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CoverBSC6680V300R008C00System MML Commands and Expert ParametersIssue01Date2012/05/30HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address:Huawei Industrial BaseBantian, LonggangShenzhen 518129People's Republic of ChinaWebsite:http://www.huawei.comEmail:[email protected]

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PrefaceSystem MML CommandsOverviewThis document lists BSC6680 V300R008C00 system MML commands and their functions. System MML commands are seldom used or have significant impacts on the network. If you need to use system MML commands, contact Huawei technical support personnel, and use the system MML commands with their assistance.StructureCommand NameName of the command.FunctionFunction of the command.ParametersParameters contained in the command.Expert ParametersOverviewThis document lists BSC6680 V300R008C00 MML commands that contain expert parameters and the guidelines for using these parameters. This document only provides the MML commands and function overviews. If you need to modify expert parameters, contact Huawei technical support personnel, and modify the expert parameters with their assistance.Overview of Expert Parameters and the User GuideExpert parameters are configurable parameters that are seldom used in the BSC. These parameters are configured with default values before delivery, and modification to these parameters is not required in normal cases. Therefore, expert parameters are not displayed on the service maintenance system. According to the protocol requirements, these parameters must be configurable. In addition, modification to these parameters is required in certain scenarios. Therefore, the BSC provides these parameters as expert parameters. After you enter an MML command that contains expert parameters on the service maintenance system, choose System > Set Expert Scenario to display the expert parameters and then you can modify the displayed expert parameters.StructureMML CommandLists MML commands.Expert Parameter FunctionDescribes the function of expert parameters contained in the MML commands.Expert parametersLists the expert parameters contained in the MML commands.

System CommandsBSC6680 V300R008C00 System MML Commands and ParametersCommand NameFunctionParameter 1Parameter 2Parameter 3Parameter 4Parameter 5Parameter 6Parameter 7Parameter 8Parameter 9Parameter 10Parameter 11Parameter 12Parameter 13Parameter 14Parameter 15Parameter 16Parameter 17BLK SDUDSPBlocks DSPs on the DPUSb or DPUDb. The BSC no longer allocates services to blocked DSPs. Only DSPs in the normal state can be blocked.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)DSPNO (DSP No.)CHK PROTECTGRPChecks whether each channel in the protection groups working in 1:N mode is connected properly. If channels in a protection group are connected incorrectly, boards involved may reset when executing the command.FN (Subrack No.)GROUPID (Protection Group ID)CLR CTLIPLNKINFOClears the statistics about IP packets under the control plane on the FG1Aa, FG1Ba, FG1Pa, FG1Xa, PEUAa, PEUBa, FG2Aa, FG2Ba, FG2Pa, FG2Xa, PO1Ba, POUBa, PO1Aa, POUAa,POUBc,FG2Bc,GOUBc,FG2Ac or GOUAc interface boards.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)CLR CTLMPLNKINFOClears the statistics about ML PPP links under the control plane on the PEUAa, PEUBa, POUBa, PO1Ba, PO1Aa, POUAa or POUBc interface boards.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)LINKNO (ML PPP Group No.)CLR CTLPPPLNKINFOClears the statistics about PPP links under the control plane on the PEUAa, PEUBa, POUBa, PO1Ba, PO1Aa, POUAa or POUBc interface boards.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)LINKNO (Link No.)DSP A18LNKBWQueries the bandwidth of physical ports and logical ports mapping A18 links over Ethernet links.NBRANIP (Neighbor AN IP Address)DSP A18LNKINFOQueries A18 link information, including link status, type, link number, number of BE users, and bandwidth usage.NBRANIP (Neighbor AN IP Address)LIBIP (Local Interface Board IP Address)DSP A3A7BWQueries A3/A7 link information, including link status, type, link number, and bandwidth usage.NBRBSCIP (Neighbor BSC IP Address)DSP BCMCRRRADIORESQueries radio resource information about carriers that support multicast services.CN (Cell ID)SCTID (Sector ID)CRRID (Carrier ID)DSP BSNINFOQueries the connection status of the BSN bound with the PCF.PCFIP (PCFIP address)DSP CTCALLINFQueries call information about a group based on the specified group number during PTT services.UGID (TRUNK CALL NUM)DSP CTLIPLNKINFOQueries the statistics about IP packets under the control plane on the FG1Aa, FG1Ba, FG1Pa, FG1Xa, PEUAa, PEUBa, FG2Aa, FG2Ba, FG2Pa, FG2Xa, PO1Ba, POUBa, PO1Aa, POUAa,POUBc,FG2Bc,GOUBc,FG2Ac or GOUAc interface boards.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)DSP CTLMPLNKINFOQueries the statistics about ML PPP links under the control plane on the PEUAa, PEUBa, POUBa, PO1Ba, PO1Aa, POUAa or POUBc interface boards.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)LINKNO (ML PPP Group No.)DSP CTLPPPLNKINFOQueries the statistics about PPP links under the control plane on the PEUAa, PEUBa, POUBa, PO1Ba, PO1Aa, POUAa, or POUBc interface boards.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)LINKNO (Link No.)DSP GROUPNUMQueries the number of multicast groups that are registered with and activated on an AN.DSP IPCNODEINFOQueries information about IPC from a specified board or subsystem to another board or subsystem.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)SSN (Subsystem No.)DSP LICENSELIBVERQueries the license library versions of the FAM and the BAM.DSPTYPE (Query mode)DSP MOTNODEINFOQueries the MOT information from a specified board or subsystem to another board or subsystem.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)SSN (Subsystem No.)OPT (Node type)DSP PCFINFOQueries information about the board type, slot number, and subrack number of the PCF, load on the PCF, and the number of connections to the PCF.PCFIP (PCF IP Address)DSP QCHATFLOWINFOQueries the identifications of QChat multicast subscriber flows and A10 connections.UATI (UATI)DSP QCHATGRPRADIORESQueries information about target clusters and supporting clusters of QChat multicast groups.FLOWID (Flow ID)DSP QCHATGRPSTATQueries the QChat multicast group status based on a specified Call Setup flow ID.FLOWID (Call Setup FlowID)DSP TRFLNKPORTQueries the port number list of Ethernet ports connecting service links carried over TRUNK links.OBJ (Query Object)BTSID (BTS ID)TRFLNKNO (Traffic Link No.)NBRBSCIP (Peer BSC IP Address)NBRANIP (Peer AN IP Address)GET HEALTHLOGObtains hardware check logs for the POUBc. After the command is executed successfully, the check results are printed in the logs.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)BTP (Board Type)LST LNKHBWQueries information about the overhead bandwidth associated with the transmission protocol header used by Abis/A3 links.LST SYSTEMRESTORESWTQueries whether board's automatic restoration for system kernel soft errors is enabled.MOD DAYLTModifies the flag for starting and stopping the daylight saving time (DST).FLAG (Daylight Flag)MOD LNKHBWModifies the overhead bandwidth associated with the transmission protocol header used by Abis/A3 links.PPPIPHCPPPMUXBW (Head Bandwidth of PPP_IPHC_PPPMUX)PPPPPPMUXBW (Head Bandwidth of PPP_PPPMUX)PPPIPHCBW (Head Bandwidth of PPP_IPHC)PPPBW (Head Bandwidth of PPP)MPIPHCPPPMUXBW (Head Bandwidth of MP_IPHC_PPPMUX)MPPPPMUXBW (Head Bandwidth of MP_PPPMUX)MPIPHCBW (Head Bandwidth of MP_IPHC)MPBW (Head Bandwidth of MP)ETHFPMUXBW (Head Bandwidth of ETH_FPMUX)ETHBW (Head Bandwidth of ETH)ATMUNIBW (Head Bandwidth of UNI)ATMIMABW (Head Bandwidth of IMA)ATMFRACATMBW (Head Bandwidth of FRACATM)MOD SYSTEMRESTORESWTSpecifies whether to enable automatic restoration for system kernel soft errors.1. Automatic self-recovery for board faults can be enabled or disabled for the FG1Ba, PEUBa, and GOUXa in independent mode and the PO1B in active/standby mode, independent mode, and 1:N mode.2. Parameters Automatic Upgrade Switch of Board Chip Software, Switch for Recovery Upon Task Exception and L2 Table Fault Automatic Restoration Switch are valid for all boards.3. The Switch for Board Logic Soft Resetting parameter is valid for the FG1Pa, FG2Pa, GOUPa, AEUBa, FG1Ba, PEUBa, FG2Ba, AOUBa, AO1Ba, PO1Ba, POUBa, FG1Aa, PEUAa, FG2Aa, POUAa, PO1Aa, FG1Xa, FG2Xa, GOUXa, and PIUOa.4. The XPUOa Memory Access Optimization parameter is valid for the XPU.5. The Automatic Fault Recovery Switch for TC Chip parameter is valid for the ECUOc and TCUOc.6. The Automatic Fault Recovery Switch for EC Chip parameter is valid for the ECUOc.7. Parameters Switch for DPU Restore Without Reporting Alarms, Board Repeated Reset Isolation Switch, Board Repeated Reset Isolation Threshold and Board Exception Reset Interval are valid for the DPUTb, DPUSb, DPUDb, ECUO, TCUOc, and ECUOc.ALONESYSDISABLEFAULTRSMSW (Automatic Fault Rectification for Independent-Mode PO1Ba)PEUBAALONESYSDISABLEFAULTRSMSW (Automatic Fault Rectification for Independent-Mode PEUBa)FG1BAALONESYSDISABLEFAULTRSMSW (Automatic Fault Rectification for Independent-Mode FG1Ba)GOUXAALONESYSDISABLEFAULTRSMSW (Automatic Fault Rectification for Independent-Mode GOUXa)ASSYSDISABLEFAULTRSMSW (Automatic Fault Rectification for Active/Standby-Mode PO1Ba)ONEANDNSYSDISABLEFAULTRSMSW (Automatic Fault Rectification for 1:N Protection-Mode PO1Ba)BOARDAUTOUPDATESW (Automatic Upgrade Switch of Board Chip Software)TABLEFAULTRSMSW (L2 Table Fault Automatic Restoration Switch)BOARDLOGICSOFTRSMSW (Board Logic Soft Reset)XPUBOARDOPTSW (XPU Memory Access Optimization)TCSELFCURESWT (Automatic Fault Recovery Switch for TC Chip)ECSELFCURESWT Automatic Fault Recovery Switch for EC Chip)DPURESTORENORPTALMSW (Switch for DPU Restore Without Reporting Alarms)TASKABNORMALSELFHEALSW (Switch for Recovery Upon Task Exception)BRDRSTISOLATIONSW (Board Repeated Reset Isolation Switch)BRDRSTISOLATIONCOUNT (Board Repeated Reset Isolation Threshold)BRDRSTTIMEINTERVAL (Board Exception Reset Interval)PIN DESIPChecks whether the destination IP address is reachable from the specified subsystem.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)SSN (Subsystem No.)IP (Destination IP)RMV ALLSCHTSKDeletes all scheduled tasks except the BKP DB scheduled tasks defined for the BSC.RMV BSCTBLClears the wireless and transmission layer service data, and supporting data (excluding the network indicator table and flow index table) in the BAM database.RST COREManually triggers automatic restoration of soft errors in the kernel on the PO1Ba, PEUBa, FG1Ba, or GOUXa. 1. This command is applicable only to PO1Ba boards in active/standby mode, independent mode, and 1:N mode, and other boards in independent mode. This command can be executed only after board's automatic restoration for system kernel soft errors is enabled.2. When certain soft errors occur on the board kernel, run this command to quickly restore the system, saving the time for resetting the board and reducing the impacts of soft errors on services.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)SET TZSets the time zone and DST information. If DST information is available in a time zone, set the start time and time offset for the DST.ZONET (Time zone)DST (Daylight saving time flag)SM (Start date mode)SMONTH (Start month)SDAY (Start date)SWSEQ (Start week sequence)SWEEK (Start week)ST (Start time)EM (End sate mode)EMONTH (End month)EDAY (End date)EWSEQ (End week sequence)EWEEK (End week)ET (End time)TO (Time offset(Minute)STR MELOOPTESTStarts E1 or PPP link loopback tests.1. Loopback tests can be performed only for the PEUBa and PO1Ba. Loopback tests can be performed only if the loopback test function is enabled.2. Loopback tests must be performed on one link on a board at a time. In addition, only one loopback test can be performed within 30 seconds.3. It is prohibited to manually starting loopback tests within 10 minutes after PPP or ML PPP links.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)OPT (Link Type)LINKNO (Link No.)STR MERELOADStarts to reload microcodes.1. Microcodes can be reloaded only to the FG1Pa, FG2Pa, GOUPa, AEUBa, FG1Ba, PEUBa, FG2Ba, AOUBa, AO1Ba, PO1Ba, POUBa, FG1Aa, PEUAa, FG2Aa, POUAa, PO1Aa, FG1Xa, FG2Xa, GOUXa, and PIUOa. Microcodes can be reloaded to these boards only when the microcode reloading function is enabled.2. You can run this command to rectify non-hardware faults in the BSC.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)UBL SDUDSPUnblocks DSPs on the DPUSb or DPUDb. If the unblocked DSP is in the normal state, the BSC may allocate services to this unblocked DSP.FN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)DSPNO (DSP No.)MOD DOASDUPARAModifies the configuration parameters of the DPUDb that processes EV-DO Rev. A services.FN (Subrack No.)FLSETUPTIMER (RLP Flow Setup Timer Length)MAXLINKQOSDELTIMER (Reverse QoS Max Link Delay Timer)RLPDELFCT (Reverse RLP Delay Factor)WAITRETRTIMER (RLP Wait Dsc Vsho Retry Time)DOAREVPKTCMBTIMER (DOA Reverse Packet Combine Timer)MULCASTSTOPTIME (Vsho MultiCast Stop Time)WAITDSCSWTIME (Vsho Wait Dsc Switch Time)FKNAKMAXTIME (Fake Nak Restrain Max Time)MULCASTAFSW (Vsho MultiCast Af Switch)MULCASTBESW (Vsho MultiCast Be Switch)MULTICASTREDUSW (Virtual SHO Multicast Reduce switch)NONRTRSFKNAKSW (NonRetrans Fake Nak Restrain Switch)RTRSFKNAKSW (Retrans Fake Nak Restrain Switch)REVRLPREXMITTM (Duration of Reverse RLP Retransmission Timer)LST SDUFAULTPROCQueries DSP troubleshooting parameters on the DPUSb and DPUDb boards.FN (Subrack No.)MOD SDUFAULTPROCModifies DSP troubleshooting parameters on the DPUSb and DPUDb boards.FN (Subrack No.)FAULTPROCSW (Fault Processing Switch)FAULTRPTTHRESH (DSP Fault Report Threshold)DSPLOGUSERFACTOR (User Log Factor)MINDSPLOGTHRESH (DSP Fault Report Min LOG Threshold)MOD BTSCETransfers CE resources controlled by BTS by the license. This command transfers 1X or EV-DO reverse CE resources allocated to a BTS by using the MOD BSCBTSINF command from a BTS to another BTS.SBTSFN (Source Subrack No. of BTS)SBTSID (Source BTS ID)SREVCENUM (Number of Transferred 1X Reverse CEs)SDOREVCENUM (Number of Transferred EV-do Reverse CEs)DBTSFN (Destination Subrack No. of BTS)DBTSID (Destination BTS ID)MOD DOCNPModify EV-DO Configuration Negotiation ParametersCN (Cell ID)SCTID (Sector ID)CRRID (Carrier ID)PERSID (PersonalityID)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOGCNPModify EV-DO Global Configuration Negotiation ParametersPERSID (PersonalityID)PARA1 (Parameter1)PARA2 (Parameter1)MOD DOQOSPPModify QoS ProfileID ParametersPROFLID (ProfileID)PEAKRATE (Peak Rate)BKTSIZE (Bucket Size)TOKENRATE (Token Rate)MaxLATE (Max Latency)PKTLOSSRATE (Max IP Packet Loss Rate)PKTSIZE (Packet Size)VARSENST (Delay Var Sensitive)PHYBWEQFACT (physics Bandwidth Equivalent Factor)MOD DOEMPAModify EMPA Configuration Negotiation ParametersPROFLID (ProfileID)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOMMPAModify MMPA Configuration Negotiation ParametersPROFLID (ProfileID)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOMPAModify MPA Configuration Negotiation ParametersPROFLID (ProfileID)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD RLMACFPModify EV-DO RL-MAC Flow Configuration Negotiation ParametersPROFLID (ProfileID)USERGRADE (Subscriber Grade)STRATEGY (Strategy)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD RLMACGPModify EV-DO RL-MAC General Configuration Negotiation ParametersPARA1 (Parameter1)MOD RLMACRATEModify Class User RL MAC Rate ParaRATECLASS (rate level)PARA1 (para 1)MOD RLMACRPModify EV-DO RL-MAC Rate Configuration Negotiation ParametersRATEGRADE (RateGrade)PARA1 (Parameter1)PARA2 (Parameter2)MOD RLMACUPModify EV-DO RL-MAC User Configuration Negotiation ParametersUSERGRADE (Subscriber Grade)PARA1 (Parameter1)PARA2 (Parameter2)MOD DOBRLMACFPModify EV-DO Revision B RL-MAC Flow Configuration Negotiation ParametersPROFLID (ProfileID)USERGRADE (Subscriber Grade)STRATEGY (Strategy)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOBRLMACGPModify EV-DO Revision B RL-MAC General Configuration Negotiation ParametersPARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOBRLMACRATEModify EV-DO Revision B Class User RL MAC Rate ParaRATECLASS (rate level)DOBCARRIERNUM (Number Of Carriers)PARA1 (para1)MOD DOBRLMACRPModify EV-DO Revision B RL-MAC Rate Configuration Negotiation ParametersRATEGRADE (RateGrade)DOBCARRIERNUM (Number Of Carriers)PARA1 (Parameter1)PARA2 (Parameter2)MOD DOBRLMACUPModify EV-DO Revision B RL-MAC User Configuration Negotiation ParametersUSERGRADE (Subscriber Grade)PARA1 (Parameter1)PARA2 (Parameter2)MOD DOACNBIModify EV-DO Configuration Negotiation Basal InformationPARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOBRLMTTPANPModify EV-DO Revision B RL-MAC T2P General Negotiation ParametersPARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOBRLMTTPCGPModify EV-DO Revision B RL-MAC T2P Attribute Configuration Negotiation ParametersCONFIGID (Configuration Negotiation ParametersID)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD SDUDSPPARAModify SDU DSP Reservation ParametersFN (Subrack No.)SDUDSPPARA1 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 1)SDUDSPPARA2 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 2)SDUDSPPARA3 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 3)SDUDSPPARA4 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 4)SDUDSPPARA5 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 5)SDUDSPPARA6 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 6)SDUDSPPARA7 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 7)SDUDSPPARA8 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 8)SDUDSPPARA9 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 9)SDUDSPPARA10 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 10)SDUDSPPARA11 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 11)SDUDSPPARA12 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 12)SDUDSPPARA13 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 13)SDUDSPPARA14 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 14)SDUDSPPARA15 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 15)SDUDSPPARA16 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 16)SDUDSPPARA17 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 17)SDUDSPPARA18 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 18)SDUDSPPARA19 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 19)SDUDSPPARA20 (SDU DSP Reservation Parameter 20)MOD DSCPMACPRIModify the mapping of priority between the DSCP and MACDSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)MACPRI (MAC priority)MOD MTP2TMRModify MTP2 Timer Parameters On EIUAa/OIUAaFN (Subrack No.)SN (Slot No.)TIMERTYPE (Timer Type)TIMERVALUET1 (Timer T1 Length)TIMERVALUET2 (Timer T2 Length)TIMERVALUET3 (Timer T3 Length)TIMERVALUET4 (Timer T4 Length)TIMERVALUET5 (Timer T5 Length)TIMERVALUET6 (Timer T6 Length)TIMERVALUET7 (Timer T7 Length)TIMERVALUET10 (Timer T10 Length)MOD QCHATFLDSCPModify QChat Forward Link DSCPFL (Forward Link NO.)DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)MOD SLOTCYCLEModify QChat SlotCyclePROFLID (ProfileID)SLOTCYCLE1 (SlotCycle1)SLOTCYCLE2 (SlotCycle2)SLOTCYCLE3 (SlotCycle3)WAKECOUNT1 (WakeCount1)WAKECOUNT2 (WakeCount2)MOD DOATRADERLMACRPModify Platinum Subscriber or Industry Subscriber EV-DO Revision A RL-MAC Rate Configuration Negotiation ParametersTRADERATEGRADE (RateGrade)PARA1 (Parameter1)MOD DOBTRADERLMACRPModify Platinum Subscriber or Industry Subscriber EV-DO Revision B RL-MAC Rate Configuration Negotiation ParametersTRADERATEGRADE (RateGrade)TRADEDOBCARNUM (Number Of Carriers)PARA1 (Parameter1)ADD BINDIMSIAdd IMSI Binding RelationsBEGINIMSI (Begin IMSI)ENDIMSI (End IMSI)ADD BINDPDSNAdd PDSN Binding RelationsPDSNIP (PDSN IP address)


Expert ParametersBSC6680 V300R008C00 Expert ParametersMML CommandExpert Parameter FunctionExpert Parameter 1Expert Parameter 2Expert Parameter 3Expert Parameter 4Expert Parameter 5Expert Parameter 6Expert Parameter 7Expert Parameter 8Expert Parameter 9Expert Parameter 10Expert Parameter 11Expert Parameter 12Expert Parameter 13Expert Parameter 14Expert Parameter 15Expert Parameter 16Expert Parameter 17Expert Parameter 18Expert Parameter 19Expert Parameter 20Expert Parameter 21Expert Parameter 22Expert Parameter 23Expert Parameter 24Expert Parameter 25Expert Parameter 26Expert Parameter 27Expert Parameter 28Expert Parameter 29Expert Parameter 30Expert Parameter 31Expert Parameter 32Expert Parameter 33Expert Parameter 34LST BSCINFLST N7DPCLST N7OPCLST SPUOPCLST M3UADPCLST M3UAOPCLST SUADPCLST SUAOPCLST SUASSNGET N7OPCGET N7DPCGET SCCPSSNGET OFCGET TGGET CELLGET CBSCCFGIf this parameter is set to Packets from the M2000, the command result displays the value formats (hexadecimal or decimal) in a column. If this parameter is set to Packets from the LMT, the command result does not display the value formats in a column. To set the value formats, run the SET LOCALPARA command.EMS (Packet Type)MOD BSCBTSINFSpecifies the number of reverse CEs available for 1X/EV-DO services allocated to BTSs when the license control is implemented at the BTS level.REVCENUM (1X Reverse CE Number)DOREVCENUM (EV-DO Reverse CE Number)MOD BSCHOConfigures parameters related to pilot pollution detection.PLTMINBR (Branch Number at Pilot Pollution)PLTRTHRS (Relative Threshold at Pilot Pollution)MAXDIST (Max Distance between Neighbor Cell and Serving Cell)MAXCONFAILTIMES (Max Number of Successive HO Failures to Start Penalty)MOD TCPARAConfigures parameters related to the speech codec algorithm.TFOREVERSE (Disabling The TFO reverse FER threshold)TFOTIME (FER Check Duration)AECNLPGATE (AEC Nlp Gate)AECSNRGATE (AEC SNR Gate)AECDECTECTSW (AEC Detect Switch)AECDTCTHRESHOLD (AEC Echo Check Threshold)AECCNGMODE (AEC Comfort Noise Mode)AECNLPATTENU (AEC NLP Attenuation Degree)AECCNGMATCHLEV (AEC Noise Matching Level)AECECHOMODE (AEC Echo Suppression Level)AECERLMODE (AEC Echo Check Mode)AECFIRSTTH (AEC Echo Probability Threshold)AECSTATLEN (AEC Echo Statistic Duration)UPALCGAINSPEED (Reverse ALC Gain Modification Rate)DOWNALCGAINSPEED (Forward ALC Gain Modification Rate)ANCGAINSPEED (ANC Gain Modification Rate)UPMAXVALUE (Reverse Clipping Decision Threshold)DNMAXVALUE (Forward Clipping Decision Threshold)UPMUSICDETECTSWITCH (Reverse Music Check Switch)DNMUSICDETECTSWITCH (Forward Music Check Switch)UPKPISWITCH (Reverse KPI Statistic Switch)DNKPISWITCH (Forward KPI Statistic Switch)LST TCPARALST BSCHOLST CHMLST SDUINFLST BSCPWRLST SDU1XIPLST DOHOLST DOSDUPARALST DORRMPLST DOLOWRATEUSERLST NBRANLST QOSLST HOINFLST CHMINFLST PWRINFLST RSMINFLST DOGPLST DOQOSIf this parameter is set to Yes, expert-level information can be queried. By default, the queried information is saved in ..\Airbridge\Log\ExpertReport but is not displayed on the service maintenance system.EXPERT (Expert Query)MOD FSLOWPCSpecifies the average number of error frames used by the BSC when no power measurement report is received during slow power control.ESTARVBADFRM (Estimated average bad frames)MOD FERSpecifies the target (or expected) forward and reverse FERs on each channel carrying voice or data services.FWDVCDCCHFER1 (F-DCCH Voice Service Expected FER1)REVVCDCCHFER1 (R-DCCH Voice Service Expected FER1)FWDDATDCCHFER1 (F-DCCH Expected Data Service FER1)REVDATDCCHFER1 (R-DCCH Expected Data Service FER1)FWDVCFCHLOADFER1 (F-FCH Voice Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)FWDVCDCCHLOADFER1 (F-DCCH Voice Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)FWDDATFCHLOADFER1 (F-FCH Data Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)FWDDATDCCHLOADFER1 (F-DCCH Data Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)FWDDATSCHLOADFER1X (Forward 1XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)FWDDATSCHLOADFER2X (Forward 2XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)FWDDATSCHLOADFER4X (Forward 4XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)FWDDATSCHLOADFER8X (Forward 8XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)FWDDATSCHLOADFER16X (Forward 16XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)FWDDATSCHLOADFER32X (Forward 32XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)REVVOICEFCHFER1 (R-FCH Voice Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)REVVOICEDCCHFER1 (R-DCCH Voice Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)REVDATAFCHFER1 (R-FCH Data Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)REVDATADCCHFER1 (R-DCCH Data Service Expected Heavy Load FER1)REVDATASCHLOADFER1X (Reverse 1XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)REVDATASCHLOADFER2X (Reverse 2XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)REVDATASCHLOADFER4X (Reverse 4XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)REVDATASCHLOADFER8X (Reverse 8XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)REVDATASCHLOADFER16X (Reverse 16XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)REVDATASCHLOADFER32X (Reverse 32XSCH Target Heavy Load FER)MOD FLDCTRLSpecifies the thresholds for starting and stopping forward power control. Configures the step for forward power control.FWDSTARPWRTHR (Start Power Limit Threshold)FWDSTOPPWRTHR (Stop Power Limit Threshold)FWDTHRBIGSTEP (Ec/Ior Threshold Big Step)FWDTHRSMALLSTEP (Ec/Ior Threshold Small Step)Specifies thresholds for starting and stopping rate reduction mode due to heavy load.STRRMDRELLDTHR (Basic Load Threshold for Enabling Heavy Loads Rate Reduction Mode)SPRRMDRELLDTHR (Basic Load Threshold for Disabling Heavy Loads Rate Reduction Mode)STRRMDCNTTHR (Time Threshold of Consecutive Heavy Loads for Enabling Rate Reduction Mode)SPRRMDCNTTHR (Time Threshold of Consecutive Heavy Loads for Disabling Rate Reduction Mode)EPTRRMD (Heavy Load Rate Reduction Mode)RRMD (Rate Reduction Mode)Specifies the conditions that the BSC uses to control the deletion of a leg or forward channel.EPACAVAL (Forward Epaca Value)FDCCHTOFCHTHR (Forward DCCH to FCH Threshold)STDELLEGRELLDTHR (Basic Load Threshold for Deleting Call Legs)STDELLEGTMTHR (Time Threshold of Consecutive Heavy Loads for Deleting Call Legs)CONDELLEGDCNTTHR (Delay Threshold for Consecutively Deleting Call Legs)FWDSCHPWRESTSW (F-SCH Power Estimate Switch)FWDINITCOP (Forward COP Initial Value)Specifies the load or time thresholds for different FERs during power control.STHIFERRELLDTHR (Basic Load Threshold for Enabling High FER)SPHIFERRELLDTHR (Basic Load Threshold for Disabling High FER)STHIFERCNTTHR (Time Threshold of Consecutive Heavy Loads for Enabling High FER)SPHIFERCNTTHR (Time Threshold of Consecutive Heavy Loads for Disabling High FER)TFERFWDOL02 (Forward load corresponding to target FER0.2%)TFERFWDOL05 (Forward load corresponding to target FER0.5%)TFERFWDOL10 (Forward load corresponding to target FER1%)MOD ALDCTRLSpecifies the conditions that control the uses of the access load control parameters.ACHMAXVAL (Psist Max. Value)ACHADJDELAY (Psist Adjust Delay)MOD HHOLOADConfigures the parameters related to load-balance-based hard handoffs.LBHHOETHRESH (Load Balance Hard Handoff Stop Threshold)LBHHOPTHRESH (Load Balance HHO Power Threshold)OLBHHOCNUM (Outgoing Load Balance HHO Call Numbers)MOD WSHOSpecifies the thresholds for determining the poor coverage state.WEAKECIOTHRESH (Active Set Ec/Io Threshold into Weak Coverage State)WEAKFWDPWRTHRESH (Forward Power Threshold into Weak Coverage State)WEAKFWDFERTHRESH (Forward Fer Threshold into Weak Coverage State)WEAKREVFERTHRESH (Reverse Fer Threshold into Weak Coverage State)GOODECIOTHRESH (Active Set Ec/Io Threshold into Good Coverage State)Configures the parameters for adjusting the forward gain.ADFWDGAINTHRESH (Forward Adjust Gain Load Threshold)REFWDGAINTHRESH (Forward Restore Gain Load Threshold)FWDGAINAD (Forward Gain Adjust Value)Configure the parameters related to soft handoff.MAXBRANCHNUM (Max. Active Set Branch Number)TRIGRELTHRESH (Trigger Relative Threshold)TADDTHRESH (Pilot Add Threshold)TDROPTHRESH (Pilot Drop Threshold)TCOMPTHRESH (Pilot Comparison Threshold)TDROPTIMER (Pilot Drop Timer Value)SHOSLOPE (Dynamic SHO Slope)SHOADDINC (Dynamic SHO Add Intercept)SHODROPINC (Dynamic SHO Drop Intercept)PWRADJRATE (Power Adjust Rate)MOD PHOALGSpecifies whether to enable certain handoffs.WCSHOSW (Weak Coverage SHO Total Switch)LBHHOSW (Load Balance HHO Switch)FWDLQHHOSW (Forward Link Quality HHO Switch)REVLQHHOSW (Reverse Link Quality HHO Switch)SDSW (Save Drop Switch)MOD HOSpecifies the thresholds for adding or deleting legs in the active sets of soft and softer handoffs.SOFTERHOGAIN (Softer Handoff Gain)SOFTM (Dynamic Threshold Slope for Adding Branch to Active Set)SOFTB (Dynamic Threshold Intercept for Adding Branch to Active Set)MAXARRITHR (PN Matching Threshold)MOD CHMSpecifies the maximum number of legs in the macro diversity for 1X hard handoffs.MBRANUMINTERHHO (Max. Number of Inter-BSC HHO Branches)MBRANUMINTRAHHO (Max. Number of Intra-BSC HHO Branches)Configures parameters related to power measurement report messages for 1X data services.DSERVPWRRPTFRM (Frames of Data Service Measurement Report)DSERVPWRRPTDEY (Data Service Measurement Report Delay)Configures parameters related to releases of SCHs initiated by the BSC.SCHRELBYFERSW (FER Based SCH Release Switch)SCHRELBYPILSTSW (Pilot Strength Based SCH Release Switch)SCHRELBYLOADSW (Overload Based SCH Release Switch)SCHRELFRMDEL (Remained Frames Threshold for SCH Release)SCHRELTALFRMTHR (Total Frames Threshold for SCH Release)SCHRELFERFACTOR (FER Factor for SCH Release)SCHRELBRANSTREDIFF (Pilots Strength Difference Threshold for SCH Release)SCHRELLDRELATHRESH (Overload Relative Threshold for SCH Release)SCHRELSUMRATE (SCH Release Rate Sum(Based Overload))Configures parameters related to assignment of forward SCHs and SCH soft handoffs.FWDSASDYNSW (F-SCH Soft Handoff Dynamic Threshold Switch)FWDSASSLOPE (F-SCH Soft Handoff Slope)FWDSASINTERCEPT (F-SCH Soft Handoff Intercept)FWDSASWEIGHTECIO (F-SCH Soft Handoff Threshold Ec/Io Weight)FWDSASADJECIODEALTA (Delta Ec/Io Threshold for F-SCH Soft Handoff Adjustment)FWDSASADJRATEDELTA (Delta Rate Threshold for F-SCH Soft Handoff Adjustment)SCHTADD (SCH Soft Handoff Tadd)FWDSASVALIDRELTHRESH (F-SCH Active Set Valid Threshold)FWDSASBASICRELTHRESH (F-SCH Active Set Basic Threshold)FWDSCHADJSLOPE (F-SCH Adjust Slope)FWDSCHADJINTERCEPT (F-SCH Adjust Intercept)Configures parameters related to assignment of reverse SCHs and SCH soft handoffs.REVSASVALIDRELTHRESH (R-SCH Active Set Valid Threshold)REVSASBASICRELTHRESH (R-SCH Active Set Basic Threshold)REVSCHADJSLOPE (R-SCH Adjust Slope)REVSCHADJINTERCEPT (R-SCH Adjust Intercept)REVSCHDURFOREEXTDTX (R-SCH Forever Duration Extension DTX)Configures parameters related to forward SCH extension.FWDSCHEXTDURATION (F-SCH Extension Duration)FWDSCHEXTOVERLAP (F-SCH Extension Overlap)FWDSCHEXTREQBUFFSW (F-SCH Extension Request Buffer Switch)FWDSCHEXTMAXTIMES (F-SCH Extension Max. Times)FWDSCHJUDGETIMEOS (F-SCH Extension Judge Time Offset)MOD BSCPWRConfigures parameters related to power synchronization.FCHPWRADJTP (FCH Power Synchronization Adjust Type)FCHSTARTVALVE (FCH Power Synchronization Start Valve)FCHSTOPVALVE (FCH Power Synchronization Stop Valve)FCHCALCUMETHOD (FCH Power Synchronization Calculation Method)FCHDELAYFRAMES (FCH Power Synchronization Delay Frames)DCCHPWRSYNSW (DCCH Power Synchronization Switch)DCCHPWRADJTP (DCCH Power Synchronization Adjust Type)DCCHSTARTVALVE (DCCH Power Synchronization Start Valve)DCCHSTOPVALVE (DCCH Power Synchronization Stop Valve)DCCHCALCUMETHOD (DCCH Power Synchronization Calculation Method)DCCHDELAYFRAMES (DCCH Power Synchronization Delay Frames)SCHPWRADJTP (SCH Power Synchronization Adjustment Type)SCHCALCMETHOD (SCH Power Synchronization Calculation Method)SCHSYNPERIOD (SCH Power Synchronization Period)MOD SDU1XIPConfigures parameters related to transmission rate control frames sent from the BSC to the UMG in A over IP.RATECRTLSW (Downlink Voice Rate Control Switch)MODECTRLSW (Voice Mode Control Switch)TIMEALIGNSW (Downlink Voice Time Adjustment Switch)MOD DOHOConfigures parameters related to pilot pollution detection in EV-DO services.POLLUTENUM (Branch Number at Pilot Pollution)POLLUTERELTRSHLD (Relative Threshold at Pilot Pollution)Specifies whether to enable the function of detecting EV-DO missing neighboring cell configuration.ADDMISSNBRPILOT (Add Missing Neighbor Cell Switch)Specifies the maximum number of legs in the macro diversity for EV-DO hard handoffs.INTRAANHHOMAXTARGNUM (Max. Number of Intra-AN HHO Access Branches)INTERANHHOMAXTARGNUM (Max. Number of Inter-AN HHO Access Branches)Configures parameters related to inter-AN soft handoffs for EV-DO Rev. B services.DOA17SCTTAKEMAXCRRNUM (Maximum Sector Carrier Number Carried by EV-DO Rev. B A17 Message)MOD DORPCPConfigures parameters for adjusting power control threshold (PCT) values of reverse out-loop power control in EV-DO Rel. 0 services and also configures parameters related to PCT when no data is transmitted.NORMALGFRAMED (PCT Down Step of Good Frame in Normal State)NODATAIFRAMEU (PCT Up Step of IDLE Frame in Nodata State)NODATAMAXINC (Max. PCT Increment in Nodata State)NODATAMAX (Max. PCT in Nodata State)DATAGFRAMED (PCT Down Step of Good Frame in DataStart State)PCTMININCSTEP (Frame Interval at Min. PCT Increase)PCTMINCHANGE (PCT Min. Change Value Sent to Carrier)NUMIDLEFORNODATA (Number of Idle Frames Required for Transition to Nodata State)MOD DOSDUPARASpecifies the maximum number of MAC frames in an Abis service packet for EV-DO services carried on the forward traffic channel (FTC).MAXMACFRM (Max. FTC MAC Frames Carried by an ABIS Service Capsule)Specifies the maximum number of DataReady transmissions for EV-DO services and the length of the timer for awaiting the response to the DataReady message.DATAREADYACKT (Wait DataReadyAck Timer Length)MAXREADYSEND (Max. DataReady Sending Times)Configures parameters such as the data buffer size, timer length, and number of transmissions for Radio Link Protocol (RLP) in EV-DO services.MAXRESETNUM (Max. RLPReset Sending Times)RESETACKT (Wait ResetAck Timer Length)RETXTLEN (RLP Segmentation and Retransmission Timer Length)TRAFSBUFF (Traffic RLP Forward Buffer Size)TRAFRBUFF (Traffic RLP Reverse Buffer Size)TRAFMAXDATA (Max. Data Length Permitted by Traffic RLP Forward Buffer)ACCSBUFF (Access RLP Forward Buffer Size)ACCRBUFF (Access RLP Reverse Buffer Size)ACCMAXDATA (Max. Data Length Permitted by Access RLP Forward Buffer)MAXHOLES (Max. Holes Permitted by RLP Reassembly Buffer)Configures parameters such as the number of retransmissions, timer length, and transmission buffer length for Signaling Link Protocol (SLP) in EV-DO services.WAITSLPDACKT (Value of Retransmission Timer for A Reliabledelivery)SNDQUELEN (SLP Sending Buffer Queue Length)MAXRETX (Max. SLP Retransmission Times)Specifies the timer length of switching to inactive period due to heavy EV-DO service load.HLINACTIVETLEN (Heavy load inactive timer length)MOD DOLOWRATEUSERConfigures the identification parameters for low traffic optimization and the scheduling method.DETECTPERIOD (Check Cycle)IDENTIFYRATE (Identification Rate of Low Traffic)LOWFLUXDES (Backpressure Rate Reduction Probability of Low Traffic)LOWFLUXASC (Backpressure Rate Increase Probability of Low Traffic)ADD NBRANMOD NBRANSpecifies the threshold for triggering an AN-assisted inter-AN idle handoff. If the differences of the pilot strength between an external AN and the current AN is greater than or equal to the value, an AN-assisted inter-AN idle handoff is triggered.ANHOCOMP (AN-assisted Inter-AN HO Compare Threshold)MOD SDU1XRLPSpecifies the buffer size for saving forward RLP subscriber data in 1X data services.RLPBUFFER (Forward Buffer Size per User)MOD SDU1XFPMDCConfigures parameters related to detection of Abis traffic links, detection of error frames, and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of service frames.ADVANCE (Timing Advance of Forward Frame to BTS)DCCHCHKERASFRMRAT (Check DCCH Erasure Frame Ratio)DCCHCHKERASFRMTHD (Check DCCH Erasure Frame Threshold)DCCHCHKIDLEFRMTHD (Check DCCH Idle Frame Threshold)DCCHWAITIDLEFRMTMRLEN (Wait DCCH Idle Frame Timer Length)DCCHCHKDTXFRMRAT (Check DCCH DTX Frame Ratio)DCCHCHKDTXFRMTHD (Check DCCH DTX Frame Threshold)FPCRCSWT (FP_CRC Switch)MOD SDU1XTRAUConfigures parameters related to the rate adjustment of 1X speech frames.TMADJSTWIN (Speech Frame Delay Adjustment Window Size)TMADJSTDL (Max. Delay Frames of Speech Frame Delay Adjustment)RTCHGDL (Max. Delay Frames of Speech Frame Rate Change)ADD NBRLACMOD NBRLACThe default value is No. In this case, if the specified Real LAC or NBR LAC do not exist, an error message is displayed. You are not allowed to run this command. If this parameter is set to Yes, the command can be executed but does not take effect when the specified Real LAC does not exist. If the specified NBR LAC does not exist, it is automatically changed to 0.IGNORENOTEXISTE (Ignore not exist Lac)MOD QOSConfigures the mapping between QoS values on the MSC and those on the BSC.QOS0MAPGRADE (QoS 0 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS1MAPGRADE (QoS 1 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS2MAPGRADE (QoS 2 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS3MAPGRADE (QoS 3 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS4MAPGRADE (QoS 4 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS5MAPGRADE (QoS 5 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS6MAPGRADE (QoS 6 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS7MAPGRADE (QoS 7 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS8MAPGRADE (QoS 8 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS9MAPGRADE (QoS 9 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS10MAPGRADE (QoS 10 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS11MAPGRADE (QoS 11 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS12MAPGRADE (QoS 12 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)QOS13MAPGRADE (QoS 13 Map HUAWEI QoS Grade)Configures parameters related to scheduling of data services.GOLDRATEWEIGHT (QoS Rate Weight of Gold Subscriber)SILVERRATEWEIGHT (QoS Rate Weight of Silver Subscriber)BRONZERATEWEIGHT (QoS Rate Weight of Bronze Subscriber)GOLDSATIWEIGHT (QoS Satisfaction Factor Weight of Gold Subscriber)SILVERSATIWEIGHT (QoS Satisfaction Factor Weight of Silver Subscriber)BRONZESATIWEIGHT (QoS Satisfaction Factor Weight of Bronze Subscriber)DSWINSIZE (Data Service Scheduler Window Size)HIGHTHRESH (Imbalance Scheduler Threshold)MANTTIME (Scheduler Maintain Time)MOD FEIBPCConfigures parameters related to power adjustment of the forward erasure indicator bit (EIB) power control algorithm after error frames are received on the FCH and SCH.EIBTCNT (Timer Length after Bad Frame Received)EIBUPSTP (Power Up after Bad Frame Received)EIBDWNSTPS (Power Down after Good Frame Received with Timer Set to 0)EIBDWNSTPB (Power Down after Good Frame Received within Timer)SCHEIBPC (SCH EIB Power Count)SCHEIBPUS (SCH EIB Power Up Step)SCHEIBPDSS (SCH EIB Power Down after Good Frame Received with Timer Set to 0)SCHEIBPDBS (SCH EIB Power Down after Good Frame Received within Timer)MOD FFASTPCConfigures parameters related to power control on dedicated control channels (DCCHs).INITDCCH (DCCH Initial Eb/Nt Value)MAXDCCH (DCCH Max. Eb/Nt Value)MINDCCH (DCCH Min. Eb/Nt Value)DCCHINITGAINFIX (F-DCCH Initial Power Correction Value)DCCHMAXGAINR1 (F-DCCH Max. Gain1 Relative to Pilot)DCCHMINGAINR1 (F-DCCH Min. Gain1 Relative to Pilot)DCCHMAXGAINR2 (F-DCCH Max. Gain2 Relative to Pilot)DCCHMINGAINR2 (F-DCCH Min. Gain2 Relative to Pilot)DCCHMAXGAINR3 (F-DCCH Max. Gain3 Relative to Pilot)DCCHMINGAINR3 (F-DCCH Min. Gain3 Relative to Pilot)Specifies the offset values for active sets with different number of SCHs and FCHs in 1X data services and also the offset values for different SCH coding schemes.FAS1SAS1 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FAS1_SAS1 Handoff Offset Relative to FCH)FAS2SAS1 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FAS2_SAS1 Handoff Offset Relative to FCH)FAS2SAS2 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FAS2_SAS2 Handoff Offset Relative to FCH)FAS3SAS1 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FAS3_SAS1 Handoff Offset Relative to FCH)FAS3SAS2 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FAS3_SAS2 Handoff Offset Relative to FCH)FAS3SAS3 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FAS3_SAS3 Handoff Offset Relative to FCH)FERLESS3 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FER [0,3] Offset Relative to FCH)FER3TO7 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FER (3,7) Offset Relative to FCH)FERMORE7 (SCH Initial Eb/Nt FER [7,100] Offset Relative to FCH)CONV1XSCH (1X SCH Initial Eb/Nt CONV Offset Relative to FCH)CONV2XSCH (2X SCH Initial Eb/Nt CONV Offset Relative to FCH)CONV4XSCH (4X SCH Initial Eb/Nt CONV Offset Relative to FCH)CONV8XSCH (8X SCH Initial Eb/Nt CONV Offset Relative to FCH)CONV16XSCH (16X SCH Initial Eb/Nt CONV Offset Relative to FCH)CONV32XSCH (32X SCH Initial Eb/Nt CONV Offset Relative to FCH)TURBO2XSCH (2X SCH Initial Eb/Nt Turbo Offset Relative to FCH)TURBO4XSCH (4X SCH Initial Eb/Nt Turbo Offset Relative to FCH)TURBO8XSCH (8X SCH Initial Eb/Nt Turbo Offset Relative to FCH)TURBO16XSCH (16X SCH Initial Eb/Nt Turbo Offset Relative to FCH)TURBO32XSCH (32X SCH Initial Eb/Nt Turbo Offset Relative to FCH)ENRC4TORC3 (Eb/Nt Offset of Forward RC4 to RC3)ENRC5TORC3 (Eb/Nt Offset of Forward RC5 to RC3)ENRC11TORC3 (Eb/Nt Offset of Forward RC11 to RC3)MOD SCHConfigures parameters related to the duration for SCHs allocated to 1X data services and the SCH rate.TFAC (Physical Channel Transmission Efficiency Factor)NBRINTFFAC (Neighbor Cell Interference Factor)STARTTIMEUNIT (Start Time Unit)TDL (SCH Transmission Delay)Configures parameters related to the SCH power offset for 1X data services.SCHINIPWRADJUST (SCH Init Adjust)FWDSCHASSREFPILOTGAIN (F-SCH Assignment Reference Pilot Gain)REVSCHASSREFPILOTGAIN (R-SCH Assignment Reference Pilot Gain)MOD RCLPCConfigures parameters related to reverse closed-loop power control.DCCHRLGAINADJ (Power Adjustment Gain of R-DCCH Relative to ACH)FCHMPLTGAINRC3 (Gain of RC3 R-PICH Relative to Main Channel for FCH)FCHMPLTGAINRC4 (Gain of RC4 R-PICH Relative to Main Channel for FCH)DCCHMPLTGAINRC3 (Gain of RC3 R-PICH Relative to Main Channel for DCCH)DCCHMPLTGAINRC4 (Gain of RC4 R-PICH Relative to Main Channel for DCCH)DCCHREVINIT (Initial Set Value for R-DCCH)MAXDCCH (Max. Value of DCCH)MINDCCH (Min. Value of DCCH)RC1TORC3 (Set Value Offset of RC1 Relative to RC3)RC2TORC3 (Set Value Offset of RC2 Relative to RC3)RC4TORC3 (Set Value Offset of RC4 Relative to RC3)FCHOLPFAC (Outer Loop Power Control Algorithm Factor for FCH)DCCHENDWNSTEP (Eb/Nt Down Step for DCCH)DCCHENMAXSTEP (Eb/Nt Max. Adjustment Step for DCCH)DCCHOLPFAC (Outer Loop Power Control Algorithm Factor for DCCH)LNKRPTFRQ (Power Control Report Granularity)OLOOPPERSCH (R-SCH Power Control Period)MAXRCAGADJSTEP (Max. RCAG Adjust Step)MAXDTXTHRESH (Max. continuous DTX Threshold)MINDTXTHRESH (Min. continuous DTX Threshold)RC8TORC3 (Set Value Offset of RC8 Relative to RC3)MOD CHINFSpecifies the number of equivalent channels corresponding to RCs and services.RC1EQU (RC1 Equivalent Voice Channels)RC2EQU (RC2 Equivalent Voice Channels)RC4EQU (RC4 Equivalent Voice Channels)E1XDATEQU (Data Service FCH(1XSCH) Equivalent Channels)E2XDATEQU (Data Service 2XSCH Equivalent Channels)E4XDATEQU (Data Service 4XSCH Equivalent Channels)E8XDATEQU (Data Service 8XSCH Equivalent Channels)E16XDATEQU (Data Service 16XSCH Equivalent Channels)E32XDATEQU (Data Service 32XSCH Equivalent Channels)RC8VOICECHNNUM (RC8 Equivalent Voice Channels)Specifies the forward load weight used by the admission algorithm for calculating the carrier load.FWDLODWGT (Forward Load Weight)Specifies the ratios of resources allocated to 1X voice and data services.VDAPCTRLSW (Voice Data Assignment Percent Control Switch)MINVCPCNT (Min. Resource Proportion Available for Voice Services)MAXVCPCNT (Max. Resource Proportion Available for Voice Services)SUPPHYADMISSSW (Hybrid Admission Switch)HYBADMIMAXWALSHNUM (Maximum of Available Walsh Codes for Hybrid Admission)Specifies EPACA Resource Available Threshold used in the admission algorithm.FEPACAVAL (EPACA Resource Available Threshold)Configures parameters related to RC adaptive allocation algorithm.RCUSAGEPOWER (RC Adaptive Switch Power Threshold)RCUSAGEWALSH (RC Adaptive Switch Walsh Threshold)RCUSAGEOFFSET (RC Adaptive Switch Threshold Offset)RCCHANGECOUNT (RC Change Count Threshold)MOD RLDCTRLConfigures the RSSI floor noise and reverse interference decision parameters in the reverse load control algorithm.RSSIMIN (Min. RSSI Noise)FLRNOISEESTIALG (Floor Noise Estimate Algorithm)RSSIINIT (Init RSSI Noise)MAXREVRSSIVALID (Max Reverse RSSI Valid Value)MINREVRSSIVALID (Min Reverse RSSI Valid Value)REVRSSIINTERFTHRESH (Reverse RSSI Interference Threshold)REVRSSISTATWINSIZE (Reverse RSSI Statistic Window Size)REVINTERFOCCTHRESH (Reverse Interference Occurrence Threshold)REVRSSIABSOTHRESH (Reverse RSSI Absolute Threshold)REVRSSIRELATHRESH (Reverse RSSI Relative Threshold)REVUSERRELATHRESH (Reverse User Relative Threshold)RSSINOISALGSW (RSSI Noise Estimating Algorithm Selection)Specifies the threshold offsets for SCH admission and DCCH admission in the reverse load control algorithm.REV1XSCHTHROFFSET (Reverse 1XSCH Threshold Offset)REV2XSCHTHROFFSET (Reverse 2XSCH Threshold Offset)REV4XSCHTHROFFSET (Reverse 4XSCH Threshold Offset)REV8XSCHTHROFFSET (Reverse 8XSCH Threshold Offset)REV16XSCHTHROFFSET (Reverse 16XSCH Threshold Offset)REV32XSCHTHROFFSET (Reverse 32XSCH Threshold Offset)DCCHTHROFFSET (Reverse DCCH Threshold Offset)Configures the parameters related to the reverse high FER algorithm.REVFERLOADCTRLEQLCHANTH (Reverse User Threshold For Enabling High FER Reverse)REVRATEREDLOADCTRLEQLCHANTH (Reverse User Threshold For Enabling High Voice Rate Reduction Mode)Configures the rate reduction mode due to reverse heavy loads.REVRATEREDLOADCTRLHIMD (Reverse Heavy Loads Rate Reduction Mode)Configures the reverse COP initial value.REVINITCOP (Reverse COP Initial Value)MOD DOGPConfigures the QoS strategy for BE flows of EV-DO class subscribers.CLASSBESTRATEGY (Class User BE Flow Paras Strategy)MOD DOQOSConfigures the schedule weight and reverse rate transition probability for EV-DO Rel. 0, EV-DO Rev. A, and EV-DO Rev. B subscribers.SCHEWEIGHT (Scheduler Weight)TRAN009K6019K2 (Transition009k6_019k2)TRAN019k2038k4 (Transition019k2_038k4)TRAN038k4076k8 (Transition038k4_076k8)TRAN076k8153k6 (Transition076k8_153k6)TRAN019k2009k6 (Transition019k2_009k6)TRAN038k4019k2 (Transition038k4_019k2)TRAN076k8038k4 (Transition076k8_038k4)TRAN153k6076k8 (Transition153k6_076k8)MOD DORLCPConfigures parameters related to the reverse load control algorithm for EV-DO services.ROTHIGHTHR (High Threshold of Rise Over Thermal)ROTLOWTHR (Low Threshold of Rise Over Thermal)LHIGHTHR (EV-DO Rel0 High Threshold of Load)LLOWTHR (EV-DO Rel0 Low Threshold of Load)RSSIHIGHTHR (High Threshold of RSSI)RSSILOWTHR (Low Threshold of RSSI)FLRNOISEESTIALG (Floor Noise Estimate Algorithm)FLRNOISEINITVAL (Initial Value of Floor Noise)ROTSELECTALG (ROT Select Algorithm)MOD DOARPCPConfigures parameters related to adjustment of PCT values in the reverse out-loop power control algorithm for EV-DO Rev. A or EV-DO Rev. B services.NODATADELTA (PCL NoData Delta)NODATAMAXINCR (PCL NoData Max Increase)NODATAMAXPCT (PCL NoData Max PCT)MINPCTCHAG (PCL Min Significant PCT Change)BETWINCRINSUBFRM (PCL Delay Between Increase In Subframes)NUMFRFORNODATA (PCL Num Empty Frames For NoData)BETWDECRINSUBFRM (PCL Delay Between Decrease In Subframes)MAXCONSCUTINCR (PCL Max Consecutive Increases)MOD DOARPDSConfigures the mapping between the target PER for EV-DO Rev. A or EV-DO Rev. B services and the decrease step.NORMGDFRMDELTA1 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.1%)NORMGDFRMDELTA2 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.2%)NORMGDFRMDELTA3 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.3%)NORMGDFRMDELTA4 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.4%)NORMGDFRMDELTA5 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.5%)NORMGDFRMDELTA6 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.6%)NORMGDFRMDELTA7 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.7%)NORMGDFRMDELTA8 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.8%)NORMGDFRMDELTA9 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-0.9%)NORMGDFRMDELTA15 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-1.5%)NORMGDFRMDELTA25 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-2.5%)NORMGDFRMDELTA35 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-3.5%)NORMGDFRMDELTA45 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-4.5%)NORMGDFRMDELTA60 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-6%)NORMGDFRMDELTA70 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-7%)NORMGDFRMDELTA80 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-8%)NORMGDFRMDELTA90 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-9%)NORMGDFRMDELTA100 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-10%)NORMGDFRMDELTA150 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-15%)NORMGDFRMDELTA200 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-20%)NORMGDFRMDELTA250 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-25%)NORMGDFRMDELTA300 (PCL Normal Good Frame Delta dB1024ths-30%)MOD DOACAPConfigures the method for measuring carrier load in the hard assignment algorithm.LDMEASMODE (EV-DO RevA Load Measure Mode)Specifies whether to enable hard assignment and the thresholds for hard assignment.DOAMAXEFAFSLTOCCUTHRESH (EV-DO RevA MaxEFAFSlotsOccupancy Threshold)DOAAVEBESLTOCCUTHRESH (EV-DO RevA AveBESlotOccupancy Threshold)DOAROTTHRESH (EV-DO RevA ROT Threshold)RUSERRELATHRESH (Reverse User Relative Threshold)DOASSOPTSW (EV-DO Hard Assign Optimization Switch)FWDSLOTACCPRIOTHRESH (Forward Slot Occupancy Access Priority Threshold)FWDSLOTLOADEDTHRESH (Forward Slot Occupancy Loaded Threshold)FWDSLOTUNLOADEDTHRESH (Forward Slot Occupancy Unloaded Threshold)FILTERFACTOR (Forward Slot Occupancy Filter Factor)Configures RSSI parameters used in the hard assignment algorithm.RRSSIVALIDMAX (Max. Reverse RSSI Valid Value)RRSSIVALIDMIN (Min. Reverse RSSI Valid Value)RRSSIHIGHERTHRESH (Reverse RSSI Interference Threshold)RRSSISTATWINSIZE (Reverse RSSI Statistic Window Size)RINTERFTHRESH (Reverse Interference Occurrence Threshold)RRSSIABSOTHRESH (Reverse RSSI Absolute Threshold)RRSSIRELATHRESH (Reverse RSSI Relative Threshold)MOD DOAFLCPSpecifies the maximum bandwidth offset and timeslot occupancy ratio offset of EF flows and AF flows for load control of EV-DO Rev. A or EV-DO Rev. B services.MAXEFBWOFFSET (Max. Bandwidth Offset of EF Flow For Load Control)MAXEFAFBWOFFSET (Max. Bandwidth Offset of EF And AF Flow For Load Control)MAXEFSLTOCCUOFFSET (Max. Slots Occupancy Ratio Offset of EF Flow For Load Control)MAXEFAFSLTOCCUOFFSET (Max. Slots Occupancy Ratio Offset of EF And AF Flow For Load Control)Configures parameters about scheduling optimization for low-throughput EV-DO Rev. A or EV-DO Rev. B subscribers.LOWFLUXSW (Switch for Scheduling Optimization of Low-Throughput Subscribers)DETECTPERIOD (Low-Throughput Subscriber Check Cycle)IDENTIFYRATE (Low-Throughput Subscriber Identification Rate)LOWGOLDGOSFACTOR (GOSFactor of Low-Throughput Gold Subscribers)LOWSILVERGOSFACTOR (GOSFactor of Low-Throughput Silver Subscriber)LOWBRONZEGOSFACTOR (GOSFactor of Low-Throughput Bronze Subscriber)MOD DOARLCPConfigures parameters of the load control algorithm for access channels in EV-DO Rev. A or EV-DO Rev. B services.ACCCHOCCUTHR (Access Channel Occupancy Ratio Threshold)ACCCHOCCUMAXOFS (Access Channel Max. Occupancy Ratio Offset)ACCCHCOLLSTHR (Access Channel Collision Ratio Threshold)APSTEP (APersistence Step)APMAX (APersistence Max. Value)APDELAY (APersistence Delay)APADJTMODE (APersistence Adjust Mode)Configures parameters of the reverse load control algorithm for BE flows in EV-DO Rev. A or EV-DO Rev. B services.DOALTHRHIGH (EV-DO RevA High Threshold of Reverse Load)DOALTHRLOW (EV-DO RevA Low Threshold of Reverse Load)LOWLDROTTHRLOW (Low Load Area Low Threshold of ROT)LOWLDROTTHRHIGH (Low Load Area High Threshold of ROT)MIDLLDROTTHRLOW (Middle Load Area Low Threshold of ROT)MIDLLDROTTHRHIGH (Middle Load Area High Threshold of ROT)HIGHLDROTTHRLOW (High Load Area Low Threshold of ROT)HIGHLDROTTHRHIGH (High Load Area High Threshold of ROT)ADD OPMOD OPMOD PWDSpecifies whether passwords are transmitted in plain text mode or encrypted mode.ENCRYPTPWD (Encrypted Status)
