
My View of The Bronnikov Method by Oscar K. Hsu, M.A. Introduction How I Heard About the Bronnikov Method I rst heard of the Bronnikov Method a few months ago from Laila Del Monte, who as you know is a professional animal communicator who makes her living as a remote healer and diagnostician of the pets of her European clients. I can tell you from personal experience that Laila has powerful psychic abilities, so because she recommended that I look into it, when I met the U.S. representative of Bronnikov, the teacher of the Method, I decided I would take him up on his oer to meet with him. Laila was interested in the technologybecause she wanted to activate 80% of her brain and so had looked into taking Third-Eye Awakening 1

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My View of The Bronnikov Method

by Oscar K. Hsu, M.A.


How I Heard About the Bronnikov Method

I first heard of the Bronnikov Method a few months ago from Laila Del Monte, who as you know is a professional animal communicator who makes her living as a remote healer and diagnostician of the pets of her European clients. I can tell you from personal experience that Laila has powerful psychic abilities, so because she recommended that I look into it, when I met the U.S. representative of Bronnikov, the teacher of the Method, I decided I would take him up on his offer to meet with him. Laila was interested in the “technology” because she wanted to activate 80% of her brain and so had looked into taking

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the seminars in Europe, but was somewhat dissuaded at the time due to its pricing at the time (over $1,000) and other factors. However, she asked me to check into it and honestly, had she not asked me to, there’s no way I would have looked into it. I’m almost exclusively dedicated to traditional ancient Eastern (Taoist or Buddhist) schools and lineages and make it a point to ignore anything else because I just don’t have the time to know everything. However, in this case, as fate would have it, I was open to it because I took Laila seriously and I’m glad I did...

What is the Bronnikov Method?

The teacher of the Bronnikov Method is V.M. Bronnikov, Ph.D., a Ukrainian who lives in Fedosia, Ukraine. He is a member of the Russian National Academy of Sciences.

According to Bronnikov, at the age of the three, he would sleep outside in the ancestral graveyard of his family’s home over the graves of three Tibetan monks and began to receive teachings, presumably in the dream state, from the first of fifteen immortals. Sound crazy? Actually, just such an account is given for the founding of the Maoshan School, the primary source of the technology we know as Kunlun, as taught by the Taoist priest, Ching

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Fong (Max Christiansen). Between 367 and 370 C.E., a certain Chinese person, Yang Hsi, was visited in the middle of the night by a group of immortals, among whom was Lady Wei Hua-ts’un. This Taoist immortal revealed most of the revelations that have come to comprise the texts of the Maoshan.1 (Actually, when you look at the Bronnikov Method’s origins, they are very clearly Taoist). Bronnikov learned the basis of his Method from a Tibetan monk who taught him in his dreams. According to Bronnikov, the monk and/or the immortals that visited him at night taught him an ancient Slavic-Tibetan internal martial art called “Ruby Dragon Eye.” Tibetan Internal Martial Arts and its Relationship to Hinduism and Taoism

Pak Hok Pai ([Tibetan] White Crane)

Unbeknownst to most, there are secret forms of Tibetan martial arts known by and practiced by a few lamas. Incidentally, Lama Dorje (Max Christiansen) also learned some Tibetan kung fu, specifically the Five Element fist techniques of perhaps Lama Pai (Lama School).2 One of my lamas, Lama Rangbar, learned one of these Tibetan martial arts, called Pak Hok Pai ([Tibetan] White Crane), from an Indonesian-Chinese martial arts master in his youth. According to the oral transmission teachings of that lineage, the lineage was held by Padmasambhava himself, the founder of the Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism and it is a complete system in and of itself, yielding all of the siddhis (enlightenment and the various miraculous powers) to one who can perfectly master its various movements--a very Taoist way of training. This is not unlike Yantra Yoga, a “secondary” practice in the Adzom lineage of the Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism. Yantra Yoga, a Tibetan form of Hatha Yoga, is also a complete system leading to all of the siddhis and is a purely physical form of training combining movements and breath regulation according to a specific timing. In addition, Tibetan White Crane seems to have its roots in an Indian system called the “Lion’s Roar,” which is essentially the science and art of Hindu and Buddhist Tantra in the form of martial arts (by tantra, I mean the Indo-Tibetan lore of deity yoga--mantras, yantras, mandalas, etc.). Practitioners of the “Lion’s Roar” affirm that the Buddha himself was a lineage-holder of their art. They say that the “Lion’s Roar” was Lord Buddha’s special gift to Tibetan lamas. In this system, the practitioners work on creating a vajra (indestructible) body through an internal martial arts approach to tantra and sakti (the life force). By perfecting the movements, they create an internal energy structure conducive to spiritual development. This is characteristic of the Taoist emphasis in spiritual training on physical training and development of the energy body. Few people know that the internal martial arts are critical to certain Buddhist schools. Those that practice the Shaolin lineage (whose founder, Bodhidharma, held a particular sudden enlightenment transmission lineage, Zen, from the Buddha, for example), emphasize Shaolin kungfu early on in their their monastic training. The Shaolin monks are

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1 Isabelle Robinet, “Introduction”, Taoist Meditation: the Mao-shan Tradition of Great Purity, p. 3 (1993).

2 According to Norion, one of the five earliest students of Max Christiansen’s that received his lineage(s) [personal communication].

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Lama Rangbar demonstrating to Dustin Thurmond, a movement from Pak Hok Pai

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very famous as the founders of Chinese kung fu. However, few know of the close relationship between Taoism and Zen. Mount Songshan, the home of Shaolin Temple, was originally populated by Taoists as the primary center of Taoism. According to the Shaolin oral transmission lineage,3 Bodhidharma trained with Taoist master(s) and his first pupils were in fact Taoist priests who inherited from him Zen, the sutras of Lord Buddha, etc. They are very clear that while their doctrine may be Buddhist, their training is Taoist which is borne out by the Taoist-like quality of their qigong and meditation techniques and their rigorous kung fu training. Similar to the “Lion’s Roar” system, which may be a common ancestor of theirs and Tibetan White Crane, they develop a vajra body through Bodhidharma’s famous tendon changing and bone marrow washing (an oral lineage practice). This is similar to the approach of the Taoist Xiantianwujimen (Primordial Limitless Gate) School of Huashan Mountain. They also pursue a vajra body--first through tendon changing, qigong, and yoga, and later bone marrow washing, etc.4 The root of the Shaolin qigong was a revelation that Bhodhidharma received and he transmitted that revelation to both Taoist and Buddhist lineages (albeit the Buddhist lineage(s) are quite hidden and are not at Shaolin monastery anymore, but are elsewhere).5 Thus, some but not all Tibetan Buddhist internal martial arts are actually, in my opinion, Taoist! This is not too surprising as Tibet and China border each other. In ancient times, sectarianism was less rigid than it is today and there was a more free exchange of yogic technologies across philosophical party lines. According to my friend,3 at the highest levels, the Taoists and Buddhists struggle with each other under the radar for possession of certain key relics of power whose possession by the other school underscores an obvious close working relationship with each other in the ancient past.

The Importance of Physical Training

Although I am not an authority, in my limited experience, physical training enables one to approach the path of enlightenment in an accessible, systematic and reproducible way, turning the art of it into a science both at the levels of theory and experience. Once, I received a transmission while prostrating to a statue of Maitreya in the shrine room of my spontaneous yoga teacher, Yuan Miao (see her picture on the next page). I privately practiced the details of what was transmitted to me: a spontaneous sense of how to practice Tibetan prostrations in a combined qigong and yoga fashion with breath regulation during my monthly and yearly fasting retreats. This was the key that enables me, when I go into those fasting retreats, to be able to know how to enter into meditative absorption through what the Indian siddha Tilopa called the “merging of wind and mind in the central channel,” which he suggested to his student Naropa as the means for inferior practitioners to practice the

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3 as told to me by my friend, who trained with me in Taoist external qigong training, as told to him by Zhai Sifu, a Chinese lineage-holder of the esoteric Shaolin qigong lineage, who diagnoses the state of patients’ qi channels by passing electricity through them by touch so as to use the current like sonar to map out the blockages in the channels throughout the body.

4 As taught by Eva Wong, the famous translator of several Taoist texts into English. Eva is a lineage-carrier of Chen Xiyi’s hermit tradition of the Xiantianwujimen School of Huashan mountain.

5 If you wish to learn the authentic Shaolin lineage with Zhai Sifu, for example, you have to make an up-front offering to him of no less than $5,000.

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path of enlightenment.6 Within the central channel is primordial awareness and primordial energy. A zen practitioner, through a koan, may suddenly realize that primordial awareness by cutting through conceptual mind’s subtle attachment to dualistic fixation on self and other. However, by cultivating the primordial energy within the central channel, one can fuel one’s realization by energizing it. This is the meaning of “merging wind and mind in the central channel.” Something as simple as prostrations, when practiced mindfully in such a way as to increase one’s supply of energy in the lower abdomen and to circulate it in the microcosmic orbit to merge with one’s primordial awareness, can be an infallible method to open the door to meditative absorption. When the union of wind and mind is strong enough, if one has done one’s homework, all of the path of classical internal alchemy will unfold quite naturally with its corresponding fruits--embryonic breathing (breath retention), bigu (total fasting by living off energy), samadhi, etc.

Yuan Miao, Teacher of the “Yoga of Joy” adopting a variation of the pose of Vajrayogini

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6 Garchen Rinpoche, the great Drkung Kagyu lama, in his commentary on Tilopa’s doha (spontaneous song of instruction) on Mahamudra, called “The Ganges,” says that inferior practitioners means all of us.

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Six months ago, I attended a seminar on Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong, taught by Simu (Master) Jenny Lamb, who taught Max Christiansen the Maoshan Yi Gong, which he modified into the signature practice that he teaches, the Kunlun Nei Kung.

During this seminar, Simu Lamb taught her personal qigong set that she practices. Like Teacher Yuan Miao,7 the qigong set “came to her spontaneously from her practice.” I was struck by the fact that her final flow of movements, was nearly identical to the flow of movements that also “came to me” one day in Teacher Yuan Miao’s home, except for a neck bandha (lock) that she engages at the end of the flow. I told Simu Lamb about the similarity in the flow of movements that I received and the circumstances under which I received them (the “visitation”) and after listening intently, she smiled and said, “Good.” Since then, Lama Norbu (see next pg.), who teaches with Teacher Yuan Miao, showed me the prostrations he teaches his students that he received from his lama and I recognized it had some of the same features and principles as the form of prostrations that I had received intuitively. So I know personally and first-hand the truth and the value of transmitted teachings received as a mind-to-mind transmission or through a visitation as I’ve proved to myself the infinite value that even one set of inspired movements has on my energy body and its corresponding effects on my consciousness. I also taught it to Dustin who is very energy sensitive and after practicing it he told me, “Your technique is profound!!!” [exclamations his]. Moreover, I’ve trained with various teachers like Simu Lamb and Teacher Yuan Miao, who practice and teach profound revealed practices. The common thread in such teachings is that the teachings continue to teach you new things through the practice of them as the their profundity is revealed to you over time as a constant stream of new discoveries!

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7 In Yuan Miao’s autobiography, Dancing on Rooftops with Dragons, Yuan Miao explains that her system, the “Yoga of Joy”, unfolded naturally from her body movements following a transmission she received from orbs of light (which she identifies as various Buddhist deities) after they were heralded by the sighting in broad daylight by her family and various villagers of dragons dancing on the roof of their home.While prostrating in her shrine room one day, I had the clear sense of a visitation occurring and proceeded to breathe in and out the energy that enveloped and pervaded me, leading me to naturally unfold the breath regulation and flow of the variation of Tibetan prostrations that came about spontaneously, that for lack of a better title, I call “energetic prostrations.”

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Lama Norbu, Teacher of the Tibetan qigong of the esoteric Shiva-Garuda cycle

Tibetan monks doing prostrations at Baudhanath, Nepal

The Taoist Basis of the Bronnikov Method (Extracted 'om the “Ruby Dragon Eye” System

According to Bronnikov, he received one-eighth of a larger system called the “Big Dragon” system. The “Big Dragon” system is based on the bagua, known as the eight trigrams (made famous by the I Ching system of divination). This is why I say the Method is

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obviously Taoist in origin, having made its way at some point to Tibet, probably from Western China to eastern Tibet, which borders China. Each of the eight trigrams corresponds to a particular dragon system, presumably an internal martial art or a body of lore. For example, “Ruby Dragon Eye,” from which the Bronnikov Method is extracted from, comes from or is another name for the “Fire Dragon” system, which corresponds to the trigram Li. The other seven systems are: “Sky Dragon,” “Air Dragon,” “Water Dragon,” “Mountain Dragon,” “Earth Dragon,” “Dragon Thunderer [Thunder Dragon]”, and “Thirsty Dragon”; each of them corresponding to one of the other seven trigrams (Kan, etc.).

The Seven Main Practices of the “Dragon” System(s)

According to Bronnikov, the basis of the “Dragon” system(s) is seven main practices, most of which he teaches in the very first stage of the Bronnikov Method: 1. Emptiness Presence (Absorption and Departure of Animal Essences), 2. Column/Pole Standing (Standing Qigong to tonify the lower tan-tien), 3. Fast Wind (Alternating the sensation of heavy and light in part or all of one’s body), 4. Five Beasts (Absorbing the Essences of the Five Animals), 5. Drunkard (a form of standing qigong called “Tibetan Bell”), 6. Sleeping God (vertical and horizontal energy transfers to the energy in the central channel and its extension outside the body in the aura as a closed loop), and 7. Dragon (a form of standing qigong unifying Heaven and Earth energies in the middle tan-tien [solar plexus]).

Five of the Seven Practices are Taught in the very first Stage 1.1 Seminar

I just finished attending the entry-level seminar, Stage 1.1, of the Bronnikov Method--a four-day seminar, each day lasting four hours--and I really liked it! I learned five of the seven main practices of the “Dragon” System(s) (Emptiness Presence and the Five Beasts [which involve Absorbing the Essences of the Five Animals] is taught in Stage 1.2.).

These Seven Practices are Qigong

Another reason why the Bronnikov Method is clearly Taoist in origin is that all six of the seven main practices that I learned in the first stage are all forms of qigong (energy work). In Stage 1, the emphasis is on using the energy of partners to develop one’s internal energy so as to stimulate the upper tan-tien. Partners do this by practicing a form of qigong whereby they transmit energy to their practice partner who receives the energy. They then exchange roles so that the exchange of energy between them is balanced. The Bronnikov Method shortens the time to activation of the upper tan-tien by leveraging the energy of other fellow practitioners who practice with you. This is a technique used by several Eastern traditions; for example, Tibetan yogis often congregated together to take advantage of the group field generated by their practice and to leverage the assistance of the presiding vajra master and to utilize the multiplication effect present when two or more yogis gather to practice together. Borrowing energy from partners is also a feature of left-handed Taoist, Buddhist, and Hindu traditions. In addition, transmission is a key feature of most Eastern traditions (kundalini shaktipat, for example in Hindu yoga/tantra, etc.). The efficacy of the Bronnikov Method lies in their use of transmission qigong from one’s partners to stimulate

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and increase the amount of energy rising to the upper tan-tien so as to open the ancestral cavity in the central channel that eventually leads to the opening of the third-eye. The sign that the ancestral cavity is beginning to open is the perception of flashes of light, usually white in color.

The Transmission Qigong of the Bronnikov Method Opens the Ancestral Cavity

A few days ago, last Friday, I tried out prakodcas on three of my friends: Mihaela Wasserman and Sylvie and Abby Scoville; prakodca is one of the seven main practices of the “Dragon” System(s) that the Bronnikov Method relies on in my estimation to open the ancestral cavity (third-eye area [near the optic chiasm where the optic nerves cross]).

Optic chiasm at center of the red X (optic nerves)

In prakodca, one connects with a partner’s energy field and then causes the partner’s internal energy within their central channel to rise to the third-eye area through the use of intent integrated with a form of transmission qigong. (I think the flashes of light come from the energy stimulating the optic nerves at the optic chiasm, but that is pure speculation). That area in the brain, however, corresponds anatomically to the place where the energy gathers. The result is that the energy rises up the central channel and then around the aura, re-entering the central channel at its lower gate in a continuous loop. After a few prakodcas, all three reported seeing lights and colors. Abby remarked, “Oh, that turned the ‘lights’ on.” Sylvie was visibly squinting with her eyes closed as she clearly was enduring something that was observing. After I asked her what she was seeing, she said, “Lots of different colors, lights...” Mihaela also saw various lights and colors.

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Stage 1.1 of the Bronnikov Method Connects the Lower Tan-Tien to the Upper Tan-Tien

Although Bronnikov uses different terms, it is clear that stage 1.1, the entry-level seminar in his system, is designed primarily to connect the lower tan-tien8 to the upper tan-tien, the ancestral cavity. The five main techniques introduced in stage 1.1 seem primarily to condition and channel the energy of the abdomen and pelvis (including the lower tan-tien, but also the area beyond it) to rise and open the ancestral cavity.

Activating the Luminosity Channels of the Eyes (Activation of the Psycho-Bio-Computer)

In Stage 2.1 of the Bronnikov Method, students develop their nei guang (internal vision) by activating the luminosity channels of the eyes. These channels branch out from the ancestral cavity and pass through the eyes. Using a technique called “Splash,” the Bronnikov Method intently channels the energy from the lower tan-tien to the upper tan-tien and then through the twin luminosity channels. The stimulation of the luminosity channels of the eyes somehow activates internal vision. I was amazed by the fact that every student that attended the Stage 2.1 seminar activated their internal vision, including my friend, Dustin Thurmond. There were around eight students in total that attended. Bronnikov calls this inner vision activation of the “psycho-bio-computer” (Russians are fond of scientific terms). A fascinating description of this inner vision is described by Drunvalo Melchizedek on the website of Bronnikov’s U.S. representative, Hendrix Castro: www.neurovisionacademy.com/drunvalo_super_psychics_and_the_inner_tv_screen.php; the Bronnikov Method’s technique, “Splash,” opens up in one’s mind’s-eye something like an inner TV screen. I was amazed by the fact that over the four days of the Stage 2.1 seminar, all of the students were able to see day-after-day objects that they “visualized” into a cube of six faces of 9 squares on each face--a total of 54 squares (each face being like a 3 rows x 3 columns tic-tac-toe). They would see this cubic lattice container and then fill it with objects. Upon scanning the 54 cells of this cube, they could see its contents! For example, the instructor, Hendrix, would ask them to place particular colored shapes into one face, three-digit numbers into the second face, animals with smells or behaviors in another, etc. until all the cells were filled with the specified objects. Day after day, Hendrix would ask them what was in a particular cell and day after day, at least one student would “see” the object and answer correctly! Each of them could see part of the cube, so collectively working together every day, at least one person in the group would know the answer to each question. I was amazed at how accurate the group was. Each day after the “exercise,” the students would tuck their cube into a corner of the “desktop” of their inner “computer screen” and shut down their inner vision. Then the next day, after turning “on” their inner sight, they would retrieve the “cube” and the images of its contents would still be there! They also did other exercises, like asking their inner TV/computer screen to tell them how many matches were placed before them while blindfolded. A few would see a number on their inner TV screen. It was wild. If you want to find out what it was like for

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8 I think of the tan-tiens as dilatations or balloon-like expansions in the central channel.

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Dustin, my friend, to have this inner sight activated, you can contact him at: email address-- [email protected], and (949) 302-1449 cell. Dustin told me that he believes that Kunlun made him really sensitive to energy, ramped up his psychic abilities, and got him ready to open his inner sight. He also found that the inner sight exercises really ramped up his inner fire, which may really amplify any energy practices that he does do (which makes sense because the secret-square-inch gets stimulated and in my experience that really ramps up the energy for completion stage yoga).

Opening the Third Eye by Kunlun Facilitation

It used to be that Max Christiansen, our Kunlun teacher, used to call a powerful transfer of Kunlun energy a “transfer.” Now, it’s come to mean the initiation given by a Kunlun teacher, instructor, or facilitator to awaken the Kunlun inside a new student. Below, I’m going to use the term to mean a powerful sustained transfer of Kunlun energy. I remember once in Brooklyn, New York, I demonstrated at an introductory lecture on Kunlun, a Kunlun transfer on Josh, who had come up from Washington, D.C. I felt Max behind me energetically and together I began to infuse him with energy onstage in front of the audience. As I raised the energy to his third-eye, he let out a primal scream and opened his eyes dramatically wider. As I tapered off the transfer, I asked him what he saw. Looking like he was in dazed wonderment, Josh replied, “Wow, I can see through the walls. I can see the children playing outside in the schoolyard” (there is a schoolyard across the street from where the lecture was). The whole lecture, including this part, was recorded on video by my student, Zach Gold, whose photography studio was the arena for this event. I remember that transfer sent a powerful current of energy from the base of Josh’s spine up to his head, so the opening of inner sight in students of the Bronnikov Method through “Splash” (a similar process) makes sense (incidentally, according to Hendrix, some specialists in the Method can see through steel walls).

What Inner Sight is Used for in the Bronnikov Method

So what’s the point of opening inner sight? I think it depends on how you use it. As the Bronnikov Method is presumably based on the “Ruby Dragon Eye,” a Tibetan internal martial art, but is obviously Taoist in origin, one can look first at how both those traditions use inner vision. Tibetan spiritual technology heavily favors Tantra, which in the Tibetan context, has two halves: generation or creation stage yoga and completion stage yoga. Generation stage yoga depends on the opening of inner sight in order to visualize/see deities, dakinis, mantras, mandalas, and light. Through mastering the visualizations, Tibetan yogis purify the seeds of reincarnation within their being, purify the mirror of their mind, develop a mind that can powerfully penetrate their central channel and direct energy into it in preparation for completion stage yoga (energy yoga), and even gain miraculous powers (siddhis). What I want to focus on is their use of the term “generation” or “creation.” The point of generation stage practice is to see the hologram that one is projecting upon the screen of one’s mind created from the luminosity of the heart. One eventually is able to manipulate the illusion. It is said that you’ve mastered generation stage yoga when you can create objects at will.

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Interestingly enough, “Ruby Dragon Eye” has eighteen stages and many of them involve control of various aspects of the process of generation and creation, like:Stage 7: Organism Structure ConstructionStage 8: Organism Structure ReconstructionStage 9: Consciousness’ Holographic Presence FormationStage 10: Holographic Presence Creation in Different BodiesStage 11: Twins Creation(These are the intermediate stages, collectively--”Middle Dragon”)

Stage 15: Sky Dragon FormationStage 16: Earth Dragon Formation(These are two advanced stages, the middle part of “Big Dragon”)

The development of Internal Vision in the Bronnikov Method at the beginning stages 1-3 (“Small Dragon”) precedes these seven of “generation” or “creation.” It seems to me that stages 7-11 are similar to the goals of generation stage yoga as practiced by Tibetan yogis. Tibetan internal alchemy is focused on the creation of an alchemical body of light. First, they create an alchemical body of energy, called an illusory body. Later on, they direct their attention towards creating a rainbow body. I’ve heard Hendrix say that at specialists in the Bronnikov Method can generate or regenerate organs by sending their consciousness to construction points in the nonmaterial space or bardo (intermediate state) spaces that precede the material body as the template and origin of/for body. Perhaps the most interesting anecdote, is the appearance of a blue dot in the center of one’s visual field that indicates one can control the appearance of objects in the hologram and/or others’ perception of them--meaning at that point, it becomes possible to manifest objects in the material space...like when the Buddha turned the rain of arrows flying towards him from the armies of Mara into flowers. I’ve even heard Hendrix say that at advanced levels, Bronnikov says one send one’s consciousness to the construction points that precede the body in the nonmaterial and bardo spaces and create a clone of oneself so that if the body dies or is destroyed, the nonmaterial and bardo bodies will recreate the body, affording a form of immortality... The most interesting direction of development seems to be gaining the ability to phase in and out of reality, to enter and move within the world of pictures as an alternate reality, and to slip in and out of other realities.

Taoist Use of Inner Vision

I get the impression that Taoists use inner vision as a means to explore themselves inwardly and outwardly as the phenomenal world. Like an X-ray machine, they sometimes used it to look at their organs. In other cases, they used it for ecstatic excursions of outer space, other worlds, distant lands, and the various heaven realms--”spirit travel.” Of these, both seem doable with psychic internal vision like the kind activated in the Bronnikov Method. I’ve heard Hendrix talk about children who can detect tumors 1 mm in diameter nearly 100% of the time. He speaks of their ability to unlayer the hologram of the body layer by layer. Experts of the Method can not only remotely view and diagnose problems in the body, but they can fix them by making changes in the nonmaterial and bardo

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bodies that bleed into the material body and manifest physically...these human diagnostic and therapeutic abilities have exciting implications for the development of the practice of spiritual medicine etc. For example, Hendrix says Bronnikov has trained specialists who can physically rejuvenate the body twenty years younger by communicating with the DNA and making changes to the DNA in its non-material and bardo states... Dr. Ming Pang, the director of a qigong hospital in China (a medicine-less hospital) with an 95% cure rate for everything using qigong alone for diagnosis and treatment), said, “By early 1979, Chinese researchers discovered that qigong is a catalyst for EHF (exceptional human function) and also found many people who had developed psychic powers through practicing qigong.”9 As Stage 1.1 of the Bronnikov Method is all qigong, it is not surprising that the inner TV screen common to psychics comes online through the practice of the five main practices taught in Stage 1.1. What is impressive is that some of the students succeed in activating their inner sight after four days of practice...

Psychic Uses of Inner Vision

Of course, human development along the lines of psychic abilities are well known to everyone--remote viewing, animal communication, telepathy, tapping into the akashic records for scientific research and development: the possibilities are endless. Before I studied Kunlun, I studied qigong with a Chinese Taoist master of internal alchemy, Master Wei Ling Yi.

Wei Ling Yi, a Taoist internal alchemy master

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9 Paul Dong, China’s Super Psychics (secondary source: www.neurovisionacademy.com/themethod.php).

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Master Wei Ling Yi, in China, had been the headmaster of a government-sponsored psychic academy or institute where it was his responsibility to train the Chinese children identified by the state as psychics. Master Wei Ling Yi taught them many things, including how to see with different body parts, including their hands, feet, etc. The basis of all his training was qigong. I recently met a lama whose psycho-bio-computer (to use the Bronnikov term for it) is on and who uses it to conduct scientific research and development and who used it to invent in the laboratory forms of both free energy and antigravity. He says he can call up information on his inner computer screen on any subject with some initial information as an input. As he wants to collaborate with me, I look forward to working with him in this capacity as I’ve worked with a scientific intuitive before and it is very rewarding. For those, like me, who are excited by technology, the idea of doing akashic research for technological R&D is very exciting... Another application of the psycho-bio-computer is human networking, what I’ve heard Hendrix call the Human Internet. One can network several people into one’s inner TV screen and communicate with them simultaneously, a form of psychic videoconferencing, as it were. One common thread that many of the Buddhist lamas and masters have been saying is that the future will be challenging for mankind with wars and other destructive world events coming to the world stage in the coming years. I think that those of us who have advanced our human potential and human development can be better prepared to be of service to mankind now and in times to come if and when the need for it arises.

A World Without Blindness

Originally, the Bronnikov Method began as a means to teach blind children how to see using their inner sight. People blind from birth have been able to secure inner vision within 6 months at a 100% success rate in children and a 70% success rate in adults! Bronnikov is subsidizing an integrated program with doctors to supervise and document the development of inner vision in blind students of the Method all around the world for free. This is a very worthy project. Imagine the gift of sight. The merit of that is beyond my ability to conceive. Along those lines, our friend, Dionne Quan, a fellow Kunlun Instructor whom many of you know, is herself applying to Bronnikov to be one of those blind students to be trained in using a form of biological radiation from her brain to see. If she’s accepted, she’ll receive Stages 1, 2, (internal vision while blindfolded) and 3 (internal vision with closed eyes) for free. From what I’ve observed, it really looks like Stage 2 students can see an inner TV screen while blindfolded. I like the idea of a world without blindness, so I hope that the Bronnikov team succeed in their goal (if you know a blind person that is interested in this, have them submit a photo and a one-page essay electronically to Hendrix Castro, explaining why they want to apply and why they would be a good candidate for the program: the email address [email protected]. If you need details, Hendrix will be happy to give you them...Good luck!

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This is my favorite picture of my beautiful (blind) friend and teacher, Dionne Quan

If You Would Like to Learn More

Sometimes we run across something that we really think is amazing or beneficial and we want to share it with our friends. I know that Max Christiansen really liked Dr. Richard Bartlett and his Matrix Energetics and encouraged some of his friends and students to learn it. And of course, our beloved Kay Moonstar, another newly minted Kunlun facilitator (yea!) introduced many of us in L.A. to the Casita in Ojai (our favorite Kunlun hangout), to Aravel and Max the Crystal Skull, etc. So as I explore the Bronnikov Method, I’m taking the time to share my journey with you so that you can take the time to explore it yourself and see if it’s as meaningful as Dionne, Dustin, my friend and apprentice, and I think it is. My sense is that there is something significant in it for spiritual development. That’s my sense anyway. If you would like to find out more, you can:

1. Conference Call with V. Bronnikov tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18, 2009, at 9:00 am: listen in on a conference call I’ve scheduled to ask Bronnikov questions about his Method etc. The information on how to do this should be in the email I sent you with this essay as an attachment. During the call you can skype me your questions and may be able to ask them as time permits. My skype name is “totalalchemist.” Just let me know your comment, question, and name. This is a unique and rare opportunity.

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2. Call Hendrix: you can schedule a call with Hendrix, Bronnikov’s U.S. representative. Hendrix trained personally under V. Bronnikov and is certified by him to teach Stages 1 and 2. He knows more about the Bronnikov Method than anyone else in the U.S. and he lives close by in San Diego. This is the best way to learn about the Method fast. See below for Hendrix’s contact information.

3. Call Dustin: Dustin Thurmond is available to tell you what his experience of the psycho-bio-computer is like. Dustin is a good practitioner, call or email him if you’re curious about what impresses him about the Bronnikov Method.

4.Classes are available in the Bronnikov Method for 3-4 hours for $75-100. Hendrix lives in San Diego and currently teaches in San Diego and Orange County, but he also can come up to L.A. to teach. One example of a class would be to learn the prakodcas to open the ancestral cavity and some of the main qigong practices of the Bronnikov Method like “Dragon” for absorbing sky and earth energy into the middle tan-tien for building qi. That is good qigong.

5.Bronnikov is coming to LA! in November. You can take classes from Bronnikov himself, who will be teaching Stage 3 etc. This will be the first time Bronnikov will have come to the U.S. Hillary Clinton had invited him to relocate to the U.S. after seeing blind children from his academy who could see without using their eyes, but he declined. However, he accepted Hendrix’s offer to host him. Check Hendrix’s website from time to time for updated information on where and when Bronnikov’s Master Program will be held at. If you are interested in developing in the Method, then you should try to take Stages 1 and 2 before November so you can learn Stage 3 from Bronnikov himself. Stages 1, 2, and 3 are $500 and a two-day introductory seminar is $250-300.

You can always contact me, but a fair amount of my thoughts are in this essay, so your best bet is to do 1-3 above first before checking back with me, but you’re always welcome to...

Contact Info

Hendrix Castro

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Hendrix CastroU.S. Representative of V. BronnikovInstructor of the Bronnikov Method, Stages 1.1 and 2.1 (1 and 2)cell: (951) 813-9958, toll-free: (888) [email protected]/themethod.php

Dustin ThurmondAttended Stages 1.1 and 2.1 Bronnikov Method seminarsTurned on his psycho-bio-computer (inner TV screen)cell: (949) [email protected]

Dionne QuanApplying to Bronnikov for advanced training in inner vision under the auspices of his “World Without Blindness” programHas some inner vision alreadycell: (310) [email protected]

Oscar K. Hsu, M.A.(808) 499-9146 cell/text/page, (818) 952-2148 tel (preferred) [email protected]

About the Author: Oscar Hsu is a graduate of Harvard University with a Master’s in Biology and finished a fu. four-year medical school curriculum. He is a Kunlun instructor who has taught Kunlun seminars in New York, New Jersey, Hawaii, and California. He currently does some private instruction limited to a few students, but is available for consultation. Professiona.y, he is a partner in a global wireless telecommunications technology company based in L.A.

Third-Eye Awakening