7th marine regiment - 3rd battalion - command diary - … · 2012-02-11 · 7th marine regiment -...

7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2415 CD: 23 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

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Page 1: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012-02-11 · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record:


Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-2415

CD: 23

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Page 2: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012-02-11 · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project USMC-08702743DECLASSIFIED

0905/165 Ser Al2 0 (J K ;, ,> .. 5 3

THIRD ENDORSF.Mlil'IT on CC 3dBn ?thMar 1tr ser 00655 o! ? Sep 1953

From: Commaading General, Fleet Mar·lne Force, Pacific To: Commo.ndant of the Marine Corps

Subj: Command Diary for August 1953

1. Forwarded.

2. This endorsement is downgra(led to unclassified upon detachment from the basic document.

Copy to: CG 1 stMnrD1 v

'i~QO..w:9.......-f EDWARD A. v1ILCOX By direction


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'7A 1!15 • 2.3lhrmg Al2 - 7 Ser: ~- 0 0 2 o a ~EP. 2 5 195?

SECOND ENDORSEMEN'l' on CO 3dBn '7thMar 1 tr ser 00655 of 7 Sep 1953

From: ~a:

Commanding GeneraL, lst Marine Division (Reinf), F.MF Commandant of the Marine .. Corps

Via: Commanding General, Fleet l·ie;t•ine FoJ:oce, P acl iic

Bubj! Comm~~d Diary for August 1953

1. Forwarded.

2. The security classification of this endorsement is removed when detacl"ed from the basic document.

Copy to: CMC (l) "MI"!A '"'' ... , ... ..,_ , ....... , FMFPac (1) ~.d MarDiv (1) 3d 1-l:.S,.rDi v (1)

.ILAN SHAPLEY By direction

Pacific F.leet Evaluation Group (1) MCB, Camp Pendleton (l) 1st Prov Marine Air-Ground Task Forces (l) A.R..~ lr4,.-:'>n (,, __ .., ... -.:....t.v~ ,..._,



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• BDH/nls A8 Ser: 0 o S"IP/

FIRST El;DQRSl·cENgT on CO 3dBn 7thl'fa.r ltr ser 00655 of' 7 3ept 1953

Frem: To: Via:

C011ll118.l1ding Off'icer, 7th l-~arines Conunandant of the ~,arine Corps (1) Conunanding General, lst l·1arine Division (Heinf), t2) Col:!J!tlanding General, Fleet Harine Force, Pacific

Subj: Command Diary; month of August 1953

1.. F orM>rded.



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Korean War Project USMC-08702747

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Jo:' ·£ID:~-;?; 0 ffioer ._ 1o_:--;_-:~£~~ t Qt' .. ~}~ .. ~ l~-~-~-~e ~o ~a· (l) .::w,;·a:'.d.hg Officer, 7th Wn·i::es (?) ::l0'1:1S.:1il.t;,g Ge:·.ere.l, J'.,t l.tlri:·,e Di"1isio~- (Ret~,f), F!¥ [ 3) ~_o:oc,...,..,i',i~,g ::>-e:-.oral,_ Fleet lt,!lr~r.e _ Foro_e, pee1fio

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(a) pa.rii ·1, 4ol, M~ri:.e ::am" l·~-.ual ( "t) "'1-:F' pao Ge;,eral 0 r<'.cr 21 I "ev) of llH~r52 (e) Di ~aloe. GG:-'.erel ord_cr Fo. 1"1


~r./e:1l Al2 ger: oo65'5 7 'leut lQ53

il) -Th h . 3ttt talio:-'.. OO"- ti;:ued th"' de""'b:l"'G!'.t tJ f defao'.si ve :po aitior-. s of tl•e right be.ttalioc·., ri¢'t regine:-.h1 sector, Also, 1\urb.g thh :oorioe. extcr.ai-·G a~l~<:c '.roor.~.ti~:-.s w.:>re oo·.<'nctocl 1:~ t'le ~>'l•i~'.e<'l. sector 'f the ~.onili te.rizoe, zor:c. IrtDr.,.....;;-,e"- t 0f C"-J":1l ai t ~ w~s eo:·.t ~-.uo~ .•

(2) ·~ r~uti:-.f! d,,:ay c0:-.ei~t'1~:. of t•nrk o:t t?•.e ~~,1~ ~;tttle positio:: by al ,, har.c1.a ·-of t..'w lctt.<>r ,...,c'. wettno:ce O<)"''a"-1<""1< '!'he l!l>.i·~ 3Attlo -o,., s1 tion ~ ..... '"' .,....,_ . ..,c.:i ........ a ~4h.ur "ht:l.ai ,..Ap.,~ ....... ""'----+l...4-:,...4' t"l/"7\ ..._.,... .._,__ ----.------"' •lr'•·:::> •L:..~,.-U. ·J,d ,.- ____ "'!- '-~~~-'R .,..,. o,j.'·. ,~~....,........"'·"_.,.._ .• , 1 .;l.f l) U.l. V-~<-:1 f)<.'J.~O.-.ti.L.

( )) Offi.-::crs "''}~ ')t_~.ff ;·,,:-:.-e~''"is•br.!'lr. offienrs ~ahoola wore e'J~.t'.ucted twice t1T't!Okly.- -I- tot~l 'Jf g('~!l tf"!t";~ ( 17) CT'.li ~tr~CL 'Q~r~0'-:""J~1 gu-~~-:·. q13fully c0n:,> ,. GtcC'. " gf':-_e- 1·i'8.l"fe.:-e .'l"ourso "-": ~- t.,.;,;_ ty- hn ( 22) e-,11 ~t c~. ue r•o>::-:.el O'lr:olet.~cl a. r"/.l,o op<'~.torq course, 'lYJt;, M"-ool~ b.."lhr c~~.r.uot ·!1. w1 t:ti~. t··e Ja.ttalior .• Also, e:i~~~teD'.1 (18j A~1ect<""rl. e:"lJ.1st·xlf~ 'QI·'r$'1!'"~·~.c1 wore S.qc;i-2l.OC'. t., 'SUCh m-iaio~ scli.oolR <'B ~T~ sc'oool, Hir.c T•f<>rf~.~a Scho'll, a-f I'P.chir.o ('11:1 ')O'oo0l. Althnwrh 1:q fo rr~.ttl 7e.t ~ali~n, T !"':1!:.,_1;-:r~· SOhe~~\lle w~ q c·1ne..uc t(··t~ it i ~ Cr"J:\eicl.::reci. tha.t ex.~o1.1.oc.t or:-tha-job tra.irci:-.,- r<>9Ult•·-d fMC'. th<' C'l!".,tructior. ru--.~. i:nr:>""ene!",t& "f f'o rtific.!> tion.s ca,.rie<'. ~'U. t o:: t'-1e :-~~"- 31!\ttle Po!!iti "--"•

2. ~Fli.oJ<toL<tf

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Korean War Project USMC-08702748

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• -< --

:s·- . -- . . -cr~-;··.-- .

DurinG t.'lis -:;,erio8. the '"- -aattalian. 7th- MR.rinM, Mntinue~. resn~>nEi bill. ty for the right b;;.ttaiion; ri-~~t--re~.f;,e,:.t~.l sect0r of t~e !-lain Bo.ttle -oo~ition. Routine ''Ay. Wec;il.H,·e oontict;· ·

.AJl! en e.iJ< J\ppenfd.x _'lpp enct 1x Ap:::':le::ld'tx A!Jp e:1 t'.iX Apryondix

l.,~ :!. IIJ, 1T:.:r, $:)11'

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YC::: Directi-es ~~ei·•ee, dur~i}~ :perio<', co""E!red. fi'"~ _DireC'tii_"_~e __ t~~.led ~urine; periocl cc--ered.

I'El:. l!l.,rl<>Ys i s<lUed J::-jO - Rep') rt~ p!J.f_ gu.nne.r1es __ .,.._.,.. pbJ to ,;:rephic 'l\l:;l'o lenent (negati".·e)

"'"! - Comoents B'(,i:. recormenda.tiona (neg,.ti'"e)




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Tl1e fo1J:o~,~:~:.oer~tion Tiirpq,~i"""et!l __ 'f!_l"El: re~~f~7ed .for the n~nth of Au_gu.st 1°5): ~"--. ·. ;.; __ :· . __ ;~.;~-.~·.::·"''~h .. ':,---';'·.,:.:::-' -

TJi .. -f~ion O!b!! Q_ri1~e-~ oo-11')....51.21 .AUfl19t 105~ ~--~ -."· -... .. ,,~_...- _;~----: r_:\; -- .

Di •-ision Tr_11ining -,rcler 1.<>-5'i ,-:1' A~l'llat ]_Q')' ~-~ =-· "-;;-,--r_ .... ,_. ~-- ~ .:·-·.: _,._,

':ii--J.aion T~ning }!er":or;;,no:ufl ?5-53 .-- ~-~0- ·~- ,"'. -~- ·_ -· . - ~\;.

Di ·'i sio:1. '!'r"'ininc 1-l.eyr.o ran dun. 28:- c;; .,. .;;,;. -~- ... - - . . ·._ :::.. _;,_,,., . '-_ ',' ~.-::-:---- - .-. ---"':-~'97-u. ., ..

'l)i"ision Tr!;lining l1J;Jroranc'.un 2<"-'i'l -· -· .. ·;>: .. · ~-- ~

lq AugJ.st

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16 August

17 Aw:uat ~--



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Regirleri.t~>l Tr¢ning Menorandun 25,-53

Reb"inen.tnl TrBining Irionc ~CtU..!!- 2&53~ ~-

l A;1-gu~t 1.953

lL A,o:"!,.,+. lCJ;;'l' .. ~~~=">'"""''" --'-'

Jl.et;:l.nenhl ~rai~ing Menoranilun 27-53 10 Au;;ust 1"53

Re,;inent,;1 T'-;:;ining Menorandun 21>:-53 - 26 .Au~st 1953 ;~

Ra;:;ir1entd ~raing Qrcter 10--53 - 5 Au.:;ust 105-.;


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3,.;t;talion Triifilbg l!er-or-"ndUI'l ~'o. 1~5' d.tc 15 Au;-;tet 1051 - . - - .. - -- - ~--



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Korean War Project USMC-08702751DECLASSIFIED

'. 12 August 195.3


. . . . . : Connnand Post Exercises I:Tli.II.',;BER •. ~ , •••••• , ~ ••••.••• 9-53)

Encl; (1) Overlay ·a.nd estimate o:r the enel:".y· situation as of 0711301 August, 195.3

(2) Overlay of the friendly situation as. of 07,llJOI August, 195.3 1, Commencing 14 August, 195.3 a CPX will be held within this Battalion on'Fri~ day o.f each week u11til further notice. They will Je held in order to test and improve col!ll!!unications at all levels and to im•orove staff procedures 11ithin the battalion. 'Furthermore, they will iP..directly point out to ux1it conuT!d.nde:rs and appropriate staff l"tembers various courses of action which enemy and friendly forces r.:Iight pursue in the event that this sector eame under atta.ck.

2·. CPX 1 s will commence prooptly at 0800 and will last unt;U approximately ll30. Company commanders or conJ.pany executive o.!:fice:ts, platoon con:rrnanders,­a,nd e.ppropriate staff members are expected to participate.

3. ~fa;ior courses of action for each CPX o;encr;l1y will bo initiated by this 8eadquarters (S-2 and S-3) in tho form of situation overlays and reports issued prior to the comm·3nC·3mont of each CPX as well as messages disoatchcd during the CPX. Com'()anies are encoura ~?cd, howGver, :.o initiate actions within the hroad fra.n.le'i·J'ork established Pnd they a:r·e .roquest8ci to submit a steady flow of messages.

4. The CPX for 14 August h'ill pick up wh': re the one h·cld on 7 August left off. Enclosures (1) and (2) nrovidc a resume bf the frim1d:j.y and cnomy situations as'of 1130, 7 August, 1953. Supporting arms will be normal.

5: All overlo~rs and situ:--tion rooo:r·ts -?~SBued in con.iunction with tho CPX's will ':Je do stroycd by '>urning i.mm,'diatcly upon compl<:t ion of the CPX· to which they p·,rtain.

;,. Jfl

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W, F • L!lli'E . 1'ajor. US~IC S-3


JOHN 1-!:!;SKO l•f.a.jor, U. S. 1~:rinc Corps

Executive Officer

" / .A ..... / .... ..... DECLASSIFIED

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Korean War Project USMC-08702752-­... DECLASSIFIED

Encl (1) to Batta+ion Training Memorandum No. 9-53

Map Ko~ea, 1•251 000 CPX

Ene~ Situation and Ove~lay

• 3d Battalion (Reinf)

l!~ :~ig~~ ~;:~g In the Field 14 August 1953

Tne enewy was successful in thei~ attempt to c~oss the Imjin River yester­day in tha iricir.d.ty of Hagorangp 1 s-5anggorangp i o and in the vicinity of CT 151034 and CT 149034. The enemy was able to seize and occupy our OP llt CT 144032, It is believed that thr;Jy hold this position \·lith a. platoon reinforced. During the action on our right flank the enemy was able to advance to our trench at CT 151032 but were driven out with heavy casualties. ·The enemy has infiltrated to positions at CT 128034, 125031, 121029. It ~s estimated that a reinforced company held that area at last light. Ene~ a~or was sighted at CT 129059, 102062, ar..d 105062. Three of these tanlcs were destroYed yesterday.

The pr;f eaptu!'ed by Howe Go yesterday indentifi.ed hia \1.11it as the 9th Co .. 408 Regt, 120 Div, 40 CCF Army, He statGd the main body of his b~ttalion would attack the westarn half of our perimeter at 084'• 14 August, The reli~­bility of this F~ has been classed as good.

(.2) and


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!r ll'Dl:X .1ll o···:'Cl. (':~ I<~~;"tJ ::>

o ·; rl•y for 6orm lllld 8lnn nortar :!'ire '?len

o·-erlc~T ,o~r l~ohine r-uns lllnd 3A'~'. 11'1rt; Plm



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Korean War Project USMC-08702754Fcc L:· r ~··· •


• Headqua.rters

· 3d Battalion, 7th liarines 1st !-7-e..ri.."'le DiY":].sion (P\.Oinf) F'lT

e/o Fleet Post Off"ice, San Francisco, Calif

27 August 1953

BATTAtiOJ.l TRAI;.JIHG !3l"OR.\N1Jfnt) t Schedule for Officer and Staff NCO School for

NUtBER •••••• ~··•••••••••l3-53) period l-15 Septe:nber 195'3

Ref: (A) Regimental Training Hemorandum 27-53

1. In accordance with the provisions of reference (a), Of.ficer .::and Staff Non-Commissioned Oi'fi.co:r school will be conducted in this Battalion a.t least twice weckl:r.

2. In i~plcmentation of rGference (a) the following schGdules are published for compliance.

a. Officers i School

31 August Subj: PO :Proc,::d.urc.o for Eortara Plf.lcet Officers' li!:e-Bs Time: 1400 Instrqctor: Lt l'C NALLY

4 September Subj: Concopt of the Defense of the Regimental Sector Place: Officers 1 Hess 1~me= 1400 InstructoN !'ajor JEFFERSON

9 September Subj:- Fitness Reports, c.fficer assignJtJ6nt p:t"'oeedurcs and policies Place: Officers' Ness Time: 1400 Instructor: Lt Col NSLSON

11 September Subj: The Employment of the Helicopter in Ground Operations .Place: Officers 1 Ness 'fir.1e = 1400 Instructor-: Ct~..ptnin HZNS!ER

b. Sta.ff Non-Cor·"rmissioned O.ifh::er School

31 August Sub_i: FO Proc~dut>o PlB.Ce: Sta.ff !~css Time: 1515 Instructor: Lt r:c NALLY

4 September Subj: Conccnt of the Pl~ce: St·ff Mess

De.fenso of tho rcgimontru. sector

Time: 1515 Instructor: n~.jor J:£.'FF!i2SON

Si September Subj: ' Fitness Report.~": and eelection bOE~.rds Place: Steff !·;css Time:' 151.5.

~.c Instructor: Lt. Col. NELSON · .. .u. .::ieptc:mber

Subj: The Employment of the Helicopter in Groum Opcre.tions Place:: Staff 1-:Gss Time: 15l5 Instructor:

JFFICIAI: ",_..,!!/

Captain HENSL'll\


JO!'N Hl.ISKO Ha.,jor, U" s .. 11Iar-ine vu.I"tJtt

Executive Officer



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Korean War Project USMC-08702755.~



• HoP.dq_UP.rtors

3d BP.ttnliun, 7th Ha:r-ines ~st l·!P.rino Di·rision (Roinf) Fl'F

c/o Fleet Post OfficcJ S~n FrAncisco,



27 August 1953

:~ Ba.ttP.lion CcrcrrK>ny And .£\wp,rds Presentation Nm::BER •••••••••• , ••• 7-53)

Enc1: (1) ParP.do Form~tion

~. Thoro will bo l't BattAlion ceremony :md awP.rds presontPtion on th0 B~tttl'tlion Par.,do Ground >1.t 1530, Tuosdny, 1 September 1953, We'<thor permitting.

2, Comp><nios will bo for:::10d in a.ccord~.nco with Enclosure (1), prior to 1515 on 1 Septomhor 1953.

a. Eaeh company will utilize ell rvrtil:>blc porsonml, mass with a nino llll>.n front, officers P.nd plrtoon guides forming the first rank.

b, 1-JoP.pons Comp~.n;r will be utilized to Rugmont tho strength of tho par­ticipe.ting compl'.nics.

3. Tho B11.tt11.lion :SXccutivo Officar will P.ct as CO of troops, His staff will bo aol'T'in,.nrl nf t.hA Jl,t.t.;>li on 1. 2. 'l. "'"' ~------- ---- -- ---- -----···------ -, --, _, ,,, ___ .... ~

lu Tho B~.tt,.lion Logl'tl Officer will be ParP.dc Adjutant,

5. Persons to be decorated will be notified Pnd instructed by tho PP.rade "~ .. __ ..._ __ _._ J).U.JU.U~.u.-,.

6e Ul"iform for P~rRdo will bot Utili-tios with utility CPp, nor~~1 P.rn.s 7 jungle kits on loft hip, c:J.nteon on ri11,ht hip, bA.:ronct on lGft side IUld shined boots, All clothing :md equipment will be clo~n.

7. 'rho b".tt.<!lion communications office~ will insure. thP.t the pub~ic address syata:m is inst?.llcd f'tnd tested prior to 1515, l September 19;3.



JOHN t.'ESKO 11ajor J. U ~ S :\' M~.rine Corps

Executive Officer


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Page 15: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012-02-11 · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project USMC-08702756


Headqua:rters 3d Ba-t,t.alion, 7th F1arines

1st Marine Division (Reinf) FMF c/o Fleet Post Office.? San Francisco, Calif

15 August 1953


NDMBER ••••• ~·······•••••l0-53) 0cneaULe for urr1eer and Staff NCO School for period 17-31 August 1953

Ref: (a) Regimental Training Memorandum 27-53 I

1, In accordance with the provisions of reference (a), Officer and 'Stllff. Non-Commissioned Officer scho.ols will be conducted in this Battalion at least tw"'icu weekly •

for In inTlementation of reference compliance. · a. Officer's School

20 Augu!!t 1953. · Subj: Artillery in Pirect Place: Officer's mess

· Timel 1400 Instructor: Lt. PHilTIPS

22 August 1953 Subj: Supply Procedures Place: Officer's ~ess TtJ-ne~ 1400 Instructor:

27 August 1953


Subj: Terrain Appreciation Place: Officer's mess Time: 1400 Inst:ructor: Lt, ivlC DONOUGH

29 Aummt. 1 q~q - ..... ---- - ~ ... ,...,.

the follon~!g schedules


Subj: Technique of Nilitary Instruction Place: Officer's mess Time: 1400 Instructor: Lt, DUNKER

b, Staff Non-Commissioned Officer's School


19 August 1953 · Subj: Artillery in Direct Place: Staff NCO mess 'l'ime: 1500 Instructor: Lt, PH:rr:r.IPS

,. . • •



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Korean War Project USMC-08702757DECLASSIFIED " -- ~----~

• • ----------------------------------------BA'I'Tl\LION TR.\INING l::EHORANDUM NUHBER 10-53 ( Cont 'd)

----------------------------------------21 August 1953

Subi: Sunnlv p,.oc"rl""""" Pla~e; St~ft· NCO ~~;;---Time: 1500 Instructor: Lt. GREEN

26 Augttst 1953 Subjt Terrain Appreciation Placet Staff NCO mess Time: 1400 Instructor: Lt, MC DONOUGH

2~ August 1953 Subj: Tecl"-.t1que of gilitcn-~y It1struetion Place; Staff NCO mess Timet 1500 Instructor: Lt. DUNKER


I ' J

wt;L~ W. F. L,\NE 1-!ajor USHC S-3


· JOHN MESKO Major, U, S, Marine ·corps

Executive Ofricer



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Korean War Project USMC-08702758DECLASSIFIED

• Hea.dqu.a..ters

>.llle:bt....l.i'th"l'1 7th ~...arir..es lst Marine Division {Reint) FMF

e/o Fleet Post Office, San r~ancieeo, Calif

15 August 1953

. I Radio Communication Training

Reft (a) Regt 'l'ng Memo 27-53

Enclt (l) Battalion Training Schedule, 19-23, Auguat,1953

1, In accordance with paragraph 1s of referenee (a), a radio communications school will be conducted within this or2anization for personnel of the ri!le and Weapons companies from 19-23 August; 1953.

2, The school will last for two (2) hours eaeh day and is designed to train messengers to become competent radio operators.

3. The class will consist of a total of twenty-three (23) students. Quotas are ~1-loc~ted to the comnanies ~s followst

!IQn Co • 5 11H11 Co - 5 11! 11 Co - 5

uw·pns!! Co 8

4. Companies will furnish the names of the men selected to attend to this He~dquarters (S-3) prior to 1200, lS August, 1953•

5• Enclosure (1) sets forth the training schedule for the school, will report to the Radio Chief, Communications Section fifteen (15) pi-ior to commencement of' class ~ da.:;r" •


/ - -,~./ w~ "fa jor t~S'clC S-0:3


JOHN MESKO ~~jor, U, s. V~rina Corps



Student$ minutes

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~·~· ~

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Korean W

ar Project U



-- ·---····---- .... --------------------------------~-·~··-...-.-----··------------ ··---·---·~----- ~- ,---~~--~

TIME ·' • 2ML: IN:

. -- -t9 Aug 1400...·1500 R!dio Set JiN/Ptff .. Cpl,; Sl!INN

l500-·l.600 Itadio Set JiN/PR()-10 Sgt,. TAl'LOR

~ J\¥g 1400-·1500 .

R¥iio VoiCEi PI'Olle<i\U'e Cpl.. Sl~ITH

1.500-;!.600. Shackle Cypher Cpl.. lrfAYCASTE:R

Jl. Au~ l400-J.500 Radio Voice: Pro<:ed=• Cpl.. SN::rrH

l500..16oo L:lnk Cypher Cpl.. WAYiC!.S'r:i:R

22 Aug l4(X)..;l500 fuLdio '!Vets: Leet.ure Cpl.. VER'ricCNIK

1500..:1.600 &tdio :tiet s: Prac:tice Cpl.. VERT !.CNIK 1::1 !"'j

21 Aug :t400-1500 :Radio Sets I.N/PEC-6 and 10 Cpl. SHINN ('") t"' > [JJ [JJ

JL5QO...;l600 Ccmnun:ilcati·~n Securit;y Cpl. SI-rr:m .... "rj

t:;J 1::1

Eni::LO&urll (l)


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Page 19: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012-02-11 · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project USMC-08702760


• Headquarters ~ ,/ 3d Battalion, 7th Marines lst. Hari.ne Div-'.J..sion (ReinS) TIW

c/o Fleet Post Office, San Fre.ncisco1 Calif

25 A ':'gust 19 53

BATT .'.LION TRAINH1G l·'EHORANDUH) : Indigenous personnel~ security control of

NUlffiJJ~. ~ ••• •. ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~. o l ~~12-53) '·

(a) Regt ltr dtd 15Aug53 3er· 7J54 ; , · Encl: ~: ,.-

(1) Cards. !dentif'ication CorpS Facaimilie::> of Kf;rean Service

' t~' In Order to corribat. the serious threat of covert enemy operations in t};e 7th Regiment zone of responsibility, all hands shall be thoroughly indoctrinated in the identification of KSC personnel, in accordance with reference (a). .

;.;. fn,_,.- ~---; __ ~ __ .! ___ J..,! __ -..!111.... .. -.:..:.-...J .. -..\..~...J h....;: -1-h,.... .................... , ......... , .. ....... ........n'l ........ ~.., lC"f_ l.fll0 J..I).UUCt..r.L!lCI.UJ.U!l 1'-/.l. U_t::: L#VJ.J.UU.I..ol.lt:::U UJ' UllO VV.U.l!;-'O.U,J vvuu.r .... < ... u~u.u_rS

within the companies and shall be accomplished prior to 11 September 195.3 ~ Indpctri!'l..a.tion shall specj_ fie ally inClude identification of passes tarried by KSC personnel.

Enclosu;e (1) is furnished h~re 'nth to assist in the indoctrination training of all battalion personnel in identifying indigenous person-

4. AdditiOP..al charts and train; ng ::~ids will• be quarters (S-2) on request, The services of the and a few KSC 1s for use in this indoctrination, ~l>e 3-2~

furnished by this head­battalion interpreter may be arranged to.- thru

5. UPon comuletition or vLu.s i:ndootri.nat:i6:r.L course oompan~r corrunanders

will submit a report in writing to· this he,odquarters (S-3) steting ~~te of Completition, metpod of -indoctii~tion, and'points covered.



JOHN !-lESKO Hajorj U. s; !1arine Corps

Executive Officer



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Korean War Project USMC-08702761


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Face Side

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·.~~ EI-PLOYEE lNDENTIFICATION CARD i . , This card is for identification only and does not f

~~ ~ PHOTO grant any special privileges to person to whom issued J .. -- -· . I J ~Name~~~-~·~ ~ ·I . " J Employed As l I -:-.~~-


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Enclosure (1) Sheet'i'or.j


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Korean War Project USMC-08702762If E-~-~ ~ ~:-

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Enclosure '(1) Sheet 2 of..j




Tho bearer of this pass will be passed and assisted across the rivers a.nd roads of the FIRST H .. \RINE DIVISION area,

f I ' I ! i

J-J;.'JiNG S , SOO LtCol ROK11

R. S, HOOKER }•:',JOR USI1C Sr. Liaison 0

i F, R, FINDTNER I LtCol USMC I Provost NarsheJ. I CO, l03rd KSC Regt


AG 516 CICL 13 September 1952.

The Korean Se!'V"ice Corps, due to lack of transportation, is obliged to deperu-1 ,~pon foot messengers who rely upon hitch-hiking, All· government vehicles are authorized tv stop and

pick up KSC t'.essengers obse!'V"ed along the road.

For ready identification these messengers are provided with distinctive arm bands with the word 11 HESSENGER11 printed thereon.


' ! I

! ! I

/s/ J, F. F·\LCINEIJ..I ., :LtCol MC

· Asst •. /1.G ··-·--··· ·.-···· -...,...---=-== ~ -- -~~- ..... :- -~ .. ···'!"l.l""Jf ........ _...., .....


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Korean War Project USMC-08702763

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The bearer of this pass will be ass~sr.eu am pas~ed along the roads within the local area of the KSC battalion in the FIP~T ~~~I~m DIV­ISION zone. The bearer is not authoriaed to erose the IMJUN or HAN River.

HWANG s. SOO LtCol ROKA co~ 103rd KSc

R. S. HOOKER F .R. FINDTNER I'lajor U:51"J.; LtCo1 USHG

Regt Sr. Liaison 0 Provost Marshal


AG 516 CICL 13 September 1952

The Korean Service Corps, due to lack of transportation~ is obliged to depend upon foot messengers who rely upon hitch-hiking. All

·government vehicles are authorized te stop and -pick up KSC Messengers observed along the road. For ready identi:tl:cation these messengers are provided With d-fSt-inctive arm bands "d.th the w9rd "MESSENGER" printed thereon.


/s( J. F. F!LLCitJ"a.T,I LtCol ;,r,c

: ... 'l~st ... 11. ... G

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Enclosure (l) flheet 2 of ::l - - <




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Korean War Project USMC-08702764

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6 Paces

0 Flag Pole

\~:. Bn XO and Staff

'*'· ""' f: CO CO!!'IJllanders

l1 Guidon beal~rti 't1 7 .... - - Persons to be decora.ted

Enc:).osure ("-)


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Page 24: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012-02-11 · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project USMC-08702765

S.~JR T s:~-Jt~~I~Y •


E•, furL-,.. t:ce nont;,_ ')f Au;_·agt 1~5), t:,.~ro '"'"~ • -·isita e.t t.':e Y- ::Pttelion, 7th ;-rarinAs Ai0. gtotion, ~-" fo llo •·rs:

tot~l of n45 -o~>-tia'l. t These !'Xe ci~-s•ifieC'.

T reP.t:1.en t s "?-encr~l :·.~·ecU.Cine "Jer~:r.>.to ltJDY gur,::icP.l Dre•"in;;; Q-ph t~1P.lCJo lo c;v , · ~ar, I" a :ge ~ ThrOI;d~ :• euro,sychi,.t cy 'JeJC.tal p}lyeicP.ls !:-tr·11J!lize.ticn s


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J. :;ur~-nG t~1e n0ntll of Au;;uc;t 105)i t'-e nAtic~l C~ey~rtn~;.1t renclereC. r0uti;:e ncl'ci~~l end <'centP.l tre,tnent to t'c.e -,(', :O.".';te.lion, ~er<_o<'ci~ sanita­ti:>.:l inave-.1tions t·t~r~ g:o:.1C~u~tAC't_i_n_t:'"-e 3?ttfl.li'Jli a.:.:-8P- e.nci. all areP.o; v.rere f o i.LJ. (. ,~i·:. OC. u.A t e • ~ -

a. O~J. U Au ust 1°5?. t>.e t,~l: ort'~nizP.tioJ:J. 1f t!1e ")Ct 3attalicn, 7th :\f~.rinea included t\e folloHin,-:

7~~ 38-ttelion, 7th i•iP-rine1:3 (~einf)

USl·:~ USN"

P'& s Go. 1,/225 2/41 II·- fl J!J ·- 7/CSC-.; To/._ H Jo • 5/l'l2 norn Jo • 6/CJ.l 1tpn~ Jo. 6/17?

g-,..,.,· . ' T

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'ja.:pt Kennet~ ~ .- Nr~er >-'l;];t Johan s. "eston ;~t "Oo Cert "2.-- Allen ;~:;:;t :':oui!=l ;. 1Junnin .. ·· 'JA:'Jt ~rC:'11 rJr J •· Jiza'lc

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Page 25: 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012-02-11 · 7TH MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - AUGUST 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record:

Korean War Project USMC-08702766


..... "1-r-.• Tn ") I_:\. '.,l,.

• 'l : 'iU""I ~ tr"jl) ~lA Tiolt


• a. Du.rinc;_ the perioc. l to 31 Au,::u~t 10')), t:1e 3<', :a,_ttaJ.ion, 7 t~-1 i<:».rines

s1lffere0. th.e f()l 'owinG c~-maltie••

E:L~ M!A 'fiA ~frA }TO~~ . ..,. __ tJ ~rc:.,. ?A~InL~. IXJ•·r \·1~~h·l'-Ur:;i-rl:J U8i.'' U%:; u~ USN:: U<lr! u'ic u~ US!!J U$T us::·' usm u~· ojo

* T-wo

"tf~i~j 1/82

ojo ojo ojo 0/0 ojo 0/0

(2) nen niasing in Denilitorized Zone.

o;o 1/22 0/2 C/0 0/ 2*

'0, :Durin,, the mnth of AU..,'"ll.st F''i'• 5 officel'a I:\..'1C'. 18'1 enliste~- nen joine<I t~1e 3e. 3e.tt,..lion, 7th Koorines. Alao 1 16 cill. -y '?~rsonne1 joinec'. the 1<l 3e.ttalio~, 7t..l:L MP-.rines.

s·~JR T S JJ?~I~ I~TR)?~\:.\T!Q£! -2-




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