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A Dozen Years of Shellphish From DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge Antonio Bianchi [email protected] Nuit Du Hack / July 2nd, 2016

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A Dozen Years of Shellphish From DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Antonio Bianchi [email protected]

Nuit Du Hack / July 2nd, 2016

2A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge


● Who are we?○ A team of security enthusiasts

■ do research in System Security■ play Capture the Flag competitions■ released a couple of tools

3A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Shellphish○ Started (in 2004) at:

■ SecLab: University of California, Santa Barbara

4A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge


○ expanded to:■ Northeastern

University: Boston■ Eurecom: France■ ...





6A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Mini-primer: What’s a CTF

● Security competition:○ exploit a vulnerable service / website / device○ reverse a binary○ …

● Different formats○ Jeopardy ‒ Attack-Defense○ Online ‒ Live○ ...

7A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge


8A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge


○ We do not only play CTFs○ We also organize them!

■ UCSB iCTF● Attack-Defense format● every year, since 2002!

■ Try to innovate with a different style every year● Site: ictf.cs.ucsb.edu● Base: github.com/ucsb-seclab/ictf-framework● Vigna, et al., "Ten years of ictf: The good, the bad,

and the ugly." 3GSE, 2014.

9A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Shellphish○ Releasing tools

■ angr● demo!

■ how2heap● https://github.com/shellphish/how2heap

■ ctf-tools● https://github.com/zardus/ctf-tools

10A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Coming up:

● DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)The (almost-)Million Dollar Baby

● Our Cyber Reasoning System (CRS)Fancy term for auto-playing a CTF

● Automated Vulnerability Discovery● Live example using angr

Open-source binary analysis framework

● Towards the Cyber Grand Challenge Finals (CFE)

11A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)● 2004: DARPA Grand Challenge

○ Autonomous vehicles

12A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)● 2014: DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge

○ Autonomous hacking!

13A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)

● Started in 2014

● Qualification event: June 3rd, 2015, online○ ~70 teams → 7 qualified teams

● Final event: August 4th, 2016 @ DEFCON (Las Vegas)

14A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC ‒ Rules

● Attack-Defense CTF● Solving security challenges → Developing a system that

solves security challenges

● Develop a system that automatically○ Exploit vulnerabilities in binaries○ Patch binaries, removing the vulnerabilities

● No human intervention

15A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC ‒ Rules

● Every team has to:○ Generate exploits

■ For the quals → an input to a binary, making it crash (invalid memory access)

○ Patch binaries■ fix the vulnerabilities■ preserve the original binary’s functionality■ performance impact is evaluated

● CPU time, memory consumption, disk space

16A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC ‒ Rules

● Basic idea:○ Real(istic) programs○ No “extra” complications

■ Simplified system calls■ Simplified IPC

17A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC ‒ Rules

● Architecture: Intel x86, 32-bit

● OS: DECREE○ Linux-like, but with 7 syscalls only

■ transmit / receive / fdwait (≈ select)■ allocate / deallocate (even executable!)■ random■ _terminate

○ no signals, threads, shared memory, file system, ...

● “Bring Your Own Defense” approach (and pay for it)○ Not even “the usual”: stack is executable, no ASLR, …

18A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Coming up:

● DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)The (almost-)Million Dollar Baby

● Our Cyber Reasoning System (CRS)Fancy term for auto-playing a CTF

● Automated Vulnerability Discovery● Live example using angr

Open-source binary analysis framework

● Towards the Cyber Grand Challenge Finals (CFE)

19A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Shellphish CRS

vulnerable binary

patched binary




20A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Shellphish CRS




Shellphish CRS









21A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Why we’re here

● DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)The (almost-)Million Dollar Baby

● Our Cyber Reasoning System (CRS)Fancy term for auto-playing a CTF

● Automated Vulnerability Discovery● Live example using angr

Open-source binary analysis framework

● Towards the Cyber Grand Challenge Finals (CFE)

22A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Automatic Vulnerability Discovery

“How do I crash a binary?”

“How do I reach state X in a binary?”

Fuzzing Symbolic Execution

23A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Fuzzing● How do I reach the state: “You win!” is printed?

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

24A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Fuzzing● How do I reach the state: “You win!” is printed?

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

● Try “1” → “You lose!”

● Try “2” → “You lose!”

● …

● Try “10” → “You win!”

25A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge


● How did we use Fuzzing for CGC?

● Coverage-guided fuzzing○ Looking for “crashing inputs”○ Based on AFL lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/

● In general, it cannot work in some cases○ e.g., “magic numbers”, computations, ...

26A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Fuzzing● How do I reach the state: “You win!” is printed?

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x^2 == 152399025:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

27A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution● Interpret the binary code and replace user-input with

symbolic variables

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

State A

Variablesx = ???


28A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution● Interpret the binary code and replace user-input with

symbolic variables

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

State A

Variablesx = ???


29A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution

State A

Variablesx = ???


State AA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10}

● Follow all feasible paths, tracking "constraints" on variables

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

30A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

State AB

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x < 10}

Symbolic Execution

State A

Variablesx = ???


State AA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10}

● Follow all feasible paths, tracking "constraints" on variables

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

31A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

State AA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10}

State AB

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x < 10}

● Follow all feasible paths, tracking "constraints" on variables

32A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

State AA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10}

● Follow all feasible paths, tracking "constraints" on variables

33A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

State AA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10}

State AAA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10, x < 100}

State AAB

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10, x >= 100}

● Follow all feasible paths, tracking "constraints" on variables

34A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x < 100:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

State AAA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10, x < 100}

State AAA

Variablesx = 99


● Concretize the constraints on the symbolic variables

35A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution

x = int(input())if x >= 10:

if x^2 == 152399025:print "You win!"

else:print "You lose!"

else:print "You lose!"

State AAA

Variablesx = ???

Constraints{x >= 10,

x^2 == 152399025}

State AAA

Variablesx = 12345


● Concretize the constraints on the symbolic variables

36A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Symbolic Execution● How did we use Symbolic Execution for CGC?

1. We used the symbolic execution engine of angr,the binary analysis platform developed at UCSB

● Symbolically execute the binaries looking for 1. Memory accesses outside allocated regions2. “Unconstrained” instruction pointer

(e.g., controlled by user input)■ eax = <user input>, jmp eax

● If either 1. or 2. is true → we found an input that will make the program crash

37A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Future directions

● Combining the two approaches

● “Driller: Augmenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution”○ Network and Distributed System Security

Symposium (NDSS), February 2016, San Diego

38A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Future directions ● “Driller: Augmenting Fuzzing Through Selective

Symbolic Execution”




39A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Coming up:

● DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)The (almost-)Million Dollar Baby

● Our Cyber Reasoning System (CRS)Fancy term for auto-playing a CTF

● Automated Vulnerability Discovery● Live example using angr

Open-source binary analysis framework

● Towards the Cyber Grand Challenge Finals (CFE)

40A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge


● Binary analysis platform, developed at UCSB

● Open source: github.com/angr (star it!)

● Architecture independent○ x86 (ELF, CGC, PE), amd64, mips, mips64, arm,

aarch64, ppc, ppc64

41A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge


● Written in Python!○ installable with one (two?) command!

■ mkvirtualenv angr■ pip install angr

○ interactive shell (using IPython)

42A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

angr ‒ demo

● CADET_00001○ Very easy, sample binary released by DARPA for CGC

○ Check if a string is a palindrome

43A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

angr ‒ demo● CADET_00001

○ Classic buffer overflowint check(){

char string[64];

receive_delim(0, string, 128, '\n')

//check if the string is palindrome


return result;


44A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

angr ‒ demo● CADET_00001

45A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

angr ‒ demo● CADET_00001

○ Finding a crash

import angrp = angr.Project("CADET_00001")pg = p.factory.path_group(save_unconstrained=True)

while len(pg.unconstrained)==0: pg.step()crash_state = pg.unconstrained[0].statecrash_state.posix.dump(0,”/tmp/crash.bin”)

46A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

angr ‒ demo● CADET_00001

○ Triggering the “Easter Egg”

#define EASTEREGG "\n\nEASTER EGG!\n\n"

//the “caret” character (“^”) triggers the Easter Egg

if(string[0] == '^'){

transmit_all(1,EASTEREGG, sizeof(EASTEREGG)-1)


47A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

angr ‒ demo● CADET_00001

○ Triggering the “Easter Egg”

48A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

angr ‒ demo● CADET_00001

○ Triggering the “Easter Egg”

import angrp = angr.Project("CADET_00001")pg = p.factory.path_group()

pg.explore(find=0x804833E)egg_state = pg.found[0].stateegg_state.posix.dump(0,"/tmp/egg.bin")

49A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Coming up:

● DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)The (almost-)Million Dollar Baby

● Our Cyber Reasoning System (CRS)Fancy term for auto-playing a CTF

● Automated Vulnerability Discovery● Live example using angr

Open-source binary analysis framework

● Towards the Cyber Grand Challenge Finals (CFE)

50A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

● 7 teams passed the qualification phase

● Shellphish is one of them! :-)

● We exploited 44 binaries out of 131

● Every qualified team received $ 750,000 !

CGC Quals ‒ Results

51A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

● Teams’ submissions are available○ http://repo.cybergrandchallenge.com/cqe_results/cqe_final_submissions.zip

● If you like reversing, you can study:○ How patches were inserted○ Where patches were applied○ How patches were implemented

CGC Quals ‒ Results

52A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC Finals

● Different setup○ Round-based attack-defense CTF○ Zero human intervention allowed

■ Not even bug fixing!○ Data about previous rounds is available:

■ submitted exploits/patched binaries performance■ (anonymized) network traffic■ patches from other teams

○ Stealing patched binaries/exploits?

53A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC Finals

● Exploits are more realistic:○ Two types:

■ Crash at a specific location and set a specific register to a given value

■ Leak data from a specific memory page○ We need a more realistic exploit generator

● Every team can also deploy network-level filtering rules

54A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC Finals

● Every team has access to a cluster of:○ 1280 cores○ 16 TB of RAM○ 128 TB of storage

55A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC Finals

56A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC Finals

● How to achieve full automation (No possibility of mistakes!)○ Reading the rules… a lot of rules…

○ Testing… a lot of testing...■ Manual and automatic

57A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

CGC Finals

● Finals will take place on August 2016○ DEFCON, Las Vegas

● Money prices!○ First place: $ 2’000’000○ Second place: $ 1’000’000○ Third place: $ 750’000

● The winning team will compete against human teams at DEFCON CTF Finals :-)

58A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Shellphish CGC Team

59A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

Shellphish CGC Team

60A Dozen Years of Shellphish – from DEFCON to the Cyber Grand Challenge

“That’s all folks!”

Questions?References:Official documentation: cybergrandchallenge.org ‒ cgc.darpa.mil ‒ github.com/cybergrandchallengeDARPA CGC presentation (DEFCON 2015): youtu.be/gnyCbU7jGYAangr: angr.io ‒ github.com/angremail: [email protected]: http://goo.gl/GbD2u2