Lending procedures and the viability-social objectives conflict in credit unions Deborah Ralston Faculty of Business, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia April Wright Faculty of Business, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia Introduction Attracting and retaining profitable customers, and increasing revenue from those customers, is a priority of the managers of all firms in today's globalised marketplace. It is particularly important in the highly competitive retail financial services market in Australia, where the core business of banking continues to be ``the profitable management of risk'' Hogan et al., 2001, p. 258). For banks and other shareholder-owned financial services firms, risk management is consistent with their profit-maximising objective and is evidenced by the focus of the four major Australian banks on providing tailored home and personal loan packages to profitable low-risk customers. For non-profit mutual organisations such as credit unions, the appropriate risk management strategy is more nebulous. On the one hand, credit union managers need to reduce the risk of loan default because the institution's financial viability is weakened by the loss of principal and interest, the cost of carry, and the opportunity cost of management time taken to recover capital at risk Eales and Bosworth, 1998). Yet, on the other hand, credit unions operate under the objective of maximising benefits to members, which includes the social role of providing loans to help members achieve their standard of living goals. This social role can conflict with financial viability if it means credit union managers become less stringent in the application of sound lending practices to assess and monitor the credit risk of member borrowers. The viability-social role conflict in credit unions has been heightened by competition in the Australian consumer lending market, which is ``polarising borrowers into good, marginal or bad prospects'' Higgins, 1999, p. 8). Categorisation depends on the lender's assessment of the risk of default, which is typically based on the borrower's income, employment and credit history at the time of loan application. The proportion of households belonging to the marginal risk category is growing Higgins, 1999), as is membership of Australian credit unions. In the year to June 1999, credit union membership increased to 3.5 million members with loans outstanding rising 11 per cent to $16.4 billion. Given that only credit union members can be borrowing customers and that credit unions play a social role, membership of a credit union may increase the availability of consumer loans to marginal and high-risk borrowers. In turn, the level of consumer bankruptcies in Australia increased by more than 350 per cent over the decade to 1998-1999 despite an expansionary economy and record low interest rates Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia, 1998). Academic research suggests that the increasing availability of consumer credit to traditionally rejected households is a major influence on rising consumer bankruptcies in developed countries Ziegel, 1997; Getter, 1996; Sullivan and Drecnik Worden, 1991). The combination of more high-risk borrowers and more bankruptcies is a warning for Australian credit union managers not to allow their social role to override sound lending practice. Sound lending practice has three key elements: 1 the systematic identification of the risk of individual loan applicants; 2 the adjustment of lending conditions to compensate for this risk prior to loan approval; and 3 the implementation of timely arrears procedures when payments are missed. The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregister The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0265-2323.htm [ 304 ] International Journal of Bank Marketing 21/6/7 [2003] 304-311 # MCB UP Limited [ISSN 0265-2323] [DOI 10.1108/02652320310498456] Keywords Credit, Credit unions, Lending services, Personal finance, Bankruptcy, Australia Abstract Sound lending procedures in retail financial institutions involve identifying high-risk applicants, modifying loan conditions such as security requirements, and monitoring repayments post-loan approval. For managers of credit unions, this procedure is complicated by the need to achieve balance between the institution's social objective of improving loan accessibility so members can attain lifestyle goals and the possibility of reducing the institution's viability through loan default. The results of our survey of Australian credit unions, in which 70 per cent of respondents reported experiencing some bankruptcy-related default on personal loans, indicate managers do not impose more stringent lending conditions on high-risk borrowers. However, social and viability objectives could be better balanced through careful loan monitoring and timely arrears practices.

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