a bibliography of the work of oskar morgenstern …978-3-642-45494-3/1.pdf · a bibliography of the...

A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORK OF OSKAR MORGENSTERN I I BOOKS 1. Wirtsahaftsprognose, eine Untersuahung ihrer Voraussetzungen und Mogliahkeiten, Vienna: Julius Springer Verlag, 1928, iv+129 pp. 2. Edit. and Preface to: A. de Viti de Marao, Grundlehren der Finanz- wirtsahaft, Tlibingen, 1932. 3. Ed.: Beitrage zur Konjunkturforsahung, Vol. 4 and subsequent, Vienna: Julius Springer Verlag, 1934. 4. Die Grenzen der Wirtsahaftspolitik, Vienna: Julius Springer Verlag, 1 934, 1 36 pp. 5. The Limits of Eaonomias, Translation by Vera Smith, London: W. Hodge and Co., Ltd., 1937, v+151pp. (Revised edition of No.4). 6. Theory of Games and Behavior, (with John von Neumann) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944, xviii + 625 pp. 7. Theory of Games and Eaonomia Behavior, (with John von Neumann), 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947, xviii + 641 pp. 8. On the Aaauraay of Eaonomia Observations, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1950, + 101 pp. 9. Theory of Games and Eaonomia Behavior, (with John von Neumann), 3rd edition, revised, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 19 53, xx + 64 1 pp. 10. Ed. and contributor, Eaonomia Aativity Analysis, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1954, xviii + 554 pp. 11. Studi di Metodologia Eaonomiaa, ed. F. di Fenizio, trans. M. Talamona, Milano, 1955, pp. 152. 12. International Finanaial Transaations and Business Cyales, National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1959, xxvi + 591 pp. 13. The Question of National Defense, Random House, New York, November, 1959, xii + 306 pp. 14. The Question of National Defense, 2nd revised edition, Vintage-Books, V-192, New York, 1961, xiv + 328 pp. 15. Spieltheorie und Wirtsahaftliahes Verhalten, Wlirzburg, 1961, xxiv+ 668 pp. (Translation of No.7.), with new preface. 16. Strategie-Heute, (enlarged and new preface), Frankfurt, 1962, 323 pp. (Translation of No. 14.). 17. Beikoku Kobubo no Shomondai Kigima Institute of Research, Tokyo, December, 1962, 383, pp. (Translation of No. 13). 18. On the Aaauraay of Eaonomia Observations, 2nd completely revised edition, Princeton: Princeton University Press, September, 1963, v-viii, ix-xiv, and 322 pp. 19. "tiber die Genauigkeit Wirtschaftlicher Beobachtungen," trans. by V. Trapp, with Preface by K. Wagner, Einzelsahriften der Deutsahen Statistisahen Gesellsahaft, No.4, Munich, 1952, 129pp. (Revised translation of No. 18). 20. Spieltheorie und Wirtsahaftswissensahaft, Vienna: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1963, 200 pp.

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1. Wirtsahaftsprognose, eine Untersuahung ihrer Voraussetzungen und Mogliahkeiten, Vienna: Julius Springer Verlag, 1928, iv+129 pp.

2. Edit. and Preface to: A. de Viti de Marao, Grundlehren der Finanz­wirtsahaft, Tlibingen, 1932.

3. Ed.: Beitrage zur Konjunkturforsahung, Vol. 4 and subsequent, Vienna: Julius Springer Verlag, 1934.

4. Die Grenzen der Wirtsahaftspolitik, Vienna: Julius Springer Verlag, 1 934, 1 36 pp.

5. The Limits of Eaonomias, Translation by Vera Smith, London: W. Hodge and Co., Ltd., 1937, v+151pp. (Revised edition of No.4).

6. Theory of Games and E~onomia Behavior, (with John von Neumann) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1944, xviii + 625 pp.

7. Theory of Games and Eaonomia Behavior, (with John von Neumann), 2nd edition, revised and enlarged, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947, xviii + 641 pp.

8. On the Aaauraay of Eaonomia Observations, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1950, ~x + 101 pp.

9. Theory of Games and Eaonomia Behavior, (with John von Neumann), 3rd edition, revised, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1 9 53, xx + 64 1 pp.

10. Ed. and contributor, Eaonomia Aativity Analysis, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1954, xviii + 554 pp.

11. Studi di Metodologia Eaonomiaa, ed. F. di Fenizio, trans. M. Talamona, Milano, 1955, pp. 152.

12. International Finanaial Transaations and Business Cyales, National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1959, xxvi + 591 pp.

13. The Question of National Defense, Random House, New York, November, 1959, xii + 306 pp.

14. The Question of National Defense, 2nd revised edition, Vintage-Books, V-192, New York, 1961, xiv + 328 pp.

15. Spieltheorie und Wirtsahaftliahes Verhalten, Wlirzburg, 1961, xxiv+ 668 pp. (Translation of No.7.), with new preface.

16. Strategie-Heute, (enlarged and new preface), Frankfurt, 1962, 323 pp. (Translation of No. 14.).

17. Beikoku Kobubo no Shomondai Kigima Institute of Research, Tokyo, December, 1962, 383, pp. (Translation of No. 13).

18. On the Aaauraay of Eaonomia Observations, 2nd completely revised edition, Princeton: Princeton University Press, September, 1963, v-viii, ix-xiv, and 322 pp.

19. "tiber die Genauigkeit Wirtschaftlicher Beobachtungen," trans. by V. Trapp, with Preface by K. Wagner, Einzelsahriften der Deutsahen Statistisahen Gesellsahaft, No.4, Munich, 1952, 129pp. (Revised translation of No. 18).

20. Spieltheorie und Wirtsahaftswissensahaft, Vienna: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1963, 200 pp.


21. Vber die Genauigkeit WirtsahaftZiaher Beobaahtungen, 2., v5llig neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage - Translated by E. Schlecht, Physica-Verlag, Wien-Wurzburg, 1965, pp. ix+ 320.

22. Japanese translation, On the Aaauraay of Eaonomia Observations, Hosei University Press, Tokyo, 1968, 336pp.

23. Japanese translation, The Question of NationaZ Defense, Kajima Institute of Research and Japan Institute of International Affairs, 383pps., 1962.

24. Russian translation, On the Aaauraay of Eaonomia Observations, Statistika, Moscow, 1968, 293 pp.

25. Italian translation, SpieZtheorie und Wirtsahaftswissensahaft, (with preface by Bruno de Finetti), Editore Boringhieri, 1969, 236 pp.

26. Italian translation of No. 20 (with Preface by Bruno de Finetti), Editore Boringhieri, 1969, 236 pp.

27. Russian translation of No.6 (Theory of Games and Economic Behavior), 707pp. Moscow, 1970.

28. The PrediatabiZity of Stoak Market Priaes (with C.W.J. Granger), Lexington, Mass., 1970, Heath, i-xxii, 303pp.

29. Preaision et inaertitude des donnees eaonomiques, Dunod, Paris, 1972, French translation of No. 18.

30. Eaonomia AnaZysis of the Spaae ShuttZe System (with K.P. Heiss), Mathematica, Inc., Study for NASA, Washington, D.C., January 31, 1972, 3 volumes and Executive Summary.

31. Long Term Projeations of Power; PoZitiaaZ, Eaonomia, and MiZitary Foreaasting (with Klaus P. Heiss and Klaus Knorr), Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1973, i-xxi + 229 pages.

32. MathematiaaZ Theory of E~panding and Contraating Eaonomies (with Gerald L. Thompson) Lexington, D.C. Health and Company, 1976, xvi + 275 pages.

33. SeZeated Eaonomia Writings of Oskar Morgenstern, ed. by Andrew Schotter, New York, New York University Press, 1976.


34. "International vergleichende Konjunkturforschung", Zeitsahrift fur die gesamte Staatswissensahaft, Vol. 83,No.2,June 1927,pp. 261 - 290.

35. "Francis Y. Edgeworth," Zeitsahrift fur VoZkswirtsahaft und Sozia~­poZitik, Vol. 5, No. 10-12, October-December, 1927, pp. 646-652.

36. "Die andere Seite der Konjunkturforschung," tJsterreiahisaher VoZks­wirt, Vol. 19, No. 15, 1927, pp. 393-395.

37. "Friedrich von Wieser, 185.1-1926," Ameriaan Eaonomia Review, Vol. 17, No.4, December, 1927, pp. 669-674.

38. "Qualitative und quantitative Konjunkturforschung," Zeitsahrift fur die gesamte Staatsw,is8~nsahaft. pp.12-20 foreword by O. Morgen­stern and introduction by N.N. Vorob'ev. Vol.85,No.1,1928,pp. 54-88.

39. "Aufgaben und Grenzen der Institute fur Konjunkturforschung," Sahriften des Vereins fur SoziaZpoZitik, Vol. 173, Zweiter Teil, 1928, pp. 339-353.

40. "Wirtschaftsprognose und Stabilisierung," Wirtsahaftsdienst, Vol. 13, No. 47, November 1928, pp. 1927-30.



















"Allyn Abbott Younq," Zeitschrift fUr NationaZokonomie, Vol. 1, May, 1929, pp. 143-145.

"Ertekelmeletek," (Werttheorien), Kozgazdasagi EncikZopedia, 1930, pp. 3-10.

"Nachwort zur Wirtschaftsprognose," AZZgemeines Statistisches Archiv, Vol. 20, No.2, 1930, pp. 273-277

"Developments in the Federal Reserve System," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 9, October, 1930, pp. 1-7.

"Translation of 44 in: Deutscher VoZkswirt, Berlin, 1930, pp. 68-76

"Offene Probleme der Kosten- und Ertragstheorie," Zeitschrift fur NationaZokonomie, Vol. 2, No.4, March, 1931, pp. 481-522.

"Bemerkungen tiber die Problematik der amerikanischen Institutiona­listen," Saggi di Storia e di Teoria Economia, in Onore e Ricordo di Giuseppe Prato, Turin, 1931, pp. 330-350.

"Observations on the Problem of the American Institutionalists," trans. by George Stigler, mimeographed paper, circulated by University of Chicago (Translation of No. 47).

"Die Preise im Konjunkturzyklus," ijsterreichischer VoZkswirt, Vol. 23, No. 52, 1931, pp. 1358-1361.

"Die drei Grundtypen der Theorie des subjektiven Wertes," Schriften des Vereins fur SoziaZpoZitik, Vol. 183, No.1, 1 9 3 1, pp . 1 - 4 3 .

"Free and Fixed Prices in the Depression," Harvard Business Review, Vol. 10, No.1, October, 1931, pp. 62-68.

"Mathematical Economics," Encyclopedia of the SoaiaZ Sciences, New York: Macmillan, Vol. 5, 1931, pp. 364-368.

"Replik zur Antikritik der Ertragstheorie von W. Weddingen," Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, Vol. 3, No.2, December, 1931, pp. 264-265.

"Die Preise im Konjunkturzyklus," ijsterreichischer voZkswirt, Vol. 24, No.1, 1931, pp. 18-20 (Reprint of No. 51).

"Z611e," Lehrbuch des InternationaZen Handels, by Sir William Beveridge, Vienna, 1931, preface pp. VI-VIII.

"Kapital- und Kurswertanderungen der an der Wiener B6rse notierten 6sterreichischen Aktiengesellschaften, 1913 bis 1930", zeit­schrift fur Nationalokonomie, Vol. 3, No.2, January, 1931, pp. 251-255.

"Diskussionsbemerkungen," in: "Probleme der Wertlehre," Schriften des Vereins fur Sozialpolitik, Vol. 183, No.2, 1933, pp. 91-93.

58. "Der Stand und die nachste Zukunft der Konjunkturforschung," Festschrift fur Arthur Spiethoff, Munich: Duncker und Humbolt, 1933, pp. 193-198.

59. "Eine Bibliographie der allgemeinen Lehrgeschichten der National-6konomie," (with E. Schams), Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, Vol. 4, No.4. March, 1933, pp. 389-397.

60. "I tre tipi fondamentali della teoria del valore soggetivo," Annali di Scienze Politiche, Vol. 7, No.3, 1934, pp. 205-256, (Trans. of No. 50).

61. "Das Zeitmoment in der Wertlehre," Zeitschrift fur Nationalokono­mie, Vol. 5, No.4, September 1934, pp. 433-456.

62. "L'etude des conjonctures en Autriche," Revue des Sciences Economiques, April, 1935, pp. 2-8.

63. "Zur Theorie der Produktionsperiode," Zeitschrift fUr National­okonomie, Vol. 6, No.2, June, 1935, pp. 196-208.

64. "Vollkornmene Voraussicht und wirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht," Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, Vol. 6, No.3, August, 1935, pp. 337-357.


65. English translation of No. 64 by Frank H. Knight, mimeographed, distributed by the University of Chicago.

66. "Organisation, Leistungen und weitere Aufgaben der Konjunktur­forschung," PubZic StatisticaZ Institute for Economic Research, Sofia, Vol. I, No.1, 1935, pp. 14-28

67. "Die Einordnung der Verkehrspolitik in die allgemeine Wirtschafts­politik," (}sterreichische Zeitschrift fUr Bankwesen, Vol. 1, No. 1/2, February, 1936, pp. 11-23.

68. "Logistik und Sozialwissenschaften, " Zeitschrift fUr NationaZ­okonomie, Vol. 7, No.1, March, 1936, pp. 1-24.

69. "11 fattore tempo nella dottrina del valore," AnnaZi di Statistica di Economia, Vol. 4, No.3, 1936, pp. 1-35 (Translation of No. 61).

70. "Wahrung und Preise," (}sterreichische Zeitschrift fUr Bankwesen, Vol. 1, No. 5/6, October, 1936, pp. 166-171.

71. "Probleme der Devisenbewirtschaftung, " PubZic StatisticaZ Institute for Economic Research, Sofia, Vol. 2, 1936, pp. 21-36.

72. "Entstehung und Abbau der osterreichischen Devisenbewirtschaftung," NatioanZokonomisk Tidsskrift, February, 1937, pp. 34-56.

73. "Goldpreisherabsetzung und ZinsfuBpolitik," (}sterreichische Zeitschrift fUr Bankwesen, Vol. 2, No. 6/7, June 1937, pp. 154-174.

74. "La introduzione e la abolizione dei controllo dei camhi esteri in Austria (1913-1934) ," (Introduction by Luigi Einaudi), Rivista di Storia Economica, Vol. 2, No.4, June 1937, pp. 1-21 (Translation of No. 72).

75. "The Removal of Exchange Control," in R.H. Brand, ed., GoZd: A WorZd Economic ProbZem, New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, International Conciliation, pp. 678-679.

76. "Free Exchange, the experience of Austria," London Times, No. 47, 741, p. 17, No. 47, 742, p. 15, July 21/22, 1937.

77. "Scholarship and Value-Judgements," Princeton AZumni WeekZy, Vol. 39, No. 28, May, 1939, pp. 647-648.

78. "The Nature and Significance of Business Fluctuations," Proceedings of the New Jersey Bankers' Association, Twelfth Mid-Year Conference, Princeton, January 29-30, 1941, pp. 31-39.

79. "Professor Hicks on Value and Capital," JournaZ of PoZiticaZ Economy, Vol. 49, No.3, June, 1941, pp. 361-393.

80. "On the International Spread of Business Cycles," JournaZ of poZiticaZ Economy, Vol. 51, No.4, August, 1943, pp. 287-309.

81. "German Economy," New York Times, Letters to the Times, Vol. 97, No. 32, 775, October 19, 1947, p. E10.

82. "Demand Theory Reconsidered," QuarterZy JournaZ of Economics, Vol. 62, February, 1948, pp. 165-201.

83. "Oligopoly, Monopolistic Competition and the Theory of Games," American Economic Review, Vol. 38, No.2, May, 1948, pp. 10-18.

84. "Das Dollardefizit Europas," Die Industrie, Vol. 48, No. 33, August, 1948, pp. 5-6.

85. "La reforma monetaria austriaca de 1947-1948," BoZetin deZ Banco CentraZ de VenezueZa, Vol. 9, No. 47-48, January­February, 1949, pp. 19-23.

86. "Economics and the Theory of Games," KykZos, Vol. 3, No.4, 1949, pp. 294-308.

87. "The Theory of Games: Tool for Analysis of Social and Economic Behavior," Scientific American, Vol. 180, No.5, May, 1949, pp. 22-25.


88. "Theorie des Spiels," Die amerikanische Rundschau, Vol. 5, No. 26, August-September, 1949, pp. 76-86 (Translation of No. 87).

89. "La propagation internationale des cycles economiques," Eaonomie Appliqu~e, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, July-December, 1949, pp. 593-611.

90. "The Stability of Inverses of Input-Output Matrices," (with Max A. Woodbury) (Abstract), Eaonometriaa, Vol. 18, No.2, April, 1950, pp. 190-192.

91. "Die Theorie der Spiele und des wirtschaftlichen Verhaltens," Jahrbuah fUr Sozialwissensahaft, Vol. 1, No.2, 1950, pp. 113-139.

92. "The Computation of Economic Programs," Researah Previews, June, 1950, pp. 21-27.

93. "Complementarity and Substitution in the Theory of Garnes," (Abstract), Eaonometriaa, Vol. 18, No.3, July 1950, pp. 279-280.

94. "Logistica e scienze sociali," in: "Che puo la logistica per Ie scienze sociali?," L'industria, No.4, 1951, pp. 4-11.

95. "Obituary: Joseph A. Schurnpeter," Eaonomia Journal, Vol. 61, No. 241, March, 1951, pp. 197-202.

96. "Los calculos para los programas economicos," Boletin del Banao Central de Venezuela, Vol. 11, No. 73-74, March-April, 1951, pp. 13-17, (Translation of No. 92).

97. "Notes on a Theory of Organization," Logistias Papers, George Washington University, Issue No.5, 16 Feb-15 May, 1951, 24 pp.

98. "Notes on the Formulation of the Study of Logistics," RAND Corporation, RM-614, May 28, 1951, 12pp.

99. "Limiti e condizioni dei prograrnrni economici," Studi Eaonomiai, No. 4-5, July-October, 1951, pp. 3-11.

100. "Abraham Wald, 1902-1950," Eaonometriaa, Vol. 19, No.4, October 1951, pp. 361-367.

101. "La teoria dei giochi e del comportamento economico," L'Industria, No.3, 1951, pp. 315-346 (Translation of No. 91).

102. "Prolegomena to a Theory of Organization," RAND Corporation, RM-734, December 10, 1951, ii + 122 pp.

103. "Nuove considerazioni sulla teoria della domanda," Studi Eaonomiai, May-August, 1952, pp. 1-36 (Translation of No. 82).

104. "Note on the Role of Follow-Ups in the Naval Supply System," Progress Report, Logistias Researah Division, u.s. Naval Supply Researah and Development Faaility, Bayonne, New Jersey, 1 December 1952, 7 pp.

105. "tjkonometrische Berechnungen im GroBen," Anderson Festschrift, Mitteilungsblatt fUr mathematisahe Statistik, Vol. 4, 1952, pp. 139-146.

106. "Computaciones econometricas en gran escala," Boletin del Banao Central de Venezuela, Vol. 13, No. 95-97, January-March, 1953, pp. 27-31. (Translation of No. 105).

107. "When is a Problem of Economic Policy Solvable?" Amonn Festschrift, Wirtsahaftstheorie und Wirtsahaftspolitik, Wagner und Marbach, eds. Berne, 1953, pp. 241-249.

108. "An Economist in Europe," Prinaeton Alumni Weekly, Vol. 52, No. 21, March 21, 1952, pp. 12-13.

109. "Compressibility of Organizations and Economic Systems," RAND Corporation, RM-1325, 17 August, 1954, 19 pp.

110. "Experiment and Large Scale Computation in Economics," Eaonomia Aativity Analysis, loco cit., 1954, pp. 434-549.

111. "Squeeze on Japan," The Wall Street Journal, Vol. 144, No. 87, November 2, 1954, p. 8.


112. "Capitalist Oasis," The Wall Street Journal, Vol. 144, No. 106, November 30, 1954, p. 12.

113. "Sperimentazione e calcolo su vasta scala in economica," L'industria, 1954, Part I, No.3, pp. 289-312; Part II, No.4, pp. 471-504.

114. "Keizai seisaku mondai no takiuru hi wa itsuka?" Kin-yu keizai, (Financial Report), No. 29, December 25, 1954, pp. 53-65, (Translation of No. 107).

115. "Consistency Problems Military Supply Systems," RAND Corporation, RM-1296, July 14, 1954, 31 pp.

116. "Revised and enlarged version of No. 104 in Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Vol. 1, No.4, December, 1954, pp. 344-375.

117. "La teoria de los juegos y del comportamiento econ6mico," Econ6mica, Vol. 1, No. 3-4, January-June, 1955, pp. 344-375, (Translation of No. 91).

118. "To Abolish Military Script," New York Times, Letters to the New York Times, Section 4, Vol. 104, No. 35, 414, January 9, 1955, p. 8E.

119. "Quando un problema di politica economica e risolubile?" L'Industria, No. I, 1955, pp. 1-10 (Translation of No. 107).

120. "Note on the Formulation of the Theory of Logistics," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Vol. 2, No.3, 1955, pp. 129-136 (Revised version of No. 98).

121. "The Economics of Input-Output Relations," (with T.M. Within), Input-Output Analysis: An Appraisal, Studies in Income and Wealth, No. 18, National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955, pp. 128-135.

122.' "The Validity of International Gold Movement Statistics," Special Papers in International Finance, No.2, International Finance Section, Princeton University, 1955, 42 pp.

123. "On the Equilibrium of a Linear Economic System with Non-Dominant Outputs," (with Y .K. Wong) (Abstract), Econometrica, Vol. 24, No.2, April, 1956, pp. 200-201.

124. "Der theoretische Unterbau der wirtschaftspolitik," Arbeitsgemein­schaft fur Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, No. 63, July, 1956, 32 pp.

125. "Experiment und Berechnung groBen Umfangs in der Wirtschafts­wissenschaft," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 76, No.2, 1956, pp. 179-239 (Translation of No. 110).

126. "A Generalization of the von Neumann Model of an Expanding Economy," (with J.G. Kemeny and G.L. Thompson), Econometrica, Vol. 24, No.2, April, 1956, pp. 115-135.

127. "Spieltheorie," HandwBrterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, Gottingen, Vol. 9, 1956, pp. 706-713.

128. "Methoden und Grenzen der Konjunkturpolitik," Mitteilungen des Rheinisch-westfalischen Instituts fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Vol. 7, No. 10, October, 1956, pp. 225-237.

129. "A Study of Linear Economic Systems," (with Y.K. Wong), WeZtwirt­schaftliches Archiv, Vol. 79, Heft 2, 1957, pp. 222-241.

130. "John von Neumann, 1903-1957," Economic Journal, Vol. LXVIII, March, 1958, pp. 170-174.

131. "Some Thoughts Bearing on National Defense Policy," Sandia Corporation Research Colloquium, SCR-33, 18 pp.

132. "The Game Theory in U.S. Strategy," Fortune Magazine, September, 1959, pp. 126-127 and 230-240.

133. "How We Can Avert War: A Three-Step Proposal," (adapted from "Goal: An Armed Inspected, Open World") Life International, August 29, 1959, pp. 70-77.


134. "The Theory of Garnes," ChaZZenge Magazine, New York, Vol. 8, No. 6, March, 1960, pp. 35-43.

135. "Goal: An Armed, Inspected, Open World," Fortune, July, 1960, pp. 93-95 and 219-222, 227.

136. Reprint of No. 123, The Executive, Vol. 4, No.2, July, 1960, pp. 14-15.

137. "The Theory of Garnes," PersonaZity Dynamics and Effective Behavior, Scott, Foresman and Company, Chicago', September, 1960, pp •. 493-498, (Reprint of No. 87).

138. "The Theory of Garnes," Some Theories of Organization, ed. by A. H. Rubenstein and C.J. Haberstroh, Homewood, III.: The Dorsey Press, 1960, pp. 437-444 (Reprint of No. 134).

139. "Brass Hats and Striped Pants," Foreign Service JournaZ, Vol. 37, No.7, July, 1960, pp. 21-23 (Extract from The Question of NationaZ Defense, No. 13).

140. "Effective and Secure Deterrence: The Oceanic System," RoyaZ Canadian Air Force Staff CoZZege JournaZ, Toronto, 1960, pp. 34-40.

141. "Decision Theory and the Department," Foreign Service JournaZ, Vol. 37, No. 12, December, 1960, pp. 19-22.

142. "A New Look at Economic Time Series Analysis," Money, Growth and MethodoZogy, in honor of Johan Akerman, ed. by H. Hegeland, Lund, 1961, pp. 261-272.

143. "Almost Symmetric Solutions of Some Symmetric n-Person Garnes," Abstract, American Math. Soc. Notices, Vol. 8, No.1, February, 1961, p. 69.

144. "Symmetric Solutions of Some General n-Person Garnes," (with John von Neumann), RAND Corporation, P-2169, March 2, 1961, 13 pp.

145. "The N-Country Problem," Fortune, March, 1961, pp. 136-137 and 205-208.

146. "Nuclear Weapons Among the N-Powers," Current, April, 1961, pp. 35-36, (Extract from No. 145).

147. "Peking as a Nuclear Power," Current, April, 1961, p. 23 (Extract from No. 1 45) •

148. "Nuclear Stalemate" Encounter, July 1961, pp. 70-71. 149. "Where are the Minds?" Virginia QuarterZy Review, Vol. 37, No.3,

July, 1961, pp. 450-453. 150. "The Navy Industry Looks at the Future," Aerospace Engineering,

Vol. 20, No. 12, December, 1961, pp. 22-23 and 47-50. 151. "A New Look at Economic Time Series Analysis," L'Industria,

No.3, 1961, 12 pp. (Reprint of No. 142). 152. "The Cold War is Cold Poker," New York Times Magazine, February

5, 1961, pp. 20-22. 153. "Anschauliche and axiomatische Theorie," in Anti t;, Q pon, Edgar

Salin zum 70. Geburtstag, Tlibingen, 1962, pp. 80-90. 154. "Testimony of our Troubled Times," The Virginia QuarterZy Review,

Vol. 38, No.3, 1962, pp. 510-513. 155. "Political Effects," Space FZight Report to the Nation, eds.

J. and V. Grey, New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1962, pp. 132-136.

156. "On the Application of Game Theory to Economics," GiornaZedegZi Economisti e AnnaZi di Economia, Anno XXI (New Series), January-February, No. 1-2, 1962, pp. 47-60.

157. "La scienza economica e la teoria dei giochi ," Economisti Moderni, Milan: Garzanti, ed. F. Caffe, March, 1962, pp. 179-201, (Translation of No. 86).

158. "How to Plan to Beat Hell," Fortune, January, 1963, pp. 103 and 200-208.

159. "Spectral Analysis of New York Stock Market Prices," KykZos, Vol. XVI, Fasc. I, January, 1963, pp. 1-27 (with C.W.J. Granger) •


160. "Sull'accuratezza delle statistiche del reddito nazionale," L'industria3 No.1, January-March, 1963,pp.3-40.

161. "Un progetto contro l'inferno,"Panorama,3No.10,July 1963,pp.51-55 (Translation of No.158)

162. "Military Alliances and Mutual Security," National Seaurity: Politiaal 3Military and Eaonomia Strategies in the Deaade Ahead3 eds. David M. Abshire and Richard V. Allen, New York:Praeger,1963, pp.671-686.

163. "La validita delle statistiche riguardanti il progresso economico ed i tassi di progresso," L'industria 3 No.2,April - June,1963, pp.178-195.

164. "Qui Numerare Incipit Errare Incipit," Fortune 30ctober,1963,pp. 142-144, 173-174 and 178-180.

165. "On the Accuracy of Economic Observations," UniversitY3A Princeton Magazine, Summer 1963, No. 21.

166. "Limites a l'Emploi des Mathematiques en Science tconomique," Bulletin Sedeis3 No.872, Supplement I, December 20,1963,pp.3-16.

167. "Die Macht im Handel der Staaten:Ein Problem der Theorie des in­ternationalen Handels,"Jahrbuah fur Sozialwissensahaft3 Band 14, Heft 3,1963,pp.48-55,Festschrift fur Andreas Pred6hl.

168. "Qui Numerare Incipit Errare Incipit,"The Exeautive3Volume 7,No.8, January, 1964,pp.28-31 (Reprint of No.164).

169. "Orientaci6n," Eaon6miaa 3 Vo1.12,p.7,April, 1954, (Reprint of.No. 164) •

170. "Planung,Simulierung und Wirtschaftstheorie,"Planung ohne Plan­wirtsahaft 3 ed.A.Plitzko,Basel:Kyklos Verlag,1964,pp.29-39,80-81, 223-224and257-258.

171. "The Random-Walk Hypothesis of Stock Market Behavior," (with M.D. Godfrey and C.W.J.Granger) ,Kyklos 3 Vol.XVII,Fasc.I,January,1964, 30 pp.

172. "Qui Numerare Incipit Errare Incipit,"President3 Vol.2,No.1, January,1964,pp.122-123 (Reprint of No.164).

173. "Vollkommene Voraussicht und wirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht," Theorie und Realitat3 ed.Hans Albert,Tubingen,1964,pp.251-271. (Reprint of No.64).

174. "Pareto Optimum and Economic Organization," Systeme und Methoden in den Wirtsahafts- und Sozialwissensahaften, Festschrift fur Erwin von Beckerath, Tubingen:J.D.B.Mohr,1964,pp.573-586.

175. "Fide Sed Ante Vide, Remarks to Mr.R.T.Bowman's 'Comments'" The Ameriaan Statistiaian3 Vol.18,No.4,October,1964,pp.15-16,25.

176. "On Some Criticisms of Game Theory," Econometric Research Program, Research Paper, September, 1964,16 pp.

177. "Limites al Empleo de las Matematicas en la Ciencia Econ6mica," La Eaonomia en 1963, ed. P. Mayor, Madrid,1964,pp.47-64 (Reprint of No. 166).

178. "Goal:An Armed,Inspected,Open World," Armament and Disarmament: The Continuing Dispute 3 eds.Walter R.Fisher and Richard D.Bruns, Wadsworth Publishing Co.,Inc.,1964, (Reprint of No. 135),

179. "Science and Defense: Some Critical Thoughts on Military Research and Development," (with Klaus Knorr), Policy Memorandum No. 32, Princeton: Center of International Studies, February 18,1965,58pp.


180. "Die Theorie der Spiele und des wirtschaftlichen Verhaltens," in Preistheorie, Alfred Eugen Ott(edJ,Kiepenheuer and Witsch, K6ln-Berlin,1965,pp. 437-464 (Reprint of No.91).

181. "Qui Numerare Incipit Errare Incipit,"Study Guide, Examination II, The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts,1965,pp.7-12 (Reprint of No.164).

182. "Conjecturing about Our Military and Political Future," (with Klaus Knorr), University,No.26,1965,pp.30-34 (Reprint No.179).

183. "Die Sozialwissenschaften an der Schwelle neuer Entwicklungen," ("Mathematisierung der Sozialwissenschaften") Die Industrie,No. 42,October 15,1965,pp. 10-12.

184. "Logistik und Sozialwissenschaften," (Reprint of No.68) in Ernst Topitsch, Logik der Sozialwissenschaften,196"5,pp.315-336.

185. "Limitesal Empleo de las Matematicas en la Ciencia Econ6mica," Universidad Nacional de C6rdoba,Direcci6n General de Publicaciones, C6rdoba,Argentina, August 1965,pp. 81-104,Reprint of 177.

186. "The Theory of Games," in Personality Dynamics and Effective Behavior by James C.Coleman,(Fair Lawn,N.J.Scott,Foresman and Company, 1960)pp.393-398. (Reprint of No.87).

187. "Civil Defense:Economic Problems,"Scientist and Citizen,February­March,1966,pp.1-5.

188. "The Compressibility of Economic Systems and the Problem of Economic Constants," Zeitschrift fur NationalBkonomie, Vol.XXVI/1-3, 1966,pp.190-203. (Revised and enlarged version of No.109).

189. "Qui Numerare Incipit Errare Incipit," Marketing Research,Barks­dale-Weilbacher (eds.),The Ronald Press Company,New York,1966,pp. 212-225 (Reprinted from No. 164).

190. "Qui Numerare Incipit Errare Incipit," Business Research, Erwin Esser Nemmers and John H.Myers(eds.),McGraw-Hill,New York,1966, pp.46-58 (Reprint of No.164).

191. "Die Sozialwissenschaften an der Schwelle neuer Entwicklungen," Universitas, Vol.21,No.7,July,1966,pp.701-706(Reprint of No.183).

192. "Las Ciencias Sociales en el Umbral de Nuevas Evoluciones," Universitas, Vol.IV,No.2, September 1966,pp.171-176. (Translation of No. 183).

193. "Qui Numerare Incipit Errare Incipit," C.F.A. Readings in Financial. Analysis, Richard D.lrwin,Inc.,Illinois,1966,pp. 312-324. (Reprint of No. 164).

194. "Die Sozialwissenschaften an der Schwelle neuer Entwicklungen," Soziologie und Soziologiestudium, Springer-Verlag, Wien,1966, pp.1-6 (Reprint of No.183).

195. "On Some Criticisms of Game Theory," in Theory of Games, Techniques and Applications, ed. by A.Mensch, London,1966,pp. 444-455 (Reprint of No. 176).

196. "Private and Public Consumption and Savings in th.e von Neumann Model of an Expanding Economy," (with Gerald Thompson), Kyklos, Vol.XX, February 1967, pp. 387-409.

197. "L'Attitude de la Nature et le Comportement Rationnel," Les ~ondements Philosophiques des Systemes Economiques (in honor of J. Rueff), ed.by E.M. Claassen, Paris, 1967, pp.131-141.

198. "Un Mathemacien Aborde les Problemes Politiques," Interview: Realites, April 1967, No.255,pp.88-90.


199. General Report on the Economics of the Peaceful Uses of Under­ground Nuclear Explosions, (with Klaus-Peter Heiss) prepared for u.s. AEC, Mathematica, Princeton, August 1967, pp. i-vi + 218.

200. "Das Eindringen des Experimentes in die Sozialwissenschaften," Bau, Wien, April-May, 1967, pp.103-108.

201. "Game Theory: A New Paradigm of Social Science," New Methods of Thought and Procedure, edited by F.Zwicky and A.G. Wilson, Springer-Verlag, New York Inc.,1967, pp.203-227.

202. "The Worth of the Space Program," Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA, February 1968, pp. 45-48.

203. "Karl Schlesinger," International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, The Macmillan Company and the Free Press, 1968, Vol. 14, pp. 51-52.

204. "John von Neumann," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, The Macmillan Company and the Free Press, 1968, Vol.16, pp. 385-387.

205. "Antonio De Viti de Marco," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, The Macmillan Company and the Free Press, 1968, Vol. 16,pp. 343-345.

206. Game Theory: Theoretical Aspects," International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, The Macmillan Company and the Free Press, 1968, Vol.6, pp.62-69.

207. "Some Economic Results of Space Exploration," University,No. 37, 1968, pp. 15-18 (Excerpt of No. 202).

208. "Die Grosse Zahl," Bau,3/1968, Wien, pp. 55-56.

209. "Die Anwendung der Spieltheorie in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft," Wettbewerb und Monopol, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darm­stadt, Germany, 1968, pp.432-449.

210. "The Great Number," Austriennale,14th Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy, May 1968, 2 pp. (Reprint of No. 208).

211. "The Theory of Games," Mathematical Thinking in Behavioral Sciences, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1968, pp. 86-89, (Reprint of No. 87).

212. "New Uses for the New Knowledge," Think,IBM, September-October, 1968, Vol. 34, No.5, pp. 22-26.

213. "Friedliche Kernexplosionen und der tiber gang von Privaten zu /jffentlichen Investitionen," Operations Research-Verfahren V, ed. Rudolf Henn, Meisenheim, 1968, pp. 262-269.

214. "Political Conjecture in Military Planning," (with Klaus Knorr), Policy Memorandum No.35, Princeton: Center of International Studies, November 1968, 56 pp.

215. "The Notion of Utility," (reprinted from The Theorie of Games and Economic Behavior), Utility Theory: A Book of Readings,ed. by Alfred N. Page, John Wiley and Sons,Inc.,New York,1968, pp. 215-233.

216. "Spieltheorie: Ein neues Paradigma der Sozialwissenschaft," Zeitschrift fUr Nationalokonomie,28 (1968),Wien, pp. 145-164 (Reprint of No. 201).

217. "Insiders and Outsiders in Industrial Research," (with S.Peter Burley), Zeitschrift fUr die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, J.C.B. Mohr, TUbingen,April 1969,pp.193-201.


218. "On the Accuracy of Business Accounts," (reprinted from On the Accuracy of Economic Observations) Readings in Economics 2nd ed., ed. by Heinz Kohler, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.,1969,pp. 52-57.

219. "On the Accuracy of Statistics of National Production," (reprinted from On the Accuracy of Economic Observations} Readings in Eco­nomics, 2nd edition, ed. by Heinz Kohler, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1969, pp. 58-63.

220. "New Uses for the New Knowledge," The SurpZus Record,No.2, February 1969, Reading, Pa., pp. 22-25,41. (Reprint of No.212).

221. "Spieltheorie: Ein neues Paradigma fur die Sozialwissenschaften," IBM Nachrichten, (1969), Heft 193/194 (February/April), Germany, pp. 2-15 (Reprint of No. 201).

222. "An Open Expanding Economy Model," (with Gerald L.Thompson)NavaZ Research Logistics QuarterZy,Vol.16,No.4,Dec.1969,pp.443-457.

223. "Sources and Errors of Economic Statistics," (reprinted from On the Accuracy of Economic Observations)Elementary Statistics for Economics and Business, E. Mansfield(ed.),New York,1970,pp.13-30.

224. "Antonio de Viti de Marco," in Studi in memoria di Antonio de Viti de Marco, Bari: Cacucci Editore 1970, pp. 17-19.

225. "Consumo privado y publico y ahorro en el modelo von Neumann de una economia en expansion (with G.L. Thompson), EZ Trimestre Econ6mico, Vol. XXXVII(4),No. 148,Oct.-Dec.1970,pp.739-761. V(Translation of No.196).

226. "The Control of Investment and Modern Technology," in Studie in memoria di Antonio de Viti de Marco, Bari (Italy): Cacucci,1970, p. 361-370.

227. "Strategic Allocation and Integral Games," Proceedings of the Second USSR Game Theory Conference(Vilnius 1971), pp.96-99.

228. "L'Economie est-elle une sci'ence exacte?" La Recherche,Paris, No. 18, December 1971, pp. 1023-1028.

229. "Further Consideration of "An Open Expanding Economy Model," Zeitschrift fur NationaZokonomie, Suppl.1: Contributions to the von Neumann Model, 1971, pp. 23-30.

230. "Un modele de croissance en economie ouverte,"(with G.L. Thomp­son), Economies et Societes, Tome V, No. 10, October 1971 [Econo­mie mathematique et econometrie- Cahiers de l'l.S.E.A.],pp. 1703-1728. (Transl.of No. 222).

231. "Descriptive, Predictive and Normative Theory," KykZos,vol.XXV, 1972, pp. 699-714.

232. "La Economia: es una ciencia exacta)" Ciencia Nueva,Buenos

Aires, No. 15, 1972, pp.32-37, Spanish translation of No. 228).

233. Interview"Face a face avec Oskar Morgenstern," Jacques Fontaine, Z'Expansion, March 1972, No. 50,pp. 151-165.

234. Polish translation of Expansion interview(No.233),Forum,Vol.VII, 1972,pp. 2-4.

235. "Information Flow and Stock Market Price Changes," in MethodoZogy in Finance-Investments,James L. Bicksler, ed. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1972, pp.117-127.

236. "Die Wirtschaftlichen Folgen Technischer Veranderungen," Symposi­um aus Anlass des Nationalfeiertages 1972."Die Zukunft von Wissen­s'chaft und Techriik in 5sterreich"Vienna, pp. 247-249, 397-401, 409,416,417,419.


237. "Economics of the Space Shuttle," Testimony to the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences,12 April 1972, Senator Anderson, Chairman, CongressionaZ Record, pp.1051-1125.

238. "Social Aspirations and Optimality," in Optimum SociaZ WeZfare and Productivity, " (with J.Tinbergen, A.Bergson and F.Machlup) Charles Moskowitz Lectures, New York University. New York: New York University Press, 1972, pp. 169-175.

239. "A Note on 'An Open Expanding Economy Model, '" (with G.L.Thompson), NavaZ Research Logistics QuarterZy, Vol.19,No.3,September 1972, pp. 557-559.

240. "Toward a Social Minimax:A conversation with Oskar Morgenstern," interview by Gerald Silverberg, The Sciences,Vol.12,No.9,Novem­ber 1972, pp. 6-10.

241. "Can we believe the Statistics," in Economics, A Reader, K.G. Eizinga, ed., New York:Harper and Row, 1972, pp. 165-169.

242. "Demand Theory Reconsidered," (in No.273),pp.437-469. (Reprint with revisions of No.82).

243. "Information Flow and Stock Market Price Changes," in MethodoZogy in Finance-Investments by James L. Bicksler, Lexington, Mass.: Heath, 1972, pp. 117-127.

244. "Thirteen Critical Points in Contemporary Economic Theory: An Interpretation," The JournaZ of Economic Literature,Vol. X,No.4, December, 1972, pp. 1163-1189.

245. Review of "What's Wrong with Economics?" by Benjamin Ward,JournaZ of Economic Issues, Vol.VII,No.4, December, 1973, pp.701-7o6.

246. "Spieltheorie als Allgemeine Theorie des Machtkonfliktes," in Schriften des Vereins fur SoziaZpoZitik,N.F.,Dunker and Humbolt, Vol. 74/1,1973, pp.385-416.

247. "Game Theory," in Dictionary of the History of Ideas,Vol.l New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973, pp.263-275.

248. "Long Term Planning with Models of Static and Dynamic Open Ex­panding Economies,"(with G.L. Thompson) in MathematicaZ ModeZs in Economics, Jerzy Los and Maria W.~os(Eds.),Amsterdam,Holland: North Holland, 1974, pp.127-138.

249. "Letter to Forum for Contemporary History," Skeptic,Part I, Vol. 3,No.2,February 1974,pp.1-4.

250. "On the Accuracy of Economic Observations:Foreign Trade Statis­tics," in IZZegaZ Transactions in InternationaZ Trade,J.N.Bhag­wati(Ed.) ,Amsterdam, Holland:North-Holland, 1974,pp. 87-122. Reprint of Chapter IX of No.18

251. "One Man's Fact is Another's 'Fact'," New York Times,Editorial (Op-Ed) ,p.35,September 23,1974.

252. "Qui Numerare Incipi t Errare Incipi t," in Re((dings in Marco Eco­nomics, Mitchell Hand Walter, McGraw Hill, New York,1974,pp. 6-16, Reprint of No.164.

253. "Trece Puntos criticos de la teoria economica contemporanea: una interpretacion," EZ Trimestre Econ6mico(Mexico) ,Vol.XLI(l),No. 161,1974,pp.173-216. Spanish translation of No. 244.

254. "Oskar Morgenstern," (autobiographical note) in Scienziati e TecnoZogi contemporanei, Milan, Mondadori, 1974. Vol.2, pp. 266-268.


255. "John von Neumann", Universitas, Vol. 203, August 28, 1975, pp. 154-159 (translation of 130).

256. "Reflections of Utility Theory", in Rational Decisions Under Risk: Contemporary Discussions, M. Allais and O. Hagen (Eds.) Theory and Decision Library,[forthcoming].

257. "Treize points critiques de la theorie economique contemporaine, une interpretation," Institut de Science Economique Appliquee, Paris, France, 1975, pp. 273-318. French translation of No.244,

258. "Some Thoughts on Maxims of Behavior in a Dynamic Universe," Melanges en l'honneur d'Henri Guitton, Paris, Dalloz, 1976. 8pp.

259. "Game Theory and the Phenomenon of Power," Melanges en l'honneur de Frangois Peroux, Paris, Institut des Sciences Economiques Appliquees,1976.

260. "The Collaboration of Oskar Morgenstern and John von Neumann on the Theory of Games," Journal of Economic Literature, Vol.XIV, No.3, pp. 805-816. September 1976.

261. "Competition and Collusion in Bilateral Market Games"(with G. Schwodiauer), Zeitschrift fUr NationalBkonomie, Vol. 37(in press).

262. "Expanding and Contracting Economies," (with G.L.Thompson), Scientific American, Vol. 232, October 1976.

263. "Teoria descrittiva, predittiva e normativa," in Il Disagio degli Economisti. R. Fiorito, Ed. La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1976,pp. 11-27 (Translation of 231).

264. "Tredici punti critici nella teoria economica contemporanea: un interpretazione," in Il Disagio degli Economisti.R. Fiorito, Ed. La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1976, pp. 29-76. (Translation of 244).


265. Editor of and Preface to: A. de viti de Marco, Grundlehren der Finanzwirtschaft, Tlibingen.1932.

266. Foreword to: Martin Shubik, Market Strategy and Structure: Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly and the Theory of Games. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1959, pp.vii-x.

267. Foreword to: Michio Hatanaka, The Workability of Input-Output Analysis, Fachverlag flir Wirtschaftstheorie und 5konometrie, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 1960, pp.i-iv.

268. Preface of German Translation of Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. 3rd edition, 1953, (No.9),pp.viii-x, Vienna, 1961.

269. Foreword to: C.W.J. Granger and M.Hatanaka, Special Analysis of Economic Time Series, Princeton:Princeton University Press, June, 1964, pp.vii-ix.

270. Foreword to: Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction by Morton D. Davis, Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1970, pp.v-vii.

271. Preface to Existe-t-il un equilibre micro-economique de concurren­ce? by Bertrand Munier, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1970.

272. Foreword to Russian Translation of No. 6,N.N. Vorob'ev, ed., pp.12-20, Moscow, 1970.


273. Preface to Le Cambisme et le jeu monetaire international, par Bertrand Munier, Paris, 1970, pp.9-11.

274. Foreword to French translation of No. 18,1972.

275. Foreword to The Evolution of Modern Demand Theory, by R.B. Ekelund, E.G.Furubotn and W.P.Gramm, Lexington, Ma., Heath, 1972, pp.ix-x.

276. Foreword to Shaping the Future: Gaston Berger and the Concept of Prospective, A. Cournand and M.Levy(Eds.),New York: Gordon and Breach 1973,pp.v-vi.

277. Foreword to Energy Policy Evaluation, D.R.Limaye(Ed.)Lexington, Ma., Heath, 1974, pp.vii-viii.

278. Foreword to Differential Games and Other Game Theoretic Topics in Soviet Literature:A Survey, by A. Zauberman. Studies in Game Theory and Mathematical Economics, Vol.I, New York: New York University Press, 1975,pp.i-ii.

279. Foreword to"Studies in Game Theory," series, New York University Press, Vol.1 by N.N.Vorob'ev, The Development of Game Theory (in press).


280. "Aspects of Managed Currency in Europe," Proceedings of the Association of Reserve City Bankers, Twenty-seventh Annual Convention, March 28-30, 1938,pp.53-61.

281. "The Experience with Public Regulation and Public Monopoly Abroad," Proceedings of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, Vol. 202, No.2, March,1939,pp.34-39.

282. "Unemployment: Analysis of Factors," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, Vol.39,No.5,February 1941,pp.273-293.

283. "Input-Output Analysis: Discussion," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 39,No.3,May,1949,pp.238-240.

284. "The Accuracy of Economic Observations," Linear Programming Conference, Chicago, May 31,1949, Document No.704.

285. "Aggregation and Errors in Input-Output Models,"(with T.M. Whitin), Logistic Papers, George Washington University, Issue No.9, 16February-15May,1953,8 pp.

286. "Econometric Computations in the Large," 28th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Rome,6-12 September,1953, 9 pp.

287. "Remarks on Input-Output Relations," Proceedings of a Conference on Inter-Industrial Relations, held at Driebergen, Holland, H.E.Stenfert Kroese, N.V.,Layden, 1953,pp.27-32,96-98 and 110.

288. "Aggregation of Input-Output Tables," Summaries of Lectures de­livered at the Statistical Seminar held at Rome, September, 1953, International Statistical Institute, The Hague, 1955,pp.77-80.

289. "On the Application of Game Theory to Economics," The Princeton University Conference on Recent Advances in Game Theory, 1962, pp. 1-12.

290. "The Command and Control Structure," The Proceedings of the Military Operations Research Symposia(MORS),Vol.2,No.2,Part 1, Fall,1962.


291. "Limits to the Uses of Mathematics in Economics,"Mathematics and the Social Sciences, a symposium, sponsored by the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, ed.James C.Charles­worth, Philadelphia,June,1963,pp.12-29.

292. "On the Growth and Decay of Knowledge," Paper given at ONR Confe­rence on Research Program Effectiveness-Selected Problems,Washin­gton,D.C.,July,1964, 21-23, edited:Princeton,Mathematica,39 pp.

293. "Economic Theory," Tape Lecture, The Campus Library, Campus World, Inc.,Los Angeles, California, 1964.

294. "Fide Sed Ante Vide," Congressional Record-House, March 2, 1965. pp. 3875-3876 (Reprint of No.175).

295. "A GraphOriented Model for Research Management," (with R.W. Shephard and H.Grabowski) in Research Program Effectiveness, Proceedings of the Conference sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, Washington, D.C.,July 27-29,1965,edited by M.C.Yovits, D.M.Gilford,R.H.Wilcox,E.Staveley,H.D.Lerner, (Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers,Inc.New York,1966,),pp.187-216.

296. Proceedings of the- 24th Meeting of the Bergedorfer Gesprachs­kreis, Protokoll, No.24,pp.15,38,47,6j,68,80,88,90,Novernber 1966.

297. "Discussion" Menger Conference Proceedings, Vienna, 1971, Zeitschrift far Nationalokonomie, Vol.32,No.1,1972,pp.124, 125-218,138-139.

298. "General Discussion of Past and Future of the von Neumann Model" in 248, pp. 5-7. "Opening Staternent,"pp.1-2.

299. "What is Information?" in Proceedings, Symposium on Analytical Methodology, Central Intelligence Agency, 1974, RD/CDAM 1, pp. 169-174.

300. "Remarks" Proceedings of the Versailles Conference of the Institut de la Vie, June 1973,[forthcoming].

301. "Does GNP Measure Growth and Welfare?" in lecture series"Great Issues," New York University, February 123, 1975.Social Responsi­bility and Accountability, Jules Backman (Ed.)New York University Press(1975)pp.57-76.

Vol. 59: J. A. Hanson, Growth in Open Economies. V, 128 pages. 1971.

Vol. 60: H. Hauptmann, Schatz- und Kontrolltheorie in stetigen dynamischen Wirtschaftsmodellen. V, 104 Seiten. 1971.

Vol. 61 : K. H. F. Meyer, Wartesysteme mit variabler Bearbeitungs­rate. VII, 314 Seiten. 1971.

Vol. 62: W. Krelle u. G. Gabisch unter Mitarbeit von J. Burger­meister, Wachstumstheorie. VII, 223 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 63: J. Kohlas, Monte Carlo Simulation im Operations Re­search. VI, 162 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 64: P. Gessner u. K. Spremann, Optimierung in Funktionen­rAumen. IV, 120 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 65: W. Everling, Exercises in Computer Systems Analysis. VIII, 184 pages. 1972.

Vol. 66: F. Bauer, P. Garabedian and D. Korn, Supercritical Wing Sections. V, 211 pages. 1972.

Vol. 67: I. V. Girsanov, Lectures on Mathematical Theory of Extremum Problems. V, 136 pages. 1972.

Vol. 68: J. Loeckx, Computability and Decidability. An Introduction for Students of Computer Science. VI, 76 pages. 1972.

Vol. 69: S. Ashour, Sequencing Theory. V, 133 pages. 1972.

Vol. 70: J. P. Brown, The Economic Effects of Floods. Investiga­tions of a Stochastic Model of Rational Investment. Behavior in the Face of Floods. V, 87 pages. 1972.

Vol. 71 : R. Henn und O. Opitz, Konsum- und Produktionstheorie II. V, 134 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 72: T. P. Bagchi andJ.G.C. Templeton, Numerical Methods in Markov Chains and Bulk Queues. XI, 89 pages. 1972.

Vol. 73: H. Kiendl, Suboptimale Regier mit abschnittweise linearer Struktur. VI, 146 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 74: F. Pokropp, Aggregation von Produktionsfunktionen. VI, 107 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 75: GI-Gesellschaft fOr Informatik e.V. Bericht Nr. 3. 1. Fach­tagung Ober Programmiersprachen . MOnchen, 9.-11. Marz 1971. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Gesellschaft fOr Informatik von H. Langmaack und M. Paul. VII, 280 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 76: G. Fandel, Optimale Entscheidung bei mehrfacher Ziel­setzung.lI, 121 Seiten. 1972.

Vol. 77: A. Auslender, Problemes de Minimax via l'Analyse Con­vexe et les Inegalites Variationelles: Theorie et Algorithmes. VII, 132 pages. 1972.

Vol. 78: GI-Gesellschaft fOr Informatik e.V. 2. Jahrestagung, Karls­ruhe, 2.-4. Oktober 1972. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Gesell­schaft fOr Informatik von P. Deussen. XI, 576 Seiten. 1973.

Vol. 79: A. Berman, Cones, Matrices and Mathematical Program­ming. V, 96 pages. 1973.

Vol. 80: International Seminar on Trends in Mathematical Model­ling, Venice, 13-18 December 1971. Edited by N. Hawkes. VI, 288 pages. 1973.

Vol. 81: Advanced Course on Software Engineering. Edited by F. L. Bauer. XII, 545 pages. 1973.

Vol. 82: R. Saeks, Resolution Space, Operators and Systems. X, 267 pages. 1973.

Vol. 83: NTG/GI-Gesellschaft tilr Informatik, Nachrichtentech­nische Gesellschaft. Fachtagung .Cognitive Verfahren und Sy­sterne", Hamburg, 11.-13. April 1973. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der NTG/GI von Th. Einsele, W. Giloi und H.-H. Nagel. VIII, 373 Seiten. 1973.

Vol. 84: A. V. Balakrishnan, Stochastic Differential Systems I. Filtering and Control. A Function Space Approach. V, 252 pages. 1973.

Vol. 85: T. Page, Economics of Involuntary Transfers: A Unified Approach to Pollution and Congestion Externalities. XI, 159 pages. 1973.

Vol. 86: Symposium on the Theory of Scheduling and its Applica­tions. Edited by S. E. Elmaghraby. VIII, 437 pages. 1973.

Vol. 87: G. F. Newell, Approximate Stochastic Behavior of n-Server Service Systems with LargeJl. VII, 118 pages. 1973.

Vol. 88: H. Steckhan, GOterstrome in Netzen. VII, 134 Seiten. 1973.

Vol. 89: J. P. Wallace and A. Sherret, Estimation of Product. Attributes and Their Importances. V, 94 pages. 1973.

Vol. 90: J.-F. Richard, Posterior and Predictive Densities for Simultaneous Equation Models. VI, 226 pages. 1973.

Vol. 91: Th. Marschak and R. Selten, General Equilibrium with Price-Making Firms. XI, 246 pages. 1974.

Vol. 92: E. Dierker, Topological Methods in Walrasian Economics. IV, 130 pages. 1974.

Vol. 93: 4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on Digital Com­puter Applications to Process Control, Part I. ZOrich/Switzerland, March 19-22, 1974. Edited by M. Mansour and W. Schaufelberger. XVIII, 544 pages. 1974.

Vol. 94: 4th IFAC/IFIP International Conference on Digital Com­puter Applications to Process Control, Part II. ZOrich/Switzerland, March 19-22, 1974. Edited bY M. Mansour and W. Schaufelberger. XVIII, 546 pages. 1974.

Vol. 95: M. Zeleny, Linear Multiobjective Programming. X, 220 pages. 1974.

Vol. 96: O. Moeschlin, Zur Theorie von Neumannscher Wachs­tumsmodelle. XI, 115 Seiten. 1974.

Vol. 97: G. Schmidt, Dber die Stabilitat des einfachen Bedienungs­kanals. VII, 147 Seiten. 1974.

Vol. 98: Mathematical Methods in Queuein9 Theory. Proceedings 1973. Edited by A. B. Clarke. VII, 374 pages. 1974.

Vol. 99: Production Theory. Edited by W. Eichhorn, R. Henn, O. Opitz, and R. W. Shephard. VIII, 386 pages. 1974.

Vol. 100: B. S. Duran and P. L Odell, Cluster Analysis. A Survey. VI, 137 pages. 1974.

Vol. 101: W. M. Wonham, Linear Multivariable Control. A Geo­metric Approach. X, 344 pages. 1974.

Vol. 102: Analyse Convexe et Ses Applications. Comptes Rendus, Janvier 1974. Edited by J.-P. Aubin. IV, 244 pages. 1974.

Vol. 103: D. E. Boyce, A. Farhi, R. Weischedel, Optimal Subset Selection. Multiple Regression, Interdependence and Optimal Network Algorithms. XIII, 187 pages. 1974.

Vol. 104: S. Fujino, A Neo-Keynesian Theory of Inflation and Economic Growth. V, 96 pages. 1974.

Vol. 105: Optimal Control Theory and its Applit'.Qtions. Part I. Pro­ceedings 1973. Edited by B. J. Kirby. VI, 425 pages. 1974.

Vol. 106: Optimal Control Theory and its Applications. Part II. Pro­ceedings 1973. Edited by B. J. Kirby. VI, 403 pages. 1974.

Vol. 107: Control Theory, Numerical Methods and Computer Systems Modeling. International Symposium, Rocquencourt, June 17-21,1974. Edited by A. Bensoussan and J. L. Lions. VIII, 757 pages. 1975.

Vol. 108: F. Bauer et aI., Supercritical Wing Sections II. A Hand­book. V, 296 pages. 1975.

Vol. 109: R. von Randow, Introduction to the Theory of Matroids. IX, 102 pages. 1975.

Vol. 110: C. Striebel, Optimal Control of Discrete Time Stochastic Systems. III. 208 pages. 1975.

Vol. 111: Variable Structure Systems with Application to Economics and Biology. Proceedings 1974. Edited by A Ruberti and R. R. Mohler. VI, 321 pages. 1975.

Vol. 112: J. Wilhlem, Objectives and Multi-Objective Decision Making Under Uncertainty. IV, 111 pages. 1975.

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Vol. 114: G. Uebe, Produktionstheorie. XVII, 301 Seiten. 1976.

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Vol. 116: K. Miyazawa, Input-Output Analysis and the Structure of Income Distribution. IX, 135 pages. 1976.

Vol. 117: Optimization and Operations Research. Proceedings 1975. Edited byW. Oettli and K. Ritter. IV, 316 pages. 1976.

Vol. 118: Traffic Equilibrium Methods, Proceedings 1974. Edited by M. A Florian. XXIII, 432 pages. 1976.

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Vol. 121: J. W. Cohen, On Regenerative Processes in Queueing Theory. IX, 93 pages. 1976.

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Vol. 124: M. J. Todd. The Computation of Fixed Points and Applica­tions. VII, 129 pages. 1976.

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Vol. 126: Energy, Regional Science and Public Policy. Energy and Environment I. Proceedings 1975. Edited by M. Chatterji and P. Van Rompuy. VIII, 316 pages. 1976.

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Vol. 130: Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Jouy-en-Josas, France. Proceedings 1975. Edited by H. Thiriez and S. Zionts. VI, 409 pages. 1976.

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Okonometrie und Unternehmensforschung Econometrics and Operations Research

Vol. I Nichtlineare Programmierung. Von H. P. Kunzi und w. Krelle unter Mitwirkung von w. Oettli. Vergriffen

Vol. II Lineare Programmierung und Erweiterungen. Von G. B. Dantzig. Ins Deutsche ubertragen urid bearbeitet von A. Jaeger. - Mit 103 Ab­bildungen. XVI, 712 Seiten. 1966. Geb.

Vol. III Stochastic Processes. By M. Girault. - With 35 figures. XII, 126 pages. 1966. Cloth

Vol. IV Methoden der Unternehmensforschung im Versicherungswesen. Von K. H. Wolff. - Mit 14 Diagrammen. VIII, 266 Seiten. 1966. Geb.

Vol. V The Theory of Max-Min and its Application to Weapons Allocation Problems. By John M. Danskin. - With 6 figures. X, 126 pages. 1967. Cloth

Vol. VI Entscheidungskriterien bei Risiko. Von H. Schneeweiss. - Mit 35 Abbildungen. XII, 215 Seiten. 1967. Geb.

Vol. VII Boolean Methods in Operations Research and Related Areas. By P. l. Hammer (IvAnescu) and S. Rudeanu. With a preface by R. Bellman. -With 25 figures. XVI, 329 pages. 1968. Cloth

Vol. VIII Strategy for R&D: Studies in the Microeconomics of Development. By Th. Marschak. Th K. Glennan Jr., and R. Summers. - With 44 figures. XIV, 330 pages. 1967. Cloth.

Vol. IX Dynamic Programming of Economic Decisions. By M. J. Beckmann. -With 9 figures XII, 143 pages. 1968. Cloth

Vol. X Input-Output-Analyse. Von J. Schumann. - Mit 12 Abbildungen. X, 311 Seiten. 1968. Geb.

Vol. XI Produktionstheorie. Von W. Wittmann. - Mit 54 Abbildungen. VIII, 1 77 Seiten. 1968. Geb.

Vol. XII Sensitivitatsanalysen und parametrische Programmierung. Von W. Din­kelbach. - Mit 20 Abbildungen. XI, 190 Seiten. 1969. Geb.

Vol. XIII Graphentheoretische Methoden und ihre Anwendungen. Von W. Knodel. - Mit 24 Abbildungen. VIII, 111 Seiten. 1969. Geb.

Vol. XIV Praktische Studien zur Unternehmensforschung. Von E. Nievergelt, O. Muller, F. E. Schlaepfer und W. H. Landis. - Mit 82 Abbildungen. XII, 240 Seiten. 1970. Geb.

Vol. XV Optimale Reihenfolgen. Von H. Muller-Merbach. - Mit45 Abbildungen. IX, 225 Seiten. 1970. Geb.

Vol. XVI Preispolitik der Mehrproduktenunternehmung in der statischen Theo­rie. Von R. Selten. - Mit 20 Abbildungen. VIII, 195 Seiten. 1970. Geb.

Vol. XVII Information Theory for Systems Engineers. By l. P. Hyvarinen. - With 42 figures. VIII, 197 pages. 1970. Cloth

Vol. XVIII Unternehmensforschung im Bergbau. Von F. l. Wilke. - Mit 29 Ab­bildungen. VIII, 150 Seiten. 1972. Geb.

Vol. XIX Anti-Aquilibrium. Von J. Kornai. - Mit 31 Abbildungen. XVI, 382 Seiten. 1975. Geb.

Vol. XX Mathematische Optimierung. Von E. Blum, W. Oettli. IX, 413 Seiten. (davon 75 Seiten Bibliographie). 1975. Geb.

Vol. XXI Stochastic Linear Programming. By P. Kall. VI, 95 pages. 1976. Cloth.