8 goals (eng)

GOALS 2009-2010

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Powerpoint presentation for WUSC's 8 Goals campaign. A tool for WUSC Local Committees to use to inform and engage campus communities. [ENG]


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Education Changes the World

Millennium Development Goals

In September 2000,the internationalcommunity pledgedits commitmenttowards theeradication of worldpoverty by 2015 byratifying the MDGs.

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Education Changes the World

Amidst a deepening financial crisis and with only six years remaining until the 2015 deadline, now is an important time to ensure that achievement of the MDGs remains at the top of political and public agendas worldwide.

MDGs: Towards 2015

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Education Changes the World

The Millennium Development Goals

1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

2. Achieve universal primary education

3. Promote gender equality and empower women

4. Reduce child mortality

5. Improve maternal health

6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

7. Ensure environmental sustainability

8. Develop a global partnership for development

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Education Changes the World

Reduce extreme poverty and hunger

• Approximately 1.4 billion persons survive on less than $1.25 US a day.

• In 2009, an estimated 55 million to 90 million more people will be living in extreme poverty thananticipated before the economic crisis.

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Ensure primaryeducation for all

Photo Chloë Ernst

• Approximately 72 million school age children lack access to primary schools.

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Promote gender equality and the empowerment of women

• The proportion of women in non-agricultural wage employment in developing countries rose from 43% in 1990 to 47% om 2004. Let’s continue the trend!

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Reduce infant mortality

Photo: Kinia Adamczyk

• Worldwide, about 9 million children die every year from preventable, treatable causes.

• That averages out to almost 25,000 deaths a day.

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Improve maternal health

Photo: Kinia Adamczyk

• One in every 16 mothers in Africa still die in childbirth compared to 1 in 4,000 in industrialized countries.

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Fight HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases

• 33 million people were living with HIV at the end of 2007

• 7 million people living with AIDS in developing countries still do not access AIDS treament

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Ensure a sustainable environment

Photo Jamie Komarnicki

• 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water

• About 2.6 billion people (half the developing world) live without adequate sanitation.

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Institute a world partnership for development

The poorest countries cannot achieve Goals 1-7 without:

• more and better aid• fairer trade opportunities• debt relief

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Education Changes the World

Case Study: Uniterra At Work

Health for Mother & Child on the Bolivian Plateau

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Education Changes the World

Curahuara de Carangas (population 5,000):

A small indigenous community located in the heart of the Bolivian Altiplano, nearly 4,000m above sea level.

Case Study: Uniterra At Work

Health for Mother & Child on the Bolivian Plateau

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Education Changes the World

• 2006: Over 90% of expectant women in Curahuara de Carangas were delivering at home instead of in health centres.

• Mortality rates among the region’s mothers and newborns were spiralling out of control.

Case Study: Uniterra At Work

Health for Mother & Child on the Bolivian Plateau

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Education Changes the World

• Uniterra built a culturally-adapted birthing centre right in the community, attended by a traditional midwife.

• By reducing the distance traveled, and by giving the centre a culturally appropriate design, expectant mothers became much more likely to deliver in a clean, safe and properly equipped health centre.

Case Study: Uniterra At Work

Health for Mother & Child on the Bolivian Plateau

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Education Changes the World

• After one year:– # of institutional

births increased fivefold (x5)

– 84% of the municipality’s pregnant women receiving medical resources.

Case Study: Uniterra At Work

Health for Mother & Child on the Bolivian Plateau

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Education Changes the World

What is the Goals Campaign?

The 8 Goals Campaign mobilizes Canadian post-secondary students to champion the MDGs.

Once informed on the issues, we can work together and call for policies to strengthen Canada’s contribution to global development.

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Education Changes the World

Why should Local Committees take part?

We have skills and interests in a variety of disciplines to contribute to the mobilization efforts in favour of the Millennium Development Goals.

We have strength in numbers. Together, we represent over half a million Canadian post-secondary students.

We have passion and energy. As young leaders of change, we have a big stake in the future. We must do our part to help make poverty history.

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Education Changes the World

What You Can Do

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Education Changes the World

What You Can Do

• Organize a Stand Up and Take Action event: October 16-18, 2009

• Hold a Towards 2015 Symposium during International Development Week or Journées québécoises de la solidarité internationale (JQSI).

• Take part in the Make Poverty History campaign and encourage others to sign on

Join the 8 Goals campaign, hold a ‘Stand Up and Take Action’ event, sign on to Make Poverty History, champion the MDGs on campus, and call for policies to achieve them.

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Education Changes the World

Days of ActionConsider organizing your events around the following designated 8 Goals campaign


Stand Up &

Take Action:

October 16-18, 2009

International Development

Week: February 7-13,


Journées québécoises de

la solidarité internationale : November 4-15,


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Education Changes the World

Stand Up and Take Action!October 16 – 18, 2009

In 2006, 23 million people stood up, in 2007 47 million people, last year 116 million people Stood Up and Took Action. Let's break the record again this year and send a louder message than ever - achieve the Millennium Developments.

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Education Changes the World

Make Poverty History

Join a quarter million of Canadians who have signed on to Make Poverty History. We're calling for more and better aid, trade justice, debt cancellation, and an end to child poverty in Canada.

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Education Changes the World

8 Goals – On The WEB

For ideas, information, news, tips and resources on the 8 Goals campaign, please visit:


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Education Changes the World

Available Resources

Find all of the following 8 Goals resources at: http://www.wusc.ca/en/campus/students/educate

• 8 Goals campaign poster• 8 Goals information sheet• Links to Stand Up, Make Poverty History, etc

• Local Committee Handbook (tips on event planning, fundraising, etc)

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Sign Up!

Sign up to participate in the Shine A Light campaign by logging in to My Committee!


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Education Changes the World

Thank You!