720 kld basic process design airlift

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  • 8/11/2019 720 KLD Basic Process Design AirLift


    Basic Process Design

    720 m/day

    Airlift MBR Ultra Filtration

    Client GET Water solutions Pvt. Limited

    Project name 720 KLD

    Project No. STP MBR

    Norit company X-Flow

    Document statusRev. Date Description Prepared Checked Approved

    0 Nov 3rd

    , 2009 First issue PCGanesh

    This document is property of X-Flow in Enschede. Nothing from this document may be duplicated and/or published without written

    approval of the owner. 2007 X-Flow.

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    All information in this document is based on enquiry information and assumptions supplied by the

    customer and not independently confirmed by X-Flow. X-Flow does not warrant the accuracy,

    timeliness, completeness, adequacy or fitness of the information or the membrane design which

    is based on this information and shall not be held liable to the customer or any third party with

    respect to any alleged inaccuracy, incompleteness, inadequacy or lack of merchantability or

    fitness for the purpose listed in this document.

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    Revision History

    Revision Description

    0 First issue

    Related documents

    Doc. No. Originator Description Rev. Date

    List of abbreviations

    Abbreviation Description

    AL Air Lift

    BW Backwash

    CA Citric Acid

    CEB Chemical Enhanced Backwash

    DC Drain

    HC Hydraulic Clean

    Lmh Litre/m2.h (membrane flux)

    MBR Membrane Bioreactor

    MLD Megalitres per day

    MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids

    n.a. Not applicable

    NaOCl Sodium hypochlorite

    Nm3/h Airflow in normal cubic meters per hour (1bara, 20C)

    TMP Trans Membrane Pressure

    TSS Total suspended solids

    VSD Variable Speed Drive

    UF Ultra Filtration

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    1 Introduction ______________________________________________________________________ 6


    Project definition ______________________________________________________________ 61.2 Objective Basic Process Design __________________________________________________ 6

    2 Basis of Design ___________________________________________________________________ 7

    2.1 UF influent quality (mixed liquor)__________________________________________________ 7

    2.2 Typical UF permeate quality _____________________________________________________ 7

    2.3 Design capacity _______________________________________________________________ 7

    3 Process Design ___________________________________________________________________ 8


    Process summary _____________________________________________________________ 8

    3.1.1 Filtration ______________________________________________________________ 9

    3.1.2 Backwashing during filtration _____________________________________________ 9


    Drain procedure ________________________________________________________ 9

    3.1.4 Chemically enhanced backwash (CEB) ____________________________________ 10

    3.1.5 Relaxation/ Stand-by ___________________________________________________ 11

    3.2 UF plant design ______________________________________________________________ 12

    3.2.1 Configuration UF plant _________________________________________________ 13

    3.2.2 Main operational parameters ____________________________________________ 14

    3.2.3 Chemical consumptions ________________________________________________ 16

    3.2.4 Main process equipment ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined.

    4 Design Specifications _____________________________________________________________ 17

    4.1 Pre-treatment _______________________________________________________________ 17


    Bioreactor __________________________________________________________________ 17

    4.3 Hydraulic design _____________________________________________________________ 17

    4.3.1 Feed and permeate piping ______________________________________________ 17

    4.3.2 Feed flow control during filtration, backwash and relaxation ____________________ 18

    4.3.3 AirLift flow control _____________________________________________________ 18

    4.3.4 Permeate flow control __________________________________________________ 18


    Backwash flow control __________________________________________________ 18


    UF skid pressures _____________________________________________________ 18


    Permeate tank design _________________________________________________________ 19

    4.5 Backwash strainers ___________________________________________________________ 19


    Air ingress __________________________________________________________________ 19

    4.7 Automatic valves _____________________________________________________________ 19

    4.8 Chemical dosing for CEB ______________________________________________________ 19

    4.9 Compressed air ______________________________________________________________ 19

    4.10 Membrane storage ___________________________________________________________ 20

    4.11 Facilities for commissioning and future operation ____________________________________ 20

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    Table 2-1: UF influent quality ___________________________________________________________________ 7

    Table 2-2: UF permeate quality _________________________________________________________________ 7

    Table 2-3:

    UF capacity assumptions ______________________________________________________________Table 3-1: Configuration UF plant ________________________________________________________________

    Table 3-2: Main operational parameters per skid(filtration, backwash, drain and CEB)

    Table 3-3: Typical chemical consumptions per skid __________________________________________________

    Table 3-4: Main process equipment UF plant ________________________________________________________

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    1 Introduction

    1.1 Project definitionThis document outlines the design for an Airlift MBR to be installed at projected site for the

    purification of municipal waste water. The Airlift MBR process consists of an activated sludge

    process combined with a side stream Ultra Filtration membrane system for the separation of

    activated sludge (mixed liquor) from treated effluent. As an out of basin solution (not being

    submerged in the reactor), maintenance and cleanability are simple, safe and allow full

    automation. The UF membrane system is 100% efficient at separating mixed liquor from treated

    effluent. Only the UF part is described in this document. The engineering of the pre-treatment

    and bioreactor is the responsibility of Prakruti.

    The overall process consists of the following treatment steps:


    Pre- screen *)

    Oil and grease removal *)

    Sand removal *)

    Fine- screen *)


    AirLift UF unit

    Post chlorination

    The UF stage comprises the following units and equipment:

    UF mixed liquor recirculation pumps

    UF air supply for airlift

    UF skids

    UF permeate extraction

    UF permeate tank

    UF drain tank and pumps

    UF backwash pumps (incl. manual UF backwash strainer)

    Chemical dosing units

    Air compressor (instrument air)

    *) to be optimised

    1.2 Objective Basic Process Design

    The Basic Process Design document provides the basic process design information of the UF

    plant. The following items are described:

    Basis of design

    Process design

    Design specifications

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    2 Basis of Design

    2.1 UF influent quality (mixed liquor)The influent quality design envelope for the UF plant is presented in Table 2-1.

    Table 2-1: UF influent quality

    Parameter Units Min Avg Max Comment Note

    Temperature C 20 - 40 1)

    pH - 6 - 8.5 1)

    Oil & grease [mg/l] n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p.: not present 3)

    MLSS [g/l] g/l 8 10 14 Range between 8 14 g/l 2)

    Filterability ml > 15 - -Filterability is based on filtered amount

    through C5- paper during 5 minutes


    1) X-Flow assumption of UF feed water quality;

    2) Based on UF feed water quality data according to enquiry document (see related documents);

    3) Oil& grease must be emulsified. Higher concentrations will have impact on cleaning frequency and plant capacity.

    Free O&G is not allowed, since this can irreversibly foul the membranes. Soluble O&G will pass the membranes.

    2.2 Typical UF permeate quality

    The typical UF permeate quality for the UF plant is presented in Table 2-2.

    Table 2-2: UF permeate quality

    Parameter Units Min Avg Max Comment Note

    Temperature C 20 - 40 Same as UF feed water quality.

    pH - 6 - 9

    TSS mg/l - - 0.5 95%ile on daily composite sample 1)

    Turbidity NTU - - 0.5 95%ile on daily composite sample 1)

    SDI - - 3 1)

    1) X-Flow specification of permeate quality, based on historical data. No warranty figures.

    2.3 Design capacity

    The membrane system with the proposed amount of membrane modules is designed to

    accommodate the capacity assumptions as presented in Table 2-3 at the feed water conditions

    as specified in Table 2-1.

    Table 2-3: UF capacity assumptions

    Parameter Units Design Comment

    Average flow operation flow m3/h 31 UF design is based on maximum flow

    Average flow duration h/d 24

    Maximum operation flow m3/h 31

    Maximum flow duration h/d 4

    Daily throughput m3/d 739

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    3 Process Design

    3.1 Process summaryThe AirLift UF membrane system is a part of the MBR process and is applied to separate the

    mixed liquor from treated effluent. The UF membrane system is fed with the mixed liquor from the

    bioreactor by means of a recirculation pump. This recirculation pump is also used to maintain a

    relatively constant flow of mixed liquor from the bottom to the top side of the vertically positioned

    UF membranes. The three meter high membrane elements comprise tubular membranes with a

    typical diameter of 5.2 mm. with a total of 33 m2of membrane area. These membrane tubes are

    operated inside-out, i.e. mixed liquor is introduced at the lumen of the tubular membranes and

    extracted as permeate at the shell side. The bottom side as well as the top side of the membrane

    element are covered by an end cap. The bottom end cap is equipped with an air distribution

    system (aerator). See below figure for a schematic layout of the AirLift MBR system.

    Figure 3-1: Schematic representation of the AirLift MBR concept.

    An AirLift membrane system is a modification of the conventional cross-flow membrane system

    design in which the membrane modules are horizontally positioned. In an AirLift membrane

    system the membrane modules are vertically positioned. This vertical orientation of the

    membrane modules allows using air injection in the bottom end cap to maintain a gentle cross

    flow through the membrane module. Due to this principle the mixed liquor is transported via an

    Air-Lift pump through the membrane modules. In addition the injected air causes a very high

    turbulence at the membrane surface and this ensures a continuous cleaning action and

    subsequent constant system flux at a very low trans membrane pressure. While using the reliable

    and proven technology of cross-flow tubular membranes the benefit of this AirLift system design

    is that the energy consumption is significantly lower than the cross-flow system.

    Back wash

    Feed flow

    De aeration

    Air Lift


    Permeate control

    Chemical dosing

    Bio reactor

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    The filtrate (permeate) production of the AirLift system is measured by a flow transmitter and

    controlled by an automatic control valve and/or permeate pump to meet the set-point production

    flow. A part of the produced permeate is used for backwashing and cleaning operations of the UF

    membrane elements in the system. For this purpose the system is equipped with a backwash

    pump and dosing pumps.

    3.1.1 Filtration

    During production (filtration) operation of the plant, mixed liquor is pumped from the bioreactor

    into the UF system by the recirculation pump. The recirculation pump ensures that a relatively

    constant flow of mixed liquor from the bottom to the top of the membrane modules is established.

    Air is injected via the bottom end cap air distribution system. The mixed liquor will be transported

    upwards by air bubbles. In addition, each tubular membrane is scrubbed by the rising air bubbles

    under turbulent conditions. The permeate production is controlled by an automatic control valve

    and/or a permeate extraction pump to reach a constant permeate flow out of the AirLift system.

    3.1.2 Backwashing during filtration

    During operation (filtration) solids are retained by the membrane and some accumulate on the

    membrane surface (inside) of the tubular membranes. These solids must be periodically removed

    via backwashing to maintain system performance. For backwashing the flow direction through

    the membranes is reversed. UF permeate is pumped into the membrane modules from outside to

    inside of the tubular membranes by means of a variable speed backwash pump at a constant

    preset flow. During this backwash the mixed liquor recirculation pump and air injection are kept

    running to enhance solids removal and cleaning performance. Backwash waste is returned to the


    When using multiple skids, each skid is backwashed in a stream backwash. This means that

    each skid in a section of skids is backwashed consecutively. A stream backwash is initiated after

    a pre-set filtration time.

    3.1.3 Drain procedure

    The drain procedure is vital for proper operation of an Airlift MBR plant. It is also a feature that

    makes the system unique because it ensures that no solids build-up (e.g. hairs) occurs at the

    membranes. During the drain procedure the UF membrane skid is completely drained followed

    by a automatic backwash. This sequence on the empty module is very effective; all material that

    may have accumulated on the membrane surface and at the inlet (bottom side) of the membrane

    module is drained and flushed out by this procedure. The subsequent backwash is very effective

    because there is no re-circulation flow, the membrane feed side is empty. In addition, the air

    distribution system in the bottom end cap and the air supply line to the distribution system is

    flushed with UF permeate to prevent clogging. This drain procedure is typically executed 4 to 6

    times a day. The collected mixed liquor from the drain procedure is routed back to the inlet

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    strainer of the bioreactor, where any large particulate matter that may have formed in front of the

    modules is removed from the system.

    The drain sequence is also performed as:

    Pre-step for chemical cleaning

    After certain alarms or emergency stops

    Pre-step before idle mode.

    3.1.4 Chemically enhanced backwash (CEB)

    Not all retained material can easily be removed by backwashes and drain procedures. Through

    accumulation of absorbed substances onto the membrane surface, the pressure drop across the

    membrane may increase gradually over the course of weeks or months. To remove these

    substances and to restore the membrane performance a chemical enhanced backwash (CEB) is

    required. The fully automatic CEB program is typically performed once per 1 to 3 months and if

    possible during low flow hours, most likely at night, when full capacity is not required. Each skid

    is cleaned separately while the other skids remain in production (filtration).

    Before starting the CEB program the drain sequence is performed. After this drain sequence the

    backwash pump is started at low flow, pumping UF permeate back into the membrane module.

    At the same time cleaning chemicals (typically sodium hypochlorite or citric acid) are dosed in the

    backwash line and transported into the membrane modules. After the membrane modules of the

    skid are filled the backwash pump is stopped and the soak timer is started, typically between 30to 240 minutes. After the soak timer has elapsed the membrane modules are drained. The

    drained chemical solution is typically fed back to the bioreactor because the activity of the

    chemicals is strongly reduced after the soak period and the total volume is relatively small in

    respect of the bioreactor volume.

    The CEB program is performed with two chemicals consecutively, sodium hypochlorite and citric

    acid. CEB1 is typically performed with sodium hypochlorite at a concentration of 200 to 400 mg/l .

    CEB 2 is typically performed using citric acid to pH ca. 3 to remove foulants and scaling.

    Figure 3-2 shows an example of the change in Trans Membrane Pressure (TMP), during theprocess. Stretches A depict the filtration, stretches B the backwashes or drain and stretch C

    a Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB).

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    Figure 3-2: Trans Membrane Pressure change during operation.







    0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0Time



    A B A




    (2-10 wks)


    A AB B


    3.1.5 Relaxation/ Stand-by

    The total membrane system might consist of more than one membrane skid. During low feed flow

    periods, skids are taken off line in order to reduce the energy consumption of the total plant.

    Taking a skid off line means that the skid goes into relaxation mode. The recirculation pump and

    air supply are kept running as for normal filtration, however the permeate abstraction (via control

    valve or permeate pump) is de-activated. This means that all the feed water fed to the membrane

    modules is returned to the bioreactor. Due to this fact there is no driving force across the

    membrane surface (as the permeate production is stopped), hence the recirculation flow will

    clean the membrane surface due to the shear force in combination with air scrubbing. During this

    relaxation program the skid can be taken on-line at any moment. When a skid has been inrelaxation for a certain period of time (i.e. its capacity is not required by the process) the skid will

    be drained and filled with permeate after which it will be waiting in stand-by mode.

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    3.2 UF plant design

    The UF plant consists of one or more sections. Each section comprises several membrane skids

    with one dedicated backwash pump serving all the skids in that one section. See below Figure

    3-3 for a graphical presentation of a section with membrane skids.

    Figure 3-3: UF section

    Each membrane skid comprises a fixed amount of membrane positions, not all of whom are

    necessarily filled with membrane modules. See Figure 3-4 for a picture of one membrane skid.

    Figure 3-4: UF skid (example with 10, 20 & 30 modules)

    Each membrane skid is controlled individually, i.e. all operating programs such as filtration,

    backwash, drain procedure and CEB are performed on a skid level. All the membrane skids in

    one section are backwashed consecutively, i.e. in a so called stream backwash.

    Sectioncomprises ten

    membrane skids

    Skidwith membrane


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    3.2.1 Configuration UF plant

    Table 3-1: Configuration UF units

    Parameter Units Design Actual Comment

    No. of sections - 1 -

    No. of skids per section - 1 -

    No. modules per skid - 30 23 7 spare modules per unit

    Membrane area per module m2 33 -

    Total membrane area m2 990 759

    Reference is made to the UF projections; see section related documents. Typically two

    situations apply:

    1. Scenario for Design: UF design values based on full skids. UF equipment is always sized to

    accommodate full skids (i.e. skids with all modules installed).

    2. Scenario for Actual: UF design based on 19 modules installed in one skid, to reflect actual

    operating parameters.

    In the paragraphs below the projection data is presented in tables including additional information

    such as assumptions and conditions.

    Note: All UF projections are based on a 24 hours daily operation and are theoretical values at skid flange

    level. To select equipment safety margins have to be included!

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    3.2.2 Main operational parameters

    In Table 3-2, the operational settings per skid for each of the programs are presented.

    Table 3-2: Main operational parameters per skid (filtration, backwash and drain)

    Parameter Units Design Actual Comment

    Gross permeate flow m3/h t.b.d. 38 Current flow during filtration

    Net permeate flow m3/h t.b.d. 31

    Feed (recirculation) flow m3/h 684 (1) 525 (2)

    AirLift flow nm3/h 300 (1) 230 (2)

    AirLift pressure bar 0.6 0.6 To be applied at skid connections

    Filtration period min n.a. 7-10

    Typical TMP during filtration bar 0.03-0.5 0.1-0.3 Operational TMP range forfiltration, based on extendedhistorical operational data.

    Backwash flow per skid m3/h 297 228 Flux: 300 lmh (max 1bar!)

    Backwash duration per skid sec n.a. 7-10 At full capacity

    Trans Membrane Pressure (TMP)during backwash

    bar 0.5-1 0.5-1Operational TMP range forbackwash, based on extendedhistorical operational data.

    Drain procedure interval hr. 3 t.b.d.

    Expected program time sec 60 40-60 T.b.d. during commissioning

    Backwash flow per skid m3/h 297 228 Flux : 300 lmh

    CEB1 chemical - NaOCl - For concentration andconsumption, see Table 3-3.

    CEB2 chemical- Citric Acid -

    For concentration andconsumption, see Table 3-3.

    CEB 1+2 interval per skid days 24 30-120

    Typical duration CEB 1 min 60 -

    Typical duration CEB 2min


    When possible overnight soakingis advised

    Backwash flow CEBs m3/h 149 114 Flux :150 lmh

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    Table 3-4: Main process equipment UF plant

    Equipment No. Size Design basis

    (Note 1) (Note 1)

    UF recirculation pump 1

    684 m3/h,


    t.b.d. by


    UF feed supply at max. gross flux (see Table 3 2)based on max. UF unit configuration (see Table 3 1).

    Required head is max. UF unit pressure drop during

    filtration (see Table 3 2) plus max. additional system

    pressure drop (piping, strainer, static height

    difference between suction and discharge, etc).

    UF AirLift Blower 1


    Nm3/h per



    t.b.d. by


    UF Airlift supply at max. gross flux (see Table 3 2)

    based on max. UF unit configuration (see Table 3 1).

    Required head is max. UF unit pressure drop (see

    Table 3 2) plus max. additional system pressure drop

    (piping, flow transmitter, etc). Maximum air

    temperature at skid flange: 60 C.

    UF permeate pump 1

    50 m3/h,


    t.b.d. by


    UF permeate based on max. UF unit configuration

    (see Table 3 1). Required head is max. UF unit

    pressure drop during filtration (see Table 3 2) plus

    max. additional system pressure drop (piping, static

    height difference between suction and discharge,


    BW pump 1



    t.b.d. by


    UF BW supply at BW flux (see Table 3 2). Capacity

    based on max. UF unit configuration (see Table 3 1).

    Required head is max. UF unit pressure drop during

    BW (see Table 3 2) plus max. additional system

    pressure drop (piping, strainer, static height

    difference between suction and discharge, etc).

    BW Strainer 1

    297 m3/h,


    screen 2


    Manual basket filter.

    CEB NaOCl dosing pump 1

    591 ltr/h

    @ min. 3


    Achieving required CEB working concentration (see

    Table 3 7) at BW flux during chemical dosing (see

    Table 3 4). Capacity based on max UF unit

    configuration (see Table 3 1) and 50% safety margin.

    CEB CA dosing pump 1

    3588 ltr/h

    @ min. 3


    Achieving required CEB working concentration (see

    Table 3 7) at BW flux during chemical dosing (seeTable 3 4). Capacity based on max UF unit

    configuration (see Table 3 1) and 50% safety margin.

    UF Permeate tank 1 18 m3 (2)

    Minimum hold-up volume required to perform CEB

    1+2 for one skid per section during the low flow

    periods. Additional permeate storage volume is not


    UF Drain tank 1 14 m3 (2)

    Buffer to control the drain unit, based on 2 times a

    drain volume per skid, per section (incl. permeate


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    UF Drain pump 1

    5 m3/h,


    t.b.d. by

    client (1)

    Based on minimal drain frequency per skid and 100%

    safety margin.

    3.2.3 Chemical consumptions

    Table 3-3: Typical chemical consumptions per skid

    Chemical Stock Working

    conc. conc. Projectionl/CEB

    % Design Actual

    NaOCl (typical) 12.5 400 mg/l 12 9

    All consumptions based on operational parameters as per Table 3-2 without any design margin.

    Typical drain volumes

    Program Step Volume (m3) Comment

    Drain volume per skid

    Drain 4.1

    BW 2.9

    Total 7.0 Based on 23 modules per skid

    Drain volume total installation

    Drain incl.


    2.1 Based on minimal drain frequency, see Table 3-3

    at full capacity.

    Typical permeate consumptions per skid per program.

    Program Volume (m3) Comment

    BW 0.8 Based on 30 modules per skid

    Drain 2.2 Based on 30 modules per skid

    CEB 1+2 13.2 Based on 30 modules per skid

    Drain-Fill 6.3 Based on 30 modules per skid, before IDLE status

    1 Numbers and capacities are based on duty only. Redundancy is not incorporated and should be addressed as per

    customer redundancy philosophy

    2 All tank sizes indicated above are net working volumes, i.e. volume between high and low level. For gross tank sizes,

    additional volume to be included for low-low and high-high level, inlet and outlet piping, pump suction (avoiding vortex),

    level switches, tank over flow, etc

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    4 Design Specifications

    Apart from the process design as described in the previous chapter, the following UF plant

    design specifications apply which are described in subsequent sections. In addition, a shortdescription about membrane storage and commissioning and possibly future expansion of the UF

    plant is given.

    4.1 Pre-treatment

    Although the Airlift system is much less susceptible to large particulate matter in the feed, the

    final pretreatment step before the bioreactor shall consist of a reliable screen with a mesh no

    larger than 800 m (typical a drum screen is used).

    4.2 Bioreactor

    The performance of the UF installation is directly related to the stability/ quality of the biomass in

    the bioreactor. This requires a proper bioreactor design. For example the following points are


    - Equal mixing

    - Proper biomass control

    - Proper Oxygen control

    - Type of anti-foam (if used, it needs to be checked by X-Flow)

    - Covering (if necessary for e.g. leaves and other dirts)

    4.3 Hydraulic design

    For safe and proper operation of the UF plant, serious attention shall be paid to the hydraulic

    design of the UF plant during detailed engineering. In the subsequent sections important points

    of attention are highlighted. Final responsibility for hydraulic UF plant design is with the customer.

    However, as part of detailed engineering services, X-Flow can perform a review of the UF plant

    layout drawings and advise on any potential required modifications or improvements.

    4.3.1 Feed and permeate piping

    The maximum pressure drop across the individual UF skid during filtration and backwash (flange

    to flange, provided the maximum flow velocities are met) are specified in Table 3-2 of this

    document. The acceptable velocities in the pipes associated with skids are as follow:


    Feed/permeate piping (feed pump pressure side) : < 2 m/s

    Backwash/concentrate piping (backwash pressure side) : < 3 m/s

    Feed & backwash pump suction side : 0.5- 1 m/s

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    Blower pressure side: < 20 m/s

    Note:The above specified velocities are not a guarantee for an equal flow distribution to the individual UF skids. It is

    Important to choose a proper pipe size for the central header of a section in relation to each individual skid. An equal

    air distribution to the UF skids is the responsibility of the costumer.

    4.3.2 Feed flow control during filtration, backwash and relaxation

    Each individual UF skid requires a feed flow control device with flow transmitter. Preferably this is

    a dedicated centrifugal feed pump with variable speed drive (VSD) per UF skid. Accepted pump

    speed is < 1000 rpm.

    4.3.3 AirLift flow control

    The air supply for the AirLift must be supplied by a frequency controlled blower, since the flow of

    air will vary with required plant capacity. The air flow is measured in the central air supply line by

    a flow transmitter. An equal flow distribution of the air to the individual skids is the responsibility

    of the customer.

    4.3.4 Permeate flow control

    The permeate flow is controlled at each skid individually by means of an automatic flow control

    valve and flow transmitter per skid. A frequency controlled permeate pump is/maybe required per

    section of skids.

    4.3.5 Backwash flow control

    Each section of the total UF plant shall be equipped with a centrifugal frequency controlled

    backwash pump. The frequency control on the pump motors is required for smooth ramping-up

    (max ramp up time < 8 sec) and ramp down to the different flow setpoints for backwash and

    CEB. Moreover, the frequency control is required for maintaining the required backwash flux

    during the (short duration) backwash period. Since the membrane modules require backwashing

    at a fixed flux a flow transmitter is required for backwash flow measurement.

    4.3.6 UF skid pressures

    The backwash pressure at the UF skid inlet flange shall be kept below max 1 bar.

    Hydraulic shocks and pressure/flow surges must be avoided at all times. Hence, an appropriate

    hydraulic profile shall be established for the UF plant during detailed engineering. During

    commissioning, valve opening and closing times and pump ramp-up and ramp-down times have

    to be carefully set and monitored. For large and complex UF plants, a hydraulic surge analysis is


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    X-Flow Client: GET Water Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,Know-How Centre Project: STP MBR

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    Revision 0, 09-91-TBA

    4.4 Permeate tank design

    The permeate tank has to be constructed from non-corroding materials that will not leach

    contaminants into the water. The water in the permeate tank has to be protected from directsunlight in order to minimize bacterial and/or algae growth.

    4.5 Backwash strainers

    To avoid any potential damage to the UF membranes, entrance of foreign harmful matter must

    be avoided at all times. For this purpose the backwash water to the UF skids shall be pre-filtered

    by strainers with a screen size of maximum 2 mm.

    4.6 Air ingress

    During start-up, and every time the UF plant has been opened for maintenance activities,

    attention shall be paid to proper filling and venting of the pipe work, the UF skids and other

    process equipment involved.

    4.7 Automatic valves

    Each skid is equipped with automatic valves. The valve opening and closing times are directly

    related to the efficiency of the UF installation. Thats why quick acting valves are strongly advised

    (e.g. pneumatic valves).

    4.8 Chemical dosing for CEB

    During CEB, the chemicals are dosed proportionally to the backwash flow into the backwash

    pipe. Thus the chemicals are diluted to the correct CEB working concentration to be applied for

    the membranes. For this purpose, a static in-line mixer shall be installed for proper and effective

    mixing of the chemicals into the backwash flow.

    Check the X-Flow data sheet for the specific chemical resistance of the membrane.

    4.9 Compressed air

    During UF plant operation, compressed air is required as instrument air (e.g. pneumatic valve

    operations) and for the AirLift principle as explained in previous sections. Compressed air shall

    meet the following specifications:

    Instrument air:

    ISO 8573-1, class 2/3/2 (oil/water/particles) @ 6 bar g minimum pressure


    ISO 8573-1, class 1/3/1 (oil/water/particles)

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    Basic Process Design Page 20 of 20

    Revision 0 09 91 TBA

    4.10 Membrane storage

    New membrane modules can be stored as supplied in a dry, ventilated place, away from sources

    of heat, ignition and direct sunlight. Store between 0C and 40C and prevent freezingtemperatures at all times.

    After unpacking the UF membranes (i.e. removal of the original plastic vacuum bag), the

    membranes require to be stored under wet conditions at all times.

    To avoid biological growth during shutdowns or storage, wet membranes shall be treated with a

    compatible biocide. The membrane is compatible with many common disinfecting agents or

    biocidal preservatives. For short-term shutdowns, a daily flush with permeate quality water

    containing up to 2.0 ppm free chlorine is adequate for bacteria control. In case of long-term

    storage, membranes should be chemically cleaned (CEB) before the disinfection step is carried

    out. For disinfection, a 1% sodium metabisulfite solution can be used. In either situation, modulesshall be stored filled with this solution (wet condition).

    4.11 Facilities for commissioning and future operation

    For commissioning purposes and future operational flexibility, attention shall be paid to

    (temporary) facilities consisting of but not limited to the following:

    To avoid any potential damage to the UF membranes, entrance of external harmful matter

    must be avoided at all times. For this purpose the feed flow (mixed liquor) must be free of

    particles > 2mm at the start of the installation and in future operation.

    Commissioning connections for membrane flushing:

    Prior to start-up, the membranes have to be flushed with drinking water quality to flush out the

    preservation chemicals to waste (sodium bisulphite and glycerine = BOD). For this purpose,

    drinking water supply to the UF feed tank and/or permeate/backwash shall be available.

    Connections/facilities/space for future extensions:

    In case future extension of the UF plant is considered, it is advised to reflect upon the

    consequences for the overall UF plant design as early as possible. To avoid future

    inconvenience and to limit overall investment costs, some measures may already be taken

    into account during the initial UF plant design, e.g.

    Increase UF unit size by providing space for future installation of additional membranes

    Increase BW pump and CEB chemical dosing pumps for future extension of the number

    of UF units

    Increase pipe work sizes for future increase of capacity

    Provide (building) space for future installation of additional UF units

    Provide (building) space for future installation of additional feed and/or backwash pumps

    Provide (building) space for future installation of an additional CEB dosing unit

    Increase size of permeate tank for future increase of capacity.