a beginner's definitive guide for a compelling mlm presentation (pdf version 1.0)

Moving on the MLM sales process , after getting qualified prospects and setting an appointment, it’s time for you to present your network marketing business to them. MLM presentations are one of the more crucial and significant parts of the sales process because this is the period where you can spend an ample amount of time with your prospects to know them even more and to communicate the advantages and benefits of your product and business opportunity so they can join you in your business.

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Page 1: A Beginner's Definitive Guide for a Compelling MLM Presentation (PDF Version 1.0)

Moving on the MLM sales process, after getting qualified prospects and

setting an appointment, it’s time for you to present your network

marketing business to them. MLM presentations are one of the more

crucial and significant parts of the sales process because this is the period

where you can spend an ample amount of time with your prospects to

know them even more and to communicate the advantages and benefits of

your product and business opportunity so they can join you in your


Page 2: A Beginner's Definitive Guide for a Compelling MLM Presentation (PDF Version 1.0)

Like from the previous prospecting guide, the pronoun “he” will be used

all throughout the guide. Using a single pronoun such as “he” is better and

more streamlined to read compared to using slashes in-between pronouns

like “he/she” or “him/her.”

In the prospecting guide, it was mentioned that we all have our fortes. You

may be an extrovert and lean on active prospecting, or conversely, you

may be an introvert and may prefer passive prospecting. In presenting

there are no fortes. You need to present and learn to present if you want to

succeed in network marketing. There is no excuse not to present even if

you are an introvert because everybody has the inborn ability to express

and present themselves. It’s just the fear of looking bad to the prospect or

the audience that gives us stage fright. Remember fear is the result of not

knowing the unknown and once you tried presenting for the first time and

continued practicing, you will start presenting confidently and fluidly like

a Zig Ziglar or a Tony Robbins.

In most cases you have two options to choose from when you’re in the

network marketing presentation stage of the sales process: it’s either you

let your sponsor do the talking for you or you do all the explaining to the

prospect. Most network marketing leaders recommend that at first, you ask

your sponsor to present the business to your prospect. You’re new, and

you might goof off in your MLM presentations and lose your prospect. It’s

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hard to get qualified prospects these days so you must treat your prospects

like gold. Now I know what you’re thinking, don’t let your pride get the

most of you. Let your sponsor do the talking first because they are

more experienced, but you must observe your sponsor closely so you can

copy it later on and do the network marketing presentations independently.

Practice and experience are the number one training when you want to get

good at presenting your network marketing business opportunity. You can

buy all the training videos you want on the Internet and hire a top-tier

network marketing coach to train you, but if you don’t practice and

experience presenting multiple times, you won’t get better at it. You can

start practicing by doing mock MLM presentations in front of you sponsor

or fellow team members. Treat these simulated network marketing

presentations as the real thing and let your sponsor or fellow team

members criticize your MLM presentation. Their criticisms may hurt, but

it’s the only way to get better in presenting. Treat their criticisms as

personal challenges and do your best to learn from them and overcome


Page 4: A Beginner's Definitive Guide for a Compelling MLM Presentation (PDF Version 1.0)

There are certain skills that you must possess when presenting your

business with a person or group of persons. Some may already possess

these skills while others don’t. If you think you don’t have the skills

below, don’t fret because these skills can be learned and practiced – that’s

why it’s called skills and not characteristics. It’s important to know that

before presenting, you must pack these skills to ensure a rocking network

marketing presentation.

Confidence: It is more convicting for a prospect to join you in your

business if you exude confidence. Having confidence can lessen the

stuttering and mistakes in grammar you make when presenting. If

you show to your prospect that you are confident in your MLM

presentation, you also show that you are likewise confident on the

promise of your product and business opportunity.

The one thing to do to boost your confidence is to practice. You’re

not confident because you are not yet comfortable presenting; you’re

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not yet used to the feeling. But by practicing the network marketing

presentation again and again, you can get a good feel on the aura that

an MLM presentation brings, and you’ll get comfortable with

it sooner or later, thus building your confidence.

Good Grammar: Whether speaking in English, Spanish, or whatever

local dialect we speak, we must all exhibit good grammar. It’s a big

no-no in network marketing to have bad grammar because it makes

you look unprofessional. Having good grammar and a huge

vocabulary can also help you craft sentences that can help you

persuade your prospect even more to join you on your team. Even if

you’re uneducated, there’s no excuse for not learning good grammar

because there are always resources available to help you do so like

online courses and good books.

Sense of Humor: Any person likes another person with a good sense

of humor. Like, who doesn’t want to be someone who makes you

laugh and is fun to be with together? The same goes when

presenting if you can lessen the serious tone in your network

marketing presentation with a good joke, do it! Throwing

appropriate jokes to a prospect or crown can make the MLM

presentation more conversational and intimate, which is good.

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If you have the inborn ability to be the clown in your family or circle

of friends, making your prospect laugh will come naturally while

presenting. You can ask your prospect some good jokes to tell when

presenting so you can also apply it when you present, just don’t go

too far on telling jokes that will hurt or offend someone.

Showmanship: According to Wikipedia, showmanship is the skill in

performing in such a manner that will appeal to an audience or aid in

conveying the performance’s essential theme or message. When

presenting, showmanship is the related actions like expressing

something using your hands or asking the prospect a proper question.

These actions can supplement what you’re trying to tell the

audience. Once you built your confidence, showmanship actions will

come naturally.

Self-control: Sometimes when presenting, prospects may interrupt

you in the middle of a network marketing presentation just to ask a

question that you’ve previously answered before or sometimes they

curse you because they don’t believe in the system. Practice self-

control and learn to be more patient when these circumstances do

appear. It’s no use having a heated debate with a prospect because

you’ll lose a lot more besides that prospect.

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PowerPoint presentations help the prospect visualize what you’re

explaining to them because it’s easier for a person to digest information if

it’s illustrated. When you were just a prospect to your sponsor, he

undoubtedly explained the business to you using a PowerPoint

presentation. Now that you’re a member, you’ll be likely using the same

PowerPoint presentation to present to your prospects.

I bet you the order or the template of that PowerPoint deck starts from the

problem statement, the solution to the problem via your product,

introduction to the company, the compensation plan, and finally the

testimonials. The template for MLM presentations is almost consistently

the same no matter what network marketing company you’re in, and it’s

arranged like that for a reason.

The problem statement comes first because you want to get the complete

attention of the prospect or the audience. You want them to realize that

this is their problem, and they need a solution.

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After getting their attention, it’s time to pitch the solution or your product.

You want to instill to the prospect or the audience that this is what they

need to solve the problem and naturally, they would want that. Who

doesn’t want their problems solved anyway?

After letting them know about your product, you will then introduce the

company by presenting the brief history of the company, its track record,

and its legalities among others, giving credibility to your value proposition

or your product. By this time, the prospect or audience is now hyped on

trying the product out, and you want to amplify that hype by presenting

the compensation plan.

The compensation plan part gives them another reason to buy in your

business opportunity; that they could become financially free just by

helping others solve problems like theirs. This time, they’re hype because

they might be thinking about the endless possibilities that they could

achieve by being financially free and you want to intensify that on a good

note with the testimonials part.

The testimonials part clears the doubt away from the prospect or audience

that this is just a hoax; that there are results from doing this network

marketing business.

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It’s the 21st century and many things changed, one of them is how people

perceive PowerPoint presentations. When the PowerPoint software was

created, many were amazed because they can now create data

visualizations seamlessly using software. It was more amazing for the

audience because they can now process network marketing presentations

not only with their ears, but also through their eyes. Today, a lot of us

don’t have the attention span to look at a PowerPoint presentation all

throughout, especially when the deck has loads of text in it. That’s why

PowerPoint presentations nowadays have more pictures or charts in them

rather than text and are more visually appealing to keep the attention of

the audience. You now have the option to change how your network

marketing company’s PowerPoint presentation looks to adapt to the

PowerPoint standards today.

If you decide to alter it, there are a couple of resources freely available on

the Internet that teaches how to create PowerPoint presentations such this

blog post from Ted Talks.

But if there is one thing tip that I could give you when you want to create

an awesome PowerPoint deck, it is to use a lot of images, especially high-

quality ones that support the message you’re trying to give. For example,

at the first presentation slide, you can use a picture that depicts something

the problem that your product solves or use images of luxury vehicles

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before presenting your compensation plan to build hype. You can get a lot

of these pictures from stock photo websites like Death to the Stock

Photo and Unsplash. Almost all of the images on this site are taken from

those two stock photo sites.

If editing the PowerPoint deck about your network marketing business

proves a bit hassle for you, you can always trust the guys and gals

at Fiverr to get someone to do it for you for a minimal fee.

Sometimes you may not possess a laptop or a mobile device capable of

reading PowerPoint presentations. If that’s the case, you can print a hard

copy of the PowerPoint deck and bind it, so it looks presentable.

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PowerPoint over, and now it’s time for the nitty-gritty, the MLM

presentation proper. In this portion, you will learn (in excruciating detail)

what to do before the network marketing presentation, during the MLM

presentation, and after the network marketing presentation. In the

explanation below, we’re going to assume that this is your first actual

MLM presentation with a prospect one-on-one, and you’ve practiced

presenting the PowerPoint deck a couple of times with your sponsor and

with other team members.

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Way before the network marketing presentation, make sure you possess a

jotter pad and a decent pen (preferably the Parker-like ones). A jotter pad

is a small blank booklet that is easy to carry around. You can use these

tools to illustrate the network structure of your company when you are

presenting the compensation plan. These are handy tools that can

supplement your network marketing presentation later on.

If you are presenting one-on-one or with a tiny group of prospects, it’s

beneficial to do a check on the backgrounds of your prospects. The night

before the MLM presentation, search their names on Facebook and

Google to know who they are. Do they have children? Where do they

work? Do they own a business? What is their social economic situation?

This practice is necessary so you could tailor-fit your network marketing

presentation to the audience’s personalities and state in life.

Remember to wear proper clothing when going out to MLM

presentations. Appropriate and professional clothing can help you look

more authoritative to the prospect, and more authority means greater

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chances that the prospect will listen to you. If you are in a business

meeting, you’ll probably listen to a well-groomed man with a polo shirt on

rather than a man wearing a shirt with a marijuana leaf printed on it.

Proper professional clothing doesn’t necessarily mean tuxedos or suit and

ties, it can be a basic polo or polo shirt. Included in proper clothing are the

peripherals like appropriate watches, rings, and necklaces, but just don’t

overdo the bling.

Before traveling to the meeting place make sure that you’ve got all your

tools with you, you groomed yourself and dressed appropriately, double

checked everything, depart to arrive at the meeting venue for at least 15

minutes before the agreed time, and packed optimism so everything will

go smoothly as anticipated.

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Two scenarios may happen when you are nearing the meeting time. First,

you arrive first at the meeting place, take a seat, open the PowerPoint file

so you won’t have to fiddle with your devices later on, and begin waiting

for the prospect. Or second, the prospect arrives first at the meeting

place. If possible, you need to avoid scenario two at all times.

When scenario one happens: When the prospect arrives, stand up,

introduce yourself, and offer him a seat. If you’re meeting in a coffee shop

or a bakery or any place that has food or drinks, ask him if he wants to

order something (at your expense) before beginning the network

marketing presentation.

When scenario two happens: Quickly say hi or hello and introduce

yourself. Likewise, if you are meeting in a place that has food or drinks,

ask him if he wants to order something before the MLM presentation at

your expense.

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When you two are now comfortably seated, introduce yourself more. You

can state your occupation or your prior occupation before going full-time

in network marketing, and the name of the team you’re in. By human

nature, your prospect will do the same. Thank the prospect also for the

time they allotted to hear this business opportunity out. The person might

be busy, and maybe he sacrificed something of importance to be with you

at this meeting, so a word of gratitude is somewhat appropriate.

Before presenting, you can give a briefer about what you’re going to

present. You also need to offer a disclaimer to your prospect that if they

don’t like what they hear or see, they will not be forced or obliged to

participate if they do not see value in what you are about to show them

(hat tip to Chinkee Tan for that line). But do remind them to keep their

minds open because it may seem unbelievable and unreachable at first, but

if they take the time to look at it closely and give some time to study and

do the system, it’s really within arm’s reach.

During the network marketing presentation proper, take a couple of subtle

deep breaths before you begin and affirm yourself that this is going to be a

great MLM presentation, and there is no room for presentation jitters.

Turn on your laptop or mobile device that contains the PowerPoint

presentation and load the deck out, or bring out the binded hard copy of

the PowerPoint deck if you haven’t done so.

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A couple of pointers before starting to present the business: (1)

Remember to time your network marketing presentation to a maximum of

30 minutes, any longer than that and the prospect’s attention span may

drift but regulate the pace so that you don’t present too fast. (2) Don’t

forget to smile periodically while in the MLM presentation as this will

lighten up the mood but don’t do it so much that will make the prospect

freak out. (3) Lastly, maintain eye contact with the prospect when

presenting so that, according to Inc.com, you’ll look more authoritative,

more believable, and more confident.

Present the PowerPoint deck in the order you’ve arranged it and be sure to

integrate what you’ve learned about the prospect to your background

check the night before. For example, the solution that your food

supplement product you’re offering is beneficial to him since he has a 9-

to-5 job and by the time he gets home, he has no time for his kids because

he’s all burned out from work. For the network marketing side, you can

dictate that by using the proven network marketing system that your

company has, he can start his network marketing business to break free

from the rat race and achieve financial freedom.

Additionally, you can also tell some stories that alleviate his doubts about

your product or the network marketing system. There a couple of stories

out there like the Pipeline Parable, which has an eBook and video and tells

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a story of the advantages of passive income, and there are also other

impactful stories which I curated below. You can tell these stories after

presenting the compensation plan when you feel that the prospect is

doubting and resentful of the system.

Lotto: TL;DR, the moral of this tale is to take chances. You can’t

complain to anyone, even God, that all your peers are rich and can

buy anything if you just sit idle waiting for dollar bills to rain. Stand

up, take your chance on this opportunity, and you might just realize

your dream.

One day, there was a boy named Juan, who was watching TV. While

watching his favorite show, a news report suddenly came that

reported that his neighbor north of his house won the lottery. He was

amazed and he prayed to God that he will win the lottery just like his

neighbor did.

A month later, he was then watching again his favorite TV show

when a news report suddenly came and said that his neighbor south

of his house won the lottery. He was awestruck, and he prayed to

God that he will win the lottery just like his neighbors did.

The next month, he was then watching his favorite TV show again

when there was a sudden newsflash, and it reported that his neighbor

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west of his house won the lottery. He was baffled, and he prayed to

God that he will win the lottery just like his neighbors did.

Exactly a month later, he was then watching his favorite TV show

when a news report again and guess what happened next? The news

story told that his neighbor east of his house won the lottery. This

time, he was angry with God. He said to God, “I prayed, prayed, and

prayed, yet I didn’t win! To make things worse, all my neighbors

won the lottery”. Then out of nowhere, an intense light appeared, and

a hand came out of thin air holding a dollar bill accompanied by a

low voice saying “Before you say anything more, why don’t you take

this dollar bill and play the lottery”. It turned out that Juan did not

even bet on the lottery, yet he was complaining to God.

Dinner: TL;DR, the moral of this story is that you cannot

comprehend the big benefit of owning a network marketing business

if you’re mindset is small like the cooking pot in the story. See, the

concept of network marketing is big like the two fishes as illustrated

in the story but if you narrow your mind and keep thinking that

multilevel marketing is a scam, like the cooking pot, you cannot fully

understand and utilize the power of the network marketing business

to fulfill your dreams.

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Once upon a time, there was a grandfather and grandson sitting on a

boat and fishing for their dinner on a nearby lake from their log

cabin. The grandfather’s job was to fish while his grandson’s job was

to place the bait on the hook of the fishing rod.

After a couple of minutes when they arrived at the center of the lake

and started to fish, there was a strong tug on the fishing rod. The

grandfather did his best to reel a big one in and alas, it was huge. The

grandson was excited as this fish could feed them for days. But

surprisingly the grandfather threw back to the lake the fish. The

grandson was surprised by his grandfather’s action, but he did not

want to question his grandfather’s judgment, so he kept silent and

placed a bait on the hook.

After 15 minutes, there was another tug on the fishing rod. The

grandfather reeled it in, and it was also huge, but not that big as the

previous one. The grandson was excited again as this fish could feed

them for two to three days. But surprisingly again, the grandfather

threw the fish back to the lake. The grandson baffled, kept silent

again and placed another bait on the hook.

A few minutes after, there was yet another tug at the fishing rod. The

grandfather reeled it in, and it was an averaged sized fish that could

feed them only for a meal. The grandfather took it and placed it in the

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pail and said to the grandson “Let’s go home now”. The grandson

was furious and said, “We caught a few big fishes that would’ve fed

us for days, but you did not take it. Now when you caught an average

sized fish that will feed us only for this dinner, you took it! Why?!”

The grandfather replied, “Grandson, I did not take the other large

fished because it will not fit in our cooking pot”.

Storm: TL;DR, the story’s moral is that we continue to pray to God

and wish that we could have a lot of money or, at least, a source of

riches so our lives will be easier. Here you are presented with this

great network marketing opportunity, and you reject it. Sometimes

what we prayed to God is already right under our noses, we just have

to be conscious and accept the opportunity.

There was a character named Juan, who was working on a local

garments shop. One day while he was on his way to work the

government raised a public storm warning, he shrugged it aside

thinking that it’s just rain. On the noon of that day, the dark clouds

above gave and poured down rain that lasted for hours. When Juan’s

shift ended, there was a waist-high flood on the street just outside

from the two-story building where he works. He went to the corner,

knelt, and prayed to God that he will be safe from the elements.

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A bus appeared outside, and the driver invited Juan to go on his bus

so he could get the hell out of there because he might be stranded if

the flood continued to go up. Juan denied the driver saying “No, God

will save me!” The bus went away, and he prayed again.

30 minutes or so after the bus left, the flood was already covering the

first floor of the building where he works. A rescue boat appeared,

and the rescue crew told Juan to go on the boat so he can be rescued.

Juan denied the rescue crew saying “No, God will save me!” The

boat left, and he prayed again.

A couple of minutes after, the water rapidly rose, and it now covered

the whole second floor of the building from where he works. Juan

was now on the rooftop where suddenly, a helicopter arrived. The

crew inside the chopper asked Juan to latch himself to the harness

line so he can be reeled into the helicopter. Juan denied the crew

saying “No, God will save me!” The helicopter zoomed away, and he

prayed again.

A few moments later, the flood rose and covered the whole building.

Juan was taken by the strong current and he crashed headfirst into the

brick wall of the building next door. Juan died.

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Juan woke up in an exceptionally bright place, and he saw God.

Knowing that he’s dead already, the first thing he told God was

“Why did you forsake me? I prayed that you would not leave me”.

God said to Juan, “I sent three vehicles for you to get away from the

strong flood, yet you denied them all”.

When you are in the compensation plan part, you can use your jotter pad

to illustrate the network marketing system that you company has and how

can the prospect earn via the compensation plan from recruiting people

into the team.

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After the network marketing presentation, the prospect, most of the time

will automatically ask you questions that were not clear to him in the

MLM presentation proper. This is also the part where they throw

objections about the product and the network marketing side of the

business. That after network marketing presentation part is also called


Closing is the last part of the MLM presentation and undoubtedly the

highest point of the network marketing presentation. As Chinkee Tan says

is, and I quote, selling is easy if you know how to close the sale. This is

where we can bring home the bacon. You might be good in prospecting,

setting appointments, and presenting, but if you are poor in closing, you

missed the whole point of the sales process. Unfortunately, the word

“closing” brings a very negative connotation. This is the point where some

feel that they need to force people into buying or joining something they

don’t need, which is completely the opposite on what sales is all about.

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Remember, selling is not about forcing, it’s all about sharing what you


Think of closing as this way: in business meetings between two

companies, there is a part there where they reach an agreement and shake

hands. The action of shaking hands signifies that the deal is now “closed”

and they will perform the appropriate actions to do their end of the deal

respectively. Now, the closing process in sales is getting the prospect to

buy or join now, or get a commitment from him for a future investment

with the network marketing company. There are two parts in closing a

sale: (1) You need to answer the questions they throw at you

and overcome any objections they may have, and (2) establish closure to

the prospect by using the KAT mnemonic.

You can ask your sponsor to tag along with you and let him do the closing

for the first few MLM presentations you make. Since closing is the highest

part of the network marketing presentation and will mean the difference

between a sale, a delayed sale, or a lost sale, a more senior member of the

team like your sponsor will have the most experience in handling the

closing process and answering objections properly. But don’t be

dependent on him, observe what he’s doing during the closing process and

his responses to the prospect’s objections as you’ll duplicate what he’s

doing later on.

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When you decide to let your sponsor tag along and do the closing for you,

you must bridge him first to your prospect. Bridging is the process of

transitioning from one speaker to another with the previous speaker

introducing the newer speaker’s credentials beforehand thus building

authority to the newer one. You can bridge your sponsor by telling the

prospect his name, his previous occupation, his reason for joining network

marketing, and his achievements in the business.

But before tackling objections, you must know the two most common

questions that a prospect may ask after an MLM presentation and scripts

on how to answer them like a professional:

What if I can’t get someone to join?: It’s impossible for the

prospect not to sponsor anyone to the business considering that we’re

sure that he knows, at least, fifty people or so, and who wants to say

no to the opportunity of attaining financial freedom? We have more

than a dozen prospecting techniques available that he can utilize in

finding people to sponsor in the network marketing business, so the

objection of the fear of not getting any people to sponsor in the

business is not a valid excuse to not join.

Do I need to sponsor a lot of people?: To answer this question, you

need to imply to the prospect that network marketing isn’t a game of

who gets the most direct referrals. He doesn’t need a lot of direct

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referrals to get rich in network marketing; he just needs a few well-

trained persons who can duplicate what you’re doing, and their

system will exponentially grow. In network marketing, the quality of

the person trumps the quantity of persons. Make the prospect

realize that it’s better to have two persons who are actively doing the

business and knows what they’re doing rather than have a hundred

persons that invested but has no time to do the business. He can’t

exponentially grow his network if he is the one who’s always

working, that’s no different from having a 9-to-5 job.

Prospects may also ask questions about your company, product, or

compensation plan in detail. These questions are in addition to the

previous two.

When prospects raise objections after presenting is a good sign. The same

goes if they are asking a ton of questions. When they continue to bombard

you with objections and questions, it means that they’re authentically

interested in what you’re presenting. Come to think of it, why would they

even dare ask you anything if they don’t give a crap about to what you’re

talking about? The trick now is how to handle and overcome these

objections well. You got to answer quick and respond knowledgeably

when these objections arise because if you respond too long or answer

wrongly, your prospect’s doubts about what you’re presenting may triple.

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Below are the top five common objections that a network marketer can

face plus scripts on how to handle them.

I don’t have the resources to invest: Perhaps the most common

objection of them all is this one where the prospect’s wants to join

but has no money to invest. Answer this objection by making the

prospect realize that his problem today is money, tomorrow when he

wakes up it’s money again and if he doesn’t find a solution to his

problem today, his problem will always be money. Here he is,

presented with a good system called network marketing where he can

achieve financial freedom by leveraging with the effort of others,

where he could realize his dreams, yet he treats his lack of money is

an excuse. Don’t suggest the prospect to loan money or pawn his

belongings because he’ll figure it out himself once you make him


I need more time to think about this: Respond to this objection by

making your prospect realize that nothing will be done if he

continues to think about it. His life won’t change if he has the “I’ll

think about it” mentality. Ticktock, ticktock, time is ticking, and

he can’t get those seconds back. Every second wasted thinking about

doing something great can only bring him nothing. He could have

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invested now and done something productive like getting his first

prospect but no, he said that he’ll think about it. Don’t think, just do.

I think network marketing is a scam: You’ll get this objection

often because there is sometimes news on the Internet or TV about

exposed pyramiding scams or get-rich-quickly schemes. You can

answer this objection through actions where you can show the

prospect the government permits or other legalities of the network

marketing company, or you can also show them you company’s

office to subliminally tell the prospect we are a legit business because

we have a corporate office.

You can also show your prospect the difference between network

marketing and a get-rich-quickly scheme. Network marketing

company promises your riches but with blood and perspiration. You

have to hustle your way through to get rich in network marketing, but

the rewards are bountiful. On the other hand, a get-rich-quickly

scheme promises you riches without working or doing anything, and

you can instantly get the rewards overnight.

I have a good, stable job right now: The objections are why does

he need to join your network marketing business when he has a good,

stable job that pays well in the first place? The answer to this

objection is simple: don’t put your eggs in one basket because if you

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drop one of the baskets, all your eggs will be gone. What if your

prospect’s employer suddenly became bankrupt or has been filed a

case in court that orders the company to cease operations at once?

How then will he feed his family? How then will he send his children

to college? It’s not bad for someone to have an extra source of

income rather than relying on a single source. Network marketing is a

business and businesses are one of the famous “financial baskets”.

I have a job and I don’t have the time: Let’s face it, some of us are

naturally inclined on staying within our comfort zone and keeping the

status quo. It’s the same with having a good, stable job that pays well.

Prospects may have a hard time processing the misconception of

when joining a network marketing business they have to leave their

current job. You need to clear the misconception first by explaining

that they could work on their network marketing business part-time

while keeping their job. But on the long run, you also need to make

that prospect realize that to succeed in network marketing, they need

to treat it as a full-time business. It’s your job as the sponsor to assure

them that you will help them ease the transition from working 9-to-5

as an employee to a full-time network marketer.

After answering the prospect’s questions and objections, if they have any,

you need to bond with the prospect and establish closure. This step is

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necessary especially when the prospect is coming from your cold

market because you need to be a friend that he can trust. People are close-

fisted when it comes to money primarily because money is hard to

obtain nowadays. Additionally, there has been a continuous rise of

incidents reported on media than involves exposed pyramiding and get-

rich-quickly schemes; they won’t trust people easily especially when it

involves investments, so the best way to counter this is to be a friend to the

prospect. Below are some key points on how to amplify your prospect’s

trust to you in which we’ll follow a simple mnemonic to do it – KAT.

Know: Know the prospect better after network marketing

presentations. You can use the FORM method as a framework to

know him better. Likewise, you can also tell something about

yourself or the story of how you came into the network marketing

business to help build trust with each other. Additionally, you can

also utilize the information gathered by the FORM method to help

remind the prospect how your network marketing business can help


Agree: Agree with what the prospect is saying. Never get in a heated

debate with him on his objections. The worst case scenario when you

argue with the prospect is that you may lose the sale. When handling

objections, your goal is not to contradict him but to make him

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understand, to open his eyes, on your point-of-view. Agreeing with

the prospect signifies that you understand him, and that increases his

trust to you. You can use the feel, felt, found method for this. The

feel, felt, found method is something like this: “I understand how you

feel. Others, at first, felt the same way also until they found that…”

Treat: When somebody does kind things to you, don’t you have the

feeling to reciprocate that? It’s human nature, and it’s natural. When

you treat your prospect during or after presenting, it’s not a sign of

bribery, nor you were implying that you should join because you

treated him lunch, rather it’s a gesture of thanks for hearing the MLM

presentation out. Treating your prospect for coffee during the

network marketing presentation or a quick bite after the MLM

presentation can help you build trust with the prospect.

After answering the prospect’s questions and objections and also after

establishing closure, you now need to ask the big question to the

prospect: “What do you think about it?”

The prospect can answer the “big question” in three possible ways: 1) Yes,

I like it and I have the money to invest right now, 2) I like what you’re

offering but I need more time to think about it or I don’t have the money

right now, and 3) I don’t like it. Most of the time, the prospect will like it

because they won’t even get past the prospecting stage if they aren’t

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interested. Also, most of the time the prospects who has the most

objections will be the ones who will answer number two.

Don’t say anything after asking the big question. If you watched The Wolf

of Wall Street, you might remember Jordan Belfort (Leonardo

DiCaprio) saying to his team in a cold call scene that you’ve got to wait

for an answer because in sales, the first on to speak loses. That’s called the

power of silence in sales. Never assume silence is a form of rejection. It’s

a signal of thought taking place, nothing more.

If the prospect answers number one, congratulations because you’ve just

made a sale. Now don’t pump your fist in the air right now because it still

isn’t considered a sale if the prospect hasn’t paid the investment yet. If

you presented at your company’s office or if your business’s office is

nearby, you can personally guide him through the steps of paying and

claiming his desired package. It’s also advantageous if you presented in

your company’s office or somewhere nearby because, if you have team

members there, they can welcome the new member of the team.

If the prospect answers number two, it’s not yet a lost sale. If you

already responded to the objection “I need more time to think about this”

and all the other objections he may have, then there is nothing to do but

ask for a future commitment from the prospect. Ask from him the exact

date that he can invest in the business opportunity. After parting ways with

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the prospect, strategic follow-up is needed in order to remind the prospect

that he has a commitment to achieve. The next stage of the network

marketing sales process, the network marketing follow-up stage, is

dedicated to the prospect who answers number two.

If the prospect responds number three, it’s also not yet a lost sale. Perhaps

the prospect needs more proof that your product or compensation plan can

bear results. You don’t need a commitment from him but you do need

avenues of contacts from the prospects, with the priority being social

media accounts followed by e-mail addresses, because this is where you’ll

follow him up with messages of testimonials and success stories.

Take me to the next guide in the MLM Sales Process which is just as

awesome as this guide: The ABCs of Effective MLM Follow-Up That

Will Increase Your Sales