a birds-eye view of pig and scalding jobs with hraven

A Bird’s-Eye View of Pig and Scalding with hRaven a tale by @gario and @joep Hadoop Summit 2013 v1.2

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As Twitter's use of mapreduce rapidly expands, tracking usage on our clusters grows correspondingly more difficult. With an ever increasing job load, and a reliance on higher level abstractions such as Pig and Scalding, the utility of existing tools for viewing job history decreases rapidly, and extracting insights becomes a challenge. At Twitter, we created hRaven to fill this gap. hRaven archives the full history and metrics from all mapreduce jobs on our clusters, and strings together each job from a Pig or Scalding script execution into a combined flow. From this archive, we can easily derive aggregate resource utilization by user, pool, or application. While the historical trending of an individual application allows us to perform runtime optimization of resource scheduling. We will cover how hRaven provides a rich historical archive of mapreduce job execution, and how the data is structured into higher level flows representing the job sequence for frameworks such as Pig, Scalding, and Hive. We will then explore how we mine hRaven data to account for Hadoop resource utilization, to optimize runtime scheduling, and to identify common anti-patterns in user jobs. Finally, we will look at the end user experience, including Ambrose integration for flow visualization.


Page 1: A Birds-Eye View of Pig and Scalding Jobs with hRaven

A Bird’s-Eye View of Pig and Scalding

with hRavena tale by @gario and @joep

Hadoop Summit 2013


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Apache HBase PMC member andCommitter

Software Engineer @ Twitter

Core Storage Team - Hadoop/HBase


About the authors

Software Engineer @ Twitter

Engineering Manager Hadoop/HBaseteam @ Twitter


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Chapter 1: The ProblemChapter 2: Why hRaven?Chapter 3: How Does it Work?

3a: Loading

3b: Table structure / queryingChapter 4: Current UsesAppendix: Future Work


Table of Contents

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Chapter 1: The Problem

Illustration by Sirxlem (CC BY-NC-ND3.0)

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Most users run Pig and Scalding scripts, not straight map reduceJobTracker UI shows jobs, not DAGs of jobs generated by Pig and Scalding

Chapter 1: Mismatched Abstractions

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Chapter 1: A Problem of Scale


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How many Pig versus Scalding jobs do we run ?What cluster capacity do jobs in my pool take ?How many jobs do we run each day ?What % of jobs have > 30k tasks ?Why do I need to hand-tune these (hundreds) of jobs, can’t the cluster learn ?

Chapter 1: Questions

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How many Pig versus Scalding jobs do we run ?What cluster capacity do jobs in my pool take ?How many jobs do we run each day ?What % of jobs have > 30k tasks ?Why do I need to hand-tune these (hundreds) of jobs, can’t the cluster learn ?

Chapter 1: Questions


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Chapter 2: Why hRaven?

Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA3.0

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Stores stats, configuration and timing for every map reduce job on everyclusterStructured around the full DAG of jobs from a Pig or Scalding applicationEasily queryable for historical trendingAllows for Pig reducer optimization based on historical run statsKeep data online forever (12.6M jobs, 4.5B tasks + attempts)

Chapter 2: Why hRaven?

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cluster - each cluster has a unique name mapping to the Job Trackeruser - map reduce jobs are run as a given userapplication - a Pig or Scalding script (or plain map reduce job)flow - the combined DAG of jobs executed from a single run of anapplicationversion - changes impacting the DAG are recorded as a new version of thesame application

Chapter 2: Key Concepts

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Chapter 2: Application Flows


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Chapter 2: Application Flows


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All jobs in a flow are ordered together•

Chapter 2: Flow Storage

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Most recent flow is ordered first•

Chapter 2: Flow Storage

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All jobs in a flow are ordered togetherPer-job metrics stored

Total map and reduce tasks

HDFS bytes read / written

File bytes read / written

Total map and reduce slot milliseconds

Easy to aggregate stats for an entire flowEasy to scan the timeseries of each application’s flows


Chapter 2: Key Features

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Chapter 3: How Does it Work?

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Chapter 3: ETL - Step 1: JobFilePreprocessor

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Chapter 3: ETL - Step 2: JobFileRawLoader

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Chapter 3: ETL - Step 3: JobFileProcessor

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Chapter 3: ETL - Step 3: JobFileProcessor

Jobs finish out of order with respect to job_id

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Chapter 3: Tables

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Row key: cluster!jobID


jobconf - stores serialized raw job_*_conf.xml file

jobhistory - stored serialized raw job history log file

job_processed_success - indicates whether job has been processed


Chapter 3: job_history_raw

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Row key: cluster!user!application!timestamp!jobIDcluster - unique cluster name (ie. “cluster1@dc1”)

user - user running the application (“edgar”)

application - application ID derived from job configuration:

uses “batch.desc” property if set

otherwise parses a consistent ID from “mapred.job.name”

timestamp - inverted (Long.MAX_VALUE - value) value of submission time

jobID - stored as Job Tracker start time (long), concatenated with job sequence number

job_201306271100_0001 -> [1372352073732L][1L]




Chapter 3: job_history

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Row key: cluster!user!application!timestamp!jobID!taskIDsame components as job_history key (same ordering)

taskID - (ie. “m_00001”) uniquely identifies individual task/attempt in job

Two row types:Task - “meta” row


Task Attempt - individual execution on a Task Trackercluster1@dc1!edgar!wordcount!9654...!...[00001]!m_00001_1


Chapter 3: job_history_task

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Row key: cluster!user!application

Example: cluster1@dc1!edgar!wordcount



Chapter 3: job_history_app_version

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Using Pig’s HBaseStorage (or direct HBase APIs)Through Client APIThrough REST API

Chapter 3: Querying hRaven

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Chapter 4: Current Uses

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Pig reducer optimizationsCluster utilization / capacity planningApplication performance trending over timeIdentifying common job anti-patternsAd-hoc analysis troubleshooting cluster problems

Chapter 4: Current Uses

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Chapter 4: Cluster reads-writes

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Chapter 4: Pool / Application reads/writes


Pool view

Spike in File size read

Indicates jobs spilling


Application view

Spike in HDFS sizeread

Indicates spiking input

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Chapter 4: Pool usage: Used vs. Allocated


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Chapter 4: Compute cost

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Appendix: Future Work

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Real-time data loading from Job Tracker / Application MasterFull flow-centric UI (Job Tracker UI replacement)Hadoop 2.0 compatibility (in-progress)Ambrose integration

Appendix: Future Work

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hRaven on Githubhttps://github.com/twitter/hraven

hRaven Mailing [email protected]

[email protected]


Additional Resources

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Now will thou drop your job data on the floor ?Quoth the hRaven, 'Nevermore.'

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#TheEnd@gario and @joep

Come visit us at booth #26 to continue the story

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Desired orderjob_201306271100_9999job_201306271100_10000...job_201306271100_99999job_201306271100_100000...job_201306271100_999999job_201306271100_1000000

Sort order Variable length job_idLexical order
