a correlational study on the career personality and work performance of employees at beti’s...

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There have been various studies that have been made on personality and performance, which, are concerned to determine the relationship of personality and performance. This current study (A Correlational Study on the Career Personality and Work Performance of Employees at Betis Woodcraft Manufacturing Inc.) however has something new to offer in the world of research. This research would like to conceptualize the variable personality based on John Hollands Theory of Career Choice model which has six (6) dimensions of personality namely the Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Entrepreneurial, and Conventional or which is collectively known as RIASEC. The other variable performance is conceptualized according to the five (5) dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and In-Role Performance. These five (5) OCB dimensions are Altruism, Civic Virtue, Conscientiousness, Courtesy, and Sportsmanship and also including the In-Role Performance.Despite of the preponderance of works about personality and performance, there are some organizations which remain in disregarding the importance and benefits of personality in improving the performance of employees. Some of these organizations include manufacturing companies which rather concentrate on monthly or routinary training which focus more on the work capability and less on the work efficiency of employees.Manpower in the lay man definition is the human resource of the company. Without manpower progress is impossible even with companies working mostly with machines. The benefits that manpower which machines could never provide is their right personality and skills which makes them capable to interact with clients, colleagues and bosses (Smeaton, 2008) and it also makes them capable of facing every challenge in the workplace with positive approach. The personality of workers develops with the nature and environment of the organization. It can be affected by the values incorporated by the organization. However, what if the company employs the notional system that physical and mental training is what the organization needs to be productive, which in this system, personality development is not covered?In this study, the researchers aim to identify whether personality has significant relationship with the performance of workers. The study is contextualized in a certain organization which is the Betis Woodcraft Manufacturing Inc. from which the respondents in this study has come from. The significant relationship of the two variables employed in this study refers to the magnitude of their relationship and not at par to the effect of the variables to one another.

Theoretical Framework

This study is highly influenced by three (3) theories, namely, John Hollands Theory of Career Choice, Elton Mayos Hawthorne Study, and Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs.John Hollands theory of Career Choice is focused on the idea that people is apt into one of the six personality types, namely, Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional (RIASEC). The theory proposes that people tends to find for people of their same kind and then create an environment which will be an avenue for their skills, abilities, attitudes, and values, and where they can take challenges agreeably (Jones, 2002). The theory explains that when people have found the appropriate environment for them where their skills, interests, abilities and attitudes are being valued and satisfied, it will likely result to success. For example, a Realistic person, who likes to work with tools, or machines and has good skills in working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or plants and animals (Jones, 2002), working in a realistic environment, say a farm, forest, aviation, factory, among others which values and satisfies his skills, interests, and ability, would likely be successful with these environments. In this current study, personality is based on the six (6) RIASEC personality dimensions model of Holland. The theory also helps this study to determine the composition of personality in the organization.Another theory which influences this study is Elton Mayos Hawthorne Studies. TheHawthorne studies which experimented three phenomena, namely, Illumination phase, Relay Assembly test room and Bank wiring room, in Hawthorne works of the General Electric Company in Chicago was initially focused on determining the impact of environmental factors to the optimization of the workers performance (Macefield, 2007), but, towards the end of the experiments, the researchers have found out the unexpected reasons that optimizes the workers performance.In the Illumination phase, the experimenters has alternatively varied the lighting levels of the test groups room, while, in the control groups room the lighting remained constant. The result of the increase and decrease of lighting levels to the test groups performance is positive while the result of the constant lighting to the control group has also resulted positive.In the Relay Assembly test room, six women were isolated from the rest and served as the test group. Couple of changes in their working environment were injected including the changes in working hours, inclusion of two 5 minutes breaks, establishment of incentives, supervisory, and free hot meals (Borgatti, 2004). The couple of changes has in the working conditions of the six women has resulted to the increase of their performance. However, when the changes were removed and the working condition was returned to the original working conditions, the performance of the workers has increased more from 2,400 relays a week to 3,000 relays a week.In the two previous experiments, the puzzling results were accounted by Elton Mayo to the awareness of the respondents of the researchers observation on their performance (Macefield, 2007). The respondents awareness resulted to the mentality that they have to keep on improving their performance despite of the environmental modification because of the sense of acknowledgement that their observers give to them.Hawthorne studies would be the spring board of the researchers of this study to prove that the managements concern and recognition towards the career personalities of workers would result to a positive outcome on their work performance. From the Hawthorne study, the researchers also believes that the awareness of the employees that their individual personalities are being noticed as an important factor in achieving the goals of the company, would result the optimization of their performance.Another theory that influences this study is the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. The theory proposes the idea that people would tend to reach the transcendence stage, the highest need of human. But before a man succeed on reaching this stage, he must fulfil the lower needs first (physiological, belong-love, self-esteem, cognitive, aesthetic, and self-actualization). This study is related to seventh and eighth stage (self-actualization and transcendence stage) only. The realization of ones inner talent and personal growth which happens in the self-actualization stage (seventh stage), is important for a person to fulfil his need of realizing his worth. After the fulfilment of self-actualization, the next stage is the transcendence stage where the person would feel the need to concretize the realization of his talent through usage of it.Setting it in the pace of this study, in a workplace the management could also support the employees in realizing their talents their inner skills for their personal growth. By helping them realize their talents, the management could help them now by diverting this talents towards the achievements of the goals of the company. The company now would be the avenue which will suffice the needs of the employees to use and concretize their talents (transcendence stage). In the achievement of the highest need of employees (transcendence), not only their personal growth were satisfied or met but they are also actually contributing to the growth of the company.

Conceptual Framework

Measured QuestionnairesResults of the Variables and Correlation


Betis Manufacturing Employees



Fig. 1 The process in determining the magnitude of relationship of Productivity and Personality of Employees.

The researchers would like to tackle the area of personality and that of performance of employees in the given situation. As variables of the study, researchers would actually test the two factors (personality and performance) that which would be correlated in the later part of the study. Past researches have been dealing with the relationship of both sides of the same coin towards employees and have found different and varying results. The study to be conducted is to determine if there is a significant relationship between personality and performance as variables, but to the question as to the extent of what most dominant personality in the RIASEC in the given context and apply it to the company.As it should be known, performance plays an important part in a work place. Given the situation that manual labor is highlighted in the context of respondents, performance is a must and is what would make the management move to bigger heights. According to Romero (2010) that in technical endeavours which is in the context of the management needs scientific and technological skills. By RIASEC analysis of the people which research would hypothesize and assume to be Realistic meaning, more Mechanical and Practical in nature is what is emphasized in performance until results may be shown in the latter chapter of the research. Workers are in the Woodcraft and Designs industry and ergo by context are to be Realistic and practical in nature. Technicalities should be present in the workers for by definition, Woodcraft and Designing is a very technical course which needs constant practice. Performance is in the light of traditional approaches where management would wish to establish their intentions on improvement on work basis.On the other hand, what would affect employees is their personality, something innate and hardly difficult to possess and channel. Traditional approach has not been open to the given field and area until Hawthorne studies and Mayo have pioneered into the essence of a human beings flaws and as well as the potentialities. Researchers would like to test about the personality factor because the researchers are unto the belief that it may give rise to a big influence on the performance of employees. Most would actually look at the performance of employees, but many should also look at what could influence the performance and the researchers actually test to see based on the RIASEC point of view. By being how to know on the employees life and interests, it actually builds a stronger connection with the employees with brings mutual agreement and good relationship (Berman, 2012). In connection with a good relationship and in being heard, management may take away the boundaries from the workforce and of the establishment thus taking away what Tompkins (2004) calls as social disorganization based on Mayo where ties of two sides are being destroyed. Researchers would go to the idea of Ripley (2002) which particularly says there are many solutions to employee performance other than training.Researchers would see the compatibility and correlation of both sides of the same coin of the employees. Man is not only mechanical by its habits but also, the researchers believe them to be emotional and have a persona which they (workers) input unto work given their individual differences (Awadh and Ismail, 2012).In light of such variables of personality and performance, the researchers would measure variables based on two questionnaires which measure both sides of personality and performance. As it may be present in the third and fourth chapters in the latter parts of the research, results of both studies shall be correlated whereas in the RIASEC questionnaire, researchers would take the dominant personality and correlate such factor to the other factors of the Performance Appraisal questionnaire having its Organizational citizenship behaviors and In-role performance (McCook, 2012). In correlation of both questionnaires are the researchers able to answer the significance of relationship between personality and performance.Statement of the Problem

What is the dominant personality of employees in a skill-based context in manual labor to determine what organizational citizenship behaviour should be optimized for their work performance in relation to the dominant personality? Following the main question of the research, the following guide questions were raised:1. What is the dominant personality style of the employees as determined by the RIASEC? 2. What is the level of job performance of the employees using the following dimensions as measures? a. Altruismc. Civic Virtued. Conscientiousnesse. Courtesyf. Sportsmanshipg. In-role Performance3. Is there a significant relationship between personality and job performance?

Significance of the Study

People often of the age of today incorporate knowledge to increase skills in performance where the society of the age managements cope up with globalization (Romero, 2010), changes are vast arising from Ethical to the Technological aspect of industries, thus causing way for new methods of success. The significance of the study indicates that, besides the performance of the employees using their skills and developing their skill, is not enough reason for productivity as to which most managements would think that it is. As Human Resources would pave the way as mediums for the relations of the employees of the workers, Human Resources carries the burden of responsibility in ensuring that employees be guided by managements schemes and goals.The significance of the study is that it would help stimulate relations in a much better accord between workers and employers in the following company to which gives a more systematic approach to it (Ripley, 2002). Different companies have different natures where according to Awadh and Ismail (2012) where culture plays an important role, for it develops the customs for employees behaviour such as that comparing fast food companies to the nature and culture of manufacturing companies, a different and specific work ethic is to guide each of them based on their styles of jobs, from motor and physical ones, to the mental and abstract ones. Given that the respondent is a manufacturing company assures that in a general perspective, research applies the general methods of understanding employees, guided by Elton Mayos Human Relations Theory, Maslows hierarchy of needs and Hollands theory on personality. In the Specific perspective, research dwells within the nature of the company at hand to prove that personality is a matter of importance for it paves way for employees experience for the handling of problems at work (Awadh and Ismail, 2012).Scientific Management principles focus on too much of work, more on the skill-based asset of totality in an employee, but knowing that employees are human, capable and born with emotions, should not be ignored (Tompkins, 2004). The study aims to magnify the significance of tapping potentialities of employees that are not simply measurable, namely, their emotions, their feelings, their personalities. By Frederick Taylors view of facts, people have the correct job in lieu their skills and capabilities but do not forget that behind the veil of physicality, comes first the mental and inner aspect of human beings which makes responsible their possibilities of movement and growth. It is important that the study be made not only to remind the masses of management about employees and their capabilities, but as well as show that humans are not machines doing monotonous and boring tasks without any sense of how they are contributing to the common interest (Tompkins, 2004). According to Awadh and Ismail (2012) it is personality that differentiates one person from another and therefore it is not simply a general aspect of measuring what someone can do, but it is defining and understanding of someones differences and how to utilize the differences of one another, to form a better team, for the betterment of their performance, for the development of the management as a whole. Management has to know in accepting and channelling not only those which are positive in nature of the employee, but also the whole being (Ripley, 2002).The study aims to give to the society not only a reminder but as well as a study onto the nature of manual labour in manufacturing companies. Comparing different companies, they all require different skill sets, and as for the researchers, the study benefits the nature of manual labour in manufacturing companies. Past researches would dwell on the correlation of both personality and performance and that some would find that there is a correlation where some would not, and some only choose specific aspects of personality which has high relations to performance whereas other areas, given for example in the Big Five Personality Test, other personalities have no relevance at all in performance. The researchers would show that as individual differences are present, the nature of manufacturing companies with regards to manual labour can be generalized to predict performance and behaviour as they provide collective attributes of human nature (Awadh and Ismail, 2012). Research will provide that personality will have an impact but that the impact of personality varies on particular personalities and not all of them. To take into consideration the method of the research aided by RIASEC tests, the researchers will give answer to specific rather than whole-accepted views on personality as an influence factor to work and labour in the manufacturing company context.Scope and Limitation of the StudyThe scope of this study according to subject matter, the study focuses on determining the magnitude of the relationship of personality and performance, and also to determine the relationship patterns of the two variables. It shall be determined if the variables has significant relationship and if it has direct or indirect or no relationship with one another.The variables of the study is limited in the following way, the personality variable in this study refers to John Hollands Theory of Career Choice model which is classified into six (6) types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional (RIASEC). The scope of personality will go as far as to the dominant personality in the workplace alone. The less dominant personality found in this study will not be considered as a variable to be correlated to the performance. The performance variable on the other hand refers to the five (5) Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) dimensions namely the Altruism, Civil Virtue, Conscientiousness, Courtesy, and Sportsmanship, and including the In-Role Performance.This study is also focused on one organization only which is the Betis Woodcraft Manufacturing Company, from which the respondents in this study have come from. The respondents were composed of 51 workers who are generally in charge in the sandpapering, carving, and production section and who are employed during the month of August year of 2013.Hypotheses

In this study the following hypotheses are to be proved:1.) Null Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has no significant relationship to Altruist Performance. Alternative Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has significant relationship to Altruist Performance.2.) Null Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has no significant relationship to Civic Virtue Performance.Alternative Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has significant relationship to Civic Virtue Performance.3.) Null Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has no significant relationship to Conscientious Performance.Alternative Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has significant relationship to Conscientious Performance.4.) Null Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has no significant relationship to Courteous Performance.Alternative Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has significant relationship to Courteous Performance.5.) Null Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has no significant relationship to Sportsmanship Performance.Alternative Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has significant relationship to Sportsmanship Performance.6.) Null Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has no significant relationship to In-Role Performance.Alternative Hypothesis: The Social Personality of manufacturing workers has significant relationship to In-Role Performance.Definition of Terms The definition of terms is arranged in chronological manner in which the words defined below are first used in the description of the first part of this research. This is also in term of how the research progress, because the researcher would use and discuss first the RIASEC questionnaires with its implication and definition, the after the discussion of the RIASEC the Performance Appraisal with its implication will follow. Employees refers to the workers of Betis Woodcrafts Manufacturing Incorporation who are in charge of sandpapering, carving, and production section.Hawthorne Effect - a form of reactivity whereby subjects improve or modify an aspect of their behaviour being experimentally measured simply in response to the fact that they know they are being studied, not in response to any particular experimental manipulation. Personality refers to career personalities distinguished by John Holland on his Theory of Career Choice namely the Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional personalities (RIASEC). Realistic - Likes to work with animals, tools, or machines; generally avoids social activities like teaching, healing and informing others. Have good skills in working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or plants and animals. Values practical things you can see, touch, and use like plants and animals, tools, equipment, or machines. Sees self as practical, mechanical, and realistic. Investigative - Likes to study and solve math or science problems; generally avoids leading, selling, or persuading people. Good at understanding and solving science and math problems. Values science. Sees self as precise, scientific, and intellectual. Artistic - Likes to do creative activities like art, drama, crafts, dance, music, or creative writing; generally avoids highly ordered or repetitive activities. Has good artistic abilities in creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art. Values the creative arts like drama, music, art, or the works of creative writers. Sees self as expressive, original, and independent. Social - Likes to do things to help people - like teaching, counselling, nursing, or giving information, generally avoids using machines, tools, or animals to achieve a goal. Good at teaching, counselling, nursing, or giving information. Values helping people and solving social problems. Sees self as helpful, friendly, and trustworthy. Enterprising - Likes to lead and persuade people, and to sell things and ideas, generally avoids activities that require careful observation and scientific, analytical thinking. Good at leading people and selling things or ideas. Value success in politics, leadership, or business. Sees self as energetic, ambitious, and sociable. Conventional - Likes to lead and persuade people, and to sell things and ideas; generally avoids activities that require careful observation and scientific, analytical thinking. Is good at leading people and selling things or ideas. Values success in politics, leadership, or business. Sees self as energetic, ambitious, and sociable. Altruism is motivated by concern for others, or by conscience or moral principle compared to that of the scientific or biological phenomena which as the author mentions for reproductive success of the others at expense to the self. Civil Virtue - ethical correctness and that which are qualities in a persons character which are good to possess where it satisfies the demand of morality. Conscientiousness - related to achievement motivation as well as impulse control. Sportsmanship - means preventing from actions which may head to adverse situations at the workplace and retaining symbiotic environment within the organization against any unfavourable situations. Courtesy - is generally described as consulting with others before taking action behaviour. In-Role Performance - is the activities that involves the employees formal role requirements. Scholars has distinguished In-role performance from Organizational behaviour, the former is described as a performance that focuses on the core technical duties of the job.


This chapter is categorized into studies related to: personality, performance, relations of personality and performance, and the synthesis of the literatures and studies.Studies on Personality

David Boyle (2012) argues that the current generation is being more reliant to systems and constantly rejects the human element (Boyle, 2012) that truly makes transformation in the organization feasible. Most organizations venture to limit human intercommunication, and are solely established on the grounds of authoritarianism rather than collaboration. Numerous managements assert that systems are the solution to the natural human error. Hence, they are developing sequences of oppressive interlocking systems (Boyle, 2012) by which people were bent and forge to match accordingly to their job.Personality in itself is what makes a person a person of his own identity, once this is being suppressed by some external force, it will tend to cause psychological conditions such as stress to a person. According to John Holland, every person is associated with one of the six personalities, namely, Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Each personality types has its own set of skills and interests which each has its own suitable environment. Realistic persons would highly regard working in farms, construction sites, aviation, sports arena, armed services, and among other environments that values practicality, mechanical skills, and realistic personality. Realistic persons likes working with animals, tools, or machines; they commonly refrain social activities like teaching, healing and informing others; they have good skills in working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or plants and animals; and they values practical things that can be seen, touched, and used like plants and animals, tools, equipment, or machines (Jones, 2002).The closely compatible personality to realistic is investigative personality. Investigative persons are interested in working in research centres; science, marine, forestry laboratories; hospitals, schools, and among other environment that values precision, scientific and intellectual matters. Investigative persons are inclined and good at learn and solve math or science problems; they are commonly refraining leading, selling, or marketing activities; they values science and views selves as precise, scientific, and intellectual (Jones, 2002).On the other hand, the compatible personality to investigative persons are the artistic persons. Artistic persons are inclined and good at doing creative activities like art, drama, crafts, dance, music, or creative writing; they commonly refrain highly organized or monotonous activities; they sees themselves as expressive, original, and independent(Jones, 2002). Artistic persons are most likely to succeed in environments such as theatre, show business industry, fashion industry, literature, art schools, and among other environments that values creativity, originality, and expressivity.Social persons are the compatible persons to artistic persons. Social persons areinclined to activities that includes helping people such as teaching, counselling, nursing, or giving information; they commonly avoids using machines, tools, or animals to attain an aim; they are excellent at teaching, counselling, nursing, or giving information; and they sees themselves as helpful, friendly, and trustworthy (Jones, 2002). The social environments that suffices the social persons are schools, hospitals, counselling offices, customer providing industries, and among others that values helping people and solving societal difficulties.The compatible personality of social persons are the enterprising persons. Enterprising persons are inclined and excellent at leading and persuading people, and at marketing things and ideas; they commonly refrain activities that demands keen observation and scientific, analytical thinking; they values success in politics, leadership, or business; and views themselves as energetic, ambitious, and sociable (Jones, 2002).The environments that enterprising persons would highly regard are legal and business organizations.Conventional persons are the compatible persons of the enterprising persons. Conventional persons are inclined and good at working with numbers, records, or machines in a set; commonly refrains indeterminable and unregulated activities; they values success in business and sees themselves as orderly, and good at following a set plan (Jones, 2002).The environments that satisfies conventional persons are banks and business organizations, and among other environments that values order and system.The association of the employees personality and performance outcome had been gaining intensifying documentation, on the other hand, the association of the personality-performance to environment has been seldom documented (Westerman & Simmons, 2007). Due to the increasingly enormous span of control and decreasing contact between employees and managers in the work situation (De Meuse et al., 2001; Henricks, 2001, as cited in Westerman & Simmons, 2007), the managements excessive dependence on the employee selection methods as a way of optimizing performance and commitment may have an insignificant effect than in effectively administering the work environments. In addition, most of the managers do not have the extensibility for their staffing patterns in the short-term, in this circumstances managing the work environment is commonly the most appropriate short-term choice, besides skill training, for optimizing results (Westerman & Simmons, 2007). Westerman and Simmons (2007) suggested that the personality-employee outcome relationship is mediated by work environment preferences.According to Schneider (1987), as mentioned by Westerman and Simmons (2007) it is the people that generates the environments. They have individual attraction and individual choice of what their environments will be. On the other hand, Costa, McCrae, and Holland (1984), as mentioned by Westerman and Simmons (2007), argue that people initially chose their vocations that concur to their personalities. On the perspective of Judge and Cable (1997); and Chatman (1991) as mentioned by Westerman and Simmons (2007), congruency of the applicants values to the values of the recruiters and employees in the organizations has proved that it improves the applicants performance after the entry. Judge and Cable (1997) has postulated evidence that applicants have enthusiastically choose their organizational environments based on their differential interests. They seek jobs that has rewarding processes and cultures that suffices their personalities, in belief that it will optimize their abilities and enhance their performance.However, various studies have started to demonstrate that personality has indirect relationship with performance instead of direct relationship (Westerman & Simmons, 2007). What triggers the optimization of performance is the environment that supports the personalities of the employees. Billings and Moos (1982) as mentioned by Westerman and Simmons (2007), have postulated that the interpersonal interaction in a work environment, such as the social communication exchanges and cohesion among workers, and the friendship and support provided by co-workers and management optimizes the function of each employees. To accurately comprehend the relationship between personality and performance, we should change direction towards determining the intervening variables that links personality and performance (Hurtz & Donovan, 2000, as cited in Westerman & Simmons, 2007).Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Dennis Organ presented a broader dimension of OCB which encompasses Altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, and Civic Virtue which according to Singh are the most useful in the organizational situations. Organ as mentioned by Singh (2008) has provided general description to each dimension of OCB which are: for Altruism, it is described as helping the co-workers even it is not required; for Conscientiousness, it is illustrated as abiding with the regulations and practices in the organization; for Sportsmanship, a person with this performance is described as not complaining about trivial matters; for Courtesy, a person with this performance is illustrated as consulting with others before taking action; and for Civic Virtue, it is illustrated as having the characteristic of keeping abreast with matters that affect the organization.


Dibou (2012) makes study as of the definition and essence of the word Altruism for, the source that has been presented identifies dilemmas in the understanding of what the specific trait clearly represents. Dibou (2012) focuses on what Altruism is based on the more behavioral-social phenomena taken from Seglows (2004) work where it states that Altruism is motivated by concern for others, or by conscience or moral principle compared to that of the scientific or biological phenomena which as the author mentions for reproductive success of the others at expense to the self. It is a clear importance that the Altruism definition be clarified for purposes of scientific study on the matter for it deals with individuals as well as those of individuals in groups, such as participants in the research conducted. The research puts into order the importance of the Altruism trait for it is included in the given questionnaire prepared by McCook (2012) where it represents an Organizational Citizenship Behavior, important to the aspects which build up a good employee in a company or at work. Altruism by some point, as it is most notably known for selfless pursuit for the benefit of others, is one aspect that is a factor for society and as well as in a society of workers. Civic Virtue

The author gives light unto the importance of virtues as he sees it being in ethical correctness and that which are qualities in a persons character which are good to possess where it satisfies the demand of morality (Blanken, 2012). As the source shows that virtue is a must, there is now called a Civic virtue where it is specified by Blanken (2012) as that relating to citizen and state and therefore interrelated with Awadh and Ismails (2012) idea of organizational culture and society. Behavior is a critical factor in understanding virtue for it is in virtues that behaviors become defined, and by such, in a work place, the researchers, as borrowing from McCooks (2012) questionnaire the different Organizational Citizenship Behavior traits, refer that civic virtue is a function of normistic behavior in a given context in society, particularly in the workplace. Civic virtue as being that of cultural, depending on the place at hand, where in analysis, is at most probable that environmentalist approach as such mentioned by Westerman and Simmons (2007) where managing the environment is commonly the most appropriate choice is essential to the extent of the idea presented by Blanken (2012). If there was no behavior to govern in a specific place, anarchy would break lose based on individual differences rather than those differences governed by a code and channelled on their proper function.Conscientiousness

Hill et al., (2012) make importance of the trait that is conscientiousness for it is closely related to achievement motivation as well as impulse control and therefore a must out of every worker and employee in context to the study conducted by the researchers. The author of the study of conscientiousness gives discussion as to the foundations and correlations of conscientiousness, and with it the differences of the former studies of conscientiousness compared to the new findings of the subject. Hill et al., (2012) made mention that opposed to usual studies which say that as conscientiousness is a personality trait, it automatically means it is unchangeable. The author proves otherwise that it may still be changeable, and by being changeable, the researchers who conduct the present study come to terms that as the trait changes, so does employee performance change along with it, through various means or methods to be applied. The researchers base the following trait on McCooks (2012) questionnaire wherein the given trait is an Organizational Citizenship Behavior, which shows to be a personality of every employee which exemplifies a good attitude or performance at work, let alongside other OCBs to be mentioned and discussed in the study in the following chapters.Sportsmanship

Polat (2009) describe this OCB as preventing from actions which may head to adverse situations at the workplace and retaining symbiotic environment within the organization against any unfavorable situations (Organ, 1988, 1990; Podsakoff and et al., 2000). As Singh (2009) describe this OCB, Sportsmanship is the behavior which gravitates a person not to complain about insignificant matters in the workplace. This OCB is beneficial in the organization in a way that the workers of this type tends to endure the organizational problems, tends to protect the prestige of the organization against other organizations, and tends to avoid conflicts with the workers in the same organization.Courtesy

According to Organ as mentioned by Singh (2008), Courtesy is generally described as consulting with others before taking action behavior. This dimension of OCB enhances the performance in the work place by generating harmonious relationship between workers. It lessens misunderstandings and conflicts between workers because this type of OCB has characteristics of preventing the generation of problems between workers and a person of this type tend to consider the effect of his actions to his co-workers before committing to it.In-role PerformanceAs cited by Chughtai (2008), Borman & Motowidlo (1997) described in-role performance as the activities that involves the employees formal role requirements. Scholars has distinguished In-role performance from Organizational behavior, the former is described as a performance that focuses on the core technical duties of the job (Singh, 2008) while the latter gives rise to the social and psychological aspect of the job. Katz and Kahn as mentioned by Singh (2008) recommended that for the organizational performance to be effective, the workers must perform their prescribed duties (in-role performance) and involve their behaviors to the duties they do which will surpass their mere performance out of formal obligations or general compliance.Studies on Performance

The aim of the author is to particularly define what Performance Management is, based on the context of theories and examples. According to Bacal (2012) the performance management is not simply a management on the right things to do and say, but rather it is an ongoing communication process so that partnerships may be formed within the relationship of workers and people in control. Theoretically speaking, building relationships actually build a better environment and therefore actually contribute to success in terms of internal motivation. The performance management scope actually involves the job functions, employees contribution, improvement and retention of development, performance measurement and removing the hindrances to development. Based on the premise and title which speaks of performance, one should take note that performance is not only affected by training alone (Ripley, 2002) but as well as factors such as the environment, social aspect and even the wholeness of the employees with their own irrationalities and superstitions for so (Tompkins, 2004).Another important factor of the topic is that it is not simply orders directing employees to do certain actions for certain goals but actually being alongside with the employees, who make for better understanding and commitment to one another, the worker to the managers (Bacal, 2012). Just like Berman (2012), to be able to apply such practices of Performance Management, which involves communication, proper information passage is possible upon collaboration. In knowing how and when to collaborate actually makes possible to make discussion for feedbacks there be it also the understanding of the job for purposes of self-empowerment and motivation so as to say also and most importantly, improving performance for future purposes and development (Bacal, 2012). Speaking in practicality, Performance Management dwells more on the relationships, and therefore focuses more on the humane side of management rather than the training. The author most likely emphasizes in implied manner that it is good relations that actually help build connections, which in turn help training and cooperation easier to achieve.To further discuss, it should be highlighted that employees have to know their purposes and understand what they do (Bacal, 2012) otherwise they, as Tompkins (2004) would say, would be performing boring and monotonous tasks without contributing to the common interest of the company, which in itself is not increasingly moralizing. To be able to know, the author actually emphasizes what is called the diagnosis. It is actually used for determining causes of success and/or difficulties of workers (Bacal, 2012). Take note, in Ripleys (2002) approach that it is not only the individual, but also the environment that matters, that which is called the system. It has come to a conclusion that both Tompkins (2004) and the author Bacal (2012) agree that Failure is attributed to the individual first therefore does not exemplify the notion of the outside forces particularly speaking, the work environment which employees work into. As if it is to say that employees can always keep up to the standards of the organizations, it is actually the other way around. Furthermore, as dwelling through the theories on where to base the ideas, the author offers three ideas for the diagnosis, in which refers to identifying the pros and cons of each person, namely information on the business, information on the employees, and most importantly to pay attention. Practically speaking, information is important because it makes prior knowledge accessible and by being accessed unto, people may become prepared on facing towards futuristic problems, such as being prepared for any mistakes and knowing how to address mistakes. Besides the correct information, it is important to listen to the employees. On another interpretation Reeces (2014) self-disclosure method only on the context of the employee is applied, but of course to listen is not enough. In order for there to be a two-way communication as mentioned by Bacal (2012), there must be mandatorily initiative on both parties to form the desired communication. The communication portrayed, according to Masters and Wallace (2001) is that which is of a passive extent to which it is simply giving in without expressing your feelings or right. Stay professional yet close to the employees is another way of looking at the picture, and sometimes as well give constructive criticism for it is in feedbacks that employees actually get empowered morally; psychologically speaking when people receive something negative, it would usually break the bridge of understanding of both parties.The main importance of the discussion is that interpersonal skills are valued in the context. It is actually the main point, where if there is no good relationship amongst the people inside the context of the workplace or environment, they would surely not pass useful information to one another at an extent. The respect for the idea of relationships is and should be mandatory for man is not a machine that simply works, but is capable of having emotions, powerful enough to alter and affect the performance levels of each and every one (Reece, 2002). The researchers fully agree to the extent given by the author for the purpose that the motto or goal of Elton Mayo goes in lieu with the author.In the world of the workplace, there are many things that an employee would search for or need for the productiveness and efficiency of the work done. Performance appraisal (PA) is on the needed sources of motivation for the employees, surely the Performance appraisal is different from the usual benefit giving to the employees as a motivational tool. The PA keeps not just simply records of the employees but also daily working conditions of the employees themselves. Performance appraisal can improve work performance, though, like many other management activities, it cannot be conducted effectively without recognizing its close ties to other variables.According to Kearney (2006) effective employee appraisal has its foundations given the 3 conditions are met. 1) A group of employees who are motivated to achieve organizational goals; 2) employees who have the ability or capacity, physical and mental, to perform; and 3) employees who clearly understand the demands of their jobs what they are to do. Nothing happens in organizations unless employees are motivated. Problems of productivity on both a plant and nation-wide basis are seen as having their root principally in lack of motivation. The question practicing managers want answered is: How do you motivate people? This, in spite of the fact that every manager out of necessity has developed a personal approach to motivating people. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer that can be applied out of a recipe book. Furthermore, managers do not have direct and immediate control over all of the factors that influence a person's motivational state. Perhaps the most useful way to approach motivation is by viewing it as a matter of linking actions and consequences and helping to clarify their linkages, as perceived by employees in the work setting." Specifically, managers need to create a work setting where increased effort clearly leads to increased performance, and increased performance leads to meaningful and important personal rewards which the employee values. Equally important, these rewards must be valued more highly than those associated with some other need satisfaction.Performance improvement, if it occurs, does not happen by itself. Someone makes it happen. That someone is most often a manager. The task is not easy. Some minimum levels of motivation, ability and role clarity must be established. These are the major inputs every manager must grapple with. Since these conditions have many important internal elements, they are themselves complicated. Yet, the manager must have a basic understanding of each, as well as their relationship to one another.Studies on the relationship of Personality and Performance at work

Ripley talks about solutions on facing the current state of organizations and managements of the present era of the world today. Given the fact that there are plenty of researches that give rise to numerous ideas over the past years, the work done by Ripley gives a more practical approach indeed whereby the traditional approach of HRM which is specifically to train and discipline its employees is taken into account that it is simply not enough (Ripley, 2002).Based on the source provided, as it lingers away from traditional approach of HRM practice, it puts more emphasis on a more systems based approach, where environment is also a key factor in determining success, not only for individuals but for management as a whole. Knowing the fact that, in a functionalist perspective; the performance of one affects the whole of the group, particularly in performance and ergo, affects management as a whole (Masters and Wallace, 2001). In knowing that, management goes by the old assumption that problem is literally within the employees, that which to say, should be solved through training and discipline alone (Ripley, 2002). Specifically speaking, training is simply a good factor, for it helps people with their interdependence on the job and would actually make the environment more better, as to the situation applies, that nobody has to mind another somebody, and that all they have to do, is to focus on their own turf, and have no war with the other turfs of the company (Ripley, 2002).Now, on a systems based approach, Ripley discusses that management should make methodologies for the intervention of improvement. He argues that management looks too much on the old approaches like was mentioned earlier, and therefore, management gets caught and stuck in the perspective of the old. Knowledge increases as researches do their ways to implement new strategies into the game, and most of managements still would go to improving the employees through training. Now given that the solution of yesterday was heard, Ripley gives rise to what the world of management is currently doing, which is Recognizing those factors for the systems to be made possible as well accepting the whole person and incorporating the two (Ripley, 2002). For Ripley, it is important that management understand how the making of the methodologies for implementation of improvement happen. In doing so, management has the advantage of good planning for future purposes. On the other hand, to accept and develop workers as a whole, as well as their problems even on the external point, management will be successful based on traditional standardized ways of thinking, which is making the employee better as a whole for the performance of the whole management.Going to employees, their behaviour is one of the key factors that utter most success because harnessing differentiated personalities (Awadh and Ismail, 2012), making it generally understood can have a big advantage on the management. As Ripley signifies that the traditional method is not the only way, he emphasizes on the fact that within the environmental systems, a person or a worker is also a factor in it, because simply speaking, those are variables that are actually measured, calculated, dealt-with every day and treated with high importance.The development of the ages up to the present time is more focused on the employees in general, particularly in making the relationships grow through self-disclosure which would make best in improving interpersonal communication in the workplace, and would affect the performance and productivity of employees (Reece, 2014). As present information focuses on the environment as a whole and employees as a whole as well, Ripley discusses further on the future aspect or future solution of the management and suggests Tom Gilberts BEM (Behaviour Engineering Model) which is likely Information, Resources, Incentives, Skills and Knowledge, Capacity and Motivation. The first three tackle the environmental aspect of the subject. Information is important for the purpose of the workers to have knowledge on their workplace as well as on the job that they do. Resource gives way for the workers to work on something, in which Ripley implies No matter how skilled an employee, without the right tools and materials needed to do the job, it probably isnt going to get the job done (1999). Incentives, by traditional approach, give the worker the motivation to work; externally speaking, goods or tangibles that make them inspired to achieve a goal. The second three tackle with the behaviour and the worker as a whole. Skills and Knowledge is vital, and already understood and defined as that which is necessary for finishing the job. Capacity is important next to skills, for skills and knowledge give the ability, the length and endurance of performance is for capacity. Motivation lastly, is what makes workers move and get the job done.As Ripley shows the modes and targets of management to reach, he also tells of the two important functions of Human Relations Management in lieu of the concept of having a better systems approach. Summarizing the overall view is that firstly, management should understand the methodology of making implementations and applying those implementations. Based on what was mentioned earlier, the lesson is that simply not what is usually used, but what can be applied to the situation (Ripley, 2002). It is so, because different managements have different and unique cultures which sets customs of management build (Awadh and Ismail, 2012), and therefore, with different environments, comes different possible solutions to managements problem. The next suggestion or lesson is that, besides of thinking of ways on working on perfection, Form effective partnerships with line managers (Ripley, 2002). Practically speaking, Ripley shows that management has to work as a team, and therefore, in working with others, particularly line managers, management may monitor not only workers but environment as well. The research that Ripley wishes to portray and import on readers is that when working with one another, information gets passed easier, and therefore information can be more understood, more clearly on the part of management, and thus paving the way for better evaluation of events. The following steps are what Ripley (1999) wishes to imply; Front-end analysis-Problem area- Developing appropriate intervention and implementation-evaluation.On the part of the researchers, the detail of the approach is simple; one step at a time. From the perspective of the traditional manner, going to the more advanced manner, where tradition focuses on tangible objects and discipline, the method of the present time actually calls for on intangibles and the work area. Ripley makes a good point that there should be better ways of finding solutions, and even to the fact that management knows how to make the methodologies for those solutions. Theoretically applying the scenario of Ripleys concepts, a man cannot hammer a nail properly without proper handling of a hammer. If everyone has a hammer, that is good, and if everyone has a nail and wood to hit on then that is good, but if workers are not informed of those steps wielding knowledge of the devices and reason for such, then workers will be presumably lost in nostalgia of wondering how to get the job done. That in particular gives way to traditional approach, portraying the training, but, since knowledge and skills can easily be put through workers through proper education, its building their potentialities and attaining, and retaining good performance which concerns management.Comparisons of the old approaches are place in the source, but Ripley gives more emphasis on the workers as a whole along with its environment. It is a good manner of understanding that, it is by fact, that environment is a big factor for the workers performance in which that is why he made use of the BEM which takes importance or cognizance of Information, Resources, Incentives, Skills and Knowledge, Capacity and Motivation.Ripleys Approach speaks best wherein it makes importance of the flexibility of management, which is a crucial part or aspect of industries today, which tries best to cope up with changing global situations. According to Berman (2012) One size does not fit all, and coaching does come in different flavours, but the purposes and the goals are the same which means that training, as mentioned by Ripley is not the only way to solve everything nor is the issue what will work, and not the typical HR solutions (1999). Approach of Ripley towards subject matter helps the research in achieving the understanding of the environment and employees as incorporated in order to understand both sides of the bargain. It is not that simple to apply, for management cannot always risk on mistakes just to get to the right decisions, but the study will make use of the principles of that which is flexibilities to new possibilities, and that of proper team work with line managers which make information easier, faster and more evaluative in nature. Related to the research, are Ripleys intentions of amplifying the work environment to the employees and accepting employees as a whole package both negativity and positivity of kinds. The different key areas of development given in the BEM as well are useful for understanding in lieu of Hollands Personality Theory the different viewpoints of management not only in the eyes of management, but in the eyes of the employees and environment. Importantly to note, behaviour as an employees asset is of important control and monitoring of management, for environment and peers affect the employees performance (Masters and Wallace, 2001).Awadh and Ismail (2012) wishes to dive on the impact of personality traits and work-related attitudes on the performance of employees particularly in the case of Saudi Arabia. According to the research made by Al-Raisi et al (2011) as mentioned by Awadh and Ismail (2012), the Arab organizations of today are resistant to change and therefore by context of their culture, less research is made to the improvement of the Saudi Arabian culture in the management perspective. Because there is only a few who stood to make the change or at least make chances happen to the improvement in research in the Saudi Arabian context of management towards employees towards the performance, Awadh and Ismail (2012) have explained in detail many aspects towards performance including their literature of numerous past researches who hold different answers and suggestions towards personality to the performance of employees.There have been three (3) important questions that is being asked and they are: (1) what is the relationship between personality and employee performance? (2) What is the relationship between work-related attitudes and employee performance in Saudi-Arabian context? And (3) what is the moderating effect of organizational culture in the Saudi Arabian context between personality and work-related attitudes with employee performance? In dwelling within the following questions, the research then gives thorough detail of relationship patterns of each variable which will be mentioned in the long run.To begin, the research defines personality in its operational application where past researches suggest that it is for the prediction of job performance (Hogan and Shelton, 2006) and wherein personality differentiates one person from another (Beers and Brooks, 2011) and therefore makes the way for understanding of workers for the betterment of the company as a whole. As to another view, it is about what affects the environment and others (Denissen et al., 2011; Gerber et al., 2011) wherein personality is not only a dimension for the personal aspect, but external aspects such as other workers are well affected by another workers approaches. Personality on one hand, as it deals into the micro aspect of an organization (e.g. the self and the peers at work), in the larger picture of an organization, there is also the culture in which personality affects. It looks at how people fit in the company or organization, and therefore gives relationship to organizational productivity (Silverthorne, 2004) as mentioned by Awadh and Ismail (2012) where as a worker is fitting and is comfortable with the organization, the better chances of a better performance is to be held at fact. Personality plays an important role, although as the literatures of the researchers speak about a unilateral relationship, it is clear that if combined of all approaches, personality along with the environment and other people are reciprocal in nature; everything affects everyone and vice-versa.As mentioned earlier, there are many theories that have been actively being debated upon and verified up to the present time, but take into consideration that it is thePersonality traits theories which is correlated with behaviour, for a persons behaviour can be explained on basis of specific personality traits (Awadh and Ismail, 2012) which has given full effect and studies into practicalities of management. Because of the numerous factors relevant to personality, there is a fear of the findings being unmanageable. According to Awadh and Ismail (2012), there is confusion because there are different definitions of traits, and there are similar traits having the same definition but given different names. The study made gives focus on differentiating the different names and labels given, particularly in the Big Five Model, which is the most accepted of all personality models of the present time. A good example of the differences in the studies is that of Digman (1980) where his approach on the Big Five is Character, Intellect, Disposition, Temper and Temperament. On the more present version and more updated version by McCrae and John (1992) are on Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness as mentioned by Awadh and Ismail (2012). In the review of literature of the previous studies, the present study proposes that employee personaMaking clear, as the researchers discuss, the Big Five Model is not actually dependent on only one theory but circulates around many combined into one understanding. Given the fact that as verification of knowledge is a must through researches, the Big Five Model, as being suggested by Awadh and Ismail (2012) is the best as of the present time in order to understand relations of job performance and the worker in their totality. Hogan et al., (1996) mentions that well-created methods of ordinary personality are those tools that give the effective predictions of work performance, whereby as Ripley (2002) would suggest a more systems perspective is the needed approach. It is a must that management take into order the proper methods to implement and to know the overall aspect of itself, that which is not just workers, but the environment and other external factors as of the matter (Ripley, 2002).Besides on the personality and environment, Awadh and Ismail (2012) also mention of McCrae and Johns (1987) idea and research that there is also importance on the approach of that person where when individuals come in the training program approach matters best in acceptance of the job and adapting to it. Being in an overall perspective, as mentioned by Masters and Wallace (2001) learn to recognize and accept your experience as real is the key part of determining success per se of the employees, for the experience is something that management cannot dictate upon, but is a must on the part of employees to not only get their job done, but also to learn from their jobs for future benefits.On the next account experience also plays an important matter in the performance of employees. As experience develops the work-related attitudes (Awadh and Ismail, 2012), it gives workers that ability of being correct in doing the proper performance in the long run. Given the experience, commitment and culture are also issues that the authors are trying to present in the case. According to Etzioni (1961) as mentioned by Awadh and Ismail (2012) that commitment of one employee depends upon the nature and association with the organization. In other words it is important to know the status and condition of the employee alongside the management for there are many possible factors affecting the commitment of the employee towards the management such as benefits, good behaviours, environment, salary and even self-achievement and that people have similar positive feelings which tends to make better the surroundings and teamwork around them (Masters and Wallace, 2001). Culture affects the commitment of employees given the fact that how employees get committed is because of how culture treats them to be. What makes employees joint according to Cooke and Szumal (1993) as mentioned by Awadh and Ismail (2012) are the long-term beliefs and joint behaviouristic expectations in an organization. It is these cultures that make commitment possible for employees.The significance of the research to the study is that in a matter of perspective, Awadh and Ismail (2012) discuss empirically the different studies of the past researches and incorporate it in their Saudi Arabian setting. Personality as it is a good capital for the management, is one of the tools that helps in understanding not only on how to achieve management goals but to achieve good relations and good channels of communication (Masters and Wallace, 2001). Given the variety of knowledge that has been verified through the years, the authors have done an impressive job on specifying on details which will aid the research into finding the key components of the relation of personality on the job. Now there are different factors and theories on job personality and how it is related to performance, but the research will be aided by Hollands theory in examination and understanding, and as well as the guides given by Awadh and Ismail (2012). The work has empirically shown stability and directness to the topic as it would address most of all situations of the study in the period today.Niven (2002), have emphasized the importance of giving attention to employees learning and growth. Before even the management focus on the performance of the financial, marketing, and operational perspectives of the organization, it is a significant practice that the management would look into the performance of the employees first before the performance of other perspectives in the organization.Niven (2002), defines employees learning and growth as the root of all the success of the organization. The employees are the one who generates the values of the organization in the form of goods and services, where, it acquires good income, loyal customers, and prestige. The inputs that employees are putting forth to their work greatly affects the output the goods and services that the company provides. If the employees working conditions are satisfactory for them, the result of this to their performance would be complementary. The excellent performance of employees would result to lesser waste/defects on products, higher quality of products and/or services, lesser monetary input, higher number of loyal customers, and higher income. To explain everything in few words the success of the financial, marketing, and operational perspectives suspends on the learning and growth of the employees.The important variables that management are measuring in the employees learning and growth perspective are the employees skills, employees satisfaction, availability of information, and the alignment of the employees goals (Niven, 2002). A given example of Niven (2002) of a company that practices the measurement of the employees learning and growth is the Nova Scotia Power.Nova Scotia Power sees to it that their employees are attending the Personal Development Planning (PDP) which is also attended by the consultants from another company and by the executives of Nova Scotia Power. PDP is a strategy by which the employees personal growth were addressed by aligning their personal goals to the goals of the company. During the PDP the employees will be informed of the core competencies of the company, their mission vision, and they will be provided of the planning guidelines. In PDP each employees personal goals will be directed to the goals of the company; through this strategy the company did not only improved the methods in achieving their goals but also of the employees personal growth through the encouragement that is given to them to contribute their ideas and efforts for the attainment of the companys goals.The Reece gives importance on the personal aspect of the employees, that particularly on the communication aspect, on the self-disclosure aspect of one another in the work place. The point is that in communication, relationships grow stronger (Reece, 2004) because of the fact that the personal aspect is being tapped. Given for example that, a manager seems to be cold to his employees, and he leads through good performance but with fear, if employees let fear guide their discipline, even if work is good, relationships, which are essential to the extent of making a stronger bond inside the management, have possibilities of being broken. Practicality applies that work is not enough, but emotions and feelings are of a critical variable to consider in the performance of the organization (Reece, 2004).Reece (2004) emphasizes the importance of self-disclosure as a factor that build the relationship of workers and their environments be it their employers, and co-workers. As mentioned by the author, the importance of the said practice of self-disclosure gives three effects namely increased accurate communication, stress reduction, and self-awareness. As mentioned earlier, communication is an important aspect, because it builds the networking of the management and therefore better synchronization takes place (Berman, 2012) amongst the members. Moving onwards, when communication is lubricated and made easier through constant practice, stress is of easier handling as well. Psychologically speaking, when people do not basically open themselves or disclose of themselves, where they take all within themselves, that is a burden to carry which can and will affect the performance of employees, but as well as managers in giving direction to the employees. When people are at ease, then they can most probably perform better. Lastly of the three is self-awareness, wherein not only is the personal aspect built but the social aspect. It helps see the workers own understanding and recognition of moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their effect on others (Reece, 2004).Based on disclosing ones self, emotions play that vital role as a supplement to the invocation of ones self. Serving as an inspiration, emotions actually give the internal motivation that workers look for, besides tangible goods. It is in the actuality that emotions from a rating of emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (Reece, 2004) are divided into two distinct parts. The first part is personal competence where it is actually synonymous with the previously mentioned self-awareness. The second aspect is the social competence, to where after having practice with self-control, relationships are as of the matter in the context. It is a given that management focuses as a whole, but one must take into consideration that the essence of individuality is actually important for, technically speaking it can be used to be able to classify peoples needs where in similarities can be used to predict ones performance (Awadh and Ismail, 2012). Given that as management through culture, there is a collectivist thought (Awadh and Ismail, 2012), that thought is actually what makes people stay together as synchronized as possible. Remember that as important management is as a whole, people are and should develop themselves first as made importance through the source of Masters and Wallace (2001). In philosophy, everything starts with self-assessment and as a step-by-step process is consumed through time, the individual person may focus on the bigger parts of the picture. Reeces (2004) approach is an approach that lacks more on the practical approach, for the advices and notes pointed out that relationship is to be prioritized for the importance of a functional operational definition of the structure of the organization. If, for example one does not participate, then others will be affected, and therefore, people have to work as a team, but before working as a team, work with self-assessment first. Self-disclosure shows importance for it builds the trust amongst members, and by theory, will have a good structural relationship for the better goal of the whole management.People, not only limited to the workers but to the employers as well, have to disclose to rid off the emotional pain of what is called the toxicity. As masters of self-discipline, professionals in their field are presumed to know that what they do can affect the environment and others (Masters and Wallace, 2001), and therefore need to be careful of what they do. Disclosure actually aids the relationship, but does not always guarantee automatic solution. As people disclose and gain trust with one another, then everyone can work with anyone.According to the Berman, there is the importance to the aspect of coordination amongst members of the work place especially that of the implementation and practice of the Leaders. As said by Berman (2012) there should be certain standards that should be met in order for everything to follow into a simple yet great mechanism. Logically speaking, by standards, there should be guidelines, rules to apply so that everyone will follow a proper set of action, in which as already given, will be not difficult for workers to do the correct things. Only the mechanism will be possible if and only if Collaborating with others and getting to get other people to do things (Berman, 2012) will happen, for the simple reason that, as no one collaborates, anarchy is to follow, ergo to the management, productivity is less possible and therefore would deem to be a negative factor of influence on managements life blood.The author talks about the two important skills that are essential for influential leadership not only by managers, but as well as from the initiative standpoint of employees as well, namely having Social skills, and Professional Skills (Berman, 2012). The Social skills attribute themselves to other peoples responses and concerns, whereas Professional skills actually handle the performance per se of the workers. Speaking on the viewpoint of the employees where some are actually burdened with unresolved personal fears and feelings of inadequacy (Tompkins, 2004), it is important to note that collaboration is not only getting people to know what to do, but is a matter of knowing their circumstances before making decisions. Collaboration is simply important for the fact that, like Reece (2004) in what self-disclosure is given importance to wherein in revealing their identities, intentions and even ideas, can they have better networking with each other, it is a must that each one knows, on the part of the manager as a leader and employee, to work in unison towards the betterment of management.Based on the above given, that there should be the collaboration of parties as mentioned by the author, one must remember that no one leadership style is effective in every situation (Berman, 2012) and therefore calls for other methods of facing a problem in the work place. It does not always follow that by Elton Mayos standards which is a more accepted idea as of todays age, because of the rise of Human Rights and more Humanistic approach of needs such as awards and legal benefits, one must not forget that even old ways, that not opposing, but merely on another context, Scientific Management by Taylor may be applicable. The author attacks the practical approach when it comes to the more team-based aspect of the text, that where leadership is the key, and by the proper type of leadership.To dwell on that matter of leadership, the author ascertains that of the difference of the two important roles. He states that some people have solid or excellent professional skills and that others have good social skill but lack professional knowledge or judgment (Berman, 2012). It is therefore important to mention that it should be both the social and professional aspect that must be present. Take for example, that a person is promoted to a higher rank because of the social skills that which recognizes team-based applications. If say the person is a team-based player on the more hands-on aspect, so that he or she may understand the process further, how can he or she delegate well when he or she, who was promoted, is actually potentially remote as to the means of implementation. It is actually better to understand once on the field, but given that his or her methods work for a team-based approach, how can he or she then have the so called professional knowledge or judgment on the matter? By the made statement, one must reflect on Ripleys (2002) idea to look not only at our employees, but also at the environments to which is a factor to the case. To collaborate, one must look into both sides of the same coin of personal and social approaches, and use it. Upon collaborating, seeing not only employees but also everything as a whole, leadership would be much easier in theory and hopefully application.Besides looking on the environment and a systematic approach like Ripley (2002), it is good to note that in collaboration, there is communication to be involved. Practically speaking communication is and must always be present for if there is no communication, there will be no flow of information, and when there is no flow of information, there is actually, in theory, a delay in process, and in delay there comes the plans not going or taking their places which is by default, detrimental to the company. As said by Berman (2012) communicating and getting cooperation from others are increasingly important because it actually affects employer-employee relations and even co-worker relations. It is in its generic sense, a reciprocal process and a contagious one indeed. Take note that as one aspect of management affects one another in a functionalist perspective that in the approach or attitude of people or a person, it affects the environment be it as a whole or in their own spheres, especially in a team effort (Masters and Wallace, 2001).Of course the importance of the collaboration process is the administration of change. Management, in its simplest sense has to adapt to changes, not only to external factors (e.g. globalization, technological advancements, ethical and moral issues, laws, etc.) but also in its internal factors (employees, strategies, resources, production, etc.).Hence, Kotter states according to Berman (2012) One of the most common ways to overcome resistance to change is to educate people about it before hand and therefore, it is important to exact the knowledge of change through collaboration, for members cannot know if it is not collaborated upon. Another thing that the author imposes for not only the retention of the collaboration, but also the way the retention is to be possible is that there should be repetition of three times (Berman, 2012). It gives importance to the fact that repeating an action actually helps in building the foundation particularly in the psychology that, as practice makes perfect and the collaboration and reminders get practiced often, it would be further grounded and naturally implemented. It is not only important, by the authors thoughts, that there be change, but a factor of importance is also how the change is applied.As the author focuses on the collaboration and leadership towards to members of the organization, the author gives importance on four aspects that should be met along with collaboration, namely getting support and motivation, maintaining that support and motivation, bringing the new benefiting members to replace the old non-working members, and lastly dealing with problems on people who resist the change. Primarily speaking, being motivated and supported is one factor that makes missions and visions achieved because, psychologically speaking, if a person is not motivated to work, that which Tompkins (2004) points out where workers perform monotonous and boring tasks without any sense of how they are contributing to the common interest, then it actually devaluates that sense of self-achievement, where one works for nothing or efforts are made for nothing, as if humans were machines. Getting the emotions, attitudes and personalities boosted and empowered affects behaviour, which in turn affects performance, which in turn affects self-achievement (Reece, 2014) but in which also affects the organization as a whole on their attitudes and performance (Masters and Wallace, 2001; Awadh and Ismail, 2012). Upon taking charge of the situation, by common logic, it should be kept and maintained every day for more productivity, better relationships, and better results. There would be some who simply do not accept, and therefore remove them as stated by the author, and replace them with new members in the collaboration mission and not in the literalness of dismissal. Lastly simply fight the resistance because change is inevitable and therefore management, to survive, by common logic, has to adapt, which means to change. Like said One size does not fit all (Berman, 2012) and therefore, no one way is enough and therefore dynamic approach or changing approaches to adaptability is a must.It affects employee performance because along with Ripleys (2002) systematic approach, everything is a reciprocal with one another, given that workers affect their co-workers and employers to their employees. Change is important, and the researchers aim to say that the study conducted by Berman (2012) would be helpful in the approach of adaptation to change, and as well better relationships with all members of management in theory.Goals serves as the guide of the employees to direct their efforts at the same path that the organization is eyeing. The employees are the one who have well discernment of their strengths and weaknesses on the areas of their work (Watling, 2000). It is equitable enough for the management to be receptive on the suggestions of the employees on how to improve the mechanics of their work. In this way not only the prerogatives of the organization towards development is being met but also of the employees towards their personal growth due to their sense of contribution towards the actualization of the organizations goals.Improvement by willing cooperation (Watling, 2000) of the employees is the most preferred method of the management for achieving the long-term development of the entire organization. When cooperation comes willingly from a person, because he/she can see the benefit of it for his/her growth and development and for the organization he/she belongs with, improvement will not only be stagnant for permanency but would rather continue to improve. In deciding the areas that should be measured and improved, it is advantageous if the employees concerned were to participate in the decision making. The appraiser can try to get to the situation where he/she is supporting the suggestion (Watling, 2000) of the employee rather than doing the opposite. The method is not an easy job. Not all of the employees suggestions could be conceded but the appraiser could make use of negotiation and try to compromise the situation. Agreement between the appraiser and the employee regarding the measurement of performance and the competencies that should be improved contributes to the efficient and effective personal development outcome.The ability to work effectively with others could be achieved through understanding oneself. Knowing ones strength and weaknesses helps a person to highlight the areas that he/she is excellent at and improve the areas that he/she is wanting.Self-awareness helps through determining the types of people that will be complementary to oneself. Having a complementary relationship with other people results to understanding the lacking and abundance of skills, knowledge, needs, capabilities etc. of each. In this way, one person could exchange information that are abundant to him/her and would benefit the other who is lacking and vice versa.Self-awareness, according to Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider (2009), is knowing your motivations, preferences, and personality and understanding how these factors influence your judgment, decisions, and interactions with other people (Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider, 2009). To reiterate, self-awareness is the foundation of effectiveness at work. For example, knowing your personality whether you are realistic, investigative, artistic, social, entrepreneurial, or conventional would allow you to determine the job that is professionally satisfying and therefore financially and personally satisfying (Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider, 2009).Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider (2009) have given one method of knowing oneself, which is through self-analysis. Self-analysis necessitates a person to observe and explore his/her thoughts and feelings that is affiliated to evocative phenomena (Janasz, Dowd, & Schneider, 2009). Through the reflection of oneself, it helps a person to gain new perspectives that can be related to their lives. For example, a person who is good in writing has found out through a class reporting activity, that he/she has lacking skills in the areas of oral communication self-awareness. Once she acknowledged his/her weakness then she could start focusing on improving this area, for when she came to that phenomenon again, she would know how to handle her weakness at once. To be effective and to generate a collaborative environment, a person who is good at writing but lacks oral communication skills could collaborate with a person who is excellent in oral communication skills and lacking in writing skills. In this way, they could exchange information that they are adroit at to each other which will be beneficial for both of their improvements.Worker/Employee personality plays huge role in the organization or company, because the work place consider them as man power which runs the whole company. The Journal represents a different set of the types or working personalities, but the researcher will be concentrating on the use of Hollands theory of Career choice. Miller gave 9 types of employees and their specific work style. Avoidant personality is a pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation or criticism, Give him a task to do, keep the supervision brief and positive, let him stay out of the spotlight, and the Avoidant employee will probably be a reliable and faithful worker. Dependent personality is a pattern of submissive and clinging behaviour stemming from an excessive need to be taken care of, the ideal assistant or subordinate, and for simple, well-structured tasks this may be true. The Obsessive-Compulsive personality is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism and control, this is the "detail man" you want working on your projects. Antisocial personality is a pattern of consistent disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others, this type of style will do the absolute minimum amount of work he can get away with, apply for every benefit and privilege, antagonize your good employees, drive business away, and finally sue you or try to physically harm you when you attempt to discipline or fire him. . Borderline personality is a pattern of unstable interpersonal relationships, fragile self-image and wide emotional swings, the Borderline employee's tendency to over idealize, may initially make her the most devoted of employees. Histrionic personality is a pattern of excessive emotionality attention-seeking, need for excitement, flamboyant theatricality in speech and behaviour, a non-logical and impressionistic cognitive style, and use of exaggeration to maintain largely superficial relationships for the purpose of getting emotional needs met by being cared for by others, good humour is infectious, and your Histrionic employee may provide a refreshing dose of levity in an otherwise sober office environment. Narcissistic personality is a pattern of grandiosity, entitlement, need for admiration and lack of empathy for others' feelings or opinions and expecting unearned high praise regardless of their actual effort or accomplishment, If the Narcissistic employee is doing an acceptable job, and there is genuinely room for improvement, a collaborative, "we're in this together" type of coaching style from someone the employee respects may be effective. Paranoid personality is a pattern of pervasive distrust and suspiciousness, so that others' actions and motives are invariably interpreted as deceptive, persecutory or malevolent, the Paranoid employees will have no compunction about harming you to get what he feels he deserves. The central characteristics of both Schizoid and Schizotypal personalities include avoidance of others, severe deficiencies in social skills, generalized withdrawal from life and sometimes deficits in perceptual and cognitive skills, may be well-suited to isolated, low-level jobs of limited complexity. According to Miller all people possess personality traits. These