a concise guide to eighties music

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  • 8/18/2019 A Concise Guide to Eighties Music


  • 8/18/2019 A Concise Guide to Eighties Music


    Karl Vorderman

    A Concise Guide To Eighties' Music

  • 8/18/2019 A Concise Guide to Eighties Music


    0 song of the month for January 1980

    ns f !a"arone #y The $%ecials &%ea chart %osition(!o)1* $%ecials can lay a credi#le claim to recording the most successful 'e+tended %layer' in ,ritish chart history-heir li"e E).) &featuring 'Too Much Too /oung'* somersaulted to the to% of the )K) hit %arade in early 1980)s mini al#um contained fi"e frantic inter%retations of %re"ious classic s a recordings from the li es of the

    eers) 2o3e"er-%reference is for the hugely dancea#le 'Guns f !a"arone' 3hich is a co"er of an old $ atalites tune- 3hichlf 3as #orro3ed from the e%ic mo"ie of 1941) 2ere the "eteran Anglo Jamaican trom#onist 5ico 5odrigue63s u% a storm) 7s it %ossi#le to sit still to this energetic delight

    song of the month for e#ruary 1980mic #y ,londie &%ea chart %osition(!o)1*

    omic' had #een %re"iously recorded almost a year ago for the 'Eat To The ,eat' %ro:ect) 5emar a#ly it 3asthird selection for release as a single in ,ritain after ';reaming' had narro3ly failed to reach !um#er ne' nion City ,lue' had mysteriously failed to reach the To% Ten) This a3esome tune had no such misfortune)3ritten #y the ey#oardist Jimmy ;estri- this four and a half minute treat #enefited from an accom%anying

    eo 3hich en"isaged the grou% %laying at a %ost nuclear holocaust concert) The trademar inter%lay of guitars;e##ie 2arry's "ocals ne"er sounded #etter) 0 &%ea chart %osition( !o)>*

    ng' formed %art of a dou#le A side 3ith the e?ually %o%ular ' ood or Thought' and #ecame one of the greaties of thee%endent music la#els' scene 3hen this Graduate 5ecords %roduct clim#ed into the ,ritish To% i"e in theing of 1980) This tri#ute to Martin @uther King from a multi racial ,irmingham outfit had most %eculiar origins)s stra%%ed for cash reggae grou% had to record this seminal trac at their %roducer ,o# @am#'s #edsit- 3hicho dou#led u% as a home made recording studio) This home made hit 3as the hum#le origin of a %o%ular ch 3ho #ecame a ,ritish musical institution in the ensuing three decades)

    song of the month for A%ril 1980orest #y The Cure &%ea chart %osition( !o) 1*

    h roc ers The Cure 3ere too much of a cult act to e"er e+%ect much commercial success in the singlesrt) 2a"ing said that- this didn't deter them from releasing se"eral >Bs 3hich 3ere considera#ly #etter thanr chart %ositions 3ould indicate) Chief among them 3as the terrific 'A orest') This atmos%heric num#er 3ithslightly sinister guitar sound narro3ly failed to %enetrate the ,ritish To% 0- #ut then it only succeeded infirming that some songs are :ust too good for the charts) The mesmeric 'A orest' 3as one such song)

    song of the month for May 1980 riend #y The ,eat &%ea chart %osition( !o) * ,eat had %re"iously hit the ground running 3hen their de#ut single- a re 3or ing of $mo ey 5o#inson's

    ars f A Clo3n' reached the To% Ten at the turn of the year) The grou% then follo3ed u% 3ith t3o more To%forays courtesy of '2ands ff)))$he's Mine' and 'Mirror 7n The ,athroom') Their fourth release 3as their least

    cessful to date- and yetas argua#ly the #est) ',est riend' has to #e one of the great :angly guitar songs of the 'eighties) 7t formedrt of a dou#le A side 3ith the o"ertly %olitical '$tand ;o3n Margaret') ,oth songs first surfaced 3hen theellent al#um '7 Just Can't $to% 7t' 3as issued in May)

    song of the month for June 1980


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    cti"ely dead) !e"ertheless- this %osthumous single 3as a reminder of the soul searching that afflicted themented %syche of Curtis) This %oignant item 3as later #ra"ely co"ered #y .aul /oung- #ut this original is :ust

    good to imitate) The remaining mem#ers of the 'di"ision' lic ed their considera#le 3ounds from the tragic of Curtis and %rom%tly re a%%eared in

    guise of the hugely res%ected !e3 rder indie act)

    song of the month for July 1980ate @ife #y Grace Jones &%ea chart %osition( !o)1 *maican chanteuse Grace Jones sta ed an early claim for the #est co"er "ersion of the decade 3hen she%ertly re inter%reted '.ri"ate @ife' 3hich had originally sa3 the light of day on the .retenders' de#ut al#um)h thea#le assistance of $ly ;un#ar and 5o##ie $ha es%eare- Jones unleashes a reggae 3onder) Chrissiede's #rutal lyrics 3ere tailor made for Jones 3hose dead%an deli"ery does :ustice to such %ut do3ns asu as my ad"ice 7 say use the door ,ut you're still clinging to some#ody you de%lore)F F7 :ust feel %ity 3hen

    lie Contem%t 3hen you cry)F This insensiti"e item 3as included on the '

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    song of the month for ;ecem#er 1980 Call % #y The Clash &%ea chart %osition( !o)>0*

    Clash 3ere faced 3ith the unen"ia#le tas of attem%ting to im%ro"e u%on the critically acclaimed '@ondonling' dou#le al#um) They not sur%risingly failed- although they did themsel"es no fa"ours #y lum%ing all their

    materialether onto a tri%le al#um- entitled '$andinista') !e"ertheless- this ne3ly released long %layer did ha"e a

    m#er of highlights- including '$ome#ody Got Murdered' and ',an ro##er') My o3n %reference is for the antift trac - 'The Call %') This item features a 3ailing la+on acting as a call to arms) 4 1) nce 7n A @ifetimeI >(19Crosseyed and .ainlessI >(>B ) 2ouses 7n MotionI >( 0The Great Cur"eI 4( 4 ) $een And !ot $eenI ( 0

    @istening (> The "erloadI 4(00

    hin that 7 ha"e a#out fourteen studio al#ums from 1980 in my %ossession- so this is clearly my fa"ourite year he history of %o%ular music) 7 ha"e a marginal %reference for '5emain 7n @ight' 3hich %erha%s re%resents theati"e %ea of the e+tremely creati"e and ?uir y ?uartet- Tal ing 2eads) 7 ha"e often regarded these !e3

    ers as the .in loyd of %un - in that they 3ere al3ays a #it more arty and cle"erer than their %eers andtem%oraries) This #i6arre al#um is a case in %oint) 7t features ne3 ethnic sounds and rhythms #efore '3orldsic' 3as cham%ioned #y the li es of .eter Ga#riel and .aul $imon) The %ro:ect also sho3cases theoduction talents of ,rian Eno &a refugee from 5o+y Music*) ' nce 7n A @ifetime' made a deser"ed s%lash in

    singles charts- #ut it is ecli%sed #y the e+cellent '2ouses 7n Motion') '$een And !ot $een' is another hlight- #ut %ride of %lace goes to the energetic o%ener 3hich descends into the refrain( FGoes on And thet goes on Goes on And the heat goes on)F Chart material it 3asn't) Com%ulsi"e listening it 3as)

    1 song of the month for January 1981

    nna #y ltra"o+ &%ea chart %osition( !o) * ,ritish record #uying %u#lic ha"e #een no3n to let themsel"es do3n on a num#er of occasions) ne such

    a#le instance 3as 3hen they allo3ed the rather silly no"elty song '$hadda% /our ace' to occu%y them#er ne %osition ahead of the magnificent 'Vienna') ;ear oh dear) 7t is actually ?uite ironic #ut 'Vienna'ually sold more co%ies than the master%iece from the Joe ;olce Music Theatre) Anyho3- this isuestiona#ly ltra"o+'s finest trac and it is a strong candidate for the accolade of #est song of 1981-ough it 3as actually recorded the %re"ious year) 7ts #lac and 3hite "ideo is as memora#le as the song


    song of the month for e#ruary 1981ous Guy #y 5o+y Music &%ea chart %osition( !o)1* tragic death of John @ennon not sur%risingly %rom%ted the release of much of his esteemed material into%u#lic domain as record com%anies and other artists #oth cashed in on his death and %aid their o3n uni?ueute) or e+am%le- George 2arrison ste%%ed forth 3ith the admira#le 'All Those /ears Ago'- Elton Johnased '7 $a3 2er $tanding There'- .hil Collins recorded a formida#le "ersion of 'Tomorro3 !e"er Kno3s' andy Music finally made it to the to% of the hit %arade 3ith their re 3or ing of a song that had first surfaced on'7magine' al#um) To #e fair to 5o+y Music- their o3n effort im%ro"es on @ennon's solo original)

    song of the month for March 1981 A eeling #y ,ad Manners &%ea chart %osition( !o)1 *

    y#e it's :ust a feeling on my %art- #ut the cra6y #unch of ,ad Manners ne"er recei"ed the udos that they

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    rha%s merited) 'Just A eeling' narro3ly missed out on the ,ritish To% Ten- 3hich is regretta#le gi"en theific harmonica of

  • 8/18/2019 A Concise Guide to Eighties Music


    ce Charming #y Adam And The Ants &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*a%%ro%riate that the flam#oyant Adam Ant should sing that Fridicule is nothing to #e scared ofF) 7n 1981-

    am and his insects- ha"ing fled from their %un origins- 3ere the fla"our of the month- for :ust a#out e"erynth) .re"iously '$tand And ;eli"er' 3ith its amusing tale of a high3ayman &no laughing matter for his "ictims*

    clim#ed to the to% of the ,ritish charts- and the Ant colony colonised the %o% summit again in the autumnh another large dollo% of tongue in chee lyrics) '.rince Charming' 3as indeed a charmer of a single- #ut

    eafter "ocalist $tuart Goddard 3ould slo3ly slide from fame into the o#li"ion of de%ression)

    song of the month for cto#er 1981ry @ittle Thing $he ;oes 7s Magic #y The .olice &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*

    must confess to #eing more lu e3arm than most to the 'great' .olice) 2o3e"er- 'E"ery @ittle Thing' 3as aer"ed chart to%%er) This %articular lo"e song 3as a far cry from a %re"ious one of t3el"e months earlier en ';on't $tand $o Close To Me' 3as a tale of a schoolgirl crush) More recently- the .olice had di%%ed their s in the stormy 3aters of %olitical contro"ersy 3ith the outstanding '7n"isi#le $un'- #ut this time the triondoned the armalite in fa"our of the more con"entional formula of a romantic tune) $ting's lyrics areshamedly a cele#ration of #eing in lo"e) There 3ere clearly enough record #uyers 3ho em%athised)

    song of the month for !o"em#er 1981er .ressure #y ueen And ;a"id ,o3ie &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*as only to #e e+%ected that t3o of the great hea"y3eight acts of the %re"ious decade should deli"er an item

    %ure class) This song ic s off 3ith that memora#le John ;eacon #ass line- '#orro3ed' thereafter #y the li esVanilla 7ce on '7ce 7ce ,a#y') 2o3e"er- here is one occasion 3hen neither ueen nor ,o3ie 3ere under anyessure) The a# our 3ere after all #as ing in the gro3ing trium%h of their 'Greatest 2its' al#um 3hich 3entto reside in the al#um charts for se"eral years) 7 do so li e the ,o3ie line a#out FKee% coming u% 3ith

    ;ee% (09 ) $elling ut /our utureI (B95ed 5eflectionsI ( 8 ) Cool ,lue @adyI ( 0

    Tell Me

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    hose t3o locations in 1980) This record 3as su#se?uently 3ashed u% and left for dead as the musicalmate changed- #ut here is one occasion 3hen a lac of al#um sales 3as a great in:ustice)

    song of the month for January 198den ,ro3n #y The $tranglers &%ea chart %osition( !o) *

    %arently this song is a#out drugs- 3hich comes as no sur%rise- since lead "ocalist 2ugh Corn3ell had 'form'ere illegal su#stances 3ere concerned) 5egardless of 3hether or not this item dealt 3ith heroin- many ,ritishord #uyers 3ere addicted to this single 3ith its 3alt6 sound) The $tranglers had clearly come a long 3ayce '.eaches' and their %un origins) A t3o 3ee stay at !um#er 3as the "ery least this tune merited)

    song of the month for e#ruary 198 /ou #y ;e%eche Mode &%ea chart %osition( !o)4*

    y#oardist Vince Clar e may ha"e musically elo%ed 3ith Alison Moyet for their /a6oo "enture- #ut ;e%echede e%t the hits coming at regular inter"als) '$ee /ou' 3as a slightly different lo"e song than the norm #ut iter"edly too ,asildon's #iggest e+%ort #ac to the ,ritish To% Ten) The Mode continued to car"e out their %o% niche 3ith the masterful 'Master And $er"ant' and the sensiti"e '$ha e The ;isease' in ensuing years)

    song of the month for March 198 Camera !e"er @ies #y ,uc s i66 &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*s i66 had emulated the li es of $andie $ha3 and the ,rotherhood f Man #y %ro"iding the nited

    gdom 3ith a success at the Euro"ision $ong Contest) ne year later and ,ritain's latest uncon"incing3er to A##a had notched u% three ,ritish chart to%%ers) The #est of this trio 3as argua#ly 'My Cameraer @ies') 7t is a half decent %o% song 3hich certainly found fa"our 3ith record %urchasers 3ho hel%ed it to#er 1 for a 3ee )

    song of the month for A%ril 198@o"e 5oc '!' 5oll #y Joan Jett And The ,lac hearts &%ea chart %osition( !o)>*

    Jamaican rastafarian culture- #lac hearts are dreads 3ho are to #e feared) Joan Jett's o3n %articular hearts managed to offer a slice of roc 3hich had a crosso"er a%%eal #oth in roc and %o% circles) This

    one of those sing along anthems that #elonged in a %u# :u e#o+) Americans 3ere %articularly im%ressed asn Jett and her gang 3ere a3arded 3ith a se"en 3ee stint at the summit of the ,ill#oard chart)

    song of the month for May 198 !e"er ,een To Me #y Charlene &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*

    s one hit 3onder 3as actually a %roduct of the Moto3n hits factory- though it sounded nothing li e Moto3n's%ical dance tunes or soul records) 7nstead of 3hich Charlene laments of her li"elihood as a high class hoo er

    ch %re"ented her from settling do3n and ha"ing a normal e+istence 3ith a lo"ing hus#and and doting

    dren) ar from #eing sugary- this is a fantastic #allad 3ith e?ually good music) More should ha"e follo3ed) song of the month for June 198

    lon #y 5o+y Music &%ea chart %osition( !o)1 *n erry a%%eared to ha"e a t3in trac a%%roach to the music #usiness) n the one hand- he car"ed out a

    o career #ased largely on co"er "ersions) n the other hand- the e+ art teacher dis%layed his creati"e side inociation 3ith 5o+y Music) The #and's latest %ro:ect 3as entitled 'A"alon') The al#um featured the e+cellentre Than This' #ut my %reference is for the title trac 3hich is one of the ultimate am#ient %o% recordings)

    song of the month for July 198$tarted

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    imony to the #and's longe"ity that they "aried their material from the raunchy to more sensiti"e items)

    song of the month for August 198e A .rayer #y ;uran ;uran &%ea chart %osition( !o) *e A .rayer' is a definite front runner for the a3ard of 'the #est song of 198 '- #ut %erha%s this 3ouldn't #eicult as %o% 3orld 3as inha#ited #y the li es of 5enee And 5enato- Musical /outh- the Goom#ay ;ance

    d- and Tight it) !e"ertheless- this fi"e and a half minute e%ic is the definiti"e !e3 5omantics' single) Thetic "ideo 3as filmed in Asia 3hich the eye catching ,rummies %assed through en route to 3orld domination)

    song of the month for $e%tem#er 198%sy #y leet3ood Mac &%ea chart %osition( !o)>4* self styled gy%sy $te"ie !ic s succeeded in mesmerising leet3ood Mac follo3ers 3ith the mar"el called%sy' 3hich 3as a highlight of the su%ergrou%'s ne3 long %layer- Mirage- 3hich had the unen"ia#le tas of ng u% to the commercial and critical heights of the ?uintet's three %re"ious studio al#ums) or some #i6arreson- ,ritain 3as slo3 to #uy se"eral classic leet3ood Mac hits until 'Tango f The !ight' a%%eared in 198 )

    song of the month for cto#er 198y ,a#y #y ;onald agen &not released as a single*ald agen had %re"iously decorated the sound of $teely ;an 3ith his "ocals and ey#oard sounds #efore%ursued the ne3 frontier of a solo record) The result 3as the forty minute delight- entitled 'The !ightfly'-ch is one of the greatest al#ums of the 1980s) This long %layer consisted largely of feel good music 3ith a6 %o% fusion) Amongst the eight :e3els is the gem- '5u#y ,a#y') This re 3or ing of an old @ei#er and $toller e is not only an infectious dance song- #ut it ought to #e a candidate for the #est co"er "ersion of all time)

    song of the month for !o"em#er 198 Tom #y @ed e%%elin &not released as a single*

    s recording had #een com%leted a do6en years earlier- #ut it 3as criminally o"erloo ed #y roc 's fearsomersome until the #and's lead guitarist and %roducer Jimmy .age included it in the '%osthumous' com%ilation-da'- 3hich 3as released in !o"em#er 198 ) The 8 trac s "aried in ?uality- 3ith '.oor Tom' #eing the %ic of @.) 2ere .age goes all acoustic- .lant #lo3s u% a storm on mouth organ and ,onham's drums are su%er#)

    song of the month for ;ecem#er 198 $urrender #y The Jam &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*- 5ic and ,ruce decided to ?uit 3hile they 3ere ahead #y going their se%arate 3ays 3hilst their #and 3eresu%remely successful and %o%ular)

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    standing) 7n fact- the 3ord enchanting does s%ring to mind) ,efore deli"ered 'The Joshua Tree' 3ith itsm#re moods- $im%le Minds had got there first fi"e years earlier)

    song of the month for January 198e Jean #y Michael Jac son &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*

    c o Jac o' scored his second ,ritish chart to%%er 3hen ',illie Jean' %a"ed the 3ay for the enduring a%%ealhe e%ic 'Thriller' al#um) The song ic starts 3ith that unforgetta#le drum #eat that ushers in a dancefloor sure that #ecame a sta%le of many an eighties discothe?ue) Jac son 3as consolidating his re%utation as thet male "ocalist on the %lanet) 2is solo career 3as going into or#it- 3hile his %ersonality did li e3ise)

    song of the month for e#ruary 198al Ecli%se f The 2eart #y ,onnie Tyler &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*nie Tyler 3as the latest singing sensation from the %rinci%ality of

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    "iously sang '/ou !eed 2ands'- an old Ma+ ,ygra"es num#er on 'The Great 5oc '!' 5oll $3indle'ndtrac ) After the success of ';ou#le ;utch'- Mc@aren 3as em#roiled in a losing #attle 3ith his old ad"ersarynny 5otten in a %rotracted legal dis%ute arising out of the #rea u% of the notorious $e+ .istols)

    song of the month for August 198d #y $%andau ,allet &%ea chart %osition( !o) *

    andau ,allet 3ere one of the standard #earers of the !e3 5omantics' %o% cra6e) They %ea ed in the middle198 3ith the im%ressi"e chart to%%er- 'True') ;ra3n from the same al#um 3as 'Gold' 3hich 3as a 3orthyo3 u%) Although 'Gold' had to settle for the sil"er medal %osition on the singles chart %odium- it still stands

    test of time as one of the great %o% songs of the much maligned 'eighties)

    song of the month for $e%tem#er 198me ,ac And $tay #y .aul /oung &%ea chart %osition( !o)>*

    /oung had %re"iously ser"ed his musical a%%renticeshi% alongside the Ti%s- #efore he %lotted 3hatuld #e a successful solo %ath) /oung's #ig #rea through came 3ith '0 &%ea chart %osition( !o)14*content 3ith treating ,ritish music lo"ers to the year's third #iggest selling single- '5ed 5ed ( ) GuiltyI (14

    .lease ;on't Ma e Me CryI ( 4 ) $he Caught the TrainI (1$3eet $ensationI (> >) Version GirlI (

    Johnny Too ,adI >(B B) Many 5i"ers To CrossI >( 1mingham's finest octet had #egun to flounder after the initial successes of '$igning ff' and the trio of hitgles 3hich richly contri#uted to the air3a"es in 1980) ,y 198 the grou% 3ent #ac to their roots and

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    orded an al#um entirely of co"ers in tri#ute to the Jamaican artists 3ho had %ro"ided them 3ith :oy andasure in their youth) The mysterious ;r)L e+%lains this %erfectly elo?uently on the al#um slee"e) orsa ingr %olitical stance- the lads concentrate on the 3ell 3orn formula of songs a#out falling in and out of lo"e) The

    gnificent 'Guilty'- the To% Ten hit single '.lease ;on't Ma e Me Cry'- and '$he Caught The Train' all "isit theiliar %o% territory of unre?uited lo"e- #ut their o3n reggae in%ut is most refreshing) A#o"e all- the com#o

    ually #enefit from %rominent ey#oards on the li es of 'Johnny Too ,ad' and 'Kee% n Mo"ing') 5egretta#ly

    #and su#se?uently allo3ed their sound to #e suffocated #y an o"er reliance on #rass instruments)an3hile- '5ed 5ed years)

    song of the month for e#ruary 198>hael Caine #y Madness &%ea chart %osition( !o)11*r since 'The .rince' had 3andered into the ,ritish To% T3enty in the autumn of 19 9- Madness had #een astant %resence in the K hit %arade 3ith their fast %aced o#ser"ations of the modern 3orld- hel%ed #y eyeching "ideos that re"ealed their o3n %layfulness and sense of humour) ,y their o3n high standards- themira#le 'Michael Caine' 3as something of a commercial failure- e"en though the great man contri#utes ao en %art in the hit) nfortunately for Madness- Mi e ,arson- their main song3riter- had de%arted the grou%

    the remaining si+ soldiered on 3ith decreasing success 3ithout him until they too decided to #ecome sane)

    song of the month for March 198>on Mandela #y The $%ecial AKA &%ea chart %osition( !o)9*de from #eing a fine dance trac that deser"edly snea ed into the ,ritish To% Ten- this historic anti a%artheidhem 3as firm %roof that music can change the 3orld) 3as%ecially fruitful for reddie and his gang as first '5adio Ga Ga' clim#ed into the ,ritish To% Three and then not#e outdone- the memora#le '7

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    19 4 #elonged to A##a- and 1981 3as the year of Adam And The Ants- then 198> 3as the t3el"e monthsen ran ie Goes To 2olly3ood could do no 3rong) irst they had the su%reme good fortune of ha"ing their gle '5ela+' #anned #y the ,,C thus guaranteeing it !um#er ne status and a lengthy residence in the charts

    then @i"er%ool's latest sensations sat at the singles summit for a mere nine 3ee s 3ith 'T3o Tri#es' 3hichtheir o3n tongue in chee assessment of the Cold 2ole 7n My $hoe #y !eil &%ea chart %osition( !o) *

    ile the formida#le 'T3o Tri#es' fought off all comers- some ,ritish record #uyers found relief in yet another elty record) 'A 2ole 7n My $hoe' had originally a%%eared in the ,ritish singles chart in the late 'si+ties for ffic) This time around it 3as re inter%reted #y !eil- alternati"ely no3n as !igel .laner) !eil formed onerter of the cult comedy outfit- 'The /oung nes' as the conscientious #ut morose hi%%ie) eless %le 5ain #y .rince &%ea chart %osition( !o)8*s 3as a giant recording from a tiny man) The al#um "ersion 3eighs in at more than eight and a half minutesit is a fitting finale to an e%ic long %layer) 5arely has the electric guitar and the more con"entional stringed

    ruments functioned #etter in unison than they did on '.ur%le 5ain') The single did manage to find its 3ay intoTo% Ten of the charts on #oth sides of the Atlantic- and rightly so) ;id the 'eighties %roduce a #etter trac

    n this 3or of art

    song of the month for cto#er 198>Gonna Tear /our .layhouse ;o3n #y .aul /oung &%ea chart %osition( !o)9*

    hugely li ea#le .aul /oung #uilt u%on the success of his '!o .arle6' long %layer 3ith his ne+t al#um- entitlede $ecret f Association') Again this fine soul singer dre3 u%on other material from the li es of 2all Andes for the s%lendid 'E"erytime /ou Go A3ay' #ut he also had a #ash at releasing a song of his o3n- namelyli"ely '7'm Gonna Tear /our .layhouse ;o3n') /et again- young .aul 3as aided #y the #ac ing "ocals of Kim Ma6- 'the fa#ulous 3ealthy tarts')

    song of the month for !o"em#er 198>Through The !ight #y Cyndi @au%er &%ea chart %osition( !o)4>*sh record #uyers s%ectacularly failed to %ay due recognition to this 3ondrous single- 3hich en:oyed #etter cess on the other side of the '#ig %ond') 7n my semi hum#le o%inion 'All Through The !ight' ran s alongsideuel $ummer' #y ,ananarama and 'Ta e n Me' #y A ha for the imaginary %ri6e of the #est %o% song of theade) 7 remain %er%etually %u66led 3hy disc :oc eys seem more smitten 3ith the monotonous and infinitelyrior 'Time After Time')

    song of the month for ;ecem#er 198>They Kno3 7t's Christmas #y ,and Aid &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*

    Geldof and Midge re had #oth "isited the to% of the ,ritish singles charts #efore- #ut this time they 3ere

    mo"ed #y the tele"ision ne3s co"erage of the deteriorating famine in Ethio%ia that they launched a ne3sical "enture in a %loy to raise funds for famine relief) Conse?uently they hastily summoned the to% names insh %o% to form the most famous choir in the history of music- modern and classical) ';o They Kno3 7t's

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    istmas' is not only a 3ell intentioned recording- #ut its lyrics are thought %ro"o ing) The song had such aossal im%act that it remained the #iggest selling tune in the history of the ,ritish charts until the death of cess ;iana almost 1 years later) This ,and Aid smash hit 3as one glorious occasion 3hen %lanet %o%nged the 3orld for the #etter)

    , M T2E /EA5 5 198>(

    %le 5ain #y .rince And The 5e"olution &released in June*e 1( $ide (@et's Go Cra6yI >( 9 1)

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    song of the month for May 198B#y .aul 2ardcastle &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*

    2ardcastle may not ha"e %ro"ided the "ocals #ut his ey#oard 3i6ardry under%inned this most unusual hitgle) or the uninitiated- this song d3elt on the fact that the a"erage age of the American com#at soldier in thetnam military de#acle 3as nineteen) The accom%anying "ideo footage of the 3orld's first tele"ised conflict

    nforced this) 2ardcastle 3as also the author of the 'To% f The .o%s' ne3 signature tune)

    song of the month for June 198B6y or /ou #y Madonna &%ea chart %osition( !o) *uise Madonna Ciccone had ?uic ly :oined the megastar league 3ith se"eral terrific %o% hits in ?uiccession) 2o3e"er- 'Cra6y or /ou' 3as something of a de%arture for the American icon as she e+celled at a3- romantic num#er that demonstrated her ada%ta#ility in terms of su#:ect matter) Although this fine single soon ecli%sed #y the chart to%%ing '7nto The Groo"e'- it remains one of the #est lo"e songs of the 1980s)

    song of the month for July 198Bre Must ,e An Angel #y Eurythmics &%ea chart %osition( !o)1* Eurythmics en:oyed their only 3ee at the summit of the ,ritish hit %arade courtesy of the radio friendly

    ere Must ,e An Angel'- featuring the harmonica of the great $te"ie &%ea chart %osition( !o)4*

    re 3as certainly something a#out this su%er# %o% song 3hich a%%ealed to the music #uying %u#lic- as Marg and his team stayed on the To% B for a note3orthy se"enteen 3ee s) '$omething A#out /ou' is somethingch merits inclusion on any 'eighties com%ilation disc) The ey#oards- guitar and "ocals all :oin ran s toi"ate a feel good trac ) @e"el > released se"eral decent singles #ut this 3as surely their #est effort)

    song of the month for cto#er 198Ble $am #y Madness &%ea chart %osition( !o) 1*

    a se+tet- Madness 3ere e+%eriencing something of an identity crisis as the decade unfolded) They %erha%sthey could only %ro:ect their nutty image for so long- and they 3ere een to record music 3hich 3as a #itre su#tle than their early material) Conse?uently- the grou% lost some of their charm- yet they still contri"ed toer "ery listena#le items) ' ncle $am' re"ealed the #and's %olitical leanings as they %o ed fun at the gung hoitarist nature of some American citi6ens) The accom%anying "ideo ma es for amusing 3atching)

    song of the month for !o"em#er 198Bst End Girls #y The .et $ho% ,oys &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*e3 sensation 3as coming to the surface to3ards the end of the year as the duo of !eil Tennant and the %o

    ed Chris @o3e launched a #rilliant %o% career 3ith the tremendous dance song- '

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    song of the month for ;ecem#er 198B $un Al3ays $hines n T)V) #y A ha &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*

    ha had e+%loded on to the tele"ision screens 3ith a memora#le "ideo for 'Ta e n Me' 3hich s3itched3een animation and 'reality') !or3ay's finest musical trio then #uilt on this trium%h 3ith another mar"ellous% song 3hich to%%ed the K hit %arade in early 1984) Morten 2ar et and his colleagues 3ere also regarded%in u% material- #ut this should not detract from the decent ?uality of 'The $un Al3ays $hines n T)V)

    , M T2E /EA5 5 198B(nds f @o"e #y Kate ,ush &released in $e%tem#er*e 1 &2ounds f @o"e*( $ide &The !inth (>1 ) ) (0> 2ello EarthI 4(1 The Morning ogI ( >

    e ,ush emerged from hi#ernation 3ith an al#um that e"en e+ceeded the udos that she had accumulatedm her four %re"ious admira#le efforts) This ne3 %ro:ect 3as di"ided into a side one of commercially a%%ealingrt material items 3hile the re"erse side focused on the nightmare scenario of dro3ning) ,ush remained her 3oman) $he 3rote and recorded 3hat she 3anted 3hen she 3anted) 2er single minded a%%roach %aid off

    dsomely here) E"en ncle $am 3armed to '5unning % That 2ill'- although the 3ondrous title trac is att e?ually deser"ing of acclaim) 'Cloud#usting' featured the "enera#le ;onald $utherland in the "ideo and it

    difficult not to #e s3e%t along on the 3a"e of ecstasy that Kate emotes at the song's :oyful conclusion)unds f @o"e' is ?uir y- :ust li e its author- #ut it remains hugely listena#le)

    4 song of the month for January 1984

    ain 5eaction #y ;iana 5oss &%ea chart %osition( !o)1* great ;iana 5oss re "isited the ,ritish %o% summit for the first time in more than fourteen years 3ith theellent 'Chain 5eaction') 7n the inter"ening decade and a half the talented chanteuse had unleashed a 3holet of 3ondrous lo"e songs and dance tunes for music lo"ers to feast themsel"es on- yet it too the li ea#leain 5eaction' to land the %o%ular lady #ac on once familiar territory) 'Chain 5eaction' 3as %enned #y the Gees 3ho also %ro"ided "ocals)

    song of the month for e#ruary 1984ise #y The ;amned &%ea chart %osition( !o) * ;amned sold their %un souls for a slice of %o% fame 3hen they a#andoned their usual re%ertoire in fa"our

    n e+cellent co"er "ersion of ,arry 5yan's 'Eloise') The single narro3ly missed out on a ,ritish !um#er ne-it 3as o#"iously one of the highlights of 1984- al#eit from an unli ely source) uite clearly 5at $ca#ies andgang had #ills to %ay- hence their sur%rising choice of recording) 'Eloise' had %re"iously clim#ed to !um#er

    in 1948)

    song of the month for March 1984Kind f Magic #y ueen &%ea chart %osition( !o) *

    er the success of 'The

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    e To Tell #y Madonna &%ea chart %osition( !o) *donna cemented the sensational success of her %re"ious t3o years 3ith more trium%hant forays into thesh singles chart in 1984- courtesy of her ne3 'True ,lue' al#um) !e"ertheless my o3n %reference is for the

    mendous '@i"e To Tell' hit in 3hich our Madge #ares her soul and forsa es her customary dance re%ertoire-firming that she 3as more than a one tric %ony) As long as she continued to "ary her out%ut- Madonna 3as

    ured of a sustained chart career)

    song of the month for May 1984mouth $tri es Again #y The $miths &%ea chart %osition( !o) 4*an e+ercise of re"isionism- the eminent historian $te"en .atric Morrissey made us all a3are that Joan f had actually #een the first %roud o3ner of #oth a 3al man and a hearing aid as 3ell as #eing a tem%orary

    urge of the English) ,igmouth himself- Mr Morrissey- 3as once more offering his alternate ta e on that oldg called lo"e- as he sings from the %oint of "ie3 of an a%ologetic #lo e 3ho %leads 3ith his Fs3eetnessF that

    3as only :o ing 3hen he said that #y rights she Fshould #e #ludgeonedF in her #ed) 7t did ma e a refreshingnge from the F7'm lonely 3ithout you #a#yF dri"el that usually in"aded the charts)

    song of the month for June 1984her @o"e #y $te"e

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    ording to %lan- Fthere's al3ays the sunF) This #rilliant item also ought to ha"e #een em#raced #y moreord #uyers- #ut it is still an 'eighties classic)

    song of the month for !o"em#er 1984nch Kissin' 7n The $A #y ;e##ie 2arry &%ea chart %osition( !o)8*#ie 2arry might ha"e e+%ected to go from strength to strength after the #rea u% of ,londie #ut her initial

    o effort ',ac fired' did %recisely that and the ageing #londe #om#shell had to :ettison her solo career for ale as she nursed her %artner Chris $tein #ac from a serious #out of ill health) $tein and 2arry 3erentually #ac on to% form 3ith the mar"ellous ' rench Kissin' 7n The $A' 3hich actually re%resented their

    K To% Ten hit in almost si+ #arren years)

    song of the month for ;ecem#er 1984mn To 2er #y The .retenders &%ea chart %osition( !o)8*

    issie 2ynde sur"i"ed the dou#le trauma of losing half her #and to drug a#use to re grou% and return 3ith theasional :e3el of a recording) The ne3 loo .retenders snea ed #ac into the ,ritish To% Ten 3ith the

    mmenda#le '2ymn To 2er') 7t 3as refreshing for 2ynde to ha"e a musical success story to cro3 a#out- a3aym regular ta#loid co"erage of her dalliances 3ith the singers 5ay ;a"ies of the Kin s- Jim Kerr of $im%lends- and then Ali Cam%#ell of ,>0)

    , M T2E /EA5 5 1984(celand #y .aul $imon &released in August*e 1( $ide (

    The ,oy 7n The ,u##leI (B9 1) /ou Can Call Me AlI >( 9GracelandI >(>8 ) nder African $ iesI (7 8Gum#ootsI (>> >) Cra6y @o"e- Vol)77I >(18

    ;iamonds on the $oles of 2er $hoesI B(>B B) That

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    he great undisco"ered treasures in %o%ular music) This atmos%heric num#er is one of the highlights of the0s)

    song of the month for cto#er 198na 7n /our 2ands #y T'.au &%ea chart %osition( !o)1*ole ;ec er and her cre3 en:oyed the distinction of %ro"iding the ,ritish hit %arade 3ith the si+ hundredth

    m#er ne single) 'China 7n /our 2ands' 3as an e+cellent %o% song 3hich deser"edly lingered at the summita full month) The trac featured a fine "ocal %erformance from ;ec er as 3ell as an e?ually good cameo

    m the sa+o%hone) T'.au 3ere not one hit 3onders- yet they failed to re%licate this commenda#le trium%h)

    song of the month for !o"em#er 198d #y The 2ousemartins &%ea chart %osition( !o)1B* li ea#le- self de%recating 2ousemartins hailed from 2um#erside- a fact they reminded e"eryone of 3ithr al#um title '@ondon 0 2ull >') .aul 2eaton and the lads had en:oyed a highly satisfactory 1984- courtesy of chart to%%ing 'Cara"an f @o"e' and the :olly '2a%%y 2our') They had less commercial success thereafter they did construct the admira#le ',uild' 3hich made an incursion into the To% T3enty near the end of 198 )

    song of the month for ;ecem#er 198rytale f !e3 /or #y The .ogues- eaturing Kirsty MacColl &%ea chart %osition( !o) *ne MacGo3an #ecame one of the most recognisa#le faces on the ,ritish music scene- 3ith enough toothay to ee% se"eral dentists occu%ied) This Anglo 7rish "ocalist remained so#er long enough to record one of great Christmas songs in the history of %o%ular music) Kirsty MacColl- daughter of English fol singer E3ancColl- %layed the role of MacGo3an's disillusioned other half in this mini e%ic) $hane sang of en"isaging Faer time 3hen all our dreams come trueF) nfortunately- Kirsty died in a #oating accident in 000- aged >1)

    , M T2E /EA5 5 198 ( Joshua Tree #y &released in March*

    e 1( $ide (( 8 ) 7n God's CountryI (B

    ) ne Tree 2illI B(

    5unning to $tand $tillI >(18 B) E+itI >(1Mothers of the ;isa%%earedI B(1

    the 1980s %roduce a #etter al#um than this 2ere ma e the transition from %romising roc grou% to%erstars 3ith a %ro:ect 3hich 3as a refreshing #rea from the al%ha male- macho %osturing nonsense that

    racterised most 'great' roc outfits) 7nstead of 3hich ,ono and the gang get all intros%ecti"e and s%iritual 3ithtill 2a"en't ound

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    ning sore of a%artheid) ar from a%%ealing to a lo"er called Joanna- Grant 3as urging Johannes#urg to comeher senses and em#race democracy) The 3orthy sentiments 3ere e"entually heeded a fe3 years later)

    song of the month for e#ruary 1988 !ot $cared #y Eighth

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    ent of 'Teardro%s' to3ards the %ea of the ,,C To% orty) This mar"ellous single 3as un?uestiona#ly one of #est %o% songs to emerge from an American recording studio in the 'eighties) 'Teardro%s' featured in the's fourth long %layer- entitled 'Conscience'- and it did manage to achie"e chart to%%ing glory in theerlands)

    song of the month for $e%tem#er 1988

    rms 7n Africa #y Enya &%ea chart %osition( !o)>1* magnificent Enya enchanted music aficionados 3ith a #rand ne3 al#um of sounds that 3ere mar edlyerent from anything else on the air3a"es) The to3ering trac of the '(04 ) E"ening allsI (>4n /our $horeI (B9 ) 5i"erI (10

    $torms 7n AfricaI >(0 >) The @ongshi%sI ( 4E+ileI >( 0 B) !a @aetha Geal M' igeI (B>

    Miss Clare 5emem#ersI 1(B9he late 'eighties celtic music 3as "ery much in "ogue- 3hether it #e the .ogues- 2othouse lo3ers- theter#oys- $cotland's .roclaimers- or e"en ) 2o3e"er- the latest sensation from the Emerald 7sle- Enya-

    %%ed forth 3ith sounds that sim%ly too the #reath a3ay) The '

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    %ecially 3hen ' rinoco lo3' sailed a3ay to the !um#er ne %osition in the ,ritish charts) 'Cursum .erficio' iso 3orthy of mention as the title is dra3n from the inscri%tion o"er Marilyn Monroe's house- meaning 'myrney ends here') Enya continued to delight music aficionados 3ith further similar records)

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    e e?ually sentimental a#out @ondon- hence the trac s ' ) &$ong for My* $ugar $%un $isterI ( B( ) Made of $toneI >(10

    ;on't $to%I B(1 >) $hoot /ou ;o3nI >(10

    ,ye ,ye ,admanI >(00 B) This 7s the neI >(B8 7 Am the 5esurrectionI 8(1

    er %un had %etered out a decade earlier follo3ed #y the ra%id rise and then demise of T3o Tone- ,ritish

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    ing class youth failed to %ro"ide a ne3 mo"ement that 3ould re"olutionise %lanet %o% until the emergencehe 'Madchester' indie scene at the end of the 'eighties) $%earheading this ne3 cra6e 3ere such cra6ies as2a%%y Mondays and the $tone 5oses)

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    ication ;ate( January nd 011

    %( 333)#oo ri+)com talentedloser
