$8,000,000 h. j. heinz company -...

iH PUBLIC $8,000,000 H. J. Heinz Company (Malreri of "57 Varieties" of Foed Product) Ten-Ye- ar 7 Geld Notes Dated December 1. 1920 Due December!, 1930 Interest payable June lit and December lit. Coapenptes In Interchangeable Denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100, Rcglsterable as te Principal only Redeemable at the office of the Trustee In Ney? Yerk, In whole or In part, en any Interest date en thirty days' previous notice ; at 105 and Interest, en or before December 1, 1921 ; at 104& and Interest after December 1, 1921 and en or before December 1, 1922; at 104 and Intcrcstaftcr December 1,1922 and en orbeferc December 1,1923; at 103J and Intercstaftcr December 1, 1923 and en or before December 1,1924; at 103 and Interest after Dec- ember 1, 1924 and en or before December 1, 1925 ; at 102& and Interest after December 1, 1925 and en or before December 1, 1926; at 102 and Interest after December 1, 1926 and en or before December 1, 1927 ; at 101J4 and Interest after December 1, 1927 and en or before December 1, 1928 ; at 101 and Interest after December 1,1928 and en or before December 1, 1929; at 100& en June 1, 1930 Interest payable without deduction of normal Federal Income Tax net In excess of 2f. FREE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA FOUR MILL TAX PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN NEW YORK AT THE OFFICE OF THE GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE Further information in regard te this issue of Notes is given in a letter of Mr. Hetvard Heinz, President of the Company, from which sunimarize as follews: These Notes are the direct obligations of H. J. Heinz Company and constitute the only funded debt of the Company, ex- cept a real estate mortgage of $83,333.34. The proceeds of the sale of these Notes will be applied te the payment of Notes and te provide additional werk-n- g capital. Sales of the Company since May 2 1920, show an increase of twenty-tw- o per cent ever last year. The books show net earnings available for interest charges, before providing for Federal taxes, for the four years ended April 30, 1920, averaged $2,865,323, or mere than five times the annual interest charge en these Notes, which amounts te $560,000, and average net earnings, after providing for Federal taxes for, the four years ended- - April 30, 1920, amount- ing te $2,344,643. The Trust indenture under which these Notes will be issued will provide in sub- stance, among ether covenants, that se long as any of these Notes are eutstand We offer when, as, and us, te sale te that or ready for or 1920. All with this will be by r and efjfew GOLDMAN, E.NAUMBURG&CO. New New New PITTSBURGH guarantee but they are Ulcen which believe be accurate All above Notes sold this as a I JESffiTSBSaffl rll Hi! I m I v! A Safeguard A man's Investments nre hts nncherace, hla and hts H nope rer the luture. All the mere be when he knows that his eecurltlee were for him by special- ists whose first Interest Is the of condlUens behind bend Issues. BATTLES Investment BanherM Eetahliahed 18U0 Independence Square (Kant) wxmmemamm & FUEL CO Bend Secured, Convertible Fund 6ft Notes, due 1924 earning: ever $00,000,000. Appllcabll earnings ever times Interest ehnrxe. Interest Payable Monthly or is y Inveater MMMdy'sAnalys!a"RaiesTlieseNetesuA" 10 Particular en reqaeit Martin & Ce. 1411 WalnutSt. Ul i American Gas Gs, 2016 I Gas 5s, 1949 Mary Ceal 5s, Oct., 1939 Phlla. Sub. Gas & 5s, 1960 Luzerne Ce. Gas & Elec. 5s, 1948 BAUER, STARR & GO. INVKHTMRNT SECimiTIES lnd Title Ilulldlng. I Mew Yerk Offlce. 115 llreudtvar I Dlreet Private Telephone Offices Indiana, Columbia ft Eaat:rn True, St. 1020 Anerltan Itead Machinery Ce., e, ISStt llenur Gu A Eleclrle Ce. Gen... Si, 1010 Cannectle.ut A .H. 1DB1 rerllind Hallway Lighting Ce,.,0f. laj? (laa & Electric... B. 1080 "'f.elf Ctra'BaUreat Equip,, ...fg.Htrlal . KL PHILLIPS Mr CO. '- - ' ' ... ; ."' II "i fw uwenuM ,7vr m'Mmmw mimj ' KW'. ). - if ' ' we ing, neither the nor any sub- sidiary will mortgage any of its real or personal property, but nothing herein contained prevent the Company from purchasing property subject te a mortgage, or from creating purchase-mone- y mortgage te the extent of 755S of the fair value of the property purchased, or by. the or any subsidiary company as security for leans made to it or them, or any of them, in the regular and current conduct of their respective business, of any accounts re- ceivable or ether liquid assets, or any stocks, bends, or ether securities owned by them, ether than shares of stocks of any subsidiary company. It also that the Company will at all times maintain its cash and quick assets in a sum equal te at least one and one-ha- lf times the aggregate amount of its liabilities and indebtedness, secured or unsecured, including the face amount of all of these Notes at time outstanding. these Notes If Issued and received by subject prier 94 and Interest Yield About lb is expected temporary notes interim-receipt- s will "be delivery en about December 7, legal matters in connection issue approved Sullivan Cromwell Hawkins, Delafleld $ Longfellow Yerk. SACHS GO. LEHMAN BROTHERS Yerk Yerk Yerk THE'UNION TRUST COMPANY OF Pittsburgh,' Pa. WWoBet the statements and figures .presented herein, from Sources we te the haying been advertisement appears matter of record only r- - safety purchased analysis 8 COMPANY EMPIRE GAS Sinking llmi 10 Semi- annually Deslred Yield Over rbUudelplda Wilmlnuten Pcnn EIcc. I'hlladelphln bet, Railway Lighting;, .A (VMen., Hallway SAMUEL Mil J Company shall pledging Company provides any Erne We ReeM Mtaaa? The markets have gene .down, down, down I Com- modities prices have drop- ped 20 per cent en the aver- age; in many cases from 50 per cent te 70 per cent! Have we hit the bottom? Will the next move be up- ward? Or is there an even bigger drop ahead? Bafesarcs; . Reports Babson's Barometer Letter Just Issued gives you the plain unbiased facts en the present situation, and forecasts coming conditions with remarkable accuracy. It contains information of vital importance te every manufacturer, wholesaler, jobber, retailer and merchant. Repert en Request Copies of this Barometer Letter are available for distribution te Interested executives, gratis. Tear out the Meme wote and hand it te your secretary when! I you dictate tne morning a man. Mersfy ask for Bulletin 34YT Tim Rnficnn Staffer faalflrftanizatien Wallatlay llllla.02, Bosten, Mill. I in Iks World .......... TEAR OFF HERE- .- M. Fer 'four FJLOIW Secretary Write The Babson statistical Or. ganizatien, Reger W. Babson, Presi- dent, Wellesley Hills, 82, Bosten, Mass., as follews: Please sen'' " ropy of Special Bulletin Ne. 34YT and boeklet,"HcraMi' Net rrejitt". n"jrfcAaVcwaV Ripen? Si lA ,Mtl K'mmmaemmtsmmmmswmsmstttewmswtsesMtwsmtsVetMmsvtmmtesmMmsmmmmmmmtmwes BOND SALESMAN' OK foewWruiiW. CAI.U lasim TO. bteck sac- - mr?iTST 'olio 018 CJIANOB nvxtx " EVENING bv ns la and te the approval of counsel, at: VAfe -- j1 . I Hew Te Trade In The Market and ether rules and methods of interest te traders are given in our free booklet, "The Investors and Traders Guide." It tells: The General Rules of Trading. Hew to Give a Breker Instructions. Breker's Commission Charges. Hew te Indorse a Stock Certificate. ' Hew to Use Collateral In Trading. I Hew te Greup Invest- ments. The Deposit Require- ments for Carrying Stocks en Account. The Rights of Stock and Bend Helders, etc. Written in simple lan- guage and easy examples given. Ne obligation. Edition Limited. Call, phone or write at once. Ask for Ne. TU-99- 7 JONES & BAKER Specialists In New Yerk Curb Market Securities WidcnerBldg.,Philadclphia Phenes, Bell, Locust 4780 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices in 8 Principal Cities Direct Private Wires Tax Exempt in Penna. BELL TELEPHONE CO. of PENNA. 25-Ye- ar First and Refunding Mortgage 7s Particulars en Application A. B. Leach & Ce., Inc. Investment Securities 11B Seuth Fourth St. Hrlt 1ftnnf eWr Mt Ws,.L,. ., ,ACri - LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY-- , NOVEMBER 19, 1920 PLAN UNION BANKS IN'OPMOP'WAR : i Richle, Fedoratlen Official, Says Laber Will Combat Cam- paign Am of Employers RADICALS BEING OUSTED Laber will hnve Its own bnnklnR sys-ter- n in Pennsylvania In the near future, A nocercHnic te announcement today by Jeseph M. Richie, rcildcnt vice presi-- . A dent of the American Federation of Laber. Hntnhllshmrnt of tlie werklne men's bnnk. he snld, will be labor's reply te Jhn "ntim Hhnn pnmnnlffn." The entire nlnn In being worked out a committee of the Central Laber Union In this city. "Laber Is belne forced te line up rer the fight nRslnBt the Interests that ire trying te destroy the labor union move- ment At of the country," Mr. Richle said. "Capital is trylnc te break our ranks nnd we are Retting ready for the fracas. Laber unions throughout the city are conducting membership campaign nnd ere utilizing the open-sho- p propaganda n mrans of showing the werklngmcn lm thnlr lntKrlntn llfl in tlld Unions. new that canltel has aligned itself npcn'v against them. "One of the methods that Is being employed te break the ranks of the union men Is that of discharging men and rehiring them n week later at lower salaries. But nil of this campaigning against the unions Is merely proving au aid te the unions In their organization work, "Shortly we will start the banks for the union men. The werklngmcn Instead of taking his d savings, nnd In the aggregate they nre enormous, te the bonks that are help- ing the open-sho- p campaign, will D his funds In n bank run by men whose Interests nre Idcntlcnl with his. The money will net be used te provide O for the wnrfare that Ib being made upon fhn trmln llnlnnm. "All along we have tried te go along with capital, but this last camnei fllmnlv 11a (ntn thf enpn. Mr. Richie also said that a sharp lookout from thr beginning had been maintained ever the Philadelphia unions te prevent radicals "boring within. Approximately 100 men were expelled from the ranks of the unions, he said. In the furtherance of the nntl-radlc- al policy, In some cases, he said, the radicals were merely the agents of manufacturers seeking te destroy the value of the unions by causing dissen sien. Lately the radicals had appar- ently rccegnl7cd the futility of attcmet-in- g any campaign te get control of the unions. LONDON 8TOCK MARKET Trade Listless Oils Quiet Home Ralls Steady Greek Issues Nervous Iendnn, Nev. 19. A mera stable un- dertone was noted en the stock exchange tedny, due te nn absence of further local and continental liquidation and the thor- ough slump in prices for commodities. Trading was listless with the usual week-en- d conditions In evidence. Oils failed te rally and were quiet Shell Transport was 64 and Mexican Engle, 11. Gre'k Issues were nervous, following the downfall of Venlzeles. Dellar descriptions were maintained. Argcntlne rails were Irregular. Heme rails were steady, Dut enanges were smnll. The gilt-edg- e section was flabby. For- eign leans were checkered. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Texas Ce., quarterly of 3 per cent, paa-bl- e December SI te stock of record Decern- - b- -r 10 Qalene, Signal Oil Ce., quarterly et 2 pet cent en preferred, payabln December SI te stock of record November .10. Unl'ed Stnt-- s IndualrlAl Alcohol Ce., qinr terly of S per cent en common, payable De 15 te stock of record November SO United I'aporbeard. a dividend of 2 pei nt In cesh and 10 per cent In stock or common payable January 10 te stock of -- .uTera December BU. I'recer & CJtimbln Ce., quarterly of 1 per cent en prererrea i per heck, pnya-- I ble December 15 te stock of record Novem ber J4. Chesbrough Mrr.ufacturlns; Ce.. quarterly of nV4 per cent en common ami 1.75 or preferred, both payable December HO te stock of record December 14. Ubby, McNeill & I.lbby, semiannual of b per cent, payable January 31 te stock o .ecerd December 10. Hecklne Valley Hallway, semiannual of '. per cent, payable, December 81 te stock of record December 10. Truncen Steel Ce., nunrterlv of li pi cent en preferred, payable January 1 ti lecic ei record December 20. British Object te Imports of Tire? Washington, Nev. 19 Sharp pretest have been entered In the British Heus of Commens against the continued Im portatlen of large quantities of Amerl can manufactured automobile tires f Great Britain, In the face of vlrtua. stagnation In the English rubber Indus ry, according te advices te the Depart ment of Commerce A member de manded of the Beard of Trade lnfermn tlen as te what action had been takei In the mutter, adding thatt heusands ei British rubber workers had been dls charged nnd were new swelling thi ranks of the unemployed, although 90 000 American tires worn Imported dur Ing September alone. The situation, II continued, would destroy the British tire Industry, It was declared. The Beard of Trade's reply was that the whole question was being Investigated, the dis patches eaiu. Ne Cut In Wages at Youngstown Vonncstewn, O,, Nev, 19. In a stnt ment today te empleyes of the Youngs town Sheet and Tube Ce , the larKP 'ndependent steel company In the Youngstown district, Jnmes A Cam bell, president, said: "It Is net llkcl hpre will be u general reduction e wages for some time." The statemer centinued: "But there surely will ! Inter en net, however, until the cost of living has been still rurther reduced Sugar Buyers Still Hesitate New Yerk, Nev. 19. The raw uugnr market continues quiet and about steady at 6 25 cents, cost and freight, for Cu-ba- s, equal te 0.26 cents, duty paid, and fu y duty sugars at BVi cents, c. l f. equal te 6.20 cents, duty paid Buyers continue te snow nesnntien. rnore were no sales of raws yesterday ether than thee reported hy this eureau Imperta' tlens yesterday Included 19,900 bags I'irus ie me warncr 1.0. nna uaue Lag l'erus te the National Ce. The local rer.ned market la uncnanged. Prices Improve en Paris Bourse Terls, Nev, 19, Prices Improved en tne ueurse teaay, Tnree per cent rentes B5fr 20e: exchange en Londen. 57fr 90e B pcr cent lean 'Ifr 20c. The dollar was quetcu at mir inc. RAILROAD EARNINGS CANADIAN NATIONAL IIAILWATS 1020 Incream' Second week Nev.... J2.SH0SM HS0 .1 Frem January 1 02,109, Oni) 11,017,04' Stock Salesmen Hera Is Something Interesting Fer Yeu It you can really sell atecks. If you j re tnursetle and ambitious. If you want te Ucems connected with a if,. Airs, aubstantlal company that leeks ifter Its salesmen, and works with tbtm. here Is your ippertunltv te de se, Attractive leads which premise very Mibstantlal financial returns ar walUni for you te clnss Writ for Ian ,Jn,'rTlw. 1 A-1- 35 Ledgw Oflrknt tXM,eaiL .,LA New Yerk Bends Merinc 0,., ether of ? that com- - 8AUC8 t 0001 Am Cot Oil B. Dl A IIul 4H N T Tele 4 Vis 1 TO 1 03 4 75M Amtr Bmnlt'a Del A Hud 7i 0 70Y, A ' B 1.... 101 4 75 Vi 2..... 764 Dtn A R (I M M r Tsta'a Os 8..... 76 H 2 4SU 2 SOU Am T 1 cit Dtn A ft a 4i Norfolk 8' tun 1 7BH 10 04 ev JW 2..... m Dct Tun'l 4 4s 2 43 1 77 N'k A W cv ea 1 70M D Can Sa '21 10.... 102 I t T 11 08S 1.... 101 V4 1 TDW D Can BH '21 N- -n Paeine as 1 70 10 DT 1 SO Am T T 01 0 07H 1 SO 3 OS 7 07 H 2 70 U e,... OS D Canada '20 Orea- - A Cal 3 1 en 2 01 9 RS 4 OS 4 00' 0. .. 88 7i 2..... OS D Canada '20 2 88 U 9 Oft 4 01 VI Orecen B I. Os 1 03 1 01H l 08 T 9 T n) 1 01 Vi rae Q E 6s 2 G0U V Canada 'SI 1 78 T A 8 Fe 4f 1 01 Pae H of 11 4a 1 70 Vk 4 DO". 2 70 1 70 Erie Gnl Men Penna II 11 6s (1 70 S3 44H T 00 Ateh Tepe'a 4 2 43 Penna rt II 7a 8 l'"e cv 4s 1 44 i 104 tt IS 07tt Erle nit cv D 104 W 1 08 1 48 2.... 104 Armour t Ce 1..... 47 2.... 104 Vi n Eit 4H 1 4T 2.... 104 Vi 1 7R Qen'l Elect Ds l...; 104 V 2 75 7 83 4.... 104 Vi 1 7SU 2 85 0 104 Ceait ! ell Oene'l Clee Oi Pere Marqi 4s i 4 72 2 .... U8U 3 03'.4 ' Dalt A Ohie ct Oevs't Frcncli Phil county 5s 12 70 np reti neidini-n- , 2 0 1. 100 4 70 2... 100 Vi 1 88 Dalt A O SVia 0... 1004 Rie O ft W 4s 3 82 4... 100 1 00 Vi Ualt & Ohie 4 4... 100 V4 'rtecK Isld Ark 0 08 H 1... 100H ft La 4Hs 3 0S n... 100 1 05i 10 OBV. l... 10014 1 OSVi Dalt A Ohie fti 0... 100 s Ban Antenla ft 1 00 H 0... 100 'n ,a p nr 4s 8 60 B... 100 '4 4 01 10 08 2... 100 l 01 1 08S 4... 100 8t Leuis 3 Dalt & Ohie Oi a... 100 Fran al 8.. 00 3... 100 1 03 Vi 8,. 00 Vi 3... 100 V4 S 03 2.. IMl'l 1... 10'1 1 03 2.. OOH 5. 100 2 03 8.. no'; O Swltz'd rets C 03 10.. 00i 0.... 102H 7 03 Vi a e r l. Great North" n 1 03 A W Va 4s niy lata 10 03 1 05 1 80 2 03 Vi 1 05V1 Hud ft Man fd 0. ,. 03 A O S Wn 1 00VI 7 S3 8V4s 1 00, Bt Leuis ft fl 1 77 Hud ft Man In Pran In Tsl 7s rets 10 31j 0 40 R.. 101H 10 S3 5 481 a.. lOtU 1 21 Vi i 40 2.. 101Vi ie... . 2: 4 40 1.. 101 III Cen'l 4s 'B2 404 10.. 101VI 1 .... 71 i 10 40V4 2.. 101 't III Cen'l 4s 'B1 2.. i.. 40H 10. 101it 1 0Vi 4 401 Deth Steel fd 3 0SV. 0 411 Vi 1 77V4 Ill Cent'l ft'4s 4 40 Vi Drkyn It T Bs 4 00 10 40 3 85 III O 8tt. A N SI L ft S Pran nrkyn R T 7 O Jt DdK Bj Series A 6 43 fl... . 84 3.... 00 Vi Ctl Fdy Ce 01 Ills Steel 4Vi 2.... 00 VI 1 70 1 78 1.... oe Ct'l et da en Intb'e M 4H fl.... oe v 10 80 .1 20 3.... en VI Ct't of ea On fl 10 2.... 004 S SSH lntbore It T f d 1.... cev. Cent'l Tac 1st B2V4 1.... oe 1 72V1 B2H Bt L ft S F-- an Ch-- A O 4Vi 82 H Series D 4 74i 10... B2V4 .4 74 C ft O cv 4 Vis BO... B3 Bt Leuis ft Se 1 78, 1... B24 West'n en 1 78'4 fl... B2U 1 02 1 78 10... B2VI 8 024 4 73 BO... B2Vi 1 24 "k O cv 8 4... B2 4 024 13 83 H 1... B2 6t Leuis ft Se 4.. 83 Vi 0. B2 wsst'n 1st a.. 84 1 M Marine Os 4 00i s.. .831i 80 4 001 10.. 84 80 St Leuis ft Se 2;. 84 H 80 Bs 10.. 84 80 2 014 in.. 84 7D Seab'd A 1, al 80.. 84 80 1 374 40.. 84 -- OK 2 874 R.. 84 10 80 Ernb'd A T. fd C ft Alten SVi Iowa Cent'l 4s 1 42 1 34 Vi S 42Vi S'n l'aclfle fd 1 83 1 42 B T44 Chicago D'n ft Jap Oeve't 1st 1 744 lulney 4s l 74; 1 744 B 00i 2.... 74 V, B 744 1.. 80V4 Jap Oevs't B'n Pae cv 4s 10.. 00V, 1 71 10 70H .1.. nni 7 74 8 704 1.. oe v Jap Oeve't 4s. 1 70Vi 1.. 01 Vi 1 67': 4 704 1.. oe Vi IB B7i S'n Pae cv Bs Chi ft Erie 1st 10 B7S 10.... 100". 1 70Vi 100 87 1.... 110 1 70 4 B7i 10.... 110K Mil ft Kan C ft B 3s 23..., 1104 UP cv 4Hn 1 B3V, 3.... 1094 10 -- n 2 R3 B'n natlws 4s 10 70 Knn City TerM n oe fhlcafe Mil ft II wy 4 s in oe StP fd 4Hs 4 72 IThlrd Ave Bs 2 01 3 72 1 704 it nallw'ii s. K HelE Os '21 8 704 2 01 ! ens. "nlnn Pae " 3 01i K Dela'm 7Hs 1 80 2 em 1... . 07 B se; 5 011J 2 08 2 80U hlcaire ft Nth 2 07 Pnlnn Pac M Vesfn S1" 1 07i 1 784 2 .... nnvi 2 07Vi 2 734 Chicago ft Nth 1 117 fnlen Pae 4 Vn 5s '87 Lack Steel '23 2.... 804 3 041 1 .... 02 B.... 804 "hlcaire ft Ntb 1 02H 2.... 80 H West'n 7s L ft E Wn 1st B.... 804 1 100 it 1 80 6.... 80 Vi 2.... 102H take her M 3 804 3.... 1024 S'n 4s '2 1.... 804 4.. . 1024 1 84 1.... 804 rhl Iteck Isld Lake Ehere M V K at a llrt 4 Tae fd S'n 4s '31 ft I'd 1921 nnt 1 81'i 1 084 8... . 81i 1 OfS ent I.fhllh Vy ns 10 084 10. 0814 10 OSH no", Leuis ft Nash K et O U oe v. Btt. dv Os I'd IO"" M 2.. .. 00H 52 014 no Leu ft Nash 7 K of O P't erni 2 ... 10114 ft I'd 1020 - oe Vi1 Marlln Reck'll 1 89 CM Reck Isld Cerp'n 4 Vis 2 8Ri '. Tae 4s 2 7BV1 2 884 3 7 HUlVe Steel ft 23 88 hi U Bta 4Vi Ordln Ss K of O llrt 3 . ,. fft'i B 74V4 I'd 1017 2 TOVi 1 74-- 1 8B" II A W 1 ! 0 .... 74Vi 1 d 2 OSVi S 73 7 854 hlle Cep' n M ft BtL fd 5V ft'd Il'ds San i .... en 1 47 F unct 4' 2 nes Mln 8t PA 8 0 29 i en Ste M 4s H Mexico ie oevi B 78Vi 3.. 434 -- lie Cep' Mln Ft P'l 8 B.. ... 414 1 02V4 te Jt ait 4' 6.. ... 414 neie Q 3 87Vi B.. . ..434 K Ry Me K A T 2nd ' S rtub'r 1 1 41V4 1 30M IB.. , .. 7 0 41H Me K ft T Is 1.. ... 70 B 41i 17 nev, 11 ... 70 4 4m 3 00 d Hub 7U. 2 41V4 s... . new 1 .... 0T&1 Ity of Berne M racinc is 1.... 074 "t 8s 2 B4 I'M S Stee1 1 OR B B4H B .... 02V. 4 08 2 fll'i 0 024 City Derd'x fl 10 544 17 024 1 S3 1 514 20 02 1 82 Mnnt'a Pwr Bi, Vlralnta Mid ity of Chris 1 82 land ny em 'anln 8s 1 .... 82V4 3 8T4 2 .... ORVi Mnntr'l Tram Va nallway ft City of Cepn ways Bs Power Bs Saacn BVis i can B en 4 7B'i N Tubs Ce 8 4 00 T 7B 1 804 Wnbaih n li rty New Yerk v t c & ti n fi 8 iis 'OS it n os 3 80 IB 02 i 01 1 80 City rrls 0 i ni West'n Md 4' II .. . ihh B 004 1 55 R... . 04Vi 5 1104 1 Bfl S ... 04H 1 ne: 1 Bfl in... . fll 0 et W Pacific i"l 1 04 2 Dt 3 814 . 04". 0 no w union 4' CI'd Cln Chi ft 1 004 4 784 Si li tm ti N T C ft II n tinitrriM 2 00 nn rets 7 Mf( Ce 7, C"d Cln Chi 2.. 102 1.. 054 St Ld 4 3.. 102 1.. 05 Vi 1 7Vi a 102 7.. 05 'd Cln Chi 4 li." 103 3.. 05 it . 4 Vis 11.. 102 3,, 01 2 75 1.. 102 1.. 1)5 r-- e & S'n 1.. 102 B. 03 4 S3 N Y Chi ft St 0. 05 Cile ft 8'n I't 4s 1 03 1 71i 1 .. . 804 ". Ce Cuban CSC N Y ft Jer fl 3 81' 11 80 1 774 Wilsen Ce 1st ni Hud ev New TNII 2 R7V 3 83 It cv 34" 1 87V. fl 83 3 .. . 4?'t B.... 87' Del A Ilud fd N Y Hlwys Bs Zurich rets 1. . . 70 4 fl 08 H 11:15 llllh Lew a m. Mberty nVs ... 02.WI 02.70 02.8(1 Mliertv 2d 4s ... R5.r0 85,50 85.50 Mberty 1st 4V.s . 87.00 87,00 T,lbertv 2.1 His . R5.R0 85.50 85.00 T,lbrrty 3d 4Uh . 88,24 88.10 88.12 jrm iy 4th 4Vis i, R5.70 85.70 vz ry Note3?48 mm 00.00V MM " -- r - - iT.- '- - GOSSIP OF THE STREET The tape never lies, they say en the Street, and ns a mafter et fact, it sci dem does when foreshadowing some Individual notion, or some big chang In fundamental and basic conditions. The truth of this axiom, at any rate was forcibly impressed upon the mar- ket following yesterday, when the an- nouncement came ever the wires et pass- ing of the quarterly dividend by flic a -- i.- Tt..n.ttnnni nomeratlon. Fer some little time back the , .. tape .. has saying action weu " ' and maintained but certain interests went out f"Fthe base selling prices of all Iren and way te dissipate the report, teel commodities, which were mate action en the dividend uau . nxc(1 by representatives of and temporarily deferred. lnteres-t- s of States, and reprc- - Whcn the quotaflen for any particu- lar stock drops nearly GO per cent In less than a mentn. w "" Ai. . talnty that some ratiirai "" -- """' in Int. nlnn. In ll lllvtllpnd tlOllCl. 1110 TO especially when conditions nre knew n te be seriously IniVrfcrlng With the business In which the company is en-- j cpncrfwl. Since December, 1010. the company which, thretiffh Its subsidiaries, Is en gaged in foreign trade and commerce, Itnu Kaati nnvlnv MlvltlpndS at tllC rule 0( q pcr cent pcr annum. It has large i...J.t in , Tnfernnflnnnl Mrrcnn- - nmeng concerns, is.and doeM the of rN WWst'n Leuis 87.0(1 8rt.ne United imiij iu Ma, u.., '" dends en the preferred stock , Is belicveu te have had considerable Influence upon the directors of the American Interna- - ta tlenal Corporation. In reaching the dc- - i..i m MHHAHtiiir nn nr ri'NJiiii:i;zi CJBIUI1 Ul " The paid-i- n cash back of the stock, iii.. iiiiiai an n .inii is sennit?. ie BCII1UK JVOiClUO) " , " .An ..1 n Ka nnnmr mnMV mere th fin double tliat flgurc. The high Pee this year for the stock was 120. Dese Harder te Swallow Commenting upon the stubbornness of the majority of the retailers te sub- mit te a necessary radical price reduc- tion, n prominent local financial inter- est Intimated yesterday that conditions and circumstances may compel the ap- plication of still harsher means. Every effort In a kindly sort of a way has been made by banking institu- tions nnd ethers te persunde retailers, he continued, te abolish the absolutely foolish psychological policy which they have been following In the face of the radical price which been sweeping the country broadside. It was recognized some nge it would be necessary for them te take the purge, nnd the dose was made as palatable as possible. Seme had the courage te listen te geed advice. Others ignored It entirely, or maue prcicuse that heavy overhead charges would make it impossible for the time bclug. A great many, he said, seemingly had postponed the day of action until after the holiday trade was ever. Everybody has been very indulgent and most every body new Is beginning te lese patience, i and unless many will listen to reason 1 venture te predict the next will be a hard one te swallow. Will History Repeat Itself? There arc a great many In both the banking and business world, and also in ether walks of life, who lie'd firmly te the belief history repeats Itself along lines. In view of the new prevailing in both financial and commercial circles, net only at home but the world ever, there arc a number of cleso )bscrvers giving much study te past performances as applicable to present conditions. The Liberty National Bank, of New Yerk, has made an interesting com- parison in thin connection between com- modity price swiugs in the Civil War period and today. "During the Civil War," the bank states, "prices as com- pared te 1800 rose te a higher point than during the World War, ns com- pared te l()i:i. After the Civil War prices began te fail at once and con- tinued te record succeeding declines nnd upward movements, the declines being always greater than the rallies. )u 1018, en the ether hand, there was a decided drop in prices, succeeded by a further rlie that carried prices te high levels. It is te be noted that the intensity and scope of the present decline in prices are almost identical with the decline which took place in lS(J.r imme- diately at the close of the C'vl' ""ir." A Soliloquy en Chandler Aute There was ceiiniuuiuu.u ui.- - . .,i en the street yesterday concerning u rather unique statement Issued by a prominent New Yerk heut-- rcgardine the recent performance of the stock of the Chandler Moter Ce. Ah the heus.c In question Is supposed te have acted eh brokers for the Insiders during the last ear. the Incident came In for mere than passing attention. Hy gardlng the recent slump of the stuck the statement has this te say : "A croup of traders and opera- tors, having Interviewed themselves and decided CIIM was '.elling toe high with respect te ether meter shares, decided te sell It nnd then proceed lu imagination te usurp the function of the directors nnd pnss the dlvlduid. A group of iusiders and uutomebile men who made a let of money in Chand- ler's 400 point advance by buying the stock when the meter Industry was stagnant during a period of readjust- ment after the armistice and selling It 'est spring, have been repurchasing CIIM under 80 nnd will continue te m cumulate it, anticipating another big profit next Ueth groups have the means te finance their Judgment. CIIM. like ether stocks, (luctuates, ad- vancing when buying exceeds selling aud declining when selling is mere ef- fective. It is any one's what It will de immediately. These who nre selling the stock are merely backing their own opinion nt the bottom et a 200 point break. These who are buy-lu- g have the absolute certainty of in- evitable business recovery next year In their favor, the reasonable ccrta'lnty of a technical stock mnikct recovery after a year's decline and the comfort of a RIO dividend which finances their operation hy yielding 13 te 14 per cent en their money. The vagaries of specu- lation may favor the hears in their efforts te induce selling by their raids, but they will find a bid for every share of stock they offer." Foreign Trade et France Thu total French foreign trade for the (list months of 11)20 amounted te 4.1,740,782,000 francs (franc equals SO. 111.1 at the normal rate) ugalnst fruncs the coirespend-la- g period of 11U0. The imports of feed products for the January-Septemb- period of 1020 were vulued at francs ngeinst 7.413.503.- - 000 francs for the first nine months of 1010; industrial materials. 12.01K,. 045,000 francs ngaltist 0,512,2211,000 francs ; manufacturers, francs against 7.011,031,000 francs. The experts of feed pieduets iimeunted te 1 .52!),501 .000 francs against 70'),0S.-,- ,. 000 francs; industrial materials, 3,. 0(11,821.000 francs against 1.205.000. 000 francs; manufactures. 10.5S0.521,-00- 0 francs against 4,171.301 ,000 francs ; and postal packages, 770.s0S.O00 francs ncainst 015.081.000 francs. The stivers,. trade balance the months of i 1020 wns HUHI .atiii.iiuii francs ngninst 17,803.203,000 francs for the corres- ponding period of 1010. THE TRADEIt. Three In Aute Electrocuted Sturgeon Day .Wis., Nev. 10. Three persons were electrocuted here when their automobile plunged off a bridge and struck nn electric wire carrying 23,000 yelts. The car fell fifteen f,ct - "" "" - ,n W'. kj into a creek bertnnd two feet 'of water. Mete 4ii M:ea fls.&a, oa.eaiwMi..tii .u. itt. it. 1 tVkS&AtM! . t'jKteCT.aS&LiaA- - L NO DROP IN STEEL PRICES Judge Gary 8aya Present Selling Basis Will Remain In Force New Yerk, Nev. 19. The United States Stecl Corporation announced to- day Us decision te recommend te presi- dents of eubsldlary companies that the "present base s lllng prices of all com- modities continue In ferco unless ana until It becemtfl necessary and proper te meke chanffes te meet altered condi- tions." This action was taken according te a statement Issued by Chairman Albert II. Gary, because of the Importnnce of stabilizing business conditions at this time. been ei 8i8tCntly uninterruptedly J"" ,n", mutually that Iren steel only been the readjustments have time dose that all new bear year. guess nine for 7.842,075.000 for nine The statement ronews iviii. eiihal1lnrv pnmnanlpn have COII- - sentatlvcs of the government, en March 21, 1910. , . , Since mat lime, prouueuen rasu u. all manufneturcs of Iren and steel. In nn advancement of wage rntej ." .".!.. In nnn nnn .... ..n r In tlm 8teej corporation, and larger freight rates, ilave mater.a.ily Increused. Under usual circumstances, we weuid be Justified in prle b. "Tlnwnvpr. nfter dnllberata and care ful consideration, we have decided te recommend te pr'Cgident8 of our aubsl ia. Mmtvinai flint nr npnt hflfln sell ing prceH of all commodities continue In rnrrn unlpnR. nnd until It becomes neces- - sary and proper, te make changes te -- alt.l -n- d.tlens g of the highest lmiortance. anu mat every m te the eXtcnt of ha opportunity nnil ni,iiity, and even at some sacrifice, obligated te assist In stabilizing and maintaining prices en a fair and wuie iuvhi. aii uiuuuvvh vuu"". workman will be benented by this attl- - CURB MARKET TO REMAIN Many Dissenters te Proposal That Association Move Indoors New Yerk. Nev. 19. Bread street's weekday convention of wildly gesti- culating-, trnOlc blocking dealers In un- listed securities the curb stock market may remain a fixture In the city's financial district, It was learned tedav, netwlihstnndlnc that the New Yerk Curb Market Association has voted te move Indoors. Mere than 200 dissenters have staHcd organization of a new curb association, whose members hope te continue edify- ing the visitors te the ameus money mart with the spectacle of blzarrely-cappe- d curb representatives, "wirel- essing-" orders, via finger 3lpnal3, te their offices In adjacent buildings. The only stumbling block te the plan, it was said, Is a recent ruling of city authorities that the curb "must go " This ruling Is te be appealed. Steps te maintain the hlstorle curb were tnken by rs of the Curb Market Association when that organi- zation announced n ruling that hence- forth no member Ann could clear, di- rectly or indirectly, en the "Indoor curb" any transaction made by a Investors' Pocket Manual V,'e have a limited number of the November Issue, which we will be clad te send you en request. Alse a special list of 18 Railroads which we bellove are exceptionally at tractive for Investment at their present prices. Scott Stump Investment Securities Specialists in Odd Lets bTeciv i:cit.Ncn iiuixihne iiiil.i)i:li'1iia 40 Kichance I'l.'icr New Yerk CentfhVllll', Ch lmbersbure, Curllilr, lVliMMlviililil Province of Neva Scotia 6s Due Nev. 15, 1930 93.50 and Int. te Net 6.90 Townsend Whelan & Ce. Jtftnb rn New Yerk nnil rhlludelpliU Stock KxdmnitcM 505 Chestnut Street SECURITY SALESMEN Capable stock nalMmen. with nr with nut a ellnte'.e. r.rd n a position t p"cluce- results. bue new un opportunity te becem iictnclKt d In the iTrluMen or the Inl'lal lnnu of s'eik of una of the most nretlt.ib'y buslrit-- urvJ. rt iMngq In this cltv Hlfthpt cemml un paid and bust posjlble oe-o- ration ll'rttc or remc te ste uj. Fiscnl Mannfjer, 318 Wlitencr HMif.. 1'lilln. GE0.A.HUHN&S0NS STOCKS ND IIOMl Members of tlie l'lillmleliihiu. :,.w erU mm .,ii,. nnn iiijuKtk iv erk Ce tun i:ilIl.lllt.--l Commlealen Oidtrs -- x.cuiuu In Bixu.vi i: ceuiiT uLinr. 1118 U'alnut st. Mn limit 111 KICK 111 llre il . N vv iir Phila., Bait. & Wash. 1st 4s, 1943 C0ENNING. GARRISON & CO. STCK i:(HMir, lUliniNR Direr l'rltule Telrphene te N w Yerk enibiTM 1'blln, S'erk KxcluinRr fjVC Paper Bexea ijlett and Malllni. Tubes EDWIN J. SCHOETTLE CO. 533 N. 11 lh St. Philadelphia Celd Re'led Steel Bars Iren and Steel Products CALms STEEL & IRON CO. 1120 CHESTNUT hTUKET Fpnire S1S8-IAI- 1 FLECK BROS. CO. Maniifartur i nml leiilrrs In Plumbing and Floating Supplies 44.50 N. 5th St. 506 Arch St. Camden llranch, ISO-I- ll Fnlrrnl St. Vet llrnnrh l.aniicleiir, l'u. PIM Wm.U.Mayberry WjMJNl &. THE POUND STER LING -s- P Leeking Forward We recommend the Tjurchase of certain Sterling Securities for. '4&J& Safe, Profitable Investments Rrazier DROAD AND SANSOM 3T8. PHILADGLPHIA 65 DROADWAY, NEW YORK 19 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE 927 15TH ST.. WASHINGTON Specialists in OHIO MOTOR, RUBBER AND STEEL SECURITIES COMPLETE SERVICE In All Ferms of Investment Main Departments Investment, Brokerage Acceptance, Libertv Bend Foreign Exchange Statistical. Ohie Securities Extensive Private Wire Connections Members .bf New Yerk and Other Principal Stock Exchanges OTIS& CO. Investment Bankers CLVFt AND New lerk liosten Detroit Cincinnati Columbus Teledo Akren Yotincstewn Denver Colnrnrte Spr'ngs l&aYyce. Vaa&ias f " stocks Rallying Round , B0HDS i the Rails U the present iiiurkeiwia cll Ity of I lie rails the fereruntuf ( niiuilier eld-tl- rllre4 mnrfcrlT Aie u Ju.uUed In expelling; th precrn: trrnd of the rails te b lone Kustuliirit? Prediction re. tltutCH i piirt of ear serTlea. Otir Mierlnt letter "R." however, drsrrlltfs the hlc condition enrterllne n elrrtrd ff of the tsllrnrt lttp, llurkc table rmirtllea carrud iipen a ceiurruatlve marginal ijn(s Oild le't n specialty. MffiBftBerGeJ T. iriilljililpliU Mk. Exeh. llrmbrr ,.., .... . ,, ,.. , ,,. y. Ib22 Uieslnut Street Fbenrst Hell, Hj.rnee ngi7-4X- M Krrsten. ltiire 75S : nrnmlT A IRK ,1th , N. T. Sfnmfirn". Conn. Western Markets Direct private telegraph wire connections with Chicago, Detroit and Grand Rapids ERNEST SMITH & CO. i.w i.s'i mi: r .snci'piTiES Z0 Bread Street, New Yerk Tel Hecter K157 irl n n in 1 Security Salesman Kncrs'tlc nalPsmnti wantecj hy an est.ihl lntstmnt house for special work en a high-grad- e Ihsik1 A 1 irue list of known buyers win '.ji frrn.sh il Siu'c'ss In till t i lv wi'l mean n permanent unmet n with i xci p- - tlenal op'iertunity tm the future. A I.J. L1.HU1 It erii-Ii-- Investors Everywhere Use M oedy RATI NG BOOKS Ask your Dank or Danker or write Meedy's Investors Service1 IW4 Keal Lstate I rust Uldu . I'hlla., I'a. Verk Iloaten Chicago Broeke, Stokes & Ce. 15lh & Walnut Sis. Philadelphia Washington Daltimere AI.OCM. rerpnmtlnr ninnnfnrtnr nntrmnl nrtlclr with pe'rntlnl mnrkrt of loe.nnoono Htu nitxlly ilmlrrn te srrurr IAC 000 4 dlllennl wnrUlnir mplliil rllhrr with or nlllieut liursler's srrvlrrs, Vrem inuxlmiiiii output far I lie mmlng dv jrurs Ims lirn runtrnnrj far. I'rcN Its nre eicrptlanalljr tarce. Tbl wU stand op undrr III. must rlild U Trstliolleo. JTur IntertUw',, 4Jr,M ; MiuiuaiiiwcfwA m. & T .'.ra TTTTf 'tiil M IS. m .'-i- j. m m A ..jfl & i J M K V X X. 1 1 ' WJ-- f New jriti.'jti fi tjHf'if.'l 'WML ,n WW HBMasWtuL2iMi1iH

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Page 1: $8,000,000 H. J. Heinz Company - …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1920-11-19/ed-1/seq-31.pdf · GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, TRUSTEE ... Bosten, Mill. I..... in




H. J. Heinz Company(Malreri of "57 Varieties" of Foed Product)

Ten-Ye-ar 7 Geld NotesDated December 1. 1920 Due December!, 1930

Interest payable June lit and December lit.Coapenptes In Interchangeable Denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100, Rcglsterable as te Principal only

Redeemable at the office of the Trustee In Ney? Yerk, In whole or In part, en any Interest date en thirty days' previousnotice ; at 105 and Interest, en or before December 1, 1921 ; at 104& and Interest after December 1, 1921 and en orbefore December 1, 1922; at 104 and Intcrcstaftcr December 1,1922 and en orbeferc December 1,1923; at

103J and Intercstaftcr December 1, 1923 and en or before December 1,1924; at 103 and Interest after Dec-ember 1, 1924 and en or before December 1, 1925 ; at 102& and Interest after December 1, 1925 and en orbefore December 1, 1926; at 102 and Interest after December 1, 1926 and en or before December 1,

1927 ; at 101J4 and Interest after December 1, 1927 and en or before December 1, 1928 ; at 101 andInterest after December 1,1928 and en or before December 1, 1929; at 100& en June 1, 1930

Interest payable without deduction of normal Federal Income Tax net In excess of 2f.FREE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA FOUR MILL TAX


Further information in regard te this issue of Notes is given in a letter ofMr. Hetvard Heinz, President of the Company, from which sunimarize as follews:

These Notes are the direct obligationsof H. J. Heinz Company and constitutethe only funded debt of the Company, ex-cept a real estate mortgage of $83,333.34.

The proceeds of the sale of these Noteswill be applied te the payment of Notes

and te provide additional werk-n-g

capital.Sales of the Company since May 2

1920, show an increase of twenty-tw- o percent ever last year.

The books show net earnings availablefor interest charges, before providing forFederal taxes, for the four years endedApril 30, 1920, averaged $2,865,323, ormere than five times the annual interestcharge en these Notes, which amountste $560,000, and average net earnings,after providing for Federal taxes for, thefour years ended- - April 30, 1920, amount-ing te $2,344,643.

The Trust indenture under which theseNotes will be issued will provide in sub-stance, among ether covenants, that selong as any of these Notes are eutstand

We offer when, as, and us, te sale


that or ready for or1920.

All with this will be by rand efjfew



guarantee but they are Ulcen

which believe be accurate

All above Notes sold this as a

I JESffiTSBSaffl

rll Hi! Im I


A SafeguardA man's Investments nre htsnncherace, hla and hts

H nope rer the luture.All the mere be when heknows that his eecurltlee were

for him by special-ists whose first Interest Is the

of condlUens behindbend Issues.

BATTLESInvestment BanherM

Eetahliahed 18U0Independence Square (Kant)



Bend Secured, Convertible Fund

6ft Notes, due 1924

earning: ever $00,000,000. Appllcabllearnings ever times Interest ehnrxe.Interest Payable Monthly or

is y Inveater


10Particular en reqaeit

Martin & Ce.1411 WalnutSt.

Ul i

American Gas Gs, 2016 IGas 5s, 1949

Mary Ceal 5s, Oct., 1939Phlla. Sub. Gas & 5s, 1960Luzerne Ce. Gas & Elec. 5s, 1948


Mew Yerk Offlce. 115 llreudtvar IDlreet Private Telephone Offices

Indiana, Columbia ft Eaat:rn True, St. 1020Anerltan Itead Machinery Ce., e, ISSttllenur Gu A Eleclrle Ce. Gen... Si, 1010Cannectle.ut A .H. 1DB1rerllind Hallway Lighting Ce,.,0f. laj?

(laa & Electric... B. 1080"'f.elf Ctra'BaUreat Equip,, ...fg.Htrlal

. KL PHILLIPS Mr CO.'- - ' ' ... ; ."' II"i fw uwenuM,7vr m'Mmmw mimj

'KW'. ). -if ' '


ing, neither the nor any sub-sidiary will mortgage any of its real orpersonal property, but nothing hereincontained prevent the Companyfrom purchasing property subject te amortgage, or from creating purchase-mone- y

mortgage te the extent of 755S ofthe fair value of the property purchased,or by. the or anysubsidiary company as security for leansmade to it or them, or any of them, inthe regular and current conduct of theirrespective business, of any accounts re-

ceivable or ether liquid assets, or anystocks, bends, or ether securities ownedby them, ether than shares of stocks ofany subsidiary company.

It also that the Company willat all times maintain its cash and quickassets in a sum equal te at least one andone-ha- lf times the aggregate amount ofits liabilities and indebtedness, securedor unsecured, including the face amountof all of these Notes at timeoutstanding.

these Notes If Issued and received by subject prier

94 and Interest Yield About

lb is expected temporary notes interim-receipt- s will "be delivery enabout December 7,

legal matters in connection issue approved SullivanCromwell Hawkins, Delafleld $ Longfellow Yerk.



WWoBet the statements and figures .presented herein, fromSources we te

the haying been advertisement appears matter of record only









Semi-annually Deslred

Yield Over






Railway Lighting;,.A

(VMen., Hallway




pledging Company



Erne WeReeMMtaaa?

The markets have gene.down, down, down I Com-modities prices have drop-ped 20 per cent en the aver-age; in many cases from 50per cent te 70 per cent!Have we hit the bottom?Will the next move be up-ward? Or is there aneven bigger drop ahead?

Bafesarcs;. Reports

Babson's Barometer Letter JustIssued gives you the plain unbiasedfacts en the present situation, andforecasts coming conditions withremarkable accuracy. It containsinformation of vital importance teevery manufacturer, wholesaler,jobber, retailer and merchant.

Repert en RequestCopies of this Barometer Letterare available for distribution teInterested executives, gratis.

Tear out the Meme wote and

hand it te your secretary when!Iyou dictate tne morning a man.

Mersfy ask for Bulletin 34YT

Tim Rnficnn Staffer faalflrftanizatienWallatlay llllla.02, Bosten, Mill. I

in Iks World.......... TEAR OFF HERE- .-M. Fer 'four

FJLOIW SecretaryWrite The Babson statistical Or.ganizatien, Reger W. Babson, Presi-dent, Wellesley Hills, 82, Bosten,Mass., as follews: Please sen'' " ropyof Special Bulletin Ne. 34YTand boeklet,"HcraMi' Net rrejitt".

n"jrfcAaVcwaV Ripen? SilA ,Mtl


BOND SALESMAN'OK foewWruiiW. CAI.Ulasim TO. bteck sac- -mr?iTST 'olio 018CJIANOB nvxtx






and te the approval ofcounsel, at:




Hew TeTrade In

The Marketand ether rules andmethods of interest tetraders are given inour free booklet, "TheInvestors and TradersGuide." It tells:The General Rules of

Trading.Hew to Give a Breker

Instructions.Breker's Commission

Charges.Hew te Indorse a Stock


Hew to Use CollateralIn Trading. I

Hew te Greup Invest-ments.

The Deposit Require-ments for CarryingStocks en Account.

The Rights of Stock andBend Helders, etc.

Written in simple lan-guage and easy examplesgiven. Ne obligation.Edition Limited. Call,phone or write at once.

Ask for Ne. TU-99- 7

JONES & BAKERSpecialists In New YerkCurb Market Securities

WidcnerBldg.,PhiladclphiaPhenes, Bell, Locust 4780

Keystone, Race 2290Offices in 8 Principal Cities

Direct Private Wires

Tax Exempt in Penna.BELL


PENNA.25-Ye- ar First and

Refunding Mortgage7s

Particulars en Application

A. B. Leach & Ce., Inc.Investment Securities

11B Seuth Fourth St.Hrlt 1ftnnf eWr Mt

Ws,.L,. ., ,ACri -




Richle, Fedoratlen Official, SaysLaber Will Combat Cam-


of Employers


Laber will hnve Its own bnnklnR sys-ter- n

in Pennsylvania In the near future, AnocercHnic te announcement today byJeseph M. Richie, rcildcnt vice presi-- . Adent of the American Federation ofLaber.

Hntnhllshmrnt of tlie werklne men'sbnnk. he snld, will be labor's reply teJhn "ntim Hhnn pnmnnlffn."

The entire nlnn In being worked outa committee of the Central Laber

Union In this city."Laber Is belne forced te line up rer

the fight nRslnBt the Interests that iretrying te destroy the labor union move-ment

Atof the country," Mr. Richle said.

"Capital is trylnc te break our ranksnnd we are Retting ready for the fracas.Laber unions throughout the city areconducting membership campaign nndere utilizing the open-sho- p propaganda

n mrans of showing the werklngmcnlm thnlr lntKrlntn llfl in tlld Unions.

new that canltel has aligned itselfnpcn'v against them.

"One of the methods that Is beingemployed te break the ranks of theunion men Is that of discharging menand rehiring them n week later at lowersalaries. But nil of this campaigningagainst the unions Is merely proving auaid te the unions In their organizationwork,

"Shortly we will start thebanks for the union men. The

werklngmcn Instead of taking his dsavings, nnd In the aggregate they nreenormous, te the bonks that are help-ing the open-sho- p campaign, will D

his funds In n bank run by menwhose Interests nre Idcntlcnl with his.The money will net be used te provide O

for the wnrfare that Ib being made uponfhn trmln llnlnnm.

"All along we have tried te go alongwith capital, but this last camnei

fllmnlv 11a (ntn thf enpn.Mr. Richie also said that a sharp

lookout from thr beginning had beenmaintained ever the Philadelphia unionste prevent radicals "boring within.

Approximately 100 men were expelledfrom the ranks of the unions, he said.In the furtherance of the nntl-radlc- al

policy, In some cases, he said, theradicals were merely the agents

of manufacturers seeking te destroy thevalue of the unions by causing dissensien. Lately the radicals had appar-ently rccegnl7cd the futility of attcmet-in- g

any campaign te get control of theunions.


Trade Listless Oils Quiet HomeRalls Steady Greek Issues Nervous

Iendnn, Nev. 19. A mera stable un-dertone was noted en the stock exchangetedny, due te nn absence of further localand continental liquidation and the thor-ough slump in prices for commodities.Trading was listless with the usualweek-en- d conditions In evidence.

Oils failed te rally and were quietShell Transport was 64 and MexicanEngle, 11. Gre'k Issues were nervous,following the downfall of Venlzeles.

Dellar descriptions were maintained.Argcntlne rails were Irregular. Hemerails were steady, Dut enanges weresmnll.

The gilt-edg- e section was flabby. For-eign leans were checkered.

DIVIDENDS DECLAREDTexas Ce., quarterly of 3 per cent, paa-bl- e

December SI te stock of record Decern- -

b- -r 10Qalene, Signal Oil Ce., quarterly et 2 pet

cent en preferred, payabln December SI testock of record November .10.

Unl'ed Stnt-- s IndualrlAl Alcohol Ce., qinrterly of S per cent en common, payable De

15 te stock of record November SOUnited I'aporbeard. a dividend of 2 peint In cesh and 10 per cent In stock or

common payable January 10 te stock of-- .uTera December BU.

I'recer & CJtimbln Ce., quarterly of 1per cent en prererrea i per heck, pnya-- I

ble December 15 te stock of record November J4.

Chesbrough Mrr.ufacturlns; Ce.. quarterlyof nV4 per cent en common ami 1.75 orpreferred, both payable December HO testock of record December 14.

Ubby, McNeill & I.lbby, semiannual of bper cent, payable January 31 te stock o.ecerd December 10.

Hecklne Valley Hallway, semiannual of '.per cent, payable, December 81 te stock ofrecord December 10.

Truncen Steel Ce., nunrterlv of li picent en preferred, payable January 1 tilecic ei record December 20.

British Object te Imports of Tire?Washington, Nev. 19 Sharp pretest

have been entered In the British Heusof Commens against the continued Importatlen of large quantities of Amerlcan manufactured automobile tires fGreat Britain, In the face of vlrtua.stagnation In the English rubber Indusry, according te advices te the Department of Commerce A member demanded of the Beard of Trade lnfermntlen as te what action had been takeiIn the mutter, adding thatt heusands eiBritish rubber workers had been dlscharged nnd were new swelling thiranks of the unemployed, although 90000 American tires worn Imported durIng September alone. The situation, IIcontinued, would destroy the British tireIndustry, It was declared. The Beardof Trade's reply was that the wholequestion was being Investigated, the dispatches eaiu.

Ne Cut In Wages at YoungstownVonncstewn, O,, Nev, 19. In a stnt

ment today te empleyes of the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Ce , the larKP'ndependent steel company In theYoungstown district, Jnmes A Cambell, president, said: "It Is net llkclhpre will be u general reduction e

wages for some time." The statemercentinued: "But there surely will !

Inter en net, however, until the costof living has been still rurther reduced

Sugar Buyers Still HesitateNew Yerk, Nev. 19. The raw uugnr

market continues quiet and about steadyat 6 25 cents, cost and freight, for Cu-ba- s,

equal te 0.26 cents, duty paid, andfu y duty sugars at BVi cents, c. l f.equal te 6.20 cents, duty paid Buyerscontinue te snow nesnntien. rnore wereno sales of raws yesterday ether thanthee reported hy this eureau Imperta'tlens yesterday Included 19,900 bagsI'irus ie me warncr 1.0. nna uaue Lagl'erus te the National Ce. The localrer.ned market la uncnanged.

Prices Improve en Paris BourseTerls, Nev, 19, Prices Improved en

tne ueurse teaay, Tnree per cent rentesB5fr 20e: exchange en Londen. 57fr 90eB pcr cent lean 'Ifr 20c. The dollarwas quetcu at mir inc.


1020 Incream'Second week Nev.... J2.SH0SM HS0 .1

Frem January 1 02,109, Oni) 11,017,04'


Hera Is Something InterestingFer Yeu

It you can really sell atecks. If youj re tnursetle and ambitious. If youwant te Ucems connected with a if,.Airs, aubstantlal company that leeksifter Its salesmen, and works with tbtm.here Is your ippertunltv te de se,

Attractive leads which premise veryMibstantlal financial returns ar walUnifor you te clnss

Writ for Ian ,Jn,'rTlw.1 A-1- 35 Ledgw Oflrknt

tXM,eaiL .,LA

New Yerk Bends

Merinc 0,., etherof ? that com- -

8AUC8 t 0001

Am Cot Oil B. Dl A IIul 4H N T Tele 4 Vis1 TO 1 03 4 75M

Amtr Bmnlt'a Del A Hud 7i 0 70Y,A ' B 1.... 101 4 75 Vi

2..... 764 Dtn A R (I M M r Tsta'a Os

8..... 76 H 2 4SU 2 SOUAm T 1 cit Dtn A ft a 4i Norfolk 8' tun

1 7BH 10 04 ev JW2..... m Dct Tun'l 4 4s 2 43

1 77 N'k A W cv ea1 70M D Can Sa '21 10.... 102

I t T 11 08S 1.... 101 V4

1 TDW D Can BH '21 N--n Paeine as1 70 10 DT 1 SO

Am T T 01 0 07H 1 SO

3 OS 7 07 H 2 70 U

e,... OS D Canada '20 Orea-- A Cal 31 en 2 01 9 RS4 OS 4 00' 0. .. 88 7i

2..... OS D Canada '20 2 88 U9 Oft 4 01 VI Orecen B I. Os1 03 1 01H l 08T 9 T n) 1 01 Vi rae Q E 6s2 G0U V Canada 'SI 1 78T A 8 Fe 4f 1 01 Pae H of 11 4a1 70 Vk 4 DO". 2 701 70 Erie Gnl Men Penna II 11 6s(1 70 S3 44H T 00

Ateh Tepe'a 4 2 43 Penna rt II 7a8 l'"e cv 4s 1 44 i 104 ttIS 07tt Erle nit cv D 104 W

1 08 1 48 2.... 104

Armour t Ce 1..... 47 2.... 104 Vi

n Eit 4H 1 4T 2.... 104 Vi

1 7R Qen'l Elect Ds l...; 104 V

2 75 7 83 4.... 104 Vi

1 7SU 2 85 0 104

Ceait ! ell Oene'l Clee Oi Pere Marqi 4s i

4 72 2 .... U8U 3 03'.4 '

Dalt A Ohie ct Oevs't Frcncli Phil county 5s12 70 np reti neidini-n-

,2 0 1. 1004 70 2... 100 Vi 1 88

Dalt A O SVia 0... 1004 Rie O ft W 4s3 82 4... 100 1 00 Vi

Ualt & Ohie 4 4... 100 V4 'rtecK Isld Ark0 08 H 1... 100H ft La 4Hs3 0S n... 100 1 05i

10 OBV. l... 10014 1 OSVi

Dalt A Ohie fti 0... 100 s Ban Antenla ft1 00 H 0... 100 'n ,a p nr 4s8 60 B... 100 '4 4 01

10 08 2... 100 l 011 08S 4... 100 8t Leuis 3

Dalt & Ohie Oi a... 100 Fran al8.. 00 3... 100 1 03 Vi

8,. 00 Vi 3... 100 V4 S 032.. IMl'l 1... 10'1 1 032.. OOH 5. 100 2 038.. no'; O Swltz'd rets C 03

10.. 00i 0.... 102H 7 03 Vi

a e r l. Great North" n 1 03A W Va 4s niy lata 10 03

1 05 1 80 2 03 Vi

1 05V1 Hud ft Man fd 0. ,. 03A O S Wn 1 00VI 7 S3

8V4s 1 00, Bt Leuis ft fl

1 77 Hud ft Man In Pran InTsl 7s rets 10 31j 0 40

R.. 101H 10 S3 5 481a.. lOtU 1 21 Vi i 402.. 101Vi ie... . 2: 4 401.. 101 III Cen'l 4s 'B2 404

10.. 101VI 1 .... 71 i 10 40V4

2.. 101 't III Cen'l 4s 'B1 2.. i.. 40H10. 101it 1 0Vi 4 401

Deth Steel fd 3 0SV. 0 411 Vi

1 77V4 Ill Cent'l ft'4s 4 40 Vi

Drkyn It T Bs 4 00 10 403 85 III O 8tt. A N SI L ft S Pran

nrkyn R T 7 O Jt DdK Bj Series A6 43 fl... . 84 3.... 00 Vi

Ctl Fdy Ce 01 Ills Steel 4Vi 2.... 00 VI

1 70 1 78 1.... oeCt'l et da en Intb'e M 4H fl.... oe v

10 80 .1 20 3.... en VI

Ct't of ea On fl 10 2.... 004S SSH lntbore It T fd 1.... cev.

Cent'l Tac 1st B2V4 1.... oe1 72V1 B2H Bt L ft S F-- an

Ch-- A O 4Vi 82 H Series D4 74i 10... B2V4 .4 74

C ft O cv 4 Vis BO... B3 Bt Leuis ft Se1 78, 1... B24 West'n en1 78'4 fl... B2U 1 021 78 10... B2VI 8 0244 73 BO... B2Vi 1 24

"k O cv 8 4... B2 4 02413 83 H 1... B2 6t Leuis ft Se4.. 83 Vi 0. B2 wsst'n 1sta.. 84 1 M Marine Os 4 00is.. .831i 80 4 001

10.. 84 80 St Leuis ft Se2;. 84 H 80 Bs

10.. 84 80 2 014in.. 84 7D Seab'd A 1, al80.. 84 80 1 37440.. 84

-- OK 2 874R.. 84 10 80 Ernb'd A T. fd

C ft Alten SVi Iowa Cent'l 4s 1 421 34 Vi S 42Vi S'n l'aclfle fd1 83 1 42 B T44

Chicago D'n ft Jap Oeve't 1st 1 744lulney 4s l 74; 1 744B 00i 2.... 74 V, B 7441.. 80V4 Jap Oevs't B'n Pae cv 4s

10.. 00V, 1 71 10 70H.1.. nni 7 74 8 7041.. oe v Jap Oeve't 4s. 1 70Vi

1.. 01 Vi 1 67': 4 7041.. oe Vi IB B7i S'n Pae cv Bs

Chi ft Erie 1st 10 B7S 10.... 100".1 70Vi 100 87 1.... 1101 70 4 B7i 10.... 110K

Mil ft Kan C ft B 3s 23..., 1104UP cv 4Hn 1 B3V, 3.... 109410 -- n 2 R3 B'n natlws 4s10 70 Knn City TerM n oe

fhlcafe Mil ft II wy 4 s in oeStP fd 4Hs 4 72 IThlrd Ave Bs

2 01 3 72 1 704it nallw'ii s. K HelE Os '21 8 7042 01 ! ens. "nlnn Pae "

3 01i K Dela'm 7Hs 1 802 em 1... . 07 B se;5 011J 2 08 2 80U

hlcaire ft Nth 2 07 Pnlnn Pac M

Vesfn S1" 1 07i 1 7842 .... nnvi 2 07Vi 2 734

Chicago ft Nth 1 117 fnlen Pae 4

Vn 5s '87 Lack Steel '23 2.... 8043 041 1 .... 02 B.... 804

"hlcaire ft Ntb 1 02H 2.... 80 HWest'n 7s L ft E Wn 1st B.... 804

1 100 it 1 80 6.... 80 Vi

2.... 102H take her M 3 8043.... 1024 S'n 4s '2 1.... 8044.. . 1024 1 84 1.... 804

rhl Iteck Isld Lake Ehere M V K at a llrt4 Tae fd S'n 4s '31 ft I'd 1921

nnt 1 81'i 1 0848... . 81i 1 OfS

ent I.fhllh Vy ns 10 08410. 0814 10 OSH

no", Leuis ft Nash K et O U

oe v. Btt. dv Os I'd IO""M 2.. .. 00H 52 014no Leu ft Nash 7 K of O P'terni 2 ... 10114 ft I'd 1020 -

oe Vi1 Marlln Reck'll 1 89CM Reck Isld Cerp'n 4 Vis 2 8Ri

'. Tae 4s 2 7BV1 2 8843 7 HUlVe Steel ft 23 88

hi U Bta 4Vi Ordln Ss K of O llrt3 . ,. fft'i B 74V4 I'd 10172 TOVi 1 74-- 1 8B"

II A W 1 ! 0 .... 74Vi 1 d2 OSVi S 73 7 854

hlle Cep' n M ft BtL fd 5Vft'd Il'ds Sani .... en 1 47 F unct 4'2 nes Mln 8t PA 8 0 29i en Ste M 4s H Mexico

ie oevi B 78Vi 3.. 434-- lie Cep' Mln Ft P'l 8 B.. ... 4141 02V4 te Jt ait 4' 6.. ... 414

neie Q 3 87Vi B.. . ..434K Ry Me K A T 2nd ' S rtub'r 1

1 41V4 1 30M IB.. , .. 7

0 41H Me K ft T Is 1.. ... 70B 41i 17 nev, 11 ... 704 4m 3 00 d Hub 7U.2 41V4 s... . new 1 .... 0T&1

Ity of Berne M racinc is 1.... 074"t 8s 2 B4 I'M S Stee1

1 OR B B4H B .... 02V.4 08 2 fll'i 0 024

City Derd'x fl 10 544 17 0241 S3 1 514 20 021 82 Mnnt'a Pwr Bi, Vlralnta Mid

ity of Chris 1 82 land ny em'anln 8s 1 .... 82V4 3 8T42 .... ORVi Mnntr'l Tram Va nallway ft

City of Cepn ways Bs Power BsSaacn BVis i can B en

4 7B'i N Tubs Ce 8 4 00T 7B 1 804 Wnbaih n lirty New Yerk v t c & ti n fi 8

iis 'OS it n os 3 80IB 02 i 01 1 80

City rrls 0 i ni West'n Md 4'II .. . ihh B 004 1 55R... . 04Vi 5 1104 1 Bfl

S ... 04H 1 ne: 1 Bfl

in... . fll 0 et W Pacific i"l1 04 2 Dt 3 814

. 04". 0 no w union 4'CI'd Cln Chi ft 1 004 4 784

Si li tm ti N T C ft II n tinitrriM2 00 nn rets 7 Mf( Ce 7,

C"d Cln Chi 2.. 102 1.. 054St L d 4 3.. 102 1.. 05 Vi

1 7Vi a 102 7.. 05'd Cln Chi 4 li." 103 3.. 05

it . 4 Vis 11.. 102 3,, 012 75 1.. 102 1.. 1)5

r-- e & S'n 1.. 102 B. 034 S3 N Y Chi ft St 0. 05

Cile ft 8'n I't 4s 1 031 71i 1 .. . 804 ". Ce

Cuban CSC N Y ft Jer fl 3 81'11 80 1 774 Wilsen Ce 1st

ni Hud ev New TNII 2 R7V3 83 It cv 34" 1 87V.fl 83 3 .. . 4?'t B.... 87'

Del A Ilud fd N Y Hlwys Bs Zurich rets1. . . 70 4 fl 08 H

11:15llllh Lew a m.

Mberty nVs ... 02.WI 02.70 02.8(1Mliertv 2d 4s ... R5.r0 85,50 85.50Mberty 1st 4V.s . 87.00 87,00T,lbertv 2.1 His . R5.R0 85.50 85.00T,lbrrty 3d 4Uh . 88,24 88.10 88.12

jrm iy 4th 4Vis i, R5.70 85.70vz ry Note3?48 mm 00.00V MM

" -- r -- iT.- '- -


The tape never lies, they say en theStreet, and ns a mafter et fact, it scidem does when foreshadowing someIndividual notion, or some big changIn fundamental and basic conditions.

The truth of this axiom, at any ratewas forcibly impressed upon the mar-

ket following yesterday, when the an-

nouncement came ever the wires et pass-

ing of the quarterly dividend by flica -- i.- Tt..n.ttnnni nomeratlon.Fer some little time back the, ..tape..has

saying action weu " ' and maintainedbut certain interests went out f"Fthe base selling prices of all Iren andway te dissipate the report, teel commodities, which weremate action en the dividend uau . nxc(1 by representatives of and

temporarily deferred. lnteres-t- s of States, and reprc- -

Whcn the quotaflen for any particu-lar stock drops nearly GO per cent In

less than a mentn. w "" Ai. .talnty that some ratiirai "" -- """'in Int. nlnn. In ll lllvtllpnd tlOllCl. 1110 TO

especially when conditions nre knew nte be seriously IniVrfcrlng With thebusiness In which the company is en-- jcpncrfwl.

Since December, 1010. the companywhich, thretiffh Its subsidiaries, Is engaged in foreign trade and commerce,Itnu Kaati nnvlnv MlvltlpndS at tllC rule0( q pcr cent pcr annum. It has largei...J.t in , Tnfernnflnnnl Mrrcnn- -

nmeng concerns,is.and doeM the of







imiij iu Ma, u.., '"dends en the preferred stock

,Is belicveu

te have had considerable Influence uponthe directors of the American Interna- - tatlenal Corporation. In reaching the dc- -

i..i m MHHAHtiiir nn nr ri'NJiiii:i;ziCJBIUI1 Ul "The paid-i- n cash back of the stock,

iii.. iiiiiai an n .inii is sennit?. ieBCII1UK JVOiClUO) " , ".An ..1 n Ka nnnmr mnMV mere th fin

double tliat flgurc. The high Pee thisyear for the stock was 120.

Dese Harder te SwallowCommenting upon the stubbornness

of the majority of the retailers te sub-

mit te a necessary radical price reduc-

tion, n prominent local financial inter-est Intimated yesterday that conditionsand circumstances may compel the ap-

plication of still harsher means.Every effort In a kindly sort of a

way has been made by banking institu-tions nnd ethers te persunde retailers,he continued, te abolish the absolutelyfoolish psychological policy which theyhave been following In the face of theradical price whichbeen sweeping the country broadside.It was recognized some nge itwould be necessary for them te takethe purge, nnd the dose was made aspalatable as possible. Seme had thecourage te listen te geed advice. Othersignored It entirely, or maue prcicusethat heavy overhead charges wouldmake it impossible for the time bclug.A great many, he said, seemingly hadpostponed the day of action until afterthe holiday trade was ever. Everybodyhas been very indulgent and most everybody new Is beginning te lese patience, i

and unless many will listen to reason 1

venture te predict the next willbe a hard one te swallow.

Will History Repeat Itself?There arc a great many In both the

banking and business world, and alsoin ether walks of life, who lie'd firmlyte the belief history repeats Itselfalong lines. In view of the

new prevailing in both financialand commercial circles, net only at homebut the world ever, there arc a numberof cleso )bscrvers giving much studyte past performances as applicable topresent conditions.

The Liberty National Bank, of NewYerk, has made an interesting com-parison in thin connection between com-modity price swiugs in the Civil Warperiod and today. "During the CivilWar," the bank states, "prices as com-pared te 1800 rose te a higher pointthan during the World War, ns com-pared te l()i:i. After the Civil Warprices began te fail at once and con-tinued te record succeeding declines nndupward movements, the declines beingalways greater than the rallies. )u1018, en the ether hand, there was adecided drop in prices, succeeded by afurther rlie that carried prices tehigh levels. It is te be noted that theintensity and scope of the present declinein prices are almost identical with thedecline which took place in lS(J.r imme-diately at the close of the C'vl' ""ir."

A Soliloquy en Chandler AuteThere was ceiiniuuiuu.u ui.-- . .,i en

the street yesterday concerning urather unique statement Issued by aprominent New Yerk heut-- rcgardinethe recent performance of the stock ofthe Chandler Moter Ce. Ah the heus.cIn question Is supposed te have actedeh brokers for the Insidersduring the last ear. the Incident cameIn for mere than passing attention. Hygardlng the recent slump of the stuckthe statement has this te say :

"A croup of traders and opera-tors, having Interviewed themselvesand decided CIIM was '.elling toe highwith respect te ether meter shares,decided te sell It nnd then proceed luimagination te usurp the function ofthe directors nnd pnss the dlvlduid. Agroup of iusiders and uutomebile menwho made a let of money in Chand-ler's 400 point advance by buying thestock when the meter Industry wasstagnant during a period of readjust-ment after the armistice and sellingIt 'est spring, have been repurchasingCIIM under 80 nnd will continue te mcumulate it, anticipating another bigprofit next Ueth groups havethe means te finance their Judgment.CIIM. like ether stocks, (luctuates, ad-vancing when buying exceeds sellingaud declining when selling is mere ef-fective. It is any one's what Itwill de immediately. These who nreselling the stock are merely backingtheir own opinion nt the bottom et a200 point break. These who are buy-lu- g

have the absolute certainty of in-evitable business recovery next yearIn their favor, the reasonable ccrta'lntyof a technical stock mnikct recoveryafter a year's decline and the comfortof a RIO dividend which finances theiroperation hy yielding 13 te 14 per centen their money. The vagaries of specu-lation may favor the hears in theirefforts te induce selling by their raids,but they will find a bid for every shareof stock they offer."

Foreign Trade et FranceThu total French foreign trade for

the (list months of 11)20 amountedte 4.1,740,782,000 francs (franc equalsSO. 111.1 at the normal rate) ugalnst

fruncs the coirespend-la- g

period of 11U0. The imports offeed products for the January-Septemb-

period of 1020 were vulued atfrancs ngeinst 7.413.503.- -

000 francs for the first nine months of1010; industrial materials. 12.01K,.045,000 francs ngaltist 0,512,2211,000francs ; manufacturers,francs against 7.011,031,000 francs. Theexperts of feed pieduets iimeunted te1 .52!),501 .000 francs against 70'),0S.-,-


000 francs; industrial materials, 3,.0(11,821.000 francs against francs; manufactures. 10.5S0.521,-00- 0

francs against 4,171.301 ,000 francs ;and postal packages, 770.s0S.O00 francsncainst 015.081.000 francs. The stivers,.trade balance the months of i

1020 wns HUHI .atiii.iiuii francs ngninst17,803.203,000 francs for the corres-ponding period of 1010.


Three In Aute ElectrocutedSturgeon Day .Wis., Nev. 10. Three

persons were electrocuted here whentheir automobile plunged off a bridgeand struck nn electric wire carrying23,000 yelts. The car fell fifteen f,ct

- "" "" -,n W'. kj

into a creek bertnnd two feet 'of water.Mete 4ii M:ea fls.&a, oa.eaiwMi..tii .u. itt. it. 1

tVkS&AtM! . t'jKteCT.aS&LiaA- - L


Judge Gary 8aya Present Selling

Basis Will Remain In ForceNew Yerk, Nev. 19. The United

States Stecl Corporation announced to-

day Us decision te recommend te presi-dents of eubsldlary companies that the"present base s lllng prices of all com-modities continue In ferco unless anauntil It becemtfl necessary and properte meke chanffes te meet altered condi-tions."

This action was taken according te astatement Issued by Chairman AlbertII. Gary, because of the Importnnce ofstabilizing business conditions at thistime.

beenei 8i8tCntly uninterruptedly

J"" ,n", mutuallythat Iren steel

only been the

readjustments have











for nine

The statement ronewsiviii. eiihal1lnrv pnmnanlpn have COII- -

sentatlvcs of the government, en March21, 1910. , . ,

Since mat lime, prouueuen rasu u.all manufneturcs of Iren and steel. In

nn advancement of wage rntej." .".!.. In nnn nnn .... ..n r In tlm8teej corporation, and larger freight rates,ilave mater.a.ily Increused. Under usualcircumstances, we weuid be Justified in

prle b."Tlnwnvpr. nfter dnllberata and care

ful consideration, we have decided terecommend te pr'Cgident8 of our aubslia. Mmtvinai flint nr npnt hflfln sell

ing prceH of all commodities continue Inrnrrn unlpnR. nnd until It becomes neces- -sary and proper, te make changes te-- alt.l -n- d.tlens

g ofthe highest lmiortance. anu mat everym te the eXtcnt of ha opportunitynnil ni,iiity, and even at some sacrifice,

obligated te assist In stabilizing andmaintaining prices en a fair and wuieiuvhi. aii uiuuuvvh vuu"".workman will be benented by this attl- -


Many Dissenters te Proposal ThatAssociation Move Indoors

New Yerk. Nev. 19. Bread street'sweekday convention of wildly gesti-culating-, trnOlc blocking dealers In un-listed securities the curb stock market

may remain a fixture In the city'sfinancial district, It was learned tedav,netwlihstnndlnc that the New YerkCurb Market Association has voted temove Indoors.

Mere than 200 dissenters have staHcdorganization of a new curb association,whose members hope te continue edify-ing the visitors te the ameus moneymart with the spectacle of blzarrely-cappe- d

curb representatives, "wirel-essing-" orders, via finger 3lpnal3, tetheir offices In adjacent buildings.

The only stumbling block te the plan,it was said, Is a recent ruling of cityauthorities that the curb "must go "This ruling Is te be appealed.

Steps te maintain the hlstorle curbwere tnken by rs of the CurbMarket Association when that organi-zation announced n ruling that hence-forth no member Ann could clear, di-

rectly or indirectly, en the "Indoorcurb" any transaction made by a

Investors' PocketManual

V,'e have a limited number of theNovember Issue, which we will be cladte send you en request.

Alse a special list of

18 Railroadswhich we bellove are exceptionally attractive for Investment at their presentprices.

Scott StumpInvestment Securities

Specialists in Odd LetsbTeciv i:cit.Ncn iiuixihne

iiiil.i)i:li'1iia40 Kichance I'l.'icr New Yerk

CentfhVllll', Ch lmbersbure, Curllilr,lVliMMlviililil

Province of NevaScotia 6s

Due Nev. 15, 193093.50 and Int. te Net 6.90

Townsend Whelan & Ce.Jtftnb rn New Yerk nnil rhlludelpliU

Stock KxdmnitcM505 Chestnut Street

SECURITY SALESMENCapable stock nalMmen. with nr withnut a ellnte'.e. r.rd n a position tp"cluce- results. bue new un opportunityte becem iictnclKt d In the iTrluMenor the Inl'lal lnnu of s'eik of una ofthe most nretlt.ib'y buslrit-- urvJ. rt iMngqIn this cltv Hlfthpt cemml un paidand bust posjlble oe-o- ration

ll'rttc or remc te ste uj.Fiscnl Mannfjer,

318 Wlitencr HMif.. 1'lilln.


Members of tlie l'lillmleliihiu. :,.w erUmm .,ii,. nnn iiijuKtk

iv erk Ce tun i:ilIl.lllt.--l

Commlealen Oidtrs -- x.cuiuu In

Bixu.vi i: ceuiiT uLinr.1118 U'alnut st.

Mn limit 111 KICK111 llre il . N vv iir

Phila., Bait. & Wash.1st 4s, 1943


Direr l'rltule Telrphene te N w YerkenibiTM 1'blln, S'erk KxcluinRr

fjVC Paper Bexeaijlett and Malllni. Tubes

EDWIN J. SCHOETTLE CO.533 N. 11 lh St. Philadelphia

Celd Re'led Steel BarsIren and Steel Products


Fpnire S1S8-IAI- 1

FLECK BROS. CO.Maniifartur i nml leiilrrs In

Plumbing and FloatingSupplies

44.50 N. 5th St. 506 Arch St.Camden llranch, ISO-I- ll Fnlrrnl St.Vet llrnnrh l.aniicleiir, l'u.





Leeking Forward

We recommend theTjurchase of certainSterling Securities for. '4&J&

Safe, Profitable






COMPLETE SERVICEIn All Ferms of Investment

Main DepartmentsInvestment, Brokerage

Acceptance, Libertv BendForeign Exchange

Statistical. Ohie Securities

Extensive Private WireConnections

Members .bf New Yerk andOther Principal Stock


OTIS& CO.Investment BankersCLVFt AND

New lerk liosten DetroitCincinnati Columbus Teledo

Akren Yotincstewn DenverColnrnrte Spr'ngs

l&aYyce.Vaa&ias f "

stocks Rallying Round, B0HDS i the RailsU the present iiiurkeiwia cllIty of I lie rails the fereruntuf

( niiuilier eld-tl- rllre4mnrfcrlTAie u Ju.uUed In expelling; thprecrn: trrnd of the rails te blone Kustuliirit? Prediction re.

tltutCH i piirt of ear serTlea.Otir Mierlnt letter "R." however,drsrrlltfs the hlc conditionenrterllne n elrrtrd ff of thetsllrnrt lttp,

llurkc table rmirtllea carrudiipen a ceiurruatlve marginalijn(s Oild le't n specialty.

MffiBftBerGeJT. iriilljililpliU Mk. Exeh.llrmbrr ,.., .... . ,, ,.. , ,,. y.

Ib22 Uieslnut StreetFbenrst Hell, Hj.rnee ngi7-4X- M

Krrsten. ltiire 75S: nrnmlT A IRK ,1th , N. T.Sfnmfirn". Conn.

Western MarketsDirect private telegraphwire connections with

Chicago, Detroitand Grand Rapids

ERNEST SMITH & CO.i.w i.s'i mi: r .snci'piTiESZ0 Bread Street, New Yerk

Tel Hecter K157

irl n n in 1

Security SalesmanKncrs'tlc nalPsmnti wantecj hy anest.ihl lntstmnt house forspecial work en a high-grad- e

Ihsik1 A 1 irue list of knownbuyers win '.ji frrn.sh il

Siu'c'ss In till t i lv wi'l mean npermanent unmet n with i xci p- -tlenal op'iertunity tm the future.

A I.J. L1.HU1 It erii-Ii--

Investors Everywhere Use


Ask your Dank or Dankeror write

Meedy's Investors Service1IW4 Keal Lstate I rust Uldu . I'hlla., I'a.

Verk Iloaten Chicago

Broeke, Stokes & Ce.

15lh & Walnut Sis.Philadelphia

Washington Daltimere

AI.OCM. rerpnmtlnr ninnnfnrtnrnntrmnl nrtlclr with

pe'rntlnl mnrkrt of loe.nnoono Htunitxlly ilmlrrn te srrurr IAC 000 4dlllennl wnrUlnir mplliil rllhrr withor nlllieut liursler's srrvlrrs, Vreminuxlmiiiii output far I lie mmlng dvjrurs Ims lirn runtrnnrj far. I'rcNIts nre eicrptlanalljr tarce. Tbl wUstand op undrr III. must rlild UTrstliolleo.JTur IntertUw',, 4Jr,M ;MiuiuaiiiwcfwA m. &









i J




X.1 1 'WJ--



jriti.'jti fi tjHf'if.'l 'WML ,nWW
