a catholic community with a welcoming heart gale, arla mucha, ory adamson, madison woolett, john...

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, January 21, 2018 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening: 4:00-4:30 p.m. Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. Mass Sunday Morning: 10:00 a.m. Mass Holy Days 7:00 p.m. Mass CHURCH OFFICE Secretary: Nadine Crosby (912) 437-4750 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.nativitydarien.us OFFICE HOURS Monday: 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Closed Holidays Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church A Catholic Community With A Welcoming Heart1000 North Way (Hwy 17), P.O. Box 1079, Darien, Ga 31305 Fr. Timothy McKeown, Pastor Fr. Christopher Ortega, Parochial Vicar Please patronize our adversers. PRIESTSOFFICE Fr. Tim and Fr. Chris have offices at St. Francis Xavier Church located at 405 Howe St., Brunswick, GA 31520. The office is open Monday - Friday om 9 am - 4 pm. The SFX Church Office: (912) 265-3249 (Fr. Tim Ext. 11 and Fr. Chris Ext. 12) Fr. Chris is in the Nativity office on Tuesdays 10 am—2 pm Answers: 1-A, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A Catholic Trivia ~ Catholic Prayers 1. The "Angelus" is tradionally said when? A. 6 a.m., Noon, and 6 p.m. B. Feast of the Annunciaon C. Sundays only D. 9 a.m., Noon, 3 p.m. 2. The "Memorare" is a prayer for the intercession of Mary. Who is generally con- sidered to be the author? A. St. Bernard of Clairvaux B. St. John the Evangelist C. St. Dominic Guzman D. Pope St. Gregory the Great 3. According to Catholic tradion, to whom did the Blessed Virgin appear and give the Rosary? A. St. Francis of Assisi B. Pope John Paul I C. St. Rose of Lima D. St. Dominic 4. Who created the prayer known as the "Our Father"? A. St. Athanasius B. St. Peter C. Jesus D. St. John Chrysostom 5. A "novena" is a prayer or set of prayers said nine days in a row, or nine parcular days in a row (e.g. nine Sundays) to gain some favor through the intercession of a saint, Our Lady, or Our Lord. A. True B. False

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday, January 21, 2018

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening:

4:00-4:30 p.m. Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. Mass

Sunday Morning: 10:00 a.m. Mass

Holy Days 7:00 p.m. Mass

CHURCH OFFICE Secretary: Nadine Crosby (912) 437-4750

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.nativitydarien.us

OFFICE HOURS Monday: 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Closed Holidays

Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church

“A Catholic Community With A Welcoming Heart”

1000 North Way (Hwy 17), P.O. Box 1079, Darien, Ga 31305 Fr. Timothy McKeown, Pastor Fr. Christopher Ortega, Parochial Vicar

Please patronize our advertisers.

PRIESTS’ OFFICE Fr. Tim and Fr. Chris have offices at St. Francis Xavier

Church located at 405 Howe St., Brunswick, GA 31520.

The office is open Monday - Friday from 9 am - 4 pm.

The SFX Church Office: (912) 265-3249

(Fr. Tim Ext. 11 and Fr. Chris Ext. 12)

Fr. Chris is in the Nativity office on

Tuesdays 10 am—2 pm

Answers: 1-A, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A

Catholic Trivia ~ Catholic Prayers 1. The "Angelus" is traditionally said when?

A. 6 a.m., Noon, and 6 p.m. B. Feast of the Annunciation C. Sundays only D. 9 a.m., Noon, 3 p.m.

2. The "Memorare" is a prayer for the intercession of Mary. Who is generally con-sidered to be the author? A. St. Bernard of Clairvaux B. St. John the Evangelist C. St. Dominic Guzman D. Pope St. Gregory the Great 3. According to Catholic tradition, to whom did the Blessed Virgin appear and give the Rosary?

A. St. Francis of Assisi B. Pope John Paul I C. St. Rose of Lima D. St. Dominic 4. Who created the prayer known as the "Our Father"? A. St. Athanasius B. St. Peter C. Jesus D. St. John Chrysostom 5. A "novena" is a prayer or set of prayers said nine days in a row, or nine particular days in a row (e.g. nine Sundays) to gain some favor through the intercession of a saint, Our Lady, or Our Lord. A. True B. False

Dody Sheppard, Lou Casebonne, BrandonO’Brien, Michelle Skolnitsky, James Karwacki, Lorraine Karwacki, Jack Salay, Michael Pistritto, Linda Moore, Clare

Moore, Cori Kusik, Meg Wallace, Caryn Pinto, Patricia Kusik, Star Purcell, Dionne Pierce, M.J. Hogan, Courtney Cobb, Michele Meyers, Wayne Doke, Carol Whitson,

Sammy Gale, Carla Mucha, Cory Adamson, Madison Woolett, John Tompkins, Michael Higgins, Saundra Leon, Brigett Conlin, Ann Doherty, Glenford John, Rosa

Marie Santos, Maria Bourget, Bob Walczak, Bruce Lowie, Kathy Tailer, Scarlett Bosque, Chuck Evans,Dorothy Thomas, Randy Morris, Bill Reale and Joan Vannmen

Also, for all of our loved ones serving our Military and for the Christians in the Middle East

~ WELCOME TO NATIVITY OF OUR LADY PARISH ~ January 21, 2018 ~ ~ the third Sunday in ordinary time ~

If you are not taking your bulletin with you, please return them to the back table. Thank you. If you are not taking your bulletin with you, please return them to the back table. Thank you.

Jan 13 & 14 Offertory $1,771.42

Flowers $15 Candles $10

Solemnity of Mary $95 Black & Indian Mission $397

B. Butt Fundraiser $375 Charity $500

Diocesan News Nativity News


If you have tickets or ticket money to turn in, please see Nadine in the hall after mass. We will extend it until Tuesday, 1-23, the ABSO-

LUTE latest to turn your ticket stubs and mon-ey in for SuperBowl weekend. They are $25

each and can be purchased in the Parish Hall after Sun-day mass or turn in your money and ticket stubs. They will be cooked and ready for pick up after Sunday mass

on Feb. 4 between 11-1pm in the Parish Hall.

Mass Intentions

Saturday, Jan 20 @ 5 pm †Leslie Stevens

RB Andy Rosenhamer

Sunday, Jan 21 @ 10 am SI Fr. Cletus Pfipher RB Sandy Stalgaitis


There will be a second col-lection February 11 for Bishop’s Annual Appeal

Saturday 27 @ 5 pm GREETER; Mary Joiner READER: Carl Inacio COLLECTORS: Jerry Meyker & Bill Wikoff EUCH MIN: Jane Meyer & Dottie Wikoff ALTAR SERV: Abby Sipe & Amanda Wood Sunday 28 @ 10 am GREETER: Sandy Stalgaitis READER: John Daniel COLLECTORS: Nuris Copeland & Bob Humkey EUCH MIN: Catherine Caau-we, Rick Caauwe & Laura Daniel (stairs) ALTAR SERV: Jacob Ali

All events and further details are on the back bulletin board.

Physicians and all health care workers: The Catholic Medical Association will host a guest speaker on February 24 at the Catholic Pastoral Center in Savannah on February 24 at 6:30 PM. Dr. Kathleen Raviele will be speaking on the his-tory of the Catholic Medical Association. Dr. Raviele is a physician in Atlanta and served as the president of the national CMA organization in 2007-2008. Dinner will be provided. Health care workers and supporters are welcome to attend this talk and meeting to discuss formation of a CMA guild in Savan-nah. For further information, contact Richard Rowe at [email protected]

Saturday, February 24, 2018 @ 6:30pm Catholic Pastoral Center Boland Hall

2170 E. Victory Drive Savannah, Georgia 31404

Twenty years ago, Saint Pope John Paul II said to an audi-ence of Catholic educators in New Orleans: “Yours is a great gift to the church, a great gift to your nation.” Countless people in our country have been blessed by the many gifts of Catholic schools. However, many adults have lost touch with their local Catholic school community. It is time for those people who have been impacted by your school to reconnect with the community that gave them so much, and give back. With this recognition in mind, the National Catholic Educa-tion Association (NCEA) is pleased to present the online giving campaign: Many Gifts, One Nation: A Day of Giving to Catholic Schools. This is a time for individuals to give back to their local Cath-olic school. By leveraging school media, this national day of philanthropy and camaraderie will invite all people, across the country, who have been impacted by Catholic school education in ways big and small to financially donate at a local level. WHEN: Scheduled for 24 hours starting January 30, 2018, 9 am EST to January 31, 2018, 9 am EST. WHERE: Online! Each Catholic school and arch/diocese will have their own customized giving page that will go live at the start of the day of giving. WHY: Because Catholic schools change lives and now is the time to give back! Please visit the SFX School website and Facebook page for more info: www.sfxs.org and www.facebook.com/sfxcsbrunswick

Liturgical Ministry


January 2018


We will be starting up our Fun Fellowship Fri-days again this month on Friday, January 26 at

6pm with a movie. Popcorn and refresh-ments will be provided. If you would like to

bring something to share or donate for pizza, that would be most welcome. Please let the

church office know if you do. Thank you.

Year-End Contribution Statements 2017 Year-end statements are being mailed soon. As a reminder, Peter's Pence contribu-

tions are NOT tax deductible.


Have we not experienced the wonder a baby a can bring into our daily lives? How often do people stop and marvel at a new baby? How many pictures have you seen from proud grandparents? How many e-mail pictures do you receive of friends’ children? The Scriptures are full of the wonder and dignity of human life. Genesis 1:27 says, “God created man in his image, in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” The prophet Jeremiah proclaims, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you" (Jer 1:5). Psalm 139 speaks of the beauty of conception. "You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!" This was written in 1000 BC! Think of the beauty of conception. At the moment of conception the universe is changed forever. A soul that was not in existence comes into existence. Not just a body that will live for 75 years but a soul that will live for all eternity!

The psalmist continues, "Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be." God has a beautiful plan for each and every person. He has planned out our very days. Just as a mother imagines her daughter's wedding 1,000 times in her youth so God has a plan for each of us. Imagine the pain of God as this beautiful life that is given is destroyed in the very womb of the mother. God must weep at every abortion. The prophet Isaiah wrote, "Can a mother forget her infant, be without tender-ness for the child of her womb? Even if she should forget I will never forget you. See, upon the palms of my hands I have written your name" (49:15). God has written the name of every child in his palm.

This week will mark the 45th anniversary of the Roe versus Wade decision. Since that time there have been 59 million abortions in our country. 59 million lives shaped in the womb by God who were not allowed to see the light of day. 59 million servants of the Lord in 45 years who were not allowed to sing their song. How has our country rationalized the destruc-tion of 59 million of her own? Eerily similar to the Dred Scott decision the Court ruled that life in the womb was not a person. The Court said, “The word ‘person,’ as used in the Fourteenth Amendment, does not include the unborn…The unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense.”

Why do we speak of this today? We are seeking to be formed in the mindset of Jesus Christ. What is Jesus view of abortion? Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and as such has a beautiful, inviolable dignity. Our young people have grown up in a culture of death. People who are 45 or less have never known life without abortion. We can no longer assume that our children are pro-life because they live in a society that has formed them another way. God forbid that we should be silent in the face of 59 million of the most defenseless members of our society being killed.

When we say the pledge of allegiance we say, "…one nation under God with liberty and justice for all." Justice for all. Does that include life in the womb? Who is protecting that innocent life?

We can never mention abortion without remembering the forgiveness of Jesus. Those who have experienced abortion know the incredible spiritual pain it causes. We always re-member the words of Jesus, "This is my body which will be given up for you." Jesus gave up his life for the forgiveness of our sins. His outstretched arms on the Cross are a call to all those who have been involved in abortions to embrace His incredible forgiveness.

We speak of this today because abortion is not a given. It is a law in our nation. The fact that it is legal does not mean that it is moral. Remember slavery was once the law of the land. The laws of slavery crumbled because they were immoral. If the Iron Curtain can fall through prayer certainly abortion can fall one day. We pray for the day that the law of abortion will crumble. We pray for the day when we once again the "land of the free and the home of the brave" when we live in a country when there is "liberty and justice for all." We pray for the day we truly understand the phrase, "This is my body." Until that time we cannot be silent.

May every child be welcomed into this world and be able to say with the Psalmist, Psalm 139 speaks of the beauty of conception. "You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works!" -Fr. Tim McKeown

Ash Wednesday falls on February 14th this year. We will have mass and ashes at 6 pm . Remember, Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. We will have little Black Meditation

books for you.

ATTENION: ALL VOLUNTEERS OF NATIVITY You are cordially invited to a luncheon in appreciation for all you do, have done, and continue to do. Please let the church office know if you plan to attend so we know how much to prepare. No need in doing anything except bring yourself to the luncheon . WHEN: Sunday, February 11 @ 11 am (following 10 am mass). WHERE: In our Parish Hall


Starting on Friday, January 26 and going all through Lent, we will be doing a Divine Chaplet every Friday at 3 pm in the church. All are wel-


Rest in Peace †Gerald Koman

There are faith books on the table in the entranceway for anyone to keep and read or

pass along.

We will be taking down the All Souls

Day display in the back alcove this next week. If you have any pictures you

posted, please take them home.