens (21) and a m i r r o r (20), is imaged on the spec t rog raph sl i t by a lens (22) and a m i r r o r (19). A p r i s m (23) ro ta tes the "cons t r ic t ion" image by 90% The F a b r y - - P e r o t i n t e r f e r o m e t e r (13) al lows moni tor ing of the l a s e r linewidth excit ing Raman sca t t e r ing and a lso allows us to obtain a grooved spec t rum. The la t t e r is ve ry convenient for de te rmin ing such p a r a m e t e r s as the uniformity of the sensi t iv i ty in record ing spec t r a and the l inear i ty of the f requency scale . The n e c e s s a r y region of the spec t rum is p laced on the EOC photocathode using a l i n e - s p e c - t r u m source (26).

T rans l a t ed f r o m Zhurnal Pr ik ladnoi Spektroskopii , Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 9-12, J anua ry , 1976. Or ig inal a r t i c le submit ted F e b r u a r y 7, 1974; rev i s ion submit ted Ju ly 21, 1975.

~mf iS material is protected by copyright registered in the name of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 We~t 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011. No pa~ 1 this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,[

icrofilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $ ZSO. j

17 I

18 i "~ [ ' l " ~ . Z2, I ~ '.... '

Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the spectrograph: 1) spectrograph; 2) EOC; 3) magnetic coil; 4) objective of "Jupiter-3" ; 5)dissector; 6) stabilized current source for the magnetic coil; 7) high-voltage source; 8) voltage amplifier of the dissector scan; 9) S1-37 oscillo- scope; 10) laser power supply; 11) laser trigger; 12) oscilloscope synchronization trigger; 13) Fabry--Perot etalon; 14) camera; 15, 16) He--Ne alignment lasers; 17) pulse laser; 18) stop; 19, 20) mi r rors of the illuminating system; 21, 22) objective lenses of the illuminating system; 23) Dove prism; 24) rotating prism; 25) in- candescent lamp; 26) neon gas-discharge lamp; 27) plane mirror ; 28) diffraction grating.

Fig. 2. Shape of the mercury line X = 546 nm.

Fig. 3. Rotat ional s p e c t r a of a i r in the region 40-80 c m -1 (a) and of CO2 in the region 10-50 cm - i (b) (this spec t rum was r eco rded twice). The s p e c t r a l width of the s l i t was 0.5 cm - i and the p r e s s u r e was 1 atm.

A ruby l a s e r (17) was used to exci te Raman sca t te r ing , opera t ing in the f r ee r eg ime (10-3-sec pulses) with pulse energ ies of about 5J and spec t r a l widths of about 0.06 cm -1. To n a r r o w the l a s e r spec t rum, we used a ha l f -concen t r i c r e s o n a t o r with a stop (18) at the l a s e r output.

The s igna l - to -no i se ra t io in the Raman s p e c t r a was somewhat lower than expected. This is due to the spike s t ruc tu re of the l a s e r pu l ses . The d i s s e c t o r sweep t ime was equal to the l a s e r pulse length, while the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c p e r s i s t e n c e t ime of the EOC phosphor was about 100 ~sec. Under these conditions the d i s sec to r s t i l l r e a c t s to the spike s t ruc tu re of the l a s e r pulse. Moreover , there is a pa r t i a l loss of the signal because the l a s e r pulse and d i s s e c t o r sweep t ime exceed the phosphor p e r s i s t e n c e t ime. When the l a s e r pulse is much s h o r t e r than the phosphor p e r s i s t e n c e t ime, the re is no signal loss [1]. The indicated deficiency for record ing t imes g r e a t e r than 10 -5 sec may be avoided if a m e m o r y device, for example , a te levis ion c a m e r a [3-5] or photographic emuls ion, is used to r e a d the spec t r a l image. Photographic emuls ion is even m o r e p r e f e r ab l e for analyzing h igh- reso lu t ion Raman s p e c t r a for exact f requency determinat ion. We should also note that ex t raneous sca t t e r ing inside the spec t r a l i n s t rumen t s r e m a i n s a ve ry significant obs tac le in recording weak Raman sca t ter ing . Many of the diff icul t ies a re l e s sened by using m o r e than one monochroma to r , in our case , a spec t rog raph with a p r e m o n o c h r o m a t o r [6].

The r e s u l t s obtained on the a b o v e - d e s c r i b e d fas t spec t rog raph allow us to a r r i v e at the following con- clusions. Above all, h igh-d i spe r s ion spec t rog raphs coupled with e l ec t ron -op t i ca l record ing allows fas t r e c o r d - ing of l ines with high resolut ion. Also, using fas t record ing with h igh-d i spers ion spec t rographs makes them re la t ive ly insens i t ive to v ibra t ion and t h e r m a l drift . Moreover , s i m i l a r equipment al lows success fu l r e c o r d - ing of Raman s p e c t r a with high resolut ion. Final ly , such ins t rument s allow, in our view, a substant ia l s i m - pl if icat ion in the product ion of r e sonan t f luorescence spec t ra , absorpt ion spec t ra , and Shpol' skii spec t r a with high resolut ion, while the use of f r a m e and l inear sweeps of the EOC allows solutions of new prob lems .

In conclusion, the authors e x p r e s s the i r deep gra t i tude to V. P. Vinogradov for help in making this model of the ins t rument .


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


V. B. Podobedov, A. M. Pyndyk, and Kh. E. Sterin, Prib. Tekh. Eksp., No. I, 190 (1973). Yu. L Malakhov, Prib. Tekh. Eksp., No. 3, 174 (1972). M. Bridoux and M. Delhaye, Nouv. Rev. d'Optique Appliq., i, 23 (1970). M. Delhaye, Appl. Opt., 7, 2195 (1971). C. M. Savage and P. D. Maker, Appl. Opt., I0, 4, 965 (1971). S. Brodersen and J. Bendtsen, J. Raman Speetrosc., i, 97 (1973).