a brain on cannabinoids: the role of dopamine release in...

A Brain on Cannabinoids: The Role of Dopamine Release in Reward Seeking Erik B. Oleson 1 and Joseph F. Cheer 1,2 1 Department of Anatomyand Neurobiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 2 Department of Psychiatry, Universityof Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Correspondence: [email protected] Increases in mesolimbic dopamine transmission are observed when animals are treated with all known drugs of abuse, including cannabis, and to conditioned stimuli predicting their availability. In contrast, decreases in mesolimbic dopamine function are observed during drug withdrawal, including cannabis-withdrawal syndrome. Thus, despite general miscon- ceptions that cannabis is unique from other drugs of abuse, cannabis exerts identical effects on the mesolimbic dopamine system. The recent discovery that endogenous cannabinoids modulate the mesolimbic dopamine system, however, might be exploited for the develop- ment of potential pharmacotherapies designed to treat disorders of motivation. Indeed, disrupting endocannabinoid signaling decreases drug-induced increases in dopamine release in addition to dopamine concentrations evoked by conditioned stimuli during reward seeking. A ll known drugs of abuse, including D 9 -tet- rahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoac- tive component of Cannabis sativa, increase dopamine concentrations in terminal regions of the mesolimbic dopamine system (Di Chiara and Imperato 1988; Pierce and Kumaresan 2006). The mesolimbic dopamine system is a neural pathway that originates from A10 dopa- mine neurons in the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain and projects to limbic structures, most prominently the nucleus accumbens (Ta- ble 1) (Spanagel and Weiss 1999). Increases in nucleus accumbens dopamine are theorized to mediate the primary positive reinforcing and rewarding properties of all known drugs of abuse (Roberts et al. 1977; Wise and Bozarth 1985; Ritz et al. 1987). In addition, when ani- mals are presented with conditioned stimuli that predict drug availability, transient dopa- mine events that are theorized to mediate the secondary reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse and initiate drug seeking are also observed in the nucleus accumbens (Phillips et al. 2003; Owesson-White et al. 2009). In contrast, the negative affective state that occurs during drug withdrawal is associated with a decrease in mesolimbic dopamine function, which might lead to compulsive drug seeking (Weiss et al. 2001; Koob 2009). This article reviews studies addressing the effects of cannabinoids and cannabinoid withdrawal on dopamine release, in addition to the effects of manipulating the Editors: R. Christopher Pierce and Paul J. Kenny Additional Perspectives on Addiction available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012229 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a012229 1 www.perspectivesinmedicine.org on March 17, 2020 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

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A Brain on Cannabinoids: The Role of DopamineRelease in Reward Seeking

Erik B. Oleson1 and Joseph F. Cheer1,2

1Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,Maryland 21201

2Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Correspondence: [email protected]

Increases in mesolimbic dopamine transmission are observed when animals are treated withall known drugs of abuse, including cannabis, and to conditioned stimuli predicting theiravailability. In contrast, decreases in mesolimbic dopamine function are observed duringdrug withdrawal, including cannabis-withdrawal syndrome. Thus, despite general miscon-ceptions that cannabis is unique from other drugs of abuse, cannabis exerts identical effectson the mesolimbic dopamine system. The recent discovery that endogenous cannabinoidsmodulate the mesolimbic dopamine system, however, might be exploited for the develop-ment of potential pharmacotherapies designed to treat disorders of motivation. Indeed,disrupting endocannabinoid signaling decreases drug-induced increases in dopaminerelease in addition to dopamine concentrations evoked by conditioned stimuli duringreward seeking.

All known drugs of abuse, including D9-tet-rahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoac-

tive component of Cannabis sativa, increasedopamine concentrations in terminal regionsof the mesolimbic dopamine system (Di Chiaraand Imperato 1988; Pierce and Kumaresan2006). The mesolimbic dopamine system is aneural pathway that originates from A10 dopa-mine neurons in the ventral tegmental area ofthe midbrain and projects to limbic structures,most prominently the nucleus accumbens (Ta-ble 1) (Spanagel and Weiss 1999). Increases innucleus accumbens dopamine are theorized tomediate the primary positive reinforcing andrewarding properties of all known drugs ofabuse (Roberts et al. 1977; Wise and Bozarth

1985; Ritz et al. 1987). In addition, when ani-mals are presented with conditioned stimulithat predict drug availability, transient dopa-mine events that are theorized to mediate thesecondary reinforcing effects of drugs of abuseand initiate drug seeking are also observedin the nucleus accumbens (Phillips et al. 2003;Owesson-White et al. 2009). In contrast, thenegative affective state that occurs during drugwithdrawal is associated with a decrease inmesolimbic dopamine function, which mightlead to compulsive drug seeking (Weiss et al.2001; Koob 2009). This article reviews studiesaddressing the effects of cannabinoids andcannabinoid withdrawal on dopamine release,in addition to the effects of manipulating the

Editors: R. Christopher Pierce and Paul J. Kenny

Additional Perspectives on Addiction available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org

Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a012229

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endogenous cannabinoid system on drug- andcue-evoked dopamine release.


Before delving into the interaction between can-nabinoids and the dopamine system, it is im-portant first to develop a general understandingof the patterns of dopamine signaling and thecommon methods used to monitor dopaminetransmission in vivo. Two distinct patterns ofdopamine neural activity occur in the behavinganimal. Midbrain dopamine neurons typically

fire at low frequencies of 1–5 Hz, which isthought to produce a tone on high-affinity dop-amine D2 receptors in terminal regions of themesolimbic dopamine system, including thenucleus accumbens (Grace 1991; Dreyer et al.2010). These tonic dopamine levels are detect-able using techniques, such as in vivo micro-dialysis, that allow for neurochemical collectionon a timescale of minutes. In contrast, whenanimals are presented with motivationally sa-lient stimuli, such as conditioned cues that pre-dict drug availability, midbrain dopamine neu-rons fire in high-frequency bursts (�20 Hz),

Table 1. Terminology and definitions used in text

Terminology Definition

Cannabinoids Pharmacologically defined as a class of chemical compounds—comprisingphytocannabinoids, chemically synthesized cannabinoids, andendocannabinoids—that bind to the cannabinoid CB1/CB2 receptor.

Primary reinforcer An event that increases the probability of a behavioral response. In the contextof drug addiction, an injection of heroin or a toke on a pipe might functionas a primary reinforcer.

Secondary reinforcer Also referred to as a “conditioned cue,” a stimulus that acquires reinforcingproperties through Pavlovian associations. In the context of drug addiction,a syringe or a pipe might function as a secondary reinforcer.

Negative reinforcer An event that increases the probability of a behavioral response resulting in theelimination or avoidance of the event.

Tonic dopamine A steady-state dopamine level arising from dopamine neurons firing at lowfrequency (1–5 Hz) that is capable of occupying high-affinity dopamineD2 receptors.

Phasic dopamine A significant, transient increase in dopamine concentration arising fromdopamine neurons firing in high-frequency bursts (�20 Hz) that is capableof occupying low-affinity dopamine D1 receptors.

Microdialysis In the context of in vivo neurochemistry, a semipermeable probe is insertedinto a brain region, artificial cerebral spinal fluid is infused, and dialysatecontaining neurotransmitters that passively diffuse into the probe isextracted and analyzed.

Fast-scan cyclicvoltammetry (FSCV)

In the context of in vivo neurochemistry, a carbon fiber microelectrode isinserted into a brain region, and voltage is applied to the carbon fiber,resulting in the oxidation of surrounding chemicals; the resulting currentflow is detected and analyzed.

Nucleus accumbens A component of the basal ganglia that is commonly divided into twosubstructures, the core and the shell. All known drugs of abuse increasedopamine concentrations in the nucleus accumbens.

Ventral tegmental area A group of neurons within the midbrain that are primarily dopaminergic(.50%) and contribute to the mesocortical and mesolimbic dopaminepathways.

Mesolimbic dopaminesystem

A dopaminergic pathway in the brain that projects from A10 dopamineneurons in the VTA to limbic structures including the nucleus accumbens,amygdala, hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex.

E.B. Oleson and J.F. Cheer

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thereby producing transient increases in nucle-us accumbens dopamine concentration that aresufficiently high to occupy low-affinity dopa-mine D1 receptors (Grace 1991; Phillips et al.2003; Dreyer et al. 2010). These phasic dopa-mine events are detectable in vivo at the levelof the dopamine neuron using single-unit elec-trophysiological recording techniques or at theneurochemical level within terminal fields of themesolimbic dopamine system using fast-scancyclic voltammetry, an electrochemical tech-nique that allows for the detection of dopamineon the millisecond timescale.


A long-held misconception was that cannabi-noids, such as D9-tetrahydrocannabinol, fail toincrease dopamine concentrations in the samemanner as other drugs of abuse (Wickelgren1997). This point was even disputed in the ex-perimental literature; for example, a single edi-tion of the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry,and Behavior contained contrasting reports onwhether cannabinoids increase dopamine levelsin the brain (cf. Gardner and Lowinson 1991vs. Castaneda et al. 1991). Currently, however,the existence of an overwhelming body of neu-rochemical evidence (Ng Cheong Ton et al.1988; Chen et al. 1990, 1991, 1993; Tanda et al.1997; Malone and Taylor 1999) unequivocallyshows that cannabinoids do, indeed, increasedopamine concentrations in the nucleus ac-cumbens. It should be noted, however, that ge-netic factors partially determine the magnitudeof cannabinoid-induced increases in accumbaldopamine concentration (Gardner 2002, 2005),because Gardner and colleagues (Chen et al.1991) reported that the dopamine-increasingpotency of cannabinoids varies depending onthe strain of rat assessed. Importantly, thesecannabinoid-induced increases in nucleus ac-cumbens dopamine are most prominentlyobserved in the shell region of the nucleus ac-cumbens and occur in a cannabinoid CB1 re-ceptor-dependent manner. As illustrated in Fig-ure 1A, the cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonistWIN55,212-2 increased dopamine concentra-

tions within the nucleus accumbens shell, aneffect that was blocked by the coadministrationof the cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist ri-monabant. Cannabinoid-induced increases innucleus accumbens dopamine concentrationare thought to arise from an increase in themean firing rate of dopamine neurons withinthe ventral tegmental area. In accordance withthis theory, using single-unit recording tech-niques, multiple reports indicate that cannabi-noids increase the firing rate of ventral tegmentalarea dopamine neurons (French 1997; Frenchet al. 1997; Gessa et al. 1998; Wu and French2000). These parallel increases in cannabinoid-induced neural activity are shown in Figure 1B;specifically, WIN55,212-2 dose-dependently in-creased the frequency of dopamine neural firing(Gessa et al. 1998). Importantly, also, the canna-binoid-induced increases in dopamine neuralactivity were abolished following administrationof rimonabant, which shows that cannabinoidsincrease dopamine neural activity through aCB1 receptor-dependent mechanism.


The majority of the aforementioned neuro-chemical studies measured changes in tonicdopamine levels using in vivo microdialysis.To assess whether cannabinoids increase phasicdopamine release events, Cheer et al. (2004)measured nucleus accumbens dopamine con-centrations in the behaving rat using fast-scancyclic voltammetry. As illustrated in Figure 1C,WIN55,212-2 increased the frequency of phasicdopamine events detected in the nucleus ac-cumbens shell (Cheer et al. 2004). Rather thanresulting from the regular pacemaker firing thatcharacterizes tonic dopamine signaling (e.g.,Fig. 1B), these transient increases in accumbaldopamine release are thought to arise fromhigh-frequency bursts of dopamine neural ac-tivity (Gonon 1988; Sombers et al. 2009). Aswould be predicted, therefore, Figure 1D showsthat the cannabinoids D9-tetrahydrocannabinoland WIN55,212-2 both increased the frequencyof bursts in addition to the number of impulses

Cannabinoids, Dopamine, and Addiction

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occurring during each burst of dopaminergicneural activity (Gessa et al. 1998).


After determining that cannabinoids increaseboth tonic and phasicdopamine neurotransmis-

sion, investigators began addressing the phar-macological mechanisms involved. Initially, invitro synaptosomal studies suggested that can-nabinoids might increase nucleus accumbensdopamine concentrations, in part, by bindingto the dopamine transporter and thereby de-creasing uptake into presynaptic terminals(Hershkowitz and Szechtman 1979; Poddarand Dewey 1980), which would be consistent






10 s


100% Burst spikes Spikes/burst


% o

f bas



300 600 900

Time (sec)

1200 1500

0.0625 0.0625 0.125 0.25 0.5 1



% o

f dop


e ou




20 40

Time from WIN administration (min)

100 sec60

WIN Rimonabant





Phasic dopamineTonic dopamine

Pre-WIN 1 Post-WIN 1WIN


* * * * ** *

* * * ***

** *

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓









Figure 1. Cannabinoids increase tonic and phasic dopamine release. (A) The cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonistWIN55,212-2 (0.3 mg/kg i.v., filled circles) increased tonic dopamine concentrations in the shell region of thenucleus accumbens in comparison to vehicle (open parallelograms). The cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonistrimonabant (1 mg/kg s.c., open triangles) prevented the WIN-induced increase in accumbal dopamine con-centration. (Figure constructed from data by Tanda et al. 1997.) (B) WIN55,212-2 dose-dependently increasedthe neural activity of an antidromically identified ventral tegmental area dopamine neuron. Rimonabantreversed the WIN-induced increase in dopamine neural activity. (Figure constructed from data by Gessaet al. 1998.) (C) WIN55,212-2 (0.125 mg/kg i.v., right of dashed line) increased the frequency of phasicdopamine events detected in the shell region of the nucleus accumbens in comparison to pre-treatment (leftof dashed line) values. To assess for cannabinoid-induced changes in dopamine uptake, dopamine release wasevoked by electrical stimulation (0.4-sec duration, 60 Hz, +120 mA, black bars) applied to the medial forebrainbundle. WIN55,212-2 failed to increase the width of electrically evoked dopamine events, suggesting thatcannabinoids do not increase nucleus accumbens dopamine by decreasing dopamine uptake. (Figure construct-ed from data by Cheer et al. 2004.) (D)D9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (filled bars) and WIN55,212-2 (open bars withcoarse diagonal fill) increased phasic dopamine neural activity. Both cannabinoids increased the number ofbursting events observed and the number of impulses occurring per burst. (�) A significant difference versus pre-drug levels. (Figure constructed from data by Gessa et al. 1998.)

E.B. Oleson and J.F. Cheer

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with the pharmacological mechanism of actionof other drugs of abuse, such as cocaine. If can-nabinoids increase dopamine concentration bydecreasing uptake, however, the width of electri-cally evoked dopamine release events should in-crease when assessed using in vivo FSCV. Electri-cally evoked dopamine events result in highconcentrations of dopamine that saturate dopa-mine transporters, thus allowing changes in up-take to be discerned. As illustrated in Figure 1C,cannabinoids failed to alter the width of electri-cally evoked dopamine release events, therebyshowing that cannabinoids do not increase dop-amine by decreasing uptake (Cheer et al. 2004).Furthermore, dopamine uptake inhibitors typi-cally decrease neural firing of dopamine neuronsby activating inhibitory dopamine D2 autore-ceptors (Einhorn et al. 1988). Thus, a cannabi-noid-induced decrease in dopamine uptakewould be inconsistent with a cannabinoid-in-duced increase in dopamine neural firing (Fig.1B). Another possibility is that cannabinoidsmight directly stimulate dopamine neurons;however, this hypothesis is also unlikely, becauseof multiple reports that dopamine cell bodieslack cannabinoid CB1 receptors (Herkenhamet al. 1991; Julian et al. 2003). An alternativemodel, proposed by Carl Lupica (Lupica andRiegel 2005), suggests that cannabinoids mightincrease dopamine release by indirectly disin-hibiting dopamine neurons. In support of thismodel, application of cannabinoids to ventraltegmental area brain slices decreased GABAergicinhibitory postsynaptic currents in a GABAA re-ceptor-dependent manner (Szabo et al. 2002)and failed to increase dopamine neural activityfollowing pre-treatment of GABAA receptor an-tagonists (Cheer et al. 2000). Taken together, insupport of Lupica’s model, these data suggestthat cannabinoids increase dopamine neural fir-ing by decreasing GABAergic inhibition of dop-amine neural activity.


A key feature of the addiction phenomenon—drug withdrawal—is theorized to produce anegative emotional state that drives persistent,

relapsing drug seeking (Childress et al. 1988;Koob et al. 1998). It is now well accepted thatwithdrawal occurs in association with a decreasein mesolimbic dopamine function (Weiss et al.2001). For example, when experimental animalsare withdrawn from drugs of abuse (e.g., etha-nol, morphine, cocaine, and amphetamine),decreased tonic dopamine concentrations aredetected in the terminal regions of the meso-limbic dopamine system when assessed using invivo microdialysis (Rossetti et al. 1992; Weisset al. 1992, 1996). Although the use of cannabi-noids, such as marijuana and hashish, was his-torically considered to be devoid of withdrawalsymptoms (Todd 1946), we now know thatcannabinoids do, indeed, produce clinically sig-nificant withdrawal symptoms. Over the courseof several clinical studies (Jones et al. 1976;Budney et al. 1999; Haney et al. 1999), in-vestigators documented a “cannabis-withdraw-al syndrome,” which is composed of several coresymptoms, including anxiety/nervousness, de-creased appetite/weight loss, restlessness, sleepdifficulties including strange dreams, chills,depressed mood, stomach pain/physical dis-comfort, shakiness, and sweating (Budney andHughes 2006). It is likely, therefore, that thesewithdrawal symptoms contribute to cannabisdependence through negative reinforcementprocesses. The development of animal modelsof cannabis-withdrawal syndrome allowed forthe investigation of the neural mechanisms in-volved. To date, two distinct models of cannabiswithdrawal exist (Lichtman and Martin 2002).The first, involving abrupt forced abstinencefrom experimenter-administered cannabinoids(e.g., D9-tetrahydrocannabinol, WIN55,212-2),results in mild withdrawal symptoms that arerelatively difficult to detect (Aceto et al. 1996,2001). The second, involving precipitated with-drawal induced by a rimonabant challenge,results in immediately observable robust with-drawal symptoms (e.g., wet dog shakes) (Acetoet al. 1995; Tsou et al. 1995). The behavior-al manifestations of precipitated cannabinoidwithdrawal are accompanied by a decrease inventral tegmental dopamine neural activity asassessed using single-unit recording techniques(Diana et al. 1999). The decreased dopamine

Cannabinoids, Dopamine, and Addiction

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neural activityoccurs along the same time courseas decreased tonic dopamine concentrations ob-served in the nucleus accumbens using in vivomicrodialysis (Tanda et al. 1999). Precipitatedwithdrawal also induces a significant decreasein phasic dopamine neural activity (Dianaet al. 1999). Taken together, these studies showthat withdrawal from cannabinoids depressesmesolimbic dopamine function in the samemanner as other drugs of abuse.


The isolation of D9-tetrahydrocannabinol fromC. sativa (Gaoni and Mechoulam 1964), thediscovery that D9-tetrahydrocannabinol bindsto a G-protein-coupled receptor in the brain(Devane et al. 1988), and the subsequent clon-ing of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor (Matsudaet al. 1990) led to the elucidation of a pre-viously uncharacterized endogenous cannabi-noid, or endocannabinoid system. Anandamide(Devane et al. 1992) and 2-arachydonoylglcy-cerol (Mechoulam et al. 1995) were the first, andremain the best, characterized endocannabi-noids. Based on a growing recognition that can-nabinoids modulate mesolimbic dopaminefunction, the endocannabinoid system is cur-rently receiving a great deal of attention as in-vestigators search for potential pharmacothera-pies for addiction (Vries and Schoffelmeer2005; Justinova et al. 2009).


Lupica’s model (Lupica and Riegel 2005) con-cerning cannabinoid modulation of dopamineneural activity is also relevant in the contextof endocannabinoid signaling. Endocannabi-noids are unique from classical neurotransmit-ters in that they are formed and released ondemand during periods of high neural activity(Freund et al. 2003). Thus, during phasic dop-amine events, intracellular Ca2þ increases pre-cipitously, which then activates enzymes (e.g.,diaacylglycerol lipase, DGL) leading to the syn-

thesis of endocannabinoids (Wilson and Nicoll2002; Melis et al. 2004; Alger and Kim 2011).Once synthesized, endocannabinoids traversethe plasma membrane into the extra-synapticspace, where they retrogradely activate cannabi-noid CB1 receptors on presynaptic terminals(Wilson and Nicoll 2001). Endocannabinoidsbinding to presynaptic cannabinoid CB1 recep-tors is known to result in the suppression ofGABA-mediated inhibition (Wilson and Nicoll2001), a form of synaptic plasticity known asdepolarization-induced suppression of inhibi-tion (Alger and Kim 2011). Within the ventraltegmental area, depolarization-induced sup-pression of inhibition should theoretically re-sult in a net disinhibition of dopamine neuralactivity (cf. Fig. 2, A vs. B) (Lupica and Riegel2005). A growing body of evidence suggests that2-arachydonoylglycerol is the primary endo-cannabinoid involved in mediating such formsof synaptic plasticity (Melis et al. 2004; Tani-mura et al. 2010).


All drugs of abuse increase phasic dopamineevents, which theoretically promote drug seek-ing (Cheer et al. 2007; Aragona et al. 2008).Decreasing drug-induced phasic dopamineevents by disrupting endocannabinoid signal-ing might, therefore, prove to be a successfulpharmacological approach for the treatmentof addiction (Vries and Schoffelmeer 2005;Solinas et al. 2008). To test whether disruptingendocannabinoid signaling decreases drug-in-duced phasic dopamine events, Cheer et al.(2007) monitored drug-induced increases inphasic dopamine release events in the nucleusaccumbens shell using fast-scan cyclic voltam-metry. All drugs assessed, including cocaine,nicotine, and ethanol, increased the frequencyof phasic dopamine events. Remarkably, disrup-ting endocannabinoid signaling by coadmin-istering rimonabant attenuated these drug-in-duced increases in phasic dopamine release.As illustrated in Figure 3C, cocaine-induced

E.B. Oleson and J.F. Cheer

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increases in phasic dopamine events (top) werediminished by rimonabant (middle) and notobserved following vehicle administration alone(bottom). If disrupting endocannabinoid sig-naling decreases drug-induced phasic dopa-mine events by preventing the disinhibition of

dopamine neural activity within the ventral teg-mental area, it should be predicted that tonicdopamine signaling also be suppressed. In ac-cordance with this theory, ethanol-induced in-creases in tonic accumbal dopamine concentra-tions are blocked by rimonabant (Hungund






Dopaminecell body







Inhibited dopamine neuron

Disinhibited dopamine neuron











Figure 2. A theoretical microcircuit within the ventral tegmental area showing GABAergic and glutamatergicterminals synapsing onto a dopamine neuron. (A) Under typical conditions, ventral tegmental area dopamineneurons are inhibited via activation of GABAB receptors on the dopaminergic neuron. (B) When animals arepresented with motivational salient stimuli (e.g., a drug-associated cue), dopamine neurons fire in high-frequency bursts. Consequently, intracellular calcium levels increase, which results in the activation of endo-cannabinoid synthesizing enzymes (e.g., diacylglycerol lipase, DGL). As a result, 2-arachydonoylglycerol (2-AG)is synthesized and released into the extrasynaptic space. By retrogradely activating Gi/o-coupled cannabinoidCB1 receptors on GABAergic terminals, GABA release is suppressed. This GABA suppression results in dis-inhibition of the dopamine neuron, which presumably promotes the occurrence of phasic dopamine events.

Cannabinoids, Dopamine, and Addiction

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et al. 2003). These findings are in agreement withthe electrophysiology literature. For example,Pistis and colleagues (Perra et al. 2005) showedthat ethanol-induced increases in dopamineneural activity are reduced following rimona-bant treatment. Together, these findings supportthat developing drugs designed to disrupt endo-cannabinoid signaling might decrease drug-in-duced increases in phasic dopamine release,which is thought to promote drug seeking, inaddition to tonic dopamine release, which is

thought to mediate the primary rewarding andreinforcing effects of drugs of abuse.


It is now well accepted that Pavlovian associa-tions formed between drugs of abuse andenvironmental cues may trigger drug seeking(Childress et al. 1993). In this context, phasic






10 s

ec 80





10 s

ec 80

200 400 600 800


EtOH RimonabantRimonabant/Coc



25 sec


0 200 400 600

Time (sec)

800 1000












–50 0 50 100 150 200


Phasic dopamineTonic dopamine








Figure 3. Endocannabinoids are necessary for drug-induced increases in tonic and phasic dopamine release. (A)Endocannabinoids are required for ethanol-induced increases in tonic dopamine concentrations in the nucleusaccumbens. When administered independently, ethanol (1.5 g/kg, filled squares) increased dopamine concen-trations. When coadministered with rimonabant (3 mg/kg i.p., open triangles), ethanol failed to increaseaccumbal dopamine concentrations. (Figure constructed from data by Hungund et al. 2003.) (B) Disruptingendocannabinoid signaling with rimonabant (1 mg/kg i.v., bottom) reversed ethanol-induced (0.5 g/kg i.v.,top) increases in the neural activity of an antidromically identified ventral tegmental area dopamine neuron.(Figure constructed from data by Perra et al. 2005.) (C) Endocannabinoids are required for drug-induced phasicdopamine events. Cocaine (3 mg/kg i.v., top) significantly increased transient increases in nucleus accumbensdopamine concentration. Rimonabant coadministration (0.3 mg/kg i.v., middle) significantly attenuated thecocaine-induced increases in phasic dopamine release. Vehicle alone failed to alter phasic dopamine events(bottom). (Figure constructed from data by Cheer et al. 2007.)

E.B. Oleson and J.F. Cheer

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dopamine events are thought to encode con-ditioned stimuli and promote drug seeking(Wheeler and Carelli 2009). It is possible, there-fore, that disrupting endocannabinoid signal-ing might effectively diminish the influencethat environmental cues exert over dopaminetransmission during reward-directed behavior.A current theory holds that endocannabinoidsdecrease drug-seeking behavior, in part, bydiminishing the secondary/environmental in-fluences of drugs on motivated behavior (LeFoll and Goldberg 2004; Vries and Schoffel-meer 2005). For example, when responding ismaintained by drug-associated environmentalcues under second-order schedules of reinforce-ment, rimonabant significantly decreases drugseeking (Justinova et al. 2008). Furthermore,endocannabinoid disruption is particularly ef-fective at reducing cue-induced reinstatement,a model of relapse in humans that incorporatesthe influence of conditioned environmentalstimuli on reward seeking (Epstein et al. 2006).Indeed, rimonabant decreases the propensity forconditioned cues to reinstate responding forvarious drugs of abuse (Vries and Schoffelmeer2005; Justinova et al. 2008). To assess whetherdisrupting endocannabinoid signaling decreasescue-evoked dopamine signaling, Cheer and col-leagues (Oleson et al. 2012) treated rats withrimonabant while responding was maintainedby brain stimulation reward in a cued intracra-nial self-stimulation task. Under these condi-tions, rimonabant significantly decreased cue-evoked dopamine release and reward seeking inunison, thereby suggesting that endocannabi-noids are critical modulators of dopamine trans-mission during cue-motivated behavior.


Although rimonabant clearly decreases dopa-mine signaling during cue-motivated behavior,whether this is due to a diminished role of 2-arachydonoylglycerol and/or anandamide re-mains unclear. Although it might seem intuitivethat both endocannabinoids are involved in

promoting dopamine signaling during rewardseeking, we now know that this is not the case.On the contrary, multiple studies using phar-macological tools that specifically increaseanandamide levels report that these compoundsreduce the potency of cues to motivate drug-seeking behavior (Scherma et al. 2008; Forgetet al. 2009; Gamaleddin et al. 2011). To deter-mine whether such compounds reduce cue-evoked dopamine release, Cheer and colleagues(Oleson et al. 2012) tested the effects of VDM11(a drug that selectively increases anandamidelevels in the brain) (Van Der Stelt et al. 2006)under similar behavioral conditions to those inwhich rimonabant effectively decreased cue-evoked dopamine release. As was found follow-ing rimonabant treatment, VDM11 uniformlydecreased cue-evoked dopamine concentra-tions and reward seeking. Figure 4 illustratesthe effects of VDM11 on accumbal dopamineconcentrations across trials as a representativeanimal is responding for brain stimulation re-ward in a cued intracranial self-stimulation task.Two dopamine peaks are evident per trial. Thefirst corresponds to the conditioned cue, andthe second results from the animal respondingfor the brain stimulation reward. Note that inresponse to VDM11, cue-evoked dopamine re-lease decreased, whereas the electrically evokeddopamine peak drifts away from cue presenta-tion and eventually off the temporal scale. TheFigure 4 inset depicts a magnified surface plotshowing the effects of VDM11 on cue-evokeddopamine events alone. These data support thenotion that anandamide decreases dopaminesignaling during reward seeking. Moreover,these data indirectly suggest that 2-arachydo-noylglycerol is the primary endocannabinoidinvolved in modulating cue-evoked dopaminerelease during reward-seeking behavior. In thiscase, it is possible that anandamide, which is apartial agonist for CB1 receptors, functions as acompetitive antagonist in the presence of 2-arachydonoylglycerol, which is a full agonist atCB1 receptors (Howlett and Mukhopadhyay2000). This conclusion is consistent with theaforementioned observation that 2-arachydo-noylglycerol is the primary endocannabinoidinvolved in mediating synaptic plasticity in

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multiple brain regions (Melis et al. 2004; Tani-mura et al. 2010).


Based on the evidence presented herein, com-monly abused cannabinoids, such as D9-tetra-hydrocannabinol, affect the mesolimbic do-pamine system similarly to other commondrugs of abuse. It is very likely that repeatedexposures to D9-tetrahydrocannabinol mightresult in neuroadaptations, not only to the mes-olimbic dopamine system, but also to down-stream targets that are critically involved in thedevelopment of drug addiction. Regarding theendocannabinoid system, we are still in a dis-covery phase. Little is known concerning the

relative contributions of specific endocannabi-noids or their exact signaling mechanisms. Weare, however, aware of compelling new evidenceshowing that the endocannabinoid system is ca-pable of modulating the mesolimbic dopaminesystem and its potential impact in disorders ofmotivation. Future studies must be conductedto dissect the precise roles of endocannabinoidsin this modulation to minimize side effects andhow they influence dopamine transmission inanimal models.


This work is supported by NIH grantsR01DA022340 and R01DA025890 (to J.F.C.)and F32DA032266 (to E.B.O.).





l num



l num





Session time (sec)










1210Session time (sec)





300 μg/kg

420 μg/kg

560 μg/kg



300 μg/kg

420 μg/kg

560 μg/kg


Dopamine (nM)


Lever out

Figure 4. Anandamide decreases cue-evoked dopamine concentrations and reward seeking. A representativesurface plot shows changes in dopamine concentration (z-axis) occurring across trials (y-axis) while respondingis maintained by brain stimulation reward in a cued intracranial self-stimulation task. VDM11, a drug thatselectively increases the endocannabinoid anandamide, dose-dependently decreased phasic dopamine eventsoccurring in response to a reward-predictive cue. As the cue-evoked dopamine concentrations decreased, thebehavioral response for brain-stimulation reward shifted away from the conditioned cue. (Figure constructedfrom data by Oleson et al. 2012.)

E.B. Oleson and J.F. Cheer

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