a crisil five star rated project · a crisil five star rated project. certificate of recognition...

Thanneerpanthal, Vilankurichi Road C OME H OME TO E LEGANCE A Crisil Five Star Rated Project

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Page 1: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Thanneerpanthal, Vilankurichi Road

C o m e H o m e t o e l e g a n C e

A Crisil Five Star Rated Project

Page 2: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Certificate of RecognitionPresented to


As one of India’s Top 100 Projects featured in our Coffee Table Book, presented by Dr. Fixit and CRISIL Real Estate

Ratings as knowledge partners.

We at Realty Plus acknowledge your pinnacle of imagination, innovation, and quality of offerings in the real estate sector in the year 2013 which has set a definitive benchmark in the

Indian Real Estate diaspora.

Srivari Ananyaa has been ranked among the top 100 projects in India by Realty Plus

Page 3: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

If it is the comfort of having the best of all life’s necessities near at hand that completes a home, then Srivari Ananyaa is perfection itself. Accessibly located on Vilankurichi Road, it is within easy reach of premier educational institutions, shopping districts, hospitals and more. TIDEL Park is a short walk away, as well, which helps you bring the office closer home.

If it is the convenience of a home that has been planned with your needs in mind, then Srivari Ananyaa is a wonderful combination of elegance and utility. Aesthetically pleasing and practically impeccable. Carefully planned to enable a life of complete ease and comfort.

Read on and discover how Srivari Ananyaa gives you the perfect blend of everything you wished for in a home.

l On Vilankurichi Roadl Very close to Fun

Republic Mall and other shopping centres in Avinashi Road

l 5 minute walk to TIDEL Park

l 5 minute drive to major schools and colleges

l 5 minute drive to the best hospitals

l 5 minute drive to the Airport

134, two and three bedroom apartments, commercial space with 20 studio apartments spread over 2 beautifully landscaped acres.

Welcome to Srivari Ananyaa. Welcome to a life of elegance and grace.

Rated Five Stars by CRISIL – So you can buy with confidence

Srivari Ananyaa is one of only two projects in Coimbatore to

be rated Five Stars by CRISIL, the other being Srivari Vaibhav.

A CRISIL Star rating measures quality based on construction

quality, financial and organization strength of a developer, legal

compliance and transparency and more. This prestigious rating

is given by CRISIL after a diligent audit and verification process to

help buyers take an informed decision. CRISIL is an independent

rating organisation in India with the Standard & Poor (S&P) being

its largest stakeholder.

Page 4: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Site Map


Page 5: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Make a Grand Entrance

Page 6: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

70% Open Space

View from the North

Page 7: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

An Atmosphere of Green Freedom


Page 8: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

A Sound Body in a Great Home!


Page 9: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

A Twinkling Spectacle at Night

Page 10: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Ground Floor Plan


Page 11: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Happiness is an Elegant Home of Your Own

Page 12: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

First Floor Plan


Page 13: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Second Floor Plan


Page 14: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Third Floor Plan


Page 15: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Club House Level-Fourth Floor plan


Page 16: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Typical Floor Plan


Page 17: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Designed for More Happy Moments!

Page 18: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 101, 201, 301, 401, 501, 601, 701, 801, 901.Saleable Area - 1,740.18 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 19: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 102, 202, 302, 402, 502, 602, 702, 802, 902.Saleable Area - 1,709.67 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 20: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 103, 203, 303, 403, 503, 603, 703, 803, 903.Saleable Area - 1,160.78 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 21: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 104, 204, 304, 404, 504, 604, 704, 804, 904.Saleable Area - 1,142.16 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 22: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 205, 305, 405, 505, 605, 705, 805, 905.Saleable Area - 1,317.55 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 23: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Space Enough for a Picnic at Home!

Page 24: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 106, 206, 306, 406, 506, 606, 706, 806, 906.Saleable Area - 1,143.74 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 25: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 107, 207, 307, 407, 507, 607, 707, 807, 907.Saleable Area - 1,164.35 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 26: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 108, 208, 308, 408, 508, 608, 708, 808, 908.Saleable Area - 1,718.65 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 27: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 109, 209, 309, 409, 509, 609, 709, 807, 909.Saleable Area - 1,145.72 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 28: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 110, 210, 310, 410, 510, 610, 710, 810, 910.Saleable Area - 1,331.15 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 29: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Share in the Simple Pleasures of Life

Page 30: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 111, 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, 811, 911.Saleable Area - 1,168.04 sqft.

NKey Plan

Page 31: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 112, 212, 312, 412, 512, 612, 712, 812, 912.Saleable Area - 1,690.26 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 32: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 113, 213, 313, 413, 513, 613, 713, 813, 913.Saleable Area - 1,614.45 sqft.


Key Plan

Page 33: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Flat No: 114, 214, 314, 414, 514, 614, 714, 814, 914.Saleable Area - 1,652.62 sqft.


Key Plan

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Flat No: 115, 215, 315, 415, 515, 615, 715, 815, 915.Saleable Area - 1,674.14 sqft.

Key Plan

Page 35: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Take a Dip and Beat the Heat

Page 36: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

• Grand entrance lobby

• Swimming pool

• Air-conditioned gymnasium

• Air-conditioned indoor games room

• Air-conditioned multipurpose hall

• Landscaped garden

• Adequate car parking in two levels

• RO water plant

• State of the art electronic security system

• 100% power backup for common amenities

• Limited power backup for all apartments

• Reticulated piped gas line

• Association office

• Mini Theatre Room

Lifestyle Amenities

Page 37: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Building Structure : Framed R.C.C. structure with 9” periphery walls and 4 ½” thick partition wall.

Flooring : Vitrified tiles in living, dining, bedrooms and kitchen. Marble/Granite/

Tiles / Kota Stone in corridor and on stairways.

Kitchen : Coloured granite table top with stainless steel sink and glazed tile dadoing

upto 2 feet height above counter.

Toilets : White or off-white colour sanitaryware, granite tabletop washbasin counters,

good quality c.p. fixtures like Jaquar or similar wallmixers, overhead shower.

Coloured glazed tile dado upto 7’ height and anti skid ceramic tile flooring.

Doors : Good quality wood frame for the entrance door and good quality skin door

finished with melamine polish and good quality flush doors for other areas – painted.

Joineries : Good quality wood frames for all door openings finished with enamel paint.

Windows : Elgi, Fenesta or similar UPVC / Aluminium window frames and shutters.

Electrical : Copper wiring in p.v.c. conduits, modular plate switches, MCB/ELCB,

adequate fan, light, T.V. and telephone points and A/c points in all bedrooms.

Interior Painting : Putty finished surface coated with plastic emulsion.

Water Supply : Corporation water supply in kitchen in addition to softened bore well water

supply for domestic use.

Treatment Plant : Water softening plant through reverse osmosis will be provided for purifying

borewell water.

Generator : Full power back up for common areas, limited back up for every apartment.

Lift : Adequate lifts of reputed make will be provided.

Car park : Car parking space will be provided for all apartments.


Page 38: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Location Map

Readily Accessible. Close to All Conve-niences.

Not to scale

Page 39: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA
Page 40: A Crisil Five Star Rated Project · A Crisil Five Star Rated Project. Certificate of Recognition Presented to SRIVARI INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LTD for their project SRIVARI ANANYAA

Srivari Ananyaa – Project Team


K.S.M Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Chennai

Structural Consultant

Somdev Nagesh, Chennai

Project Management Consultant

Matrix Solutions, Bangalore.

Landscape Architect

Beyond Green, Ahmedabad

Electrical Consultant

P.P. Associates, Coimbatore

PHE Consultant

Prism Consultancy, Bangalore

LEED Consultant

LEAD Consultancy & Engineering Services

(India) Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore.


S. Krishnamoorthy & Co., Coimbatore


M. Panchapakesan & P. Vijay Ragunath, Coimbatore




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Tel: +91 422 474 9999, Fax: +91 422 222 3050