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Technology in Education By Chiarra Cerola

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Technology in Education

By Chiarra Cerola

Page 2: 97 2003

Children & Technology

I chose to focus on articles that cover how a child

learns technology, how they view technology, and

how they intend to use technology to benefit themselves and those

around them.

Page 3: 97 2003

Children & TechnologyJournal of Technology, Learning, & Assessment: ‘Investigating Children’s Emerging Digital Literacies’ Pg 4THE Journal: ‘On Cloud Nine’ Pg 7Journal of Technology Education: ‘The Formation of Children’s Technological Concepts: A Study of What it Means To Do Technology from a Child’s Perspective’ (J.T.E.) Pg 10

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Journal of Technology, Learning, & Assessment:

‘Investigating Children’s Emerging Digital Literacy's’Coverage on the CCT and CFY one year comparative study of children's use of computers in low and middle income homes.Studied the children's digital literacy which is defined as “a set of habits through which children use computer technology for learning, work, socializing, and fun.” Both low and middle income students used computers for homeworkAll children developed basic literacy with word processing, email, and the internetMany students spent an additional 2-3 hours socializing, playing games, and pursuing their own interests and hobbies.The children who spent the most time on the computers had more developed computer skills in online communicationThe literacy skills developed reflect local circumstances including but not limited to:

Families ability to afford and access internet The amount of time spent on the computer Direct instruction from teachers Parents attitudes towards computers Childs amount of leisure time

("Investigating children's digital," 2002)

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‘Investigating Children’s Emerging Digital Literacy's’


The study showed that there are issues that impact digital literacy in social, school, and assessment policy and practice.The analysis gave teachers a structured design to develop technological activities in a 5 central digital literacy component consisting of: computing for a range of purpose, understanding the function of and ability to use common tools, communication literacy, Web literacy, and troubleshooting skills.The article closes with saying that the education and federal field needs to “urgently” develop new assessment methods in order to acquire more suitable technology for growth.

("Investigating children's digital," 2002)

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My FeedbackThis article made me think of how educators can improve

technology resources for their students. I understand that the students who had the computers and internet readily available for them most likely advanced their digital literacy farther than those who did not, but how can that be changed? Not all schools have computers available for student use, and if they do, there may not be enough computers for each student to use one. A teacher could be able to bring in their personal computer but that is not enough for a classroom to share, unless they go in groups or one by one. The study showed that if given the proper resources, a child is able to learn how to use the basic programs of a computer, this knowledge is one that will be needed throughout the child's education, so why not try harder to give every student the fullest opportunity they can have by bringing in the proper technology needed.

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THE Journal: ‘On Cloud Nine’ This article covers cloud based computing in education. It offers

nine different breakthroughs with the technology across the country. I’ve chose three to cover.Palm Beach, FL: Students, Teachers, and chaperones are logging onto Adobe Connection Pro to collaborate before, during, and after a field trip.

Children use online video chat to speak with experts and ask questions pertaining to the upcoming trip.

During the trip, the students use several devices to record data and statistics.

Later in the classroom, the children use their data to create final reports that they submit online for the teachers to immediately review.

(McCrea, & Well, 2011)

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THE Journal: ‘On Cloud Nine’ Continued

The Foundation for Blind Children: FBC launched a 6-month program to test the Iveda Camina, a cloud based assistive technology, which would allow teachers of visually impaired students to conduct lessons, consult with teachers and students, and adapt materials in real time.

Camina is a portable camera in a bag that students and teachers can use anywhere to communicate without physically being present.

Also allows students to communicate with any teacher available who could give the best instruction for the task at hand.

Arvada, CO: Fourth graders are using Wixie, a cloud based solution that allows students to create art, voice recording, and written communication in one online place.

The fourth graders create their own math programs that include games and activities along with the lessons that they then teach to kindergarteners.

(McCrea, & Well, 2011)

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My FeedbackI loved this article. These children are learning and

adapting to these new technologies that can improve how they learn. If a fourth grader can understand how to create an entire program and do it, they are set to know how they need to break things down to better understand them later on. Giving these children the freedom to learn this way lets them continue to be children. They are genuinely interested and excited for what they are doing so they want to learn, they are eager, and keeping them eager keeps their imaginations, which in the end, is the best tools they have. This article made me excited and interested in incorporating cloud based programs into classrooms. Hearing these stories, I want to see what other students are capable of.

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J.T.E.Followed a study aimed to explore children's technological understanding in collaborative settings. The study used a nodding toy to introduce balance and counterbalance experiments to the students. The students were then allowed to create their own assignments using the given materials after being put in groups to determine their own version of a real tool, device, or machine that uses balance and counterbalance to make it function. The teachers acted as observers while students were encouraged to use their imaginations and personal creativity.

(Twyford, & Ja-rvnen, 2000)

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J.T.E. ContinuedResults showed students were capable of understanding many variable at once in order to understand the whole.

The study concluded that two assertions may be made:(1) Children demonstrate their technological understanding through their gained analytical skills

(2) Children acquire technological understanding through several forms of representing their solution focused ideas.

The children's solution focused technological concepts were expressed through the force of their experiences and imaginations

(Twyford, & Ja-rvnen, 2000)

Page 12: 97 2003

My FeedbackAfter reading all these articles on children

understanding complex ideas in technology, this article mad clear on how they understand it. As I’ve said before, if a child is allowed to use their imagination they can learn anything, and this study really proves it. The children were left in groups to determine an overall solution on their own and because they used their minds to see the whole as an accumulation of parts they could decide what part functioned how and why. They were able to find solutions based of what they already knew and what they understood from investigating the devices themselves, and through gain an overall understanding of technology.

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ConclusionThe three articles I chose all told different stories, but all

were related. Within these three I have covered how a child views, learns, and uses technology. I believe with this added knowledge, I may be able to incorporate these same beliefs to involve different technologies in a classroom that will benefit the students greatly. If I can get a group of fourth graders to even consider using Wixie like those in Colorado, I will be extremely proud. These articles have made me believe in technology as an advancement for education. I believe students should have an even balance of virtual and physical activities, but now the virtual can mean so much more and help solidify the physical activities. I am truly excited to continue to learn about the programs classrooms across the country are using to educate their students.

Page 14: 97 2003

ReferencesInvestigating children's digital literacy's. (2002). The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment, 1(4), Retrieved from http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/jtla/article/view/1670

McCrea, B., & Well, M. (2011). Cloud-based tools are giving k-12 collaboration efforts a boost. . THE Journal of Technology, Learning, and

Assessment, Retrieved from http://thejournal.com/articles/2011/06/10/on-cloud-nine.aspx

Twyford, J., & Ja-rvnen, E.M. (2000). The formation of children's technological concepts: a study of what it means to do technology from a

childs perspective. Journal of Technology Education, 12(1), Retrieved from http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JTE/v12n1/twyford.html