7thsem cse

WEB TECHNOLOGY Subject Code : 11CS71 Credits : 04 Hrs/Week :3 Hrs Total Hrs : 52 C.I.E : 50 Marks S.E.E: 50 Marks S.E.E : 03 Hrs Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to : Understand the fundamentals of web, various steps in designing a creative and dynamic website. Students will be able to create static web pages using XHTML and CSS ,learn fundamentals of Java Script , Document Object Model and event handling, creating dynamic web pages using Javascript Understanding XML , writing perl scripts for CGI programs PART – A 1. Fundamentals of Web, XHTML-1: Internet, WWW, Web Browsers, and Web servers; URLs; MIME; HTTP, Security; The Web Programmers Toolbox, XHTML; Origins and Evolution of HTML and XHTML; Basic Syntax; Standard XHTML document Structure; Basic text Markup. XHTML 2: Images; Hypertext Links; Lists; Tables; Forms; Frames; Syntactic Differences between HTML. 7 Hrs 2. CSS: Introduction ; Levels of Style Sheets; Style Specification formats; Selector Forms; Property value forms; Font properties; List Properties; Color; Alignment of Text; The Box Model; Background Images; The <span> and <div> tags; Conflict Resolution. 5 Hrs 3. Javascript: Overview of JavaScript; Object Orientation and JavaScript; General syntactic characteristics; Primitives, operations, and Expressions; Screen output and keyboard input; Control statements; Object creation and modification Arrays; Functions; Constructor, Pattern Matching using regular expression; Errors in Scripts; Examples. 7 Hrs 4. Javascript And HTML Documents: The JavaScript Execution Environment; The Document Object Model; Element Access in JavaScript; Events and event handling; Handling Events from the Body Elements, Button Elements, Text box and Password elements; The DOM 2 event model; The Navigator object; DOM 2 event model; the navigator object; DOM tree traversal and modification. 7 Hrs

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Subject Code : 11CS71 Credits : 04Hrs/Week :3 Hrs Total Hrs : 52C.I.E : 50 Marks S.E.E: 50 Marks S.E.E : 03 Hrs

Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ Understand the fundamentals of web, various steps in designing a creative and dynamic website.

∑ Students will be able to create static web pages using XHTML and CSS ,learn fundamentals of Java Script , Document Object Model and event handling, creating dynamic web pages using Javascript

∑ Understanding XML , writing perl scripts for CGI programs


1. Fundamentals of Web, XHTML-1: Internet, WWW, Web Browsers, and Web servers; URLs; MIME; HTTP, Security; The

Web Programmers Toolbox, XHTML; Origins and Evolution of HTML and XHTML; Basic Syntax; Standard XHTML document Structure; Basic text Markup. XHTML 2: Images; Hypertext Links; Lists; Tables; Forms; Frames; Syntactic Differences between HTML. 7 Hrs

2. CSS: Introduction ; Levels of Style Sheets; Style Specification formats; SelectorForms; Property value forms; Font properties; List Properties; Color; Alignment of Text; The Box Model; Background Images; The <span> and <div> tags; ConflictResolution. 5 Hrs

3. Javascript: Overview of JavaScript; Object Orientation and JavaScript; General syntactic characteristics; Primitives, operations, and Expressions; Screen output and keyboard input; Control statements; Object creation and modification Arrays; Functions; Constructor, Pattern Matching using regular expression; Errors in Scripts; Examples.

7 Hrs4. Javascript And HTML Documents: The JavaScript Execution Environment; The Document Object Model; Element Access in JavaScript; Events and event handling; Handling Events from the Body Elements, Button Elements, Text box and Password elements; The DOM 2 event model; TheNavigator object; DOM 2 event model; the navigator object; DOM tree traversal and modification. 7 Hrs

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5. Dynamic Documents With Javascript: Introduction to dynamic documents; Positioning elements; Moving elements; Element visibility; Changing colors and fonts; Dynamic content; Stacking elements; Locating the mouse cursor, reaching to mouse click; Slow Movement of elements; Dragging and dropping elements. 8 Hrs

6. XML: Introduction; Syntax; Document structure, Document Type définitions; Namespaces ; XML schemas ; Displaying raw XML documents ; Displaying XML documents with CSS ; XSLT style sheets ; XML Processors ; Web services.

8 Hrs

7. Perl, CGI Programming: Origins and uses of Perl ; Scalars and their Operations; Assignment statements and simple input and output; Control statements; Fundamentalsof arrays; Hashes; References; Function ; Pattern matching; File input and output; Examples. The Common Gateway Interface; CGI linkage; Query string format; CGI.pm module; A survey example; Cookies. 10 Hrs


1. “Programming the World Wide Web”- Robert W.Sebsta, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.


1. “Internet & World Wide Web How to H Program”- M Deitel, P.J. Deitel, A.B.

Goldberg, 3r Edition, Pearson Education/PHI, 2004

2. “Web Programming Building Internet Applications”- Chris Bates, 3rd Edition, Wiley

India, 2006.

3. “The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming”- Xue Bai Et al, Thomson, 2003.


Subject Code:11CS72 Credits: 04Hrs/Week: 3+ 2(Tut)Hrs Total Hrs: 52C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 Hrs Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ Understand basic concepts of discrete event simulation and modeling , Develop an understanding Of continuous And Discrete Event Simulation systems.

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∑ Develop an analytical approach necessary for interpreting problem specifications and develop a systematic approach to problem solving.

∑ Generate and test random number , random variates and apply them to develop simulation models.

∑ Analyze the output of discrete-event simulation systems, and verify ,test the validity of the simulation models .

PART AIntroduction: When simulation is the appropriate tool and when it is not appropriate; Advantages and disadvantages of simulation; Areas of application; system and System environment; Components of a system; Discrete and continuous systems; Model of system; Types of Models; Discrete-Event System Simulation; Steps in a Simulation study. Simulation examples; Simulation of queuing systems; Simulation of inventory systems; other examples of simulation. 7 Hrs

General Principles: Concepts in Discrete-Event Simulation; The Event-Scheduling/ Time –Advance Algorithm, World views, Manual simulation using Event scheduling.

4 Hrs

Statistical and Queuing Models In Simulation: Review of terminology and concepts; Useful statistical models; discrete distributions; Continuous distributions; Poisson process; Empirical distributions. Characteristics of queuing system; Queuing notation; Long-run measures of performance of queuing systems. 7 Hrs

Random-Number Generation, Random- Variate Generation: Properties of random numbers; Generation of pseudo-random numbers; Techniques for generating random numbers; Tests for Random numbers. Random- Variate Generation; Inverse Transform Technique; Acceptance –Rejection Technique.

8 Hrs


Input Modeling: Data collection; Identifying the distribution with data; Parameter estimation; Goodness of fit tests; Fitting a non-stationary Poisson process; Selecting input models without data. 8 Hrs

Output Analysis For A Single Model: Types of simulation with respect to output analysis; stochastic nature of output data; Measures of performance and their estimation; Output analysis for terminating simulations, Output analysis for steady State simulations

8 Hrs

Verification And Validation Of Simulation Models, Optimization: Model building, verification and validation; Verification of simulation models; Calibration and validation of models. Optimization via simulation. 10 Hrs

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1. “Discrete-Event System Simulation” – Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II, Barry L Nelson, David M. Nichol, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007


1. “Discrete-Event Simulation: A First Course” – Lawrence M. Leemis, Stephen K.

Park, Pearson Education/Prentice-Hall India, 2006.

2. “Simulation”- Sheldon M. Ross, 4th edition, Elsevier, 2006.

3. “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”- Averill M. Law, 4th edition Tata McGraw-

Hill, 2007.

4. “System Simulation With Digital Computer” – Nasingh Deo , Prentice- Hall of India

5. “System Simulation”- Geoffery Gordoan, Prentice- Hall of India


Subject Code:11CS73 Credits: 04Hrs/Week: 3+ 2(Tut)Hrs Total Hrs: 52C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 Hrs Course Outcome: After completing the course, the student will be able to:

∑ Work with the latest JDBC technology, Use the advanced features of Java

programming such as servlets, JSP

∑ Use the advanced features of Java programming such as Swings, Work with

collection API and develop fast programs.

∑ Work with coding the EJB and Server side component model.


JDBC: Talking to Database, Immediate Solutions, Essential JDBC program, using prepared Statement Object, Interactive SQL tool. JDBC in Action Result sets, Batch updates, Mapping, Basic JDBC data types, Advanced JDBC data types, immediate solutions. 8 Hrs

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Servlets: Servlet Structure, Servlet packaging, HTML building utilities, Lifecycle, Single Thread model interface, Handling Client Request: Form Data, Handling Client Request: HTTP Request Headers. Generating server Response: HTTP Status codes, Handling Cookies: Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of cookies, Sending outgoing cookies, Receiving incoming cookies, Tracking repeat visitors, Specifying cookie attributes, Differentiating between session cookies and persistent, Session Tracking:Implementing session tracking from scratch, Using basic session tracking, Understanding the session-tracking API, Differentiating between server and browser sessions

9 Hrs

JSP: Overview of JSP Technology, Need of JSP, Benefits of Jsp, Advantages of JSP, Basic syntax, Invoking java code with JSP scripting elements, creating Template Text, Invoking java code from JSP, Limiting java code in jsp, using jsp expressions, comparing servlets and jsp, writing scriptlets, scriplet example Using Scriptlets to make parts of jsp conditional, using declarations, declaration example. Controlling the Structure of generated servlets: the JSP page directive, import attribute, session attribute, is Elignore attribute, buffer and auto flush attributes, info attribute , errorPage and is errorPage attributes, is Thread safe Attribute, extends attribute, language attribute, Including files and applets in jsp Pages, using java beans components in JSP documents.

9 Hrs


Swings in Depth: Viewports, Scorrling, Sliders, Lists, Tables, Trees, ComboBoxes, Progress Bars, Tooltips, Separators and Choosers, Layered Panes, Tabbed Panes, Split Panes and Layouts. Menus and Toolbars, Windows, Desktop Panes, Inner Frames, Dialog Boxes, Images and Animation. 6 Hrs

Java Beans & Annotations: Creating Packages, Interfaces, JAR files and Annotations. The core java API package, New java. Lang Sub package, Built-in Annotations. Working with Java Beans. Introspection, Customizers, creating java bean, manifest file, Bean Jar file, new bean, adding controls, Bean properties, Simple properties, Design Pattern events, creating bound properties, Bean Methods, Bean an Icon, Bean info class, Persistence, Java Beans API. 6 Hrs

Introduction to EJB: The Problem domain, Breakup responsibilities,CodeSmart not hard,the Enterprisejavabean specification. Components Types. Server Side Component Types, Session Beans, Message DrivenBeans, Entity Beans, The Java Persistence Model. Container services. Dependency Injection, Concurrency, Instance pooling n caching, Transactions, security, Timers, Naming and object stores, Interoperability, Life Cycle Callbacks, Interceptors, platform integration. Developing your first EJB. Preparation, Definitions, naming conventions, convention for the Examples, coding the EJB, the contract, the bean Implementation class, out of Container Testing, Integration Testing.

7 Hrs

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Server Side Component Models: The Stateless Session Bean, the Stateful Session Bean, the Singleton Session Bean, Message-Driven Beans. 7 Hrs

Text Books:1. Marty Hall, Larry Brown. Core Servlets and Java Server Pages. Volume 1: Core Technologies. Second Edition. (Chapter 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14).

2. Java 6 Programming Black Book, Dreamtech Press. 2012 (Chapter 17,18,19,20,21,22,27,28,29,30).

3. Andrew LeeRubinger, Bill Burke. Developing Enterprise Java Components. EnterpriseJavaBeans 3.1.O’reilly. (Chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11).

Reference Books:1. Michael Sikora, EJB 3 Developer Guide, A practical guide for developers and architects to the Enterprise Java Beans Standard, Shroff Publishers & Distributors PVT LTD. July 2008.

2. Herbert Schildt, Java The Complete Reference, Eight Edition. Comprehensive coverage of the Java Language. Tata McGraw-Hill Edition – 2011


Subject Code : 11CS741 Credits :3Hrs/Week: 3 Hrs Total Hrs: 42C.I.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E: 50 Marks S.E.E: 03 Hrs________________________________________________________________________Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ Display proficiency in C# by building stand-alone applications in the .NET framework.

∑ To learn configuration and deployment by using Visual Studio .NET and C#. ∑ To implement C# elements and OOPS concepts ∑ To understand interface and collection concepts in C# language∑ To understand advanced features of C#


1. The Philosophy of .NET and Building C# Applications : Understanding the Previous State of Affairs . The .NET Solution. Introducing the Building Blocks of the .NET Platform(the CLR, CTS, and CLS) .The Role of the Base Class Libraries ..NET-Aware Programming Languages. An Overview of .NET Assemblies Single-File and Multifile Assemblies . The Role of the Common Intermediate Language The Role of

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.NET Type Metadata .The Role of the Assembly Manifest Understanding the Common Type System, Understanding the Common Language Specification Understanding the Common Language Runtime . The Assembly/Namespace/Type Distinction . Using ildasm.exe Deploying the .NET Runtime The Platform-Independent Nature of .NET The C# Command-Line Compiler (csc.exe) Building C# Applications Using csc.exe Working with csc.exe Response Files. The Command-Line Debugger (cordbg.exe). Building .NET Applications Using TextPad. Building .NET Applications Using Visual Studio. 6 Hrs

2. C# Language Fundamentals :The Anatomy of a Simple C# Program The System.Environment Class Defining Classes and Creating Objects The System.Console Class . Establishing member visibility Default Values of class member variables Member variable initialization syntax Defining Constant Data Defining Read-Only Fields. Understanding the static Keyword. Method Parameter Modifiers. Iteration Constructs. Decision Constructs and Operators Understanding Value Types and Reference Types Understanding Boxing and Unboxing Operations Working with .NET Enumerations . The Master Class: System.Object, The system Data TypesThe System.String Data Type The Role of System.Text.StringBuilder..NET Array Types Understanding C# Nullable Types,

Object-Oriented Programming with C# :Understanding the C# Class Type, C#’s Encapsulation Services, C#’s Inheritance Support. Programming for Containment/Delegation, C#’s Polymorphic Support, C# Casting Rules, Understanding C# Partial Types. 5 Hrs

3. Understanding Object Lifetime : Classes, Objects, and References, The Basics of Object Lifetime, Understanding Object Generations, The System.GC Type , Building Finalizable Objects, Building Disposable Objects . Building Finalizable and Disposable Types. 5 Hrs

4. Understanding Structured Exception Handling : Errors, Bugs, and Exceptions . The Role of .NET Exception Handling. The Simplest Possible Example Configuring the State of an Exception .System-Level Exceptions (System.SystemException) Application-Level Exceptions (System.ApplicationException) Processing Multiple Exceptions The Finally Block Who Is Throwing What? The Result of Unhandled Exception Debugging unhandled exceptions using visual studio. 5 Hrs

PART B5. Interfaces and Collections : Defining Interfaces in C#. . Implementing an Interface in C# . Contrasting Interfaces to Abstract Base Classes . Invoking Interface Members at the Object Level . Interfaces As Parameters . Interfaces As Return Values Arrays of Interface Types . Understanding Explicit Interface Implementation . Building Interface Hierarchies. . Implementing Interfaces using visual studio 2005 Building Enumerable Types (IEnumerable and IEnumerator) Building Cloneable Objects (ICloneable) Building Comparable Objects (IComparable). The Interfaces of the System.Collections Namespace . The Class Types of System.Collections. 5 Hrs

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6. Callback Interfaces, Delegates, and Events : Understanding Callback Interfaces. . Understanding the .NET Delegate Type Defining a Delegate in C# The System.MulticastDelegate and System.Delegate Base Classes . Investigating a Delegate Object . Enabling Multicasting A More Elaborate Delegate Example Understanding C# Events. 5 Hrs

7. Advanced C# Type Construction Techniques :Building a Custom Indexer Internal Representation of Type Indexers Understanding Operator Overloading. Overloading Binary Operators. Overloading Unary operators. Overloading Equality Operators. Overloading Comparison Operators. The Internal Representation of Overloaded Operators Understanding Custom Type Conversions. The Internal Representation of Custom Conversion Routines. The Advanced Keywords of C#. C# Preprocessor Directives. 5 Hrs

8. Introducing .NET Assemblies : The Role of .NET Assemblies . Assemblies Promote Code Reuse Assemblies Establish a Type Boundary Assemblies Are Versionable Units Assemblies Are Self-Describing Assemblies Are Configurable Understanding the Format of a .NET Assembly The Optional Assembly Resources Single-File and Multifile Assemblies Building and Consuming a Single-File Assembly Exploring the Manifest. Exploring the CIL Exploring the Type Metadata . Building a Visual Basic .NET Client Application Building and Consuming a Multifile Assembly . Consuming a Multifile Assembly Understanding Private Assemblies. Understanding the Probing Process Configuring Private Assemblies Understanding Shared Assemblies The System.Configuration Namespace. 6 Hrs


1. “Pro C# with .NET 3.0”, Andrew Troelsen: Special Edition, Dream tech Press, India, 2007. Chapters: 1 to 11 (up to pp.369)

2. “Programming in C#”, E. Balagurusamy:, 5th Reprint, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. (Programming Examples 3.7, 3.10, 5.5, 6.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 87, 8.8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 10.2, 10.4, 11.2, 11.4, 12.1, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.6, 14.1, 14.2, 14.4, 15.2, 15.3, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 18.3,


1. “Learning C#” By Jesse Liberty , O’ Reilly

2. “C# 2005 Programming Black Book” by Matt Telles and Kogent Solutions Inc

3. “C# The Complete Reference” ,Herbert Schildt:, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004

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Subject Code: 11CS742 Credits: 3Hours/Week: 3 hrs Total Hrs: 42C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E : 50 Marks S.E.E:03 Hrs

Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ Understand the basics and importance of real-time systems∑ Generate a high-level analysis and design document based on requirements

specifications and analysis documentation∑ Generate a test plan based on requirements specification∑ Generate a validation plan based on all documentation∑ Understand basic multi-task scheduling algorithms for periodic, a periodic, and

sporadic tasks as well as understand the impact of the latter two on scheduling∑ Understand capabilities of at least one commercial off-the-shelf R-T kernel

Part - AIntroduction: Basic Real Time Concepts: Terminology, Real Time System Design Issues, Real Time. Definitions, Example Real Time Systems, Brief History. 5 hrs

Real Time Operating System-1:Operating System Services, Process Management, Timer functions, Event functions, Device, File I/O subsystems management, Interrupt routines latency& response times of tasks as performance; Operating System security Issues. 6 hrs

Real Time Operating System-2:Real Time Operating System, Basic Design Using as RTOS, RTOS task scheduling models, Interrupt latency & response times of task as performance metrics. 5 hrs

Interposes Communication & Synchronization: Buffering Data –Time relative Buffering, Ring Buffers, Mailboxes-Mailbox, Queues critical regions; Semaphores, Other Synchronization Mechanisms, Deadlocks. 5hrs

Part –B

Real Time Memory Management: Process Stack Management, Runtime Ring Buffer, Maximum Stack Size, Multiple Stack Arrangement, Memory Management in Task Control Block Model. Swapping, Overlays, Memory locking, Real Time Garbage Collection, Contiguous File Systems. 8 hrs

System Performance Analysis & Optimization:Response Time Calculation, Interrupt Latency, Time Loading & its Measurement, Reducing response times & time loading I/O

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Time Calculation, Interrupt Latency, Time Loading & its Measurement, Reducing response times & time loading I/ O Performance 7 hrs

Fault Tolerance & Reliability: Reliability definition, Testing – Unit & System Level, Fault Tolerance-N-Version Programming, Built-in Testing Software, CPU & Memory Testing. 6 hrs


1. Raj Kamal “Embedded systems Architecture; Programming and design”; Tata

McGraw-Hill; Second edition.

2. Phillip A. Laplante “Real-Time Systems Design And Analysis” , , Third Edition, 2004

Willey-IEEE Press.


1. C.M.Krishna;Kang G.shin ”Real Time Systems”, , McGraw-Hill.

2. David Simon, “An Embedded software primer”, Addison Wesley,2000

3. Rajkamal,”Micro Controller:Architecture,Programming,Interfacing and System Design”, , Pearson Education.

4. Raymond J.A.Buhr ,Donald L.Bailey,”An Introduction To Real Time Systems” ,Prentice

Hall International.

5. Mohammed Ali mazidi; Janice Gillispie Mazidi,The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded system”,;;Pearson Education Asia 2002.


Subject Code: 11CS743 Credits: 03Hrs/Week: 3 Hrs Total Hrs: 42

C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 hrs _______________________________________________________________________

Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

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∑ Define the basics of a “game” and Translate the basic of a “game” into a wide range of conflicts and Analyze conflict dynamics from the standpoint of rationality .

∑ Formulate strategic alternatives which take into account the actions of others (commonly known as a “Nash Equilibrium”) , Identify Nash Equilibria in various everyday settings

∑ Recognize the classic “Prisoners' Dilemma” and Appraise the application of Prisoners' Dilemma to a variety of real-world conflicts


Introduction To Strategic Games: What is game theory? The theory of rational choice;

Interacting decision makers. Strategic games; Example: The prisoner’s dilemma; Nash

equilibrium; Examples of Nash equilibrium; Best-response functions; Dominated

actions; Equilibrium in a single population: symmetric games and symmetric equilibria.

4 Hrs

Mixed Strategy Equilibrium: Introduction; Strategic games in which players may

randomize; Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium; Dominated actions; Pure equilibria when

randomization is allowed, illustration; Equilibrium in a single population, illustration; The

formation of players’ beliefs; Extensions; Representing preferences by expected payoffs.

6 Hrs

Extensive Games: Extensive games with perfect information; Strategies and outcomes;

Nash equilibrium; Subgame perfect equilibrium; Finding subgame perfect equilibria of

finite horizon games. 5 Hrs

Extensive Games: Extensions, Coalitional Games And The Core: Extensions: Allowing

for simultaneous moves, illustration: entry in to a monopolized industry; Discussion:

subgame perfect equilibrium and backward induction. Coalition games; The core;

Illustration: ownership and the distribution of wealth; Other solution concepts. 6 Hrs


Bayesian Games: Motivational examples; General definitions; Two examples

concerning information; Illustration: auctions; Auctions with an arbitrary distribution of

valuations. Extensive games with imperfect information; Strategies; Nash equilibrium;

Beliefs and sequential equilibrium; Signaling games; Illustration: strategic information

transmission. 7 Hrs

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Strictly Competitive Games, Rationalizability: Strictly competitive games and

maximization; Maximization and Nash equilibrium; Strictly competitive games;

Maximization and Nash equilibrium in strictly competitive games. Rationalizability;

Iterated elimination of strictly dominated actions; Iterated elimination of weakly

dominated actions; Dominance solvability. 7 Hrs

Evolutionary Equilibrium, Iterated Games: Monomorphic pure strategy equilibrium;

Mixed strategies and polymorphic equilibrium; Asymmetric contests; Variations on

themes: Sibling behavior, Nesting behavior of wasps, the evolution of sex ratio. Repeated

games: The main idea; Preferences; Repeated games; Finitely and infinitely repeated

Prisoner’s dilemma; Strategies in an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s dilemma; Some Nash

equilibria of an infinitely repeated Prisoner’s dilemma. Application of game theory in

computer science and computer communication network. 7 Hrs


1. “An Introduction to Game Theory” , Martin Osborne, Oxford University Press,

Indian Edition, 2004.

2. “Game Theory”, Drew Fundenberg, Jean Tirole, Ane Books, Reprint 2005,New



1. “Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict” , Roger B. Myerson, Harvard University

Press, 1997.

2. “Microeconomic Theory”, Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry

R. Green, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995.

3. “Game Theory and Strategy”, Philip D. Straffin, Jr., The Mathematical

Association of America, January 1993.



Subject Code: 11CS744 Credits: 03Hours/Week: 03 Hrs Total Hrs: 42

C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 hrs Duration ________________________________________________________________________

Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

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∑ Understand the basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic and rule based systems.

∑ Provide Fuzzy Logic inference system which emphasis on the design of intelligence o& humanistic systems.

∑ Acquire the knowledge of Fuzzy arithmetic and will be able to apply these to the real life problems including engineering ones.


Introduction: What is Fuzzy Logic, The History of Fuzzy Logics: The birth of Fuzzy Set theory, a Decade of Theory Development, Pioneers of Industrial Application, The Fuzzy Boom, Tools for implementing Fuzzy Logic Applications, Fuzzy Logic in Education, toward a more principled Design. Motivation: The Underpinning: The Principles of incompatibility, A Quest for Precision Forever, Why use Fuzzy Logic for Control?, Modus operand of Fuzzy Logic, Myths about Fuzzy Logic. Intelligence, Control and Information. 7 Hrs

Basic Concepts of Fuzzy Logic: Introduction: Two Exemplary Problems; Fuzzy Sets; Designing Membership Functions, Basic Operation in Fuzzy Sets. Linguistic Variables, Possibility Distributions. Fuzzy Rules: Structure of Fuzzy Rules, Rules for the two Exemplary Problems, Fuzzy Rule based inference, Designing Antecedent Membership Functions, Designing Fuzzy Rule-based systems using the Fuzzy Logic Tool bar.

7 Hrs

Fuzzy Sets: Classical Sets; set Operation, Fuzzy Sets; Representation of Fuzzy Sets, Types of Membership Functions, Failing of the Law of Excluded Middle and the Law of Contradiction, Hedges, Operation of Fuzzy Sets; Intersection and Union of Fuzzy Sets, Complement of Fuzzy Set, Subsethood, Properties of Fuzzy Sets: The Cardinality of Fuzzy Sets, Height: Normal Versus Subnormal, Support and Alpha-level Cuts, Resolution Identity, Convex Fuzzy Sets, A Geometric Interpretation of Fuzzy Sets.

7 Hrs

PART BFuzzy Relation, Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Arithmetic: Fuzzy Relations, the Composition of Fuzzy Relations: Cylindrical Extension, Projection, a Formal Definition of the Composition of Fuzzy Relation, Fuzzy Graphs, Fuzzy Numbers, Function with Fuzzy Arguments, Arithmetic Operation on Fuzzy Numbers. 7 Hrs

Fuzzy If- Then Rules: Introduction: Basics of Fuzzy Rules, Two type of Fuzzy Rules: Fuzzy Mapping Rules, Fuzzy Implication Rules, Fuzzy Rule-based Models for function Approximation, fuzzy Partition, Mapping a Fuzzy Subspace to a local Model, Fusion of Local Models through interpolative Reasoning, Defuzzification, A Theoretical foundation of Fuzzy Mapping Rules: A Mathematical Representation of Fuzzy Mapping Rules, The Foundation of Fuzzy Rule based Models: The Fuzzy Graph, Types of Fuzzy Rule-based Models, The Mamdani Model, The TSK Model. 7 Hrs

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Fuzzy Implication and Approximate Reasoning: Propositional Logic, First Order Predicate Calculus, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Implication, Approximate Reasoning, Criteria of Fuzzy Implications, Families of Fuzzy Implication, Major Fuzzy Implication Functions.

7 Hrs


1. John Yen, Reza Langari “Fuzzy Logic“ , , Perason publications. 2005


1. Jang, Sun, Mizutani Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing”, Pearson

2. Haykin “Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation”, , Pearson

3. G.J. Klir & B. Yuan, “Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic”, , PHI.

4. Anderson J.A., “An Introduction to Neural Networks”, PHI, 1999

Building Enterprise ApplicationsSubject Code: 11CS751 Credits: 03Hours/Week: 03 Hr Total Hrs: 42

C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 hrs

Course Outcome : After completing this course student will be able to :

∑ Familiarize with concept of Enterprise Analysis and Business Modeling.∑ Understand requirements validation, planning and estimation.∑ Design and document the application architecture.∑ Understand the importance of application framework and designing other

application components.∑ Construct and develop different solution layers.∑ Perform Code review, Code analysis, build process.

PART AIntroduction to enterprise applications and their types, software engineering

methodologies, life cycle of raising an enterprise application, introduction to skills required to build an enterprise application, key determinants of successful enterprise applications, and measuring the success of enterprise applications. 5 hrs

Inception of enterprise applications, enterprise analysis, business modeling, requirements elicitation, use case modeling, prototyping, non functional requirements, requirements validation, planning and estimation. 5 hrs

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Architecture, Views and Viewpoints: Enterprise Application: An Enterprise Architecture Perspective, Enterprise Triangle and Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Architecture frameworks, Blueprint of an Enterprise Application, Logical Architecture: Technical Architecture and Design: Mapping Logical Architecture to Technical Architecture, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Infrastructure Services Layer, Presentation Layer, Business Layer, External Systems Layer, Integration Layer, Technical Solution Ecosystem. 6 hrs

Data Representations, Unstructured Architecture Building Blocks. Infrastructure Architecture and Design: Infrastructure Architecture and Design, Networking, Internetworking , Internetworking and Communication Protocols, IT Hardware and Software, Middleware, Policies for Infrastructure Management Deployment Strategy, Architecture and Design Documentation: System Architecture Documentation, System Architecture Documentation , Design Documentation. 5 hrs


Construction Readiness: Defining a Construction Plan, Defining a Package Structure, Setting Up a Configuration Management Plan, Setting Up a Development Environment. Introduction to Software Construction Map, Constructing the Solution Layers: Infrastructure Services Layer Components, Presentation Layer Components, Business Layer Components, Data Access Layer Components, Integration Layer Components.

6 hrs

Code Review: Objectives, Process, Static Code Analysis: Coding Style, Logical Bugs, Security Vulnerabilities, Code Quality. Building Process and Unit Testing: Building Process, Unit Testing. Dynamic Code Analysis: Code Profiling, Code Coverage.

5 hrs

Testing and Rolling Out Enterprise Applications: Testing Enterprise Applications: Types and Methods of Testing, Testing Levels, Testing Approach, Enterprise Application Environments, Integration Testing. 5 hrs

Unit VIII : System Testing: Performance Testing, Penetration Testing Usability Testing, Usability Testing , Globalization Testing, Interface Testing. User Acceptance Testing. Rolling Out Enterprise Applications. 5 hrs

Text Books:

1. Raising Enterprise Applications: Published by John Wiley, authored by Anubhav, Pradhan, Satheesha B Nanjappa, Senthi K Nallasamy, Veerakumar Esakimuthu.

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2. Building Java Enterprise Applications – Published by O’Reilly Media authored by Brett McLaughlin.

Reference Books:

1. Software Requirements: Styles & Techniques – published by Addison –Wesley professional.

2. Software Systems Requirements Engineering in Practice – published by McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media.

3. Managing Software Requirements : A use Case Approach, 2/e – published by person.

4. Software Architecture : A Case based Approach – published by Pearson


Subject Code: 11CS752 Credits: 03Hours/Week: 3 Hrs Total Hrs: 42

C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 hrs ________________________________________________________________________

Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ Understand the necessity of network system management in providing information technology services and knowledge of network management goals, standards, models, platform and protocols.

∑ Acquire knowledge about SNMP history, internet organization and its standards, SNMP model and understand remote monitoring.

∑ Understand basics of broadband access network , current broadband technologies, manage broadband network and network management applications.


1. Introduction: Analogy of Telephone Network Management, Data and Telecommunication Network Distributed computing Environments, TCPIIP-Based Networks: The Internet and Intranets, Communications. Protocols and Standards-. Communication Architectures, Protocol Layers and Services; Case Histories of Networking and Management - The Importance of topology, Filtering Does Not Reduce Load on Node, Some Common Network Problems; Challenges of Information Technology Managers, Network Management: Goals, Organization, and Functions-Goal of Network Management, Network Provisioning, Network Operations and the NOC, Network Installation and Maintenance; Network and System Management, Network Management System platform, Current Status and Future of Network Management.

6 Hrs

2. Basic Foundations: Standards, Models, And Language : Network Management Standards, Network Management Model, Organization Model, Information Model -

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Management Information Trees, Managed Object Perspectives, Communication Model; ASN.I-Terminology, Symbols, and Conventions, Objects and Data Types, Object Names, An Example of ASN.l from ISO 8824; Encoding Structure; Macros, Functional Model.

5 Hrs

3. SNMPVL Network Management-1: Organization: Managed Network: The History of SNMP Management, Internet Organizations and standards, Internet Documents, The SNMP Model, The Organization Model, and System Overview. 5 Hrs

4. SNMPVL Network Management-2: Information, Communication and Functional Model: The Information Model: Introduction, The Structure of Management Information, Managed Objects, Management Information Base. The SNMP Communication Model - The SNMP Architecture, Administrative Model, SNMP Specifications, SNMP Operations, SNMP MIB Group, Functional Model. 5 Hrs


5. SNMP Management- RMON : Remote Monitoring, RMON SMI and MIB, RMONI1- RMONI Textual Conventions, RMONI Groups and Functions, Relationship Between Control and Data Tables, RMONI Common and Ethernet Groups, RMON Token Ring, Extension Groups, RMON2 - TheRMON2 Management Information Base, RMON2 Conformance Specifications; ATM Remote Monitoring, A Case Study of Internet Traffic Using RMON. 5 Hrs

6. Broadband Network Management: Broadband Access Networks and Technologies-Broadband Access Networks, Broadband access Technology; HFCT Technology-The Broadband LAN, The Cable Modem, The Cable Modem Termination System, The HFC Plant, The RF Spectrum for Cable Modem; Data Over Cable Reference Architecture; HFC Management – Cable Modem and CMTS Management, HFC Link Management, RF Spectrum Management, DSL Technology; Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Technology – Role of the ADSL Access Network in an Overall Network, ADSL Architecture, ADSL Channeling Schemes, ADSL Encoding Schemes; ADSL Management – ADSL Network Management Elements, ADSL Configuration Management, ADSL Fault Management, ADSL Performance Management, SNMP-Based ADSL Line MIB, MIB Integration with Interfaces Groups in MIB-2, ADSL Configuration Profiles. 8 Hrs

7. Network Management Applications: Configuration Management- Network 1 Provisioning, Inventory Management, Network Topology, -Fault Management- Fault Detection, Fault Location and Isolation Techniques, Performance Management Performance Metrics, Data Monitoring; Problem Isolation, Performance Statistics; Event Correlation Techniques -Rule-Based Reasoning, Model-Based Reasoning, Case-Based Reasoning, Codebook correlation Model, State Transition Graph' Model, Finite State Machine Model, Security Management Policies and Procedures, Security Breaches-and the Resources Needed to: Prevent Them, Firewalls, Cryptography, Authentication and Authorization, Client/Server Authentication Systems, Messages Transfer Security,

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Protection of Networks from' Virus Attacks, Accounting Management, Report Management, Policy-Based Management, Service Level Management. 8 Hrs


1. “Network Management- Principles and Practice”, Mani Subramanian, Pearson

Education, 2003.


1. “Network management Concepts and Practices: a Hands-On Approach”, J.

Richard Burke, PHI, 2008.

2. “ Network Management Systems Essentials”, Divakara K Udupa, McGraw-Hill


Reprint Edition.


Subject Code: 11CS753 Credits: 03Hours/Week: 03 Hrs Total Hrs: 42

C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 hrs


Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ Understand cryptography and network security concepts and applications.

∑ Apply security principles to system design

∑ Identify and investigate network security threat

∑ Analyze and design network security protocols

PART-A1. Symmetric Ciphers: Overview: Services, Mechanisms and attacks, The OSI

Security Architecture, A model for N/W Security, Classical Encryption techniques: Symmetric cipher model, Substitution techniques, Transposition Techniques. Block Ciphers and the data Encryption Standards: Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, The Data encryption Standard, The Strength of DES, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis. 7 Hrs

2. Contemporary Symmetric Ciphers : Triple DES, Blowfish, and Confidentiality using symmetric encryption: placement of encryption function, Traffic Confidentiality, key Distribution, Random number Generation. 7 Hrs

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3. Public key Encryption and Cryptography: Number theory: Prime numbers, Format’s and Euler’s theorems, Testing for Primality, public key cryptography and RSA: principles of public key cryptosystems, The RSA algorithm, Key management, Diffie-Hellman key exchange. 7 Hrs


4. Message authentication, Digital Signatures and Authentication protocols: Authentication requests, Authentication functions, Message authentication codes,MD5 message Digest Algorithm, Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols.

5 Hrs

5. Network Security : Authentication Application: Kerberos,X.509 Directory Authentication Service. Electronic mail security: Pretty Good Service. 5 Hrs

6. IP Security and Web security: Overview, IP Security Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulation Security Payload. Web Security: Web Security Requirements, Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security, Secure Electronic Transaction.

6 Hrs

7. System security: Intruders, Malicious Software: Viruses and Related Threats, Countermeasures. Firewalls: Firewalls Design Principles. 5 Hrs


1. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Third Edition, Pearson Education/PHI, 2003


1. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner, “Network Security: Private

communication in a Public World”, , Second Edition, Pearson Education


2. Atul Kahate “Cryptography and Network Security”, , ,Tata McGrawHill,2003

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Subject Code: 11CS754 Credits: 03Hrs/Week: 3 Hrs Total Hrs: 42C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 hrs

Course Outcomes:

As an outcome of completing this course, students should be able to:

∑ Understand the terminology of signals and basic engineering systems. ∑ Understand the role of signals and systems in engineering design and society. ∑ Understand the use of signals and basic system building blocks and their roles in

large/complex system design. ∑ Understand signal representation techniques and signal characteristics. ∑ Understand the difference and the applications of analog versus discrete signals

and the conversion between them. ∑ Understand the process of sampling and the effects of under sampling. ∑ Understand the Fourier, Laplace and z-transforms. ∑ Understand the use of transforms in signal/system analysis, characterization, and

manipulation. ∑ Understand the relations between the Fourier, Laplace and z-transforms.


Introduction: Definitions of signal and systems, Classification of signals, Basic operations on signals, Elementary signals, Properties of systems. 5 Hrs

Linear time invariant systems: Convolution sum: The representation of discrete time signals in terms of impulses, properties of LTI systems: invert ability, causality, stability, unit step response 5 Hrs

Linear time Invariant Systems – II: Differential and difference equation representation of LTI systems, and block diagram representation of LTI systems. 5 Hrs

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Fourier representation of signals and LTI systems: Introduction, Fourier representation for four classes of signals, the Fourier series, discrete time Fourier series, the Fourier transform, discrete time Fourier transforms, properties of Fourier representations. 6 Hrs


Applications of Fourier representations :Frequency response of LTI systems, Fourier transform representation of periodic signals, Fourier transform representation of discrete-time signals, sampling of continuous time signals, reconstruction of continuous time signals from samples. 7 Hrs

Z-Transforms: The Z-transforms, properties of ROC, properties of Z-transforms, inversion of the Z-transform. 7 Hrs

Z–Transforms – II: The transfer function, causality and stability, determining frequency response from poles and zeroes. 7 Hrs

TEXT BOOK:1. “Signals and systems”, Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, John Wiley and sons, 2001, Reprint 2002.


1. “Signals and Systems”, Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S , Willsky and S. Hamid

Nawab- Pearson education Asia, Second edition, 1997, Indian reprint 2002.

2. “Signals and Systems”, Dr D Ganesh Rao and Satish Tunga – A Simplified

Approach, Sanguine Technical Publishers, 2003-04


Subject Code: 11CS761 Credits: 03Hours/Week: 3 Hrs Total Hrs: 42C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E : 50 Marks S.E.E:03 Hrs

Course Outcome :

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After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :∑ Understand the role of neural networks in engineering, artificial intelligence,

expert system & Machine learning application

∑ Analyze the supervised & unsupervised learning processes.

∑ Provide knowledge of perceptions for solving hands an problems in real- world application.


Introduction: Introduction to Neural Network, Human Brain, Models of Neuron, and

Neural Networks viewed as directed graphs, Feedback, Network Architectures,

Knowledge representation, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks. 6 Hrs

Learning Processes – 1: Introduction, Error-correction learning, Memory-based

learning, Hebbian learning, Competitive learning, Boltzamann learning, Credit

Assignment problem.

5 Hrs

Learning Processes – 2 : Learning with a Teacher, Learning without a Teacher,

Learning tasks, Memory, Adaptation. Statistical nature of the learning process, Statistical

learning theory, approximately correct model of learning. 5 Hrs

Single Layer Perceptrons : Single Layer Perceptrons: Introduction, Adaptive filtering

problem, Unconstrained optimization techniques, Linear least-squares filters, Least-mean

square algorithm, Learning curves, Learning rate annealing techniques, Perceptron,

Relation between the Perceptron and Bayes classifier for a Gaussian environment.

5 Hrs


Multilayer Perceptrons : Introduction, Some preliminaries, Back-propagation

Algorithm, Summary of back-propagation algorithm, XOR problem, Heuristics for

making the back-propagation algorithm perform better, Output representation and

decision rule, Feature detection, Back-propagation and differentiation. 5 Hrs

Multilayer Perceptrons: Network pruning techniques, virtues and limitations of back-

propagation learning, Accelerated convergence of back propagation learning, Supervised

learning viewed as an optimization problem, Convolution networks. 5 Hrs

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Radial-Basic Function Networks : Introduction, Cover’s theorem on the separability of

patterns, Interpolation problem, Supervised learning as an ill-posed Hypersurface

reconstruction problem, Regularization theory, Regularization networks, Generalized

radial-basis function networks, XOR problem, Estimation of the regularization parameter.

Approximation properties of RBF networks, Comparison of RBF networks and

multilayer Perceptrons, Learning strategies 6 Hrs

Support Vector machines : Introduction, Optimal hyper plane for Linearly separable

and non-separable patterns, How to build SVM for pattern recognition. EG: Computer

experiment. 5 Hrs


1. Simon Haykin “Neural Networks- A Comprehensive Foundation” , , 2nd Edition,

Pearson Education, 1999.


1. B. Yegnanarayana “Artificial Neural Networks”, , PHI, 2001.

2. Anderson J.A “An Introduction to Neural Networks”,., PHI, 1999

3. Schalkf “An Introduction to Neural Networks”, , PHI, 1999


Subject Code : 11CS762 Credits : 03Hrs/Week :3 Hrs Total Hrs : 42C.I.E : 50 Marks S.E.E: 50 Marks S.E.E : 03 Hrs

Course Outcome :

After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ Demonstrate an understanding of software oriented architectures.∑ Demonstrate an understanding of the service composition..∑ Demonstrate an ability to manage a modern medium scale software development

project using SOA principles.∑ Demonstrate an understanding of the principles linking business processes,

process oriented architectures and service oriented architectures.∑ Demonstrate and ability to implement a service oriented application.

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PART AIntroduction of SOA, Evolution of SOA: Fundamental SOA; Common Characteristics of contemporary SOA; Common tangible benefits of SOA; An SOA timeline (from XML to Web services to SOA); The continuing evolution of SOA (Standards organizations and Contributing vendors); The roots of SOA (comparing SOA to Past architectures). 6 Hrs

Web Services and Primitive SOA : The Web services framework; Services(as web services); Service descriptions (with WSDL); Messaging (with SOAP). 5 Hrs

Web Services and Contemporary SOA – 1: Message exchange patterns; Service activity; Coordination; Atomic Transactions; Business activities; Orchestration; choreography. 5 Hrs

Web Services and Contemporary SOA – 2:Addressing;Reliable messaging; Correlation; Polices; Metadata exchange; Security; Notification and eventing. 5 Hrs


Principles of Service – Orientation: Services-orientation and the enterprise; Anatomy of a service-oriented architecture; Common Principles of Service- orientation; How service orientation principles inter-relate; Service- orientation and object-orientation; Native Web service support for service- orientation principles. 6 Hrs

Service Layers: Service-orientation and contemporary SOA; Service layer abstraction; Application service layer, Business service layer, Orchestration service layer; Agnostic services; Service layer configuration scenarios. 5 Hrs

Business Process Design: WS-BPEL language basics; WS-Coordination overview; Service-oriented business process design; WS-addressing language basics; WS-Reliable Messaging language basics. 5 Hrs

SOA Platforms: SOA platform basics; SOA support in J2EE; SOA support in .NET; Integration considerations. 5 Hrs

Text Books:1. Thomas Erl: Service-Oriented Architecture – Concepts, Technology,and Design, Pearson Education, 2005.

Reference Books:1. Eric Newcomer, Greg Lomow: Understanding SOA with Web Services, Pearson Education, 2005.


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Subject Code : 11CS763 Credits : 03Hrs/Week: 3 Hrs Total Hrs: 42C.I.E. 50 Marks S.E.E: 50 Marks S.E.E: 03 Hrs________________________________________________________________________Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

∑ The data mining process and important issues around. data cleaning. preprocessing and integration.

∑ The main concepts of data warehousing.∑ The principle algorithms and techniques used in data mining, such as

clustering, association mining, classification and prediction. ∑ The various application and current research areas in data mining, such as web

text mining, stream data mining.


Introduction: Fundamentals of data mining, Data Mining Functionalities, Classification of Data Mining systems, Data Mining Task Primitives, Integration of a Data Mining System with a Database or a Data Warehouse System, Major issues in Data Mining. Data Preprocessing: Need for Preprocessing the Data, Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation.

5 hrs

Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology for Data Mining: Data Warehouse, Multidimensional Data Model, Data Warehouse Architecture, Data Warehouse Implementation, From Data Warehousing to Data Mining Data Cube Computation and Data Generalization: Efficient Methods for Data Cube Computation, Further Development of Data Cube and OLAP Technology, Attribute-Oriented Induction. 5 hrs

Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations and Correlations: Basic Concepts, Efficient and Scalable Frequent Itemset Mining Methods, Mining various kinds of Association Rules, From Association Mining to Correlation Analysis, Constraint-Based Association Mining. 6 hrs

Classification and Prediction: Issues Regarding Classification and Prediction, Classification by Decision Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Rule-Based Classification,, Lazy Learners, Prediction. 5 hrs

PART BCluster Analysis Introduction :Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, A Categorization of Major Clustering Methods, Partitioning Methods, Hierarchical Methods, Density-Based Methods. 5 hrsCluster Analysis: Grid-Based Methods, Model-Based Clustering Methods, Clustering High-Dimensional Data, Constraint-Based Cluster Analysis, Outlier Analysis. 6 hrs

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Mining Object, Spatial, Multimedia, Text and Web Data: Multidimensional Analysis and Descriptive Mining of Complex Data Objects, Spatial Data Mining, Multimedia Data Mining, Text Mining, Mining the World Wide Web. 5 hrs

Applications and Trends in Data Mining: Data Mining Applications, Data Mining System Products and Research Prototypes, Additional Themes on Data Mining and Social Impacts of Data Mining. 5 hrs

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques - Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2006. 2. Introduction to Data Mining – Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar, Pearson education.


1. Data Warehousing Fundamentals – Paulraj Ponnaiah Wiley student Edition 2. Data Mining Introductory and advanced topics –Margaret H Dunham, Pearson education 3. Data Mining Techniques – Arun K Pujari, University Press.


Subject Code: 11CS764 Credits: 03Hours/Week: 3 Hrs Total Hrs: 42

C.I.E: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 50 Marks S.E.E.: 03 hrs ________________________________________________________________________

Course Outcome : After completing this course satisfactorily, a student will be able to :

• To understand the recent trends in the field of Computer Architecture and identify performance related parameters • To expose the students to the problems related to multiprocessing • To understand the different types of multi core architectures • To expose the students to warehouse-scale and embedded architectures


Introduction To Multiprocessors And Scalability Issues: Scalable design principles –Principles of processor design – Instruction Level Parallelism, Thread level parallelism –Parallel computer models – Symmetric and distributed shared memory architectures.

7 hrs

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Performance Issues – Multi-core Architectures – Software and hardware multithreading – SMT and CMP architectures – Design issues – Case studies – Intel Multi-core architecture – SUN CMP architecture. 7 Hrs

Parallel Programming: Fundamental concepts – Designing for threads – Threading and parallel programming constructs – Synchronization – Critical sections – Deadlock –Threading APIs. 7 Hrs


Openmp Programming: OpenMP – Threading a loop – Thread overheads –Performance issues – Library functions – Solutions to parallel programming problems –Data races, deadlocks and livelocks – Nonblocking algorithms – Memory and cache related issues. 7 Hrs

MPI Programming : MPI Model – Collective communication – Data decomposition –Communicators and topologies Point-to-point communication – MPI Library. 7 Hrs

Multithreaded Application Development: Algorithms, program development and performance tuning 7 Hrs


1. Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts “Multi-core Programming”, Intel Press, 2006.

2. Michael J Quinn “Parallel programming in C with MPI and OpenMP”, Tata

McGraw Hill, 2003.


1. John L. Hennessey and David A. Patterson “ Computer architecture – A

quantitative approach”, , , Fourth Edition, Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier Publishers,


2. David E. Culler and Jaswinder Pal Singh, “Parallel computing architecture : A

hardware/software approach” , Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier Publishers, 1999.

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Advanced Java Programming Laboratory

Subject Code:11CS77 Credits : 1I.A. Marks: 50 Hours/Week: 3 Exam Marks:50_______________________________________________________________________

Course Objectives: To develop skills in students in developing applications using advanced concepts of advanced Java programming concepts like JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Java Beans, etc.Course Outcomes: After successful completion of course, students will be able appreciate and apply the advanced concepts of Java including JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Java Beans, etc.Pre-requisites : Object oriented Programming and programming in basic Java language.

1. Write a Java program to store, delete and update data in a database with the support of JDBC-ODBC connectivity.

2. Write a Java program with Servlets to create a dynamic HTML form to accept and display user name and password with the help of ‘get()’ and ‘post()’ methods.

3. Write a Java program with Servlets to store only valid data in a database with the support of JDBC-ODBC connectivity.

4. Write Java Servlet program for ‘auto refreshing’ the webpage after given period of time.

5. Write a Java Servlet program to demonstrate the use of cookies.6. Write JSP program to implement form data validation to accept correct data. Eg.

Accept age of person data between the range 18 to 60, otherwise, reject and display ‘invalid input’ error message.

7. Write a JSP script to demonstrate the use of <jsp:include …..> by displaying an external webpageand <jsp:plugin ……> to run an applet.

8. Write a JSP program for demonstrating creation and accessing Java Beans.9. Write a Java program to demonstrate the use of Java Swings components, namely,

buttons, text boxes, lists/combos, menus etc.10. Write a Java program with Enterprise Java Beans support that demonstrates

Session Beans (Stateful and Stateless).


Code : Subject 11CSL78 Credits : 1Hours/Week : 2 hrs(Practical) C.I.E : 50 Marks S.E.E : 50 Marks S.E.E:03 Hrs

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1. Create an XHTML documents to study various HTML tags, style sheets and the <span> tag, Borders, padding, color, and the <span> tag.

2. Develop a Java Script embedded XHTML file for; (any two bits of the given below for exam)

i) Generating Sum of n numbers. Use alert window to display the result.ii) Determine the roots of Quadratic Equation. Use document.write to produce

Output.iii) Find Standard Deviation when an array of numbers is input.iv) Use prompt to read an array of names. Produce an alphabetical listing of


3. Develop an XHTML document and corresponding JavaScript file to create four radio

buttons that enables the user to choose information about a specific airplane. The click event is to be used to trigger a call to alert which presents a brief description of the selected airplane.

4. Modify the above example to have five buttons, labeled red, blue, green, yellow and orange. The event handlers for these buttons must produce messages stating the chosen favorite color. The even handler must be implemented as a function whose name must be assigned to the on Click attribute of the radio button elements. The chosen color must be sent to the event handler as a parameter.

5. Develop, test and validate an XHTML document that collects the following information from the user: Lastname, Fisrtname, middles initial, age( Restricted to be greater than 17), and weight(restricted to the range 0f 80-100). You must have event handlers for the form elements that collect this information that check he input data for correctness. Messages in alert windows must be produced when errors are detected.

6. i) Develop a XHTML document containing four short paragraphs of text, stacked on top of each other, with only enough of each showing so that the mouse cursor can always be placed over some part of them. When the cursor is placed over the exposed part of any paragraph, it should rise to the top to become completely visible.

ii) Write an XHTML document containing placed on the display so that they overlap. Define and use DOM addresses and zIndex value to keep track of current top image with the global variable top which is changed every time a new element is moved to the top with the toTop function.

7. Write an XHTML document to change the content of elements. The content of an

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element is accessed through the value property of its associated Java Script object. So, changing the content of an element is not essentially different from changing other properties of the element. Illustrate changing the content of a collection of text fields.

8. Design an XML document to store information about a student. The information must include USN, Name, Branch, Year of Joining, email Id and Contact Number.Make up sample database of 5-10 students. Create a CSS style sheet and use it to display the document.

9. i) Write a Perl script to show server information like Server Name, Server Software, server protocol, CGI Revision etc.

ii) Write a Perl program to accept OS command and to display the output of the command executed.

iii) Write a Perl program to count number of Visitors visiting the web page using session variable. Display this count of visitors with proper headings.

10. Write a Perl program to insert given data (For example name and age information) into MySQL database and display the contents of the database table.

11. i) Write a PHP program to store current data-time in a COOKIE and display the ‘Last visited on’ date-time on the web page upon reopening the same page.

ii) Write a PHP program to count number of visits that increments and display after each refresh of the page.

12. Using PHP and MySQL, develop a program to accept book information viz., Accession

Number, title, authors, edition and publisher from a web page and store the information in a database and to search for a book with the title specified by the user and to display the search results with proper headings.

13. Create a webpage with all the knowledge gained from the above exercises. (Example: develop a department webpage.)

Note: 13th Exercise is for internal evaluation only not for final exam. 9th exercise any two bits will be asked in the final examination.