9 m in-twin falls cc alls dail -lilmtg e ie...

THE ^- V O l3 r 7 r - N e r 2 5 7 . ------- JELO lOTJi riiisiE House and Senate Agricultural Committee to Start Consider- ation of Relief Legislation; Time Growing Short. _ u r n n t lioi*f uf/avoMWe ac.thu nt this aoMlnii, tlio liouno nu<T nrriritp OKrUul- turnl c-otiimltteo will »tnrt cunildccatidn -------- Pnrlj^PirTkv0lc"fiirtt'5“B^rIculturftl rp-' Uut ictoinmurnlnlion proi«iciJ )iv tlio ]>rmlil(<iit'R ftRriciiUiiriil romniU.ii'on. J'ublic lu-arhiKi will bu tlio first order _____with tlio liomo comiriillci-. bfi;lnniiig roiiinilliri-* wniit to lionr iiipiiibprt uf nKficulturiil.comiiiiMion not only in , ox])lniyi^on o f lliu rocummpuJulldni but nIso’Hi to wIioMicr tlipy tlilnk llifir.pro- l>OHnl« liavu cuvercd thu wliolo farm liroblcni. __________ __ . jotnrr»^<«n« ------ Tlii'ro wm. "ihmp tnlk nt pncli «iul of l>, tlic ^>ilol todnv of liollltnir InlTit ____ ^i>iiiit«7l»iit (0 iui at wiujtmilr knfuni no cllrrrt WiTo t.Tkfii. HuHj rliiilrm.'n ____ IlauKoii mill N'orrln >;;ld lli.'-c would Iiu ilc.iiniMe III ujk'iJUc I'Xiiuiiiuiiioii of thu , aulijppt. •Hr»ic!M tliP mpiiiWrs r>f the aRrlcol- turnl cuinnilMlon,. llio houiip rotniiiitii‘o --------duairoi-tfr-Uour-rupwuiutulivM-of-wK mnrkrtlnj; organlinlion* wliiiA.havi’ nuked for nn o|iiKirlunity to priAoiit Ihi'ir rIiIp of tlic iiuratlou. -V B«TW*l BUlfl Offered. Siiirtl tho foinmi"‘!oii’i roport wn» traiijiulhcit tl) cuiijjroM lovcral bill* niiiuvl lit (arm nUl Imve.bfctt offvtedj^ 'RpiiiiJo'rVifc^’nrj-',- rri>ubllcan, OrCKon, llitrf>,lnrlWltid!.l- a Illll contnlii|tig many o f tho fcaturi'n of >l«.N'nfy-«n|«t-h»-BttH~fit-thf frqBcat of fnrm orR^nniz.itiom nml that il vrni hi* nlni to likvo tho bill before tiio coni. I ------- lultt f u n lii'n l lt T f o pBUC il UlD.WllolUiUb- JoO ofJarmtslil. , . . 35 Preparing tor —End-vMVorld^oon;- Sell [All Property Next FridftjUt Midnight Time Set for MiUosnium, Prophot- ----- t OB 8 ToUb LU«o Band. __ _ OAKUN'D, Cnl., Jnn. 31 0P)~ Romp thirtyfivo mpiiibprn of Iho ‘ “ reformed" Adventist rhiircli arn liUpotlni; of nil worlilly pffcriA nml • nro rranaritig to gnlhpr nt thp lionm _ - ,iif <ni(> of Ihctr Icadi-T* lit-ro un liuxl , Kridny lilKlitJ to nu-ail the cn<l of -tho worlJ, ni projihcslM. by their "Miprohio jiyni’ln'tpm,” Sirii. Mnr. A Rari't A\'. UtivpH o f Loii Anuplpt. T' Tho oxpeiled millennium ia to eonw* nt mj»iiij:ht onvl'rldny, ni>. ponllnir (o piUi. Howui. Iii tha nioniitlniA thu members of thn bnnd lii^pf* T^JTllf* *" ' prnyer utidt'r direction of their lenilor. . , ./ Money rcAllxed frnm the.iala^of th» homi'i nnd effect* of thu'mem- —^------hcr. i - ^ - thg-h8nd~ii-biing~nic<l~ta— ' iprciyi , tho fpropheey nnd other ^varmnjpi thnt thu end is ncnr. ' wna/ coyrnroE bequlatiok& ----------rtJKnLLvrJnin-ai-M^TJurflmnnir eabLiiot today InitructeJ Dr. Trendelen- of tlin-Ocrinnn jlelecatlnii lYhloli bin lieen-iiei;ot&itli.tfWini~lTi7 "■" W lic ir filt ’ ll lffli1o“Tr(5r7liiient,'to !«5if tlniio tho illieunionii. Tho object of ^ n iy nrrnngemcnt, • Dr. TrcndDlenhnrjr ^ whn tolil, irould bo tho ohtainlnfr of mint fnvored oatlou treatment for Oer- * yi ’ I ■%/§'■ \ ] Z^l^WeMTro f L ----- ^ ^M ACTP^TnjCJIiuL-aiiaa^ceiw;.- ..... ISfli Ui.nV’4«''nrtroublo”.,wAiiHow on of I’ohA' a " liV-W^kor Bnitcd Into todny in V' telej^aphio nppeal to Adju- V .trnit W .'at HjiringflBiaJtn doolaro uimial )aw at Jlerrin. Tho telepnm wni ditpiilehcd'aftor ===B=ttwt=wkUb-ChW--Wnlh«f=Oi«t6f r J. IL arailhl a norrln klnn leader, had mado on hi* llfo In front of tho eiiy ^Thnilrwhea tio chlct:attcmptcd:to-dUi ehargo PntroW n narold Qrnlu. n klnn ijmpntiiUer. A -rr--------- —r—WtBlUOn ifwitffnr.-:-"------ - Herrin BlghkrotieeinaD, Hobi Liien. ---- HhcHff ----- q»lHg8n ia-fon<«iW Ui Q^Ugttm- wturned - to WmeiuelnF— —. would .bo DUltH /or ths polUo. .. •allL'r'*ThB'ramihhTidL«-nntffti-«im-»tL; ^MirwPiW-In-w \ f , troublai-thw ■-m nia»ra«m j'tocEiTSS^ TBE * ^^r.CIIIL'L'LATUI.NH I NAME GOVERNOR’S SOW I' ■ IN BRIBl'SCANbC r- BUBBBIjr arDAVIBrMn"of ' aor Jomitlun M. SatU of Sadsw, !2S ^ in*pp^ to ft Top«k> court. to ftnnror to ehwgot of tolUn^ a jn pundoa to Fred W. PoUiaaa. con- ut Tictod bwikw, for I12S0. Both do- .Q. alod their guUt illffliailS: MllDMIIEJD j 1- _ ' - oo ' ;; House to Vote Tuesday on -Res- olution for Return of Pay and J Rate Measure. of WAHiri.vnTny. .Tm.- n ^ tho homp nrhodnlod tii voti' Tiipmlny nn « TPBoIution to return to tho «oimto Jl. tho postal pay aid rnto -liiereaao bill l r Ull IhL- Kruunil lliui U iJirHt.Kca ou the proroKQt^ve a f tho houM> «o.. inUluto fvvvuuo legiitalSon, «r]>rMc)ilntSvij I-onRworth, (he _renubllcnn lender, placed nnother (trimlilliiK ntono in its fath-hirfitj^bT-dpelarlnp-lilnjppOhHlou to provision* of tho luensuro as np- y proved hy thf nennti'r’ ------- 3 ii. LuiinuDith i.il);uLili'il Miiit ihr pro|M)»pd riilo nionmiro wonld not rnlfo morc-thfin-hnif tlio mnncy ni'rai-d'(o nhiorb tho salnfy flilrniici'S tind lie fls- _ setlcd bo 'ivn*__niii'08ed_I()_('nntUiii;al.oi aTiyTiiirXvlilcirmit not iimteh snjarv nnd In lliiH with tho fontentlon of present rnlo lner,'(i«p« dollar for dollar. Thi* is ia lino with tho eontplition uf I’rcsl- dent Coolid){i' "■hi> was Informed today _ l>v Boantor M ohpk, rPimlilirnn. K ow jliuiipjialtW (hul Hio iiii'aiiiiio-wunld-pt^ vldo lie ,050,000 of tho «08,000,00a whieh h w;m ontininled It would add to Ihn Kovprnmcnt payroll. A eonforeneo will be ealled XCondny hv hoiisn •ropubllcnn lender* with a view tn dctcriiiinlnK tvhulher tho bouie poilofflcp fommlttpo should report n 1)111 rnrryinR both salary nnd rnto pro* rl.tnn. .M!... ■H'n .pro]^...l-l« n voto In tho hoiup nt nn enrly date. Pnssaiio of tho resolution lo turn bnek Iho seuato bill wn* predicted by repub- lican* and demoenit*. It wns. re|)orted — Tina7iimtm»lj^oilay-by-tho~wflyr"illi<r -------- - AKSWSB6 APPBAI.. ?■- -8 P H 1 K 0 K IE L P , III., J n n ,- a t W>>— Aiijm ani ui'ii"“rul lairlns J'.'. JilncK "nn^ n- nouneed toniRht, following fho recoipt cm ot-a^^o((uuu^uui^»U(.a0orgn.n»|> etij f^ o'f'policy nt UcTrlii, liTwhlcVthcy n«l(ciraiat mar. of tbil law be deelnred (here, Ihat ho is rjr detailing throo nntlonnl gunrd officcr* of from Carbondnlo to ro to llerrln nrtd ;r- Invcstijfate tbo altuatlon lhcro_ond_then ~ xflpart"to"liIltt.. . 7'.'.' "V” . -fm-Troops4&^ mUWM Herrin M ;i- ^lo-untlL-uldlon-iind eomo* iii-and pn dlmrmcd-thMO-cflrt»tng yeapoaa TtithX >10 Fatn'ifltin-lfl Slscbirgod. ' itnrtcd in ITcrrln, told Tatrolmnn Crniu ho was dlieharged «r for ‘' beating pooplo up’* on tho iiirMU' W 5«w lho shSollnB affFi^JPbittiTaBr »d niffht. Smith, tho kbn leader, then eaned iho-chief of lifraa and pulled a gun on hin. At — tbU junettJTO.tho crowd whieh had gath- n* fired in frorit of the city hall dl*. nf>■p c i i t f l r ^ ' ... J ■■ ^ Ii ^t-liosr^ilw fll^lfr-yith-tliw orgflB. ie- ~ UIAVB'l'UimiUUUir. ' ~ Kt -0mD0i^13^xvrta:r^3tBrrs^-m= tr aonerol .Csrln Bluk, UftJorrOoatnl Sobert WTDarU, third baRaIio1 ^of tho Ut. 130UiLI5£*Hl^,~ifle^nlea )^..tw o J ONLY. ASSOCIATED i --TW IN -F A LLS,-ID A H O U Four Bills Jin State Senate, JU Approvi I, MAY FLOAT SUDMAHINE MONOAy fouT.><Moirrir. n . ii .. Jnn. :ii u f —riin I'niK'.l rtliilra navy tiutiiiiarlllP _ H-H. orilt l'.-liiir.i ul-l-U lla---- lliirlior .liirlno ii ruirlluMiil t>Ui*jinl TliurWay nisht will pnilnhlr ho nu»lrd'<M»n>Uv. ll wim Irariicil to.ijij' at llie nuvy j-ar.I Ii.t.. «• |.l.ii» for Kihnifln;; oiicrjitionn wprc* roai|r|rW-,!. 'rite ii:ivy lIuiiMiii; cl.'rrl<'k will Im lie. In all fiTl of «.«t.-r mi n juml k IxUloiii. ' Senate Disposes of 7 13 TM^ufiTfter r “ Legislatiye Tie Up JJf Uppor Honao Working Under UflanitoouB uoaBont Agrc'eT Ice,- —mont~r 6 rgd 8~nifonginiaM [ * of fiiUs on Calendar. ***■ WARKI.VQTON', Jnii.^ .11 W>)— E inerr Snj; Irom n le(55«5nUvo Inipaaao renchi'd t — late ycsterilttV. tho *»‘nnir.-wfirkinr-nn.' der nn unaiiimoiii eonaonl aBroemoni, I ilroro through il*. calendar todny, dla- lei* than firo hbiirs.^-'rhl* rqualed th'o rppord I'Bliihlljihi'd during onu oncdny holiday tush, last month. --AniuaOlB'r"lnou5Urt-»“ |™l'«hY<iiiKir WAS n joint ri-soliitIiiu nnthorlrliig tho liilinjjunil' roniitiltloo' to ii»o publlr spaei'* nlotiR re»n*ylvnnln nvonuo for _ ruuliirlhit. tLo_l!lnnnurr'(;nn. o f I’rpaldrnt CooIiilKe. Action on thin '* * menauro which now Roe* to the liouiu wna Worked yi'aterilny by. Hpuator ;na Hmool, repnblicnn, Utnb, nfter thn *rn- ntp refuned to tnke up tho Bo^'ernment reorcanlwllon bill which ho 1* spou* ,, wtltig. _____ _ _ _______ 1 _______________ Prlvntft PlaliM.---------------- - lAs wns tho finn ii mouth Ago «in*t nf ^ mrmOTrea-phiiiefl todnrXrerc-prh-ntti <-l(iini.find-bridB«-Wllfc—SovatBl-of-im . nto ]Nirtiuiro»woro approved, liirludinf; a bill houau bill to iiuike vnllJ iind enfofce- TTiF I'lblu Wrillen liruviiilplia uf ui'rc'cmval7 jittf for arbitration of dlspul^ arUlDK ont .Svtj o f coiiUatl* ,«VivT\Urrt* \j'itt»a«tlon» ot ler, commerre Hmong tho ^tntc* nr lerritor* its ll-* or with foreiRU mitlon*. liin ~Olher'Tni’n«nros pnMdJ'Iiieliidcd onf np- for thc retirement of army nny'nnvy niirae* nnd another aiithorirln;^ two nil' th r dHtonftl-atouit j inlitiis- In Iho- KirtUU^ llic fi'dernl ,rirruit iu the Riiulhwentorn to »(alv». ‘Bolli”of'lheab'nnw go tu the as- house. ..oi - md ------- •s: THE e*|. ________________ : _______________ Iny 0^ ' idd "i_C^ lay XT WV J ' “ /VA^U d/I UI6 ^ j IjjAV I i-uH l •D O '^ OWN YDUBKOME f- >t— AW'D .If* XOVJKA.TS IT S VALU £ : ______ 1 _____ ^ ' >* :cr* \\S hen_______ _______ fl - JW Y jew tlK Y , NVATCHGT.OIAI -MONCY IH THB aSNK - rnil'. ■■■ ..1 V ■ a _ :.. «d . , .. / . . ’T — I’ /-^ Vl ------ ---- ' V ~^ At ‘ r \ ~ ^ ...... _T.r~" - I: ___ IW: 'rs^L Zi =|S ’f= 9 PRESS NEWSPAPER ALLS HO. SUNDAY^MORNING? ire Passed By- te; House Gives wal t6 Measure Callahan’s Corporation Provi- SS----- sion-Reoeives-Favofable-Con- ml , ........................ S sideratlon; 'Proposed Court Law Also Gets Through. BOISC.‘Ju:. ai M>)—roar blUs, two of them oriflnatlog In tho f house, vere pusod by the «enato . of the tUhteenth leelflature at lt« ' seslon this monilnjr. Two othen on ^■^•thoresdeadar-mntnwt tbeU- plaicB gjp_ ..until J tondsy,_ .... Tho flrit mrnauro et re.'olvp favor. FT-^ ablo eonihlpratlun wni. Ji»trodup«il-hy 110 •■ '■ ‘‘I Jir<.vlil.'« . Ih nl nnii-prn. ' ^ r '''i<-livo and enuperallvo «-or|>orniiims whl) hcpniiie di'llinpipnt ih flllnj; Ihelr idor ‘' " ‘"'•■‘I »li>trmenta mav be ri'ln«lato«l by l';i>'liiK -t flflfi uf Illl for oaeli year they [qBB thnt thcao orgnnlintlon* iln iint hnvo lo pay nn nnnuni lipenao fou if Ihoy file tlipjr nbtrrnrnla. icrir- f^«"ato bill No. .13, by Ihc coiiiniitteo " on irrlKnthin and wutor rpnonrpps, whleh ''hoii piiii„.d thp uptirr ]inn*e. jirovlile* Ihnt of'wi'itiT is mncio dla- ill Hint dlalrict. Tho law now l ’I vps - i^ * > ''‘-«-»iernjM>n!rwHsmlrmnltTTnit- tho tivaliuii. Connty Auditors. iiiKir —ConntT-ntnJitoiinpliniinniniorlH;-!!' Id tl,i. filo notice nf liiponii' Inx llpn* If.Uoi'.. ibllc ernnr-Mooro ai(ni» hoa>e hill No. ‘J, liy for I’nvia of Ailn, which wan ii.n*»pcl by Iho thin " "f -'O m ils *hiill bo pii.H tho nadi- 0U11 ! •<>>■ for pnch flUnj; ami-dUphnrgc-cf ator thrao lU-li". urn-- - The fourth bill |n got npprovni of iicnt tho aeiialora wns houao bill No. :H, poi). whleh aliipiiiln tho slalu law* by provld- luK a shortcc form foe n u ^ e r* to com- innint*. --------- 'Z _ -------Hall, o f 'OHeTla eounty, it nf ' ‘bnllpd” vxnrtly flon por ei'nt. toiliiyJa m o btH aTpmeni^ttrMfte-iowpr-hnimr-nf .im* tlw^lHhtMulh-UgUIiUitri^n—his—two g a nmrrlnKC and divorcv ini-nsures,- .fee- ■ni.orrn Bill ^ ------; House bill No. iH, limiting divorce •“* to fho otp Knmiid of adnltery, wb* do- I -fi-ated bv a voto of -J-T to 17, wliilo hoimo bill Nn. favoring fodernl regu- - lallan. of iiarrla»{c-aail. divoreo lnw», v IWMod.liy Iho aaiiin vote. : Tho lowe: houao of tho Idaho Ipdisln- Inro mmnini'oiial’v inaaed houao bill- No. :H toiliiy nutlinrUllitf ntr nmuhamoul ii) tliS the rily of Low •’ (CDnlliiUrJ Ull I’aKu 2, Cul. 31 ' THE TAX ASSESSOR AND THE BR OH. Kowoovdv DO-' Wo«‘r vi3WC5MEWf . f e AE _ . OHYinS! WE OWMf VALUC? ^ ISNV ii-- ----------------------------------------— uu « 'fl' ' ' JttDEUJVJe'HWE.'J .OlAMOeJOS? CHCAMMtNT RWC ?• euTw - ft ffafe ~ . QK PgEP.fiyE_KW-7He5j c/kVV?R*Tooxr.-TKe asm 5 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC DAIl [G rfE B R U A R Y I, 1925. -lilm tG k.OIEEIBiCmL ' - LiWiENI iOH'--------------^ ^ Jurt Compulsory Educational Meas- ure Passed by State Legis- lature Goes to Supreme u.. Court for. Settlement, lu '■ __ OT- --raranMTosT-jisr-ir—Wiiij; of (I,,. OroRon eflnniiil»nrv rilih ivor. '‘■'l'>lrlng rhlldton' hdween [_|,y . l “ ‘‘;>-->'Li'catS-uL#j£ii-lo-alt«aU .publU • iirn. tiuvcnuir I'lereo lodiiy fllpit in liiina »'ipn-mo court a brief lu whieh he Ihelr t'i« "evcrnl slnlos posans all d l,v ’urrenducd i>’ Hll' fi'iKfui Buvornftient. lioHlao coa- Imvo ‘ 'L'’ r'"‘” •* rwnlttln^ ri-Kulntlon Ihov ° o f ehildron, ' III an effort to Imvo set naido tho In- Itteo I'M ained by tin* Boclety of Sis- hleh and Mnry, Ihnt mllltury nea.Iemy, re- fincio *^"'”'"ff‘tlH''»tnii'"f;orir«nfor.-lnx'iIic l^’^hp-OregBn-jrffVpfnHnn lit* brief •Ivi's <l''‘'l^‘ffd that iinioa* Oregon hns Ihe TOl- 4>“>^'^Mo-fiif»rro-tlio-iBw, ^‘it tr~lnml to elnim nuv lim its to Iho Injurious cffeci, from the slnndpolnt of Anierlcnn l>u t rl ntls ni.’' . ___________________ d'to “ rini'a»““*la(e* hnvo such ri^ht he j(U'. glalcd^ chililrcn--4iiuy bo taught that , hy their true-jilleglance’ I* to *ome 'other Iho cuunlry thon tho Uiilrtd Stntea; thnt It—a, ti'f ■■i-.im. pf lln, frilrion ,adi- to which they IioIohb, nro supurlwr to • -cf thB-rliiliiia of iho United Sintra; thal it ia wrong to lako up arm* In dofcn*i<' I of oflhi} Unilod Htiilesj that Ihe govern- :H, niPiit of thla eounliy 1* a wicked and vld- tyrannical ono} or thoy may bo Inten- :om. ll,uu(»1ly HastRUi:lil.B8..to.l!io.tm.cha:. _ ucler of tho tffivprntnrnl. ----- lily, Mliould the Oregon law bo hoTj uncon- yJu iilltutlQua],_Qovcruor—J’4vrc^'M>l-out. f-n f thim-l»-no-triiiit*|Trlin'tpTO Oil W hb’irTuiV -two cxinring-jinbllA-iichobl Iaw~In"thTTniI" lod Hlnlrs can bo uphold. If a stato ___ ; eyHinot rninppi frrtil,. M1 lt,l^^nUr. orcfl I™*'’*' tehoolj, it cannot compel n'liy chlldr,ea to do io ." • . .- I'i® ALBAlOANfl BLBOT HBAD. IlOMK, Jnn. 31 t/W—The Allmnlan >Vonailtuent aaaembly, according lo ad- ; 1 vice* from Tlrnaa, has unanimoualy No. -'li'ui'd Zugu, preiidcui'of lha ,lit'ndi!_i£Lliu..jaQViiiuoHt-whleh - rercntly 1__ ovrrturni'd Iho govornment of I’remlor 'I’nu Noll BRIDE ^ ^ L0-' m - fiF l '' Il ' ' - = ^ 1 - MM IV AKO HAVe IT ALL PAlDTW .A^Mir. I SN*r IT WV GRAhO-AKO .T C « t ( -jtoaijfltm jK*it-«gjMwtfn rrjtf*[ OOHOro-'YCM 3EE Vit-HMLTHBiti. -------- Bu’t-T IKTOTAVC Birru* Ttitwrruta _____ -------AOTTTnwrrcBiiacrePSKnvrT-------- -AW WAY FTCO — TH*f> «lr /if l HUSOWO-JAVJHtWOUUWf -f-H I, lA ifr A Kiypwp w oamp III 1/ n»rTJW T A S IT *tTANMf ill I//I w « aow Ji4» JMT IffiSS.' PiMT IMatti-NTf RW t. TOT filAMWO (JNT ro AWFUtiV 0 6 T THC OU*Alt^'» WKM MAt* ITCorr OMtreH-AMOWlWIJlAJrt TW mtai ------ LOtXST-FttO *AyS TKCfUt «0T M*l -. ' _____ >A / / / / / / SUMCMDlMUJfllUtW I I / f ' J... X Af 77 / / / T W JA t^rgjcn^ . A 'j I // / / _ .— we RB^jXHAyNt:. ____ I • "_i//f tiff » m |T » fllTT TIM 4AMe-ANO-OHItlO I. v»iw FMD Yfew HMe, . - : _____ y\ -- ASJBiJOaVU© I " ' " ** - - ri| , vtnwo-BniK»;LrJ if - i - i, ' / 1 " ^ " ' , I - fe- ^ COUNTY ' LY Nl ff . . _ - i.HAHiiri-ivtnT^ MTTwiicnT): A!’K>i-|ATi:U l'ltl:»s - S Radio Station Puts Clocks of Zion Out Of Order in Trial i l. Citizens PrlffhtonodWlicn Tlmo PIOCOB ,Aot. Up; Hlfli Broad. " "TfaBting V oltage Oauflo. • U ZION, III., .Irm. .11 W —551on‘» ,y wntche*'nn>l rlurk* •lup]>r'|, its rum- l| pa^ac* pointed wrat. tiiPlnl objccl* . created'fpnrkii, alp.iin radlnlors hri*tlril/ fryrng pnnj sputtrr.-d nml o a e . . Zi»n'» populntli.n dccMc-d todnv that tho iiuigneiif atn hnil nrtiveci. , A ha»ty lnvpalii;ntiou hv fright. •giS- enpd Tlty offU-l.ils rrvou’lcl t|,„t workmen lualalllug .n new radl.i ema *'ndlng om lent program* nioppod up 10 S!5.0U0 viills nnd have liotn clrrlrifybig ovpfv- thing. The rndlfi workers nil. iiouueeil toniuht that tho ninlUm hn* been heard In New Zpalind, Via" Ihrlr pot* ami p.iitf. - uLlV mail BOBBCB tmPER ARSSaT.' '.,t i," COir.N'C’II; I i u r m . ' l o w a , Jun; .11 •ll ho Volfenbarger, who wUb ,, all Kellh Colllaa wu* rcconlly rolrnipd lereil from .. the r.rnvoiiworlh .Iffnitentlarv. I Jan. nflpr serving four years for mall rob- „-ot bory-}i'*+oi*iio#lioit-wltlT-thtrholdnjriir iitlon " Burlington' Italu when M..100,. 000 in enah and »pcutille* wn* stolen, „ In. Into todny wna found guilty on four !Sls- counts of rifling tho mails in connuo- lory, tioii with the samo tolbery. r, re- ilimEEii: i-IWilREO thnt , Tl,;; Former Vice Governor of Phil- rcnsu' '"•j ippines Says Independence -_W quM. cause .Trouhle..._ icon- ' ■ -out. ~ T ^nl?TTjLn~3i'TT^~i?iri— W, am iert,' former" vico RovBmer..of atato tho Philipplno Island*, lold tho foreign l*yllc/ iu.oclailon today that he_did net * favor rhllippluo ladep«adtneo.no»r, be- . «aM^'offconbmio problems involved. '• “ Indopouden'oo cannot be given the mlaa. uianda- now- bcenu*o • it woold ruin ' ad- them,'’ ho anid. “ I would sot the ■ualy wholo east aflame. Think what would ^Iho happen in Imlin rind tho Dutch poues- i'TT'" rtona. Wo owo'sulau duo"io'tho world ently hrthls-rnntter;" ------- ~ .......... !mlor Parkflf Willis, organiser of tho rU l. __•. Ipliiiio J.1itionaLbaak,-*fti.l'ho-beUBTo4 the island* would be granted their*ndo. pcadenco boeauso tho pco]ilo had *0 - profited by thb United Hlntes adcninia- (ration that they wero ablo lo tako care •J tff Ihemielvei. I I THE DAY IN WASHINSTON Jlepreienlatlvo llcrger, Wisconsin, soclallil, asaallod thu Inaurgent group in tho houao n* Inconsiitent. Tho houso decided to vote Tuesday on the qucsllqn of relurnlng the postal Tho ICendriek bill to nid settlers on reclanutlon projects was opproved by n toniUo c<imniltte«. ' Proleit against 'tlir'BdUih embargo } n°»^!nla*y ^ ^ m r nt.* I Tho houao oliminaled tho nppropria- , tion for ths tariff eommlsslou fur tho independent offlco bill, but another VQia~viinr5- nni bn~.— : . The houso agricultural enmmlftM .b^: cHed'to call mombeti offlio pre«ld«nt'a' ' Agricultural eomuiission in hearings on farm legislation. Brigadier General Mitchell told tho houso aircraft comtnitteo that teiti- mony of army nml navy officer* aome «mjj^ubjKt*=thcni:ito:lndlr«t-.^di^ "~^twozX:)Mmpm Gatherers a -,L08 ANGELES, Jan. .J l CP>-iiir - ^ htavrwrlpht ehamT<lf>n nf tho rlnff^.TiifV Slemltscy, and thu custard plo ehiimplon of thi> screen, Oharlio Chaplin, havo led ehaso during tho past hours or so. _ __p«mpfey la Bliigle, aeeordlng to_Jiij ^-rr-r flw£-nteimloii.Traiit«:to-get-aarTi(id'and iU-»ttiiiantlBg_tn.rorn'r'i.Hn with pogillsm, .Chaplin is narr!rd,''nnd eomo'of bis wife’s relatlona Intimato that ho might u woH bo alnclo agtlu, If ot _ _ domcstle.infelieity are true, lint Chap. Uh. unllke'Deiopsoy, will iioi Admit iojr. thing-and-hU JannnciB inJui-Mrmf -------y]ir^i'nrirwit-nnp,T?yg lijn'lliii'ffnivr - ^ 8Tlr*'lH*.^W;h«Wi?Sr^^'— - TiUrAtwnt/A a y t^ .... . broforsbly mrrUgo, IU« w nlblo. ^ tiretorot'.fioiivttft ytng ^gtiiag ^rntiiirwiii-^ofr-l«lW.*taiCl. ^ --Tbe=Terol#^lw-te«ii-a*sertdref5om? -«r.»poKr.iuia nuoor*. - Tn-op ........ ■"D PTr’P 'tr7 ’'T 7 * X n 'Q - E iE iE ; s.lCllIOiEfu iJiim iL ors . ' " ______ __ ^ m il ' ■■ ' " - S Entire Nation Indignant Over lit- Expulsion of Catholic Church ;;; Head; Appeal ,Will Be Made to TribunaL , * luit nd. _____ _ n».- ATnF.SS. J.tit. .11 • M »»-fit(»^a<!oirT- wn* n]iii.irpiit llirougliuur'tlni riiU iilry " ~ 9T.11 todii.v ovpr the netion of the JVirkllll ____ _ ,• Tl Kovi'rnini'nnn exiirlllng^Tio'Mrat UflV. wl'tVi ^'onilniitlnoa, ccumi'nlrnl, \attlareli o£ » 1 ehuroh. There wna iinV.. “ '■'f.’’ lielievo tonight Ihnt tho inn ignore* ihn trlhunal's verdict, it wilt recall tho Greek diplomalio reprcseuta- A , ; lives ut Angora. nnufl. *• '""leratoud'tho'gnvcra"mcaniai nOat a strong prote»t lo Iho Angom an* thoritlcs, \K>lnlltvg oul that tbo exjvul. sinn e.onslituto* n vlnlallun of Turkey'a I ■ treaty‘obllgnllnn* ITuil'is un oct'of'Iios-' III tlllty toward Greece. Parliament niljourned lonight for 48 _ 1 houra_'’C.JnoriLto.nIIflir_thtt govcram eat ____ , to deni with tho siluntlon, tho gmvity of~whlch wna nnt disguised by tho ■U premier in talks with diplonwitle t Ii U^ ' or* today. ------------ Iho-tiutlenal-nwmbly-lias «ent a pro» ------ tvst to tho }iarllamouts-ot-.th»-wo>M ____ >hi|. ngain*t tho ejpulalon, while tho oreh- bbhnp of Athena will mako aa appeal ' inC6 Cl'flallon ehurehcs. ' - ^ - OaUed Brnm fiMd. ’ ' . DcKtlblnH-tttt-ospuUlon-ot tUO'WkUU • - ------- a rrh n i n-tim till m t 01 Vli,U-6co-and a a -------- effrontery to tho civiliced wotld, tho ------- ncwspapcm-imblUlr-lnilJBnaiiniroHati:^'*" El22r M‘tui du liul, csiiccgLiiuitum^:::::::: r.. 0f l“ty regarding tho conscqueacea of tho r/<lcfti lucldeut. Thn Fthnllrl Phewli.ergau »f the iiau. ' 1 Uter of the Interior, General KondUla, bo* lays: '"larkfv wULotOy decide to bo* cd, tomo rtatbnnble-whw the aalVoM ib* 1 tho opi'reases rise against h6r. We favor peace, but it iauitJjo.A.peaee-basod oa ------ the '®*r*tt for existing trentlc*." ■ Z.*! Eleven Children of __ ^ ^ Blind School Repaitt - “ 'j - Sight by Operations— ,i so InmatoB of Stato Eomo Can Soe linia- Following W ork of Sorgeons ««“ Two W eeks Ago. W —llcroa - ~ 1 of U children, inmate* of the itato ------- nil homo for tho doaf and l)llnd a t— - W i» Colorodo Sprioga. who underwent ' J opvltnl operations boro two week# m*tn, ago, wero led from twrpetual dark* froup «ess Inlo light today when *ur> geon* lifted from thoir eyea' ban* 'sday covered them ilnco ,osla| dren, alster ond brother, theso oper* ,1 I.?. " “ ^'1 rceovcrca thoir alght. ^ *’) _Tho two,^however,-physlelais said, ------- -Aiw-doomcd -'to -hllDdhMt-'-TJioW -----------^ >argo blindness was congenital, doetorf . d hy declorod, aad they do jot posses* ' ,pris- " ' .. ' r tho MODBBATB TEMPBBATUBHS ASH - ^ ^VrASlHHGTO»fr— ifanr— ----- 2_fe Wcathcr-outlooJciorthowoekbeghinlnB-— - ent’a MondhyJ :• on Northern Boeky mpnnlnin_tind_pta. tcnu regions, »nuw nt beginning} abont tho miildlo nnd toward end 0*- week. MoiI* teiti- crnto tum|>eratur/^S'except for cold spell somo in northern lleeky m ountain rogioa liacir danng7fi»t-baif-nnd-nm {it^n{>^^^ tor half. ' , 'ms-Lead-Nms^ a Hectic Chase -Tho nrii nnt-l.h-lflj10ietl)Cr;.lhy^uoJitlj|(f^^ : iplon npartm cnts. They aw Urlnj togothet 0 led lu tho closest harmony; thoy Aro dls«'' ' so. a suggestion of divoreo In tho- offing; -- >_Jila ^ a . - C liaplbL.'a-jeUtivc«.altiatdy-have ____ l-ant p»i)Srrea=a-aot-of-ftoancia!-acniandj to fi^ m ix I'ft aan-iid.on-CbapHn; 00 flnanrlol sottlomont has been dliciiuod. bat-ti ... c nl* suit lor divotc* Is bolog jit»j*Mtd, .............. UmpttrJUOBK— .[■ \ : D Q nM V ^9n^,peB ^ any. to £at^o Taylor, ftlai utren,.tho 7~«r*-. 'TnBf B0t:TiiOTleJr '• a_«:apfii9- -ct iiina eW fis^frioia*." ____ . nwrigno^y' or otliWiryyitlio

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Page 1: 9 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC ALLS DAIl -lilmtG E iE iEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · f house, vere pusod by the «enatotwo of them oriflnatlog In tho

T H E- V O l 3 r 7 r - N e r 2 5 7 . - - - - - - -

JELO lOTJir i i i s i E

H o u se a n d S e n a te A g ric u ltu ra l C o m m itte e to S t a r t C o n sid er­a t io n o f R e lie f L e g is la tio n ; T im e G ro w in g S h o r t .

_ u r n n t lio i* f uf/avoM W e ac.thu nt this aoMlnii, tlio liouno nu<T nrriritp OKrUul- turnl c-otiimltteo will »tnrt cunildccatidn

-------- Pnrlj^PirTkv0lc"fiirtt'5“B^rIculturftl rp-'Uut ictoinmurnlnlion proi«iciJ )iv tlio ]>rmlil(<iit'R ftRriciiUiiriil romniU.ii'on.

J'ublic lu-arhiKi will bu tlio first order _____with tlio liomo comiriillci-. bfi;lnniiig

roiiinilliri-* wniit to lionr iiipiiibprt uf nKficulturiil.comiiiiMion not only in

, ox])lniyi^on o f lliu rocummpuJulldni but nIso’Hi to wIioMicr tlipy tlilnk llifir.pro-

• l>OHnl« liavu cuvercd thu wliolo farmliroblcni. ■ ■ ■ __________ __. jo tn rr»^<«n«

------Tlii'ro wm. "ihmp tnlk nt pncli «iul ofl > , tlic ^ > ilo l todnv of liollltnir InlTit____ i>iiiit«7l»iit (0 i u i a t wiujtmilr knfuni no

cllrrrt WiTo t.Tkfii. HuHj rliiilrm.'n____ IlauKoii mill N'orrln >;;ld lli.'-c would Iiu

ilc.iiniMe III ujk'iJUc I'Xiiuiiiuiiioii of thu , aulijppt.

•Hr»ic!M tliP mpiiiWrs r>f the aRrlcol- turnl cuinnilMlon,. llio houiip rotniiiitii‘o

--------duairoi-tfr-Uour-rupwuiutulivM-of-wKmnrkrtlnj; organlinlion*

wliiiA.havi’ nuked for nn o|iiKirlunity to priAoiit Ihi'ir rIiIp o f tlic iiuratlou.

-V B«TW*l BUlfl Offered.Siiirtl tho foinmi"‘!oii’i roport wn»

traiijiulhcit tl) cuiijjroM lovcral bill* niiiuvl lit (arm nUl Imve.bfctt offvtedj 'RpiiiiJo'rVifc^’nrj-',- rri>ubllcan, OrCKon, llitrf>,lnrlWltid!.l- a Illll contnlii|tig many o f tho fcaturi'n of

>l«.N'nfy-«n|«t-h»-BttH~fit-thf frqBcat of fnrm orR^nniz.itiom nml that il vrni hi* nlni to likvo tho bill before tiio coni.

I------- lultt f u nlii'n lltT fopBUCil UlD.WllolU iUb-JoO ofJarm tslil. , . .35 Preparing tor

— —End-vMVorld^oon;- Sell [All Property

Next FridftjUt Midnight Time Set for MiUosnium, Prophot-

----- t OB8 ToUb LU«o Band. __ _OAKUN'D, Cnl., Jnn. 31 0P)~

Romp thirtyfivo mpiiibprn of Iho ‘ “ reformed" Adventist rhiircli arn liUpotlni; o f nil worlilly pffcriA nml

• nro rranaritig to gnlhpr nt thp lionm _ - ,iif <ni(> of Ihctr Icadi-T* lit-ro un liuxl

, Kridny lilKlitJ to nu-ail the cn<l of -tho worlJ, ni projihcslM. by their "Miprohio jiyni’ln'tpm,” Sirii. Mnr.

A Rari't A\'. UtivpH o f Loii Anuplpt.T' Tho oxpeiled millennium ia to

eonw* nt mj»iiij:ht onvl'rldny, ni>. ponllnir (o p iU i. Howui. Iii tha nioniitlniA thu members of thn bnndlii pf* TJTllf* *" 'prnyer utidt'r direction of their lenilor. . , ./

Money rcAllxed frnm the.iala^of th» homi'i nnd effect* of thu'mem-

— ------hcr.i - ^ - thg-h8nd~ii-biing~nic<l~ta—' iprciyi , tho fpropheey nnd other

^varmnjpi thnt thu end is ncnr.

' w n a / c o y r n r o E b e q u l a t io k &----------rtJKnLLvrJnin-ai-M ^TJurflm nnir

eabLiiot today InitructeJ Dr. Trendelen- of tlin-Ocrinnn jlelecatlnii

lYhloli bin lieen-iiei;ot&itli.tfWini~lTi7 "■" W lic ir filt ’ ll lffli1o“Tr(5r7liiient,'to !«5if

tlniio tho illieunionii. Tho object of ^ n iy nrrnngemcnt, • Dr. TrcndDlenhnrjr ^ whn tolil, irould bo tho ohtainlnfr of

mint fnvored oatlou treatment for Oer-

* y i ’ I ■%/§'■ \ ]

Z ^ l^ W eM T rof L - - - - -

^ M A C T P ^T njC JIiuL -aiiaa^ceiw ;.- . . . . . ISfli Ui.nV’4«''nrtroublo” .,wAiiHow on

of I’ohA ' a " liV-W ^kor Bnitcd Into todny in V' telej^aphio nppeal to Adju-

V .trnit W .'at HjiringflBiaJtn doolaro uim ial )aw a t Jlerrin.■ Tho telepnm wni ditpiilehcd'aftor

===B=ttw t=w kU b-C hW --W nlh«f=O i«t6f r J. IL arailhl a norrln klnn leader, had

mado on hi* llfo In front of tho eiiy^T h n ilr w h e a t io chlct:attcmptcd:to-dUi

ehargo PntroW n narold Qrnlu. n klnn ijmpntiiUer. A

-rr---------—r—WtBlUOn ifw itffnr .-:-"------ -Herrin BlghkrotieeinaD, Hobi Liien.

---- HhcHff----- q»lHg8n

ia-fon< «iW U i Q^Ugttm- wturned

- to Wme i u e l n F— — . would .bo DUltH /or ths polUo.

.. •allL'r'*ThB'ramihhTidL«-nntffti-«im-»tL; ^ M i r w P i W - I n - w \ f , troublai-thw

■ - m n i a » r a « m j ' t o c E i T S S ^





BUBBBIjr arDAVIBrMn"of ' a o r Jom itlun M. S a tU of S adsw ,

!2S ^ in * p p ^ to ft Top«k> court.

to ftnnror to ehwgot o f tolUn^ a jn pundoa to Fred W. PoUiaaa. con- ut Tictod bwikw, for I12S0. Both do- .Q. alod their guUt

illffliailS:MllDMIIEJDj 1- _ ' -oo ' —

; ; H o u se to V o te T u e s d a y o n -R es­o lu tio n f o r R e tu rn o f P a y a n d

J R a te M e a s u re .

of WAHiri.vnTny. .Tm.- n ^ tho homp nrhodnlod tii voti' Tiipmlny nn

« TPBoIution to return to tho «oimto Jl. tho postal pay a id rnto -liiereaao bill l r Ull IhL- Kruunil lliui U iJirHt.Kca ou the

proroKQt^ve af tho houM> «o.. inUluto fvvvuuo legiitalSon, «r]>rMc)ilntSvij I-onRworth, (he _renubllcnn lender, placed nnother (trimlilliiK ntono in its

— fath-hirfitj^bT-dpelarlnp-lilnjppOhHlou to provision* of tho luensuro as np-

y p r o v e d hy th f n e n n t i 'r ’-------3 ii. LuiinuDith i.il);uLili'il Miiit ihr

pro|M)»pd riilo nionmiro wonld not rnlfo morc-thfin-hnif tlio mnncy ni'rai-d'(o nhiorb tho salnfy flilrniici'S tind lie fls-

_ s e t l c d b o 'iv n * _ _ n i i i '0 8 e d _ I ( )_ ( 'n n tU ii i ;a l .o ia T iy T ii i r X v l ilc ir m i t n o t i im te h s n j a r v n n d In l liiH w i t h t h o f o n t e n t l o n o f p r e s e n t

‘ r n lo l n e r , '( i« p « d o l l a r f o r d o l l a r . T h i* i s i a l i n o w i t h t h o e o n tp l i t i o n u f I ’ r c s l - d e n t C o o lid ){ i ' "■hi> w a s I n f o r m e d t o d a y

_ l>v B o a n to r M ohpk, r P i m l i l i r n n . K o w j l i u i ip j i a l tW ( h u l H io i i i i 'a i i i i i o - w u n ld - p t ^ v ld o l i e , 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 o f t h o « 0 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 a w h ie h h w ;m o n t in in l e d I t w o u l d a d d to Ih n K o v p r n m c n t p a y r o l l .

A eonforeneo will be ealled XCondny hv hoiisn •ropubllcnn lender* with a view tn dctcriiiinlnK tvhulher tho bouie poilofflcp fommlttpo should report n 1)111 rnrryinR both salary nnd rnto pro*r l . tn n . .M!... ■H'n .p ro ]^ ...l- l«n v o to In t h o h o iu p n t n n e n r l y d a t e .

Pnssaiio o f tho resolution lo turn bnek Iho seuato bill wn* predicted by repub­lican* and demoenit*. It wns. re|)orted

— Tina7iimtm»lj^oilay-by-tho~wflyr"illi<r

-------- - AKSWSB6 APPBAI..?■- -8PH1K0KIELP, III., J n n ,-a t W>>—

A iijm ani ui'ii"“rul lairlns J'.'. JilncK "nn n- nouneed toniRht, following fho recoipt cm ot-a^ ^o((u u u ^ u u i^ »U (.a0orgn .n » |>

etij f^ o'f'policy nt UcTrlii, liTwhlcVthcy n«l(ciraiat mar.

of tbil law be deelnred (here, Ihat ho is rjr detailing throo nntlonnl gunrd officcr* of from Carbondnlo to ro to llerrln nrtd ;r- Invcstijfate tbo altuatlon lhcro_ond_then ~ xflpart"to"liIltt.. . 7'.'.' "V” .

-fm-Troops4&^ m U W M HerrinM;i- ^ lo -u n tlL -u ld lo n -iin d eomo* iii-an d pn dlmrmcd-thMO-cflrt»tng yeapoaa TtithX

>10 Fatn'ifltin-lfl Slscbirgod.' itnrtcd in ITcrrln,

told Tatrolmnn Crniu ho was dlieharged «r for ‘' beating pooplo up’* on tho iiirMU' W 5 « w lh o shSollnB a ffF i^ J P b ittiT a B r »d niffht.

Smith, tho kbn leader, then eaned iho-chie f o f

lifraa and pulled a gun on h in . At— tbU junettJTO.tho crowd whieh had gath- n* fired in frorit o f the city hall dl*. nf >■ p c i i t f l r ^ ' . .. J ■■ ^

I i ^ t - l io s r ^ i lw f l l ^ l f r - y ith-tliw orgflB.

ie- ~ U IA V B' l 'UimiUUUir. ' ~K t - 0 m D 0 i^ 1 3 ^ x v r ta : r ^ 3 tB r r s ^ - m =

t r aonerol .C sr ln B lu k , UftJorrOoatnl Sobert WTDarU, third baRaIio1 o f tho

Ut. 130UiLI5£ * H l^ ,~ ifle^ n lea ) ^ . .tw o


- - T W I N - F A L L S , - I D A H O

U Four B ills J in State Senate, J U A pprovi


fouT.><Moirrir. n . ii .. Jnn. :ii u f—riin I'niK'.l rtliilra navy tiutiiiiarlllP

_ H-H. orilt l'.-liiir.i u l-l-U lla----lliirlior .liirlno ii ruirlluMiil t>Ui*jinl TliurWay nisht will pnilnhlr ho nu»lrd'<M»n>Uv. ll wim Irariicil to.ijij' at llie nuvy j-ar.I Ii.t .. «• |.l.ii» for Kihnifln;; oiicrjitionn wprc* roai|r|rW-,!. 'rite ii:ivy lIuiiMiii; cl.'rrl<'k will Im

lie. In all fiTl of «.«t.-r mi n juml k IxUloiii.

' Senate Disposes of 7 13T M ^ u f iT f te r r “ Legislatiye Tie UpJJ f U ppor Honao W o rk in g U nder

UflanitoouB u o a Bont Agrc'eT Ice,- — m o n t~ r6 rg d 8~ n i f o n g i n i a M [ * of fiiUs on C a le n d a r .

***■ WARKI.VQTON', Jnii. .11 W>)—Einerr Snj; Irom n le(55«5nUvo Inipaaao renchi'd

t — late ycsterilttV. tho *»‘nnir.-wfirkinr-nn.'der nn unaiiimoiii eonaonl aBroemoni,

I ilroro through il*. calendar todny, dla-

lei* than firo hbiirs.^-'rhl* rqualed th'o rppord I'Bliihlljihi'd during onu oncdny holiday tush, last month. --AniuaOlB'r"lnou5Urt-»“ |™l'«hY<iiiKir WAS n joint ri-soliitIiiu nnthorlrliig tho liilinjjunil' roniitiltloo' to ii»o publlr

■ spaei'* nlotiR re»n*ylvnnln nvonuo for_ ruuliirlhit. tLo_l!lnnnurr'(;nn.of I’rpaldrnt CooIiilKe. Action on thin

'* * menauro which now Roe* to the liouiu wna Worked yi'aterilny by. Hpuator

;na Hmool, repnblicnn, Utnb, nfter thn *rn- ntp refuned to tnke up tho Bo 'ernment reorcanlwllon bill which ho 1* spou*

, , wtltig. _____ _ _ _______ 1_______________ Prlvntft PlaliM.-----------------

lAs wns tho finn ii mouth Ago «in*t nf ^ mrmOTrea-phiiiefl todnrXrerc-prh-ntti

<-l(iini.find-bridB«-Wllfc—SovatBl-of-im . nto ]Nirtiuiro»woro approved, liirludinf; a bill houau bill to iiuike vnllJ iind enfofce- TTiF I'lblu Wrillen liruviiilplia uf ui'rc'cmval7 jittf for arbitration of d lspu l^ arUlDK ont .Svtj o f coiiUatl* ,«VivT\Urrt* \j'itt»a«tlon» ot ler, commerre Hmong tho ^tntc* nr lerritor* its ll-* or with foreiRU mitlon*.

liin ~Olher'Tni’n«nros pnMdJ'Iiieliidcd onf np- for thc retirement o f army nny'nnvy

niirae* nnd another aiithorirln;^ two nil' th r dHtonftl-atouit j inlitiis- In Iho- KirtUU llic fi'dernl ,rirruit iu the Riiulhwentorn

to »(alv». ‘Bolli”of'lheab 'nnw go tu the as- house...o i -md ------- ■ —

• s : T H Ee*|. ________________ :_______________Iny

0 ^ ' ■ idd "i_C^ •

lay X T W V J' “ /V A ^ U d/I —UI6 ^ j IjjAV I

i - u H l•D O '^ OWN YDUBKOME f-


£ : _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ — ^

' >*:cr* \ \ S

hen_______ _______


rnil'. ■■■. . 1 V ■

a _ : . .

« d . , .. / . . ’T — I ’ / - ^ Vl- - - - - - ---- ' • V ~^

A t ‘ r \ ~

^ ...... _T.r~" - I:___IW: 'rs^L Zi = | S




ire Passed By­te; House Gives w al t6 Measure

C a lla h a n ’s C o rp o ra t io n P ro v i-

SS-- - - - sio n -R e o e iv e s-F a v o fa b le -C o n -ml , ........................

S s id e ra t lo n ; 'P r o p o s e d C o u rt L a w Also G e ts T h ro u g h .

BOISC.‘Ju:. a i M>)—roar blUs, two of them oriflnatlog In tho

f house, vere pusod by the «enato . of the tUhteenth leelflature at lt« '

seslon this monilnjr. Two othen on — ^■^•thoresdeadar-mntnwt tbeU- pla icBgjp_ . .u n t il J t o n d s y , _ . . . .

Tho flrit mrnauro et re.'olvp favor. FT- ablo eonihlpratlun wni. Ji»trodup«il-hy110 •■'■‘‘I Jir<.vlil.'« . Ihnl nnii-prn.' ^ r '''i<-livo and enuperallvo «-or|>orniiims

whl) hcpniiie di'llinpipnt ih flllnj; Ihelr idor ‘'" ‘"'•■‘I »li>trmenta mav be ri'ln«lato«l by

l';i>'liiK -t flflfi uf Illl for oaeli year they

[qBB thnt thcao orgnnlintlon* iln iint hnvo lo pay nn nnnuni lipenao fou if Ihoy file tlipjr nbtrrnrnla.

icrir- f «"ato bill No. .13, by Ihc coiiiniitteo " on irrlKnthin and wutor rpnonrpps, whleh

''hoii piiii„.d thp uptirr ]inn*e. jirovlile* Ihnt of'wi'itiT is mncio

dla- ill Hint dlalrict. Tho law now l’Ivps - i ^ * > ' ' ‘-«-»iernjM>n!rwHsmlrmnltTTnit-

tho tivaliuii.

Connty Auditors. iiiKir —ConntT-ntnJitoiinpliniinniniorlH;-!!' Id tl,i. filo notice nf liiponii' Inx llpn* If.Uoi'..

ibllc ernnr-Mooro ai(ni» hoa>e hill No. ‘J, liy for I’nvia of Ailn, which wan ii.n*»pcl by Iho

thin " "f -'O m ils *hiill bo pii.H tho nadi- 0U11! •<>>■ for pnch flUnj; am i-dU phnrgc-cf ator thrao lU-li".urn-- - The fourth bill |n got npprovni of iicnt tho aeiialora wns houao bill No. :H, poi). whleh aliipiiiln tho slalu law* by provld-

■ luK a shortcc form foe n u ^ er* to com-innint*. --------- ‘ 'Z_

-------Hall , o f 'OHeTla eounty,it nf ' ‘ bnllpd” vxnrtly flon por ei'nt. toiliiyJa m o btH aTpmeni^ttrM fte-iowpr-hnimr-nf .im* tlw^lHhtMulh-UgUIiUitri^n—his—two g a nmrrlnKC and divorcv ini-nsures,-.fee- ■ni.orrn Bill ------;

House bill No. iH, lim iting divorce • “* to fho otp Knmiid of adnltery, wb* do-

I -fi-ated bv a voto of -J-T to 17, wliilo hoimo bill Nn. favoring fodernl regu-

- lallan. o f iiarrla»{c-aail. divoreo lnw», v IWMod.liy Iho aaiiin vote.: Tho lowe: houao of tho Idaho Ipdisln-

Inro mmnini'oiial’v inaaed houao bill- No. :H toiliiy nutlinrUllitf ntr nmuhamoul ii)

tliS the r ily o f Low•’ (CDnlliiUrJ Ull I’aKu 2, Cul. 31 '


OH. Ko w o o v d v D O - '

Wo«‘r vi3WC5MEWf

. f e

AE _ . O H Y in S ! WE OWMfVALUC? ^ ISNVi i - - ----------------------------------------— uu


'fl'' ' JttDEUJVJe'HWE.'J



f t ffafe~ . QK PgEP.fiyE_K W -7H e5j

— c/kVV?R*Tooxr.-TKe asm— 5


D A I l[ G r f E B R U A R Y I , 1 9 2 5 .

- l i lm tGk.OIEEIBiCmL' - LiWiENIiO H '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^

J u r t C om pu lso ry E d u c a tio n a l M eas­

u re P a s s e d b y S t a te L eg is ­l a tu re G oes to S u p rem eu..C o u r t fo r . S e t t le m e n t ,

l u '■ __O T - - - r a r a n M T o s T - j i s r - i r —W iiij;

o f (I,,. O ro R o n e f ln n i i i l» n rv r i l i h i v o r . ' ‘■ 'l '> lr ln g r h l l d t o n ' h d w e e n[ _ | , y . l “ ‘‘; > - - > 'L i 'c a tS - u L # j£ i i - l o - a l t « a U .p u b lU• iirn. tiuvcnuir I'lereo lodiiy fllpit in liiina »'ipn-mo court a brief lu whieh he Ihelr t'i« "evcrnl slnlos posans all d l,v ’urrenducd

i>’ H ll' f i 'iK f u i B u v o r n f t ie n t . l i o H la o c o a -

Imvo ‘'L'’ r'"‘” •* rw nlttln^ ri-KulntlonIhov ° ’ o f ehildron,

■' I I I a n e f f o r t t o Im v o s e t n a id o t h o In -I t te o I 'M a in e d b y tin * B o c le ty o f S i s -h l e h a n d M n r y ,I h n t m l l l t u r y n e a .I e m y , r e -fincio * ^ " ' ” '" f f ‘ t l H ' '» t n i i ' " f ; o r i r « n f o r . - l n x ' i I i c

l^ ’^ h p - O r e g B n - j r f f V p f n H n n l it* b r i e f • Iv i 's < l''‘'l^‘ f f d t h a t i in io a * O r e g o n h n s Ih e T O l- 4>“ > ^ '^ M o - f i i f » r r o - t l i o - i Bw , ^ ‘ i t t r ~ l n m l

t o e ln im n u v l im i t s t o I h o I n j u r io u s c f f e c i , f r o m t h e s l n n d p o l n t o f A n ie r lc n nl>u t r l n t l s n i . ’ ' . ■_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

d'to “ rini'a»““*la(e* hnvo such ri^ht he j(U'. glalcd^ chililrcn--4iiuy bo taught that , hy their true-jilleglance’ I* to *ome 'other Iho cuunlry thon tho Uiilrtd Stntea; thnt

I t—a , t i ' f ■■i-.im. p f l ln , f r i l r i o n,a d i - t o w h ic h t h e y Iio Io h b , n r o s u p u r lw r t o• - c f t h B - r li i l i i ia o f i h o U n i t e d S i n t r a ; t h a l

it ia wrong to lako up arm* In dofcn*i<' I o f o flh i} Unilod Htiilesj that Ihe govern-

:H, niPiit of thla eounliy 1* a wicked and vld- tyrannical ono} or thoy may bo Inten- :om. ll,uu(»1ly HastRUi:lil.B8..to.l!io.tm.cha:._ ucler o f t h o tffivprntnrnl. -----l i l y , M lio u ld t h e O r e g o n l a w b o h o T j u n c o n - y J u i i l l tu t l Q u a ] ,_ Q o v c r u o r —J ’4 v r c ^ 'M > l - o u t . f - n f t h im - l» -n o - tr i i i i t* |T r l in 'tp T O Oil W h b ’irT u iV - tw o c x in r in g - j in b l lA - i ic h o b l I a w ~ I n " t h T T n i I "

■ lo d H l n l r s c a n b o u p h o l d . I f a s t a to___ ; eyHinot rninppi frrtil,. M1lt,l^^nUr.o rc f l I™*'’* ' t e h o o l j , i t c a n n o t c o m p e l

n 'liy c h lld r ,e a t o d o i o . " • . .-

I ' i ® A L B A l O A N f l B L B O T H B A D .IlOMK, Jnn. 31 t/W—The Allmnlan

> Vonailtuent aaaembly, according lo ad- ; 1 vice* from Tlrnaa, has unanimoualy No. -'li'ui'd Zugu, preiidcui'of lha

,lit'ndi!_i£Lliu..jaQViiiuoHt-whleh - rercntly1__ ovrrturni'd Iho govornment of I’remlor

'I’nu N o l l

B R ID E ^

L 0 - ' m ’ - f i F l ' 'Il ■■ ' ' - = ^ 1 -

MM IV AKO HAVe IT A L L P A lD T W .A ^ M ir . I SN*r I T W V G RA hO-AK O . T C « t (- j t o a i j f l t m jK *it-«gjM w tfn rrjtf*—[—

O O H O r o - 'Y C M 3EE V i t - H M L T H B iti . --------Bu’t-T IK T O T A V C B i r r u * T t i t w r r u t a _____-------AOTTTnwrrcBiiacrePSKnvrT--------

-A W WAY FTCO — T H * f> « l r / i f l H U S O W O -J A V J H tW O U U W f

- f-H I , l A i f r A K i y p w p w o a m p I I I 1 / n » r T J W T A S IT *tTA N M fi l l I//I w « a o w J i4 »

J M T I f f i S S . ' P i M T I M a t t i - N T f R W t . T O T filAMWO (JN T r o A W FU tiV 0 6 T THC O U * A l t^ '» WKM M A t* I T C o r rOMtreH-AMOWlWIJlAJrt T W m t a i ------

L O t X S T - F t t O *AyS T K C f U t « 0 T M * l-. ' _____

>A / / / / / / SUMCMDlMUJfllUtW II / f ' J . . .

X A f 7 7 / / / T W J A t ^ r g j c n ^. A ' j I / / / / _ . — we R B ^ j X H A y N t : . ____

I • "_ i//f t i f f » m |T » fllTT TIM4 A M e - A N O - O H I t lO

I. v»iw FMD Yfew HMe, .-

:_ _ _ _ _ y \ - -A S JB iJO a V U © I

" ' " ** - -r i | ,

v tn w o - B n i K » ; L r J if - i - i, ' / 1" ^ " ' —

, I -

f e - ^


L Y N lff . . _ — - i.HAHiiri-ivtnT^ MTTwiicnT):

A!’K>i-|ATi:U l'ltl:»s -

S Radio Station Puts Clocks o f Zion Out

O f Order in Trial

i l. C itizens P rlffh tonodW licn Tlmo PIOCOB ,Aot. U p; H lfli B ro ad .

" "T faB ting V o lt a g e Oauflo. •

U ZION, III., .Irm. .11 W —551on‘»,y wntche*'nn>l rlurk* •lup]>r'|, its rum- l | pa ac* pointed wrat. tiiPlnl objccl*

. created'fpnrkii, alp.iin radlnlors hri*tlril/ fryrng pnnj sputtrr.-d nml

o a e . . Zi»n'» populntli.n dccMc-d todnv that tho iiuigneiif atn hnil nrtiveci.

, A ha»ty lnvpalii;ntiou hv fright.•giS - enpd Tlty offU-l.ils rrvou’lcl t|,„t

workmen lualalllug .n new radl.iem a *'ndlng om lent

program* nioppod up 10 S!5.0U0 viills nnd have liotn clrrlrifybig ovpfv- thing. The rndlfi workers nil. iiouueeil toniuht that tho ninlUm hn* been heard In New Zpalind,

Via" • Ihrlr pot* ami p.iitf. -

uLlV m a il BOBBCB tmPER ARSSaT.''.,t i," COir.N'C’II; I iu r m . ' lo w a , Jun; .11 •ll ho Volfenbarger, who wUb, , all Kellh Colllaa wu* rcconlly rolrnipd lereil from .. the r.rnvoiiworlh .Iffnitentlarv.I Jan. nflpr serving four years for mall rob- „-ot bory-}i'*+oi*iio#lioit-wltlT-thtrholdnjriir iitlon " Burlington' Italu when M..100,.

000 in enah and »pcutille* wn* stolen, „ In. Into todny wna found guilty on four !Sls- counts of rifling tho mails in connuo- lory, tioii with the samo tolbery. r, re- — ■

ilim E E ii:i-IWilREOthnt ,

Tl,;; F o rm e r V ice G o v e rn o r o f P h il-rcnsu'' " • j ip p in e s S a y s Ind ep en d en ce

-_W quM . c a u s e .T r o u h l e . . . _icon- ' ■

-out. ~ T ^nl?TTjLn~3i'TT ^~ i?iri— W, am iert,' former" vico RovBmer..of

atato tho Philipplno Island*, lold tho foreign l*yllc/ iu.oclailon today that he_did net

* favor rhllippluo ladep«adtneo.no»r, be- . «aM^'offconbmio problems involved.

'• “ Indopouden'oo cannot be given the mlaa. uianda- now- bcenu*o • it woold ruin ' ad- them,'’ ho anid. “ I would sot the ■ualy wholo east aflame. Think what would ^Iho happen in Imlin rind tho Dutch poues- i'TT'" rtona. Wo owo'sulau duo"io'tho worldently hrthls-rnntter;" ------- ~ ..........!mlor Parkflf Willis, organiser of tho rU l.__•. Ipliiiio J.1itionaLbaak,-*fti.l'ho-beUBTo4

the island* would be granted their*ndo. pcadenco boeauso tho pco]ilo had *0

- profited by thb United Hlntes adcninia- (ration that they wero ablo lo tako care

• J tff Ihemielvei.

I I T H E DAY IN W A SH IN STO NJlepreienlatlvo llcrger, Wisconsin,

soclallil, asaallod thu Inaurgent group in tho houao n* Inconsiitent.

Tho houso decided to vote Tuesday on the qucsllqn of relurnlng the postal

Tho ICendriek bill to nid settlers on reclanutlon projects was opproved by n toniUo c<imniltte«.

' Proleit against 'tlir'BdUih embargo

} n°»^!nla*y ^ ^ m r nt.*I Tho houao oliminaled tho nppropria- , tion for ths tariff eommlsslou fur tho

independent offlco bill, but another VQia~viinr5- nnibn~.— : . The houso agricultural enmmlftM .b^:

cHed'to call mombeti offlio pre«ld«nt'a' ' Agricultural eomuiission in hearings on

farm legislation.Brigadier General Mitchell told tho

houso aircraft comtnitteo that teiti- mony of army nml navy officer* aome

— « m jj^ u b jK t* = th c n i:ito :ln d lr« t- .^ d i^

"~^twozX:)Mmpm Gath e rers a

-,L08 ANGELES, Jan. . J l CP>-iiir- ^ htavrwrlpht ehamT<lf>n nf tho rlnff .TiifV

Slemltscy, and thu custard plo ehiimplon of thi> screen, Oharlio Chaplin, havo led

ehaso during tho past hours or so._ __p«mpfey la Bliigle, aeeordlng to_Jiij

^-rr-r flw£-nteimloii.Tra iit«:to-get-aarTi(id'andiU-»ttiiiantlBg_tn.rorn'r'i.Hnwith pogillsm,

.Chaplin is narr!rd,''nnd eomo'of bis wife’s relatlona Intimato that ho might u woH bo alnclo agtlu, If ot

_ _ domcstle.infelieity are true, lint Chap. Uh. unllke'Deiopsoy, will iioi Admit iojr. thing-and-hU JannnciB inJui-M rm f

-------y]ir^ i'nrirw it-nnp,T?yg lijn'lliii'ffnivr

- ^ 8 T l r * 'lH * .^ W ;h « W i? S r ^ ^ '—- T iU rA tw n t/ A a y t ^ ....—

. broforsbly m rrU go, IU« w n lb lo . ^ tiretorot'.fioiivttft ytng ^g tiiag

^rntiiirw iii-^ofr-l«lW .*taiC l.^ --Tbe=Terol#^lw-te«ii-a*sertdref5om?— -« r.»poK r.iu ia

nuoor*. ■ -

T n - o p ........ ■ " D P T r ’ P ' t r 7 ’' T 7 * X n ' Q — -

E i E i E ;s.lCllIOiEfui J i i m i Lo r s ■ . ' " _ _ _ _ _ _ • __ ^m il ■ ' ■■ ■ ' " -

S E n t i r e N a tio n In d ig n a n t O v e rlit-

E x p u ls io n o f C a th o lic C h u rch ; ; ; H e a d ; A ppeal ,Will B e M ad e

to T r ib u n a L , ■ ■ *lu itn d . _____ _ ■ •

n » . - A TnF .SS. J.tit. .11 • M » » - f i t ( » ^ a < ! o i r T - wn* n ] i i i . i rp ii t l l i r o u g l i u u r ' t l n i r i i U i i l r y " ~

9 T .1 1 to d ii .v o v p r t h e n e t io n o f t h e J V i r k l l l l _ _ _ _ _,• Tl K o v i ' r n i n i 'n n n e x i i r l l l n g ^ T io 'M r a t UflV. wl'tVi ^ 'o n i ln i i t l n o a , c c u m i 'n l r n l , \ a t t l a r e l i o £» 1 e h u r o h . T h e r e w n a

iinV .. “ '■ 'f.’’ l ie l ie v o t o n ig h t I h n t t h o

i n n i g n o r e * ih n t r l h u n a l 's v e r d i c t , i t w i l t r e c a l l t h o G r e e k d ip lo m a l io r e p r c s e u t a -

A , ; l i v e s u t A n g o r a .n n u fl . * • ' " " l e r a t o u d ' t h o 'g n v c r a " m c a n i a i

n O at a s t r o n g p r o t e » t l o I h o A n g o m a n * t h o r i t l c s , \K >ln lltvg o u l t h a t t b o e x jv u l . s i n n e .o n s l i t u to * n v l n l a l l u n o f T u r k e y 'a

I ■ t r e a t y ‘o b l lg n l ln n * IT u il 'is u n o c t ' o f ' I i o s - ' “ I I I t l l l t y t o w a r d G r e e c e .

P a r l i a m e n t n i l j o u r n e d l o n i g h t f o r 4 8_ 1 h o u r a _ '’C . J n o r iL to .n I I f l i r_ th t t g o v c r a m e a t ____, t o d e n i w i t h t h o s i l u n t l o n , t h o g m v i t y

o f ~ w h l c h w n a n n t d i s g u i s e d b y t h o ■ U p r e m i e r i n t a l k s w i t h d ip lo n w it l e t Ii U ^ '

o r * t o d a y .- ----------- I h o - t i u t l e n a l - n w m b l y - l i a s « e n t a p ro » ------

t v s t t o t h o } i a r l l a m o u t s - o t - . t h » - w o > M ____> h i | . n g a in * t t h o e jp u l a lo n , w h i l e t h o o r e h -

b b h n p o f A th e n a w i l l m a k o a a a p p e a l ' i n C 6 C l 'f l a l l o n e h u r e h c s . ' - ^ -

O a U e d B r n m f i M d . ’ '. D c K t l b ln H - t t t t - o s p u U l o n - o t tU O 'W k U U • -

------- a r r h n i n - t im t i l l m t 0 1 V l i ,U -6 c o -an d a a --------e f f r o n t e r y t o t h o c iv i l i c e d w o t l d , t h o

------- n c w s p a p c m - i m b l U l r - l n i l J B n a i i n i r o H a t i : ^ '* "E l2 2 r M‘t u i d u l iu l , c s i i c c g L i i u i t u m ^ : : : : : : : :r . . 0f l “ t y r e g a r d i n g t h o c o n s c q u e a c e a o f t h o • r/<lcfti l u c l d e u t .

T h n F t h n l l r l P h e w l i . e r g a u » f t h e i i a u . '1 U t e r o f t h e I n t e r i o r , G e n e r a l K o n d U la , •

bo* l a y s : ' " l a r k f v w U L o tO y d e c i d e t o b o * c d , t o m o r t a t b n n b l e - w h w t h e a a lV o M i b * •1 t h o o p i 'r e a s e s r i s e a g a i n s t h 6 r . W e f a v o r

p e a c e , b u t i t i a u i t J j o . A . p e a e e - b a s o d o a ------t h e '® * r * t t f o r e x i s t i n g t r e n t l c * . " ■

Z.*! Eleven Children o f__ ^^ Blind School Repaitt - “ 'j - S ig h t by Operations—,i s o I n m a t o B o f S t a t o E o m o C a n S o e l in i a - F o l l o w i n g W o r k o f S o r g e o n s « « “ T w o W e e k s A g o .

W — l l c r o a - ~ — 1 o f U c h i l d r e n , i n m a t e * o f t h e i t a t o -------n i l h o m o f o r t h o d o a f a n d l ) l l n d a t — - W i» C o lo r o d o S p r io g a . w h o u n d e r w e n t '— J o p v l tn l o p e r a t i o n s b o r o tw o w e e k # m * tn , a g o , w e r o l e d f r o m t w r p e tu a l d a r k * f r o u p « e s s I n l o l i g h t t o d a y w h e n *ur>

g e o n * l i f t e d f r o m t h o i r e y e a ' b a n *'s d a y c o v e r e d t h e m i ln c o,o s l a |

d r e n , a l s t e r o n d b r o t h e r , t h e s o o p e r*,1 I.?. " “ ^'1 r c e o v c r c a t h o i r a lg h t .^ *’) _ T h o t w o ,^ h o w e v e r , - p h y s l e l a i s s a i d ,- ------ - A i w - d o o m c d - ' t o - h l lD d h M t- '- T J io W ----------- ^> arg o b l in d n e s s w a s c o n g e n i t a l , d o e t o r f . d h y d e c l o r o d , a a d t h e y d o j o t p o s s e s * '

, p r i s - " ' . . 'r t h o M O D B B A T B T E M P B B A T U B H S A S H -

^ ^ V r A S l H H G T O » f r — if a n r — -----2_ f e W c a t h c r - o u t l o o J c i o r t h o w o e k b e g h i n l n B - — - e n t ’a M o n d h y J: • o n N o r t h e r n B o e k y m p n n l n i n _ t i n d _ p t a .

t c n u r e g io n s , » n u w n t b e g in n in g } a b o n t t h o m i i l d lo n n d t o w a r d e n d 0*- w e e k . M o iI*

t e i t i - c r n t o t u m |> e r a tu r / ^ S 'e x c e p t f o r c o ld s p e l l s o m o i n n o r t h e r n l l e e k y m o u n ta i n r o g i o a l i a c i r d a n n g 7 f i » t - b a i f - n n d - n m { i t ^ n { > ^ ^ ^

t o r h a l f . ' , ■

'm s -L e a d -N m s^ a H ectic Chase

- T h o n r i i n n t - l . h - l f l j 1 0 i e t l ) C r ; . l h y ^ u o J i t l j | ( f ^ ^ :

i p lo n n p a r t m c n t s . T h e y a w U r l n j t o g o t h e t 0 l e d l u t h o c lo s e s t h a r m o n y ; t h o y A ro d l s « ' ' '

s o . a s u g g e s t i o n o f d i v o r e o I n th o - o f f i n g ; --> _Jila ^ a . - C l i a p l b L . 'a - j e U t i v c « . a l t i a td y - h a v e ____l - a n t p » i ) S r r e a = a - a o t - o f - f t o a n c i a ! - a c n i a n d j t o f i ^ m i x I 'ft a a n - i i d . o n - C b a p H n ; 00 f l n a n r l o l

s o t t l o m o n t h a s b e e n d l i c i i u o d . b a t - t i . . .c n l* s u i t l o r d i v o t c * I s b o lo g j i t » j * M t d , ..............

UmpttrJUOBK— .[■ \ : D Q n M V ^ 9 n ^ , p e B ^

a n y . t o £ a t ^ o T a y l o r , f t l a i u t r e n , . t h o 7~ « r * - . 'T n B f B 0 t :T iiO T l e J r

'• a _ « :a p f i i9 - - c t

i i i n a e W f i s ^ f r i o i a * . "_ _ _ _ . n w r i g n o ^ y ' o r o t l i W i r y y i t l i o

Page 2: 9 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC ALLS DAIl -lilmtG E iE iEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · f house, vere pusod by the «enatotwo of them oriflnatlog In tho

Pago Two

■SElCiTH l i T M

Inq u iry S e s s io n s 'T c m p o ra c J W E n d ed W h ile I n fo rm a tio n Is O b ta in e d F ru m O f f ic ia ls ' '. 'n B om bing B a t t le s h ip .

- 'WASlltN’OTON', ,laii. .11 (.f>)-T.Tin- Innllni; it* !irariinr> tPnijmrnrilV tntrtu.1»y will, tlu- -,f Miliiniriiiiir i>;irdimiii;iry r<i|ir.rl. licf<ir-' lin’ iniilill'-

IVbriiurv, tli<* limiap n lrrr»ft niiiiiMlt-In ' voli'.l to unk tlu< lii.vy c |r]arl.... ..for infciriiiiitioii lim i i r n i tlumiliiiiK ntnl Kiiikint' of the l.;ittl<"lilt' \S'iinliiiii;toi>. It iil<c> ili'i'uli'cl lo ii'k KiV'fi'Inry \Vr('k'» for infotinntiiirt nil-' h'r.rnl ill fiinfr.lrn'linl “ I'oimmmiriliou ‘’ ivliii li lIlruiMlicr (iciirriil .Mitrlirll. *;i" niKtmil ih lr r lit tlio nrinv iilr nt'rvii'r,

--------- |iil,i llll. ,I'll ;i« llip 7P.«IJ)I of rn-ri>{ ii flhnim/ hrhua Kivou ln'fut-Ut. _______ __ '

_________ _ _ llu A J a , a e t . , T n i t h , _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _aMiuTiil Mil.-lirll i']il>ri;r.rih.-it it >v:i>

lilniiial ini|Kii<«ititii for t)u- I'oiiunllt'''' to iititiiiii rorriT tiiifiirinntioii ffinii tlir iii'rvici'i ,011 iivi.illnti In'Pdini' in

inrtils, Ttii' nnvy "t.olilil bi- ininlp lo ti'll “ ItiP rpdl I r i it l i" o f lln'.aiuKiDlL, of tlio \VaOi'niKl‘m, tJiniPfiil Mii.-iiull

----- K ^ . Hi'-nrMpil IU.ll nrmy .iir|.l;.npirontil h;tvn nuiik tlip W.-iAliiii 'loii iti ‘ 'friini two lo fiinr inlniilm .”

'I'll.' navy ttdiilil. r;i|>ii|ly iIpvpIq[> Inlo

Mill, Iti iiri'ini; n nnifivil nir f<iri'i'. 1{p

i.f lmll|rKhl|i!., bul il ivin roi«.Inc t" i'»'l tbn t niiinry .I.nnlii hv [lUl into xnbiiijriiip. ntnl iiir|Jnn<"<, riilhi'r tllllll iiilii riMlly b:ittli <lii]ii Itml wiTP fn"t 'tu'cniiiliii: (iliMilPip,

Ualflod A ir fierriee. Ilp|iri'*C'nI;iliv>-' I.n (iiinnlin, ri'|'iil>1i'

_iirjji'<I II niiiXlp'! llir sprvjri’ ninl ili-Jfiri'ilttiiil l’r<’i'<l«'nt\'i'i'olii({i'wi.iilll Iti-riiiii.' nil'


_ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

z Fo — th e W oi--------------- -Hudson-s-positioii-

^ r - - : v ^ iiew ^ tta liim en t-l m ec h a n ica l suprci

------------------------- s g p x I n f i J X s - m o t o F___ — ex ciu A iv e^o -m o toand long, cconomi

....... .... ...... A- LmHudson, .bccausc of

— thc-SupcT=Sixrhas- m anufacturinj^ adv mittcd a low cr s’clli "po litic y itlrm orc 'i

- --------T h f l t ; |- in p n r f , 'n r r h i i f

. of leadenhip. Hiidsc ■ J . , g. Grcatirtt .Value,

J _________ less than any compar

And becausc it iiasnhv ..... .............. .-looks an d m o rc comi

“ ~ '“'*Nq nva) disputes dial — know8' i l t .~,"~' "":


T W 1N F A L I.S

L E A V E S $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 GEIMS

.■ U M O ER M A H R E S S

K A R Q U tJ D P 'O T O G E l i ^

THE MAHQUiaE D ’OROEUC of ' rrancfl U Hk«l to bo without ber

.gr.Q.nw Ktting_Qf w u ls ■iQr_»amn.l j„, ■ tiniu. 8ho left them undor tho mat-

trrii.i of (in oxcliuivo Now York city - lioiol-wlien-*he im ii»d-for Etirope.

— - TlmnnUo-wir«l»««l-Eiig«io NiWord.- il* a Swedlih actor, to get them for to ]icr. Meantime, tho goms liiu) boen Ilf found nnd luniftl over to tho police, li- who refuiod' ta doUTW them to the

1 0 ■ ■ - - - - - - - - - -uiL .Ivni-nlp pf It jf |,i> knc»v tlio /act*, lilt yiirlluT r;vlili'tlri' lll'on Itic <iiicntlon

Ilf ihr pff<Tt.<ir, III! nnili'rwiilcr. illr in 'rliarcM nf n injpnuitil lininb Ujian tbo

c iiiiilPiiBpt* of ft battli'iliiii, ntnlcmcnt* lo by (ini 'fnl .Milrhi-ll rpcnrilllig wbirh I'll ftinilrnBra'M jrfacrrctnrj'-Ip Williiir, jvill bn rIvpii Ilt Hip'ticxt bear* on- inf-rf-thrrhDn^tnnJtlrarjTiffnlrircDiiir IX- niiili'i', it wni nnnouiiccil tonight by tho bf ii:ivv iti'imrlmi'nt.I'l. " I l l tbo ri’ccnl tc^ls on tlio 'Wndh- nt liiKiiin,” “iir.li1~th[niTi’iT-TmnnnncCTjmifrr-

“ cjjirriitionls wi'ru lii.iilo lo nsccrlnin Itip pffcrt nt'on tl;p I'Oinlriiuofii of tbnt

li- »lii|> I'rodiipi'il by nni!>'nvatpr oxiilosioiiii

I'll fonnrl thnt llip fninlpii.crii wero pnllrpl/ ill' uniiffi'pli'il'Tiv-' tlin I'iplixioni.”

irld’s Greati»-fl8-th©-world-Vjir€ateflfr-vait -For-ten-yeftr»-thfr-Saper--Six •cmacy. liasic p a te n ts have or., lliG r.HKWtht>€s8. a n d - loni ito r.bas y e t cqualcd-the Super* mical c a r life.

uf the simplicity of . ■ as“l\1\rays^lT]oya^ TLI' ' ivalitajjcs thatllin^ pricc .than is^ * ^ :'co7iipIicatcd] fypesC’ iMDt&fQr. m ' 10 yrars.' '— _:Jsiin is the World’a

larable car^_j___ ______^ (

Kvaysprovidcil better SrPmfort at less m oney.; , ■

lat and every'motor*

• .. . . . . . . "

LS DAILY Ne W , t w i n ]


J RU SSIA SIN C E S O V IE TIL. ■?»:*g»l‘> f - l W n a - t t r g - J H l t f - M I ig lo a

V rw n rin w -B O T f, u UMdijuartm a for E ro b a u y ..

I I -------MO«CO\V,-Jini.-ai M»>-iPmnirfl'f t i iI rolor hiiiOp Iti f ltit niin«arnnc8 In Hui- 7 «i:i Imlny iiincp tlio rfainio iif tho einr».

Tu IliP •Irlilciit itraiai-of ih'o Mnrioil- b.iuP, jiltiyril by ih« nrthpntra of the

•• - «ntrnitrm t hoUii,lTiorr7r.r¥7lirK «',;»■ forninlly ral«i'il ovit tho hnuic of tbo .S’atii«i» ri'lb'f inlMlon-wliicli >orvcj a* llip H'ni|ior.iry hpnilqiinrtprii -of tlift- rrctirli ••nil'iiMr- No Knvpmmctit or f.iri'lKii offieiiiU wflrp prpient.

Tlip ]{in.ilunn ill tlip iiPiKliliiirbooil - i> fnrtrbl-0\lt-0rih ..ir‘A unri('thiirBy t.v

Um riinrtifll iioip. of tlm Fronrli nn- lii.iial •liyiiin, n » M “ WhPn will tha Ainrrlpnn ctnbu»iy bi» ropri'nmlp.lt

tion.il iinthrini:' hut iiuboily vcnliiri-il“ . . . •

FO U R B IL L S PA SSEDBY T H E STA T E S E N A T E(Conliniicil from I’nao 1)

> inlon RO .tiiul iiiiiiil<-I|>nlilr-rnn rx trn tl^ ll-i lioniliiiK liinil. iMiiu boniN i.n.l I'oii-

„{ Ktriirl n ilalii nrroM tlip (Irnrw iitprIjgf rlv.T fiMir inllcii nbovo tliP fily . Ili.ff-jjjj^(jomi_of_.N:v)’.a*cfci:.lpuU-fu)‘ tlic -b ill.--| la^- r u s a s o P n ilc tM .ipo, - I£.t)iP,Jiill in rnuctril Inlu l:tiv, iiiiil il >ni- Ihnt It will-for ""'‘•I ........ I>|«»iitli>n, thp r ltr proiionpiieen I., pon^lriirt thr ilnni, Kmi-riilp rlcctrir Ice, l-'-wUlnii ami prt.viib- a Inctbo Morngp whirl;, il ivait polnti'il out on

— r r * 0 T i r f r s ^ r n i r |S S W 7 7 n i “ C l? n r

',ll1 W herever they sell good candytbo

tho >■ -jL

^ V T B r a l B H -

nin .bnt

" ^ 1 m i J ^ l T E ^ A ^ I C H T


sars -----itesc B u yu iu c H s -n o t-m e rc ly T i;--------------S ix-haa eto<Hl-ftlonfihia- -

k e p t Q tb era f r o m o n ^ i f u l l iiiVes a r e le r -S ix in s m o o th n e s s

yisputeiT " '

n i i r s o N

= ^ r E D - A ^ N - ~ = = :SrPaM . • • ^P «M .

7 9 S ^ M 9 5 :■ ___ _

[ t H t f e r C f a i e i O h rj i . _ : z 7 r r :

■ - S e ^ i ^:.v: ' • Acceasorifi___ I\ ' ~ P h o M M 5 .

N FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDwnlpr river. I t wm jtilc illiy one. rop-

' ri'nenlollve who ipokp fur l)]0 bill Ihut \| tho italo owni IS billion foot of tln- l‘r ~ bcr In the rnnntry thnl will tc tapppj I t i liv tho buUdlDi; of tho ilam. An ob«(rtie-

tiori BcroM Ibe rivor li noceiiaty to tgloa.tiauiUo.thnJoca. bccamo. of .tlio .mona Ttm

Great 3-1

j ' i f e a tn r i i1^1 There iTa^ As fniRmnl as the ,

^ ^ I o f t h o ^

[ 1 ^ 1 liA llD S N COURT

____ I ^ CUEAM W An oxcoHer

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ - i n g - c r o a m U n t - l e a v o s

a o f t and f i r m . . . 5)

GARDEN COUIjaLTi i £ J ] s p c c i n l l y p

^ Three-Di^ Ess Jaj-’s Milk . A‘

__ Sugar, Ib...............[b ^ J Urynn - Marsh Ma:

_ Lamps 10 to 50 H'• [F5 ^ clear, each .. fc

^ p 4 r g D 3 o m ; S a ^ ■—

r a Nal“re*H. i q » 9 •> - Remedy........I"G U

-= U p p e r s

I K I Kwlk Kurl £lcc C u r l in g - --. ---- - ~ g

---------- ESI -41Xb-Propliylacil<i-Cp 3 ^ H u i r

vTDAY MORNING, FEBRi:. rep> riirrent which woulil break ap A boon Ihut and land (he lo p on » vwift Joutsey |< t in - ths 1‘nelflo oi:enn. pppj ■ -(me- “ Slfm ly Freddie,” the l# lc it <o* Iro r to by an tiUho buy, nt Logan M ailj p p g j a t o r e ^ dv.— ■ .

____ \ f f l n n

3 . D a v

in ii t o d S n

s a Garden Coiirt Beantyhe flowers lhat perftune them, Garid ncd woman. Enrinblo ia the comple;

Tho Garden Court m make the following m

* 2 ^ £ n _ _ » 1 U t i l

Full Size Tpotli PasI

JM a Colonial Cl M ^ E te e z W ittE !iMSBIL ^M B M Im t l l f l l l

t o I ] a t 5f ^ j n The makers permit (


elientcleans- -all•purposes. I t se

ivostiieskin------den-as-a-Tnasflitjc"^ nlao be used as a

50^ $1.00 cream ...................

fr’AnnRN.mTnrr FACE po w pe f^^ra<^thnes3 and-cKnging qualities. ]

ifivwible. Delicately perfumed witl/odor ..............................................GARDENyCOURT PERFUME—Sc; pqrftjpicr from the oih of thirty-ti coi^jnat|M of essences so snbtly del th d en tijr group of Garden Coiirt T< G A ^ N COURT TWIN COM- K ^ V r^ m p a c t powder and rouR^

two larabswool puffs nnd mir- ■m r........


^TALCUM'FOR [ GARDEN COUI y prqjared tal- attractive fafngec J-foMiftn r.BO|k-|~;to OTTy-in a pui

) a y S a le o f Mos

Ccysfal While ;38c Eaflle Branfl n.29 Tanlac . .Electric .

B9t ^asloFla^i^

v P m- O tP e p ^ — r isiiu iLji 4 9 c ‘


' ' ' ' I C b u r c b S e t o f c e s

X Irot - -BAptlft Ohnrch.Mm U ' . r.. 0 . Dutlirr, MlniiUr.= .m .a-i»o>»lng-wor»h.lp^ill_.b.gln_at

Conrt ToiFctly Aid Ior Every Needj a r d e i f d o u r t T o i l e t r i e s a r e t h e c h o i c c n p l e x i o n a t t a i n e d b y t h e i r u s e .

t m anufacturers h av e au tho rized us g m oet atlracH vc o ffe r fo r th ree dayf

z e “ S O c T u b e M a ^ l a

a s t e o r a 5 0 c T u b e

C l u b S h a v i n g C r e a m ^

: E a d r P u r c h a i s e = o ^ A n

C o u r t T o i l c t - A r t i c l e

5 0 c o f M o r e

n i t o n l y t w o s u c h d e a l s t o h c u s t o m e r .

IRT DOUBLE COM- G A R D EN CO £ A M —A cream fo r A U IO N D C t servea a s a v n n - , , ^o r - i t : b n B c - f o r - p o w - - r : a f f o m m T a n d can.......................rCcomni s a grenscless cold.......... akin, routthncj . . . . . . .B0 $1.00 b urn ...............

DER- BapgeiHlb' nut'uJ fUl‘ ll>t Imeiies CB. I t coverR blem ishes perfec tly -yek - w ith ■ tho d e ligh tfu l G arden Cou

............................ BOO $ 1 .0-S c ien tifica lly blended by a masti ty-tw o differen t flow ers. T liis odor,

d e l i^ tfu l , hns been m ade th e basis fr •t Toiletries. In onc-oz. g i f t bottlo $1.7iM- I g a r d e n COURT L IP _________I R C r S T i t ' K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bl i r . GARDEN COURT TALCUM-J 5 0 - - M a d o ^ r o m - t h e - - f t n e s t - I t i ( U a r r t i T ]

In m etal co n ta in ers . FIc.sh . an. w h i t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5

6 0 In a ttrac tiv e gla.ss con ta iner . .5 0

OURT ROUGE— Id I G A n n p w ,

nged box. Conveniont CREAM —A— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ l e a v Q a , t h o ^ h ;

I p u r s o . . V r . . . . B 0 f i “ r u r 7 r 7 . . .


iicSoaj iorl9e iw b s e s

- r - M i C t f f g - - - ' - - _ _ _ _ O f t A

| « ( T

1 n o'r.loflf. Sprmon, “ TIip Vi«inn and ' tlio Tfiok." Tho orcnlnR go»pcl ler-j

^ 5 Vi(o nt 7:30 wllh n. populnr.song ler- — 7- Tifc. The paitor will ipenk on .“ Tho '

Two-Fold £ntlmftlo of.Chri4t.” Olhor niPetlDgf will bo-beld at' tUo m o i ••

la nt h o u r s ................. - . - ........................................



1 u s t o

i l a c | c g |

i b e .

m----- Bira — 1 ^ - ...

1 3 *mer.------------- ---------- R l -----------

i COURT BEN ZO IN . AND j f c S i CRi^AM— A d e ligh tfu l ™ • 3 tio n ^ t*= S en i;o in r-E npp i- ^ ^ - 7 7 -

'hness, su n b u n i and wind- .................... . . . .B 0 ( >

leiiesH, •

: i o t . KN~C 0U R -T— S H A M I » 0 0 - f 3 --------------- A tho rough clciinaer, Ki o ^ h a lr - « o £ t - t t n t l - - b e n t i f c H la ! ------------ ^............................................. B O ^ - S - ,

DmeNeedls-P^. ? . ^ j p v i ! ; p - P ' _ i

“ '"‘“■'"iscasc I?iri'n^t?^ nni?7 y j'^ i'~ r ^ r * ^ ^ ^ ^ ------plete w ilh wool p o lish es I f ^dauber iin f lu H ji,— Q n •_[6 M ---------- ----c a n 'o fp o lls h '- . r^ — O U b . j ^ j

M lfflln^Vlkuh d l - — ^

Page 3: 9 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC ALLS DAIl -lilmtG E iE iEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · f house, vere pusod by the «enatotwo of them oriflnatlog In tho

I v - - - - - - -

Today’s S|

"-imiisim. - G i P J G i T w nrF atirB oys"tos? rt)y S66I

. o f 3 3 to 2 0 ; G irls D rop Ba: kc tb a ll C o n te s t to W cnde

• 4 8 to 3 4 . .

i' ' OOOIlINfi. .I„„. 3 1 ._ (S |„ r i,|Th.- -Vnv,)— 1,1,.), «rl„w,l-ll

"Iiriil fl'liDl Tivin' l.'lln tnnn. ;i;j tt, “D,

ll'Tc rV-.-iiiii;r, li.imlilli: tr.(ikI'iirly iu .Om' om tr.t »tul

lii'M It lliriiniilioiil. fJnim at tin-

.......ilni:’" favor. TIii' coiitr-l w-iinfiiHt fioiiii und fi'Mli'to n-itli thrillK.

A fcliirti jjiimi- lictivfpn tin- two __________«Taii^anii»m.(-r.Mn In- iitavoit

• licri' thin I'vniiiii;, jn'iil nil ti'ii tn.'ii Ilf fimt and in'culid BtrltiK* Into 111.- POMllut nil,I I.OIIOM W.TO w.Ol diKtriliiitrJ unions tlx-iii.

Ilo«rii!i;itii;li. rniti'r, -tml Anpitr'ila. riirwiicu. wrro (.iit.it!itiaiiiK~iilaj'i.'r» of till' (Itidiliin; triiin..'i 'lviu ritllit u irU ’ t<viiii, nr<-<>r>lii)):

| P ’>' ll. uork ri'.’.avnt lirr.', wim .I.- » fwti'il, ti> :H, Iiv tlip Wciiiic'll _________ tilliUcm-iix-iVMiiiiii.- '

i m U f l P- TDifDIITE

Buhl to b c S c e n e o f C o n test__ I Z T B e i w e e n - B a s k o tb a l l —T ea m^ fo r C h a m p io n sh ip ._ _ _ _ _ _

A dl»trirt- toiirnnmpiit to dcli'tmii__ Juii "f ”t r lr t i" lu Ih' liclil Sliiroh .’>•7, jit IJiili nrronlini: lo dri'inlclii ri-;iclu'J by mpii l)vrs of the ilU trict board nf roiiirol i ft iiH'ftliid liprn III till' IV rriur Imt'

----------— r in itm jrn ff tr -n r-n 'p rrsn i t-ra rb 'irr 'n ;^onr'imh^itlMrtctH, iinr-to romjiott'-l Ahls toiirnmiicTil for tin- lU.itrld Iill mill tlir rii;lit tn viit<>r t1i« iitnto tun luiliii'iil. 'IVaiii!! rr|iri'Mrnljiij; I'lirh c llu- iiiih'aiiilrirtHTiru to <iiiiilify In mil

.•iiifiil h to lio liidil I’cbrunry

,<llrl« tciunn jirfl to coiiijn'tn In 111• . ilintripl touriianirnt. for Ilm uirU’ ill

trift phniiijiliiiiilUii, iirijcr ilccUluJ ri'iirlu'd br tlm bo;ir<l of control. I’r< ^ Umiinry rnntriitR nrn In lio hcV\ I

fjiialify two ijirli' tcaiiii, imp ,ropr' . npiitiliff-Uiu-nortli niilo niid thp nilu

till' Koutli ililv Aub'illiilrlrlii, to mrcC i ■ ' 111!' t»irH‘ rliiimi.ionslilp tQiilMt-ahlg

ia to 1)0 belli oil tbo ofcnint; of tlic Ini ilav of tliu louriininctit.

_________.Sf. M. Vnn Patten o f lliihl wn-; rho.el>y me bunnl lo bu miiiiugnr oC tTi^toii

Mpniljrr« of tho bonrd of control n> ?,W. Vu« V. B. Donn of «fi0i«n|

.nml Cbristi'UfL'ii of Ilorley.

- - - - - - A t t E r I S ; |C f e " S P E E D - k lN i. .TnnON'TO,' Onl.. Jiin. nt <,T1—Vr'n.'

'“ ".Uii ii o! l lilraCK wan tlie Cftnnm«n Bjior >kalli>» pliiuni'loimlilp licrr tlilK ufiiTiitioi

-•lahlint Miv nmliirlly iif nnlnm In-iln- m-j, ■ ll'* > ll ■ I il.L..I.| .

T I'llll vlctarji tt'tti nut <InrI<t<Hl IIDIII tli final m<'«, ilic lliri'r-iuU<-. In wUUU Allv liKik~i«'eKiul |>lacu for 1il> victory.

______ Ctiiir|<n.OlirmmL-fltJlt-Jolm-X.-n.. - inIcrniiiloiial nml Unllnl KIbim ctiamiiloi

— dl.i nol pl«< In lh#-'Tf«i(trpm<«‘.-biit -wn ^ rivir lliB^top In the twlnt coiiiit for tli

OLA8GOW, J u n . ^ ? ^ —of Otnigow,*woii tho fJywi'lRht ehair

1 %, tilomlilp of Europe tonijtht by dofpni |T WC ti'f* IW rUr puffilUt, MlfliM Mni

- M -trfnUin-n-20'Youuil-eon{(ii{.- Clurk'wo , on i>ointi.

■ ^ ^ hakW u h I o r e p r e s e n t

____ _— -Alv]n-Jrflrbouc-o? -ttu -M .U y . . ^. -----JOnuillMionwl bjr Uin-rilrrrtnn-nf-Thy Houthcrn Iilaho nml flumn r)[||if|

etnliun n l ti niccllng Saturilnil^TrvouIn! in ehambcr of commorco nfflccg h c i

----- toT Jp rncn i !H0 M foelattan a t a mcirlInff o f thb Idiiho 'B lato Fieh nnd Oa|l|

r=5i»*«iatioB -tirbtrijeW ironafly-iil-noi)fi Tbo m rctlajc.of tho itn to o i'o rln tU r

- - U k - jg d an ta f lil. h m 'h m n

..........Mjittd:attha:«tata-lftffl.lnt»fi.rrinVfin|___ fo J ttF T w T jjiija o .ftd ia in iilr iitlo i.-

T .---LONDON', Jsn.--2|1.M>>—A« offlelall;- - - - Vloweil "rpiilirftlinrf-ttii

<?r«k-p«»HBrch- bjr-tho-Tiirklih-irov ' -em isont mariovPnttiBily .dtmsD'd. lomi : kinil e f w tU a .b j' .(£!>• aUisd^gorcm

mcnt«< .119 dlipMlUoo ior~tb« 'tlmi ■ I i t f ; watah -Ufyftof

' ' * . OUD.

IportingNewsF l « P i F =

lyiiiLiTyBf j iimilLEiCl

ifl * Fails for Sccond Time, How [(I ' ._ovor, to ' Bcat_Iadoor -Trac! IflL Eocord; Two World'a Rec

orda Aro Sbattorod.

^ -lWWW>?n-T«nr l W>l-lM..iu Xiirri blnmlo VliiM, lioldrr n f ':; i .iviirM'a rui

}3S> r<’ru(d5. flanhnl nlii-ad of hin fii'lto vlftory IiiiiIk IiI in a Uvn ialU' ....... I;

j „ | | al Illl' tlilrls' iilxth iiiiniifil llmlnii AllIrtl,' u„,i,'btio.. iii.liHir .......... bill fai• d for the niTiiinl iiiicii'n!.U.' iiijjhl I ix'l II iip\r liidiior marl:.

Tlu- im-pl. lidMoviT, saw hvo Wfirlil' niaikn niuiili-rril, WiHji. i'laiii. Nui T'cirli, uiiIKid tn n n<'»- wiirM'n ;iiiO

In iiii-lrr iiidcyr marl; ; t 1iiii hi- dp fo l'- ■1/ I 'p ) _Frli;rfio. llallnii an<l Olymiu

-I'. II wi'.'k mill K. i:. .Mj-crK .if Clii.';,K> xil; .'i.labllslii-il a lii'M- WcirlcrR iiii!o„r i«i) i>'l vault i.pi.rd un a Imanl floor.

: i r SA l.V A T iO N ^fpD N “ VrsTitb ---------

EiiKlftn nnd M n. Sinltli, Tonner Hoi WII denu of Twin Failfl, to Conduct Tw od Servlets Here.____________________

I,'II valii.a .\riiiy, foroirr ri'»i.|..niH of Twv ito . i‘;illj<. iio»v on till' way to thrir.lioni I'll III Tanima ffoiii ntiriiiliinri- nl' Salva

Him Arniv .'oiuii-il.i ut I.m Ant« N n, ar lla. ■ to be liiT<' tiiilav to pniidiirt an oin'n nl L ~ ;i i - j :;,ii i„., |„ i„. •fiilluw,''.

by a mi'Ptiit;; .n S ji. m. at Haivntiiii1, . Ainiy-Iii.ll, Ul.'-^li(-i.lif>np !ilrpet-.ottth.

'■'i STOCK GOES. TO iVlARKEl-T»^■l|.K.lll*-^Vr.^rr-r^.mI^ ^T WiiliifH.T loacli'rl four I'lirx of nlii'cj. in Twin Kiill,vard« for nhi|.....nt to inarl(i-t. <>jncvirlo.'id i:f lii,(;» al'.o wni forwnrdi-d fron

_ fill' I,'tall i ’im.ilriirlion roinimnv Im: nrra.iKnl, 1,1 ,;||iii liwl-.i!und;0' Hi ral:

, of calll,. ffoiii ii.i f,.,',| rardi al Ih< nuHur favfurvi -------------- ----- -----------

DEMAND IIAS HiDREABED. \V.\KI1INUT0.\. Jan . ;il (>P)-.Tli,. in

—— rrrTrinjnmitr.T'Iu ily nf / . ilrrailm V rii 3SIS ""'"I a rlivilii'1 b'll loilav to th r intro

‘Ini'IioJi by Ui'|irfjcnly!ivo '• Siinimrrfl imc ']i'Ui‘i':£'’*j_T<:’!it9 _tijLa_jc*olutl..ii-j)r.'»------ i.">vjlj:_ai.'liuiutmiail^ut_:i_cuu«rmiuaa

rainnii-i,iun lu duti'rmini' how tlip uuv____ entl k h rrlio f f„i,ii it,

oiinli'a of r<-apoiiiiililhiip>, Three m-nn lorn nnd i> !ikp iiumliur uf ti'iiri'H'utn tivi'i wonbi m-rvp on tlm roininiMloi

mi'ie will, n„ limit fixi',| f„r tim fjiji,,tn>- uf ;i ri'porl._________________________

Jilbl, = = = s

ll nl '

Hii: • [ __ _S ' -Joc-K Savs; !

\VIipn a frlliiw gi'U to thc n 1,1 h ii b.'ipli and Ni-ratrlii'.i hix jianrnk

^ ,Li„ ,,L^n,igdrdnr>.-^r-rijiiiTmi

B I ffC H l t f r f l l B l l l € (i j P t j l l P j i M l l p B B lB iJw M l!

I ■ M r t L j J L S S H t a l J L h ^•prr- 1----------------------------------- :----- ;------'thertjn TOMORROW, TUE3I

ItaB ,

I"'*'"' 'Bl(l laWMBBMBW

tliflaivn ■. % ',.in_ —X- romance.—thriUor— pr’

jvitIi_tlic_8nm,o:;8umi <bp I nc.ss as "Forbidden' Paradis

-thHfrector.o£^4ig4*^hir.f niatk spcllbountllam. the first flash to the Inst.’pnt- ------- _____________|5nn- 1'^ ___ • _ _ _ _ ^ .....

, .. . s T i s m o

: m - f f * ^

§ -?-AIpnP • S iiii i id . i ftSL— ,


z iu i .V A y s : .T m i - B B a y - T O ^

- ■ jrW IN FALLS

n D U M B - M L L S^^^*atTt*tout.m^mTtnrorr>Ga____ .___ HEllO 3iMP<;>j.T-itODiffn.’.

worf IS -riic l ^ t r t ^ o i i o ' = ■ - - UNC€Pl5\KifiG-|-AumS-SCnn:-' -____ _ _ ^ k s s 1 4 # J U e m O L . .


“ M l i f ^low- _Lrack V - ^ I S M LRec. .

I t m i r5 PESTlTiS i J i i e i Eii'afc-o,

jiolr ---------

U p p e r. ..H o iJ se ._ M e n ib c rs - H olt V a r io u s O pin ions on N eed foi

nosi- ■A n o th e r M ee tin g to C onfirn : Gflbinst ftpDointrnsnts

Tiviti'•'‘‘■[‘I . VVAHinXfiTON', Jnn. .11 (/«>)—Thi:

'I'K 'iliun wIh'IIkt .tii I'Xirii. ni'Minn ol U ui~iua:ai:_valL..hi-.. neeiMary nftei

•iti in "'"‘iflrai eaVliii't iipjKiIni'',l ' . .Ihl'. iiciv jidiiikUtratiDU—liiu

r.-vi'ali'd a divld.'d opinion oo the enb'

K ET'• BWiuto.to n.nenibi-l by upeilnl mil Ini'

im.t y »"Mt7trlT—nf trr'iiTn'iRnrnrlmr 'nnil net KiilU '■“bini-t niinilimiiiiiiFi. Honii' m'liatorii (,„i, liavo hUKKi'HU-d lliis yi-ar tbat nhoiihl

from "'“'I' -I" ''Xtra ni'i.ilon b<- i-onvi'iieil cf'

,. fiiix connidi'rutitin of ihi- wnrld rnurt pro- rail* pouil ami ]K'rha|w_(jtJiPr matliTi)_ in

I I],,, wblpli houHo I'oninrrriici' i« not ni-riii-' ------luiry.- Auoiiil!r |iroiuj»al-i» tJiiii tbo liH:.

eiui m-mlon be douc away vvUU eutlrvtvanil that tbe enbini't for thi...... . fuii'r

II. i„. vearx I'ltber bu ionfirmcd.br Iho iiri'i- vcrii- I'nt ronnri'M bi'fon- .Mnrrli -l or pernilT

Ir.l lo .,'rvn tenipor.irily t.y r e c is np- mrrfl, |>ointnH'nt.- j)ro ------ ^-^Irtgnl-Potnt-InTolvod.------ ----ituul -.Tliu JcKul—|udut-lliivolvcd-ba<-l>('en KiiV rainud nino by rmlili-nlii uf Honobdii nvi-t^ 'i-l.g-lnvi-. r.,r.l,.,1 ...•'■'ii'f.

«i-nn- thni niiy'.confirinntinn by tb ii eonjjri'M eutn- nf M«vrtVi«T VattlnK'"''* 'wbo*n trivem* ■nion innlion rrcentlv w.-in m'ut'Io thu eii|iital. riliiiK would bu invnlid biTailiiP bid m-w tiTill

B a g d a d ” -Is -Coming,’

hc Kla|;e ivhi-ri' he |ioiiri< Ihe ityriip down nrnkei, hi- han nrrivci] nl ii piiint wlii'ru

Matlnao_________ lOc and 20oEvening:...-;,.„,.;.,lOc and 30c

A J a i ilM L : 2—3:3CV-7—0 P. M.


J F G t ? T R A 0 U L W 4 1 S H^ f e V J i ^ - p R O O U C T I O T T ---


- prbduccd • -----------— --------- -, ASPBD

u m p t u o u s ^ B p o r l— E e v l e w ^ ^ - a d isc ," b)^ M ew»-T:Oom i!dy° L ° L E a f c _ J J T tn k le ^ g ------ --

‘‘Doo-Dad8'‘ \


H |J The production is the maa- • ^ H r~E ^p icce of .Kcglnald^ B ar^ ^H_kcr^tbo-inan-who-produccd~~ ■ l^ 'T h e ^ O ia -N c s t;” ‘'H eSfta ' B m Aflame,” “Tho Storm.”

■ 9___ - ___ L_____ wiUt----- ------- ^ - T .

* ? * . „ J k n a a . K t t k w ^ o j ; ! - .

^ ^ ^ ^ i a i X s > : f : : j U g i v e ; w : ^ ' L : : i : ^ A d Vl gl. riii>:» i o V -

'" j _ r ^ r » «----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -^ 1 --------C«orif*“ ^V e«»t^------J S , R o I. • r » ____ : -

l-T S B ^ iB 0:--^DH8lr::ALWA«


M m i i

^ D r e a d D isease in M a s k s J A n ti to x in b y Dog T e a m s .

SKATTI.i:, Jan. .'(1 M>>—NVrnr. Ain m - a kn. ban tiirnly rufi-x of dij'liihi'rUi nn

I" ThpM' offii'ial fignrei w .r,. I'O.-iv, brri- tniiny Iiy Hr. ti, M. .\l.ii;iiiilrr i

■ thc riiH<-'d KliiU's .••\ iiiilKiiii iini' liniiilrr.l lliniir<ai

S imilH of di|ilitbi;{iu nnti liixiii wi-ro ili jiali'lK'd by Iho pilblii' lii iillh n, rvii ami' tlio I'nltcd Stati'i hiireaii -if <'.li ralioii loilny on thr i>li'iimi'r Alain' ,1 dill' ill t^rirnnl, Alniika. I'riibiy. I'mi S.jward the- M'riim .in tn bn rarric.l I Npiiniia, Abmbi. on ihc Ahnk.’J r;.i

, mail nml nrrank’emrntu arr niidrr wn lo tnlti- il fn.in tlirre In .Nnnn' I'V ni

u U - vBfm” iir-d^-(inrnT;r; ■ TiT.Tnui.Var?thuiiinlul uiiiM fi'nt from Aii.'Iinr.i« .Wa.ik.’i, ,md r.7frJi'd finm h

, | - | , dn;r teamvwii-i vxp«.'l.'d-|.. r.'iicl. NoniH old luday. ......... .

.N.iiiii*,'u-blrh, nprnnlliic tn rrpnrt' H f n r had I.u i-liiib'inir nf Hie di'i, .n,' iu ban “ with u lo'lnl of five d.'.'illiH »inri- il . . beKiniiiiii;, e.irrlcd on tli finht " i l

ll irm ?,',<ll)<) unit* of niili'toxin fonml in Ih ■ i i i' Tii, but'nn ntiHhnt-rrntinnrilr i l iv u iil

bo fuu»ideri'il-vulu,'l('»!i,

P I ^ N r o n PLAIN TO AID.—The KAIitilANKR. Ala.ha. ,I:iii, HI (-?)- nn of ArraMU’''in''iit'' I nfter flv from-hero to Ni.mi'i lahin;; fnn:

]S;TT?r N en niia toN .... .. l.llMI.IIIiil i i l l l | ,„ r a n ihm tusin. llu t.Itft.Sca llk 'ib y atomur. thi

' enb- imiriiiiii;, wero bciiit; pr.jjid lun- lat toiiay. ,

I,' l,"r ftfT£6A l-G IV )L-A CTI0N i- ' a ssig n e d for t r ia i

.-ll .-f' ---------it-fo t JtidKo-W.-A.-B*bc«k-8ehodulBrrCaiie , pro- for ConildoraUon of Jurors Durlni r».iu ..ConOng Week,

0 *jw- . piftern eivll nuitii bnvp hern ns ignpi

’ f iir '''■



m C r WKht ” ”A rirtt National Plctura

_ _ : : ■ -^MOWDAY-MIOHT-- — Added Attrwlloa

— TiTftT* •^"'ir M?7ifT*i Wnrttr, ___ __________ B egu U t-P d ew -___ r- —



R n r -I'lroM111 • lh.'«p-nrlionii 1m l f''l’”f' bl ihr rnurt Mominy iiioniiiI I I L b i'ullowiiii; i.r.-llir il»<ienmenlii:_ _ Mjiiiiiay—.liiVin Vl. Ktnllli verniH

ft- I„ lliiw hin .;if—Wi-Hmr-TpnniT'.l." • II U ro l^ nnd i.lh r ,,; .Iam b Miivm vrr-

T I T l crolt M ..U, Kanvi, City l.if,.

n r — ■


Ul nud

.-.-iv.-d Irr nf

!ii-'ii..i rccommirrvi!" y o u r f r i e

utatipn. —the n;i

r pair—ofi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ^ " d c n c e " t l i

''Thy j Shoes deipX ■ ■--- ........

UALCanes-------— ----------------------------------------■uring

: id1 thli

\W X L L. V S - O ^

;i Four-IJt- ----------- ;--------------------------— :-----------


[- = = ^ People w an t

Overianti Sedan ah how well awaro tho great advantaftc* of 11

.... body, a* wcil avalue a t'eu ch a b

—;- r — —aiendci'. m<l budy | bulky wooden body ]

r r r . . - . - - ‘niink of i t - ^ ’n a i & door edan with On


Haho&. . . . . .

iRUARY 1,,1925.irori III inirr rnaij-’ ity; Arthur IV-fr r.-niii J 1111 nrn M .at coiti|i:niv. "" ".oniiiiK. T n n 'b y -J i i - .r . l),.vl«- vprrns • Ca

111 U'lll ],on' l.Ut lrri'.;ation |tii:ri< l- Mfi nrJW.-.iKr-ri-v,.|-.,i. li i . 'j i '. - 'n v .iV .o

‘•'•■■I''' HiTriiiinn;,l,

liiMK' w'l'dnrsil.'jy—I'l.il, S:i'.’in:;-.’':i"rid"r'in

O K S H E I ] \

Qmcndatioti of sK ^ H fn friends-lhc rep |H j|y \ \ pn of thc shoe a B w 'i name cn every S

-offer ample evi' i tlufFloftKeim""I deliycrmoncyX _'orth in ^

The %ialto


daho Department JI f It Im ’t Right, Bring, I t Bac



n t d i i s S afe^^G tea te is BHicPoi-tbiS'iiiW-----»cUtijj|-lor->i

ahoW Tcry dearly ‘ Isnostoppln tho ptxbllc is of the' $ted Sedan, ofltatcmatkablcoll. UP hcavict*^ Jil as the car’s fflrcat ‘“tlo n 'lrju c lf a b w pricc. with • to order carlj iy poitsT lnstc^ of. . ConnrlH=siiii dy poats—thoOvcr^.

^ C O I W € ;a i - ^ a s M n g e r r f o u r — - n /< » r l4 ^ 4 i r O ^ I Overland-8 quality C a r w itb D<

____ — — -■ — _____—# * -r-y i—- 7775-

' , . . . . . . . . .

• •• Pngo Three ;•

fl"!.-’-Vaenmcan)-. rerelver, ver»i/5 0«oVge 6 . Me* *' ■Maiitpr; .r. jr. Itoj-cr.viinu* J . nml oihcm, triintpeii. nnH-atlumi; r . y . ’-

\1 M V "''*'*"*>■ a itttS T aH in rtB u ^V,«.7ir7 “ 'J'Jriir!'.lay — iJlunea^lti~fbreiUilag—

'I' .Maphbin roiii;i.nir vi'ruui JTT. Bobr^nn — iit^ i-,'at],l oiti.'Mi II. Jl. Denton vonuiM giCi.!”

d u n it I'liiiiini; and rnbli'blnf'cnmiianr.



_ _ _ _ _

t StoreBach

E M -0 T O & - C A R-S -

s e t d c e i l —rSedtO

i t e r D ^ i n g W ^ i f c ^ i ^ r ^

orf'fid{--AtttiirpHw~tbe»----------- ,pplng tho nov7 Overland oil* ' " an. Sales aro bound to roll Let*^d hcavicth' Tbo titua* uch’now lhat'you 'w n Kivo ■' early to imuro early delivery*ssjnapcct tiua w / , . TT-r-7 -.-:|.: . . :-tt

^ 4 o w e s t # H e e A € l o e e d - - - - - - - -b D o o rs F r o a t a n d R e air)

-- - - - - - ; ■.

illH IIy tJllk ' “ •

■ - I iTTilia w '—

Page 4: 9 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC ALLS DAIl -lilmtG E iE iEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · f house, vere pusod by the «enatotwo of them oriflnatlog In tho

T e s t " o f F e d e r a l Q o v c r n m c

T a x a t i o n R i o l i t s U n d e r C

f o r n i a ^ C o m m u n i t y P r o i ]

L a w t o R e a c t o n T h i s S t

W A H U IN 'C lT t lV , .'III ( ^ - ________ l i ' j c i J y .l . J l l i iif i l

11" f r . i KiiIlH o n III ,, f , . ,I ,T il l K'>'. .... ... i ; i x i . i i o i i r l n h t h i i i i . I r r t l, i . 'f i ir n t i i f i , i i u i i i i j i i ly | i r ( i i> r r tv tl)I 'lJ ’ H in t ( I c d s i o n l u an n i i i i n i . n t o f I i ll t l i c i . i 'v r n o l l i .T R ta t r x Im U tit ; ,

/ i ia i i i l tv j i t o i io r l v liiWK.. . I T I a > 'l . . . | ,-ii^i-, I , t | | i 0ii;;li im l r r t ii

I t u u '. l , w i l l rv M ill f t w n U .i- Vn-ii«iiI i im iiiiiiircv l r i 'f i i r i i l t o n ' l ’iiin l i n r

• & " rk c 'l i i i i 'i l t n j> rn iit t in - | i f lv i l

__ - ^H 'lV i 'r i i n i r n t i n ; i

w l i ic h A l l c r u i 'V l i r i i t r a J - i J i o i i j . lio

T v I d a h o A m o n g B a v r n .■ { • |i |ifc irii i :i . A r i / ( i i i i i , M ;

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l- ''l l l . . | | . i l i! N i^ .- v a . l : . . N r» v T .iim l ii.i l ii i ij 'rJ i i i l ia v c ’ (•i it i ii i ii i ii i ly ti c H y b » » i i ik I t ii"« l n f H i n u I ,; , , ', . |,

______ :___ '■ I 'C r- iL iv i. 'J u r m n n y ,vi-vra— U _ k _tlm I f c im i r y '* l i i t i - n t i d n , ’ nIh hiI.I I'mprK i* v i d i i r i o m f f i im iI iv tm l t n m a l ip n n y / i i v o r a h l r ili-i-in lon r r a r l i v o . J i l l! n n i i i i l r i i c t i o i i <if i J ir

--------------- b r ^ h P T n i i > T r m r T i r u i - T f r m r T r ? 7 . ' . l iniH:<l m il o l n p r v n th e .1

--------------- n r ln rm tl ld -m p .H l '•M i'V .t i .I l i i i i i . r n '^ fl io n i lo l l n r n " n ilii ll lo ti .- i l t i i x n i ln n n n a l ly , i t triin i l r r l a n - . ! ( . i n i^ l i t .

Ill th f n s T i i t n i l i i i i ; l .y M r . W r...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l ln ' t n x [ i lia n r d f ' l l i . . tV ilK .ir

I11H-, l ie im i i il c il <1111 t lu i t 111.' f e l l K‘' ' '' 'n '> i i ' ' i i t l i: i il_ liM i[‘. f . 'i 'i i ;^ i i i/c t | i t n l . ' I« \v » n r i l u ' d t l i i ' r i il : it< « . • H r '’ Il lll r n r c In i'X (iri'iiii 1111 i i|i i ii i< iu u u

— — - i n r i in i r | ; u i|lIP3Tltinfl t l n l i iiixxiK p r i-f .T riiiK , III’ i‘’t |i l i i l i i r i i li> I r a v c

^ . . . . t r c i h u r y In a i io . l i l i . i . t o l i i i ^ n u - H i L o n g ft M o o t P o i n t .

T l i r i i i i i ' i t io i i o f r w i a i i i i i i i j ; i n u n l t y ]<ro|> i'M y liu v n t iu i |; l i n i l u n m o n t 'p o in t a in i i l i i ; a< iiiil ii i i.lr:il iv c< 0. r i a l* n iiil n t t n n l i t s l i u v r l i r n i m n it r

in jf a u c li ^ V K c o m o w i t l i l n t l i o f . 'ilc___ tn J i l in ; i > / v(Tn n il I 'li i in l f o i i l i n i; , N .

-------f f n i i r - A H r m p j i r r f r r ' tinV ii~n]irij;iV I* « p fC i ./ l (U L a ln > l r . - i . . u p y . « | i | . a i n . l l r l l i ' l iT in i i ln l In | a l r tlii< i ju r ^ t i i i n l>i-f t li n . l i lHln i«t i-iM irt f n r » j i n n l a il i i i

! ... . ....... .....• I t '^y '’nll ( 'V |i )n ii i r 'l n f I t u ' troiM iiV y (I

t l i r r i i 'w o t p i i n i 'o r tn n t n i lv n ) i t ii |{ < '« 'la 1 t . ix jw y i 'n i r c n i i l l i i c i n n l n l r n Im v ii i j; r t

'n lK tn i H in t tlm iiK .D n h o f in i'n lu: V ln l li i n l l l i r [ i r iv i l i- ) '! ' a r n i r d n l iiii<

yitiU *" K ln l il l i^ f>f K '’f ” Hiik’ t l i r i r u f i . - i » _ H l lu k l l l . t u . f i l c . * i : p a f a t a - f u tu n > » - f . . ) M

' lii)l{ o f till.' im - u m r r r c c l v o d l iy t l i c h

\ T tT ' *

i D on'i\ A llo w u s i o e x a m in e i t >

V cpa iring^ . W o d o s p c c ia l . . jc w o l ry t o o r d e r . I t f i t s t

---- V —P r i e b e


J n n L“They have

-. letter,’’ the U ^ -^ u i's tin iQ jiE p ,

: V - ■ “Never jtiinI ~ ' "copy;'the^rigi

O u 7 ; ..-^eposit.Jiox,"'l . j . . -/ , = rrfltteOttjM epiii

Y '~ ’~ 7 He’ knew llii ' % e » ^ 3afe. 'Bo

m h

_ . - Pftfifl Tour r ■

....... -r..........................................

-• . • ' TWIN FALL


FROM FED E R A L JU [- „ aU pl*n - - O . - 0 lw -M n K ~ B trT B -

, L _ to Ea pQgfl n y g , of i ndlylduali

I A N’n\v voViic. j r r 7 T i ^ - " n r n

1 ' llir llvri Ilf Iirlviiin liiillviilnn! I 'I>iil.||n)ilne llK'lr inrl,.) nr mnnl rrr 1 U Ji.,lK, Min i, ,ti, >1 t<«|,iy

...... '■ ••tiiwilf.l nuirlMrtiii.

|.iltilh>li<rii Ilf Ilr-uiiviy llr.'VllIci.r'

m e n t’s S X " ; , ' ; ; ; : : 'S : Sf'T riuicplmcj- m un.' Ilir

B perty

-----------K^'xl'rr'iTSTTT^P)— T lii 'i" ''" ! ' . ...... ■'I t ‘.T <> n iiw Iri.ili t t i im

tl) ftp- .xi.c.v Ih,.|r |iru,.i.i.iifilvftlr..

S m o f l l s i ii l l l E i l T In; tliar ---------------------- -- '■ --------------- —

'"" " ” H a lf a D ozen O th e rs Seriou! H u rt W h e n F o u r-S to ry Buii

~ i n r G f f G 5 ~ U |n i r n a m e s .

Im ltlr.ji.ili,,* wrrrVn)"irr!l?'.''nr'K.,iM^^^ r-'Ti" , n rr U;Uy wlil. li [.n.'tii-.illy ,

''" '‘"li't-- 31 f.ilnlllM on tl'ir «ni

..... " ’filnnv .Jl liMiniu'iilli jiiyi

I Oil.' Millr.- r.iinllv ''M" iviprcl tu.l In (

\|i, "'"j ''

I offi-m'irvMriu'!! ....... “itr oul ----------------------- -

----------------- d e a t h s —N.IIUI N ir i io r .s —.1.-..lr %-lrlinl. In vr'

.r,-)ii--.r o lli,-nm rR nr^l^,rnTrr^^li^^I^i^-^^T ll.v-in Nii'liuN, liii'i! .Sjitunlny fvi-niiii; nl I.,i-‘f„r,- fjiiiiily riiiiilrnrr, nl% iiiili'ii Kuiilliwt iljinji- '■f- l lii.'» ( i l l , afli 'i l lii ii' il.im ' ilhtr

TI.C liorlv wa« |.rr]uir<'d for burial : lliiit Hir TirWitr ifir.rrnm 'r~TniTrrim rn'Ii la llir ut I nVliirk .Moiidav afli'riiiioii nfi’ ;rom - il» Hir Hni.tii.t rlinrrli In T«v

lilivr lli'V. H. <1. Kiiilrv, innlor of th r ltn[ili u iidrr I'liiirrli nt jCiiyll. ,ufvrn .li-s*ir wii5 tlir lu'fniid <if lliri-o rli .,M,H JUrun.-uu.l-l>r»i.lr» Jut |«irruU,L- lm«' vlvril Iiv a nintrr. Cofi'la, 111, nnd lirul

• T v * 1

i't Lo^ it! ;it o f t e n a n d a d v i 's e w h e n i t n e e d s ia l d e s ig n in jf a n d m a k e r in g s a n d 3 t h o w o a r o r .

5- J e w e l r y - - - - -

— ^ _

A dG kances™ s---------------- --------------------- :-----------------

e stolen the Smith lawyer-s-seeretary— - ?pnri:.i?pgflvH)^-|g-^h<=* —

-■ -

ind, th a t’s o n ly a

g i n a l - i S n - i S j ^ S a i e ^ ~

.foi-«Bigh±ed ^ H e d 7 ? '.■— ■■■: = -

lis -valuable papers W y o u l

. rL - ^ o r g .‘J w iw r n -

Jur Rccord. ■ ■ ' B

;r i j ~ “— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:nceJUDGE i n ' i n ITTB-W« ; ---- ---- | u| m — WllB - ' ------ H

Juali. - ____ __________________________ ffl■ir iiiinsH lU i^B Ihi

iiiiuiix iiy MW 'Mm Bi <>J"y <"'■ \ \ u i A . IjjM

:InO un.l \«\W / n

\ w A U

w.m Imi- \ F V

2% & W oos t r e s s e s'"’'horn •'

Koud tu-|ic .lruu— licto.aji) fif .r .r i r il d r.M rt Hint wero mn.lr tn ■(r.iiirul >ii'ii-li morr. lifilK iu i>iI" llir iiiid wiuil. Home Irriii' Cast r »,ui iiDrirlK. A B'>'>d raiiKu of lar)

liii'l miiall (iir.i-1 nml coloriu Oi______ I’rivr* aro nlway* low- |n i| un

viiii aro nrtu.iliy unviiiu mu tl»“ f yo'i I'ny for them.

' ---------------------------------------M crtanh

Q R o a p n o .I l T w■TVlcri • V •

I Tn-iii I GROUP NO. 2

$10.0 rhlf- ]u - « , . J ------- --------- OEOUP-NO» -3---------lirutli- r . . _

— — i j O EO U P N O r i

1 I. -J25...-: I ^ C w S e n ’s

C O A T SS 3 .9 5

I T&luu to 18.96

— * I ^ .Whftt n RiiDd opportually to liu

I licr that our fir»t pricoi nro nI wnvs Inw—now tlicf nro IcB! tlian com. Wonderfully ninUiI (lonir fur trliiim nl A roo.

___J _____ ri!ariL_9X_tli«_!inil..ciitiiUi_i!‘i!I iio« up tu $U..'iU. During Hum I muKi’ naif. «3.1)5 nml.........S 3 .9 J

1 BEACON BLANKETI Ilrariui Idanbet for lomu One I Oulv oiio blanket in tim t fini ! Hra'coii iiuullly, ilijtlilly dolled

— I ------U«inniaK«—r.™ -j=n=;i..-...;.83.9lI —l>own»tnlp

---- — JAP-PARASOLS----— I -.lni*nnr«r— i«ini»olv~twfnty;—til— — t ii r iii .-m k 'ii i.ij' iiii'y- ttiti'nitim:

ruin ns well na luii. Aagnrlci! — colonr.— KttmmacB—.......................................................................;r.;.,r.r..29c

—Notion Dcparlnieni

-‘— '-BATHING-SHOES:-:-TSrtlcii' lintlilnj: »hoc». A bi*

' ' o£ ilylci. lolorv'finil— .*J»,i4,.^'nlue!i!-to.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ LADIESLRUBBERS,„..................I .a d lc i- 'n iu r i^ i.— qnly 'T i' fflw

Juogo a t ,......... ..... .................. .^O o—Sliob Bepnrtmont

- TAMiO-SHANTERS"-"............... lnnt-o-ih«ntef»-Jn-kBlt«cd

“ ' - -


-V----------------------- Jojrapply .•noD^li aRcbftadlia to lu t .Utrotuhotit tha 8Ale, .bat In Mma - U M ' qtunUUM ir« uiUT0M»liIy llmltad. W« therofora « w not |HAr»n-

\ U e tha lan^tlt of time u r1 ^ Itea vlU t u t

F — - - - - - K ID D IE S '" K IM O N O S -' Kiddle*’ kimoJion, mail?.of Jap'

; nnmn eroi'it" trlfJi emfifoWory finral dcilgnt iu cnnenht|teii,

....... ...n ila , nnd_old_iu»c..- JlutnmaRO

___ " ' " 1 — T r , s ; ; i ^ : r f S ;T W O -P IE C E SU ITS

___________ <lirln' one umt twn |iiete khnki

licit to inatcli. *'~V‘*nbM* lo' IL’.OSfor only ....... J ...:...................0 8 o

' —U«_l^lalr<

L IN EN D U STER S___________ lic n J a -lin tii-d u tiw .— Mnrto“ o?

n qDBlUy llnrii cloth in tho nn- tiirnl linen color. A llmllcd

----------- — ‘jUKntily.-Hppcinl-:.-,...-.;:.-.—-sr.0 8 0' ■ —noKUntulrn

K H A K Ie O A T Sr t r k i I>ndiri>' li|[ht Uhoki cnnti in tlic

Norfolk ityle. limited qunn- ^ , tlty and a wonderful value nt

“« * > - ........ ............ "— j—

:.«i too OUTING COATS:i) f iftt lwi.lie«'-ouHiiir-cfiut»i wndp of ntn xdl ]{uo<l lii'iivy <)uality Kabcnlino irtlu Kilk thi! .Norfolk Btylo. Vnluc* tn

CaMio »0..':0. Spccial ..................$ 1 ,7 9f - —Downitairi». Our= ! - = - - - - - - - K lflH IE S f G A R T E R S ._r mure D r.T nrkcr's waist nml carter*

_______for_tho..kl(iilici,_iii^bljwlt~aad.rMnInc------WMIo-TliTRtrc— R rftirT Io " !^ :

allgliHy ujjcd. O n ly .............IQ o—Notion Depnrlment

— :Ladies’— ^^ C O A T S -cood, Vnl. . liailleg*. ^oata - of - nll-wool bo-

iluni- ***'"» ''elouri' 'aoinQ. o f^ 'cmI3>95 trlmniiuf' o f eollnra andiilrniiy brown. black-anO-

■ $5.95

" - $3a5()L-I ~ . \ p

3 " ” "';^Jersey;~ ■1 - —...... — ■

V biff I V 1 ^ 0» nnd ■ ■ — „N o«.. • . -------

• g t e ___;lSt - Regular Viafes ' _iitiod S m a r t , j o r s o j r f n ^ '

jR -s< > )9 W .--* r iiy .' ~ ■ptoi— brow ;- mijl,.-toupK~ “

■I " G re a t ' f oi ' " fife c'i ^ o p P "

‘■ ffJ rir ;< c v er f ia v e ' i ir ic ^H _______ pa hpfin-^fl.lnnr, .5Uw>-. _

n w -


_ _ _ ■ .........- - _________ _

U U SI-A -W A Y MO^P,1, D u a l - A - W n y . T h o m o p H iu t f i U

- ------- n r o r - t h o - brD om .-“ - . M a d « ~ o f ’ a •f a b r l i t H in t y o u c a n c a n i l y n - n c h .

„ % c « I u L ™ _ -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - -7 9 o - -y , — D o w n s f a l r i

J D -SO -EA SY P O LISHO 'H O 'K n a y p o l l i h , \ v e r y ( jo o d

_ _ p o l l a b - f u r t h e H o o t n n d f u r n i ­t u r e . A r n l u o In t f i i i I 'n u n e n

------ b o t i l o - f o r .... . . . . . . . . ..................... 1 5 c -J a p . ■ • ^ U n w H a tf t i r n

Uory a O U R TINmnn!, ^ l '* fR '' *">*^ a Z ------ 'w l t h - n - t t | j t i t - ( ‘t 6 j e ; f i t l t u i { " w t i i to 'I f O c n a m r l e d l i d . _ ^:l:l^#. f o r ____ 5 0 C -

i , g a l v a n i z e d TU Bn n ic t O n l v a n l t c d .w a ih t u b . A l a r g o

i i i r e t u b f o r I h o f i m i i h - w n » li . M n d o o f K uH 'an ix eil z in c w i t h

B B O , | v , , n r i , i , „ l l „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B B C -, — D o w n a tn i r , D e p a r t m e n t

_ , , _ B I B - O V E R A t L S - - - - - - -r o f H i l l o v e r a l l * . M a d o o f j to o d

n a - h c u v y b l u e i le n l ia i n n ir .ca f r n m i l l e d ^ t o IG . V a lu c a l o < 1 .n o , i in wD 8 0 ------ for-,..,;..;.-:;.-:.-.:.v.-.-...:.-.T:r.-.-.;;;:..;;,-.9Bc -t u l r n — P o w n i t a r l* D e p a r t m e n t

W A TER BU CK ETt l , c W a t e r l iu e k c l . A R o o d , l i e a v y ,

l in n - r e U n n e d b u c k e t ' iu a lO 'ip n i r l , n t a i r o l h a l w i l l l a a t . A v n l i i rZ O o ....... 5 0 o

p a r M u m T ^ t eo f n ' . - ^ " f n t u m . p . i * ! ? f n r . d a r n i u n a n d

i i iR n d lu f ’. . ( l u a r n n t c e d n b M iIiito >, l y b o l l p r o o f . A t W r i g b t ’a n o wj Q for _ — ................................... 2 5 c

^ — D o w n a ta lr a D r ^ a r t m c n t

■ r':c r e p e p a p e r , p u t u p .inO a h e r l *

;i‘“ {ir - .- ^ t n - t h n - m U — A - r r [ p i > i i r - . ‘! r - r o ll-—R p i 'c i a t ’J l f u r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 8 0 _

• * » 0 — D o w n a ta lr* D e p a r tm e n tu c n t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — RlHSD-'- - - - - - :- - - - -

H I n M f o r w a » t - < l a y . - - C l o a n * — r l i iH ic a e a a i ly . C o m m In p a e k -

I n u e a r e a d y f o r u « e ; 2-1 p n c k u R r a' f - r . .......... — --------------------- 8 8 C _

' ' — D o w ii i ta i r a D c p a r lu i e u t

LUX( _ j . m . T h o » o a p f l a k e * f o r w n a l i-

' ■ ' l u u w tiu lf i ra n u d a llk * . W il l n o t —--------- n h r t n k — t h e — f a ^ r i f » .— - N o w — 11—

ttTi iK 'x ea .................... ..... ............. . # 1 —[ 7 — D o w iia li i ir* D o j m r l r n e n t

“ - “ RAG R U G S ^- - - - - - - -l la K m u . :i r c ; i l - h e ;« v y \y o v e n ,

~ \ r e ll m n d c r u j ; . M a d e n f r i i c a n m l y n m . H p c c in l r a l i H f o r » S 1 « 0 5 - ' ' ‘

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _____ ■ . l k i » U i l a l r a , l l r | i i U t i m i i iL ...

W H IT E CHAM BERS‘ W h i t e e u a m r l c d r l in m l ie r a w l t l i

i> M iio r im . \ )]oud i j u a l i t y r i i- n m u l j r i 'R u la r H 'Jr, u o w f o r . . . . 7 5 o

— D o w n a la lr a D e p a r tm e n t

BOSTON BAGS■ D o a to n b a ip i. A r r a l - g e m n r o

b r o w n c o w h id e . A ({Ood n i m r t -. m e n t f o r . . . ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . ...... $ 3 . 7 5

I ) B j ) n r tn i i 'u t

---- ^ 'C L O T H E S -B A S K E T S ^— ^C l o l l i e s l i a t k c l . ' A I n r g e , i;oo< l i p in l l t y , w e l l - m a i le w i c k e r -

c l o t h e a L a a k e t^ ^ V e r y ^ l * j | j J

to n t — D o w n i t a l r t D e p u r t iu O n t

:______ i - e r t iM lo m . K a n d O . w i la hl i i i l l e r . A r e j u l a r • J . t v u u i i e rf o r o n l y .......... .. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . .S 2 . 0 5 ••

— D o w n a ta l r a D e p a r tm e n t

COTTON BA T TS------ -— C a t t o n ' t i M t i : — A r R M i t ' q n n l l t y ' i . r ....

i in n - p o u n d c o t t o n L a l t i n t a n - n l ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ V u liiP . X n w f u r q n » » ___

— I j o w n i t a l r i D o p a r t m e u t

~ | ' HA T D A 05............. l .o a t1 n > r l i t t t l in j-i .— A K00i t ' i m t = -------- -------- t e m - l e a t h e r - h a t - i ) a * - l t B e d - T r i t h -----

c r r t o n n e . A-^ r e c u t a r $ 4 tm i ; ............. / o r . . , . ; , , , . . . . . , .-------------- ;---------- — i r t i B j f a i a iJ i i a m i i B ic i i t —

U F E -B U O Y S O A P

_ - ^ i p i k ln ' . _ O u a p iB tM d f ll.!> n 1 iite V- — i . u r . i - 1 0 - U r , - . . v , i n . , o . r . .....

' — D o w n i t n l r i- ^ r ^ ^ T A B L E - T U M B L E R S ^

■ l ly w a n t e i l f o r e v c r r - d n y ' i i a e . —Y u u f e b o ie c , 1 8 f o r ________ > 1

--------------------- - ----- . r r O i b a - E c n t t t t m e u t ~

EL EC T R IC IRO N S------- l» n B — I t t t i t n n ^ l c t t r i ^ f B B - r e a u — ^....... B o t . t i a , h a a U a t

;• — — « l w - f t n d - ^ » - a p t f a d t d —T a l w - j t n ------

U u l i t « I o |)0i T b t h o • i r « i ( l a ' ______ h t a n t b l l A . ' - . v c t y — g o o d - o l o a t r i q —^


■ ■■ ■' !

S I L K " H 0 S ¥ 6 9 c ^f l u flilk hmu for ladicn ' K*lra fin"‘ -a • - l^ -n ll^ h^d^ n I^ d -« ltf» .— V «bi«------ich. t o '11.25. Uummnso prlce ...69o '9 o ---------- - ....... —liu ilcxy DcpartnH'iit___1,

W OM EN’S H O SE8ltk.liii>c for women minli) of

ood i'“ f« 'Il 'i Hiread in lirown and ._ t. illnck; tlm» »lWcU. VMum toZo «.7.1: Hpcclal at.....-.:.:...... 8 1 .0 05 c — 3 -------------------__-^Mn|rt„CToor;____

L A D IE S ' P U R S E S).fldle»' piirfM m«d<* ol Irnthrr.Vour choice in cowlilile crocn-

.. dlle. calf: in taupe,.,taii»_liltteji.____befRC. llumm.ine price*.

O c -------- - —Notion i>eiiarlmcnt

FOR TR A V E LI-adlc*' fine, new leather Iiat

X liuRa. Piilrnt leather flniab. Thn lillftfcul value yel. flniy i inVJa; '" '

ith aliKlitly damaRca. Onu.....S 3 .9 5go O n e ....................... .......... -« g -4 g!nt —l-UBtrsRO Department

Z KcKulnr ♦lO.flO: allRlitly dDuiasct. Ono only, fo r....84 .S O

j g __________ _____ .1___ —D ow natain-------

“ Y o u A c tirlIII' I n n Rood m a n y ca.«!c9 y o u ' J o d o z en c u s to m e r s . B e c a u s e o f ^ ^ * = : N O I f c a E E C i i P S ; = = =

nd __to . ' r jj \ » y

J c ) /

'Ix,11-- ...................................— — —J c ^ _ ^ _

•k- w j r:ra

- S a l e o f V a luA good a s s o r t m e n t o f f u r s

n j— p io c o t, cap e « , e t c . V n luc fl to"?l! JI— L. r i tiic u io u s ly -lo w -p r lc c H .— A n -o pH -------c o l } n r - f ^ o u r ^ a t T ^ = = ------------- -" - C a p e J ^ c f iu e t te , r e g u la r §5i

•'■ B r o w n F o x , r e ^ l a r S 1 5 , no "• D a r k R e d F o x , r e g u la r $45,

. B ln ck F o x , r o p l n r $ 3 9 ,60 , £ ' : ^ ~ . ' : : j ; r K t , F o x . j e im i » r : 5 3 7 .s o.

B lu c -T ip W o lf , r e g u la r $27 . , G ra y S a b le , r e g u l a r $27 .60 ,

I * G ra y F o x , r e g u l a r $ 1 7 .5 0 , r10 S to n e M a r t e n , r e g u la r $5.91 ut C h i ld re n 's S e t« , r e g u la r $13

Piece Goods Dnt---------- © n e -e a n - f t lw a y f t-b u y - to ^ n - f td v

G o o d s D e p a r t m e n t , i T h e r e a r e 5 ju B t now .

^ ^ M E R C E R I Z E D - P O P L I N ----- -, Jfrrcerlr.cd poplin, 40 inches He

wide, In llRht bluu nnd laven- fo' j ■ der. Ouly tho two plccci. Val- uii^ tic* n l ruinmagir’prlcr;.M.'-....19o yn . . . “" M n in Piooi

.W OOL SU IT IN G;—1— Wrnil-uultinR,—54—inrhrs—wlde.“~— ~ ^ - - - T w o-^ lcpw — In— brow if Jiliilil.; ~ f “

T jnngo .............................. r . .M c ^5 •• - r f c M ’Ooodr'ficpM^^^^ i'‘‘

R E M N A N T S ,^ ", .. „ P M o th r jm n n a U .l iu a J irR o .a i------ --I aortment cf c.olor* nnd pnlternii. I’p11 . (let. yout tholca a t n runiuiBiru' |ua— jaififc— -------------------------hwt __________ —Pow naln lra 'pcftlnn u t‘

iiiO llS6S^/ • , - — . . pm

I ' cul t _ J L — g g ^ lt- W - W -Y*IUW.___ _______

1^-------- L a d i M - b l ^ ^ . - m A d f l - W

^ 3 L j n 8 c a ^ S ^ : ^ 3 i s>— " - b ro a f ld D tfi j i ii f l" I r l w ^ - :— Jiui

- ^ ■ w h j t e , ^ w c l a l h ; < l .M - . -

3RUARY 1.1925. ^

7 B e ^ n s TLiJjJ _____________________ ____________________I__ 1 _______; J u s t a s t h e c a r e f i

1 o f t h e y e a r r u m m a g i

’----------m a t e r i a l s - a n d - t h i n g s ' t o - i

b e e n t a k i n g c a r e f u l i n v e i

! _ W o u l d v o u - f a e l i e v e i t — w i

c l e a n , d e s i r a b l e i n e r c h a n c

W e f o u n d t a e r c h a n d i s e

-----------t h i n g , s t h a t - w e r e a l i g h t l y .s tu f f t h a t w a a m e r e ly o d d s a n d e n

---------- m < )ney*fm ving--vG luw -«n4<W H iFiw iis u i t W r ig h t 'a h a v e p la n n e d A REAI


t u a l l y S a y crou w ill f in d t h a t y o u a c tu a l ly s a v e m o r2 o f th ia a n d in f a i r n e s s to o li o u r cu ati

v ; ______ ________ ' _____ RUE

«lirm ;!ki

Art Wi5li! ilnmcatic

______ jind endal u a b l e F u r s ,u r s in c lu d in g c h o k e r s , n c c k - 1» - $ 5 5 f l r o ; t o 'l J n i l o s o ? r < J u r a t — i - o p p o r t u n i ^ - t d - g c t - t h a t - f i i r — largc-nitwi

r 5 6 6 , - ' - t ? * " * ! -) , now ..* ,.................r.7 1 5 ^7 5 ' __ _____$ 4 5 . n o w . . . . . : . . „ . ; . .$ l2 .5 0

.50 , n o w ................... $ 1 2 . 5 0 K ldc

$ 2 7 .50 , n o w .............. » 7 . 7 5 T 5 7’.60 , n o w _____ :......... $ 5 . 9 5 mni.50, n o w .................. „ . . . $ 5 . 9 5 mated.$ 5 .9 5 , n o w ......... ....... $ 2 . 7 5• $ 1 3 .5 0 , n o w ............$ 3 . 9 5 I------------

1 D e p a r t m e n trf td v a n ta g e a t -W r ig h t*y n u(!0 ' " "‘y- a r e m a n y s p e c ia l a t t r a c t i o n s

CA -M B R IC S !Herkley cnml.rlc, .10 Inclica wlile, h “ Mne,"<d for nlRhlRown*. alip*, cliihlrcn’a p a t l o r n

ynrd— -— ........y 'T A ^ ’r i r n o J r ----------------r i

C R E P E - _______ _ c „ i i n ^

__in£ut-»4l<»H ir-—W«—h « re - tt~ h » -—-Eiaiiiiiidtf.- pink,- liliie.-Breon nnd Kray, in I’rleo

plain ann fl8ured,-n 7ftrd_....35o '—D rygoodi. Dopartaicnt>' H

- P E Q U O T -S H E E T S ----------

( « hcnvy.|.c(|uot »houtlnif, HliOO'- S w h w ; all ready for uw . -Kach “<"8* W 'c

-------- — --------, . . i

I’cquot aheetlBir, « t Inehoi wide.A Rood quality o f tlio hcnvy un- I ,

— I -------

L _

^ ^ I I I I I M E S S A b lN E — v . : r : r » -STeaanHne, 30 Inehei ’ w ldo ._a '

“ T fS v y '-a iir rx in iS o IS . ~f'lll!lfi«!{T-r r r r : - *• WMaallno in a good Tango of

colors I’cr yard ............- 9 | , 7 B= = = r - - = r ^ .= T ^ ^ r = M ^ * l M r r 7 . r - - - » a f f

r T 7.-. — fiwO-OiMHla, n apMttMBt ~ - - o ld - .r f

" @ 5 5

Page 5: 9 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC ALLS DAIl -lilmtG E iE iEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · f house, vere pusod by the «enatotwo of them oriflnatlog In tho

’T ' ...........♦ •

f a g o S i x . . .

rW IN F A L L S DAILY N E W S ^STWr momlnc ue«pt Mondajr. ”


MifcU.a. -

■ ^ 8 U ^fcS lpT lo? r«A T k8 " " " " 1(-Oa« y « r ......................................... . IJ.M

I m m t o * . i ; «{ j u n m ............................................ .to

MJi»rwl«« eredliea In ilil* pvp«?. anfl l>. tlM Ihd locnl ntwi puhllnhrd her«ln. All

' rtttitii or mubllcntlon nr ■[••ciid-die *| Mtriiri harfln aro al»o rrtrrred.

.. . t « mcxiai AMoclatad i ’feM. 1.Tha NeiTl li A 'msrahrr of th« Audit

Bumu of ClreuUllon. from whom full bformnllon u) in circutaiinn mny ■>« ob- Ulnni upon arDll<'.«I'’n. I>«laltPd tntor amilon aupplltJ locally upon rtgutit. |,

tio irtponalblUly I* aiiuinrd Tor (h7 T!fnph«^or°o*h«r'wrilrll?m^^^

' Qcl^ Ri&Riltted for puhtlnitlon will bt ... uod or not at Iho illicfeilon of ihn «cii- ' tor. nnit no iniinuMrlnli win bn rriu7i>-(l *'

' ' vnlpm necomt«nl«d by nMowary coiubs.

__ EA aiEnN..HBPrtnsrsTATiVEfl_^Oeontn n. DdTld Co.. Inc.. N«w Tnr? 1"

Kwior. ^ 111


~ ~ '-" ln --l ii» ’ ln'tMtninnk“ ‘ ‘A' Y M T 'of Iiirf/>j>hp.«n»?i'* jr. n. Wi'lta ilt'llvrrii olhim»p1f Ilf lliP fiillii'vliiir mitlnirxt; oi__ Jil.aJu-aijaliiiLtlic-ctuUjei-W Q.wcat £1niul Uio food HP cat, llio limno* wp uj

. . Ijvo in. - llio uo Jinvp, nnr itnniiupmiTit", oiir monry, onr w.ij-il oftrnJing, our.w.iyii.of making lau-n, (nir .n r it f lf of poHllr.ll fliKoflntlon, tlm _ lirillih Kmiilrf, Ihp Amcrlc.iii' I'oiinll-

" I tlilnk niMf nf thn’ clnlhcii iirIv 'w nnd illrty, mni<t n( tlio fund bnd, tlic

------ Ii(nii7<l ~WTl'tTttri},~t1nr-iirhniilit—»t.iTT;p* n-nnil frrldo.'tlio nmiiaonipnt* ilull, the' a»

-• -TnoTirt!ir;r-»n»thodii-#illr,-oiir wnjn of- nii tr.nillnt; ])A>o nnd m.ulpfuli onr nirtli- a nils of proiliirllon jili’ronn'id nnd wantP- ili fill, our r'lmlitlfnl nrr.niKi'm<'nt» iinl- cmiily idiollf. .Mont of my. iicllvillpn ■'

Oinvo lircn to k^I i".'" ""'i' “'''I "omc- no HiiiiK of inr liotly out of ttio ni-itnni",

------mnTm>7nrori-TIi™ir"iuiT^mVilimtr6iiir ur• of-tlio -fu«cnt jilinio of Ilfi’;" fi'

. Tbat u a •vooploir complaint that inIcnvo* ttio reader nlmo»L_B4iplaj;- UcNcvcrlhclcM nlmoit every render will tolie inclined to rclio oiii’ nr "ovpr.il o f rrthp niirttlon*, If not nil. Tlioro in. n »l

• good deal of Kruiiiblini; nnd /unit ov — findiRB—in —tlio—world—wUliout—siUoIi lu,_— cbiifltiiftlvo-uM lvlty- t o - jii.tlfy - l t : I£

nloQ , a. Rood, d e a l. a£ Iil_ancl* 'i lfIiiK’ roiitcnt wUli wi

. tliiuKi fls tlipy flrc, mnny o f .ttIiIvIi <v

L ipgc

. . D o d g e B detail to

, ' L o w , g r iforms the

--------- 7" -------------- T lie inter

- - ~ T he lacq • x w d g e 1

........—----------- ------------- c a ^ u c h i

---------____ ___________ _______ Brothers.

ences and - — r i d in e - f t t i

J." ~ r~- — i^e~ theret

.. . M A G E I------- V............. PHONE 5 4


) MTC Just na nronf; or nilly ns Well'; !i.iy«.

.' iifli, an oiill>roak n* tli<> nlio’vp may ’ l>o nullv vtliuU'ioiiir. At Inniit It Ji'rk* -iU l.....,;l.il-..»M .f-|l.> .ir-r.itV t.l v ^ i . .» ^ ^

nr.„ n .jolt niid _i._thnuliitM

loinf iicr-']ito(| cninmniipliifcji of life,'


- 7 f ';;~ tM.iiiii’d 1.1.1 l.y iii.i ':iT,'.ti.,nai t; r ity lliiiili rif .Nf.w Y iirlfilin t, with-n liniiiii In till) ,<lo>-k iiiiirkrt luid w ld~ '• •jirrad indli-alluin of. nnotlirr cm of j-rn:cjii'ri1y, llio rinl « f Jivinjj.ii rliln^j ,[ vrry lilllc-. r.

AVIiy,' I'nr the dlnijilo rca/ifin Hint • 'i oiiiiiiili:ri o f j;oc)dii nro Tl’KiiitiliR Iiljjlicr ]jrir<'s,’ ' And in llil« liavinf; n j.I.imI . fl'.vt'rn thn t.itiiatic.>if ^(Jiiitr’ n. till'.(■^inlrary, iiPfiirdlnK In tlie bank's I'l-diioiniKl’. Riirh n jiiildic utfltiiilo Ii ‘ ' rlrrc !ill ; llio daiiK'Toin lifioiii jmy- .) ,I i,iIo;:nV ' ' .

'I'liis di«inrlinatiiin to pay Voom •' ]iric'c"« ;i«:iln for ri'nirnddltii'i - i* tli(~ J’.' liiiniiiiM nafrty v.ilve. Vlic piildlc; ivltilc for proii|irrily, docfi not oiwjint niioilirr "«'(;r liooin" nnd in no n' lonuer /nolrd by ft romliinntion of hiKli' inr.rmr, •'tt:ir,"-ltlir-lilRff7r~ro.lll rr o f llvli.*.'. It i>nnl.< lionpst jirflBpi’rity; d’ on :i amiiiii riioiiKll tn innuro ll« jamliiiuangQ. TiiHmr tliiin_i»|irrta?.ilar ^ iip.t nnd d'H'Ti". And ll ran grt whatit \vanl» by luvi'l lK’ndod biiylnj;. ....... ^

" IIICALM b t h h e b s .

A lalmr ulriki' In nn Aniorlc.Tn clly -la*lliill:iliy ri‘it;irdi'.l .nii a ifriMl. imliiii: 'w laiiiily, nnd iinl wlthont rc'a'on.

Nanry Harr ^favlty, dcurriliinj; for I' n ■ MiT«iiiu amRTirinti-lnlirir~fOK»tltio?i? qibfihr MW llii'ni in AuHlrali.n, e lves n Niirpri-'lni;!.''’ dtffffrnt-vietiin*.— I'nrinjr -- a Birikr in Mi'llioitrno which tied iip J" Ihe c ily ’n' traiiKputlation llnc<, hIip navK, n ift'W"]i;i]ii'r—“ capitalintir,” n»t * ■'liili(ir” ~cnrrird this ntatumrnt n» n noriotiv nuwN ilom:

"TIk* tram utrlkc may jirovo nf utrn;rin>iir-ni~To~thu'li'Mth-nf-)iVAii\‘" •" riliri'ii!>| rlili-fly from onfnrccd wnlk' i i i . l ln ! city jirn|'Pt,.(lnriiiK liimineis hour*— 3Ilii;iu_»allu,_wlillu_flnuoylni’ - to pou|ilc in n hiirry, nro pliynlc.il ci- rn-ino of the most vnliialdo kind. They ” "IlMUilaleJ (ho jaded, tlii;i-'down tho ovcT fai, nud mako i<ir<ing thn finliliy tli luf(-iaubd»|i^-'riiiftM>H>riiiii^-4h»—iiiud.l^Tll' Tiuii3frrnlcinioiil~of~ft~1irri{<' clfy TV iiuspilnl lOid: ^oTM.ctayn wc do nut f, wnlk. enoncli. V'o~nrim *cirrn rnHhi* ITi <v('u Iho fhiirlmt dUtnnron, nnd ]inr<t-

rr— m -----------— ^

b e B r g t hC P A C H

Brothers Coach measures up in CO the high standards of its bu

^aceful and sturdy, it looks anc h e port of a true a ristocra t

erfor is n xnny,' comfor tablgtm dto

cquer finish is exceedingly attrac -^ ro thers-b !ue-w itfa4 )ody-a tri Jie yellow.— — ...... .........

lass is Is. the" same*on wfiiclT l rs-have-concentrated_alL-their..e nd resources for a decade, Comfo tm alities^d^-dependablft-perfon irefdfe~obvibu3 ' a t t r i b u ^ ' : ' -

91006 f. 0. b. Dalnl&-91310 deUTtred'

EL AUTOMOBILE COMP,5 4 0 -------- :— ^ ... ■- - .i w rw iN -^ A L L V


D A I L Y N E W S , T W I N - F A

I, ----------------------------------------------------- .1,

, , T H E f O R U M -f - - - - - ~ ___________ , w

- T*nrr„.~T.. • p |,ii : ~nr : —- --------- ■ — ~ t 'J)i-ar Sir: J• Il >--,.|ti« to wp tlmt it dhnuld lip a J '

mall.T of ri.nriTn for pvrry. tlii'atiT "I ruTiiiT In kcp|i order in ilii- nndiiiirc during th.- iiro^r.-i* of n ]iipiiire.__I. iKiii'L IlilnJ, LilitflijiiK, .al»iii-ll.i.rui« .iiufhlji); III lrii)(,"li n l, but whrii a ,

^ I'M I. k- o f yo'itii; Mood.. v .-r.i>.t in cark- I;I- ttuT'diiriiiK till' iiioni iiiipic'snivn mo- | '

iiiiM* in 11 pirlii/-, it';, lime for Iht **' iiiiiiian.'ini'iil In tnk<- u hnnd nml i>ep

ii tliiit !>.u.|ilo olth«r ordor or ln‘ '*

it J xi'lro the »c-ntlnic'iitn of l■orp* who „ iiinmtrd n rertain nhow hcrti l;i"l

iViday I'vcnliiKi "“ly to hnvn It hnlf [" ?. i(u>iKJ U .u-J>qf-4l..»^tH- f-«H»-.Yrnng p nil'll «lii«’ woto olit onongh to 'know

; T lte if biiBhlrr nnd unlrkPTj were , iimim-illy vulgar nnd entirely ouL of " 1-lari'. '• hi'

whn ]iay ndmittnnre nre rn- " n tllln l lo Ihp fnll enjoyment of Iho- ptrlHr<'^-pmimtPd-nnd—thiir-lrHmpniir **f _. Sihl" whrn n.nii' olher por"un» by thi'ir "" ^ lioinIriinH and iinni'dmly condnrt m;»k.'It out „h(h.‘ nio.1t «a<'rril nnd M'rionn n.o. »0 nu'iitr It l.iirli'nijiie (hul in noUiini;# than hbh'oiiK. ' * h>'

-\!ay„>vu ho|)U-thnt-«ii<'li -di«j{n»lini; 'Ic* rnndiirl :ii was no niinnyini: la « J-‘ri- 7 dVv'Vii'niin,' »ha)l jji.i )«• l.y

nttfnd n Koi.ti »ln.«-. V.mru irnlv. 'I'l7 -------------------------- IIAV - r .- r o s TKn :‘ Twin l-'allN, .lannarv .11. • I"'" = = s = » ^ = = = = =

llii'n (-rown flabby nnd liiry '." on■ i t U n Rood lllimlr.nllon of Ihe*’''

i;- •rtiffPrnn>’P7~TKr-TrHlTr~miy5; In na- * tional jmyrholuKy. “ Tli« Au'lrnlinii c;i|

„ to—l.lRlr'IhitT'wntorj’ Ewith hill tail, TIjo rontenls lietrroi-ii einjiloye nnd .emrlovpr...nrLV.c.irrleil .oil

ini.ro in Ihe M drirof n-K:ini(* o f che,.'' Ihnn of n batllo of niarhluo Runi.1 Xeilhi'r uliln under nny iirnviipallnn

ri'.'nrli to tlm force that brecdit coiin- tor-viulcnre.’*

It would bo.n fine thinjf i f Anier- _ leiiiii rould neniiiro gnrli rfilnini.m

. - K i M B E R L I l:\. K IM nr:n r,Y ~ P rnnk lllrhnrd" ~ l 7

here fr.... I'nnndii for an extended vitilwith his formiT iCiinborlv friends.

“ -Mr. nnd Mrn.' Arehlo Qne.noll aro >' the parents of n non, born Wednesday,. dommrjLSa_______________________- —Mr. -nnd—Mr«.-Al—I>niin-nrTivp(l ’ Itr L iilmburl.V—U iii^ r c —iiati_o£_th<»_wneU- fnim Iheir hoino nl Thrco (!ree[t, fnr nn'

Inileflniu- slav with Mr. Dunn's muthcr tt. .Mrs. Mnrlhn I>u«n.

V. ir. Wilson K-ft on tho trnln Rnn-

i n e v e r y ' ' Ib u i ld e r s . ' i

a n d pCT- . I

i in v i t i n g ^ — ■,------------------------------------ ^

r a c t i v e i n 1 ^ ■ p e - o f — r -: - : -----------—----------------M

f r D o a g e ” " Ir e x p e r i - ^ - . — .......... . - - - 1n f o r t a b l e >?■ . mf o rm a p c o ' ■ g

■ed' . m

flPANY ■-...... , , , .— - - ILSHDAHO------- — 7- ^-----^ --- ^

•• . .‘S j

FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDA:^- t dny morning for I’orritello to rpiiinie n

sphoni worn nt ili'c Idaho Treli, bi-iiln- • nliiK thr .i-e<.nd nniri.ter. 1

In hnimr o f .ifr*. J. Jiulland Ifnnlin fi ^ who, li;n ri-i'cnliy moved to her ntw r ^ po»nJry-l,(.,„c.south-Dfa'i?Ja-I-itIa,-Jtr.. ■

0 . U .Viihle nnd .1. N. Hiivli ea- ^— ♦a»:itgrt3iB:JMoniijy,~!;Vai'i;nn~v^T.r.fc j

four-rmiT*.' Innehi'on nt tlm Xohlo homo.„ The renliTplepii for rarh tablo was a *

,|.p hlii;o ritisler nf sweet |ip.-i» in ii rnt Ip,, uhiM buwl. The (jiiMts wpTP Mr«. .1,

llollnnd Ilnrdin, Mrs. W. .\[, Arnold,^ Mr . W. II. Hppnpp. Mm. VT. Turn. r, [

„ Mr". A. llurlchnilprr- -Mri, K .y. Cninbs. .Mrs. J . W. Hardin, Mr». H. II. •

J’rort.ir, Mrs. I’l.-dt-pr of Kimberl\S Mrs.(„, n. If. Atkinson, M/s. K. It. .bilin«on niul

Mrs. jr. 1!. (Jill o f Twin-ralls, nnd Mri. Harlan rictcbcr o f Charlo, Mrmlann.

Iteviviil mei'tinKs will l.««ln on Kun- t ho ''“y''''*'"iiij; n l the riirislian ehnrrh. A i„, KPiirrnl lnviti.tiim is eilrnded lo thrio

mri'lntjs im lh<< llev. Mr. Winit. prom- I.Sfi >nnn'..Biu>tl-JoaU rw>-N>-b<».d"tfTrml.- -

„v - .Mr. nnd .Mrs. (larl llidciviiv ond Mr.nnd .Mii W". l \ SwearinK-'n molorod In h

,fP Kil.-p Vfldiiy to ftiienil Ihpilislrirl nifrt- •' „f Iiik of llie I. a O. n nnd .Hobi'kali b

liiillfes, nlso stuvini; for thn lmni|ni't nt nn oVhiek nnd liieotlnB in the evrnini:. ‘ I

Im I'elebrnlinu' tlie birlhdav anniversary B uf—ittd^Jfimt-KiiiK-thr-K.-i;r*HrTtntr {•

.[f iiii'l nt hrr home on l-'ridti'" nfti-rnonn ‘‘1.., nnd wern di'liclitfiily Piilerlainrd. Afler11.. a short biisiiiess session the Usual hour *

ef prngram nnd social ronvrr«alion fel- f' lowed, afti'r whirh Mr?. Kinj; sotvi'if " dciiuiiius ri:fri:aIllni;ula....Shu w:ia ituiit* I!

f[. fd-by. her •ilunj'literi-Jfl". Idn-Hblli-

li, .Mrs, (1. Hteelsmith enlertiilned on •Thnrs.liiv nrirmoon nl hrr liolne nt n 1 1',

— <rp!nrk-!nnrhrfm-in-honnt“ f)f-thr-Kim- ~ . herly llridBo club, fovors wore laid „.

for elRht. \ :™ Mr- itiil Mrs. ]{oy I>;ivis vern hosls ,]

on Thursday eveiiini: nl n rhnrmlnt; „l„. dinner parly. The tnlile nnd honse der- j,

ora_ljon;i,,riirryitii:, llie YHlflllllH! Ilintlf. «,^ Tho nirm lint inrln.liil Mr .,.,,1 M r.- ^

Kverelt ,tiirli. Mr. nnd -Mfii-J). I., llosi

„ I I B I l l i i i i i l l i l l i l l l l l i l l l l i i i i

'IS11. . - -


y, l i W l y j j miii- M -----------.u- m -------------- ^ ---------— :-------^

cr j j | |P |M l ^ "

in- B liiijm ff iB .......

r l - ----------- — ---------

B Seml'cUiptlc cli' S ■ ddlum steel spt

§ sp r in g undcrsla m ite lubrlcatiol

g N e w B <

s O p ca bodies lis r o o m ie r : m oig stream llnesi i=q ' ___________d u r a b le u p h o

— g • ’ — -C lo se d m o d e ls S Qtulmorebeauc

_ I ---------------------------bv-FIabcr;---------

- I - — N e w - W i m

_ s __________________Closcd'modcU- B .t , , tY p ffV V f in e ig— ^ ---------- —ah tc ld -w U b li

H • . w indshield wip^ m odels nHth neS w indshield v.4tl

,........... b o t to m panel

. Toy

AY M O RNINGjliBRUA ]ne nnd Jfr, -'{nd Mrs. fllen WWliify. .In- • .'Irs. Williiim lukor diovo uver7iom

T»vln fnlls Friday. Kor dnughtpp, lin Aimn, anil Miss ildna I’.irrott nteem- rw panipil hir hoim*.'*• -Mrs.- H.—II;- tTOCtor-waj-IiMtr'a -rm’1*’. Tinirmtnv fifterrifiiiTi Iti ii rfiTTip:iny uf

iisnuiiL r r a m i i i"• Look Y oon g l Brln^.Bnok Its

Natural^ Color and Olofls rn. -With Saffo Tea

ir. Cnmmon ;;ariK'n saRo brewed Into’aIn heavy ten wllh sulphur addrd, will•1. inrn' crfly,--*lpent(eil nnd ffide'd hnirll, btviiitifully dnrk nnd luxuriant. .linti;{ n few n]i]i|iratlnns will provo a revela­

tion if yiinr hair Is fadinj;, llreaked orry Bfi'.v. Mixing llie .Sai-o Tea nnd Bnl-

31, blr«riDie. An en'ler nny is lo gel n ,,r bollle of .W yeth’s Ki«e ani| Rniphnr

Cunijioiitiil nt any drpc store all ready i). for n«p. Thin Is the old tiniftt rpripe .. I- inifirnved bv the nddilinn of othor in- ,j‘ ([rr-llrnls. , •I!.. . . 3 ’]iijo,wl?|'y, urny.' fadedTialr is net " sinful, wo nil desfro I., relain- onr

ynnlhf,i! nppenranco and nttractivo- J iie«. liy darkonlnt’ yonr hair with

J': nn one rat) loll, boi'ansn it drtei il-sn' iiulnriillr, so erenly. Vou jmt dampen i> spr.nuc' or >i.fl bmsli wllli Jt aiel 1 draw tills lhroin;li ynnr hai,r. faklnu!

't> ono sniiill flrnnd. nt a llrnr; liv morn-1 iiik' n'l cr.iy hairs i;r\yu ilina'iip-nreil!

■Sptingr— Ne wRaH a r r I .o » H ,

l i " « ing airplane m

B o d ie s .es longer atid___________________ _m odcirn f u l l xT-. . o» | b ea u tifu l, M e w C

Single nlate dt

M U llfiilb o d le s

w heel fully cnindshields--------------------------lcl» have new ________ ' N c w Ai ^ l ^ i i Y m d > j l . ,ih ra u to m a tic . , . R e a r -a x le -r ewiper. O p en s tr e n g tE e a e i1 n ew pattern larged; gear co:Vi4th very lo w ly Increased;m e l , ru b b er banjotypehoiijppcd............................. 'axle itrcngthei


M U i i— - - P h o n F ^ C ^

I . ■

JARY'1,1925.'-. 'Hm' afiernoniT~Mr^r'fnelor~BorviT'n

om ilninly twcM'ourse lunrhenn lo lh» fob ler, Inwini; l[nMU^ Mes'lmims John W. llar- sm- (Illl, It. K. rotter, W, T. Combs, W, H.

S|M.nee, .MIm KIr.ina Ifay nnd .Mrs. K. -TO' M.'ilnhnsnn,-nii<l-Mrf. It, II. Atkinson bfuf i^viii. Kiiiis..:’: __ ___ _

rttf ........ -

_ Canailian Farin LandsfiltAJ.V ^m c^:s nrp now the hlRh- eit sineo war times. Weslorn Cnn- nitn is flftnin rnnimandini; thu nf- tpnliiin of the AdlllCl'LTUl^AL


>'a Tariff rommii.iun, A l!i:SIIKN Or villi WIIBAT rnn bt (jrown rhoapor in min C.inada lluiD ia.any .other |ilaru. (in list I thp North Ainerlran continentf This ■la- Is line to Inwor land vulne's, hi(;bor or roll fertility, rhraper trBn-purtation

hll- and luivor Inxes. ' __________

; " rBBE USB o r l a n d[’jy TUB rm S T YEAR

'v^ Tlip (WN'AmAS I'A C fn o KAIIr>'»• WAV hus recontly. niliiptod Ihc- - KA»Ii>l'r^RKI^'«f-TKItMK over:

'^ffffftl"*hT' nnj" po|rtT*tTjttt n—eoHt**'"'’’i ('••ifir. HettJer*' ralr* }s»iji'/| fromy,®' :hls offiee. Write today for de-*j iiri|itivc lileralnro.

B. C. BOSWOSTU j A u t. Supt. of ColonltaUoD,


- - j l --------1- „„ ■ _

P a < 4 tn f-ni» IN C W A

H o n e y c o m b R c f i n e i w ith j ih e ll o f Im p roved ce

Ished, n o n -n u t. fop carburetoi le m etal adding ' ‘ fold. Extra th c appearancc . ghaft bcarlni

arfflsandvah ________ •* *• " for betterjubi

' C l u t c ha s - d c s j i l j m B i i - ---------- :--------5i?q ihc.c..m on!___ ------------

y enclosed, . D eep channe ■.......... stnictionr ■

i U i L ^ S g ---------- - - - ^ N e w J

B .re;desi9Q ed,-------------- L u s tr o u * ,-^liied u n u cn> ~O p en mOdeU r contact great- In rich dark b led; one«plece . . a q u a m a r in e houslng .rronc b l a ^ C oupe rfiened.............................. ih d black.' "

jj;pw on B is p h

H w i iT ^ w r n F a l t c : - : ”

— ---------------------- -


" Jiheittoo“It’i a mon’9 candy,"

ca. _____ th e y M id - th e n th e w o - . 'li' m e n s ta r te d d c a lc ra w ir -

in g f o r K - o r d e r s . A n d- n o w t h o c h i ld r e n - h a v o - ----------

" discovered it, too, :Let them hnve it. It’s

nuide of purest mutcriol — — =anddiuck-fuUor candy

energy,10 c e n ts — w h e r e v e r .

goo d c an d y ia so ld .

B A R ^ P .If - Ypo Know It's Oood* . P*»u*It'iMeileDy (VeflHhjJSr

& v ir r t—S a it Lakb __ ______ TbtlietBtofRtal

J EVERY-BITE'S A DELIGHT -l l l lill lillH IIIIIIIIII ilil illH —■____

. V

(V M o t o r .

i n e m e n t s

d con stru ction iTetor a n d manU Bera w id e crank> ir ln g s . R ock er • i valves enclosed 'JubrlcaU on a nd o n f r b i a d u s t

w r - F r a m i i “

a d S tro n g e r . F iv eT oiB~m em bers;------------- ;------------ --------m ncl stee l con- * _

y P I n l f i h _________ __________ ________

-durable-ppcQ . ~ ------- •ideU and Coach ~ ' 'irk b lue. Sedan^ B 'r ln e b lu e a n d

sage g r e « ' ' _____u . ".....................

j g i a l

Page 6: 9 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC ALLS DAIl -lilmtG E iE iEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · f house, vere pusod by the «enatotwo of them oriflnatlog In tho

----- __

WIM BtMiH- 'WORtJ! SttWEeH > V>toJCiONS « _ '

•" libtjsi-' MmEnaw J ?


--------::-------Bouts COUIHC. - « ^M*. STOiM , ■ rfTOWA-AlL ^g E E H TO Sky. M |

■V -■ s s f l

j c n- O N E C E N T P E R y o n

Advertisements under tWs head

--------- *"°-ffrtTil> im iffHrT.AgpntTy. . ,

_SALE—Seed wlicau r l t ^

»•■»>»; Hnnio sood nl^ilru (myluiitack.-i'|,on«» &>a,t.-<J.-M,-Hntr!i. - "

I'Oll HALK—rivr linrup nfrnin biiiliT 1?•Ill fliK- ri.ii(lilioii. lluv.-il JLikcry, Tivii) -

. “ kOU SALh;-lUnii|ilvi:o.i.aiion »vrim !"barrols: 50 J.kuHou j-Ii.m ju«s. J lc tlijt .j

T<roiJ HAIif^-GJO luMB iiKiil/a liay. “

------ luiar-Cmiilpforil. it d igylu, it Vq. t, jyT'vin Knlli. ________________ pj,

i V l i MAi,i;—1300 to t II'JOO equity In ur^ : iro lot* em paTed itrtet. Addrcii 1‘. H^ O. box 531. - , =

" A&i'O wlfldihleidi ana door glaw,Wtrrow. ^pJiit# Wld wJadoir j lu i .- **Moon*! P d n t Bho^__________ _~I-X!)irHAliK—A few tiunilryil fcut newJi'-ineti joawooa piiio at tibout half iirc **'

- vntHnc pHee.-Bw^m fc-Qo.------------------r

I'OU 8 A L t> -tW . c iu iU u b c r > b ^ Sb ^caU d in BonnlDg’t e lm ilore. Cheap lo If taken at ones. P. L ABdre.iri, J«. “ tomo, Idaho. , d■ FOirSAIih:— in.3lt trnetori uni'U ot.ly b(

.<'ii(i|if{li tu Iirenk in; tuta of power. Ic. lo W. IVlcrs, Twin l*oll«. I’lioiiO'^lOWT ®

— is- itovo with Ralranixcd juckeU 8uUinn<i "

fur atoro buildlnj; or puhlie hnll. Would - maJie fJno pipsjo*! iunaeg. i lu lu n i , , QId(;J.& ljoan,Auiu_rJiano_035.______

a»ot«r*wl^2 ifiwtlfltt lA li . l ^ g a i 5 •D glni. Idftho J u k Hoaio, 168 Seeoond•TtBue tooth,’ A uou f o u lalet grocod. ii:tb o a o MO. [i

POB B B N T -rA B U B 1><

S to M l t E S tou lb a t BJen. llciTter Riutt Imv'o equipment. Call Walter r Kollcr, £<len, Idaho.


a 'j .K.Xl'KKfK.VCKli «(H ^ i i ( « iuiu»o. “

• wnrk. Addrc».i V. M., carc of Xr<Yi.


C D nN O AND SLBEPINQ ear eoh- *' daeton (whlta)] cxptrleBee aaneett- «1

^ .-•M y r-8 * a 4 -fo » ‘ h«>^.*f-rul»«.aad-ap. Hi —— - a t i J w- St t f ht f l w #t

” y 6 u c a n ^ L iJ onr «oltj aad"om . fecofltfc AU.W90L -Only *23.50.. Decln- prn w i a rak lflf « i r « k miy. O-w rlto : QtTlf-CcDter Toiloilog Co., it:

- P<P^ K-B>. OlBtlnaatl a -------=A oK l^fw WA^’TK Dr-l’litrlft ;eiire-

“ ii«h(at{vcs ami /ttcal BKcnt», occn nml "■ l>y anargp manufacturer lo soil

tltTi»HHo-<hft-wn«ilWfr.-raTf-of-f<ilt-4lnnv-Ei • ■ llnp nr -patentrrt MopuKmi uhlrts anil I. ..«blrt^rai«U 00 JfWaJ eocuiil««lv» hiis)ii. he

-Mnny aReiita mnking |1S daily. HamnU>*4-“ fri-o. i'oiUirely heat lellrr on markpt. j>r

[— ^'o|iulQUl.euirLCe.,.Des^u...OOj.I{azcl- .M •• tou, I’a. .

- iHSi n iE f f t ^ ^ o o n .' m u , t i i k in i i pJ

. .. a t E 7Q _Y aR ,B p« ii» .:.„_^ ':. « -------« = S = = S = 5 i ; i : i » T'

— f

■~ r.X^Ri.BXCB=B^-»cit>hT^wTt^^ ^— tlm r-------'r - . - - - ■ •

. - rSV K M y.?« ih ito r yonr w n » h * s _ A^o -wrMJan^^^


— ^ - - T ^ I N - F A L L S - D j j

- - - - - - J.-T-H-E

I Kwem ou#VTwoHtt» I /• MB QO'T U8 A A i (

0>i “tHS 'MO^^«T"FRQM I

5s'TE \’F \ 8M \S 'T H E - \ *.Ut) VjWtVA \ GKT ■ i N : BtACH MH tKTOKUCt T s i

Qyvtt /

) R D ' p E R i n s e r t i o n -

,d are always aliyfl ^ nri nntivftr aree{^o^adve^tisc^5~t(^ttle~atte^tloT^


WANTED—Ciitial com[iany atoek. 1Will Inn- It) In 4n .liBT... 1/ t,ri,.,.,l >lf.ht aa,Kirlm & Co. . ~

WAMT£U:-Old hot'te*; brlo'ff thess , Jto Twin Falli Velerlnary IlonpUaJ. Dr. — H. ]{. Qroomp. . ,

WA.nTh A KAllM—liiiv.T Mil ^lo JilO arrei. nf r|iiilr« Iim.l; otf.Ti. J.IDiiil ]r.mh .|ii«ti wilh iho hrihinrclhi* fall, ma Brins In y»ur prupn^ltioii, (.•niitncl ]l’li Towimili' (;ciiiiji;iiiy. | ”

\VAN'n-:i»—>Vttiii|{ cnt’» from jiiiri'' fmhi^L^ L - I t . . l-LJtr,l..u„.L-Ha„.„ l t;.., !,-!’!-;, flrii-l;H, . HrrHcrjt.iminl lie fine uluff iiinl ~ l uni’ yi'iir nhl or iiiori-. ilayr« Ill-Or/iilu | Jlnfplirry, Twin l-’atln.


"MOftfoACiK l70A~N3.~BWlN'fi GO;-

7 % .MONKV for hiaiipi on iiul.ln Imi- HiT-nn [ir<i|igrly. tiwim A; (,'n, ^ I-M O N *irrT O X O .W -T arin-anj-eltr: 1“" pKpVrty— O .-E r i’atts?,— I04J—flftilir rbopo 37-1. . ‘1 1' a l x I'KIl O K N T-lf you hn c n roo4 , fnrm nnd wiint to t)orrorr_oa It. writ* to »n«. Bnr Sg. Twin Fa>i«. Idaho.

i'AitM LOANt^Aro you paying too ^‘ 1 DQcb iatere«t oQ your loo&t See c i — beforo reoewlog nr making that now loon. We bare an Qollmitoa amoant of ^ money for long timo loam oa boit of ] termt. I.etiifh t WiniBtna.-ad». /m


" FltOZEN iiAm'ATOni 'r^Talrcd'at f Idnbo Vuleanl*lBR Works, 2 3 0 8bo*lioai''/„,»ttota>(».t; •rho«B.7j!o .__^ :._____ !_ 1“

t’Oli I\)TAT(i ,I)Ahh get tbem fron — E. D. Kellokc, 30* Hccond nvenuft-jcttt.: -

\v n j j TilAht: for i-;.r .lii.f.icit lot oil|i:>vvil Rlti'i'I, ill t:‘>od ri-nicloiitlnl m-e. itinn of city. AcMriM XVZ, .NVwu. .

TAKliN u r —................ . lytill; rin(j rhoni' on Iiliid fnnf. (jiviirr niaV rorovpr nIiy )':iyiiii{ fost' of iidvrrliiiiiiij and f a i l . . IIt. C. Johnnnn, llniu<'n, lilaho. •; n

rOTATO 0II0W|:RK—Hnvo foV ''mile' riTllfli'il r|t>iti.'rn_[dallU.JJIllllUl. . SUuuutJi and Kural xi'i’d. iiiii|ili-<i nt Finch and JlohiTla offici-. fu ll ‘ . m -T.Jl. McCiiy. '


W A N T fll^ o v w U 'g o o d Died o n , ', /ohn B. Wbit» Oo.. Pbonn K7W.' _ j

>’0!{f) aiZB ffc~oz~o~proof radinlora, , ♦13 nn<l n l s o cx. Other* in propor-llnJl._Alltfi'Tlnp ilr Rh»p ftlin |hKiin *—atro«t-Mulh,-; ------------- - ' " " —" m n t T in n E i t i>or,i , i > o - len c i, »14.(U; Uodgo, *23; otheraTa proportion. l\i lly guarantecil. Prcit- , ‘ 0-Llto flattery atnUon,-325 Shoihoae atrcot lODth. Pbono 00.' f "■ ■ ■ • , |n»

arrrntttTWn, pciyei

WANTED—Poultry of a ll kisda; top prjeet^, j l- 0.-Hnnter. Phono 803W. - H'l

hena. Lanen ttrala. 'Pbono I S ^ . ~ MAJI.M0T11 liilUNZK turkcy« of

prir.o winniutf atoek. Hold Itiink tlraiii.

“ i ’OK'BAtf':—E*tT» lia s puro alngla

TOK BAIjE-HABV’ ■0 HICK8 friHii fin finest imro bred iilralna. Tiinerrd anil «'■'Unliitfii iJ .X Ji*jij'8norni;-B . a « . a thiBeds and li.irml llorka. Prlccii on np- the pllcntion. Alio eualont bntching sot yoi

Twin rBlUrldnho.-------------------------- »h;

--------” ■«------------

rOB UZa-i;|.'?W V808TASXS| -''^ iS O T D ^ fo 'b 'n y ib>ti In' thB flei'd ^


g 3 c U -M P ^ - ^ F O l L O

^ / »JU T WMT T \ t t <4NWG( < / StES w t WXO *THe .jNSv*TRKNitU>4<2i WV'VH'X ^ 0 C \ A ’


l i m l r--- - . .. .. _yI - AND W ORTH ITl I- a m U w B s t l l u t e - t l i e - l i e s l m e a n r -

lo n ~ ( i t T e s l i l g n t § ~ i iT ~ S i i i i in d a l i r "■

. - ynw T»trp _-^]jHmRmm. __

. KOIt lIKNT-VnriiUhed room, fur- '

- KOIt- I:KNT— l.iKht !iriiii..'kr.'|ilug‘ rnnmj; rlnjo in; i'hone 12l»7. ^

-•"■rOR IlK.VT— Furniahcd room. 42fl ■ j Sccond nvcnuo iiortli. Phone .101.' r o n IiKNT—rurn lahed room, geotle- ”. man pc<'f''rri'd: 253 TJiinJ.aveuufi.noith. t; riione 2IM.T. - K, I fo i l .nr;.NT—CVnipli'toly fiiriil»hi-.l »' ‘ ! foiir rooiii apartm ciil; Karasi'. Iii'iuiri'

ro il IiKNT— From .l.-q.liic; . rimm, rail fiiruli.1. h on n r if ,Ii.-!rr.i: - m fir'c- "l‘

■ oiiil :iYi’1uu' north, I’licmn 1I!)\V. ~HMALii,.two'ronin uiiartmoat, fiirn-

- i«hii.i-oonifiloto-for IfRht honaekecpinir, -= rom'fnrtablp, clcun nnd rfajioiuible. The an

; Chfonl. jl!S Xlnin n^rth._____________r o ii IIKNT— rnrni!ihcil, tlircu bou»c- 00*;

L ku^l.io«-rW ..4,-.l»w n»l„ir-!-. ,.|..rlrlr l id . hcat,_WO.— Call—o.v*a»laa«._4aS-Thir.l vri

nvi'iuic luirtli; Phone IfllW. Ijii; m u "hKNT—N ioo hcmio ou. paved

i*ln'Ol. fiiriii.hi'.l, n tooiiin'nnd lialh; i.lcepln(; pi.fch. CTrnCV." All moiKTii. rx- il.t

• hrnl. Call nt 1220 I'ourtli .nvciiui- Mr'( - _ ■ ■ _____ Hio

; POB B A L B -M A I» .rB T A T B n'l'

' ’*'K O irSA Ij'?^o"acrei"3" tnlloi'out; fnr informnllnii m il P. .Wvon. Plmno

: S17R3.__________ :fi(TioICK rA U M — (.Virncr -H*, ila io ^

Jliiillnvay, J iiijk'.n.oa-t liar.rlton, lot 1. tv-|, I^Src, :iln.i;f(; i-oKl J2.VI Hrfi'i l)ar(pilli Hr, l.ifur-ca.h -ciuU v. . Vcazio,. 713 lio.co* r |W .,-':hir,.,;..;-ill,------------- • • • P[o

‘ • AI.MOKT nrn- T.- noin iitotlrril I?'!• I....;::iIc-K, Kitli e IomcI lu nlcrph.K

]i<>ri‘li, liiiril\vni>il flnorx, liri'akfaat.C ri'1'31, fiiniarc licat, lauiiilrv tray* f niKl n-iiii'iil baonni-iil. Prifi'-l for.. I..... »:i.'00. Ti-rnm. Pos- i>oi•; ni'«»iiiii al onrc. - Hf:

.‘ •ItOd.M hniimi, moilrrn i-xpO|it hral: lar;;!' ulcpplnj; jxifcfi', Hiiraffi-;. celf l.... in. ?1 0 l. (infill taiu*.

------ irr^TTTER'lim in-li'Fim -Iaiiil.-rair- fj;;iin]>Mvrinriiln; family orrbaril; on Un: hnril »iiffarrd‘ r<mcl, »370t)i Icnna. '

rr -tra^-frmnm hniu p nnd fiilr unt^iW*'' w i iiii:«. I’rlred low nt^#123 per aerc.(Inml tp'rni*. '- CllOlOH .1 nero trnet rtnsf' In, to ‘ i>

' Iraili' for rraldrneo projipftv. ' ’ wiii - TJEATIOHXMP 'k ADAM B.----- *■■'- m S!.o«hoiie 8011th. . I’houi- 30i

: - - -fO B-aAi>B«-ia v B a TOCJi- — - '%

[ IIOItHK RALK—Thiiradny, Febmnry j li| , rt, at Ilorxra floino Bnrn, Twin rnlla.

V'nur nialehrd teaiiui, inarra nnd gl’lil- \fJ r intix, iiK-i r> to R.-weichins 3000 lo 3350 * '

per team! iipiln lilnck hmlea, 7 and S -• y e n r a , 'w eight.) ! a 0 0 „ - KaU:-»laft«'-At~-l-I nVlnfk. 11. J.' Unllcy, owiierj Owen *_ l llnrhnnan; elerk. Uoi. -Munyon, nuo- ^

— -ro B a& L Z r-fT nuanT X B <r■ -— ---------------------------- --------- larj' V'OU HAI,K—Two win- tnblc*. 8 wiro ere.. f h n l r t ; - f l '« t j - of -b o o th * .- - l I r tb iT » r«»I Itambo, • ___________________ 1;^

7 Getting^!£oo^Fat?^-^^ ^

[ »iii I eiimherioiup, yi,ii w ill be nli.) In follnw whi . th itjm gji?;tlnn,:-T H tlch 'i» ,cndnricJ;} ir- tfioiiaand* mf pcoplo who kiiow. AaV ; your drnggiit for M^rinnln I’reiorip-. tlon j'ub lo ta nn(l .folla«^41rcctlnnai_On_ii ^

JollarJ a tbo irrlee-ih e world ever. 0« t tpo them-Jroin-}^u^wn--<lrDgglat--«r--tdn(l h«r

r tiiia r »t-yllHnrwfala:to-w6 ncc.-itcBtrtly' I’ji'

I a i1 - n to r r .b ™ > y r r » n i ■ i t ' i r i r S I;I f iw i i . lb l i rn r n ^ d o ti t i 'E o it t r t^ ^ g g

g A L L ^ O A H O rS ia tB A -Y -

i q W , - ^ T H E t S W ' J U . H

M S I ■!\> I / I F s i e n w s - r e . u w

w'T^&A s o c ^ t h * '

■KST— \ ■ -ftlTO-M TOE'-W .NTO^ E ' VM TV1v^\. HvawER "WM 'ru e

■TO F K S H V D T \ - ■ V M U N T t'


-nrmrT.iTir.ni,rpiHitiirPirwii«'ut'irow~ liUli . ■' Mn

1 lliinclK: Htnine. ooiiltiwcaKTn mil Jul

tf'' cmion: A.lv,.nc*->1; ririjiir bi>o( oiar* Jnlp -fcrr:--------------------------- ‘------------------- Ffl' Kilitnr; VVRIur<'lr»«. Ca (?cir(i'<': lll|;tii'r: Irailn l>uylaK. Mn

----- Jul~ — 'rTTTrAno/--Jn»-,-ai -W7—Wheat;. Hfl

CdTn: Klcmty; InvcBlinrnl luiylnr.— tlililrr . I-^FT. - - ......-- - - (

llnn«: .Sl.-Bcly lr> lower. }?FilS i L

" TW IN F A L L S M A R K E TS sr.!■■ Thfao iirlre* nrp iiMolnc.l (lnlly nl i I. t III th.. iifl..rno..u-uii.l nrr f-- rrliua. WhiTP rrrljiln ilcnlcru* fnr . |jI ahnri p«rloil» nffi-r niorr (Imn II10 ■'

ijiinifct |>rlrra no rfrort la n\a>!n lo In- rlndc niH'li ii'i>'1»ll<i'i>r (Diiniitl|nti> bp.>

7 -nrr.-tririiTrr.'-iy-a«^KTTrdo-to' j.rtHiu^:" " J'i -•noaln^ tllic inea .ot-U lhof hlch or J.’ '

nSTAIL MARKETS Ira'• _ _^_pjld lo Produeara ___ «M■' Thr'Twlii i'uljii oiatliriB yeal.Tday wero

' LIV«»ta<at.

ij ..........■' *!•«i.a>niin'...... l i i ! ; ; ! ; b . ' « o ,/■

II . Fowla ■Ilr-ivr liMia .....................................

:• aSLiS'-.:::::: IIS(■ Mroilrra rI..Ktinnia) ....................... Hr »Io

Ilri>1|rra (culurnl) ............................ i:o Oh_ Hioe< ................................................ 'c II.I' Capnn* ............... .............................» ({ :ir f• ............................................................. 10c ,1 ,,

. Dairy •• • ‘ ti-i. mitii-rfnl. en-/inii>ry ............ •........ »«<• , ,' _lull.Tr.lt, xMlloo ................ a«r

; i i'sI. ......Jtl n r.n , V « l............................................... l.Ofl

»t a 18 "JKioric foM. coo II,. h.in . . . ; .........:•... :.:5' 7 *

"I f l * *"i— ll-------— ~ ^

' . P e ta io aa .............. 1.1'H'i>l;il"c/l.' nur.iln ........................ TH/riC . HNrtU.ll (IcmK ............................|1.I<1«1.30

. 8uB*r-WholMala . ___ i,,nlu"'" ................................. .’iJ-*!

nCTAIL PftlCESVegetablaa • -

i’oiiito»s, ............................................ o;eHi-Sjl k iin p .....................................JOC^C

. ‘i- n r« |~ - (n il lr -m c h - -i........M ..,.,.10O I^

................... . ................................ 4Cc rUningia, iloiun . . . . . . I .............;...SSQtOc ain

• WlKOiilirn 'Vhvi-iiir ^ ^ ^ ^

■ PORTLAND'QRAIN •'I'01tTI,.\.Vl>, JnnV I t W »-W hr.n ; liiira raj

wiiiii- II. It. Iianri. Jniiiuiry 1:; Krlirimry wi i;.:e:-»i(i-whin-,-JBnunry“ *!r-t'flirunry jt.i li’.M; ncnirni reil, Jnniinry t.luS; Kflirti- ntj Kvy t:; li:inl vlnirr. January Feb. idji riiary ir.OJil NorltiiTii i^ |iijt,_JunuurK ■—

i ttaS K bm ary -»s.o fi: 'weatcm- Tcil.: Jiin-A.:.-._ ________ -J'■ ~ L'oni; .*.0. j !■- '« . alilptnent.- iliniMO l i tT r Jil , February 1 6 :.;....... ............................ bfl

'■ W HEAT D E P R E S S E D ON L'i « S H IP M E N T R E P O R T S 1- — - ■ . , i : „ - r - , , , y i v U i l ) a >"

Amount o f Oroln on Oc«aa P u « a |« •}":! — yJ • ■ T - Ul

(rit;r.\no . jnn. s t ( n —tndlneilona nf t laruii worM Bhlpnienti nnd or'a 'aharti In- wo

0 crraao of thn amount of w hm t nn ocean kin1 pnsaa)i«-hn<t.:nn -rvldpnt - f l ir rm ln r 'e f* . m

fret on vhrat valiien Kxlny, llriak ml*

■ « ori^"nM^^n"7i'iS.‘ ■ ] m; ; 0 liil> )T ..IU ftS0 l,itBV..w H H -cafa.aL il tat a uaa.iulw nco ami, twin.w»»yln<>-rrenu^e «ri ' «!

—yi*h-^li“-T-l“*rr^ i-i*^^*ftt -^ftli*r nnil mi* wilh 'Ariicntine marketa nlao reaa'aiiaiihyi- < r wheat (r#d« bir« nin Into free aelllnr wa[ whca. untunia reucli«d yoalenloy'a eloo* to.

Inr fljcurea. Porelim Mllmate# I h s r c u r |T,: ropo voulit neni 140,004,(HW liuahrla of bel

'■ w hW from. North A(n«rtca durinf the cul

i »l»f«INe'for Ih# Uteiit rally 'rrr-T rit« r m ll har^..(Mi-Ui» oUt«r-luind..«xpon-bualn*a» Q | ;1 In-lhfa euunlry~wa»^f-amaU prot>»rtl«fl» ira

«:■ SS

" -.-lir-eann*4tlon’..«IUn‘tb«'-t)lr~ilDmaali() ^

. . . * > ■ .


L O m : .

- *cw& wfcNFaS S ( ^ 3 lq\»j ^ WVTORefO

s ^ H « r p w S c ^ ,fVFTM F W - - CARtr-W%

l a S o v l w

I rnrr a* nu off>«t nnd on. Iixi. wan an* InI ooiincem«nt Juat hrfiiri' Iho cloar lliiit «c.

K«yrt hail inircliiwril SOOO larrfla of flniif nn■ HI Kanana City., \ In

-■VmTr-nntt'i'ntif crm tlm inrttrhr-lm iK fit i t liy ap«fuljitnra whom hl«h iimc^hi UirrcJ It.... of ili,rviir.»t imrtn,---------- . (!■_ J’Mvl«lnna rrflrcii-il llio flrinnfiw of ilir « eorn nw ikft.' ' ' . . ‘

“ Wh»i»—--------OnVi— iriih— riw “ rio.« 11Mny ..............M j i :i>;i4 luJuly ............... l« » s I ' lS IISU ITUS 11'K.pt.....................ISCV u m lt,5\ IH’i nl:^^Cern— - _J

July wth u iin '>rFfliT:— ,'■............m y~ iT 7H ~nii— iiTt," 1out— :sMay ................ M M «J’i «j% loiJuly ................(It u<4 <IS InjPi-lil._ .............. •. t>«4 81 _ “ ‘i «:

■CASH ORAINB. rll■ (!fllC’Ano:“ Jiin.“ llM l-W li;air~N o; -J o:

ir7<rimJtrtrl«rN«.-*-Ji*Tilr-4t-»I.--------- -Curs: .S'a. S inlxnl )l-l*l No. 3 yrilow

11.37.IXila; No. : whllo « H c: .So. I whilr. I

•M ,u:.cnr. U.. Hyr; No anlra. I.n

lUrlry; 9(c«m.n;. (IrTlmolliyarct; IS.tfllll.M, InChivrrarivl: |!S<fn:------------------ -------- tinI.nril: nD.MS. laiItlha: tU .i:, . •«

POTATO M A nK tra_________IDAHO l’AI.r.8 . Jan. Jft-d 'nIlrilH inlri. _

IX-paMmmi of Aerlciillurn iln rkri Nrwr § Hrrvlri-(»«r\.|<-»)—ItnulliiB* oIm»ii tnMor- n(r; inoilrrali- wlrr.ln>iiilrT: ilrmanil and irailhii; nn>.lrrat<-: innrktl airady on Itna-aMa. allKhlly alronarr on Itnmla, Car- ^

" Itiiaa.'ta II.IiOni.EiS. moally | 1.((: itunili

0 Tnkhn.i: Cnrlonda (. a l>.i uaual (eniin.». t*«r)trrt::N«ttmt-Oom»-»S»CS»-^C«im‘>‘!lV- :*J (Jri.jlry; I.«adln» hravy; drmniid. Ilin- Fr

Ilrd; inarkrt nbout atwxily. -Wiuonloodn. caah lo erowrni: R irkn l Uiirala, jiarlly JV g fnidr.1. moatly “cc.

Kanaaa CUy: Hupnllea llbmil; drmnndr alnw; markft dull. MlnnMola lte<t Ulver .n Ohloa. moatly *1.31. Colorailo ItUMel*. Inc ll.l i. - . a«

CHICAGO: Hni'pllc" ni'wlrr.iH-; rnrly andi'nvind anil (radlitk- llii.llinl: ii.arliri fl'in rnWliconalir rnuni Klilica moally tl.IOtf uu

. I.'I: Ulnnva'idi round ’«!iii<», nor r-ir of1 It.in: lirrt l(tr.-r Ohloa tl.i'tfM .dM ilali't nr c I tm cln h ra t_on^ ly ,T T I»Tr

pnrt Worih: Biiiipllea llhor.il; <Icnmiiil i- nn'<illniil|nie llinliwl; marK-'! •lull, ('olo- » r.lili* wlill.a ll.C50l.7I(; Idaho hlia.rU ■5 f l . « . ....................................■— -------------5. '-(*t7-I«nlarH iirpllr* llhrml: drmanil anil- ■ _ tiuauij.«luw: iiiarket l-ircly---.ira.ly. Cnl-. H 1 OfHilo lliiaacla »1.75ftl.»%: .Ulnni.r.n1.t Tin- ^

■ 1,1!. - r"r . Han FmncWo: HupsHi * llhrml; dcmanil *|- ® arid iradlnK ahw; n u r lin ilnll. CnItfcrnU >'• , lonv whiira, tjcal 12. I<‘1| I d a h o Iiua- j aeta, beat tMOfC.U; Ilumla, brat tnnally f

nround i:: WuKlilnisIl") N ellnl Usin.i II

? POTATOBB AND PBOOUCg ^“ CIIICAOO. Jan. J l t o —Poultry, nllvo;5 low»r: fowla IJCfrCc; aiirlnM !6c: rooat- '' rra Uc; ducka 30c; ffi.paa :itf3 :c; lurkcya

e nutter: lllaher; trm m rrT exima l3Hc: alandanla 37r; jrxtma. f ln « J7Hft3f>jc; flrata'lI^HOieHc; aecnnda ):C3lc^

s rir*la-4:oi-ortt|nury-{lrBla-4a04<»i-r<'(rlH- — rnilor tirala 41C«:c.

V I*otntara: I'lirly ituirnlnK trrdlni; llRht;■luirkal. dull, .weakor.feellnc:. rccelplA.lOi. ...

1 car*: toinl Unl(e.l Hi.itra ahlpi-i..nta 6TI: ,, f Wlaconain aackrrt round whilia moally *.*' f Jt.«Ol-M :-occa*lnnal.ii.iiM :nUhtt;_lllni• iieaoU-Mckcd . neJ,.lU ver_O hloa_JU 5t 81• Idaho a.(ckrd Uuaaeta .l:,33W;.I.O. . lU

f e : iE I 5taC H iK tiSH «c^^ f.1'Onri.ANI). Jun. SI (« -C fttile : tiom- f

beef a te m IB07!! top P.Ks cowa an(i .tielfcra ||.KI0E,7(: (up helfer« ran- prnrraand cutlrra 11.8001:; »>r»i IlBhi venl *o mlTft II0 9 IO.SO; others SS09:i » (u«

’ llotra; Compared wliti weeic aco, a(rady y1 tn tc hlfh«r:‘we«li‘»-butlf-prier»;'i>p»ir- J”2 able weight Inilclicra t 11.l!0O11-CS;~tnp nt

ler p lo t l 0O10i( 0; n fvw frrdor t'lK> »t■

f Hheep: .Compared wlifi week neo:• woolod Iflnilia E0« hlKhar: hulk tiralnilile 1 kind Ill.iO flU ; Bsnl alock prpetlcallynli-

r -------------OMAHA (.IVEBT'OCK

9 ae*<«ii'ona-'l»^(»OM«^ '•*paclllRr^” w»'™MOp

r •f«-«o»l-FrM«TlllKUjarrtjfhtT;it>.^-------—,- Cnlile; ' neoelpta iSU. Comnared with r waek a«o.(ed atoeri and yearllnca ai«.uty• to.Ue blihari Moally-aitadyi week'a bulkr iT.Jiof.M: lop- inj.ior.hm<nfF7i5tt'»-iHni ■ r belfan moatly Sto hlffher; "cannrra and e c u i i ^ i t ^ d ] ^ VWl l a t w ^ ^ - —

r m * 1(::tV tM rcB m ien -and -c t)tt«n -|lT l

f ...

g .......-

\ R ^ 1925^-:—

^ - C ----------- j

0 p.,-\MWtCTA'VR^KT \ t N i i *

- - t — k-5TKt0i-\AiVit9-\M\TVV ----------- - - -But wmat \>o wew % '. Dc "THE CUMAy. "h.'S W S T O W t-F v lT O R E - , . t

1;. ^ ^CWBOK«X) --jicK

^\>W -sduM ? /{ 1 ^

It a c a n - r : a t r a d y ; to ii l ll.r in : Initl: il>.nlr.itili- If iiic.illum utid » rk - I i ly In i l r l i i r" , lln.f,r,« ,. -'’ n

lii.'Jil. 1110JI IVI t.i : i . \ p.iua.1 Wind |I i '.i - i t t tfl'> ,7ftr~ 'tin lk H 'l ' tn -lig .-p o iiT id — m-»itnr- .d | ln .;:i» i in,f,i>; iiin>l a lm n i: v.t IkIiI alil.ifjli- '

. (IT I'lga Jti.f.n(/li); bn lk M ik li i i ; a .in> ll< ' Kill' «M .:i\ ihrae erniTjiIly mfilCi- Iilwcr: .'»•

i« i t n ^ ^ r n n ' j ’il--—tig n t-— t TK^m r t li lUhU-lJ.willO.uU: iiacklus lioci. xmtiotli S. llO dlM l; luiWlnit boK*. rmitfli V/r,iittln;!i nlaiij!l|i..r plua l'« ln ,■_ Mliri:li:. llncnliii. llliiiT l.^.iVi r u n - J n . —

IS 1. ^ 1111,1 I. <'l".dir;; :{_■md r^ 'W a -P t-io L lolH^ roiniiarrd with vrnk iikii: {al lamba . rSVlnn hlgbrr; fal ahi-ri> dull, fiiUf'Rc „„

'i lourr; fi riline lAiiiba Inllv »lniil) ; wi..l('*S bulk lirlrra follnwi K.il wolri) bmbu tIK‘i Ois.ssr O'lnrj^ii »1*'.:MiK.:1; r lo .lr? Mr- top fr.1 W(ii>trm» •!#! IiIkIi i«'tnl ("r w»Tkt - -

r llri«rn offm-d; y.-.irllns" Uryi.ly Jll ,75 Ih.•J OJ8.8ftr‘f a r ewes—ii.isftinsfl; rrM ihr -- lam W IU .SO tftr--------------------------- nt.

' WOOL Krr. linSTON, Jan. 31 T'omi-atlc w<vil>i,

Uilli flroci. Iiml lorrlliiry, nrr unclciligcd o„bnl firm. Him-, v. r li.w .............. I In i.iif- "'I(Irulnr atnrU aiill.ililr for Ihr iiuniifar- ..turn of wiKilrna oiinllnui'il In iiiov.-. Thl» -

- nna in'i'i r n-iirtto-ninrr-Ti'mn-aMa T ^ r il iobial f.'W dayn. Thrrf 1« a fair liiiio r t- fanllUK (lir> appmnihlns »|irnliii; a .a a o n ri>r ncxi.wc<.k tiy >omc of ihe Urser man- □„

. Jl^Ll'jri r..,_ ____ ___________________

' S PE C U LA T IV E IN T E R E S T ;; C E N T E R S IN C IL S H A R ES i«tr Ealirond-StockB firsontlswon CenUmio - I" to Advinco Under Heary Acciuniila- ^ tion: Boat o f T.l«t tn Mnrma> T.ltrlt. _J

I- W i d u ' J ' t . , i S i ;;;

[,1 111!'., E I ; i : i r I S l i ■»'* i."w. ia:s ............. in.Ri. .jo i.is

lu ln l hlork naira m ;,iw » aliiirra.id ------- *7JT . NKW .VOitlC Jan.*3I. [,n-.«ii..nulallvj U»». Inlrn-al In (iKhiy'a brirf ai'ialoii of th r cli

. aliH-k inarki'( r<.|il..ri-d Liri;i.|y in (he <ill I3 ly anti Ihl. aoiilhrrn iind sotubwrairni mil-1 mail Ilinrci wlilrl, ronlhiiinl lo oilvnncr «H(f uiidrr heavy accumulallon whll<- (Iia r.-ai ct ir uf Iho llal io..vH vrllhlti rullirr'nnrmu.;2. nnd-|r<'(P'Mr-71hill,..-TrM.llnr ,.^..1.' S

-n>- OOVenNMENT DONDS U1. NI-:W VOIUC. Jan. 31-(/l^-l.llH-rly Imndi- oI.«.~I.---------------------------------------- ------- —i1- 3Ha .................................... .......Jtol.iaIv KImi t ! ia ..................................... i .«ifthai- -I- . . . j w ^ v w T T r r n ^ 2

Fourth 4^a ..........'.’.'.’.'.'.’.'.'.V.'.'.'.'.'lin:' " W.,1 n. H, govrrnment In ......................« 00.: i Ul-i ti. H, govnniment (■»« .......... '..,.,.1103 B<

' i P l i i L ' ? j M S i^ -

- Any brc.-iktiig-oaf o fth o “»liinrovert- “ ly fiery, Hehing eetoma, can bo (lulekly ^

o t e n m m o H i r - a p p W n i P T r H t t l i r M t in t h n r ^Si'ipi'iir; dfn-tnrea a nfftcil akin aretiai- —

- lt«.r^enu«n-«r-^ln-g< .fm -.>e.il»:4*^ « prtfpe»tlc»,-thl»-im1phtif-'Tiftpnmtton- l>c-

\ r jrinrntTTmrTt-tb.-ionthtrtTrltntejlTiHinat.ll' c r hefll'enipttona*ffueh na raehppimplcjtind-

i<i . It aeldom fails to removo tho torm'nnt ‘s= ■* and dliflffurament, nnd you do not have

lo wait xor rollee from cmbarrnMinsnl.I - Im provcm ont-onieklj^ahow i-Soffonrn T ly from ikin trouble ahould obtain a anull r . Jar o f Bowlo* . Montlia.SulphBr. irom . - jp any^good drugglK and o io l t like cold a ^ —


le Theavcragehcalthyperson —etorcs-up.wlihin-iho-body. ^

several days’ supply of cs- la cendal Vitamins, this a c - m g —E ia ji^ h y g yeU-noutOi^ ~

r« p fib T e“t o ^ S i ^ S ^ ^Cs- > than thotQ who afo twwt* <■r^ iio a b lie d ;- =

rSCIllfsElMlslOII'U - l » - a j a f c ^ - h t t o r t h o t h e lp s =I ; l t « P y o u w 'c H -h o u r la h td . A1; ~

"j j

— 7— ~ 'CagB-flcyn ^ ^

. J R " a d i o - i i o ^ a ^ 3A<l~nc« efTirinn at crtactpai ttdloD :. '{•■iS

buw r«a4«r*. X W U T FA Ixi J l l W '

;• '''OuniiPJnaMnairTp ^ 2"^ I.n d a y j ''’®* >rnANCIBCO .,

rhri’lJa"' Of- ■ 'V;M"n,1.i>-- .1 ;-

t|;2" p. m. l^iiIy i'rlsrr'a orcheilw.- - n ' — - ■—

11 1'. ni. IJi.iio-Jiinira' orrhi-ilrn, .KI.X, OAKLAND.................

Mnnil'j-— ■ ■ .J , ,,

oh'VVI'jS S S E„ji,iil^j._ *«3W, PORTLAND '

Mon.l’iy!"' '^^"'"'•rt nn:hra(ni.

*<*^8*8 -CITY . ’ ._ ‘I',,'" ’ -‘•'.'r ’l' raiKn iircheatm. . . {

.-VtiA". "Ir; Mann niiinlM-r* t .i.ii'ir'ii B hiiiry I rii!i..nib|i<.

.''nnl *•f')''il''‘"ny or*

;<i l.iil«-"|I'V'^i-ni'''l f.'ike'ar: .M-"i'(iiy—I, f- 1'. m. II. hry ll.il.ii-,,,)-, nniirti'n,'. 'n > 1’. Ml, lihi|...ili,ni‘) pri'smiii.IL imutp.id'a orcn.atrx- —^

‘‘ ..,..il.iy.- '■ ~ ' ■- - ' m* ■r'll‘‘'."'"‘'''^ bl. Hrl.iixo jiri-iiiiiiii,_______

nparlnll-n(*' ' ’’‘" ' " ‘ '

t'mlry.'’'^ „ , KFt. LOS ANQELEB, Hiinii.iy*.. ‘'"'"a I-nU'a I.ouUlana Ptvc.

JJ —tUli.ii_jn. nnry,iiin-TlioiiiMon,japQij». '11 p. ni. Itay W««l ami hla orchvatra. .

„ , WOAW, OMAHA ' flumUy~-

Afon.taf— "T- *"• ilelfxty Itoil>n.

S Jjoclcr .Mjii-.MIJllvin, t.imiitiri tij/Iorcr.* ^

10 iliO A f? '" — ~

t.- ^>:i:\M.Y01lK. .T:m..Ji i.ti- th ., T»iV»''nf ' ai.ni nt«- awKir wna lowen-.! I-J : cent

c_ i '^ y ._ ,« ^ l '’ aiiaar for aliipmrnt wn»u unCliatiKinrwllli-i^iiiriiiioted at ic.nt. antj'------W IMid;—Kwlm-trf-M:ftW-bnini~tTf-<hit»tn—for • ' l l t f l FrjM-ij/iry »Ii/|.«ir«t wrro mado (4 a

liittl rtf||icr._■ Tmdins 1(1 rriw aiic.\r’fuiufr»*wna liatj-

"" evutin* up eliaracter, Tho.., • *7t!f-wna aiffliiy ami rinal prleea-w«t»

,-j undiansfd-lo ono |«ltti nr( hiBher. MilTCh

U| . llrfinrd waa .,u!rt and uiirhaneed with • -r nil rrfln.T» BCi-r|ilinC hualnrui nt (ho fi­at ctnJ Jt-i'ol for tlna rranuluted. . , t

‘E B S H E11 _JJ- - _^

^ WalAlnf ":i U achlolits HorsMiiotn

B oU enuldsg Wagoa Mak'oh

PboM i m 210.820 Bteond SOBlk

_________ AUTO SBBVICB.

SrOD BSA ZBS BPsenAT.ttff — z ia a t t jL Dean. Wo correct all S t t id tb tk t t .

• :^ r 6tibTM. 12G~HMgaa~A>eagirf fw tr -----

F OLAaa . '

wnroow aiASB=WlnaTSieI4 j,'«b |.— ^net work. Moaa’» Shop. P hom tt,

jy ! m Sw B B ^/ in-'Wi'nya

at •- — '1 I ,-------8H0a BK?AHPTtt

rr TWIW T A lL r nHOB B a y j3 K n t 9 i t a - ^ .11 W. Bboihona. Piu 8M. R u l U *th«i ja - O ^ y e a r J ie 6 J t-W « fk -g M » * a ta * t.;_ _

OEM BTATB v T O a S t t n r a ' o S •120 8eebsd avei. w w t. O M d y m a ik

I Miller tirw. T a lw k ln g ^ ^ w ^ , '

• MAOAULBT for bu jk rtfc . ;

•hoM » w t,-n M .4 o # w .v .- .- - ,. r — ^ ^ R T B w n i i ^ ^ m i i | _ _ a —

w t w m w D B T B o m r s - A a a i o r - i j- --£ro (etiltm A L ^ 'C 4ntld iB U «l'7« i-a»:--i

Page 7: 9 m IN-TWIN FALLS CC ALLS DAIl -lilmtG E iE iEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS... · f house, vere pusod by the «enatotwo of them oriflnatlog In tho

P f l f ie E ig H t ■■■- , -

L ff lK JH iE t' l i i M E I i" J— ^ ^

' . . I d a h o C o n g re s s m a n to A sk G o v e rn m e n t G e o lo g is ts to In ­v e s t ig a te T e r r i to r y S e tw e e n

— Ja tb id 8 e = a m i-C o n ta o tr* — r

The I’uitCil atttliM cpiiloKii;i.l-*tinuv I* to lie ri'([iicHnl liv r(iii(;r>-*i>M\;iii ,\i!- •lix.ll T. Hiiiitli u t Jrl:i1ii., Io liirilic i, eom]irclirii.ive mineral iiml toii,inf;i|,),i.

Jnrbiilge tlinlrlel, • uliirli m>iv U ,\,- vailii’n larur'it jjolcl iirinlni-tni; ilintrirt, mill till- Ni’Vd'ta, iii]i|H'r |<rii-■lilrlni; iliilrlrt tli(i( lia i ]irci-nniinpe,! Iiy .................. . o f lln- wnrM'wercalcit In ]>nliit u( imli'iiliul ]irinlnr-

----- lltnl->K- l i t - lir -ricrrlng’n l rT-•I'nuivrly In nmiriinrnn- nf tlir Iniilillnc rif tlif lIiisr»«oii-\V.-51» raltruail liiii' iinu'

------- --------------------------------------------------------Aoiifaiirrii to IliiK rfferl l.i

. by (■'oni.Ti-ii.niail Slum, in a lei I i t .'n- . ti'lvcii Hntiirilav bv .linlt’e K. A. WVib

' — iPf<r'vif.rti'unV~nfirmrmiii-r of'r»viii ■ Tnll* rltl/rii* wJin nro lutcn-<lfil In iIiolUiMIHIe'b-vrlo|.me.it »f ■Ml.lltiii.iarmin: :iTuI ti'iiKtrrrx «f (lilt reL'inn and whn i

-------IU8ki'»1?il'nfn1lliM;,"o1ogirTirmrvey iv■ rpi|iie»1nl lo iiL’iki' iiBi liiv.i.llj;ntlnii ilf '

iu ]ifliiiibltill('<. Iroiiyrrmininii Siiiltli xlatrd fnrltii'r i

Hint tie wuiilil tliut K Ki-lira-• — brr-nf-fti('Ci’0lriCtr:ir'>.iirv<'v7 Wlili' ir» |

eii .rr.,e<i;k.:i-t. ,

In rluirce of t!ii- cfvernlneiit'« liiveitl- ,Bnll.... ^

Till' |>rn|i(ii<eil liiIixTiil nnil li>|xii;rii]i)i- t leal >uh-ry wonlil lie of imlntnm-e t» , ]iro*|irPl.irn nn<l, It 5» iielieveil, wcmlrl lie nf iiMWiinro in Inlermlini: eaiiital

- hritm lm tnrm rT ir—nf,,7rj.;M C m im t , imi;nt r>p nnt'overrd.

i’ernotn here wlm nro fanillln/'with tlio region nro nf ilic (ijiinlon Hint it !« McMT-mtnfrnltrnhnnit-thnt it-cuntntnw j roMibilitifs fo r ilrvTliijmicnt rlvnllnK , Ihnl of Itifi Jarbidfjc nml ContiiPl din- , lrlel«. ^

-- - S U E S - T O l . QUIET rTlTLE I-------aw ^fluU -L«m b«-O ofnjM m r"A ssem ^

OUlm to Fnnn Land sna Lott in ______m oe Lakee AddlUon.

Suit wan Imtltiiti'd in di«trlft, e i ^ hstn Knlnniiiy by tlio nom Httile l.uin* ” ber >o«i|mny, lliruui;b llnrr)’ J. lU'Uull, * fttttvTUfT, tiRiilntl ihp NntSoiml •Jl.ink of Klmboriy nn<| othrra to <|uipl ' littq to jiropfrtv of wlilcli it elnlmn onrorriliip <lntln^ frota ^Liirrh 20. tiiit. f I’ropcrtj' Bpedfii'd in tli« romptaint Is ' Ihf. I'lml ono ncro o f tho HWt; SKV; KW'U K'etloii lutvn«lil|> lu, "ri>ngo^18, nnd “

Palli..- -*'* " VJlurroy Uroolciiiati, fbrciuiilPllolliwpIl “

nml Clinpmn)t,'"nllorii<'vii. Iin» iuntitutrd ^lu it uculutl VV. J. rllklKulaii nnd \V. ,

•—- n . Ani.bary a . Iriintep fnr llio Mer- I— chani* Tra^n-Jcuraal Orclinr<l fonipnny, •

nad otluT., to milet tlM- »» laml »d!,,ln- _ iiij; lliilliiilur.tou’niiita.jUuL.tiluatcd Intho 8 l i o f acctiuii Iil. Ui>/nUilp -n ? . J ranfco III -

i'rcd- C. Cnr.on, .lefendi.nl in a nult *J InitlHutcil liy M. A. I'rock In IiIk own VK"hn51 in'll n« Rnnnllnn for SS'nyni' amiNflwtou Krocli, to fori'clone n farm bbnr T

. JIncn, ill nnswer filed Katunliiy by T, f-K. llaelcmnn, nltorney. leiiil.Ted pay. nmvni iu tlio luin of $1.17.11) <m nerount Iof plaintiff's clnlm for «L’0::.'IIl, nllei;- (I

' Ing crcdit doe lilm in .th e n.um of itu n••—for thrco bcilur ji-|itoT(rA»nl ii tnlite e

, _furnl»hi-d lo iiln lu tlf*. /

— FU M ER iH r f t m - v i c t o - E z : ;

TRA G IC D EA TH ARRANGED ;;aervices for Dorlo O rl«la. NId# Y e m "

ntH ■g(H^ I'y Hhn> hy TJUlft 'Brothw. to bo Hold In Chureli. ^

bdlit church Lro for Dnvie (Irlftin. _ fUnp ycarii old dnu'p[ril<tr~(if Mr. nnd -Mm.

^ 0 jiii’ffectB'of a ttuii8hot'*w'uuud e fllctfd by her four year ohl brother

-. |n ,4 'ln y ,.n t:ih er/am lly i» ld eiic8 . 1our milci »oOth of th li rity. Tlu- nerviccii nro to bo conducU-d by tbe Itev. ]{. 0 ,

- ~“ IIniniiliTc.r.‘n n r c n n c n m a ; t a ’-bcdnTtlio

fiEAL' :ESTATE fRANSFERS- rnmlitied i 7 the Twin TaUi TlUe m

________ Abftr»ct_Oomp»ny., _____

Frldiy. Janutry 30...Quit rUlm clecil: >1. Smitli lo K. C.

• ' • Wnminly/H-Mtro. r . FHl(ni:tn’T;a'»l.-l ton .'ll; Ini 1«. block S. Oitunyun iidUillun;

~ P ------^



- OF WRIGHTS^STORE HEREa«Qr*o E. Biilch of Offdon, Succoods

f- Bryan WriRhlr aa, Uacd of E»Wb- llshnient in Twin Faib.______ _______

------- (♦.-tr-iirn: -m;n-nrTivf.t"nrT«“t»r

■ 111'! ili ni..ii.'l:,i'l. li til;l i-UuljllllV 111

J" i.uU.-r t . l l w.v!..' I., i'll.- j.V.-'i.V-*!! Twli^


S l i l l l ]rB iP L IG E i

•_____ 1

Odd F e llo w s an il .R e b e k a h 1 5 L o d g e M e m b e rs o f D is t r ic t ' 11 j _ A n n u al C o n v e n t io iT 'u ............. .................... "

0 ni.K It, ,lan, In .TiiL-J- Ni'«ii)->-l)|«lrii't nrt;;ini/;itliiiiii of <Mil |

J Ih.' IimIk,., ,it Iliilil, ril.T. Twin FalU f nnd Kiiiilii.tly, aie lo liuM tiuir .•iniin;il

r iniTlin;: next y.'ar ut KlinluTlr.-'ii'"an J'■ iltdJt;d_ul._iUuiul_jua;tiuK a_ot_lliu.ii;-\ ' nrkMliij atiiinn held Fridav .'Voniiii: nt-n J, F iU .- ----------------------------------------------- I,

• Oilil 1V1I.IHK ami Hebelcili, 1,'t FileMTel'd ] "ejiariite bniilnei.f i.e«.iiiti» nnd ih.-n lnb|.. Jnnrii.'d-nl n bniiipi.'t with n liru^ram (i

J folliHv.Tl Iiy n dauce.l*l«lrii't iiffieefil for llie entnliie .vi' ir n

1 were .■b'lli'd tiy Ijnlli lliiij K. lln'y»-niid - ‘ Ucliritnh*!tidi;i'-mpmliiT»;------------ .--------- f

J. W. Swenrinni'ii of Kimberly, 'w .ii * ' elrrl.-d diatrlet rhiilrmiin tn niii'eee.l I.,' (!. A llen .if FiliT. nnd other .iffb-en _

iif fill' Odil'T-VlloiVir dintriet orcnnir.a.• tiou were eli'rlvil bs followK: I'LVnt vUc ,• jirctldenl, i-M Hoynton. Kller:/ k.toim) ;

vice rhtilrmnn, K. I), Duvin, ijiilj: ro-. rorclinc jiecrotary, Hlnll ' HiivarinKcn. 1'; Klmboriy. •••-- - • ------------------ --- • '-

Iteb.'linh ili<itTlrt offli'ern ..•Ifr.trd ^J TVeT'.Ti.iit Afp.* ‘PH.. J, firat vice |iregldi-nl, Mrt. C irl t(ldK<'-

wny; a.'eond vice .•liairnmn, .\Ira. li. II. '• <>fnt0n;-rmmling"aprrpinrr;—MryrHr ^

' —Ti|i;.-tji'ti;.i ,iiii- in-r.iiin.TH(iu wfiTi llui .bnmiUPl Ini'liided add nn vi by I*r. .T.

{ I), UillkUn, a( >.U'lUuUUVt cliurch of Filer, nnd J. U’. Tnylor, Twin , Fnll* cnimtv nttnrnev. ll.'rtd’lnu" w.to

Kivcn liy Mr*. C. Ivon I’riro of Twin : Fall*, unit Mlaa Walti'r o f Tiler, nnd

-M. II. I’a|>p of Twin Fail*- Filer lilch ncliuul quiirti t luuiK- C. K. UoVvliffo

' ot Twin FnllH, was loni.tniaater.;■ ........................r"rhiv(tlry

wa* ronffir.-.l f.dlnwinc the- lianqui’t I Uilan'ilnlr^\■r•Tmln^(; of^'i*ffin-l'.’m i.~1 by Twin, Fall* liuiton Nn. 13.

: DIRECTORS a”rr"aNGE JO R ' •"TVlEETI«G 'QF-‘DftlRYlVIEN:. Twln ranrC onntT-0»oiw itlTfcA «»»-

fiaUon to Bffnlv* Drtallod Beport •P ut F ln t Anntul Sonlon. -

i \«r.'rll.is'of llie TirSn Vnll* Tounty r Dairy ansoeialliin. In ennfrrenpp lierol, Wiifur.lny ................. .. . nrriini'e.. nii'iilM for tli<- aiiiiiL’il lai'ellii); of niejn.; t biTs (I'f til.- as»o,'iallt>n t<i be held T iiei-]. dny n n t In I’arl*li hnll here, b'';;inii>i'K ‘> nl a. m .' Direclnra nre tn bei> eiectrd nt thi* mretlnR tn ritl-vacaiirleiij

.'nuaed by ....................... t.-rm* of nilo f tliL‘ incmbet.i of the pfeapnt boiird.

- tlrra-nn 'b riiib iiin ii^ 'arih 'rriT rjiiiT K lT ^I expcPtnl tn *lin»- ihnt diirlnt: Ihe three |

innntliN it hnn b. i 'ii In opetalion it ba*;obtnlnrd'for lt«‘vjUi)n»~riruWriiK'’ ‘"'Mprlco of ns.'J ei'nt' per pnund for butter-t

• fnrrn_nit“ t!i!it-ili.'~Tig^-r^lii~K.^n~i»;

' . — -----------——

» —Hf'nfro-Bonu^y ehoppc. ThoDe S7&. __________

■ W E HAVE, FOR SA LEL Onii' amaH..yt»6Prt-C*ih-R«sia»- ■- — t u --------------------- ^ .

> One 8-(oot Soda roiinUiUi, com*‘ plulo with corbon&tor.

Ono 10-foot-Blant rront Oindy•• ------------

One Pair Candy Scalta.

: „..:,HERBST &-RAMB0-:;^ '

Listen in - ~~on1:his- :

A ll ropftlr work cairlM -OBt- i

~ J. jfcM)OT glr€( ;:L r:T i5n < :OS.W Jor O orrtcfT tm C r ;

L z 7 : : : ^ : " : z : z j


» i i L F -I d f c E i y K ;"II' ' ■ - -r— "• ’ ■

D avid H a rk n e s s , One o f T lire e i 'I ; A ccused, C o n fe sse s o n A r- ' " 'j ra ig n m e n t; .O th e rs D e n y . t

Iiii'l Hftviil Itftthum, IS. nnn nt three j I m-'ii tal;.-!! fa rusloily by deputy dher- ,

r„r|iffi IVniltiy afternoiin In .MeMnllln

. nr. here, i fiu .nrralKniui'nt lu prob.itn. ".'onrl hen- HalnriLiv ariernoon, plendi-i ‘(.•nilly In ;;ranil larr.'iiv .'linruo of Ih.'/l " I 'fa l'or.l tuiidster owned Iiv F. ,M, niiihlnrh, anil taken rniin Ibo alreelnear ijie I'renbylerian i linn-b here Innt n

_ Weilne.day ev.-nlii '. Fiinl* ./onnini;- 1' - li.n d - Ilay II.—.!ennin[ri,--lirntllPriir”Wl‘r Ti ■ |«t're raiiltifeil »vltli liarkneaa, ontereil

l]>le:ia of nut |:ilillv to the *.... . ehargo.^ llarUniM w,i* 1,v .Iiiii>;e .1. 1,. lli>d|-ln ai

held In Ihe nellnn of the dii.trl.'l r.nirt, leFniiia and IIjv J. iinlnun were ndinitled •<

, tl, bnn<l> In the ...... ..f .'aeli pend-111 |liiir. prilinduary-tii>nriii|{ lo -i>»-livid -

|Mi>nday, .......I Imd nnt been f«rnlsliei| IIr-} Ul.' H;iliiii\;,y rvniiii^. I'

'Hie ear In the Ihefi of wlili-h Hark- al• - nr»i n'lrMiH.Mi h.. Im.l t, I....... hnd b.-en ti;

di..e|iib|,.,l nnd i w r i r i f i f wire found ►.•allei.'il owr .the prenilie.i iibunt nilI.biindi.ii.il ra'm'irhniiae'iii-a'r'wliore the ol

I three nil'll wete ciipliired. Tlio aevernl <il‘ *li;.fin m ’rbf,;]it.hi.>iiuiiiiiit' m mi iiiim- it

mobile repair ahnp where it w;i* atnteil eiic-TMKirmtitiTic-TiniirTnr-woTiTn-rcTiuirf •“lU fonr ilay.H,

I The liiree aern-ied ..... . were enptifrfd il:twhen 111.' ili'piltv aherlffa, nrriinipnnl^d iii'

■'* iiv iwii of the illrri tor««f tliP l’lea*;iii\ da!ii; Valley »cW l iiUlricl.in.fli.’;iri;ll v i j'.Tr Jliat aoni aiupeiied of tliefi of e.ial from er - biii.-..f-tlui.l-ita*aul-.Vailfy-in:liOul..Ihu uiJ

111 rnneh hon.ie where Ihe ofheer* ilifcnv- d-ji'red nmi aelred'n nuicui.'hino ntill nnd m <)itaniily nf ila produet, nml then rnnie

till- iliiv,' iiw i.iu tin- net o l iJl*. “ ;ir manllini; the iiil««ink’ rar.


Thn Ilei-. Kimor 1*. l^oac, ovnnffellit,1:1 to rondufl n aerie* of revivni acr-vipeao]..... Kuniiay next in Ihc Melh-odiat i:plai'onal church hcro. Hu Is lo bo "• n»ai-Ie,l by Sira, I.no,e,

. ^Ir. I.oo«p^l•erelnfor|f' llaiTeoii.irieli'd ■.iinihir-...rvlei-. nl Klnib..rly_uml-Uuhl.- lie ia .•nj.Mni'd at tho preaeti timo in

. enndnefliiK n "Prlfa of aorvlroi nt Mnijl- iJ. " ‘"’"'"•-•ii'lit-ia.apcctciHO-ar.-i"■ nrr-hcrc-Hntiirdnj-'nar------------------ —11! , - ^ ■ I .

.V ,.rxruf,x.jTi w i - i i i i —iiiii ~ ~

u j __

y f l r a '

!i ' " I '

r r “ SS3 ~ ff'*■' I p i Bb ' ff H i s l gi*j n j M H - ' H y B H

----—ReUaMiApiTwo-piecc tuxedoes; full fli!

’ -_ji:z.wJilt£:pIquajiaBh-^^

“ i **B1ack corded silk vcata.......■ | * P la i te d B tiff-b o B o m c d d r o s s F - H c itiU U K b o a o m a l-

. P la i te d s i lk -b o s o m e d e^ilrta . . P la in b la c k Bilk s c o rf a . . . . . . . . .

• Knittcd-blaclrand. white siiBlack Hoijiburs .fe l ts .... ...

■ ------Black~patcat^qn}p8.'.:.~':.~n:. — .. Black patent leather-dancin: • • ' niinot-nyiTssw?!,



^ B - H E ^ X I E STo Vitlt la BoatUo—ilr«. M. C;

. I* lo l.'nv,« (oday nn ii viait' to Ht- '■T ntllc.

. MakM Trip lo Bnpert—A.-Wil'lnrdMn - ' Wfia a pniienK>rnoTIIiprrr~J?atiirilay'

uiorniiiK oii binlne-n.

On Trip to L.^arllndo-ril•nrJ:.* Hailey ‘Ce left Halunlny ev.'niniron ii foie d.ny*’

bii»iiir>a trip lo I.a (Jrnnde, OreKmi.

Loavet for MlMOiirl—Mr*.' Ile**io Rennrii Irfi ftalu'rday rrtunilnK to Woodvilli', .Miaiuiitl, nfler a vl»il hero.

. To AlMnd Kormal 8chool-i-Mli.il Opal I.owi! lift HJitilrdny morninK fur Albion

"'f' whore ahe will littend the atalo nnriual. llln —- ,

utn "'‘fill P"'iuty nccut. k'ft SJaturday iuoru.- led tnr Ilid*o to attpml the alato aoed'

ahow. . . ••M,.......... . . . . . .I'ei On Builnow Trip—Tvan 0 . I.hipotn liat nnd J, Vl. Wilt were paiiaenj;eri tn Hur- ‘ '‘■’1 -IfiiaU !hu Tleai trip.eil i .« - ■ 'I.V. Her# for Vlalt—.\Ira. K. F. Gardner;ln and chlldrc'n of Hall l.ak.-, nro viaitlntfrl. hor |iiirent*. Mr. and .Mr*. M. F. Uur-ed xin, M:'i Mnin nvenne I'lial. rid- « — ■ (».< -To-V I»it-8on at Sciiool-M n., A; Ir; .’eil Iliui^htellu left Katnrdny niornlni; for t

i’oenli'llii lo v'laU her aon, .lohn, whn i*J I'k- allendiiiK the Idaho Teehnical ln*I|. :on tntr. ...... ............. ...nd tlan ...Vl»IUDZ.PMealfc-lLirtiiJUL-i:«»k,,hV-he of l.inedltt, Nebraaka, employed in nu •ill nfflelai enpaeily in a rnllw;iy ayatj-ni,

eil enl*, Mr, an<| Mra. I<ennedv I’nrkard.r f ----------------------— . ' ---------------------

Bocovorlnff Prom OporaUon—II. K.rd liarlier of tho llnrber .Shoe poiu]iany,Jll iii'eordinn tn word rereivecl here Hiitur- 1i\ day,, ia eonvnleartnt at u‘ hb>]dtnl nt ■rr M ini^nl;i, following an op. im ernlion fnr iioriila In wliTrh liK aiib- Im BiillLii teii.dayii nijo ;it the .Mnyu lnolli- rit e u ' riiiih-:---------------------------- ”V- »■--Inl LC.1T0 n o s p lta l-I ’ntlent* diaeh.iri'Cd


A Better MonthlyIt, . Lower.Hate.,.BflUor.Prtpaymeiit Pr

Stoek to Bny. Wrlto us, or call ani [,(, Thia loan can bo repaid, a t option of

, .._yoarB,.wlth.no.boau3, or ft<lTRii«o_latiI'd.1.- ___________________________

i” Arthur L. Si,r.-i _____- ................................... ....... .. .

Reliable] Fon Informa

I---- "Either-whitc-or-biack-vests-ariDoiiMc-breaHtctl wnslt mnlcrial •

— white. — --------------\ BiittorOv ho^v tif-'i ivith.. b a t- proper tuxedo neck dre.ss. Ahvji swallowtail coat and always a-v

^ ^ f i i c k patent'leather-dttndii> althou«h. pumps arc again becc

I with dress clothes.I ' Soft black IIortiMrff“’hatH ar ] clothes. Don’t wear derbies or I are worn much at fashionablt I clothes. Straw hata arc always

PROPER t ______ I DRESS^ - T t p p y n t E t ^ ^ --------p FOR A l l ^ "7~ I — — 0 O U S / O A I S - --------- ---

pparelII B ilk l in e d ......................... . . _ $ ® 0 .0 0 _

s;.'aop,bIe-brcast,cd........— .•.-.lO.’Oft-:"i. f l in g lc -b re a s te d .. . . ; ....... .*.... t O . 0 0

8.00. ~Iross shirta................3 .00

) l r t3 ............................" ; Z ” 6.50........ 4 .00 -

tc 8ilk-mufflera.-.T.-..i-;.-r:TT:r.:— B.00—................. _ 8 .B 0 - .— — - T 3 0 - -inCfng-flhOW:t™;™.:.;T;r.-r.-7:---9 .0 0 —-^d;3la5Q£3asfetiora..^...

P A ^ " i r " ^


Records Put Discoiint Oii FeeUng oTGhill

ftrir - \rorocart for today—Unsettled;

_ _ probably rain. . ' . ~ 1

inn • •' TIlimMily in 'tliP fltTnn pti-;; Ltof” W . rm«<lcU niinfolLHauirdav uvcuJutf, -

Imi-ntled lo weather coud'itlonid^ir- inif thc d.iy .afeclln(f o f ehill llLil

ley wn*. not wnrtanted by offifini read- y s ’ iufja of tho thorinoinolor Ihut iihoA-

pd nicrrnry’* rno(,’o nbout the nniiiV - - • n* fnr tlip •prei'udllli.' diiv TTij.li' . Iq 'm urk for th.'-d;iy wan reeiiriled all to ‘l<'KroM-iihovr, wl^ich wns a de-\

To. '■'I"" de;;rco ,n» conipnred ;wllh Friday'* ninxlnniAi, with hiw '

. nt .11 above for bnth dava. Mo.i- f '. .,*nrcnii'iit III the Kovornmoiit weath-

' er obierver ’* alalion bore ahoived 4 ■iiiediumlre-illh* of an in'rh of pro-

.lay .e.vcninff.

i*ed'Patnfday from tho eoiJulJ-lioneral htii-

, pltal Im-lnded Triimnn (Iliuk, 1.1, aim of rmiik riark nf Tiler, who undor«enV

lan 0|K’atli0n for nppendleltin five week* ijl. “HUf -'I'''- .MfrPil Fetor* Jiiu| b;iby toll,

2 0 .Tafkaon itreet; 0.- I;. I’iipo of Klin- herly. ■

',1 BIO SUM IN DIVIDENDB.- • ’ar- ApproJimnlely 1000 local people wilt

receive ilivlilend choek* on Idaho I’oifj'C f per cent preferred *topk February*!,-

•Ir-.- .Mnrp-than-fiiii.mtif Trill lie ilintriiintcd lh ■or thla, Iho Ihirty-third coiifli-cutivo cpiar- i*; terh- dividend,

ti- U’i 0 ^ttdte tneal for a dime ,

IJy Payment Loan; PrirU es? Uum. any other and Mo 1 and dlicuH tb ls loan pU n v l th di. n o f borrower, a t ony' tim e a fte r two i_lateresJ,..or cost of tin^ k ind tp .tbo itflwer. '

Swim & Co.

rmal W^ar lation —r a r e - p r o p e r - w i t h - tu x e < lo e . s . - - ^ - ^ ia l vcstiJ- a r e p ro fe ra b l(3 i n —

ih v a y s w e a r w h ite t i e w i th a - w h l te - w a i f l t c o a t .— ;--------------------

c in K ^ h o e 3 ._ n r o .a p p ro v c d j b e c o m in g p r o p e r f o o tw e a r

1 a r e c o r r e c t . w i t h d in n e r o r c o lo re d f e l t l ' T o p h a t a a b le c e n t e r s w i th d in n e r a y s 0 . K . . . _

FS^flBnnrr^r r ' rrI • r a S f f i i f f 'V / /I w M jg E^ ] I y / / f f i a ,

I e J / .jdwStM* ~ _ r ............

— *i~i

7-"' ^

U A R Y 1 , ~ 1 9 2 5 : ~ ^ - ' : :

5 | t OHLORimS-tlAS TBBATMiafT ro r coldj^ broncUtli. larynj-

itll, con ru and similar allmenta. d; n o t n or Utatnent, 0:30 a. d . ____ _«Ld_Gj?-.Bl.j P ~ i w a r F A iia r o u k i o —

If.- .....................................................................ir . • - • ■ I •i- -ft^^Oood:^1-VI' %BuyYc■o- f r o m fl c jg a / r w h C A N R K N

y o u n r c c n t i l l c i l to . Se llinK a '1 o f o u r blhtii- .

I J^^tsaiua r c o u r m f t |n .^ource o f incom t nc.HH m a k e s '( t 'p o . s s l b l c to cm U G H L Y t r a i n e d in F o r d m e

1; ," P E N D o n th e ^ B E S T S E R V I5-‘i - .........._ y 9 V b iiy _ y o u rii;ln •,--------------- ; ............... ' •

= ' UM QN-M'— . ............ .........."Bervtii


i T r " D E U E O I■ - ->Pwia-jF«lL<»,-HIdiil»;------------------ -------

1 /

1 ^ k = S ¥ i U a r d 1

T -—ror e v e r y ;“ W ccon fit you out#dth 0 bra__ tery and hove it in your ear in I“ __.............. . JTucaded-R ubto-ot -WooJ

wtiictiever you prefer. Wc luige Rubber. It makes the battery li

**Tbe t»M fo rta t to (til you lh*l

ELECTRICiSER'. . ................... .......... OEOROE 0 , WAI

_ ____ ____ _______________i-».l_3gsond^- P h w

“ Twin Fall5’ LEAD13

When Your j" w n w 'y oM ' w m m y m i u u»Oup wny lo find nnt jji'nj;rally J'n

to elirnir.nit, liin 'iii tlir hood and 1 Oft. n y.in_ discover aimip Irtilihle-

bru({inir.'■i'ur cnr to na for nn'inipi



r C A S E V -

M O T O R ^ § PB0NB^4B5 S T A T

, , Opp oalU -B w -E ntn

" l | • I.

• •:| ~ r~V ic(6i^f= --------- 'r j a | v-HyKM--------------------


------------------: ;|i f e <»Tg»“T U S t« U . i ! M « i

• - — - j g - Stwmfc

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