
VERBS *give up = abondon : bırakmak, vazgeçmek -I urged him to give up moking! -It "a a di##u$u%t time, but he never gave up hope! *abound &in' = be p%enti#u% : bo% o%mak *abound &"ith' = be #u%% o# : i%e do%u o%mak -(a$ka% abound in thi #oret! -)he a"aiian I%and abound "ith natura% beauti+ and "i%d%i#e! *a$$ommodate = take =ho%d = $ontain : a%mak ka%a$ak +er a%amak -)hi airp%ane i %arge enouh to a$$ommodate .// paanger! -)he Ba%%room $an a$$ommodate up to 0// peop%e #or a it do"n ban1uet! -)he re#ugee "i%% be a$$ommodated in a makehi#t $amp temporari%+! *a$$ount #or = e2p%ain : açık%amak *a$$ount #or = be reponib%e #or : orum%u o%mak *a$$ount #or = make up = $ontitute : o%u3turmak -)here are ome natura% phenomena "hi$h $ien$e ti%% $annot a$$ount #or! -)ranport a$$ount #or 4/ per $ent o# a%% 567 emiion! -8igrant "orker #rom eatern Europe no" a$$ount #or about 7 pe $ent o# the 9; </ mi%%ion trong "ork#or$e! *a$kno"%adge = admit : kabu% etmek -e a$kno"%edged that he had been "rong! *a$1uaint !!!!&"ith' = #ami%iarize : a3ina kı%mak -ou mut a$1uaint +oure%# "ith the routine o# the o##i$e! *ad>ut &to' = adapt : u+um a%amak -e oon ad>uted eai%+ to ne" $ir$umtan$e!

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*give up = abondon : bırakmak, vazgeçmek

-I urged him to give up moking!

-It "a a di##u$u%t time, but he never gave up hope!

*abound &in' = be p%enti#u% : bo% o%mak

*abound &"ith' = be #u%% o# : i%e do%u o%mak

-(a$ka% abound in thi #oret!

-)he a"aiian I%and abound "ith natura% beauti+ and "i%d%i#e!*a$$ommodate = take =ho%d = $ontain : a%mak ka%a$ak +er a%amak

-)hi airp%ane i %arge enouh to a$$ommodate .// paanger!

-)he Ba%%room $an a$$ommodate up to 0// peop%e #or a it do"n ban1uet!

-)he re#ugee "i%% be a$$ommodated in a makehi#t $amp temporari%+!

*a$$ount #or = e2p%ain : açık%amak

*a$$ount #or = be reponib%e #or : orum%u o%mak

*a$$ount #or = make up = $ontitute : o%u3turmak

-)here are ome natura% phenomena "hi$h $ien$e ti%% $annot a$$ount #or!

-)ranport a$$ount #or 4/ per $ent o# a%% 567 emiion!

-8igrant "orker #rom eatern Europe no" a$$ount #or about 7 pe $ent o# the9; </ mi%%ion trong "ork#or$e!

*a$kno"%adge = admit : kabu% etmek

-e a$kno"%edged that he had been "rong!

*a$1uaint !!!!&"ith' = #ami%iarize : a3ina kı%mak

-ou mut a$1uaint +oure%# "ith the routine o# the o##i$e!

*ad>ut &to' = adapt : u+um a%amak

-e oon ad>uted eai%+ to ne" $ir$umtan$e!

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*a##e$t = in#%uen$e : etki%emek

-)he divor$e a##e$ted ever+ ape$t o# her %i#e!

*abue = i%%-treat, mitreat, treat bad%+ : k?t@ davranmak

-)he angr+ man abued hi donke+ b+ beating it bad%+!

*amue = entertain : e%endirmek

-)he $on>uror; tri$k amued the peop%e "at$hing him!

*anti$ipate = e2pe$t : bek%emek, ummak

-)hi budged anti$ipate a pro>e$ted ta2 in$reae o# A/!

*arret = take into $utod+ detain : tutuk%amak

-)he po%i$e arreted the burg%ar!*aure = enure = make $ertain : g@ven$e vermek

-I aure +ou that I "i%% do m+ bet to o%ve +our prob%em!

*atound = atonih = urprie : 3a3ırtmak

-She atounded the tea$her b+ giving the $orre$t an"er to the 1uetion hehad aked!

-I "a atounded to hear o# hi imprionment!

*attend = go to : gitmek, devam etmek

-)he "ho%e #ami%+ attend $hur$h!

-e ha been attending a$ettepe 9niverit+ #or t"o +ear!

*bear = put up "ith = to%erate : tahamm@% etmek, da+anmak

-)he ear%+ $o%onit bore man+ hardhip!

-I $an;t bear to ee peop%e u##er!

*b%ame #or = ho%d reponib%e #or = #ind #au%t "ith : -den orum%u o%mak,hata%ıkuur%u bu%ma

*b%ame on = p%a$e the reponibi%it+ #or : !!!! orum%u tutmak, orum%u%uu+@k%emek

-C%$oho% i to b%ame #or more than 77,/// death a +ear in Britain!

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-ou $an;t b%ame me #or +our #ai%ure!

-e b%amed me #or the a$$ident!

-e b%amed the a$$ident on me!

-She b%amed her %a$k o# $on#iden$e on her parent!

*b%end = bring together : bir ara+a getirmek

-De "ant to b%end t"o di##erent $u%ture!

*boom = gro" = e2pand = deve%op : b@+@mek, ge%i3mek, pat%ama +apmak

-)he rea% etate market i booming!

-)he e$onom+ i booming thank to an in$reae in #oreign invetment!

*boot = enhan$e : artırmak-)he government i p%anning to o##er buinemen #urther e$onomi$in$entive to boot e2port!

*breed = keep = raie = produ$e : +eti3tirmek, @retmek

-C "e%% a "orking a a veterinarian, he a%o breed hore!

*bring up = mention = raie : orta+a atmak, g@ndeme getirmek

-)hi 1uetion "a brought up at the meeting b+ a >ourna%it!

*broad$at = tranmit = air : +a+ın%amak

-)he BB5 intend to broad$at more program in )urkih!

*$ir$u%ate = #%o" : do%a3mak

-B%ood $ir$u%ate around the bod+!

*$%ah &"ith' = #ight : çatı3mak

-undred o# proteter $%ahed "ith the riot po%i$e!

*$oe2it = e2it together : bir%ikte var o%mak

-5an I%am and 5hritianit+ $oe2it

*$on$ide &"ith' = happen together : a+nı anda o%mak

-)he ui$ide b%at $oin$ided "ith the arriva% o# re$ue "orker!

*$omp%+ "ith = obe+ = $on#orm to &"ith' : u+mak

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-C%% viitor are re1ueted to $omp%+ "ith the regu%ation!

*$ompoe = #orm = make up : o%u3turmak

-Dater $ompoe near%+ F/ o# the human bod+!

*$omprie = in$%ude = $onit o# : o%u3mak

*$omprie = #orm = make up : o%u3turmak

-6ur $ompan+; produ$t %ine $omprie A,G// di##erent item ranging #rome%e$troni$ good to te2ti%e!

-In Eng%and ethni$ minoritie $omprie 0 per $ent o# the popu%ation!

*$on$ea% = hide : ak%amak

-e $ou%dn;t $on$ea% hi true #ee%ing!

*$on$eive &o#' = imagine = enviage = think o# : ha+a% etmek, d@3@nmek

-e and hi team are the on%+ peop%e "ho "ou%d ever have $on$eived thipro>e$t, but the+ ma+ be the "ort peop%e to imp%ement it!

*$on$%ude &#rom' = end = in#er &#rom' : onuç%andırmak, !!!!den onuççıkarmak

-e $on$%uded hi pee$h b+ reminding u o# our reponibi%it+!

-She $on$%uded #rom hi "ord that he "a read+ to $ommit hime%# to a


*$ondu$t = $arr+ out = do = per#orm : +apmak

-De have been $ondu$ting a urve+ on the dietar+ habit o# univerit+graduate!

*$on#e &to' = admit = a$kno"%edge = p%ead gui%t+ : kabu% etmek, itira#etmek

-She $on#eed that he had to%en the mone+!

-e $on#eed to ki%%ing the o%d "oman!

*$on#%i$t "ith = di##er #rom = diverge #rom : !!!!den a+rı%mak, i%e çe%i3mek

-6ur interet $on#%i$t "ith their, o there i %itt%e prope$t o# rea$hing anagreement!

*$on#orm &to"ith' = obe+ = $omp%+ "ith = agree "ith : u+mak

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-ou mut $on#orm to the tandart!

*$on#ront = #a$e : kar3ı kar3ı+a ka%mak

-)he 8initer underetimated the prob%em $on#ronting them!

*$onvere = preerve = ave = prote$t : korumak

-De mut $onerve our natura% reour$e!

*$ontain = have = in$%ude : içermek

-)hi book $ontain e2treme%+ ue#u% grammar e2er$ie!

-ou mut avoid #ood $ontaining a$id!

*$ontribute &to' = %ead to = be reponib%e #or : +o% açmak, !!!!den orum%uo%mak, katkıda b!

-C evere e$onomi$ $rii in )urke+ in 7//A $ontributed to the $o%%ape o#man+ $ompanie!

-Cir po%%ution $ontribute to a "ide range o# heart and %ung dieae!

*$onve+ = $arr+ = tranport : ta3ımak

*$onve+ = $ommuni$ate = e2pre = put a$ro : aktarmak

-C bu $onve+ed the paanger #rom the $it+ to the airport!

-e doen;t kno" ho" to $onve+ hi true #ee%ing to her!*$onvin$e &o#' = peruade : ikna etmek, inandırmak

-e $onvin$ed ever+one that he "a inno$ent!

-e $onvin$ed me o# hi inno$en$e!

-Erkan $onvin$ed hi gir%#riend to marr+ him!

*$orrepond &to"ith' = be imi%iar to = be e1uiva%etn to : benzemek, e3ito%mak, denk o%mak

-9n#ortunate%+ thee et p# #igure don;t eem to $orrepond to ea$h other!

*$urb = $ontro% = retrain = rein in = $urtai% : kontro% a%tına a%mak,dizgin%emek

-)he mot important e%ement in the e$urit+ p%an i to $urb the re%igiouvio%en$e!

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*date ba$k to = $ome #rom = originate in = be%ong to : !!!! e kadar da+anmak

- )he #irt obervation o# a emi$ondu$tor emitting %ight "hen zapped "ithe%e$tri$it+ date ba$k to A0/F!

*dea% "ith = hand%e = ta$k%e : e%e a%mak

- )he government mut dea% "ith the riing $rime rate urgent%+!

*de$a+ = rot : ç@r@mek

-)he "ooden $hair de$a+ed in the moit environment!

*de$ompoe = rot : ç@r@mek

-)he dead tree de$ompoed in the damp environment!

*den+ = re>e$t = re#ute : reddetmek, inkar etmek

- e denied the $harge againt him!

-)he de#endant denied the "itne; tatement!

*deprive &o#' : +okun bırakmak

- )he tep mother deprived the $hi%d o# proper nutrition!

*dete$t = noti$e = identi#+ : #arketmek, be%ir%emek

-8ammograph+ $an he%p dete$t breat $an$er!

*di##er = be di##erent = var+ : #ark%ı%ık g?termek

-)he t"o +tem di##er marked%+!

*di##erentiate &bet"een' = ditinguih = di$riminate = et apart :a+ırdetmek, a+ırım +apmak

-)hi $ompan+ doen;t di##erentiate bet"een men and "omen- ever+one ipaid at the ame rate!

*diget = aborbab%e = ubtan$e = $onvert #ood into : indirmek

-I $annot diget mi%k produ$t!

*diappear = vanih : g?zden ka+bo%mak

-I a" him diappeaar round the $orner!

*di$harge &#rom' = re%eae : tabur$u etmek

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-)he Hreident ha been di$harged #rom the hopita%!

*di$riminate &bet"een' = ditinguih bet"een : a+ırdetmek

-)he $o%or-b%ind peron $ou%d not di$riminate bet"een red and green!

*digut = i$ken : tikindirmek

-)he me%% o# a dead anima% digut me !

-)hi poi%ed #ood digut me!

*be diguted = be #i%%ed "ith digut : tikinmek

-I;m diguted "ith hi behavior!

*di%ike = hate = detet : ne#ret etmek

-(ohn di%ike e%en intene%+!*dimi = end a"a+ = re>e$t : kovmak, reddetmek

-e "a dimied b+ hi $ompan+!

-e dimied the $%aim that he abued hi poition!

*dipute = debate = di$u = "rang%e over : tartı3mak

-8+ manager dipute ever+ iue that arie!

*diprove = inva%idate : ç@r@tmek

-i theorie have been diporved b+ modern $ienti#i$ reear$h!

*diregard = ignore : g?zardı etmek

-e diregarded m+ "arning!

*dirupt = thro" into diorder : bozmak, akatmak

-%ood dirupted tra##i$!

-)hi event dirupted the order%+ pro$e!

*doub%e = in$reae t"o#o%d : iki mi%i arttırmak, kat%amak

-6ver the ne2t 7G +ear, annua% CIJS death "i%% more than doub%e, andmoking "i%% a$$ount #or one-tenth o# a%% death "o%d"ide!

*embarra = make ahamed : utandırmak, mahçup etmek

-(a$k "a embarraed "hen he noti$ed #ood tain on hi hirt!

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*emit = give o## = give out = end out : a%ıvermek

-Ever+ human being on thi g%obe hou%d think about ho" mu$h 567 he orhe emit and tr+ to do omethin about that

*en$ounter = meet = run into = $ome a$ro : kar3ı%a3mak

-I en$ountered a number o# di##i$u%tie in the #irt "eek, but I "a notdi$ouraged b+ them!

-She "a the mot beauti#u% "oman he had ne$er en$ountered!

*endure = bear = to%arate : da+anmak, tahamm@% etmek, kat%anmak

-Cth%ete endure pain to "in ra$e!

-She endure a %ot o# u##ering!

*en>o+ = have : ahip o%mak

-De are "e%% a"are o# the privi%ege that "e en>o+ here!

*engage &in' = parti$ipate &in' = take part in : katı%mak, me3gu% o%mak

-)hoe "ho engage in terrorit a$tivitie pa+ a heav+ pri$e #or their a$tion inthe end!

-Jo +ou engage in port o# an+ kind

*enhan$e = improve = add to = deve%op = in$reae = boot : artırmak,


-She ue a %ot o# make-up to enhan$e her beaut+!

-i a$hievement ha enhan$ed hi reputation!

-5omputer %itera$+ enhan$e a peron; >ob prope$t!

*entai% = re1uire = ne$$eitate : gerektirmek

-Ba%an$ing the budged "ou%d entai% pub%i$ pending $ut amounting to threebi%ion do%%ar!

*enviion = imagine = enviage = #oreee : ha+a% etmek

-)he +oung buineman enviioned making a big #ortune in the $oming+ear!

*etab%ih = determine = a$ertain : be%ir%emek

-Cn autop+ i needed to etab%ih the $aue o# hi death!

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*gro" = be$ome : o%mak

-e i gro"ing impatient!

*hand in = give in = ubmit : vermek

-e i thinking o# handing in hi reignation!

*hand%e = dea% "ith : e%e a%mak

-De haven;t de$ided +et ho" to hand%e thi prob%em!

*happen to N in#! = do th b+ $han$e : tead@#en bir 3e+ +apmak

-Dhi%e I "a va$ationing in 8armari, I happened to meet one o# m+ o%d#riend on the bea$h!

*high%ight = emphaize = tre = under%ine : vurgu%amak, dikkati çekmek

-)ea$her hou%d high%ight tud+ ki%% and %earning trategie #or tudentduring their $%aroom a$tivitie!

*ho%d = $ondu$t : +apmak

-e propoe that the Kovernment hou%d ho%d an in1uir+ into the in$ident!

-)he Hreidentia% e%e$tion "i%% be he%d ne2t 6$tober!

*ignite = $at$h #ire = et #ire to : tutu3&tur'mak

-Cn e%e$tri$a% park ignited the oi%+ rag!*impede = prevent = hinder = hamper : enge%%emek

-)heir re%u$tan$e to make $on$eion impede progre in the negotiation!

*in$%ine = tend : ei%imi o%mak

-I in$%ine to diagree "ith +ou on that point!

*in#er &#rom' = $on$%ude = dedu$e : !!!den onuç çıkarmak

-De $an in#er #rom the te2t that the author diagree "ith the theor+!

*inhibit = prevent = hinder = impede : enge%%emek

-)hi drug "i%% inhibit the progre o# the dieae!

*ino$u%ate = va$$inate : a3ı%amak

-)he do$tor ino$u%ated $hi%dren "ith a %ive po%io va$$ine!

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*in1uire = ak : ormak

-e in1uired "hether it "a poib%e to %eave hi $ae in the Oe#t Ouggage6##i$e!

*in$ribe = engrave = $arve : kazarak +azmak

-)he name o# a%% the dead "ere in$ribed on the monument!

*inpe$t = e2amine = $he$k : in$e%emek

-)he guard took m+ IJ $ard and inpe$ted it!

*inu%ate = io%ate = prote$t : +a%ıtım +apmak

-De ha%ved our heating bi%% "hen "e inu%ated our houe!

*integrate &into' = put together = $ombine = in$orporate : katı%mak,b@t@n%e3tirmek

-Oo$a% organization p%an an important part in he%ping the individua% integreinto the $ommunit+!

*inteni#+ = in$reae = tep up : art&ır'mak, +oun%a3&tır'mak

-Jip%omati$ e##ort are inteni#+ing to revive the 8idd%e Eat pea$e ta%k!

*invade = enter b+ #or$e = o$$up+ : iti%a etmek

-Lapo%eon invaved Ruia in APA7 a#trr he de#eated the Cutrian!

*invo%ve = in$%ude : içermek

*invo%ve = re1uire = entai% : gerektirmek

-)reatment #or breat $an$er norma%%+ invo%ve a $ombination o# urger+- theremova% o# a %ump o# the "ho%e breat- together "ith $hemotherap+ andradiotherap+!

-i >ob invo%ve trave%%ing e2tenive%+!

*irritate = anno+ = anger : kızdırmak

-i trange remark irritated me!

*>uti#+ = give reaon #or = rationa%ize : hak%ı kı%mak, hak%ı g?termek

-)he >udge aid thag Bi%%; re#ua% to admit hi gui%t >uti#ied a enten$eto"ard the high end o# the range avai%ab%e to him!

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-)he end >uti#ie the mean!

*%a+ = put : ko+mak

-She %aid the $igarette in the ahtra+!

*%ibera%ize = #ree up : erbet%e3tirmek

-De mut %ibera%ize our %a"!

*%iberate = #ree = et #ree : kurtarmak

-)he arm+ %iberated the en%aved peop%e #rom their mater!

*magni#+ = en%arge : b@+@tmek

-)he re#ra$ting te%e$ope $ontain %ene that magni#+ the image "hi$hrea$h it!

*maintain = $%aim : iddia etmek, i%eri @rmek

-Irae% ha $onitent%+ maintained that the tatu o# (erua%em inonnegotiab%e!

*manage to N in#! = be ab%e to : zor bir 3e+in @teinden ge%ebi%mek

-e managed to rea$h the hore depite hi broken %eg!

*matter = be important : ?nem%i o%mak

-Dinning i the on%+ thing that matter in port!*mean b+ = intend = p%an = "ant = aim : ni+et etmek, taar%amak, demekitemek,amaç%amk

-I "a mere%+ >oking!I didn;t rea%%+ mean to o##end +ou in an+ "a+!

-I "onder "hat he mean b+ thi tatement!

*be meant #or = aim = intend : amaç%amak, taar%amak

-)hee book are not meant #or our zero beginner!

-)he rai%"a+ i meant to boot tourim and trade in the region!

*mend = repair : onarmak

-)here i a ho%e in the roo# that need mending!

*merge &"ith' = >oin together = unite : bir%e3mek

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-5ontinenta% Cir%ine and 9nited Cir%ine "ere detined to merge a oon aLorth"et Cir%ine de$ided to merge "ith Je%ta!

*neg%e$t = ignore : ihma% etmek

-)he hopkeeper neg%e$ted to #i%e hi in$ome ta2 and there#ore had to pa+ a


*nominate = ugget = name : ?nermek, ada+ g?termek

-e ha been nominated #or the Lob%e Hrize in %iterature!

*note = remark = mention : be%irtmek

-e noted that the preident had poken e2p%i$it%+ about the rik invo%ved in%aun$hing mi%itar+ a$tion!

*nurture = #eed and $are #or = %ook a#ter = rear : bakmak, be%emek

-)he %a" o# nature determine that ome anima% "i%% nurture their +oung#rom their birth!

-C mother hou%d nurture her $hi%d!

*ob%ige = #or$e = ob%igate = $omper : zorunda bırakmak

-Ho%itene ob%iged me to go on "ith the $onveration!

*orbit = move in an orbit around : +?r@ngeinde do%a3mak

-H%anet orbit the un!

*perit &in' "ith = $ontinue #irm%+ : @r&d@r'mek, devam etmek

*perit &in' "ith = ta+ : ka%mak

-e perited in reading the ne"papaer at the dinner tab%e!

-)he #og i %ike%+ to perit #or evera% hour!

*pi%e up = heap up : +ı&ı%'mak, birik&tir'mek

-Europe; prob%em are pi%%ing up #at!-She pi%ed up her book in m+ %iving room!

*poe = $reate = $aue : +aratmak, o%u3turmak

-Didepread vio%en$e poe eriou e$urit+ prob%em!

-5%imate $hange poe a threat to the "or%d e$onom+ and it "i%% be $heaper

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to adre the prob%em than to dea% "ithe the $one1uen$e!

*praie = admire = a$$%aim = $ommend : takdir etmek, ?vmek

-)he #ireman "a praied #or $ourage!

*pre$ede = $ome #irt : -den ?n$e ge%mek

-Speaking a %anguage a%"a+ pre$ede "riting it!

*preerve = prote$t = $onerve : korumak

-Haint $ou%d he%p preerve the meta% #orm $orroion!

*promote = en$ourage : te3vik etmek

*promote = aid in = he%p : katkıda bu%unmak

*promote = advertie : rek%am +apmak*promote = give a higher poition : ter#i ettirmek

-)he government mut take a$tive tep to promote gender e1ua%it+!

-Edu$ation $an promote deve%opment!

-8ot $ompanie promote their produ$t to in$reae their a%e!

-e "a promoted to enior manager!

*prove = $on#irm = veri#+ : kanıt%amak, doru%amak

*prove = be = $arr+ out : o%mak

-)he reu%t proved the e##e$tivene o# the te$ni1ue!

-)hi e2perian$e proved inva%uab%e %ater on!

*raie = bring up = mention : orta+a atmak, g@ndeme getirmek

*raie = $o%%e$t = obtain : top%amak

-De "i%% raie thi iue at the meeting to be he%d tomorro"!

-e raied no ob>e$tion to m+ propoa%!

-Severe% ne"paper have %aun$hed a $ampaign to raie mone+ #or the #%oodvi$tim!

*range &#rom !!!!! to ' = var+ #rom !!!! to : !!!!! araında dei3mek

-E%ement range #rom the %ightet, h+drogen, to the heaviet, uranium!

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-In the 9 )e$o ha near%+ A,<// tore, ranging #rom $onvenien$e out%et toh+per market!

*rebe% &againt' = revo%t againt : i+an etmek

-)he provin$e ha rebe%%ed againt the government!

*re#er to = $onu%t = %ook up : ba3vurmak

-)he e$ratar+ re#erred to a di$tionar+ #or the $orre$t pe%%ing o# omeprob%em "ord!

*re%eae = pub%ih = announ$e : +a+ın%amak, açık%amak

-)he report "a re%eaed b+ the 8initr+ o# ea%th!

*remove = take a"a+ : çıkarmak, a%mak

-)he %ump "i%% have to be urgi$a%%+ removed!

*repreent = a$t #or : temi% etmek

-5anada i the "or%d; A/th %arget bee# produ$er, repreenting 7!G per$ent o#tota% "or%d output!

*reemb%e = %ook %ike : benzemek

-Oettu$e and $abbage reemb%e ea$h other in ize, hape and $o%or!

*reit = oppoe = "ithtand : direnmek, kar3ı durmak

-Bob reited hi #ather; he%p!

*reume = tart again = begin again : +eniden ba3%amak

- Hea$e ta%k bet"een the rebe% Oord; Reitan$e Crm+ and 9ganda;government have reumed in (uba in outhern Sudan!

*retain = preerve = maintain : korumak, muha#aza etmek

*retain = keep in mind : akı%da tutmak, hatır%amak

-)he o%d %ad+ ha retained a%% her interet in %i#e!-)he troub%e "ith me i that I $an retain on%+ a #e" o# the "ord that I %earnea$h da+!

*revea% = ho" = di$%oe : orta+a çıkarmak, açık%amak

-C urver o# the Britih diet ha revea%ed that a gro"ing number o# peop%e areover"eight!

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*revo%ve = turn : d?nmek

-)he p%anet rotate a the+ revo%ve around the un!

*ruin = damage = detro+ : mahvo%mak

-)he %o" %+ing %and "a #%ooded and ruined!

*a$k = dimi = #ire : kovmak

-)he Hrime 8initer a$ked A/ government o##i$ia% #or $orruption!

*a$ri#i$e = give up : #eda etmek

-Herona% $om#ort and privi%age hou%d ometime be a$ri#i$ed #or thegood o# the $ommunit+!

*e$ure = get = obtain : a%amak

-Student are $hooing to take degree in ub>e$t that are more %ike%+ toe$ure them good >ob a#ter graduation!

-e i tr+ing to e$ure $redit #rom a bank!

*eek to in#! = tr+ = trive = endeavor : çaba g?termek

-)urke+ i eeking to improve it human right re$ord to bring ite%# toEuropen tandard!

*nat$h = grab = grap = eize = take : kapmak

-)he thieve nat$hed her bag and ran o##!

*oar = $%imb = rie : #ır%amak, artmak

-)he number o# peop%e admitted to hopita% "ith anaph+%a2i, the everet#orm o# a%%ergi$ rea$tion, ha oared more than three#o%d in the pat de$ade!

*pe$ia%ize &in' : ihtia +apmak

-e i pe$ia%izing in heart urger+!

*tabi%ize = be$ome o# make tab%e : itikrara kav&u3'turmak-Strigent e$onomi$ meaure are needed to tabi%ize the e$onom+!

*tage = per#orm : +apmak

-)he peop%e o# the to"n taged a ra%%+ in upport o# the 8a+or!

*tret$h = e2tend = be$ome %onger = %ie do"n : uzatmak, uzamak, uzanmak

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-)he do$tor to%d the patient to tret$h hi %eg!

-)he #abri$ tret$he!

-She tret$hed out here%# #%at on the o#a!

*u##er &#rom' = be i%% "ith : !!!den rahatız o%mak

-e; u##ering #rom pneumonia!

*ugget = indi$ate : g?termek

*ugget = imp%+ : ima etmek

-Le" evidan$e ugget e2poure to mer$ur+ ma+ in$reae the rik o# heartdieae and troke in men!

-Cre +ou uggeting that I am o%e%+ reponib%e #or tih un#ortunate event

*threaten = mena$e : tehdit etmek

-)he kidnapper threated to ki%% the %itt%e gir% un%e the+ are paid a highranom!

*thrive = gro" = #%ourih = proper = boom = deve%op : b@+@mek, ge%i3mek

-)he 5hinee e$onom+ i thriving!-i buine ha thrived in re$ent +ear!

*tranmit = pa on : aktarmak, nak%etmek

-Cmino a$id, are $hemi$a% "hi$h tranmit nerve impu%e bet"een thebrain $e%%!

*turn out : end up = happen = be$ome : o%mak, orta+a çıkmak

-Keorge (!)enet a$$epted reponibi%it+ #or %etting the Hreident ue

in#ormation that turned out to be unubtantiated!*undergo = go through = e2perien$e : geçirmek, o%mak

-)he $ountr+ ha undergo ma>or tran#ormation!

-)he program ha a%read+ undergo reviion!

-e i undergoing treatment #or $an$er!

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-e mut undergo urger+!

*urge = advie = init on : ırar%a itemek

-I urged him to $hange hi >ob a oon a poib%e!

*veri#+ = $on#irm = prove = va%idate : doru%amak

-C through and updated hitor+ o# the patient i vitia%%+ important and hou%dbe veri#ied b+ rhe ph+i$ian and igned b+ the patient!

*vio%ate = break : ih%a% etmek, çinemek

-Oebanon; de#ene miniter aid Sunda+ he i $ertain ezbo%%ah "i%% notvio%ate a 9!L!-brokered $eae#ire "ith Irae%, and ha "arned o# har$one1uen$e #or an+ vio%ator in Oebanon!

*"ithtand = endure : da+anmak, tahamm@% etmek

-E2p%orer have to "ithtand hardhip!

*"ound = in>ure = hurt : +ara%amak

-C $ar bomb "ounded A< peop%e, in$%uding #our $hi%dren!

*+ie%d = produ$e = generate : @retmek

-Irrigated %and +ie%d good $rop!

*+ie%d to = bo" : bo+un emek

-e "on;t +ie%d to preure!


*advent = arriva% = introdu$tion : ge%i3

-)he advent o# the $omputer ha had a pro#ound impa$t on virtua%%+ ever+ape$t o# our %i#e!

*an2iet+ = "orr+ = $on$ern = apprehenion = uneae : ka+gı, endi3e,huzuruz%uk

-e; #i%%ed "ith an2iet+ about hi $hi%d; hea%th!

*bia &againt' = pre>udi$e = pre>udgement : ?n +argı

-)here "ere #ier$e atta$k on the BB5 #or a%%eged po%iti$a% bia!

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*b%o" = trike : vuru3, darbe

-)he po%i$emen died #rom brain in>ure $aued b+ b%o"to the head!

*bruie = di$o%aration : morarma

-8etin got a bruie"here he bumped againt the tab%e!

*$%arit+ = $%earne : açık%ık

-)he book brought ba$k thoe ear%+ da+ o# the "ar "ith great $%arit+!

*$oin$iden$e = $han$e = %u$k : tead@# 

-B+ $oin$iden$e, he met an o%d #riend on the treet "hom he had not eenin +ear!

*$omponent = part = $ontituent = e%ement : parça, ?ge

-Be$aue a%$oho% i a o%vent, it i a $omponent o# man+ %i1uid medi$ine!

*$ompound = $ombination = mi2ture : bi%e3im

-Dater i a $hemi$a% $ompound made up o# the e%ement o# h+drogen ando2+gen!

*$on$ept = idea = notion : kavram

-)he+ di$ued the $on$ept o# good and evi%!

*$on$ioune = a"arene = re%ization : bi%inç-e #e%% do"n and %ot $on$ioune!

*$ontituent = ingredient = $omponent = part : bi%e3en

-+drogen i a $ontituent o# "ater!

*$onvention = $utom = pra$ti$e : adet

-5onvention no" permit trouer #or "omen!

*$oure = dire$tion = route = #%o" : +?n, e+ir, akı3, gidi3at

-Ctat@rk $hanged the $oure o# our hitor+!

-8other get %itt%e ret in the $oure o# her dai%+ "ork!

*dearth &o#' = %a$k : ekik%ik

-C%though it i a re%ative%+ ma%% to"n, there i no dearth o# entertainment in

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*de$ompoition = de$a+ = rotting : ç@r@me

-)he %arget natura% our$e o# methane $ome #rom the ba$teria%de$ompoition o# organi$ matter in "et%and!

*di$harge &#rom' = re%eae : bo3a%tma, de3ar>

-)he authoritie are parti$u%ar%+ $on$erned about di$harge #rom the nu$%earpo"er tation!

*digut = hatred = averion = repugnan$e : ne#ret, tikinti

-i horrib%e behavior #i%%ed me "ith digut!

*diverit+ = variet+ = range : çe3it%i%ik

-S$ientit e2amined hundred o# "i%d#%o"er ite in Britain, the Lether%andand Kerman+ and #ound the diverit+ o# bee ha #a%%en in P/ per $ent o#them over the pat 74 +ear!

*enterprie = venture = buine = $ompan+ : giri3im, i3

-C $ommer$ia% enterprie i etab%ihed to make mone+!

*e2tin$tion = diaapearan$e = detru$tion : ne%i t@kenme, +ok o%ma

-Lear%+ A4,/// o# the "o%d; p%ant and anima% pe$ie #a$e e2tin$tion %arge%+be$aue o# the detru$tive behavior o# mankind, a$$ording to a ma>or ne"

enviromenta% report!

*#a$i%it+ = abi%it+ = $apabi%it+ = ta%ent : +etenek

-She ha greet #a$i%it+ in p%a+ing the vio%in!

*#eature = $hara$teriti$ = trait = 1ua%it+ : ?ze%%ik, nite%ik

-Re%igion i a #undamenta% #eature o# a%% o$ietie!

*#%a" = #au%t = de#e$t = mitake : kuur

-I# 8ike had one #%a" in hi perona%it+, it "a impatien$e!

*#ra$tion = part = portion : b?%@m, keit

-C %arge #ra$tion o# the "ork#or$e i emp%o+ed!

*#ri$tion = reitan$e : @rt@nme

*#ri$tion = $on#%i$t : çeki3me

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-Dhen +ou rub +our hand together rapid%+ , the #ri$tion produ$e heat!

-)he #ri$tion bet"een 8ar+ and her mother-in-%a" $reated tenion in the#ami%+!

*gap = di##eren$e = diparit+ = divergen$e : #ark%ı%ık, uçurum

-)urke+ ha one o# the "or%d; %arget gap bet"een ri$h and poor!

*grant = $ho%arhip : bur

-)he average tudent; maintenan$e grant ha been $ut b+ G!

*gratitude = grate#u%ne = thank#u%ne : minnettar%ık, takdir

-I "ou%d %ike to e2pre m+ gratitude to Hro#eor )a%bot #or hi va%uab%euggetion!

*hatred = hate = digut : ne#ret, tikinti

-She "a #i%%ed "ith hatred #or her mother-in-%a"!

*ignoran$e : bi%giiz%ik

-Ignoran$e o# the %a" i not $onidered an e2$ue #or breaking it!

*i%%itera$+ : bi%giiz%ik, $ahi%%ik, okur +azar o%mama

-I%%itera$+ i "idepread in the rura% area o# man+ poor $ountrie!

*in$entive = en$ouragement = indu$ement = motivation : te3vik, motiva+on-)he preident; propoa% "ou%d provide ta2 in$entive #or buine to hirepeop%e #rom variou area!

*in$%ination = tenden$+ = %eaning : ei%im

-Be$aue o# their geneti$ makeup ome peop%e have an in$%ination to be$ome#at!

*in#an$+ = bab+hood : bebek%ik

-C bab+ $an re$ognize it mother #a$e even in in#an$+!*in#init+ = end%ene = eternit+ : onuz%uk

-)here are no bound to in#init+!

*in#ratru$ture : a%t+apı

-)he $ountr+; in#ratru$ture invetment a$$ount #or G/ o# government

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*in1uir+ &into' = invetigation : oru3turma

-)here "i%% be an o##i$ia% in1uir+ into $ondition at the #a$tor+!

*inta%%ment = pa+ment : takit

-8+ $ar %oan "i%% be paid in 7. inta%%ment!

*intru$tion = tea$hing : ?retim

-She p%a+ the piano beauti#u%%+ a%though he ha never had an+ intru$tion!

*intenit+ = trength = po"er = degree : g@ç, 3iddet, +oun%uk, dere$e

-)he intenit+ o# the hurri$ane that hit %orida "a #rightening!

*interva% at- = gap = period = pa$e : ara, ara%ık-I a%"a+ get hungr+ in the interva% bet"een break#at and %un$h time!

*io%ation = eperation = egregation = %one%ine : o+ut%ama, a+ırma

-6ne $one1uen$e o# unemp%o+ment i o$ia% io%ation, "ith the %o o##riendhip #ormed through "ork!

*%a+er = tratum : tabaka

-)he #irt %a+er o# #at i immediate%+ under the kin!

*%eiure = #ree time = pare time : bo3 zaman

-C bu+ man doen;t have mu$h %eiure!

*%ike%ihood = probabi%it+ = $han$e = poibi%it+ : o%aı%ık

-)here i no %ike%ihood o# hi being punihed #or thi minor o##en$e!

*mean = "a+ = method : araç

-)he eentia% mean o# tranport #or the i%ander remain the donke+!

*meaure = tep = a$tion : ?n%em

-8eaure mut be taken to %imit e$onomi$ de$%ine!

*medium = mean : araç

-Radio i an e##e$tive medium #or advertiing!

*me = untidine = diorder : darmadaın%ı%ık, d@zeniz%ik

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-)he houe "a in a ma!

*mi#ortune = bad %u$k : k?t@ ta%ih

-8i#ortune #o%%o"ed the un%u$k+ "oman "hereever he "ent!

*modet+ = humi%it+ : m@tevazi%ik

-8+ neighbor doe a %ot o# "ork #or $haritie, but hi modet+ #orbid him#rom ta%king about it!

*moiture = dampne = humidit+ = "etne : nem

-)he moiture in the air make it humid toda+!

*optimim = hope#u%ne : i+imer%ik

-She e2preed optimim about the out$ome o# her e2amination!

*peruaion = in#%uen$e = advi$e : ikna

-C%% our attempt at peruaion "ere ue%e: he "ou%d not $ome!

*phae = tage = period : evre, a#ha, d?nem

-De are entering a ne" phae in our #ight againt terrorim!

*phonomenon &phenomena &p%'' = o$$urren$e =happening = e2perin$e : o%gu

-In#%ation i a%"a+ and ever+"here a monetar+ phenomenon!

*mainutrition = undernourihment = tarvation : +eteriz be%enme, aç%ık

-Jrought "i%% in$reae $rop #ai%ure and ma%nutrition!

*poeion = o"nerhip : ma%, m@%k, m@%ki+et

-)he $ar i in hi poeion!

*potentia% = poibi%it+ = abi%it+ : o%aı%ık, +etenek, potani+e%

-H%ati$ urger+ i an area that ha potentia% #or radi$a% $hange due to tem$e%%!

*predator : +ırtı$ı, +ırtı$ı ha+van

-C predator i a bird or anima% that ki%% other!

*preo$$upation &"ith' = obeion : takıntı, ap%antı

-)he o%d "oman ha a preo$$upation "ith death!

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*pre+ = vi$tim = u##erer : av

-8i$e and bird are the pre+ o# $at!

*prope$t &o#' = poibi%it+ = %ike%ihood : o%aı%ık

*prope$t &#or' = hope = e2pe$tation : umut

*prope$t &o#' = $han$e : #ırat, 3an

-)here eem %itt%e prope$t o# an end to the dipute!

-)here; not mu$h prope$t that thi "ar "i%% be over oon!

-i prope$t #or "inning the ra$e i e2$e%%ent!

*puri#i$ation = $%eaning = re#inement : arıtma

-Dater no" poe a rea% danger, o "ater puri#i$ation tab%et are needed!*range = variet+ : çe3it

*range = $ope = a%an, ınır

-Hremature babie #a$e a greater rik o# a range o# hea%th prob%em, in$%uding%earning di##u$u%tie, repirator+ diorder and viion and hearing %o!

-)he+ aid that parti$u%ar iue had not been "ithin the range o# the

reear$h!*reauran$e = aurran$e : g@ven$e

-De "ere given no reauran$e that "e "ou%d get the mone+ ba$k!

*re$eion = depreion = %ump = de$%ine : durgun%uk

-C %ong %ating re$eion on a $ountr+; e$onom+!

*remark = $omment = tatement : +orum, ?z

-(ohn; remark about the mea% "ere 1uite ni$e!

*remed+ = medi$ation = therap+ = medi$ine : tedavi, çare

-)here are no mira$u%ou remedie #or %earning di##u$u%tie!

*reentment = anger = bitterne : kızgın%ık, kırgın%ık

-er promtion $aued reentment among the other engineer!

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*repe$t = "a+ : bakım

-In man+ repe$t Cian "omen ee theme%ve a e1ua% to their men!

*reviva% = re$over+ = reurgen$e = revita%ization : $an%anma

-)hree ne" #a$torie "i%% be bui%t to enure the indutria% to"n; reviva%!

*riva%r+ = $ompetition : rekabet

-)here i riva%r+ among buine #irm #or trade!

*rumor = heara+ = tor+ : ?+%enti

-)here are #a%e rumor going around that the "ater upp%+ i una#e!

*$ar$it+ = hortage = %a$k : dar%ık, ekik%ik, kıt%ık

-)here "a a $ar$it+ o# heating #ue% %at "inter!*$ent = me%% = odor : koku

-)he $ent o# ome par#ume make me neeze!

*$ho%ar = a$adami$ = inte%%e$tua% : bi%gin

-C%bert Eintein "a a great $ho%ar!

*$ope &o#' = range = e2tent = $ompa : a%an, kapam

*$ope &#or' = opportunit+ = poibi%it+ : #ırat

-I;m a#raid that prob%em i be+ond the $ope o# m+ %e$ture!

-)here i %itt%e $ope #or intitutiona% re#orm in thi organization!

*in$erit+ = #rankne = honet+ : içten%ik

-Be$aue o# hi in$erit+, 8etin $ou%dn;t %ie to an+one!

*train = burden = di##i$u%t+ = preure : +@k, g@ç%@k, bakı

*train = tenion : geri%im, gergin%ik, ıkıntı

*train = pe$ie = t+pe : t@r

-It "a a train on her #inan$e to bu+ a ne" )V!

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-)here i a train in m+ re%ationhip "ith m+ brother!

-C ne" train o# "heat deve%oped in India i reported to give high +ie%d!

*ummit = top = peak : zirve

-C#ter three hour o# $%imbing, "e tood at the ummit o# the mountain!

*troop = o%dier : aker

-De don;t "ant an+ #oreign troop on our oi%!

*tutor = tea$her = intru$tor = %e$turer : ?retmen

-)he tutor ditrubuted the book at the and o# the $%a!

*va%idit+ = e#e$tivene = oundne = %ega%it+ : geçer%ik, +aa%%ık

-)he va%idit+ o# thi theor+ i 1uetionab%e!*ve%o$it+ = peed = "i#tne = rapidit+ : hız

-)he peed o# an ob>e$t i it ve%o$it+!

*vee% : damar

*)he drug $ontri$ted the patient; b%ood vee%!

*vio%en$e = aggreion = #ighting : 3iddet

-unger and vio%en$e "i%% $ontinue to mark the #uture o# mankind!

*vogue = #ahion = mode : moda

-In the A07/;, hort hair #or "omen be$ame the vogue!

*+ie%d = harvet : verim

-)he +ie%d per a$re i up more than #i#teen per$ent!



*daring = adventurou : ma$eraperet

-)he trave%%er had a daring pirit!

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*advere = un#ovourab%e = bad = negative : e%veri3iz, k?t@, o%umuz

-Cdvere "eather $ondition ma+ in$reae the rik o# a$$ident!

*a##ordab%e = reaonab%e = ine2penive : heap%ı, u$uz

-C##ordab%e home are avai%ab%e #or %o" in$ome #ami%ie!

*a$$utumed to = ued to = #ami%iar "ith : tanı3ık, a3ina

-e i a$$utomed to our $utom!

*a$ute = evere : $iddi

*a$ute = intene = harp :akut, 3iddet%i

-Shortage o# organi$ mi%k, bee# and app%e in the 9 are a$ute!-8odern medi$ine ha deve%oped te$hni1ue #or re%ieving a$ute ph+i$a% pain!

*admirab%e = marve%ou : m@kemme%, takdire 3a+an

-Bi%% did an admirab%e >ob in organizing the team!

*agreeab%e = p%eaant : ho3, u+um%u

-8ine i 1uite an agreeab%e peron!

*animate = %iving = a%ive : $an%ı

-uman being are animate, but tab%e and $hair are not!

*an2iou &about' = "orried = $on$erned : ka+gı%ı, endi3e%i

*an2iou #ot to in#! = eager = keen : itek%i, heve%i

-e $ontinued to be an2iou #or u$$e a a dramatit!

-)here i no doubt that the Cmeri$an, "ho are an2iou to maintain theupport o# the one Se$u%ar 8u%im tate in the 8idd%e eat, are eager #or

 )urke+ to >oin E!9!

*apparent = obviou = $%ear = evident : açık, a3ikar

-i apparent %a$k o# $on$ern #or bai$ human right i rather anno+ing!

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*avai%ab%e = obtainab%e = a$$eib%e : mev$ut, e%de edi%ebi%ir, bu%unabi%ir,eri3i%ebi%ir

-I;m a#raid the materia% i no %onger avai%ab%e!

*baed on = #ounded on = deprived #rom : da+a%ı o%mak

-)hee #igure are baed on the %at $enu taken t"o +ear ago!

*breathtaking = pe$te$u%ar = magni#i$ent : ne#e kei$i

-)he artit; painting "a imp%+ breathtaking!

*$aua% = in#orma% = port+ : rahat, remi o%ma+an, g@n%@k

-e %ike to "ear $aua% $%othe, u$h a )-hirt and b%ue >ean!

*$ompatib%e &"ith' = harmoniou = mat$hing : u+um%u

-8an+ ne" printer are $ompatib%e "ith both H5 and 8a$!

*$ompetent = $apab%e = ab%e = ki%%ed : +etenek%i

-8+ neighbor i ver+ $ompetent Q he "i%% repair the roo# hime%#!

*$omp%iant = $om#orming = in $omp%ian$e : u+um%u

-e "a $omp%iant and read+ to $on#orm to the pattern et b+ hi #riend!

*$on$%uive = de$iive = #ina% = u%timate : kein, on

-Reear$her a+ that a Europe-"ide tud+ ha provided $on$%uive proo#that $%imate $hange i reponib%e #or pring arriving ear%ier ea$h +ear!

*$ondu$tive : i%etken

-C meteria% that $ondu$t e%e$tri$it+ i $ondu$tive!

*$on$iou &o#' = a"are : #arkında, bi%in$inde

-I "a $on$iou that he had $hanged hi ta$ti$!

*$ontagiou = in#e$tiou = $ommuni$ab%e = tranmittab%e : bu%a3ı$ı

-In#%uenza i an a$ute vira% dieae o# the repirator+ tra$t that i e2treme%+$ontagiou!

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*$onvin$ed &o#' = $ertain = ure = $on#ident : emin

-De are $onvin$ed o# her inno$en$e!

*$redib%e = be%ievab%e = $onvin$ing = re%iab%e : inandırı$ı

-)here i $redib%e eviden$e that 5hinee e$urit+ #or$e ha$e ued e2$eive#or$e in dea%ing "ith demontration!

*impra$ti$ab%e = un"orkab%e = un#eaib%e : i3%emez, i3e +aramaz

-6"ing to a %ight mi$a%$u%ation, the invention proved to be impra$ti$ab%e!

*impure = dirt+ = un$%ean : kir%i

-)he air in big $itie i o#ten impure!

*in$%ined = tending = prone : ei%im%i

-e i in$%ined to agree "ith +ou!

*in$omparab%e = mat$h%e = unriva%ed : e3iz, rakipiz

-8r+%+n 8onroe had in$omparab%e beaut+!

*in$onvenient = not $onvenient : e%veri3iz

-She%ve "hi$h are too high to rea$h are in$onvenient!

*in$ridib%e = atonihing = amazing : inanı%maz, ha+ret veri$i, 3a3ırtı$ı

-8edi$a% $ien$e ha made in$redib%e progre over the %at $entur+ inhe%ping u undertand $uring and e%iminating the $aue o# man+ dieaein$%uding menta% i%%ne!

*indiputab%e = un1ueitionab%e = undeniab%e : tartı3ı%amaz

-i 1ua%i#i$ation #or thi kind o# >ob are indiputab%e!

*inevitab%e = unavoidab%e : kaçını%maz

-Jeath i the inevitab%e ending o# %i#e!

*in#erior = %o"er = ubtandart = poorer : d@3@k

-)he in#erior 1ua%it+ o# the menta% make it unuitab%e #or ue in bui%ding$ontru$tion!

*in#inite = end%e = un%imeted : ınırız, onuz

-)ime and pa$e are in#inite!

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*inhabitab%e : habitab%e = %ivab%e : +a3anabi%ir

-C#ter the #ire, the houe "a no %onger inhabitab%e!

*initia% = #ir = ear%+ = pre%iminar+ : i%k

-Initia% reu%t give him a %ead!

*intene = trong = po"er#u% = ver+ great : g@ç%@, çok b@+@k

-)here i intene preure at the bottom o# the o$ean!

*inva%uab%e = pre$iou = important : çok deer%i, ?nem%i

-our #riendhip i inva%uab%e to me!

*invigorating = revita%izing = energizing = reviving : $an%andırı$ı

-S"imming i an invigorating port!*invo%untar+ = pontaneou = intin$tive : doa%, kendi%iinden o%an,içg@d@e%

-Breathing i an invo%untar+ bod+ #un$tion!

*>ea%ou &o#' = enviou = $ovetou : kıkanç

-e%en and 8ar+ "ere >ea%ou o# ea$h other!

*>uti#iab%e = >uti#ied = right : hak%ı

-i a$tion "a entire%+ >uti#iab%e!

*%eiure%+ = unhurried = re%a2ed : a$e%eiz, +ava3 tempo%u, rahatça

-De took a %eiure%+ tro%% through the park!

*%etha% = dead%+ = #ata% = morta% : ?%d@r@$@, ?%@m$@%

-e died a#ter taking a %etha% doe o# heroin!

*%eve% = #%at = traight : d@z

-)he bathroom #%oor i not $omp%ate%+ %eve%!

*%iab%e #or = reponib%e #or : orum%u o%mak

-ou are %iab%e #or +our on; debt a he i under age!

*%iab%e to = prone to = %ike%+ to : ei%im%i

-e i %iab%e to get mood+ at time!

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*%iterar+ : edebi

-Oiterar+ magazine have #e" reader $ompared to ne" magazine!

*%iterate : okur +azar

-6ver 0/ per$ent o# thee vi%%ager "ho "ere previou%+ i%%iterate are %iterateno" thank to the evening $oure!

*mierab%e = unhapp+ = ad = g%oom+ : mutuz, @z@nt@%@, karamar

-She; had a mierab%e %i#e! I hope he #ind happine in the #uture!

*modet = humb%e = unauming : m@tevazi

-e; ver+ modet about hi a$hivement!

*neg%e$t#u% &o#' = neg%igent = $are%e : ihma%kar

-e i neg%e$t#u% o# hi $hi%dren!

*neg%igent = neg%e$t#u% = inattentive = $are%e : ihma%kar

-)he report aid that the do$tor had been neg%igent in not giving the "omana #u%% e2amination!

*nomadi$ = trave%ing = "andering = roaming : g?çebe

-)he geograph+ o# Cia and o# C#ri$a ne$eitate a nomadi$ %i#e in ome$ountrie!

*obedient = duti#u% = $omp%iant : itaatkar

-Ever+bod+ ought to do mi%itar+ training - it "ou%d do them good and makethem obedient!

*outtanding = remarkab%e = e2$eptiona% = e2$e%%ent : ka+da deer,m@kemme%

-)he prin$ipa% $ongratu%ated the tudent on hi outtanding dip%a+ o#%eaderhip!

*peritent = $ontant = re%ent%e : @rek%i

-Cn+one "ho e2perien$e peritent "eight %o "ith night "eat!

*phenomena% = e2rtaordinar+ = e2$eptiona% = unuua% : o%aan@t@

-South orea ha a$hieved phenomena% u$$e in indutria%ization ande$onomi$ deve%opment!

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*pre$ie = e2a$t = a$$urate : kein

-It; di##i$u%t to make a pre$ie predi$tion about the in#%ation rate be$aue o#the e$onomi$ intabi%it+ in the $ountr+!

*pre#erentia% = #avored = privi%eged : ter$ih%i, a+rı$a%ık%ı

-)he e%der%+ uua%%+ get pre#erentia% treatment on pub%i$ tranport!

*pre%iminar+ = #irt = initia% = opening : i%k

-)he pre%iminar+ reu%t ho" that the o$ia%it are heading #or a de$iivevi$tor+!

*primitive = imp%e : i%ke%

-Hrehitori$ man #armed the %and b+ uing primitive too% #ahioned out o#ro$k and "ood!

*re%evant &to' = re%ated = pertinent : i%i3ki%i

-6ur $omputer $an give +ou a%% the re%evant detai%!

*reent#u% &o#' = angr+ = indignant = bitter : kızgın, içer%emi3, kırgın

-C reent#u% "orker damaged the o##i$e e1uipment!

*aturated = pa$ked = atiated = ati#ied = to$ked : do+mu3

-Sin$e the 9!S! 8arket i aturated, the drup dea%er are %ooking to Europe!

*hort &o#' : dar%ık çekmek, darda o%mak

-De are hort o# book!

*pe$ta$u%ar = magni#i$ent = marve%ou = "onder#u% : 3ahane, m@kemme%,muhte3em

-De a" a pe$ta$u%ar unrie on the top o# 8t! Lemrut!

*tead+ = $ontant = tab%e : @rek%i, abit

-8+ on ha at %at #ound hime%# a tead+ >ob!*tab%e = tead+ = #i2ed : abit, itikrar%ı

-Hri$e genera%%+ remain tab%e "hen demand and upp%+ are ba%an$ed!

*trange = odd : tuha#

-I "oke up "hen I heard a trange noie in the houe!

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*ubordinate &to' = in#erior = %o"er : a3aı

-In ome $ountrie "omen are ti%% regarded a ubordinate to men!

*uperior &to' = e2$e%%ent = better than : mekemme%, !!!!den @t@n

-I think thi book i uperior to that one!

*tene = nervou = >ump+ : gergin

-Cpparent%+, he i ver+ tene and irritab%e #rom too mu$h "ork!

*tin+ = ma%% = minute : k@ç@k

-i hand"ritting i o tin+ +ou $an hard%+ read it!

*tremendou = great = huge = enormou : b@+@k

-De have a tremendou amount o# "ork to do!*trut"orth+ = re%iab%e = dependab%e : g@veni%ir

-I $an aure that Berkan i a trut"orth+ peron that +ou $an have $omp%ete$on#iden$e in!

*una$$utomed &to' = unued to : a%ı3ık o%ma+an

-I# +ou have never viited a #oreign $ountr+, +ou ma+ be una$$utomed toeating un#ami%iar #ood!

*una%tered = un$hanged : dei3meden-)he bui%ding remain re%ative%+ una%tered!

*unavoidab%e = inevitab%e = ine$apab%e : kaçını%maz

-e i tr+ing to $ope "ith the unavoidab%e $one1uen$e o# ageing!

*vio%ent = #ier$e = po"er#u% = bruta% : 3iddet%i

-)here "a a vio%ent torm %at Sunda+!

*viib%e = noti$iab%e : g?r@%ebi%ir

-)here i no viib%e tenden$+ #or interet rate to de$%ine!

*"ide-ranging = $omprehenive = e2tenive : kapam%ı

-)he ne" government p%an to imp%ement a pa$kage o# "ide-ranginge$onomi$ re#orm!

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*"ie = $%ever = enib%e = >udi$iou : akı%%ı

-e ha made a "ie $hoi$e!


*a$$ording%+ = there#ore : bundan do%a+ı

-)he pee$h "a ver+ #unn+! C$$ording%+, the audien$e %aughed %oud%+!

*bare%+ = hard%+ = $ar$e%+ = a%mot not : zar zor, g@ç%@k%e, hemen hemenhiç

-e "a o drunk he $ou%d bare%+ tand!

*$omparative%+ = re%ative%+ : g?re$e%i o%arak

-)he tud+ o# geneti$ date on%+ #rom the beginning o# the preent $entur+,and i there#ore a $omparative%+ re$ent bran$h o# $ien$e!

*e2pe$tiona%%+ = e2traordinari%+ = e2treme%+ = remarkab%+ : o%aan@t@,ka+da deer ?%ç@de çok

-i per#orman$e "a e2pe$tiona%%+ good!

*#rank%+ = honet%+ : d@r@tçe, içten%ik%e ?+%emek gerekire

-rank%+, I didn;t %ike the book that +ou re$ommended!

*invariab%+ = a%"a+ = perpetua%%+ = $onitent%+ : daima, @rek%i biçimde

-Invariab%+, trong period in an e$onom+ give "a+ to re$eion!

*inde#inite%+ = period = #or ever : @reiz o%arak

-H%an #or a ne" high-peed %ink bet"een Oondon and the Lorth dra"n up b+Britain; rai% $hie# have been potponed inde#inite%+!

*intene%+ = ver+ mu$h : çok

-8ot o# %o"%and Britain i intenive%+ $u%tivated!*in the meantime = mean"hi%e : bu arada

-)he movie tart at F!</ In the meantime, %et; eat dinner!

*ne$eari%+ = a%"a+ = unavoidab%+ = inevitab%+ = automati$a%%+ : herzaman, kaçını%maz o%arak

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-5apita%im doe not ne$eari%+ %ead to demo$ra$+!

*pra$ti$a%%+ = a%mot = near%+ = virtua%%+ : hemen hemen

-Hra$ti$a%%+ ever+ $hoo% in thi to"n ha a g+mnaium!

*preumab%+ = mot probab%+ = apparent%+ = eeming%+ : be%kide, b@+@ko%aı%ık%a, ?+%e g?r@n@+orki

-She "a preumab%+ in her t"entie!

*premature%+ = too ear%+ = too oon : zamanından ?n$e, çok erkenden

-)he bab+ "a born premature%+!

*pro#ound%+ = great%+ = evere%+ : b@+@k ?%ç@de, $iddi biçimde

-C$$ording to a report, igni#i$ant "arming "i%% pro#ound%+ $hange our p%anet!

*re%ative%+ = $omparative%+ : g?re$e%i o%arak, nipeten

-)hi book i rather di##i$u%t, but that one i re%ative%+ ea+!

*repe$tive%+ = in that order : ıraı+%a

-Bob and Bi%% p%a+ #or the Crena% and 5he%ea repe$tive%+!

*rough%+ = appro2imate%+ = about = around : +ak%a3ık, kaba$a

-Ka%a2ie $onit o# rough%+ a hundred mi%ion tar!

*routine%+ = regu%ar%+ = habitua%%+ : d@zen%i o%arak, @rek%i biçimde

-)he prioner "ere routine%+ tortured!

*tri$t%+ = e2a$t%+ = a$$urate%+ : tam an%amı+%a, kein o%arak

-Dhat +our a+ing i not tri$t%+ true!

*through%+ = $omp%ate%+ : t@m@+%e

-e through%+ $on#ued the iue!

*undertandab%+ = >uti#iab%+ : hak%ı o%arak

-Harent are undertandab%+ "orried about the in$reaing %eve% o# vio%en$e in$hoo%!

*unmitakab%+ = un1uetionab%+ = obviou%+ = unambiguou%+ : ku3kubırakmaz biçimde, açıkça

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-Saddam uein "a unmitakab%+ gui%t+ o# repeated montrou $rimeagaint humanit+ and hi o"n peop%e!

*vigorou%+ = energeti$a%%+ = #or$e#u%%+ = trong%+ : ener>ik biçimde, g@ç%@biçimde

-E2er$iing vigorou%+ ma+ poe a rik #or ome peop%e, parti$u%ar%+ o%dpeop%e!


*a regard = $on$erning = regarding = "ith re#eren$e to : i%gi%i, bakımından

-i uggetion a regard the reviion o# the $oure materia% "a not takeninto a$$ount!

*a to = about = a regard : i%gi%i, hakkında

-S$ientit diagree a to "hat $aue the dieae!

*be+ond re$ognition : -ma+a$ak ?%ç@de

-She got burned be+ond re$ognition in a #ire that broke out at the hote% "herehe "a ta+ing!

*given = $onidering : g?z ?n@ne a%ınıra, g?z ?n@ne a%ındıında

-Kiven Erdem; e2perien$e in thi area and hi e2$e%%ent 1ua%i#i$ation, I; m

ure the+ "i%% give him the >ob!

*in e2$hange #or = in return #or : kar3ı%ıında

-)he t"o +oung men "ere given #ood and he%ter in e2$hange #or "ork!

*in e2$e o# = more than = oven and above : -den #az%a, -nin @t@nde

-6ur top agent earn in e2$e o# F/// per month!

*in #ovor o# = in upport o# : %ehinde

-In the re#erendum, the mo>orit+ o# the peop%e voted in #avor o# the$ontitutiona% amendment!

*irrepe$tive o# = regard%e o# = no matter = depite : bakmakızın, dikkatea%makızın, !!!! o%ura o%un, ramen

-)he %a" demand that "orker be treated the ame, irrepe$tive o# e2 orage!

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*not"ithtanding = in pite o# = depite : ramen

-5omputing remain a gro"th area and one in "hi$h, not"ithtandinge$onomi$ re$eion, the out%ook %ook bright!

*on a$$ount o# = o"ing to = be$aue o# = due to = through : -den do%a+ı,

-den +@z@nden

-)he Cmazon rain #oret i an area o# great $ienti#i$ intert on a$$ount o# ituni1ue p%ant and anima% pe$ie!

*ube1uent to = a#ter = #o%%o"ing : -den onra, onraı

-)he event I;m peaking o# "ere ube1uent to the "ar!

*thank to = be$aue o# = on a$$ount o# = due to : a+einde

-)hank to in#ormation te$hno%og+, man+ on$e non-tradab%e ervi$e, u$h a

a$$ounting, $an be provieded #rom a#ter!

*through = b+ mean o# : vaıtaı+%a

*through = unti% : - kadar

*through = #rom ide to ide : içinden, arkaından, -den , -dan

-C%though po%io ha no $ure, it i eai%+ preventab%e through va$$ine!

-)he dentit "ork in hi $%ini$ #rom . o;$%o$k through F o;$%o$k!

-De "a%ked through the park!

*via = b+ "a+ o# : +o%u+%a, vaıtaı+%a

-)houand o# i%%ega% migrant tr+ to enter Ita%+ ea$h +ear via Oampedua,man+ in ri$ket+ boat!

A! Tnem%i Q igni#i$ant, remarkab%e, notab%e, $oniderab%e, vita%, $ru$ia%,dramati$a%, outtanding, prominent, eminent,

7! ak%a3ık o%arak Q rough%+ around, about, ome, b+, appro2imate%+, virtua%%+,a%mot, near%+,

<! Utek%i, merak%ı Q "i%%ing, eager, keen, Utekiz Q un"i%%ing, re%u$tant,

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.! Eer Q uppoe, uppoing that, oa %ong a, providedproviding that,hou%d, on $ondition that,

G! @nk@ Q be$aue, in$e, a, #or, no" that, on ground that, @z@nden Qbe$aue o#, due to, o"ing to, on a$$ount o#, on ground o#,

4! -e ramen #akat Q a%though, though, even thoughi#, even o, but, ho"ever,neverthe%e, nonethe%e, "herea, "hi%e,

F! aa Q de%i$ate, enitive, #ragi%e, u$eptib%e, vu%nerab%e!

P! Crdından Q u$$eive, repe$tive, $one$utive ve ube1uent!

0! Sonunda Q #ina%%+, at %at, eventua%%+, Ba3%angıçta Q initia%%+, at #irt,origina%%+,

A/! Bir 3e+e ba%ı o%mak Q depend on, re%+ on, %ean on, baed on, trut in,

AA! Bir 3e+in tara#tarı o%mak Q advo$ate, proponent, adherent, upporter,

A7! Utemek, gerektirmek Q demand, re1uire, invo%ve, $a%% #or, entai%!

A<! a%nız$a Q on%+, mere%+, e2$uive%+, o%e%+,

A.! eter%i dere$ede Q u##i$ient , ade1uate, enough, amp%e,

AG! W ?%ç@de, miktarda Q on a W $a%e, at a W rate, to a W e2tent,

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A4! Cn%a3maz%ıkQ $on#%i$t, debate, dipute, 1uarre%, diagreement,

AF! Cvanta> dezavanta> Q pro and $on, Jezavanta> Q etba$k, dra"ba$k,hort$oming!

**** B+ B!Sami JUO8CL ****


tamami+%e, t@m@+%e

A! abo%ute%+ ===YYY Ct the end o# the da+, "e "ere abo%ute%+ e2hauted!

7! entire%+ ===YYY 6ur #oundation entire%+ depend on vo%untar+$ontribution!

<! $omp%ete%+ ===YYY C#ter having a bath, I #e%t $omp%ete%+ re%a2ed!

.! 1uite ===YYY ou;re 1uite rightZG! "ho%%+ ===YYY )he e$retar+ "e;ve hired doe not eem "ho%%+ re%iab%e!

4! #u%%+ ===YYY I $an #u%%+ undertand "hat +ou mean!

F! thorough%+ ===YYY I thorough%+ approve o# +our de$iion to get married!

P! utter%+ ===YYY It "ou%d be utter%+ impoib%e to arrange the part+"ithout +ou!

0! tota%%+ ===YYY )he+ tota%%+ agree "ith u!

o%dukça, on dere$e, çok

A/! high%+ ===YYY De need high%+ edu$ated "orker!

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AA! deep%+ ===YYY I;m deep%+ grate#u% #or ever+thing +ou;ve done #or me!

A7! great%+ ===YYY )he+ have a%% great%+ bene#ited #rom their tea$her;kno"%edge!

A<! a"#u%%+ ===YYY It; a"#u%%+ $o%d in here! Di%% +ou turn the heater up

A.! bad%+ ===YYY I bad%+ "ant to he%p +ou, but there i nothing that I $ando!

AG! terrib%+ ===YYY De mied +ou terrib%+, onZ

A4! eriou%+ ===YYY e "a eriou%+ in>ured a#ter the a$$ident!

AF! #ar ===YYY )he ne" $ar i #ar #ater than the o%d one!

bir ha+%i, o%dukça

AP! #air%+ ===YYY I;m #air%+ $ertain that I;ve been here be#ore!

A0! 1uite ===YYY )hi hote% i 1uite e2penive! Oet; go another oneZ

7/! rather ===YYY It; rather $o%d! 5an +ou $%oe the "indo", p%eae

7A! prett+ ===YYY I "a nervou be#ore the e2am, but the e2am "a prett+ea+!

77! bitter%+ ===YYY )he+ "ere bitter%+ diappointed "ith the de$iion!

kımen, biraz

7<! partia%%+ ===YYY Joing "e%% in e2am i partia%%+ a matter o# %u$k!

7.! part%+ ===YYY our #igure "ere part%+ $orre$t, not tota%%+Z

7G! %ight%+ ===YYY (ane i %ight%+ ta%%er than her iter Barbara!

74! ome"hat ===YYY I "a ome"hat urpried b+ +our "ord!

muazzam, on dere$e, b@+@k ?%ç@de

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7F! immene%+ ===YYY I en>o+ed the #i%m immene%+!

7P! enormou%+ ===YYY )he pro>e$t ha proven to be enormou%+u$$e#u%!

70! tremendou%+ ===YYY e; tremendou%+ "ea%th+!

a3ırı biçimde, on dere$e

</! e2treme%+ ===YYY )he kid "ere e2treme%+ #i%th+ "hen $oming in #romthe garden!

<A! e2$eeding%+ ===YYY )he room i e2$eeding%+ hot! I;m "eatingpro#ue%+!

<7! e2$eive%+ ===YYY )he ne" %a" make u pa+ e2$eive%+ high ta2e!

kein o%arak, muhakkak, tabiiki, e%bette

<<! $ertain%+ ===YYY )he time I pend "ith +ou i $ertain%+ the happiet in

m+ %i#e!

<.! poitive%+ ===YYY our per#orman$e "a poitive%+ marve%%ou! ou"ere great!

<G! de$ided%+ ===YYY )he ne" manager i de$ided%+ better than thepreviou one!

kuvvet%e, 3iddet%e, +oun biçimde

<4! intene%+ ===YYY I di%ike (i%% intene%+!

<F! trong%+ ===YYY I trong%+ be%ieve that he; inno$ent!

<P! #irm%+ ===YYY I $%oed the door and the "indo" #irm%+ be#ore %eavinghome!

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inanı%maz 3eki%de

<0! in$redib%+ ===YYY It; in$redib%+ di##i$u%t to rent a $heap apartment inOondon!

./! unbe%ievab%+ ===YYY Li$otine i unbe%ievab%+ harm#u% to +our bod+!


.A! $omparative%+ ===YYY )he $rime rate i $omparative%+ rare in thi part

o# the $it+!

.7! re%ative%+ ===YYY Oand pri$e in here are re%ative%+ $heap!

dikkate deer dere$ede, çok

.<! $oniderab%+ ===YYY 6ur #inan$ia% $ondition ha improved $oniderab%+a o# %ate!

..! remarkab%+ ===YYY )he amount the+ o##ered #or the houe "aremarkab%+ high!

gerçekten, doru$a, amimi

.G! rea%%+ ===YYY urr+ upZ ou "a%k rea%%+ %o"%+!

.4! tru%+ ===YYY I don;t think +ou;re tru%+ orr+!

o%aan@t@ biçimde,

.F! e2traordinari%+ ===YYY In +our evening go"n +ou %ook e2traordinari%+

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m@tena o%arak, #evka%ade

.P! e2$eptiona%%+ ===YYY e p%a+ the vio%in e2$eptiona%%+ "e%%!

maku%, an%a3ı%ır biçimde

.0! reaonab%+ ===YYY )he $ar i reaonab%+ pri$ed!

nadiren, o%aandı3ı

G/! unuua%%+ ===YYY or a $hi%d o# hi age, hi per#orman$e "a unuua%%+good!

g@%@nç dere$ede, çok

GA! ridi$u%ou%+ ===YYY 6hZ )he dre i ridi$u%ou%+ e2penive!

di%e d@3m@3 o%arak

G7! notoriou%+ ===YYY )he ne" +tem i notoriou%+ di##i$u%t to %earn!