90h8 the memphis daily mmm ihhi lwm mihipi mm · gram illllllliiy, thdbsd&t. murray &...

GRAM illllLLlIIY, THDBSD&T. Murray & Tailors and Importers, 38 Madison, ii. mm laaiielloa of their rivaled far Full mm Wlater, cimriili( all ae Price aa reawaaabla aa lam mt aajr Flr.t-.la- a Taller, la utvaiu aiaiea, mm- - Sample aaplleailaa to aaaee wko bare left meaanrea. M.W BtranalMr, it la ecaaamy to ret the beat. MEW 500 Boxes 5ew Factory Cheese, 300 Boxes BTetv Cream Cheese, lOO Boxes New Young America Cheese, 5 OO laeknges New Mackerel, 500 Cases Sew Salmon, lOOO Bugs New Coflfcc, lOOO Barrels Sugars, lOOO Iegs Nails, 5000 Cases New Canned Goods, 20,000 Pounds Fresh Fancy Candles. Oliver, & Co FOE PICKLING! 9t Bast quality f -- ,li 'nine and Cider Vine- gar, Laurel Leaves, Celery ted, Mustard Seed, White Ginger, Clove, fence, Cinnamon, Ail- - spire, Whole Mui a different kindt in the mixture SVeAaM VISQ Granu- - latod, Cut, A ".at r (d. J. F. BUCKHAtI & GO. DRS. A. AVESSON & SON, DENTISTS, No. 243 3Iain Street. on Otbbtos, Ja. 10. H. Gxoovxxol OVERTON & GROSVENGR, Eeal Estate Dealers AGENTS AND BROKERS, OFTICTE, 264 SECOITD ST., X. Cor. aaoond amel Coart, OFJ&TIIIS. e - TE33TSSEE. ESTATE BOUdHT AND 80LB. TAXES KEAL Bents Col'eeted. etc., on Commission. BLP.V.TOSON, DENTIST, So. 31S Mnlu Street, Oyer Levy's Trunk Store. giW All Kinds of Bold Wort a Specialty. FRANK SCnmAN I.iH-orte- r, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, All kindt of Ammunition, Fine Pofkst Cutlery HeifiTB, Fi?hint 'l'avekl, beinet, Notj, etc. fir-et- a) jy clrvtti fine llnnitneriM tna litvmuier Uuns. Mfmpbia, Man- - atavottirinir nt repftirinff dnn in flrt-l- m EailGBoflerworks S3 KILEA & MCCARTHY, Propr'a, 140, 142, 144 Front st, Memphis VNE OF THE LARtlKST BOILER SHOPS IS te South, aa Ue only oompieta uoner ana ....iron Work, in the oitr. Jiaaaiaeiarere t bMty Blate lrewerk mi avei'T ele Miripteaaw Special attoatioa flivea to Jaata- - tlon wrh-- A, JT. VIENNA & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Guns, Rillcs, Ammunition AXD FISIUXO TACKLE. ' .. .'J ..." aJU 2 -- jv No. 317 Mala Street, JlempHle. rpilK Isrrest and best astmrtment In the eity. 1 Th.tr,.! Kplieil at the nwe.t priee.. O. B. PARKER. S. W. PARKER. 0. B. PARKER & SO :M Rental Agents AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS SSi fiiin Street. SPECl AL attention rv.a to the rental depart do eolleottoae andtprompt settle- - rren. win h. oor tnotro. J. G. SCHMIDT & SON, (Sheoeefor to J. a. Schmidt). S MAI S TKEET-WliolM- ale and retail dealersin (iaaa. 4aaoiwMltl.a, I lie, or Tarkle, Electric Bells a"d Annnacitrs for Hotels and Hesidenoee. Burglar and Fire-Pro- of Sates opened and repaired, Eiectne sup- plies alwsys on band. Repairing done and war-r.- il Seno1 lor mt,fnrM end SALE Ott LXlUA.Nt.L. uXiH city property, stock in Rogers Telei.hone U and Xelegraiili Co, Apply 24 Madison st. OPEIIM OCT Firinie Ridgely, itack af Imported Olotha Latest BIM 1 eatlemea'a Wear. HJ SESE e PROFESSIONAL. FLECTRO VAPOR BATH3 MEDICATED FOR LADIES, 13 MAIN STREET. Hours. 8:30 a.m. to 12 m. IR. J. 1). WHTTK. PERSONAL. PHILLIPS hat removed from 65 MRS. street to 248 Second street. B ILT Repaired and warranted i CISTERNS Telephone S. T. CUBBINS. REWARD. Liberal reward will be paid, and no PAPERS asked, for the return of a J spanned tin box containing yaluablo papers, of no us to anyone but myself, taken trom my office, in the Frank Building, 282 Front street. ,.. FOR LEASE. 1 1T0RSHAM HOUSE The n and V V popular hotel, situated at toe corner of Main and Adam, streets, Memphis, Tenn., died WOKjUAM HOUbK, is for lease for a term of years, commencing Jan- - iiry 1, For terms, eto., anplytn A. VACCARO, 278 Front street, Memjfc's. The furniture in the above hnus is for mi a by th, pr.f nt MR. r AVII HASTI G-- KT1. iTKD. tOW Sandy-re- d, white spots, swallow-for- k Win left ear, under-cu- t io right ear; three years Id Strm.ad KntAtnlMir ath. 15 reward. S7 BASS AVENUE. tT Ft REWARD MOLE From the undersigned ('J one small bay mare mule, S years old; two " Bill spots at top of shoulders. Address JA3. T. BERLIN, Madison St. ( -- W S RHWARDS years old. swallow-fer-k vy iu rigkt ear aaa eroe j.n leu ear ; w nue spot in forehead; strait horns,ineliaeto turn up; skort I. .!! 1 fore part ef body red. after pan hi t straw- - terry tteturn to corner anu rroni ?is. WA51T. TV7URSE OIRL White preferred, at Ifil Second .N street ; references required. SITUATION By a young man In a grocery or t ) dry goods store. Address M. B., Appeal office. i UTIIATTON Aa salesman, rereivina; or shin- - t ) ping bill or cotton clerk, by a sober industti- - a IHISiness man, W1U1 gooti city rciercni-..- . Address W, Appeal office. t PWO OR FOUR XOUNG M EN To lodge. .L Address B. Appeal oflice. Middle-age- d whiU woman, to go BERVANT and cook, wash and iron for a ftmuy or tnrce. a aooa nomeaua imt .s..i A piy at 3 jiain street. TEN A 1.7 enterprising men .f good address l. ana some mecaanicai knowledge, ith about eaptul or good rererenfes; la to JO por aoy f " b.!nf.('";.AC,7l0r t .. Vtl l tJriQll'.tt J CTIVbLL.IiWJlllllwn rOOXJ Ard Dining-roo- Bey, immediately; sua, at 87 Court street. T 100K-KEEPK- R Address A. H. W., ArPl office- - ( JOOD CO- W- At Union street. ! 3DARDKRS Niee roomi, with board, corner J J Filth and Jackson ltref, I ort Pickering. ( i fff TO tCOoe real for lonr time. iUUV- - S. I'RKdCOTT. Appeal effi-- e. ood cook- - (V At 220', Second street. Address St. Louis Electric Urns V0KNTS Louis. Mo., for Circular., Cuts .nd t t mi ef power Marsh fcloetncal Lamp 10MPE1KNT WOMAN To eook and do house- - V work formall familyf at I'iH Wellington st. fpo EXCllANUIC-OlJTi- ty of Memphis indebt-- L edness (geod to pay tales) for good secood-Lsn- d buggy or horse. Address J, this efcee. Q BUY CHEAP FOR CASU-- An Improved L PIbm, pear city limits, suitable for dsi. y and t ete'abie garden. Address C. J. L., this office. 1 OENTA It will tie sr., InUllieent man or woman wanting profitable a;povment to urite Upt my illustrated circulars and le,ws of szencr for the sb:brated M1S80URI M'aAM V ASHER. whioh, by reuoa of it great intrinsie Pie'it, is meeting with each phenomenal success. Address J. WORTH, Seventeenth aud Franklin avenue, St. Louis. Mo. S AND PANIS-MAK--ll KHS. AMrr.MpMlYJctioBtTtMj v inn--- ! 1NII I1KNTLEMKN In elworsoun I J tn.lo take is ht work at their own homes; I f. to It a day efy made; work Bent by mail : no canvassing. e ba, rooa ueroena mrourvwi Slid iurnuh steady emplnru-ent- . Address, with JSK) Race street. Cincinnati, 0, LEATHERS OUagdNgw Feathers, at hifW 1 ' eash Prices. - 44S MAIN ST. City or country, to ui4 13 to S LADJES at their own homes, on ligbt ert work, distance: no canT&uing. pHlCAGO. ART CO., Mcgo, Illinois. B 0A&DERS At H Madifon stroet. TONS ft xi, Iron, Bones, Feathers 1rrA and Metals. Send for price list. New and aeeond-ban- d guods lor salt Address D. UABAY, Act aad Commiasioa Marobaiit. (up Ui sis belby street flOOU WAUONMaKER IT Apply at IN South street. 0oi PoSlTlO.S For a young lady graduate t of Mits Conway's school, who is thoroughly qualified to feach English in any department. Address Miss CCA RA CON W AY. 3 Adams t. LAMURERS Da? or station worn, on t)UU the Milliken BenJ Lerce, Madisen Par-U- k. i, I good board and prompt pay. Apply work, of be lieorge Arnold A l'e.. Xlempbis. . . ' 1 WI V ulll'TV i " fclTAVEMAKXRS.-wenty-6v- e iejonging good to B, ii. Kvers, in Sunlower county. Mi, l'ar $S 25 per 100 sure. Timber boantiful and of He yery best euaKtr. Employment till neit spring guaran- teed. AapJy to HKATUMAN, SMUU A Co., at Greenville. Mia., or to the andersigned. at rai soma, iuiss. J. J. PAT10N. SITUATION Aj porter ay t drive a delirery of reference r.0, QlTfj ATiON As housekeeper wkore,competut U srson is oeoeoet i.iri.uro, --v- .,i-r.i- t 0ARDERi3 At 10 Haauwn; pleasant rooms. it good l.i.! ref.renoes. Hits WOUllS. U01J WAIC srlrr. U1 ..JoTwh J. N. MLLFORD.fet MaUi. 1 ( i Afl BCSHTPEXCH STONES-F- or .ijr uie nig nest maraei price win o. iai at OHu SiUIWlLL A OO. , 23. Main st. ' Hi iaiAN 1 i,0Uuoa W atches. Jewelry, Stocks, J Clothing, eta., at UOTTUKLF'S LOAN OFFICE, IS Monro street, .nposite Peabody Hotel. WOl oJl al bouse, U desired. AOTSEUENTS. T F.HBBIKH THEATER. MA Joskph Brooks....... Lessee and Manager OPEtlSIQ OF THE SEA HOW TbnrsMlajr, October a, ia. JttlSS FLORA MOORE'S BVKCH of KEYS CO. NEW MUSICAL FEATURES! NEW MECHANICAL EFFECTS ! Seat on al at Uollenberg's. Mcn.lnr. October FRIMROSE & ex CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! - ! Under tW Auspice of tbV Mozart Society of Memphis. MOUSE S. D0WKS .rRlXCIPAl. THIRD NCUeOL, TEAK BEGINS OCTOBER 1st, 1881. oca! Draartmnil.-Elementa- ry Instruc tion in Classes: Voice Culture. Kne-lis- and Ital ian hinging. CARLO PALATINI, of the Booieta Letteraria Italian, will instruct, gratuitously, all vocal pupil in the Italian lan- guage, in class lesions. aamirusnwi. vrpanwnm-rianv-ltt- nB ana vrcoesirai lusirucbiun. Apply etMoiart Hall. Monroe and Second sts., lierween the hours of 9 and 12 and 2 and 6. daily, FOR SALE OB BE5T. In Srst-cla- condition PIANO At 211) Union street. FOUXD. "A Til LB Graf, about fifteen Tears old. shod all jJIX. round, vry portly; at mouth of Nonoon- - naa croc, across iron onugo, J01TN EDMOND. FOR HALE OR LEASE. COTTAGE On Borlan avenue, Pigeonroost of burant's arooerv: Canada Store, Nenconnab. Hernando road; 140 aores on Brooks aye. Ann-- to John irrehan.al latest KTKAYKD OR STOLEN. INDIAN PONIES From Cullin'i pasture, on JL old Raleigh road. Monday night, beot. 29th four Indian ponies two bays, and the others can not describe, but wouie know tbem upon sigur, lor whioh I offer 110 reward for their return to Senillini's Ktocsvsrd. II. B. uliABhii LOST. H' 0RSE A bay horse, 14)4 hands high; marks on left shoulder and a small out at top ot the left hind hoof, and a very long tail. I will pay. reward of 115 for his return to NO. 133 MONROE ST ROOMS AND BOARD. DOOMS Two large front rooms, and others IV of medium size. 75 LJMUJN ST, east aide Clarendon Hotel, ha been leased by a lady of eiperience who offers to a limited nn,Kv ..f .AiMnt. ho&rders. sonerior accommodn- - tions. Hot and oold water on each floor, with priviiees of bath. Carpets and drapery fur aisbed by Menken, whore msgnilicent establish inent reflects credit on the th Kelerences TJOARDINU First-cj- as boarding by the day I or weeg. at 83 jionroe street. O00MS AND BOARD By week or month, at LV 28 pecona street. Alto, uay roaru. TVESltlABLB goorn and Board . 2l . Jj t 7aMadi.on treet. FarnUhoi Rooms, silk bbard. rpWO At 111 Court street. - fumiflliMd room ith board two rentlemen profurred, at 123 Court st, FRONT ROOMS At 462 Shelly .t.-M- t- Also, a few boaraers tgen. A larire, pleaa&nt trout room it JV board, at modornia price AIka k few day boarders. jOURTJTj.. Eleant furnlbed front rcpoi wun ROOMS board. UtJt yard. Ut Court St. 00M3 Three pieasant iotul-he- d rooms w ith without board. 114 o0l)BI-6T.- . nWii,.vp.ishid room, witn or witnoui board, .t 11 CoiIt FOB EOT. f r v K msnw RT Verydeairablo rooms, sin- - J t) ale and en suite, turi.ie j and unl'ur- - nished A No, room, suitable for offices HILL STREET very nice. 113 176 Hernando, near Ulrace. 4 nooms DOIU1 bbi r roil, .itspi 11 Exchange, near Fourth. , STiO Lauderdale, ue:ir Vance. , ; 277 and 275 Poplar, near High. ' 102 DeSoto. Xi9 Jefferson. tV S,eond street, near Overton. 158 Hernando, near Pontotoe. Suburban residence. Furni bed Jl on on Bass avenue. STORES. 2SI Main, near Jefierson. .' 2nd Second, near Court. .' M Poplar, between Mam ind toeond 0- H,rnin(lii. near leAlfi. W. A. n Mf,AlLBl, at maip. FLOORS Containing seven rooms, water TWO gas: well adapted for furnished rooms or small family; five minutes walk of Oourt Square. Address ll.t appeal omce. Several p'tnant bedrooms In BEDROOMS Insurance ' uiidinr, especially a very handtume and commodious suite. Apply to PLANTERS INS. CO., 41 Madison. OF ELEGANT OFFICES Seeond floor, SL'ITK street. AaearW te fQ No. SSS Main tfj:pet, ocoupicd STOREHOUSE App.at front room, first floor, suitable for LARGE also, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, for gentlemen, at 2(1 'third St. TITO. Ill WASHINGTON STREET i-- Alio, a piano. Apply on premises, From 12 50 to Vi; Organs fjow K to PIANOS H. O. HOLLtiNBKRiVS. Two ' comtortaole, nicely-furnish- ROOMS cissle or en suite: references re- - quired. ' 12 MADISON bf. 1 fIT I lilE.' TIi nn...lnr rraM. iAtun. 231 V Ssuth street, untaining5 rooms, one block rr.ns Vapce street car. Aopiy at J. L. FROST S. 312 Second st. rooms for geptlemen : zooms (far- - FURNISHED light honsekeemne. a. ;'- - M' roe, ATlCELY iurnished front room, southern x.- - posure: also o'oer rooms, at do monroe st. FURNISHED EX)Jilz At ST Mulberry street. Brick, two-ator- 7 rooms". HOUSE Apply at 6 Mulberry street. TtHS LARGE STOREUOUSK-- N 370 Front I .1m ln.1. In OWTNNE CO OK SALE. COTTAflE - On Hernando street car line; NICE 211) by 3U0 feet cheap 11. h. (i I IPX, 19 Mudinon st. rpESNESSEK STATE CERTIFICATES Re- - I eeivable for any and all due? to the erate OVERTON A GROSVKXOR. DAY Sit; titA No. I. D Ai.ply to C.'T. Reder, Zeut's mill. ClO'trAfSs N ice coitage on Marshall ave rith and a basement and two lart cis a on or address sy nji'LAK sr T OT ASJ UOUSK House of five rooms, on . street-ea- r line; inqmro nn vmiuiwi". Xl I'll" 111 bTRpET, Chelsea TDIAN08 A large assortment, both Upright JL and Square b"ond-han- d Piano, ot loading makee, at extraordinary low prices and easy terns. n. t. HUliLfcJi bfclltt. TERSKY BULL 14 months old, dark fawn, fine O site, l.w price. H. A. MONXUWMEKY LlUliolns. ana cieganuy miiaueu ouuse. JUl now being built on Fifth sU, bet. Kerr and Keel, Chelsea; 8 rooma, outhouses complete, ex cellent weil aza oisi.rn ; i:i oy 140- - ieei, on street car line. "Aopl to MINTER PARKKR or A. J. MARTIN, 2tt) Main Strata, ftr, Madison. A ttL K On e black dray m ule, 18 han ds high, 10 XTJL rear old: gentle, inquire at Vity round, Second street, near Adams. 1 AND Twentv-si- x aores land on Kerr ave- - JJ nue and Mississippi river, mile south of Mound, north ot penthouse-- : cheap for cash; early possession. W. A, WHEATLKY, d I.ll PAt'KRf? CilEAf J AT THIS OFFICE. H.P. T?lirXK AND BOILER 25 One big Giant Corn Crusher. ' J. V. PATRICK, tio Monroe St. hv A second-han- d No. I Ames Engine, I7Nl)IN power; rood a n.w, and very ehesn. POr KK MACRAE. MOO Front St. IENEKaL MOKE Northwest corner Fifth and Carolina xtreeia. Stock for sale and store for rnt A iply on PiIlim;. "DOARDlNtS HOUSE With bar-roo- AJ locations cheap rent. Andres, BAKUA1X. this ofEce. (VOTTU ELF'S LOAN OFFICE Diamonds AT are sold at tbeir value, and taken back at a small discount any time. O ESIDENC K 1 Carroll avenue Good neirh- - 1 Vaornood. fcssy terms J. P. Alban. 881 Main. TTjTAlVfTliri.l" JL Sash, Door and Blind KxatiBWT. wiib En- gine and Boiler, in good order. L. J. HODGE, Wetiena. 111. BOILER A good second-han- d Boiler tor sale A TnW ,t tM. oCSea. RESIDENCES, FAR.1S I STOREHOUSES FOR KF-N- OK fAx.xi. AM ofTetlng, rn liberal terras, most desirable I property in West Ten nssspe. At Withe Sta- tion, 25 miles from Memphis, on L.and N. E. fc., one large residence with rooms; one storehouse several town lots aad parcels of land. At Atoka eUalion. on the C, O. and S. W. R.R., 25 miles from Meuvbis. storehouses, cottages and dwell- ings, all ia Arst-ela- rpvair, with all necessary conveniences. Also a nee livery stable and drug store. For persons wishing to secure .mall forms for the cultivation of cotton, grain, fruits, is, etc, for the Memphis or Northern am offering special Inducements in lit'le farms, ranging (rou iu, f ) and 80 acre tracts. Also, larger tracts, containing lUL, 200, 30J. 400 and S09 acres all ef which, with goo iaiprove-Oie.- it and in high state of cultivation, conven- ient fur shipment from Atoka, and ia situated in healthy country, rb;r there are good aehools and churches. A direr. J. K. HI.AYrK. A(ks. Tenn. ."J auuuj T Mii OR DEATH. HEALTH AND HAPPI 1 i aess, or Pais and Mitery, which ill you have? Piles cured by treatment painless. safe and certain. Rect'l I leers, olien the parent of consumption, if not too late, yon can b. cured. Lam Ba:k. Nervous Prostration, Constipation, Diarrhea, lia-sfe- d Kidneys, Liver, Slamach, Bladder, Sick Headaoi, Urinary and Womb dif- ficulties. Bloating oflhe bow.U, Dyspep.ia, all are the result of inflammation, ' and tsll you Plainly yoe hare a Rectal Ulcer. Thousands d'e from It effect. Coeand be cured before it fs too late. Dr. C WAIK, Ko ?l cocoud siroet, Memphis. Tenn , treat all ol (he I!tc tnm; also, Chronic l)lia.' reneraiiy. o charge fur consultation and exauiication. A iadyattondV ant al wnv. ure.er t to wait noon the ladies. M. STAitJiEY, (Successor to II. A. Tbows) FUNERAL D1RECT0B, Hat a surest, Neuphis.Tsae; LL stock of Weoden and Metallic Case Ai'l C?kts. Burial Ilobes, etc., always on hand. Order by leraph or leltphon prompt- ly attended to. - JVOTIOH 1 tfaliifra mt Mbria.r louaty Da4ar Trxx , Sept !f, 18S4. rpUE lnteret eouj,. tj di- - ftit.erlt on all theltiy County ilonds 'isf. for account Merapl.'i and hto R.K.. will le i don presen- tation at the MaLbittan Bank o' .Vu' iphi. A. J. 1MKKL5, Con my Iruitee. 90H8 THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-FEIDA- Y, OCTOBER 3, 1884:. THE WARD IDEA And the Reception It Meets With OB the Fart of the Aspirants for Office And of the Fablic tienerall An E.il Which Shonld be Strangled in k . . its Infancy. Kext Monday the Democratic primaries will be held, and on Thursday, the 9th instant, an election will be held to nomi- nate candidates for the Legialatuf. NO NAMES ABK BKAKD except those already mentioned. Those who are regarded as certain to obtain the nominations are M. K. l'atterson, J. t. llunter and Dr. McKinley for the lower house, and the Hon. Jacob 8. Galloway for the (Senate. - The other Senator will probably be Judge Ellett, who is strongly urged to go before the convention and ho it is said will accept if nominated. Mr. G. B. Peters, who has been men tioned as a probable candidate, declines to run under any circumstances. verytning points, tnereiore, to a Har monious session next inuraaay so lar as nominations are concerned, and alter A CAREFCL BK7HW of the field the Aitkal man was unable to find any prospect of a row except among a few who would like to see the golden halo of ye olden time again encircle tne City, n a census was maeu wun a new to ascertaining tne leeiing on me ward idea it is Bale to say that not more than twenty men in the city would be found in favor of it And these could be classed off either as political strikers, sore- heads, dethroned bosses or moral scaven- gers. Among this select coterieof schemers for their own benefit against the pnblic good are a few who have the address to mask their designs in a specious garb. which happily deceives but a few. The most insidious and dangerous of the area mnt vpit advanced bv these nimhle- - tongued demagogues ia that if a State may be DIVIDED INTO COUNTIES, each of these being allowed to select can didates to the Bute Legislature, why may not a city be divided into wards and each ward allowed to select candidates lor tne city legislature? Though it would be necessary to increase the council to ten because tnere are ten wards in tne city, these persons argue, if eight could man- age the city, why could not ten. A Front street man to wbom this was explained yesterday, said : " Why not make it eleven ? If the president of the council carries out his duties aimply as presiding onicer wno will take care of hia wardT And what will be the difference, practically, between the reorganised council and the old city government? It there is to be but one man from each ward, and if EQUAL BBPRESINTATIOM is a prime principle of the American idea of sovernment. would not the less popu lous wards have an undue advantage? If this old business, which caae near wiping Memphis from the face of the earth, ia once reopened where will it end I The Legislation candidates, as already mentioned, dq not hesitate po denounce the ward idea, and one of them said yes terday that he would leave the convention and refuse the nomination rather than stand upon such a plank, lie was in favor of meeting the issue squarely, and passing a set of resolution! at the opening ot the convention indorsing the present form of government. "It cannot be improved," hedecTBd- - w : ' ii TOO MUCH TO HOP.! that some one or two of the preachers of this alleged relorm win not obtain seats in the convention. If they do, and express themselves, a good move in the interest of good order, peace and happiness, milk and honey would be to pitch him out of the window. The only way to treat an evil such as we are speaking of is to stamp it out in its infancy." "If the Democrats fail to pass a resolu- tion in favor of the present form of gov- ernment," t&'.i a solid merchant yester- day,'-' we will get out a citizens' ticket, and we will elect "i- t- you need hot be afraid of any split. When it is brought to an' is- sue not a hundred men can be found who will support the straight trict Democratic ticket, and as for beating the Republicans, Front street can do it every time. After all, it might be a good idea to let them go on and declare in f vor ot the ward idea. Then the Republicans will be certain te be defeated.', L9C4X PjIKAGRAPHS. Minstrels next week. Bunch of Key again The grand jury will meet again next Tuesday. Mafy Wotritt wsa adopted in the Probate Court yesterday by Mary Brook,. J. T. Jefferson & Co. received ten bar- rels of new crop molasses yesterday, the first of tne season. Grace Church Industrial fechool I133 en entertainment at Leubrie's Theater the la '.Lor pajrt of next week. Licenses to marry ere issued jester day to Louis Clark and Isabella (Jiark John Thomas and Miss P. P. Garrett. The Panlap street bridge, which has been allowed to rot away day after day without repairs, is no w lmpassaoie even for foot passengers. Justice Cross performed his first mar- riage ceremony yesterday, and blushed like a girl when the bride offered her check for a kiss. The rotunda of the Peabady is crowd- ed every night. If any proof of the fact that the cotton season is about to open big were needed it is not necessary to look further for it. While it is still believed that through trains will be put on the Valley road next Monday, it is a matter of considerable doubt. Numerous side tracks and Btation-honse- s are yet' to be built.' ' ' Cpjled Jiact, by Hugh Conway, at Mansford's, 2ui Main street, Ladies should call and get a Deinoresft Por'Jtdio or hnl to Wtar. They are the cheapest fashion magazines published only fifteen cents. The will of Thomas Garrett iras pro- bated yesterday, leaving $5 each to his fifteen grandchildren, a similar amount to his son, John D. Garrett, the remainder to be divided between his daughter, P. P. Garrett, and Stacy Ilardberger. C. B. English ia made executor. A joint debate between Gov. Bate and wouldbe Gov. Reid night, on the blott, is looked forward to with the liveliest interest. Mr. Reid is said to haso greatly disappointed his hearers in Kast Tennessee, though he has been more suc- cessful so far in this section of the State. All of the districts have been heard from and the candidates for poorhonse commissioners who will go before the County Court next Monday are Justices tryor, Powel, Jonp, Williams, Pope, Gra- -' air., Uarrell and one other, making nine. Three commissioners are to be elected'. The chairman receives $00, the secretary $25 and the private $15 per month. Police Court proceedings yeateiday: B. Ifennver, larceny, discharged; ill games, drunk and disorderly, $2 and ooets; A. Messier, abusive lancaije, $5; A. Delvoch and Barney Parrel), former fined $15 and latter discharged; U. 8. Rogers, abusive language, $5; Halley Halliday, asleep on sidewalk, discharged; H L. Derringer, fraud, continued; Callie prigginp, larceny, discharged. 'The ' IQ.of a two-stor- dilapidated frame houle on Madison street, near, tb,e Memphis and Charleston depot, burned off about 9 o'clo k last night. It was oc- cupied by negroes. The loss was about $150. The hook and ladder truck wag disabled by a collision with a hose carriage when going to the Crc About two hours later a shanty on Echols street, also oouU.-pie-d by darkies, was burned. expected arrival of Gov. Bate on next (Saturday is beginning to arouse in- terest in the canvas. It is looked 'or-ar- d to with growing enthusiasm, and preparations are being made to meet him with a band of music, hacks, and a general turn-ou- t. The Cleveland, Uendricks and Kate Club of the Seventeenth Civil lis-tri- ct is expected to come to town to join in the celebration. It is hoped that the Chickasaws, if the time of arrival will per- mit, will turn out to make this the rnott brilliant event in local' politics of this yc$r. Goy. Bate will arrive on Saturday. J. E. (Jleary was yesterday appointed admicibtrator of iho eiilatis 01 John j deceased, whose only heirs are one brotuer and sister of the whole blood, namely. George Murgltroyae and Martha Hutford, and fonr sisters of the half Wood, namely, Catherine Murgitroyde, Mis. ia.-- 7 A4a,'os, Annie Murgitroyde and Elizabeth Murgitroyde, all of 7 bom re- side in Philadelphia. His property con- sists of $23,500 United States bonds, $2350 chf k 5 of the Treasurer, besides $40,000 in saving banks id Boston and Philadelphia, part inehis own name and part as tf ustee for his brother. There wai no will. In the ;aseof Stricklin ti. Longet, in ihe Circuit Court yesterday morning, Jude Pierce rendered judgment for the defendant. t?it was brought by 8tricklin far the payment of $1 lor naovras ths de- fendant's effects lithe defendant claimed to have made a contract that the plaintiff should move her effects and put down her carpets. The plaintiff demanded payment belore he had luimiea his contract; the defendant refused to pay, whereupon the plaintiff carried a wagon-loa- d of her fur niture to a store-roo- where it has been stored for over a year for nt of the claim. The defendant will now enter a suit for damages against the plaintiff for $500. -- In the Criminal Court yesterday Henry Owens, charged with horse steal- ing, plead guilty to grand larceny, and was sentenced to three years in the peni- tentiary. The jury recommended the prisoner to the mercy of the Governor, to whom a petition will be sent by the friends of the condemned man. Owens was also fined SoO and sentenced to thirty days for carrying a pistol. The Laura Johnson murder case was reset for Octo- ber 13th. The witnesses and jurors were ordered to appear again on that day. Mr. Philmont, a young white man, nlead guilty of carrying a pistol, and was fined $50 and sentenced to thirty days in the workhouse by Judge Douglaas, who in rendering his judgment said that at some future time he might moderate the fine and imprisonment. PEBS0NA1S. Mamucs IIall, of the Covington Record, is in the city. . Chas. Winston is back again at his old post at Gaston s. S. Kbow, Trenton. Ark., visited the Cot ton Exchange yesterday. Miss Fannib May will receive pupils at her rooms, 66 Madison street, from 2 to ft o clock, daily. News was received in the city yesterday of the death of Mrs. S. H. Shock, at Cba- - tawa, near New Orleans, September 30th. W. P. Wildbeboeh returned yesterday from Marietta, Ga., having been called there by the death of his aunt, Mrs. Sue YV. Cheek. Ma j. W. H. Tolkb, of Los Angeles, Cal., came through last evening on the first train over the Kansas City, Springfield and Memphis railroad from Southern - Cali fornia and reports great rejoicing in that section over the opening ol the JNeedie route. The sudden death of Mrs. S. Besthoff, announced elsewhere, has cast a dark ?;loom over the very large circle of her Mrs. Besthoff was beloved by all who knew her, her high social standing and noble traits of character endearing her to all hearts. She leaves a deeply bereaved family a devoted husband, a most es timable daughter just arriving at the period of woman's life when a mother's raiding hand is most needed, and two sons, one of whom is engaged in business at Jonesboro. Ark., and whose first knowl edge of his mother's illness will be the announcement of her death. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of a'l. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Small Fallare. Louisville, October 2. R. B. Turnbull & Co., of Danville, Ky., assigned y. liabilities, 1 15,1)00; assets unknown. - Formitprc I'ompssr's Failure. Lawkknceuubo, Ind.. October 2. P. Lears Matthews, proprietDr of the McLean f urniture Uonipany. assigned lojonnu, McCnlloueh. Liabilities, $20,000; assets, $12,000. "The factory employed twenty: hve men. 4alfrei. Denveb, October 3. Jensen,' Bliss & Co, hardware, assigned this morning. . Esti mated liabilities, $100,000 ; nominal assets $170,000. The firm is one of the best known in the State, . The Credltare Will be raid la fall. PiTTsnuKG, October 2. Breed ct . Ed wards, plow manufacturers, made an as- signment y to Ogden M. Ed wards' for the benefit of their creditors. Liabilities v,nn7O000. and nominal asset. $100.' nnn Th nasie-ne- e states that the firm could not meet matured paper, and as no artAiialnn u tnven. had to suspena. u the asseU are1 advantageously disposed o the creditors win receiyB uu:ior w Bacbaxaa's Duplicated Wlilskjr lie. ceipt. Louisville, October 2. It was officially reported last night that the examination of the anairs ol iho isewcomb-liuchana- n Company show that duplicated receipts for JtOOO barrels of whisky, amounting to $50.ti00, havtj been found thua far-- Ldler. It is well known by the official etitetnent that a duplicated receipt for 3000 barrels of whisky has been found in investigating the affairs of the Newcomb-Buchana- n Company. The Trust Com- pany have refused to make pnblic tbe names of the victims. George Buchanan, who has been missing since the assign- ment, is thought to be in the city. The Evening Times says: "We have been au- thorized to state on the authority of Mr. George Buchanan himself that 'the irregu- larities in the business of the Xewcomb; Buchanan Company in the mailer of du- plicated warehouse receipts, involve from 4000 to 5000 barrels of whisky, on which from $50,000 to $60,000 was realized ; that tbe books of the company will account lor ev.ry dollar qf the money thus raised and show that every rent of it was used in the company's efforts to tide over the breakers in which it was involved. Two years ago, when tbe Buchanans got- an extension from their ireditors, their 'liar bilitiea amounted to $l,(a0,U0p. Within those two years they have paid off $50,; 000 of the principal and from $200,000 to jjrJ5Q,00l) in interest. They have delivered to customers about lQ0,t)OQ barrels of whisky, and of 00,000 barrels now in bond no complications exist except as to 4000 or 5000 barrela. They believe that by a careful administration the assets will nay off every dollar of the body corporate and individual debts, and that if the rea- sonable expectation of an early revival in trade is fulfilled there will be a surplus overall liabilities. These statements are from Mr. Buchanan himself and may be relied upon as authentic and true to the best of his knowledge." . EEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. E. Burns et al to Mary F.ilen Burton, southeast corner ol lot 10, block 61,' west jide of Tnrley street. 5,0.ix252 feet, $1C00. MEXKEX S OPEIC. TESTEBDAY'S FEAST. We will not atteiupt a description ot the millinery display at this magnificent, pala- tial emporium. The ladies who were there (and what Memphis lady was ab- sent?) received impressions that words cannot augment. Gems of art from Paris, Vienna and London in exquisite designs and chaste combinations were exhibited side tjy side w ith the elegant coimunaina-tien- s' 6i thai trained artiste, Mme. Sea-ber- y, the guiding genius of this impo.tint branch of Menken's vast establishment. Radical changes have taken place in the shapes and trimmings of bonnets and hats since last season, but a latitude is allowed by Fashion, so that a beoou.icg headdrfss ia recojrmje'd as ci first importance.' The new departments, consisting cf glassware, china, plated ware, statuary and house, hold ornaments are really wonderful for their extent, variety and beauty. Shirts IVade to Order' By Johnston & A'ance, 305 and SOT Main. Cintjittuati nn Hetura. e4. ft. Louisville and Return. The C, O & S. W. railroad special train leaving Memphis at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. October 5tb, will run through without change or detention to Lcuisyilie. where close connection will be made with train arriving at Cincinnati Monday morn- ing for breakfast. Tickets will be sold for this tnijn as above ouoted, good returning until October 11th.' hartim ean remain in Cincinnati as late as the night o! Octo- ber 10th, and connect closely with special train leaving Louisville at 8:i;0 o'clock Saturday morning for Memphis wUhout change or detention. This may be the last excursion this year, and tbe rates are the lowest ever offered the public Every- body is invited. Suits Hade to Order By Johnston & Vance, 305 and 307 Main, tic Insurance. Attention is directed to the card of John Ft WilkersoUj representing the Mutual Life Iosuracce Company, of Vew Yor This is the largest insurance company in the world and the oldest in New lork. Theea wishing first-clas- s life insurance aonlq do welT tp cjll on Mr. Wjlkeraoij, n .iauison sireeu ' Full I.inc Xexkwear, Latest novalties, at Johnston & Vance's. Student Help. . Pupils attending school at Lemoyne In- stitute desire places to work mornings and evenings for board. Apply to the princi- pal, 294 Orleans etrwt. . Go to Johnston Tavnee For Boys' and Children's Clothing. MUSIC AND DRAMA. Leubrie's' Theater Appropriately Opened J. With a Bunch of Keys An Ex- cellent House. First Rehearsal of the Mozart Societ- y- Successful Season Certain Grand Concert Kext Month. The theatrical season opened last night at Leubrie's, with Flora Moore's Bunch of Keys Company, which performed to a good house, in spite of the warmth of the weather. The family circle was filled, C there a number in the gallery, and in the parquette and dress circle nearly every seat was taken. Miss Flora Moore, who took the leading part, waa well received. She had im- proved considerably since last year, and is a bright, vivacious actress. The gods of the gallery were wild with delight, but J the more reserved and dignified rendered their full share of applause. In W. C. Crosbie, aa "Snaggs," and in J. H. Branich, as "Sam Foes." the remainder nf the in J terest centered. Harry Booker did a near bit ot acting aa "Uol. St. (J lair Jtsray," in the second act, but beyond these none of the artists deserve especial mention. The play it cannot properly be called a play met expectations, it made the audience laugh. Some of the songs which are in terpolated are bright, and all of them are very good. Hesirt Openlas Hlstat. The formal oneninor of the Mozart So ciety for the season of 1854-- 85 took place at their hall last night The attendance, considering the brief announcement given, was excellent Besides the members in attendance there were quite a number of the friends of the society present There was no lack of interest or enthusi asm, and the success of the first rehearsal of the season gives every reason for the belief that the season just ushered in win ba more successful than any which have gone before. Nearly all the old members who drew out last year have returned, ana several new applications were maae. President Rambaut made a brief ad dress, in which he alluded to the success which had attended the society in the past, and hoped the efforts of the mem- bers would not be relaxed, promising on behalf of the directory to do all that could be done to increase the benefit and popu- larity of the society and to prove that the efforts of its working members were properly appreciated. Mr. Anton Strelexki, the of the society, was then introduced, and rendered in an exquisite style a rhapsody by LUzt, and another solo as an encore. Mr. Downs made a little speech, in which he declared his confidence in the ability of the chorus to accomplish successfully anything it might undertake and promised even, a more glorious feet tival next spring than that, which formed so brilliant a conclanionto tte last season! lie announced that a grand concert of miscellaneous selections would be given nw, MnnK n - 1 It. Kv k... nn.1 1 .wl lha chorus through a part ot TuAnhauier and.! waa in gvery respeci a sue ess; Good eel, ing prevailed and the most glowing hopes for the future were freel indulged in. THEATRICAL M0TE8, LuziR Mat TJlvir, who made a hit here last season in .the fortyNinert, was well received in New York at the opening of the present season. Her new play is called DadTt Girl. Since Miss Evans's appearance last sea- son as "Chip'' in JFogg'i terry-- the com- pany has been much strengthened, and particularly in the addition of Mr. Harry Warren in the ridiculous character of "Still Bill," the country gawk. The play has also been improved in many respects,. A "lihip" Miss iivacs oiBplay. ' vivacity and ''cuteness'' which are all her own and certainly most charming. She carries with her both the sympathy and delight of her audience. anJ iu tier sons ah i- - I especisuiy nappy, lhe duets between I herself and Mr. Warren also form special ! features of the entertainment- - j Thb admiration of bald-heade- d men for ballet girls is so old that it has lost its sa- vor, and is only fit to be cast out and trod- den under the feet of men, but it it, nev- ertheless, certain that a large and gorge- ously-dressed ballet ia one of the most beautiful sights seen on modern. stages. Thia ia particularly the case when j enough to be grandmothers are good looking and well formed. Their sole pur- pose is to please the eye by glittering cos- tumes and curiously arranged inarches and poses, exemplifying the adage that women should be seen, not heard. Ballet girls are never heard, only seen. The coarse nn justness of the dramatic criticism of the New York daily press baa stirred Mme. Janauschek to the utterance of a protest which, if not pol- itic, is scathing n ita truthfulness. The actress has lately brought' out a new play in Kew York a melodrama fay an Amen-can- . The papers agreed in calling it poor, but the Herald, whose boast is that its re. pqrteta are its titics, discussed the pro; ductiqn with a doen lines of dpnuncialion which was a littta more than vituperation. Of the merits or demerits of Mme. Janaus chek's play we ean, of course, know noth- ing ; it may be of the worst ; but the genius and years of service of the actress and the interest of the native drama which should be every critic's happiness to encourage shonld have commanded for this new ef- fort respectful, thoughtful and helpful consideration. And in almost any other city than New York it would have re- ceived this treatment Ballet girls get from t6 to $8 a wesk, and out of that only have to pay their personal expenses, which is a good deal better than a great many women are doing who hire themselves out as saleswomen. Clerks, Copyists, etc, for from it to $6 a week.- - They haye to work touch harder for their Wages,' too, than do the ballet girls, and their life is nothing but a mo- notonous drudgery, while, as t seem, ballet jirjs live a lie of pleasure and di- -' yersicn. Thia reference is, of course, to girls who travel with some good reliable spectacle. After they learn their business there ia little for them to do except go to tbe theater at night, put on their costumes and prance around the stage at intervals for about tbiee hours. There being a good many of them they have a nice, sociable time, and being on the go a 1 the while they get a chance to see the country. CONDITIO OF CROPS Svr the Stale of Teaaeaaea far turn . The following are the conditions and j prospects of the various crops in the State for the past month, ending September 20th, as compiled by the Bureau of Agri- culture, Mines and Statistics, from 400 re- ports, representing ninety-fou- r connties; East Tenne'tre. Corn, fa3; cotton, 88; gathered, per cent, 57; sorghnm, 01; turnips, 70; tobacco, 95; millet 90; late Irish potatoes, 82; aweet potatoes, 87; ap- ples, SO ; garden products, 90 ; buckwheat, SS; peanuts, 89; stock peaB, 92; stock, hogp, number per cent, 92 j condition per i pjnt.' 96.- - fattening ling, number ptr cent, 90; condition per cent., 97. tr.. Tia lm 17 - r. rw SO; gathered percent, 35; sorghum, 94; tui? Kips, 70; tobaeoo, 94 j millet, 95; late Irish potatoes, 77; sweat potatoes, 87; apples, 84; garden prodoct, 96; buck- wheat yield, 00; peanuts, 94; stock pea?, 92; stock hog?, number per cent, 87; condition per cent, 95; fattening hogs, number per cent, 84 j condition per ceflt-- j Middle Tennemce. Corn, S6; cotton, 80; gathered per cent, oO; sorghum, 95; tur- nips. 63; tobacco, 99; millet, 98; late Irish potatoes, 77; sweet potatoes, 95; apples, 80; garden products, 95; buck- wheat. OS; peanuts, SI; stock peas, 89; itot aMga, n amber er cent, 99; condi- tion per cet, Uo; fattening hogs, num- ber per cent, 90; condition per cent, 95. Average for State corn, 92; cotton, 83; gathered, per cent, 47; sorghum, 93; turnips, v,ti tobacco, 9U.'; millet, 94; late Irish potatoes, 79; aweet potatoes, 87; apples, 85; garden products, 90; buck- wheat, 82; peanuts, SU; stock peaa, 91; stock bogs, number par cent, U3; condi- tion, percent, to; fattening bogs, num- ber, per cent, 90 ; condition, jer cent, 95. LAW REPORTS, Crlatlaal Caqrt a)itaslais. Jatfaa. LUlendat for : Taxing-Distri- vs Ciiatles Pickens, Carrie A. McMillan vs W. S. Kichardsm, W. L. Segler vs A. Dan-dridg- e, G. W. Ifunt vs ,nn S. A. Shelton, Allen Moeely vs Memphis and Araansas River Packet Company, Louis Friz vs A. Kohlbry, B. E. Gray vsCE Clark, J. H. Ma'one vs Louis Frits, Wm. Bowles ts Kmuia Bowles, W. A, Bell vs J. H- - Reyn-- j oldg. Taking. District vs W. L. Cameron, ! M. K Evemenger vs Taxing-Distri- ct Jesse ' A. Forrest va Win. A. Forrest F. L. War- - j ner vs Nellie Young, A. E. Sholas vs J. EByrd. j rtrealt Caart Plerer, Jadse. j Calendar for to-da-y : Nor. 79S3. Taxing- - District vs Chas. Pickens ; 7987, W. L. Sig-- I ler vs A. Dandridge;' 7998, Carrie A. Mc- - ' ! : 11 . w c 1 : ..1 1 l . - tar I itiiiiaui a a. uuaiusuu , rtwu. r t Hunt vs A. S. B. Shelton ; 8007, Charles I Berton vs owners steamer City ot New Or- - leans: 8008, Allen Mosley ts Memnhis and Arkansas City Packet Company ; 8012, Louis f riu vs a. ft.oniDry; ovs.i, tr. is. Gray vs C. E. Clark ; 8020, J. H. Marlow et alva Louis Frits: 8038, Wm. Bowles vs Emma Bowles: 8049. Nelson A. Bill vs H. Reynolds: 8055, Taxing-Distri- ct vs n . ia, vameron ; nuoi, tu. o. .tiBuiiiigur vs Taxing-Distric- 8061, Jesse A. Forrest vs Wm. M. Forrest; 8084, F. L. Warner vs Nellie Young: 80G5, Jos. Hickey vs C. B. Robertson; mm, J. K. ISyrd vs A. Shoales. IIOTjEIs aukivals. Peabady Hetel. , B- - GALLOWAY A CO PaorxrrroEa. Rate S2 54 and S3 per day. aoeording to ise and looation ol room. WR Bicket, Ark C E Gibson. Mo OF Thompson, Miss G H Field, Tenn D J Higlay, Ohio HC Enback, Ky CR Duncan, Ark J W Blskeslee, NX G B Stevens, Ala II L fbb. Mo B Palmer. Mo A F Adams, Mo Wm Hakan, Mi: ' HB Gill, Ky ONWidner, Ky F F Kenard. Tenn - 6 W Rogers, Mis WCFalkner. Misa GD Jordan, Tenn L V Butte. Tenn F B Dancy, Miss Mrs R A Gray Ae, La" Mra R L Iter. La Miss G Gray, La 11 H Matlack, Ky W Kennedy, city Mrs E Prank, La E B Kaighn, Pa Chas S Cline, III 11 C Gnlur, Tex Wm BischnfT, N T G Frank, eity H GarreUon, La A Levy As, Tex M Ktocken, Tex JM Williams Aw, Va E M Perry, La A Merriman, eity M R Harry, city W A Prince, city TO Ontiam Aw, Ala a W See, N Y 8S Glenn, Tex J W Lyman, Miss 8 Aeee, Oa S Mosruder, Ga J R Phaler, St Louis 8 H Harris. NY.. W P Semple, Ky W R Moore, Ala 8T Farnsworth. eity TR Farnsworth Jr, eity R F Simpson, Ala J A Edwards, N Y D R Scott, N O R Freberman, Ohio RC Judge, Ky MA Gregg, Ky TE Ward. Pa A M Clayton, Miss J T Fant. Miss Mrs RC Irwin, Mil WT Cor. ton. Mis J L Frasier, Ky J R Scales. Ky W B Ccwan As. Misa A Emonson, Ark W Y Elliott, Tenn J Nssh, eity E Snmmerfield, Ark H S Clarke, Ks H T Haines, Me J II Sothoron.Mo A H Joblin, Ark 8 Hill, Tenn WT White. Mis R W Brown, Ohio STRnnk.NY Mrs QM Kye As, Ark H M Doak, Tens f B fierce, iu j m r.rwin, iv-- A liaiuweu, ivy. fiaatoaw Ilatel. European plan. Enlarged and refurnished. Prioes according to sue and location of rooms. W. H. BINGHAM MiSAGlx. Mrs Melchoir, Mis FFerrell, Ark J E Cook, wio, Ky N W Wilson, Ky W C Martin, Tenn JTCole.Tenn F E Steger, Tenn F Trimble, Tenn Mra H StifTt, Mis W Harris, N Y R U Elliott, MUa P T Forsyth, eity RN Harris, Miss C B Clarke. Mis W C Sansom. Miss G 8 Rice, Conn F Gambet. Mats L Hill, jr. Tenn JT Williams, Riverton L G Shinault, Miss WF Rainey, Miss J M Brown, Mis EF Williams, Mis CA Williams, Miss Mr P H Carnea. Ark J E Hnghes, Tenn CB Jones A sr. Ark C Quackenbush, Tena Wm Guitrer, Tenn W P Cowan, fenn FC Nebhut.Tenn Miss M F Nebhut, Tenn L C Christopher Aw, Me O F Eddins, Misa J N Lewis. Ark T E Thnmason, Ark F M Mosser, Ala Henry Baggott, Ark L Ward, Ark A P Concher, Ark R Cheatham, Ark GA Thornton. Tena ET Thornton, lenn Mrs S Thornton, Tenn T F Koscr, Ark JJ Hngue. ark I Shsfer. Tenn J F Warren. Tena D J Crisp. Tenn B D Grav. Kv J O Brantlev. Tenn J A Darins, SC H Powers, Ky w c Knignt. Miss Mrs KM Freoman.Tena Mrs A E Habicht, Ala LB Andiger, Ark J C Dale, Tenn Gee E Pettey, Tenn W H Toler, Cal, 1EW rLABRMisOBj HST1L, Sirletly Iraasleat. America aad En(paa Plaas- - Basest, fisaaviv. Bt.siar.v.llj.ia. A,. B. HtJH r, aaaajer. J 8 Tlsrrif . Mis S8 Finger. Mis WM Scruga, Tenn I M White, Tenn GE Koealer, 0bi9 i M Saturday, Ohio S Mansfield Aft city W RtVilkinson,T. GW Chapman. Ark T J Brown. Mis CDShipp. Mi ( W It Finleyjatsg J D irby. Mir s WE Col ton, Tex u w imiiev. Ky G Costella. Ark ' Miss Uastoh . NY Miss Luckstone, IT Y Miss Treves, NY' Miss Thayer, NY CC Sam till.. NY J W McMilter, Ma T J McAllister, Ala t M Nentota, Ala R Curtr, Mo, LOCAL NOTICES. Bcv your Shirts at May's. But try pure sure Hope Soap. Stcdt shorthand, 44 North Court street Grvx vnnr children Cmith'a Worm OU. Seb Brainerd & Armstrong's "waste" embroidery advertisement Have your pants made at Hester's, 214, 41am eireot, aba save ro per cent Fob dyspepsia or antidote to tobacco chewing, use Valentino s peerless sweet-stum- TZ' Herbal Chill Cure, the best tonie and known. A certain and .v,r cure for chills. Price al per ho'tlo. Mtna for eircnlers. Any rfckent grTet(. joh,n. C. Sticker, Vfucberg, Ya. THE WEATHER. INDICATIONS. ' 'For Tnntttet and the Ohio Valley, gener ally fair weather, winds generally southerly and nearly stationary temperature. BIGS A L, ftEBVlCF. REPORTS COTT09 VKLI-Ss.JKaa-a- a.xs uiaiaitx Dally Cattoa Bccrtea ateparta Draaa Ball- - . rau Blaueaa. Dibtxict Ciktex, MxifrHir. October 2. 18S4. Observation taken aft S I m.. Centraf Time. ggaTSTT STATloaa. baixpu. laxunii I inlmum. Memphis. SJ.5 VI Is h villa. Grand JuBot'n 0.(0 vjonntn- -- to 0.CQ Tuseumbia. 61 000 Decatur- - 6Ji 0.06 Soottshoro.. 61 O.Ou Bateivill. flu tl B I'd B pa It.tO Withe te o.uo Fowasvule -- ilan on 0.00 00 d 0.00 Paris. b5 0 00 Covinfrtoa. VI 61 0 oo Dyersburg w 66 o.uo Bolivar...... 93 65 000 Holly Spring. 89 70 0.00 Oxford M GS 0.00 Sam tol 1745.5 1215 000 - Average. 91.9 65.5 0 00 rtt-Be- lt Balletla. MsairBis, October 2, 1884, S p.m. Central time. AVKXAOS. istbicts. Max. Tern. Min. Tern. Rainfall. Wilminrton 68 0.0- - Charleston .J 90 Auausta. 3 u 64 J?i 92 64 Montgomery. 90 64 Mobile 92 65 o.o New Orleans 89 0.04 s Galveston. bS 0.10 Vicksbnr... 6ff Little Rock 63 saampiu. 6 0(0 Sums. T8 e.2s Averages.. 65.T 0(r.3 'Inappreciable. JHetaralxlal Sseaarx. MawrBta. Tcs., October 2. 1884. Time. Bar. Ther. Wind Weather. :08a.ni M.150 71.0 8.E. Fair. 10:08 a.m 30 IS2 St.O 8. Clear. 2:06 p.m 30 W7 89.0 S.E. Clear. 6.08 p.m.. SO.OW: 84.0 S.E. Clear. 10:08 p.m 30. 1H 77.5 E. Clear. Mean 3U.12-- J 79.2 8.E. Clear. Maximum temperature. Minimum temperatare. ADDITIONAL RITES NEWS. Wheeling, October 2 Night River 2 feet 3 inches, and rising tl-)- . Weather clear and warm.. Nj-- v OaxBAifs, October 2. No arrivals. Departed: City cf Bayou Sars, St Louis. The City of Baton Rouge is due Oaibo, October 2. Night Jtiver 17 feet 7 inched, and rising. Weather clear and warm; thermometer fi". No arrivals or departures, Maveaarnta of Oeeaa ateatnere. Naw Oblbans, October ?, No arrivals. Cleared: Craipallon, Livingston; Kllie unight, t'uerto uortes. 3 ant Deceived, A full line of Fall Overcoats. JOHSSTON A VANCE. 305 and 337 Main. J. Walsh, Undertaker, 330i (Second street naar Union. TEST XQUR BAMfOra Brands ad.era.ea aa abeelrtaly pare THE TOT I Place a can top down oa a rvmoT. in. ootot aaa ameiL wttLBotasap Sutrea loOMess NH DOES SOT COBTAH ' t TO Btiistiwilgags aes aWW S SBaaaaaa laaKlUtoa Mi tbe eo . TKE TOT Cf Tg C3 PRICE BAjPIIO P0WDE3 CO, Dr. Pries', fcxiil Flaroirx Dr. PflM'i U?urii$t POK SALS BY CROCOIS. viuevw. a ST. mmm miHIPI Ann TELEPHONE COWJY. Incorporated Under the Laws oi the State of New York April 21, 1884. A Combination of Interests In the "Pan-Electri- c" and "The American Postal felegraph Companies, also Iucor- - porated Under the Laws of the State of New York, 1883-8-4. Direct re af tbe Btea-r- r Telearraak aael Tclepkaaa Cempaaj. Hon. GOV. J. W. DENVER. Ohio. Psuldant. Dr. J. W. ROGERS, New York, nt Gen. FRANK' ARMSTRONG. T.iaa. (tecratarv. Uon. ROBERT kLOIZ, Fennsylvania, Treasurer isoa. inuaas a. viUAXaAiiikM, Indiana. ' ' Counsellor. 3. HARRIS ROGERS, Hew Tor, 6upervijins Ron. HERNANDO D. MONEY. Miuiasiept Col. B. F. LOONETTennesee. VAN H. MANNlNiJ, Mifpi. ISLreetara ar ttie Pa a--El ee trie Teleplseae aad TalesvraaBi Caanaaalaa. Gen. JOSKPH I. JOHNSTON. Tlrginla, ?ie.l-de- nt Beaator IS HAM G. HARRIS. Teaaeseae. Senator A. if. GARC AND, Arkanaa. Ceaneeller. Hen. CASEY VOUNG, TeaneaM. Secretary a 4 Treasurer. Gev" 30HN C. BROWN, Mlorl, JUH a URIB BO ASfl, es; fegk. Tae oVleetof til eonspanyu to realise, wit the Company, iu most admirable idea, . ., to introdaee invention already made, and to develop rut (eld ef electric disoovery through the united effort las the original pamph- let exureased itl " WW inmu mad tkiU. ful Mtkamict, for the payment ef whom com- pany stock will be sold, having iu rain baaed, not only on the new systems, bnt also "m tk fmiurt potnbUities of tUttricit, and on valuable prop- erties already belonging to the Company. ''The Roger Telegraph and Telephone Com- pany" ha secured the right to operate ia the btate of Pennsylvania, with her hundred towns and cities, "The Paa-nleet- Telephone," with a guarantee from the Parent Company to defend infringement suit, should any aria again! it. Thi telephone ha been introduced iu,o Yeix by parties representing several million do- llar, who air. fort. Mr Mint. r,f tn.i. Iu.1 .t.w and 110 per annum rojralty M &a instrament t the Parent Compaay. JUias.ari and Texas have eontracUd to give the earn, with ejO.OUO cash bonqj, aBd from the various Bute already ol J aver fc.Utiu.Ouj in money aad local stock ha beta eeured sinoe January. The T.le-- grapb, under the judicious management or Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, preside.,, and Senator Ifham G. Harris, vne-pri-si J.nt, aided by an uutowit. cii aiao sicauiiy inereaeea the T.1UI VI 1 IMMI. Roger Telegraph and Telephone Cue, SBy. 'own SlJiOO.UOUof th. atnek audlnb,..! tn. ic Lumpanies-- if eonrae, iu own tock must, indpeaent of iUewn value, in- crease in a the ie tok and other uoperlie belonging to it advance; and al- though tb btaU of Pennsylvania might seem, at rat view, to circumscribe tutorriioiy, iu divi- dend,, in point of fact, must arise from evcrj Btate U, the Union i which the "Pan-Electrie- A and American Poatal Companie" prevail ; for italaoowni ti.lXlO.OUUO ef "The Aoerioan Postal Talerraph" stoek, to be pooled with a ayndieau. already eaitraeted conditionally te build 60WI mile of No. 4 wire, to Up tbe tobacco, cotton, sugar, caul and mineral mark.U ef the Southwest. "Parthenon Heigh U." sear Bladensbnrg , ha also been purchased for a laboratory, and con- veyed te "The Roger Telegraph and Telephone Lompany, nor would it be extravagant to pre- dict that invention and disooverie, giving iur pnsingvalae to the stock, may here be realised under Mr. Rogers, the supervising .leetrieian, whepriginaj.or"lhe Naiiai Secret Telepheae'' ." . .vb,"!?rr',i' THELawyerof thcSenaU ot th-- t vQjVsd BUtea, and anaueationably great Iml aulhoHty, thus refers to the subjeot of Lnfrisute-men- t, aad the ic Telephone : Natioxal Hotil, Washtngtea, D. C. January i, 1884. f tfoa. A. H. Garland: Dkax Sin My attention ha been called to tae atock of th l Telephone Company a an investment: I therefor desire jour opinion as to whether the T.lauhnn. ..! k. a.M iv. pany, or any part of it, is tn infr.ngemtnt of what i knows as the Bell Telephone. Respeet-faU- y, A). H. U.YE&&. Washixotox, D. C, January 8, US1 Di Six In reply to your question propound- ed ia the not hereto attached,! be to say ; 1 have given the aubject rvferred to much atten- tion, and have elonely examined several opinions delivered by different courts in controversies be- tween the B.U Telephone Company, llolbear, Speneer Ghegan, and other, and I am clearly ol opinion that th named by you, in no wise infringe the Hell Telephone. From the earliest deeision of our court to th present, although invention may ia their general prin- ciple, be alike, yet if in their operation and work- ing there is an essential or material diflerence, there ia nocenfiiot to amount to an infringement. This is reooxnised in th historic eas of O'Reilly v. Nona, li How., V. S. Reps. 62. and in nu- merous decisions since that ; but more clearly, aad with more direct application to the matter now in hand, in Cloagh vs. Manufacturing Com- - S any. life t. B. Reps., 178 (October term United tates Supreme Court, 1882.) Without attempting any minute detail touch-la- g the inventions in question, 1 am aatisfied thoroughly so that th difference between them is wider and more distinct than that reeogniaed by the court is the case 106 U. tt. Reps., Sup. The court hold that a "HmUtaniimi eVpnrtvr.' from a former invention is pauntable withoet in- fringing. (DmJ . HfrUmt fump Cm., 107 V. S fepa-bJ- This, in my Judgment, B more than enough te insure the tc Telephone from any charge of infringement ef th Ball Telephone. Very truly, etc., A 11. GARLAND. I. K. Mrxxs, Esq., National Hotel, City. Senator Harris, another eminent lawyer ef the Senate of the United btate, ba also given the subject profound investigation from Rets' eria-in- ai invention ef the Telephone, ia Germaay, down tr Hrawbaagh'a, Ball's and Roger' repro- duction of it ia America! aad aeagtily eoaear with Judge Garland. The judge of th Supreme Court ef Pennsylva- nia hav lately daie aa injunction to th Bell Company on their broad claims; and th moct eminent jurists throughout the country agree with them in the above opinion. Thus guaranteed against infringement aits, and having (eeured right ia thee marvelous in- struments, and owning the various pronertie described above. "The Roger Telegraph and Telephone Cmpeay." incorporated under the laws of the btate of New fork, April 21, lt, was capitalised at 5,000,0U0, divided into share off 100 each. It is possible tluit the Telephone stock alone te say nothing et "A fittmrt pomnhilitum nf may, lik that ef the Bell Company, which waa capitalised at 110,100,(100, ria to vary high price ; but far th aak ef rapid construc- tion, and te develop the rich mine of electrical discovery already in sight, tbe company offer Investors and speculators very rare ocpoatunltie for holder of this " aold i eJfeet.aa.reso U th aosw ataohs. SINGLE KaIARES AT $70. Large block at greater reductioa : hat the risk i auranee, at any mvMai, i reeerveA. ru i i hort notice, at, half the Bell Company ratea. umocs: a) nroaaway,ew xork; iia itnetN. W.. WaakiagWa, . C..and lmi ger SBildiaa. P - IhHi lotion lwm mm Call and examine, or send prill SrotiiersS c53 Co. IToa. 810313 Front Strt-- - jUernphls. Teniae' W. B GaJbf Cotton EST A T.TiTS TIED 1862J Georce Arnold. IV. A. Ererinan. Isorenzo SolsrL fiSaiBQOLD 6 GQ UnoySALE GROCEBS, (Ooltitoitai; laPsLottonra AJID DEAI.EUS TS Railroad and Levee Contractors' Supplies. atteatlaa grlvea t tba aarehaaa aasl aaleararaadsaalia aarllaa. tad Uaeral Caak Aavaaeea aa Catlaa ar at her raaasrBBeataC3 SLEDGE BBOS Como, Miss. LEDGE & (Gotlon 356 Front St., ; W.T.BVWDBE. BM3,:.BIM 6ft Jfo. S8Q Front strectgy?,.'T4Memp1ilai. Tenn. t B. e' B. J. of A 4 a., All of P. t t t L. of Coffln. R. GOD W lii. of J . R. Godwia A C. K1LLM. T. of Porter A te (nsnrin aad AH Na. H14 of : : Llhsul . St.. A. rreaideat. Si. T. kteCy ual Traaa Man ajQac t arena sf aad In OAK ' Sash. and A. 1. Tn : : ofm ia. laas.-a- a Va. BAA FROVT 1 aiar. Ef 41 D. T. Frw. HO. Ar, a. D. BA1XK, X3ZXI W. W. Galareath A Co. M. Geodbar Co. dUlLBi capitalist. kl.da PVonartv Island. Snwilal Prealdeat. iraiwiio for prices before buying. eath & Co. Factors, r.'M. Besldeat HORFLEET. factors, Memphis, Tenn. 8. Bfeaamklau COPFUr. Dillard A IR. PORTER, Macrae. athsatlon also ISwelllwae fi i mum & COTTON FACTORS D COMMISSION MEUCHAJiT Front Street, Corner Monroe, Memphis, Tennessee. HveesB:sderrw.M,ia. !!!LL, FOfJTAlHE fc CO. Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers gQ0a08 LFront St. Jleinplalsi, Tenn. Cotton Factors Commission orchanto, JIo. HO South XTalii St. Xjonle. 11oodruff Lumber Company WOOBBUrr, HAlfXAII, aOealeni CYPRESS. POPLAR, COTTONWOOD. WALNUT, AND ASH XXJ-IBES--- . Doors. Blinds, Moldings, BaUdlng Xstorial General. SAW AXD PlaAXEf O MILLS. Worth Front St., lVear Gas Works. Taylor, afatniurer. Partner. M. Vo FBARCJJ3 & Co. Jfo. 276 jFront utreet, Memphis, Tenn. rwiti, srprKWBFB f oMer.ihoratoB & U Cotton Factors, Wholesale Grocero STHEtT. UKUPHIa). PLMITEQS IllSDBAnCE COLIPAIJY CBXXl.Z A.ND SXA.XI.ZIM'SD OFFICB COMPANY'S BCILBIXO, MAlltOX, laXjstlPniS. VOBTBB, TBKTOS, wiee-rree- 't. aeetretarr. GALBRBATU, GOODBAR, uVaAlUK, (Jaaatrw ntareo, at reasonabl. rates. Commenced business in 1M7. LOSSSS PAID. er Haifa af lllsaw. A Heme Ccmpaay, we respectfully ask your patrona. BROWNE, THE PLUMBER, 254 SECOND STREET, MEUPMS. Peoples Insuraace Go. Ofice 16 Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn. CAPITAL, ; .g $200,000 lB,lBgarrs all Classes of Kerchsndise, htorehonsrs, Charches and Dwelllnts.-- t LEM JIO.V, Tlrs.Pre.Msnt. W. XX. FABBIXGTO.X, IL. T. ALSToa AaEfflaBOB fe SOUS COTTON FACTORS, 2G4 Front St.. cor. Court, Memphis; Tenn. Hats for Co, rlv.n W. I. rrlsry. BOID, IntllT llOTD. & and Tenn. city end private schools. Mmir ftl P.nnWC t tssaa,wiw-a- a HUUnu a sracr fur July. S.1M Faltaa itrcet. Saw loii. JTr- - Tilon Tenn. , m torMS4 Facilities AYBES BLOCK. BROTHER, Booksellers Stationers, 2tSXaia Street, TO0; BaairrwtrrRrrae. Vholesalo Grocers Cotton Pactors, storesst, ItsTemphls, s r. m S0BFLEET, BOWDBE. CASH I'ABKEB, YOUNG fiemphts, SCHOOL BOOKS! and

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Page 1: 90H8 THE MEMPHIS DAILY mmm IhHi lwm miHIPI mm · GRAM illllLLlIIY, THDBSD&T. Murray & Tailors and Importers, 38 Madison, ii. mm laaiielloa of their rivaled far Full mm Wlater, cimriili(all




Murray &Tailors and Importers, 38 Madison,

ii. mm laaiielloa of their rivaledfar Full mm Wlater, cimriili( all aePrice aa reawaaabla aa lam mt aajr Flr.t-.la- a Taller, la utvaiu aiaiea,

mm-- Sample aaplleailaa to aaaee wko bare left meaanrea.M.W BtranalMr, it la ecaaamy to ret the beat.

MEW500 Boxes 5ew Factory Cheese,300 Boxes BTetv Cream Cheese,lOO Boxes New Young America Cheese,5OO laeknges New Mackerel,500 Cases Sew Salmon,

lOOO Bugs New Coflfcc,lOOO Barrels Sugars,lOOO Iegs Nails,5000 Cases New Canned Goods,

20,000 Pounds Fresh Fancy Candles.


9t Bast quality f --,li 'nine and Cider Vine-

gar, Laurel Leaves, Celery ted, Mustard Seed,White Ginger, Clove, fence, Cinnamon, Ail--spire, Whole Mui a different kindt inthe mixture

SVeAaM VISQ Granu--latod, Cut, A ".atr (d.



DENTISTS,No. 243 3Iain Street.on Otbbtos, Ja. 10. H. Gxoovxxol


Eeal Estate DealersAGENTS AND BROKERS,

OFTICTE, 264 SECOITD ST.,X. Cor. aaoond amel Coart,

OFJ&TIIIS. e - TE33TSSEE.ESTATE BOUdHT AND 80LB. TAXESKEAL Bents Col'eeted. etc., on Commission.


So. 31S Mnlu Street,Oyer Levy's Trunk Store.

giW All Kinds of Bold Wort a Specialty.


I.iH-orte- r, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS,All kindt of Ammunition, Fine Pofkst CutleryHeifiTB, Fi?hint 'l'avekl, beinet, Notj, etc. fir-et- a)

jy clrvtti fine llnnitneriM tna litvmuierUuns. Mfmpbia, Man- -atavottirinir nt repftirinff dnn in flrt-l- m



140, 142, 144 Front st, MemphisVNE OF THE LARtlKST BOILER SHOPS IS

te South, aa Ue only oompieta uoner ana....iron Work, in the oitr. Jiaaaiaeiarere

t bMty Blate lrewerk mi avei'T eleMiripteaaw Special attoatioa flivea to Jaata- -

tlon wrh--


Guns, Rillcs, AmmunitionAXD FISIUXO TACKLE. '

...'J ..."

aJU 2 -- jv

No. 317 Mala Street, JlempHle.rpilK Isrrest and best astmrtment In the eity.

1 Th.tr,.! Kplieil at the nwe.t priee..


0. B. PARKER & SO :M


SSi fiiin Street.SPECl AL attention rv.a to the rental depart

do eolleottoae andtprompt settle--rren. win h. oor tnotro.

J. G. SCHMIDT & SON,(Sheoeefor to J. a. Schmidt).

S MAI S TKEET-WliolM- ale and retaildealersin (iaaa. 4aaoiwMltl.a, I lie,or Tarkle, Electric Bells a"d Annnacitrs

for Hotels and Hesidenoee. Burglar and Fire-Pro- of

Sates opened and repaired, Eiectne sup-plies alwsys on band. Repairing done and war-r.- il

Seno1 lor mt,fnrM end

SALE Ott LXlUA.Nt.L.uXiH city property, stock in Rogers Telei.honeU and Xelegraiili Co, Apply 24 Madison st.




Ridgely,itack af Imported Olotha

Latest BIM 1 eatlemea'a Wear.




13 MAIN STREET. Hours. 8:30 a.m. to 12 m.IR. J. 1). WHTTK.

PERSONAL.PHILLIPS hat removed from 65MRS. street to 248 Second street.

B ILT Repaired and warranted iCISTERNS Telephone S. T. CUBBINS.

REWARD.Liberal reward will be paid, and noPAPERS asked, for the return of aJ spanned

tin box containing yaluablo papers, of no us toanyone but myself, taken trom my office, in theFrank Building, 282 Front street. ,..

FOR LEASE.1 1T0RSHAM HOUSE The n andV V popular hotel, situated at toe corner of

Main and Adam, streets, Memphis, Tenn., diedWOKjUAM HOUbK,is for lease for a term of years, commencing Jan- -

iiry 1, For terms, eto., anplytnA. VACCARO, 278 Front street, Memjfc's.

The furniture in the above hnus is for mi a byth, pr.f nt MR. r AVII HASTI G--

KT1. iTKD.tOW Sandy-re-d, white spots, swallow-for- k

Win left ear, under-cu- t io right ear; three yearsId Strm.ad KntAtnlMir ath. 15 reward.

S7 BASS AVENUE.tT Ft REWARD MOLE From the undersigned('J one small bay mare mule, S years old; two" Bill spots at top of shoulders. Address

JA3. T. BERLIN, Madison St.

( --W S RHWARDS years old. swallow-fer-k

vy iu rigkt ear aaa eroe j.n leu ear ; w nue spot inforehead; strait horns,ineliaeto turn up; skortI..!! 1 fore part ef body red. after pan hi t straw- -

terry tteturn to corner anu rroni ?is.

WA51T.TV7URSE OIRL White preferred, at Ifil Second

.N street ; references required.SITUATION By a young man In a grocery ort ) dry goods store. Address

M. B., Appeal office.

i UTIIATTON Aa salesman, rereivina; or shin- -t ) ping bill or cotton clerk, by a sober industti- -

a IHISiness man, W1U1 gooti city rciercni-..-.

Address W, Appeal office.

t PWO OR FOUR XOUNG M EN To lodge..L Address B. Appeal oflice.

Middle-age- d whiU woman, to goBERVANT and cook, wash and iron for aftmuy or tnrce. a aooa nomeaua imt .s..iA piy at 3 jiain street.

TEN A 1.7 enterprising men .f good addressl. ana some mecaanicai knowledge, ith abouteaptul or good rererenfes; la to JO por aoy

f " b.!nf.('";.AC,7l0r t ..Vtl l tJriQll'.tt J CTIVbLL.IiWJlllllwn

rOOXJ Ard Dining-roo- Bey, immediately;sua, at 87 Court street.T 100K-KEEPK- R

Address A. H. W., ArPl office- -


At Union street.! 3DARDKRS Niee roomi, with board, cornerJ J Filth and Jackson ltref, I ort Pickering.( i fff TO tCOoe real for lonr time.

iUUV- - S. I'RKdCOTT. Appeal effi-- e.

ood cook- -(V At 220', Second street.Address St. Louis Electric UrnsV0KNTS Louis. Mo., for Circular., Cuts .nd

t t mi ef power Marsh fcloetncal Lamp

10MPE1KNT WOMAN To eook and do house- -V work formall familyf at I'iH Wellington st.fpo EXCllANUIC-OlJTi- ty of Memphis indebt-- L

edness (geod to pay tales) for good secood-Lsn- d

buggy or horse. Address J, this efcee.Q BUY CHEAP FOR CASU-- An Improved

L PIbm, pear city limits, suitable for dsi. y andt ete'abie garden. Address C. J. L., this office.

1 OENTA It will tie sr., InUllieent man orwoman wanting profitable a;povment to

urite Upt my illustrated circulars and le,ws ofszencr for the sb:brated M1S80URI M'aAMV ASHER. whioh, by reuoa of it great intrinsiePie'it, is meeting with each phenomenal success.Address J. WORTH, Seventeenth aud Franklinavenue, St. Louis. Mo.


KHS. AMrr.MpMlYJctioBtTtMjv inn--- ! 1NII I1KNTLEMKN In elworsounI J tn.lo take is ht work at their own homes;

I f. to It a day efy made; work Bent by mail : nocanvassing. e ba, rooa ueroena mrourvwiSlid iurnuh steady emplnru-ent- . Address, with

JSK) Race street. Cincinnati, 0,LEATHERS OUagdNgw Feathers, at hifW1' eash Prices. - 44S MAIN ST.

City or country, to ui4 13 to SLADJES at their own homes, on ligbt ert work,

distance: no canT&uing.pHlCAGO. ART CO.,

Mcgo, Illinois.

B0A&DERSAt H Madifon stroet.

TONS ftxi, Iron, Bones, Feathers1rrA and Metals. Send for price list. Newand aeeond-ban- d guods lor salt Address D.UABAY, Act aad Commiasioa Marobaiit. (upUi sis belby streetflOOU WAUONMaKERIT Apply at IN South street.

0oi PoSlTlO.S For a young lady graduatet of Mits Conway's school, who is thoroughly

qualified to feach English in any department.Address Miss CCA RA CON W AY. 3 Adams t.

LAMURERS Da? or station worn, ont)UU the Milliken BenJ Lerce, Madisen Par-U- k.

i, I good board and prompt pay. Applywork, of be lieorge Arnold A l'e.. Xlempbis.. . '1 W I V ulll'TV i "

fclTAVEMAKXRS.-wenty-6v-e iejonginggoodto B, ii. Kvers,

in Sunlower county. Mi, l'ar $S 25 per 100

sure. Timber boantiful and of He yery besteuaKtr. Employment till neit spring guaran-teed. AapJy to HKATUMAN, SMUU A Co., atGreenville. Mia., or to the andersigned. at raisoma, iuiss. J. J. PAT10N.

SITUATION Aj porter ay t drive a delireryof reference r.0,

QlTfj ATiON As housekeeper wkore,competutU srson is oeoeoet i.iri.uro, --v- .,i-r.i- t

0ARDERi3 At 10 Haauwn; pleasant rooms.

it good l.i.! ref.renoes. Hits WOUllS.U01J WAIC srlrr.U1 ..JoTwh J. N. MLLFORD.fet MaUi.

1 ( i Afl BCSHTPEXCH STONES-F- or.ijr uie nig nest maraei price win o. iaiat OHu SiUIWlLL A OO. , 23. Main st.' Hi iaiAN 1 i,0Uuoa W atches. Jewelry, Stocks,J Clothing, eta., at UOTTUKLF'S LOAN

OFFICE, IS Monro street, .nposite PeabodyHotel. WOl oJl al bouse, U desired.

AOTSEUENTS.T F.HBBIKH THEATER.MA Joskph Brooks....... Lessee and Manager

OPEtlSIQ OF THE SEA HOW TbnrsMlajr,October a, ia.




Seat on al at Uollenberg's.

Mcn.lnr. October FRIMROSE &



- ! Under tW Auspice of tbV

Mozart Society ofMemphis.



BEGINS OCTOBER 1st, 1881.oca! Draartmnil.-Elementa- ry Instruc

tion in Classes: Voice Culture. Kne-lis- and Italian hinging. CARLO PALATINI, ofthe Booieta Letteraria Italian, will instruct,gratuitously, all vocal pupil in the Italian lan-guage, in class lesions.

aamirusnwi. vrpanwnm-rianv-ltt- nB

ana vrcoesirai lusirucbiun.Apply etMoiart Hall. Monroe and Second sts.,

lierween the hours of 9 and 12 and 2 and 6. daily,

FOR SALE OB BE5T.In Srst-cla- conditionPIANO At 211) Union street.

FOUXD."A Til LB Graf, about fifteen Tears old. shod alljJIX. round, vry portly; at mouth of Nonoon- -naa croc, across iron onugo,



COTTAGE On Borlan avenue, Pigeonroostof burant's arooerv: Canada

Store, Nenconnab. Hernando road; 140 aores onBrooks aye. Ann-- to John irrehan.al latest


INDIAN PONIES From Cullin'i pasture, onJL old Raleigh road. Monday night, beot. 29thfour Indian ponies two bays, and the others cannot describe, but wouie know tbem upon sigur,lor whioh I offer 110 reward for their return toSenillini's Ktocsvsrd. II. B. uliABhii


H'0RSE A bay horse, 14)4 hands high; markson left shoulder and a small out at top ot

the left hind hoof, and a very long tail. I willpay. reward of 115 for his return to



DOOMS Two large front rooms, and othersIV of medium size. 75 LJMUJN ST,

east aide Clarendon Hotel, ha been leasedby a lady of eiperience who offers to a limited

nn,Kv ..f .AiMnt. ho&rders. sonerior accommodn- -tions. Hot and oold water on each floor, withpriviiees of bath. Carpets and drapery furaisbed by Menken, whore msgnilicent establishinent reflects credit on the th Kelerences

TJOARDINU First-cj- as boarding by the dayI or weeg. at 83 jionroe street.O00MS AND BOARD By week or month, atLV 28 pecona street. Alto, uay roaru.TVESltlABLB goorn and Board .

2l . Jj t 7aMadi.on treet.

FarnUhoi Rooms, silk bbard.rpWO At 111 Court street.-fumiflliMd room ith board

two rentlemen profurred, at 123 Court st,

FRONT ROOMS At 462 Shelly .t.-M-t- Also,a few boaraers tgen.

A larire, pleaa&nt trout room itJV board, at modornia price AIka k few dayboarders. jOURTJTj..

Eleant furnlbed front rcpoi wunROOMS board. UtJt yard. Ut Court St.

00M3 Three pieasant iotul-he- d rooms w ithwithout board. 114 o0l)BI-6T.- .

nWii,.vp.ishid room, witn or witnouiboard, .t 11 CoiIt

FOB EOT.f r v K msnw RT Verydeairablo rooms, sin- -J t) ale and en suite, turi.ie j and unl'ur- -

nished A No, room, suitable for offices

HILL STREET very nice.113 176 Hernando, near Ulrace.4 nooms DOIU1 bbi r roil, .itspi

11 Exchange, near Fourth. ,STiO Lauderdale, ue:ir Vance. , ;277 and 275 Poplar, near High. '102 DeSoto. Xi9 Jefferson.

tV S,eond street, near Overton.158 Hernando, near Pontotoe.Suburban residence.Furni bed Jl on on Bass avenue.

STORES.2SI Main, near Jefierson. .'2nd Second, near Court. .'

M Poplar, between Mam ind toeond0- H,rnin(lii. near leAlfi.

W. A. n Mf,AlLBl, at maip.FLOORS Containing seven rooms, water

TWO gas: well adapted for furnished rooms orsmall family; five minutes walk of Oourt Square.Address ll.t appeal omce.

Several p'tnant bedrooms InBEDROOMS Insurance ' uiidinr, especially avery handtume and commodious suite. Apply to

PLANTERS INS. CO., 41 Madison.

OF ELEGANT OFFICES Seeond floor,SL'ITK street. AaearW te

fQNo. SSS Main tfj:pet, ocoupicd


front room, first floor, suitable forLARGE also, apartment, furnishedor unfurnished, for gentlemen, at 2(1 'third St.TITO. Ill WASHINGTON STREETi-- Alio, a piano. Apply on premises,

From 12 50 to Vi; Organs fjow K toPIANOS H. O. HOLLtiNBKRiVS.Two ' comtortaole, nicely-furnish-

ROOMS cissle or en suite: references re- -quired. ' 12 MADISON bf.

1 f IT I lilE.' TIi nn...lnr rraM. iAtun. 231

V Ssuth street, untaining5 rooms, one blockrr.ns Vapce street car. Aopiy at

J. L. FROST S. 312 Second st.rooms for geptlemen : zooms (far- -

FURNISHEDlight honsekeemne. a. ;'-- M' roe,ATlCELY iurnished front room, southern x.--

posure: also o'oer rooms, at do monroe st.

FURNISHED EX)JilzAt ST Mulberry street.

Brick, two-ator- 7 rooms".HOUSE Apply at 6 Mulberry street.TtHS LARGE STOREUOUSK-- N 370 Front

I .1m ln.1. InOWTNNE CO

OK SALE.COTTAflE - On Hernando street car line;NICE 211) by 3U0 feet cheap

11. h. (i I IPX, 19 Mudinon st.rpESNESSEK STATE CERTIFICATES Re- -

I eeivable for any and all due? to the erateOVERTON A GROSVKXOR.

DAY Sit; titA No. I.D Ai.ply to C.'T. Reder, Zeut's mill.

ClO'trAfSs N ice coitage on Marshall ave rithand a basement and two lart cis

a on or address sy nji'LAK srT OT ASJ UOUSK House of five rooms, on. street-ea- r line; inqmro nn vmiuiwi".

Xl I'll" 111 bTRpET, ChelseaTDIAN08 A large assortment, both UprightJL and Square b"ond-han- d Piano, ot loadingmakee, at extraordinary low prices and easyterns. n. t. HUliLfcJi bfclltt.TERSKY BULL 14 months old, dark fawn, fine

O site, l.w price. H. A. MONXUWMEKY

LlUliolns. ana cieganuy miiaueu ouuse.JUl now being built on Fifth sU, bet. Kerr andKeel, Chelsea; 8 rooma, outhouses complete, excellent weil aza oisi.rn ; i:i oy 140- - ieei, onstreet car line. "Aopl to MINTER PARKKR orA. J. MARTIN, 2tt) Main Strata, ftr, Madison.A ttL K On e black dray m ule, 18 han ds high, 10XTJL rear old: gentle, inquire at Vity round,Second street, near Adams.1 AND Twentv-si- x aores land on Kerr ave--JJ nue and Mississippi river, mile south ofMound, north ot penthouse-- : cheap for cash;early possession. W. A, WHEATLKY,

d I.ll PAt'KRf? CilEAfJ AT THIS OFFICE.H.P. T?lirXK AND BOILER25 One big Giant Corn Crusher. '

J. V. PATRICK, tio Monroe St.hv A second-han- d No. I Ames Engine,I7Nl)IN power; rood a n.w, and very

ehesn. POr KK MACRAE. MOO Front St.IENEKaL MOKE Northwest corner Fifth

and Carolina xtreeia. Stock for sale andstore for rnt A iply on PiIlim;."DOARDlNtS HOUSE With bar-roo-

AJ locations cheap rent. Andres,BAKUA1X. this ofEce.

(VOTTU ELF'S LOAN OFFICE DiamondsAT are sold at tbeir value, and taken back at asmall discount any time.O ESIDENC K 1 Carroll avenue Good neirh- -

1 Vaornood. fcssy terms J. P. Alban. 881 Main.TTjTAlVfTliri.l"JL Sash, Door and Blind KxatiBWT. wiib En-gine and Boiler, in good order.

L. J. HODGE, Wetiena. 111.

BOILER A good second-han- d Boiler tor saleA TnW ,t tM. oCSea.


AM ofTetlng, rn liberal terras, most desirableI property in West Ten nssspe. At Withe Sta-tion, 25 miles from Memphis, on L.and N. E. fc.,one large residence with rooms; one storehouseseveral town lots aad parcels of land. At AtokaeUalion. on the C, O. and S. W. R.R., 25 milesfrom Meuvbis. storehouses, cottages and dwell-ings, all ia Arst-ela- rpvair, with all necessaryconveniences. Also a nee livery stable and drugstore. For persons wishing to secure .mall formsfor the cultivation of cotton, grain, fruits, is,

etc, for the Memphis or Northernam offering special Inducements in lit'le

farms, ranging (rou iu, f ) and 80 acre tracts.Also, larger tracts, containing lUL, 200, 30J. 400and S09 acres all ef which, with goo iaiprove-Oie.- it

and in high state of cultivation, conven-ient fur shipment from Atoka, and ia situated inhealthy country, rb;r there are good aehoolsand churches. A direr.

J. K. HI.AYrK. A(ks. Tenn.."J auuujT Mii OR DEATH. HEALTH AND HAPPI

1 i aess, or Pais and Mitery, which ill youhave? Piles cured by treatment painless.safe and certain. Rect'l I leers, olien the parentof consumption, if not too late, yon can b. cured.Lam Ba:k. Nervous Prostration, Constipation,Diarrhea, lia-sfe- d Kidneys, Liver, Slamach,Bladder, Sick Headaoi, Urinary and Womb dif-ficulties. Bloating oflhe bow.U, Dyspep.ia, allare the result of inflammation, ' and tsll youPlainly yoe hare a Rectal Ulcer. Thousands d'efrom It effect. Coeand be cured before it fstoo late. Dr. C WAIK, Ko ?l cocoud siroet,Memphis. Tenn , treat all ol (he I!tctnm; also, Chronic l)lia.' reneraiiy. o chargefur consultation and exauiication. A iadyattondVant al wnv. ure.er t to wait noon the ladies.

M. STAitJiEY,(Successor to II. A. Tbows)

FUNERAL D1RECT0B,Hat a surest, Neuphis.Tsae;

LL stock of Weoden and Metallic CaseAi'l C?kts. Burial Ilobes, etc., always onhand. Order by leraph or leltphon prompt-ly attended to. -

JVOTIOH1 tfaliifra mt Mbria.r louaty Da4ar

Trxx , Sept !f, 18S4.

rpUE lnteret eouj,. tj di- - ftit.erlt on alltheltiy County ilonds 'isf. for account

Merapl.'i and hto R.K.. will le i don presen-tation at the MaLbittan Bank o' .Vu' iphi.

A. J. 1MKKL5, Con my Iruitee.



And the Reception It Meets With OB

the Fart of the Aspirantsfor Office

And of the Fablic tienerall An E.ilWhich Shonld be Strangled in

k. . its Infancy.

Kext Monday the Democratic primarieswill be held, and on Thursday, the 9thinstant, an election will be held to nomi-nate candidates for the Legialatuf.


except those already mentioned. Thosewho are regarded as certain to obtain thenominations are M. K. l'atterson, J. t.llunter and Dr. McKinley for the lowerhouse, and the Hon. Jacob 8. Gallowayfor the (Senate. - The other Senator willprobably be Judge Ellett, who is stronglyurged to go before the convention and

ho it is said will accept if nominated.Mr. G. B. Peters, who has been mentioned as a probable candidate, declines torun under any circumstances.

verytning points, tnereiore, to a Harmonious session next inuraaay so lar asnominations are concerned, and alter


of the field the Aitkal man was unableto find any prospect of a row exceptamong a few who would like to see thegolden halo of ye olden time again encircletne City, n a census was maeu wun anew to ascertaining tne leeiing on meward idea it is Bale to say that not morethan twenty men in the city would befound in favor of it And these could beclassed off either as political strikers, sore-heads, dethroned bosses or moral scaven-gers. Among this select coterieof schemersfor their own benefit against the pnblicgood are a few who have the address tomask their designs in a specious garb.which happily deceives but a few. Themost insidious and dangerous of the areamnt vpit advanced bv these nimhle- -tongued demagogues ia that if a State maybe


each of these being allowed to select candidates to the Bute Legislature, why maynot a city be divided into wards and eachward allowed to select candidates lor tnecity legislature? Though it would benecessary to increase the council to tenbecause tnere are ten wards in tne city,these persons argue, if eight could man-age the city, why could not ten. A Frontstreet man to wbom this was explainedyesterday, said : " Why not make it eleven ?If the president of the council carries outhis duties aimply as presiding onicer wnowill take care of hia wardT And whatwill be the difference, practically, betweenthe reorganised council and the old citygovernment? It there is to be but oneman from each ward, and if


is a prime principle of the American ideaof sovernment. would not the less populous wards have an undue advantage? Ifthis old business, which caae near wipingMemphis from the face of the earth, iaonce reopened where will it end I

The Legislation candidates, as alreadymentioned, dq not hesitate po denouncethe ward idea, and one of them said yesterday that he would leave the conventionand refuse the nomination rather thanstand upon such a plank, lie was in favorof meeting the issue squarely, and passinga set of resolution! at the opening ot theconvention indorsing the present form ofgovernment. "It cannot be improved,"hedecTBd- - w: ' ii TOO MUCH TO HOP.!

that some one or two of the preachers ofthis alleged relorm win not obtain seats inthe convention. If they do, and expressthemselves, a good move in the interest ofgood order, peace and happiness, milk andhoney would be to pitch him out of thewindow. The only way to treat an evilsuch as we are speaking of is to stamp itout in its infancy."

"If the Democrats fail to pass a resolu-tion in favor of the present form of gov-

ernment," t&'.i a solid merchant yester-day,'-' we will get out a citizens' ticket, andwe will elect "i-t- you need hot be afraidof any split. When it is brought to an' is-

sue not a hundred men can be found whowill support the straighttrict Democratic ticket, and as for beatingthe Republicans, Front street can do itevery time. After all, it might be a goodidea to let them go on and declare in f vorot the ward idea. Then the Republicanswill be certain te be defeated.',

L9C4X PjIKAGRAPHS.Minstrels next week.Bunch of Key againThe grand jury will meet again next

Tuesday.Mafy Wotritt wsa adopted in the

Probate Court yesterday by Mary Brook,.J. T. Jefferson & Co. received ten bar-

rels of new crop molasses yesterday, thefirst of tne season.

Grace Church Industrial fechool I133

en entertainment at Leubrie's Theater thela '.Lor pajrt of next week.

Licenses to marry ere issued jesterday to Louis Clark and Isabella (JiarkJohn Thomas and Miss P. P. Garrett.

The Panlap street bridge, which hasbeen allowed to rot away day after daywithout repairs, is no w lmpassaoie evenfor foot passengers.

Justice Cross performed his first mar-riage ceremony yesterday, and blushedlike a girl when the bride offered hercheck for a kiss.

The rotunda of the Peabady is crowd-ed every night. If any proof of the factthat the cotton season is about to open bigwere needed it is not necessary to lookfurther for it.

While it is still believed that throughtrains will be put on the Valley road nextMonday, it is a matter of considerabledoubt. Numerous side tracks and Btation-honse- s

are yet' to be built.' ' '

Cpjled Jiact, by Hugh Conway, atMansford's, 2ui Main street, Ladiesshould call and get a Deinoresft Por'Jtdioor hnl to Wtar. They are the cheapestfashion magazines published only fifteencents.

The will of Thomas Garrett iras pro-bated yesterday, leaving $5 each to hisfifteen grandchildren, a similar amount tohis son, John D. Garrett, the remainder tobe divided between his daughter, P. P.Garrett, and Stacy Ilardberger. C. B.English ia made executor.

A joint debate between Gov. Bate andwouldbe Gov. Reid night, onthe blott, is looked forward to with theliveliest interest. Mr. Reid is said to hasogreatly disappointed his hearers in KastTennessee, though he has been more suc-cessful so far in this section of the State.

All of the districts have been heardfrom and the candidates for poorhonsecommissioners who will go before theCounty Court next Monday are Justicestryor, Powel, Jonp, Williams, Pope, Gra- -'

air., Uarrell and one other, making nine.Three commissioners are to be elected'.The chairman receives $00, the secretary$25 and the private $15 per month.

Police Court proceedings yeateiday:B. Ifennver, larceny, discharged; illgames, drunk and disorderly, $2 andooets; A. Messier, abusive lancaije, $5;A. Delvoch and Barney Parrel), formerfined $15 and latter discharged; U. 8.Rogers, abusive language, $5; HalleyHalliday, asleep on sidewalk, discharged;H L. Derringer, fraud, continued; Callie

prigginp, larceny, discharged.'The ' IQ.of a two-stor- dilapidated

frame houle on Madison street, near, tb,eMemphis and Charleston depot, burnedoff about 9 o'clo k last night. It was oc-cupied by negroes. The loss was about$150. The hook and ladder truck wagdisabled by a collision with a hose carriagewhen going to the Crc About two hourslater a shanty on Echols street, also oouU.-pie-d

by darkies, was burned.expected arrival of Gov. Bate on

next (Saturday is beginning to arouse in-terest in the canvas. It is looked 'or-ar-d

to with growing enthusiasm, andpreparations are being made to meet himwith a band of music, hacks, and a generalturn-ou- t. The Cleveland, Uendricks andKate Club of the Seventeenth Civil lis-tri- ct

is expected to come to town to joinin the celebration. It is hoped that theChickasaws, if the time of arrival will per-mit, will turn out to make this the rnottbrilliant event in local' politics of thisyc$r. Goy. Bate will arrive on Saturday.

J. E. (Jleary was yesterday appointedadmicibtrator of iho eiilatis 01 John j

deceased, whose only heirs areone brotuer and sister of the whole blood,namely. George Murgltroyae and MarthaHutford, and fonr sisters of the halfWood, namely, Catherine Murgitroyde,Mis. ia.--7 A4a,'os, Annie Murgitroyde andElizabeth Murgitroyde, all of 7bom re-

side in Philadelphia. His property con-sists of $23,500 United States bonds, $2350chf k 5 of the Treasurer, besides $40,000 insaving banks id Boston and Philadelphia,part inehis own name and part as tfusteefor his brother. There wai no will.

In the ;aseof Stricklin ti. Longet, inihe Circuit Court yesterday morning,Jude Pierce rendered judgment for thedefendant. t?it was brought by 8tricklinfar the payment of $1 lor naovras ths de-

fendant's effects lithe defendant claimed tohave made a contract that the plaintiffshould move her effects and put down her

carpets. The plaintiff demanded paymentbelore he had luimiea his contract; thedefendant refused to pay, whereupon theplaintiff carried a wagon-loa- d of her furniture to a store-roo- where it has beenstored for over a year for nt ofthe claim. The defendant will now entera suit for damages against the plaintiff for$500.

--In the Criminal Court yesterdayHenry Owens, charged with horse steal-ing, plead guilty to grand larceny, andwas sentenced to three years in the peni-tentiary. The jury recommended theprisoner to the mercy of the Governor, towhom a petition will be sent by thefriends of the condemned man. Owenswas also fined SoO and sentenced to thirtydays for carrying a pistol. The LauraJohnson murder case was reset for Octo-ber 13th. The witnesses and jurors wereordered to appear again on that day. Mr.Philmont, a young white man, nleadguilty of carrying a pistol, and was fined$50 and sentenced to thirty days in theworkhouse by Judge Douglaas, who inrendering his judgment said that at somefuture time he might moderate the fineand imprisonment.

PEBS0NA1S.Mamucs IIall, of the Covington Record,

is in the city. .

Chas. Winston is back again at his oldpost at Gaston s.

S. Kbow, Trenton. Ark., visited the Cotton Exchange yesterday.

Miss Fannib May will receive pupils ather rooms, 66 Madison street, from 2 to fto clock, daily.

News was received in the city yesterdayof the death of Mrs. S. H. Shock, at Cba- -tawa, near New Orleans, September 30th.

W. P. Wildbeboeh returned yesterdayfrom Marietta, Ga., having been calledthere by the death of his aunt, Mrs. SueYV. Cheek.

Ma j. W. H. Tolkb, of Los Angeles,Cal., came through last evening on the firsttrain over the Kansas City, Springfield andMemphis railroad from Southern - California and reports great rejoicing in thatsection over the opening ol the JNeedieroute.

The sudden death of Mrs. S. Besthoff,announced elsewhere, has cast a dark?;loom over the very large circle of her

Mrs. Besthoff was beloved by allwho knew her, her high social standingand noble traits of character endearing herto all hearts. She leaves a deeply bereavedfamily a devoted husband, a most estimable daughter just arriving at theperiod of woman's life when a mother'sraiding hand is most needed, and twosons, one of whom is engaged in businessat Jonesboro. Ark., and whose first knowledge of his mother's illness will be theannouncement of her death. The bereavedfamily have the heartfelt sympathy of a'l.


Louisville, October 2. R. B. Turnbull& Co., of Danville, Ky., assigned y.

liabilities, 1 15,1)00; assets unknown.- Formitprc I'ompssr's Failure.

Lawkknceuubo, Ind.. October 2. P.Lears Matthews, proprietDr of the McLeanf urniture Uonipany. assigned lojonnu,McCnlloueh. Liabilities, $20,000; assets,$12,000. "The factory employed twenty:hve men.

4alfrei.Denveb, October 3. Jensen,' Bliss & Co,

hardware, assigned this morning. . Estimated liabilities, $100,000 ; nominal assets$170,000. The firm is one of the bestknown in the State, .

The Credltare Will be raid la fall.PiTTsnuKG, October 2. Breed ct . Ed

wards, plow manufacturers, made an as-signment y to Ogden M. Ed wards' forthe benefit of their creditors. Liabilitiesv,nn7O000. and nominal asset. $100.'

nnn Th nasie-ne- e states that the firmcould not meet matured paper, and as noartAiialnn u tnven. had to suspena. uthe asseU are1 advantageously disposed o

the creditors win receiyB uu:ior w

Bacbaxaa's Duplicated Wlilskjr lie.ceipt.Louisville, October 2. It was officially

reported last night that the examinationof the anairs ol iho isewcomb-liuchana- n

Company show that duplicated receiptsfor JtOOO barrels of whisky, amounting to$50.ti00, havtj been found thua far--

Ldler. It is well known by the officialetitetnent that a duplicated receipt for3000 barrels of whisky has been found ininvestigating the affairs of the Newcomb-Buchana- n

Company. The Trust Com-pany have refused to make pnblic tbenames of the victims. George Buchanan,who has been missing since the assign-ment, is thought to be in the city. TheEvening Times says: "We have been au-thorized to state on the authority of Mr.George Buchanan himself that 'the irregu-larities in the business of the Xewcomb;Buchanan Company in the mailer of du-plicated warehouse receipts, involve from4000 to 5000 barrels of whisky, on whichfrom $50,000 to $60,000 was realized ; thattbe books of the company will accountlor ev.ry dollar qf the money thus raisedand show that every rent of it was usedin the company's efforts to tide over thebreakers in which it was involved. Twoyears ago, when tbe Buchanans got- anextension from their ireditors, their 'liarbilitiea amounted to $l,(a0,U0p. Withinthose two years they have paid off $50,;000 of the principal and from $200,000 tojjrJ5Q,00l) in interest. They have deliveredto customers about lQ0,t)OQ barrels ofwhisky, and of 00,000 barrels now inbond no complications exist except as to4000 or 5000 barrela. They believe that bya careful administration the assets willnay off every dollar of the body corporateand individual debts, and that if the rea-sonable expectation of an early revival intrade is fulfilled there will be a surplusoverall liabilities. These statements arefrom Mr. Buchanan himself and may berelied upon as authentic and true to thebest of his knowledge." .


C. E. Burns et al to Mary F.ilen Burton,southeast corner ol lot 10, block 61,' westjide of Tnrley street. 5,0.ix252 feet, $1C00.


We will not atteiupt a description ot themillinery display at this magnificent, pala-tial emporium. The ladies who werethere (and what Memphis lady was ab-

sent?) received impressions that wordscannot augment. Gems of art from Paris,Vienna and London in exquisite designsand chaste combinations were exhibitedside tjy side w ith the elegant coimunaina-tien- s'

6i thai trained artiste, Mme. Sea-ber- y,

the guiding genius of this impo.tintbranch of Menken's vast establishment.Radical changes have taken place in theshapes and trimmings of bonnets and hatssince last season, but a latitude is allowedby Fashion, so that a beoou.icg headdrfssia recojrmje'd as ci first importance.' Thenew departments, consisting cf glassware,china, plated ware, statuary and house,hold ornaments are really wonderful fortheir extent, variety and beauty.

Shirts IVade to Order'By Johnston & A'ance, 305 and SOT Main.

Cintjittuati nn Hetura. e4.ft. Louisville and Return.

The C, O & S. W. railroad special trainleaving Memphis at 9 o'clock Sundaymorning. October 5tb, will run throughwithout change or detention to Lcuisyilie.where close connection will be made withtrain arriving at Cincinnati Monday morn-ing for breakfast. Tickets will be sold forthis tnijn as above ouoted, good returninguntil October 11th.' hartim ean remainin Cincinnati as late as the night o! Octo-ber 10th, and connect closely with specialtrain leaving Louisville at 8:i;0 o'clockSaturday morning for Memphis wUhoutchange or detention. This may be thelast excursion this year, and tbe rates arethe lowest ever offered the public Every-body is invited.

Suits Hade to OrderBy Johnston & Vance, 305 and 307 Main,

tic Insurance.Attention is directed to the card of John

Ft WilkersoUj representing the MutualLife Iosuracce Company, of Vew YorThis is the largest insurance company inthe world and the oldest in New lork.Theea wishing first-clas- s life insuranceaonlq do welT tp cjll on Mr. Wjlkeraoij,n .iauison sireeu

' Full I.inc Xexkwear,Latest novalties, at Johnston & Vance's.

Student Help. .

Pupils attending school at Lemoyne In-stitute desire places to work mornings andevenings for board. Apply to the princi-pal, 294 Orleans etrwt. .

Go to Johnston TavneeFor Boys' and Children's Clothing.


Leubrie's' Theater Appropriately OpenedJ.With a Bunch of Keys An Ex-

cellent House.

First Rehearsal of the Mozart Societ- y-

Successful Season Certain GrandConcert Kext Month.

The theatrical season opened last nightat Leubrie's, with Flora Moore's Bunch ofKeys Company, which performed to agood house, in spite of the warmth of theweather. The family circle was filled, C

there a number in the gallery, and in theparquette and dress circle nearly everyseat was taken.

Miss Flora Moore, who took the leadingpart, waa well received. She had im-proved considerably since last year, and isa bright, vivacious actress. The gods ofthe gallery were wild with delight, but Jthe more reserved and dignified renderedtheir full share of applause. In W. C.Crosbie, aa "Snaggs," and in J. H. Branich,as "Sam Foes." the remainder nf the in Jterest centered. Harry Booker did a nearbit ot acting aa "Uol. St. (J lair Jtsray," inthe second act, but beyond these none ofthe artists deserve especial mention. Theplay it cannot properly be called a playmet expectations, it made the audiencelaugh. Some of the songs which are interpolated are bright, and all of them arevery good.

Hesirt Openlas Hlstat.The formal oneninor of the Mozart So

ciety for the season of 1854-- 85 took placeat their hall last night The attendance,considering the brief announcement given,was excellent Besides the membersin attendance there were quite a numberof the friends of the society presentThere was no lack of interest or enthusiasm, and the success of the first rehearsalof the season gives every reason for thebelief that the season just ushered in winba more successful than any which havegone before. Nearly all the old memberswho drew out last year have returned,ana several new applications were maae.

President Rambaut made a brief address, in which he alluded to the successwhich had attended the society in thepast, and hoped the efforts of the mem-bers would not be relaxed, promising onbehalf of the directory to do all that couldbe done to increase the benefit and popu-larity of the society and to prove that theefforts of its working members wereproperly appreciated. Mr. Anton Strelexki,the of the society, was thenintroduced, and rendered in an exquisitestyle a rhapsody by LUzt, and anothersolo as an encore.

Mr. Downs made a little speech, inwhich he declared his confidence in theability of the chorus to accomplishsuccessfully anything it might undertakeand promised even, a more glorious feettival next spring than that, which formedso brilliant a conclanionto tte last season!lie announced that a grand concert ofmiscellaneous selections would be givennw, MnnK n - 1 It. Kv k... nn.1 1 .wl lhachorus through a part ot TuAnhauier and.!

waa in gvery respeci a sue ess; Good eel,ing prevailed and the most glowing hopesfor the future were freel indulged in.


LuziR Mat TJlvir, who made a hit herelast season in .the fortyNinert, was wellreceived in New York at the opening ofthe present season. Her new play iscalled DadTt Girl.

Since Miss Evans's appearance last sea-son as "Chip'' in JFogg'i terry-- the com-pany has been much strengthened, andparticularly in the addition of Mr. HarryWarren in the ridiculous character of"Still Bill," the country gawk. The playhas also been improved in many respects,.A "lihip" Miss iivacs oiBplay. ' vivacityand ''cuteness'' which are all her own andcertainly most charming. She carrieswith her both the sympathy and delightof her audience. anJ iu tier sons ah i- -


especisuiy nappy, lhe duets between I

herself and Mr. Warren also form special !

features of the entertainment- - j

Thb admiration of bald-heade- d men forballet girls is so old that it has lost its sa-

vor, and is only fit to be cast out and trod-den under the feet of men, but it it, nev-ertheless, certain that a large and gorge-

ously-dressed ballet ia one of themost beautiful sights seen on modern.stages. Thia ia particularly the case when j

enough to be grandmothers are goodlooking and well formed. Their sole pur-pose is to please the eye by glittering cos-tumes and curiously arranged inarchesand poses, exemplifying the adage thatwomen should be seen, not heard. Balletgirls are never heard, only seen.

The coarse nn justness of thedramatic criticism of the New York dailypress baa stirred Mme. Janauschek to theutterance of a protest which, if not pol-itic, is scathing n ita truthfulness. Theactress has lately brought' out a new playin Kew York a melodrama fay an Amen-can- .

The papers agreed in calling it poor,but the Herald, whose boast is that its re.pqrteta are its titics, discussed the pro;ductiqn with a doen lines of dpnuncialionwhich was a littta more than vituperation.Of the merits or demerits of Mme. Janauschek's play we ean, of course, know noth-ing ; it may be of the worst ; but the geniusand years of service of the actress and theinterest of the native drama which shouldbe every critic's happiness to encourageshonld have commanded for this new ef-

fort respectful, thoughtful and helpfulconsideration. And in almost any othercity than New York it would have re-ceived this treatment

Ballet girls get from t6 to $8 a wesk,and out of that only have to pay theirpersonal expenses, which is a good dealbetter than a great many women are doingwho hire themselves out as saleswomen.Clerks, Copyists, etc, for from it to $6 aweek.- - They haye to work touch harderfor their Wages,' too, than do the balletgirls, and their life is nothing but a mo-notonous drudgery, while, as t seem,ballet jirjs live a lie of pleasure and di- -'

yersicn. Thia reference is, of course, togirls who travel with some good reliablespectacle. After they learn their businessthere ia little for them to do except go totbe theater at night, put on their costumesand prance around the stage at intervalsfor about tbiee hours. There being a goodmany of them they have a nice, sociabletime, and being on the go a 1 the whilethey get a chance to see the country.


Svr the Stale of Teaaeaaea far turn .

The following are the conditions and jprospects of the various crops in the Statefor the past month, ending September20th, as compiled by the Bureau of Agri-culture, Mines and Statistics, from 400 re-ports, representing ninety-fou- r connties;

East Tenne'tre. Corn, fa3; cotton, 88;gathered, per cent, 57; sorghnm, 01;turnips, 70; tobacco, 95; millet 90; lateIrish potatoes, 82; aweet potatoes, 87; ap-ples, SO ; garden products, 90 ; buckwheat,SS; peanuts, 89; stock peaB, 92; stock,hogp, number per cent, 92 j condition per ipjnt.' 96.- - fattening ling, number ptrcent, 90; condition per cent., 97.

tr.. Tia lm 17 - r. rw SO;gathered percent, 35; sorghum, 94; tui?Kips, 70; tobaeoo, 94 j millet, 95; lateIrish potatoes, 77; sweat potatoes, 87;apples, 84; garden prodoct, 96; buck-wheat yield, 00; peanuts, 94; stock pea?,92; stock hog?, number per cent, 87;condition per cent, 95; fattening hogs,number per cent, 84 j condition per ceflt-- j

Middle Tennemce. Corn, S6; cotton, 80;gathered per cent, oO; sorghum, 95; tur-nips. 63; tobacco, 99; millet, 98; lateIrish potatoes, 77; sweet potatoes, 95;apples, 80; garden products, 95; buck-wheat. OS; peanuts, SI; stock peas, 89;itot aMga, n amber er cent, 99; condi-tion per cet, Uo; fattening hogs, num-ber per cent, 90; condition per cent, 95.Average for State corn, 92; cotton, 83;gathered, per cent, 47; sorghum, 93;turnips, v,ti tobacco, 9U.'; millet, 94; lateIrish potatoes, 79; aweet potatoes, 87;apples, 85; garden products, 90; buck-wheat, 82; peanuts, SU; stock peaa, 91;stock bogs, number par cent, U3; condi-tion, percent, to; fattening bogs, num-ber, per cent, 90 ; condition, jer cent, 95.


Crlatlaal Caqrt a)itaslais. Jatfaa.LUlendat for : Taxing-Distri- vs

Ciiatles Pickens, Carrie A. McMillan vsW. S. Kichardsm, W. L. Segler vs A. Dan-dridg- e,

G. W. Ifunt vs ,nn S. A. Shelton,Allen Moeely vs Memphis and AraansasRiver Packet Company, Louis Friz vs A.Kohlbry, B. E. Gray vsCE Clark, J. H.Ma'one vs Louis Frits, Wm. Bowles tsKmuia Bowles, W. A, Bell vs J. H-- Reyn-- j

oldg. Taking. District vs W. L. Cameron, !

M. K Evemenger vs Taxing-Distri- ct Jesse '

A. Forrest va Win. A. Forrest F. L. War- - j

ner vs Nellie Young, A. E. Sholas vs J.EByrd. j

rtrealt Caart Plerer, Jadse. j

Calendar for to-da-y : Nor. 79S3. Taxing- -District vs Chas. Pickens ; 7987, W. L. Sig-- Iler vs A. Dandridge;' 7998, Carrie A. Mc- - '

! : 11 . w c 1 : ..1 1 l . - tar Iitiiiiaui a a. uuaiusuu , rtwu. r t

Hunt vs A. S. B. Shelton ; 8007, Charles I

Berton vs owners steamer City ot New Or- -

leans: 8008, Allen Mosley ts Memnhisand Arkansas City Packet Company ; 8012,Louis f riu vs a. ft.oniDry; ovs.i, tr. is.Gray vs C. E. Clark ; 8020, J. H. Marlow etalva Louis Frits: 8038, Wm. Bowles vsEmma Bowles: 8049. Nelson A. Bill vs

H. Reynolds: 8055, Taxing-Distri- ct vsn . ia, vameron ; nuoi, tu. o. .tiBuiiiigur vs

Taxing-Distric- 8061, Jesse A. Forrest vsWm. M. Forrest; 8084, F. L. Warner vsNellie Young: 80G5, Jos. Hickey vs C. B.Robertson; mm, J. K. ISyrd vs A.Shoales.

IIOTjEIs aukivals.Peabady Hetel.

, B- - GALLOWAY A CO PaorxrrroEa.Rate S2 54 and S3 per day. aoeording

to ise and looation ol room.W R Bicket, Ark C E Gibson. MoOF Thompson, Miss G H Field, TennD J Higlay, Ohio H C Enback, KyCR Duncan, Ark J W Blskeslee, N XG B Stevens, Ala II L fbb. Mo

B Palmer. Mo A F Adams, MoWm Hakan, Mi: ' H B Gill, KyONWidner, Ky F F Kenard. Tenn -

6 W Rogers, Mis WCFalkner. MisaG D Jordan, Tenn L V Butte. TennF B Dancy, Miss Mrs R A Gray Ae, La"Mra R L Iter. La Miss G Gray, La11 H Matlack, Ky W Kennedy, cityMrs E Prank, La E B Kaighn, PaChas S Cline, III 11 C Gnlur, TexWm BischnfT, N T G Frank, eity

H GarreUon, La A Levy As, TexM Ktocken, Tex JM Williams Aw, VaE M Perry, La A Merriman, eityM R Harry, city W A Prince, cityTO Ontiam Aw, Ala a W See, N Y8 S Glenn, Tex J W Lyman, Miss

8 Aeee, Oa S Mosruder, GaJ R Phaler, St Louis 8 H Harris. NY..W P Semple, Ky W R Moore, Ala8 T Farnsworth. eity T R Farnsworth Jr, eityR F Simpson, Ala J A Edwards, N YD R Scott, N O R Freberman, OhioRC Judge, Ky M A Gregg, KyTE Ward. Pa A M Clayton, MissJ T Fant. Miss Mrs RC Irwin, MilW T Cor. ton. Mis J L Frasier, KyJ R Scales. Ky W B Ccwan As. MisaA Emonson, Ark W Y Elliott, TennJ Nssh, eity E Snmmerfield, ArkH S Clarke, Ks H T Haines, MeJ II Sothoron.Mo A H Joblin, Ark8 Hill, Tenn WT White. MisR W Brown, Ohio STRnnk.NYMrs Q M Kye As, Ark H M Doak, Tensf B fierce, iu j m r.rwin, iv--

A liaiuweu, ivy.

fiaatoaw Ilatel.European plan. Enlarged and refurnished.

Prioes according to sue and location of rooms.W. H. BINGHAM MiSAGlx.

Mrs Melchoir, Mis FFerrell, ArkJ E Cook, wio, Ky N W Wilson, KyW C Martin, Tenn JTCole.TennF E Steger, Tenn F Trimble, TennMra H StifTt, Mis W Harris, N YR U Elliott, MUa P T Forsyth, eityR N Harris, Miss C B Clarke. MisW C Sansom. Miss G 8 Rice, ConnF Gambet. Mats L Hill, jr. TennJT Williams, Riverton L G Shinault, MissW F Rainey, Miss J M Brown, MisEF Williams, Mis C A Williams, MissMr P H Carnea. Ark J E Hnghes, TennC B Jones A sr. Ark C Quackenbush, TenaWm Guitrer, Tenn W P Cowan, fennFC Nebhut.Tenn Miss M F Nebhut, TennL C Christopher Aw, Me O F Eddins, MisaJ N Lewis. Ark T E Thnmason, ArkF M Mosser, Ala Henry Baggott, ArkL Ward, Ark A P Concher, ArkR Cheatham, Ark G A Thornton. TenaE T Thornton, lenn Mrs S Thornton, TennT F Koscr, Ark J J Hngue. arkI Shsfer. Tenn J F Warren. TenaD J Crisp. Tenn B D Grav. KvJ O Brantlev. Tenn J A Darins, S CH Powers, Ky w c Knignt. MissMrs K M Freoman.Tena Mrs A E Habicht, AlaLB Andiger, Ark J C Dale, TennGee E Pettey, Tenn W H Toler, Cal,

1EW rLABRMisOBj HST1L,Sirletly Iraasleat.

America aad En(paa Plaas- - Basest,

fisaaviv. Bt.siar.v.llj.ia.A,. B. HtJH r, aaaajer.J 8 Tlsrrif . Mis S 8 Finger. MisW M Scruga, Tenn I M White, TennG E Koealer, 0bi9 i M Saturday, OhioS Mansfield Aft city W RtVilkinson,T.G W Chapman. Ark T J Brown. MisCDShipp. Mi ( W It FinleyjatsgJ D irby. Mir s W E Col ton, Texu w imiiev. Ky G Costella. Ark '

Miss Uastoh . NY Miss Luckstone, IT YMiss Treves, NY' Miss Thayer, N YCC Sam till.. NY J W McMilter, MaT J McAllister, Ala t M Nentota, Ala

R Curtr, Mo,


Bcv your Shirts at May's.But try pure sure Hope Soap.Stcdt shorthand, 44 North Court streetGrvx vnnr children Cmith'a Worm OU.Seb Brainerd & Armstrong's "waste"

embroidery advertisementHave your pants made at Hester's, 214,

41am eireot, aba save ro per centFob dyspepsia or antidote to tobacco

chewing, use Valentino s peerless sweet-stum-

TZ' Herbal Chill Cure, the best tonieand known. A certain and .v,rcure for chills. Price al per ho'tlo. Mtnafor eircnlers. Any rfckent grTet(.joh,n. C. Sticker, Vfucberg, Ya.


'For Tnntttet and the Ohio Valley, generally fair weather, winds generally southerlyand nearly stationary temperature.

BIGS A L, ftEBVlCF. REPORTS COTT09VKLI-Ss.JKaa-a- a.xs uiaiaitx

Dally Cattoa Bccrtea ateparta Draaa Ball- -. rau Blaueaa.

Dibtxict Ciktex, MxifrHir. October 2. 18S4.Observation taken aft S I m.. Centraf Time.

ggaTSTTSTATloaa. baixpu.

laxunii I inlmum.Memphis. SJ.5 VIIs h villa.Grand JuBot'n 0.(0vjonntn- -- to 0.CQ

Tuseumbia. 61 000Decatur- - 6Ji 0.06Soottshoro.. 61 O.Ou

Bateivill. flu

tl B I'dB pa It.tO

Withe te o.uoFowasvule --ilan

on 0.0000 d 0.00

Paris. b5 0 00Covinfrtoa. VI 61 0 ooDyersburg w 66 o.uoBolivar...... 93 65 000Holly Spring. 89 70 0.00Oxford M GS 0.00

Sam tol 1745.5 1215 000- Average. 91.9 65.5 0 00

rtt-Be- lt Balletla.MsairBis, October 2, 1884, S p.m. Central


istbicts. Max. Tern. Min. Tern. Rainfall.Wilminrton 68 0.0- -Charleston .J 90Auausta. 3u 64J?i 92 64Montgomery. 90 64Mobile 92 65 o.oNew Orleans 89 0.04sGalveston. bS 0.10Vicksbnr... 6ff

Little Rock 63saampiu. 6 0(0

Sums. T8 e.2sAverages.. 65.T 0(r.3


JHetaralxlal Sseaarx.MawrBta. Tcs., October 2. 1884.

Time. Bar. Ther. Wind Weather.

:08a.ni M.150 71.0 8.E. Fair.10:08 a.m 30 IS2 St.O 8. Clear.2:06 p.m 30 W7 89.0 S.E. Clear.6.08 p.m.. SO.OW: 84.0 S.E. Clear.

10:08 p.m 30. 1H 77.5 E. Clear.Mean 3U.12-- J 79.2 8.E. Clear.

Maximum temperature.Minimum temperatare.


Wheeling, October 2 Night River2 feet 3 inches, and rising tl-)- . Weatherclear and warm..

Nj-- v OaxBAifs, October 2. No arrivals.Departed: City cf Bayou Sars, St Louis.The City of Baton Rouge is due

Oaibo, October 2. Night Jtiver 17 feet7 inched, and rising. Weather clear andwarm; thermometer fi". No arrivals ordepartures,

Maveaarnta of Oeeaa ateatnere.Naw Oblbans, October ?, No arrivals.

Cleared: Craipallon, Livingston; Kllieunight, t'uerto uortes.

3 ant Deceived,A full line of Fall Overcoats.

JOHSSTON A VANCE. 305 and 337 Main.

J. Walsh, Undertaker,330i (Second street naar Union.

TEST XQUR BAMfOraBrands ad.era.ea aa abeelrtaly pare

THE TOT IPlace a can top down oa a

rvmoT. in. ootot aaa ameiL wttLBotasapSutrea loOMess NH

DOES SOT COBTAH ' tTO Btiistiwilgags aes aWW S SBaaaaaa

laaKlUtoaMi tbe eo


Dr. Pries', fcxiil Flaroirx


viuevw. a ST.





Incorporated Under the Laws oi

the State of New YorkApril 21, 1884.

A Combination of Interests In the"Pan-Electri- c" and "The

American Postal

felegraph Companies, also Iucor--

porated Under the

Laws of the State of New York,1883-8-4.

Direct re af tbe Btea-r-r Telearraak aaelTclepkaaa Cempaaj.

Hon. GOV. J. W. DENVER. Ohio. Psuldant.Dr. J. W. ROGERS, New York, nt

Gen. FRANK' ARMSTRONG. T.iaa. (tecratarv.Uon. ROBERT kLOIZ, Fennsylvania, Treasurerisoa. inuaas a. viUAXaAiiikM, Indiana.' 'Counsellor.3. HARRIS ROGERS, Hew Tor, 6upervijinsRon. HERNANDO D. MONEY. MiuiasieptCol. B. F. LOONETTennesee.

VAN H. MANNlNiJ, Mifpi.

ISLreetara ar ttie Pa a--El eetrie Teleplseaeaad TalesvraaBi Caanaaalaa.

Gen. JOSKPH I. JOHNSTON. Tlrginla, ?ie.l-de- nt

Beaator IS HAM G. HARRIS. Teaaeseae.Senator A. if. GARC AND, Arkanaa. Ceaneeller.Hen. CASEY VOUNG, TeaneaM. Secretary a 4

Treasurer.Gev" 30HN C. BROWN, Mlorl,JUH aURIB BOASfl, es; fegk.

Tae oVleetof til eonspanyu to realise, witthe Company, iu most admirableidea, . ., to introdaee invention already made,and to develop rut (eld ef electric disooverythrough the united effort las the original pamph-let exureased itl " WW inmu mad tkiU.ful Mtkamict, for the payment ef whom com-pany stock will be sold, having iu rain baaed, notonly on the new systems, bnt also "m tk fmiurtpotnbUities of tUttricit, and on valuable prop-erties already belonging to the Company.

''The Roger Telegraph and Telephone Com-pany" ha secured the right to operate ia thebtate of Pennsylvania, with her hundred townsand cities, "The Paa-nleet- Telephone," witha guarantee from the Parent Company to defendinfringement suit, should any aria again! it.

Thi telephone ha been introduced iu,oYeix by parties representing several million do-llar, who air. fort. Mr Mint. r,f tn.i. Iu.1 .t.wand 110 per annum rojralty M &a instrament tthe Parent Compaay. JUias.ari and Texas haveeontracUd to give the earn, with ejO.OUO cashbonqj, aBd from the various Bute already ol Javer fc.Utiu.Ouj in money aad local stock ha betaeeured sinoe January. The T.le--grapb, under the judicious management or Gen.Joseph E. Johnston, preside.,, and SenatorIfham G. Harris, vne-pri-si J.nt, aided by an

uutowit. cii aiao sicauiiy inereaeea theT.1UI VI 1 IMMI.

Roger Telegraph and Telephone Cue,SBy. 'own SlJiOO.UOUof th. atnek audlnb,..!tn. ic Lumpanies-- if eonrae, iu owntock must, indpeaent of iUewn value, in-

crease in a the ie tok andother uoperlie belonging to it advance; and al-though tb btaU of Pennsylvania might seem, atrat view, to circumscribe tutorriioiy, iu divi-dend,, in point of fact, must arise from evcrjBtate U, the Union i which the "Pan-Electrie- A

and American Poatal Companie" prevail ; foritalaoowni ti.lXlO.OUUO ef "The Aoerioan PostalTalerraph" stoek, to be pooled with a ayndieau.already eaitraeted conditionally tebuild 60WI mile of No. 4 wire, to Up tbe tobacco,cotton, sugar, caul and mineral mark.U ef theSouthwest."Parthenon Heigh U." sear Bladensbnrg , haalso been purchased for a laboratory, and con-veyed te "The Roger Telegraph and Telephone

Lompany, nor would it be extravagant to pre-dict that invention and disooverie, giving iurpnsingvalae to the stock, may here be realisedunder Mr. Rogers, the supervising .leetrieian,whepriginaj.or"lhe Naiiai Secret Telepheae''

." .

.vb,"!?rr',i' THELawyerof thcSenaU otth--

t vQjVsd BUtea, and anaueationably great ImlaulhoHty, thus refers to the subjeot of Lnfrisute-men- t,aad the ic Telephone :

Natioxal Hotil,Washtngtea, D. C. January i, 1884. ftfoa. A. H. Garland:

Dkax Sin My attention ha been called to taeatock of th l Telephone Company aan investment: I therefor desire jour opinionas to whether the T.lauhnn. ..! k. a.M iv.pany, or any part of it, is tn infr.ngemtnt ofwhat i knows as the Bell Telephone. Respeet-faU- y,

A). H. U.YE&&.

Washixotox, D. C, January 8, US1Di Six In reply to your question propound-ed ia the not hereto attached,! be to say ; 1have given the aubject rvferred to much atten-tion, and have elonely examined several opinionsdelivered by different courts in controversies be-tween the B.U Telephone Company, llolbear,Speneer Ghegan, and other, and I am clearly olopinion that th named by you,in no wise infringe the Hell Telephone. Fromthe earliest deeision of our court to th present,although invention may ia their general prin-ciple, be alike, yet if in their operation and work-ing there is an essential or material diflerence,there ia nocenfiiot to amount to an infringement.This is reooxnised in th historic eas of O'Reillyv. Nona, li How., V. S. Reps. 62. and in nu-merous decisions since that ; but more clearly,aad with more direct application to the matternow in hand, in Cloagh vs. Manufacturing Com--Sany. life t. B. Reps., 178 (October term Unitedtates Supreme Court, 1882.)

Without attempting any minute detail touch-la- gthe inventions in question, 1 am aatisfied

thoroughly so that th difference between themis wider and more distinct than that reeogniaedby the court is the case 106 U. tt. Reps., Sup.

The court hold that a "HmUtaniimi eVpnrtvr.'from a former invention is pauntable withoet in-fringing. (DmJ . HfrUmt fump Cm., 107 V. S


This, in my Judgment, B more than enough teinsure the tc Telephone from anycharge of infringement ef th Ball Telephone.Very truly, etc., A 11. GARLAND.I. K. Mrxxs, Esq., National Hotel, City.

Senator Harris, another eminent lawyer ef theSenate of the United btate, ba also given thesubject profound investigation from Rets' eria-in- ai

invention ef the Telephone, ia Germaay,down tr Hrawbaagh'a, Ball's and Roger' repro-duction of it ia America! aad aeagtily eoaearwith Judge Garland.

The judge of th Supreme Court ef Pennsylva-nia hav lately daie aa injunction to th BellCompany on their broad claims; and th mocteminent jurists throughout the country agreewith them in the above opinion.

Thus guaranteed against infringement aits,and having (eeured right ia thee marvelous in-struments, and owning the various pronertiedescribed above. "The Roger Telegraph andTelephone Cmpeay." incorporated under thelaws of the btate of New fork, April 21, lt,was capitalised at 5,000,0U0, divided into shareoff 100 each.

It is possible tluit the Telephone stock alonete say nothing et "A fittmrt pomnhilitum nf

may, lik that ef the Bell Company,which waa capitalised at 110,100,(100, ria to varyhigh price ; but far th aak ef rapid construc-tion, and te develop the rich mine of electricaldiscovery already in sight, tbe company offerInvestors and speculators very rare ocpoatunltie

for holder of this " aold i eJfeet.aa.resoU th aosw ataohs.


Large block at greater reductioa : hat the riski auranee, at any mvMai, i reeerveA.ru i ihort notice, at, half the Bell Company ratea.umocs: a) nroaaway,ew xork; iia

itnetN. W.. WaakiagWa, . C..and lmiger SBildiaa. P -

IhHi lotionlwmmm

Call and examine, or sendprill SrotiiersS c53 Co.IToa. 810313 Front Strt-- - jUernphls. Teniae'

W. B GaJbf


EST A T.TiTS TIED 1862JGeorce Arnold. IV. A. Ererinan. Isorenzo SolsrL


(Ooltitoitai; laPsLottonraAJID DEAI.EUS TS

Railroad and Levee Contractors' Supplies.atteatlaa grlvea t tba aarehaaa aasl aaleararaadsaalia aarllaa.tad Uaeral Caak Aavaaeea aa Catlaa ar at her raaasrBBeataC3


LEDGE &(Gotlon

356 Front St., ;


BM3,:.BIM 6ft

Jfo. S8Q Front strectgy?,.'T4Memp1ilai. Tenn.


B. e' B.J. of A

4 a.,All of


t t t

L. of Coffln.R. GOD W lii. of J . R. Godwia AC. K1LLM.T. of Porter A

te (nsnrin aad

AHNa. H14 of : :




A. rreaideat. Si. T. kteCy ual TraaaMan ajQactarena sf aad In



Sash. and

A. 1. Tn

: :ofm ia. laas.-a- a

Va. BAA FROVT 1 aiar.

Ef 41D. T. Frw. HO. Ar, a. D. BA1XK,

X3ZXIW. W. Galareath A Co.

M. Geodbar Co.dUlLBi capitalist.

kl.da PVonartv Island. Snwilal



for prices before buying.

eath & Co.


r.'M. Besldeat


factors,Memphis, Tenn.



COPFUr. Dillard A

IR.PORTER, Macrae.

athsatlon also ISwelllwae


D COMMISSION MEUCHAJiTFront Street, Corner Monroe, Memphis, Tennessee.


!!!LL, FOfJTAlHE fc CO.

Cotton Factors and Wholesale GrocersgQ0a08 LFront St. Jleinplalsi, Tenn.

Cotton Factors Commission orchanto,JIo. HO South XTalii St. Xjonle.

11oodruff Lumber CompanyWOOBBUrr, HAlfXAII,


XXJ-IBES--- .Doors. Blinds, Moldings, BaUdlng Xstorial General.

SAW AXD PlaAXEf O MILLS.Worth Front St., lVear Gas Works.

Taylor, afatniurer.


M. Vo FBARCJJ3 & Co.Jfo. 276 jFront utreet, Memphis, Tenn.

rwiti, srprKWBFB

foMer.ihoratoB & UCotton Factors, Wholesale Grocero



OFFICB COMPANY'S BCILBIXO, MAlltOX, laXjstlPniS.VOBTBB, TBKTOS, wiee-rree- 't. aeetretarr.


(Jaaatrw ntareo, at reasonabl. rates. Commenced business in 1M7. LOSSSS PAID. erHaifa af lllsaw. A Heme Ccmpaay, we respectfully ask your patrona.


Peoples Insuraace Go.Ofice 16 Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn.

CAPITAL, ; .g $200,000lB,lBgarrs all Classes of Kerchsndise, htorehonsrs, Charches and Dwelllnts.-- tLEM JIO.V,

Tlrs.Pre.Msnt.W. XX. FABBIXGTO.X, IL. T.



2G4 Front St.. cor. Court, Memphis; Tenn.

Hats for



W. I. rrlsry.BOID, IntllT llOTD.



city end private schools.

Mmir ftl P.nnWC ttssaa,wiw-a- a HUUnu a sracr fur July.

S.1MFaltaa itrcet. Saw loii.

JTr- - Tilon Tenn. ,

mtorMS4 Facilities


BROTHER,Booksellers Stationers,

2tSXaia Street,


Vholesalo Grocers Cotton Pactors,storesst, ItsTemphls,

s r. m







