707 procedures

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Boeing 707-300B/300C/300B-ADV Procedures

The information provided in this document is to be used during simulated flight only and is not intended to be used in real life. Attention VA's - you may post this file on your site for download. Please do not post this information as a web page on your site. To all others: This information is provided for your personal use only. Distribution of this information in any form is not permitted without my approval. Distribution of this information in any payware product, CD or otherwise is not permitted.

Compiled by Matt Zagoren

NORMAL OPERATION, PRETAKEOFF Starting Engines Normally, the engines are started in a 3-4-2-1 sequence. Use the following procedure to start the engines: The flight engineer should call out Turning __ as GROUND START is selected with the engine start control. The flight engineer should call out Valve open when the pneumatic duct pressure drops. The pilot should call out Hydraulic light out. The flight engineer should call out Oil pressure when the oil pressure needle comes off the peg. The flight engineer should call out 15% N2 and the pilot should call out N1 when N1 begins to rotate. At this time, the pilot moves the start lever to the START position. The initial fuel flow should be from 900 to 1100 lb/hr. The pilot should call out Fuel flow normal (or high or low) when the fuel flow needle comes off the peg and the counter begins to register. The pilot should call out Light-up when EGT begins to rise. If EGT reaches 300C before N2 reaches 35%, a hot start is imminent and the start should be discontinued. The flight engineer should call out Valve closed when the pneumatic duct pressure increases after the start control is released at 35% N2 (15% N1). Continue to monitor the engine instruments until the engine stabilizes at idle rpm. The pilot should keep his hand on the start lever to shut down the engine if required. Once the engine has stabilized at idle, the pilot should place the start lever in the IDLE position and move his hand to the next start lever. This sequence is repeated until all engines are started.

Cross-Bleed Start Cross-bleed starts differ from normal low-pressure starts only in that the low-pressure source comes from a turbocompressor or engine bleed rather than from a ground source. To cross-bleed start: Turn on the operating engines turbocompressor or engine bleed. Advance the throttle as required to obtain about 80% turbocompressor rpm. Check for adequate duct pressure.


Taxi Release the brakes and increase thrust gradually on all four engines as necessary until the aircraft begins to move. Check the brakes. Reduce thrust to minimum as soon as possible to keep the airplane rolling at the desired speed. Keep thrust low while taxiing to prevent engine foreign-object damage. The engines are low enough to suck in surprisingly large objects even at idle thrust. Avoid following other aircraft too closely. Jet blast is a major cause of foreign-object damage. Do not use reverse thrust while stopped or at low speeds, except in an emergency. Significant damage to engines can occur if loose objects are sucked into engine intakes. Steering Flap extension or retraction in a turn in discouraged. Make all turns with as large a radius as possible to minimize the scrubbing and side loads on the landing gear. The speed when entering a short to minimum-radius turn should be approximately 8 to 15 kt, depending on the radius and extent of the turn, the gross weight and the surface conditions. Unbalanced thrust and differential braking are effective for minimum-radius turns; but when using unbalanced thrust, use only that necessary to maintain the desired speed in the turn. Braking At light gross weights, idle thrust can cause excessive taxi speeds. Do not ride the brakes continuously to control speed. Allow the airplane to accelerate, then brake smoothly to a very slow taxi speed, then release the brakes and repeat the sequence as necessary. NORMAL OPERATION, TAKEOFF To achieve the airplane performance required during takeoff, the following procedures and techniques must be closely adhered to. They have been established as the most desirable for reasons of safety and minimum practical takeoff distance. When adhered to, other factors being equal, they produce the results indicated in the performance charts. Takeoff Considerations Consider the factors relevant to the takeoff, such as: The QNH. TOGW limits in the Route and Airport manual are based on field elevation, but airplane performance is based on pressure altitude. No corrections are made until QNH falls below 29.81. Above 29.81, the higher the pressure, the better the airplanes performance. The temperature lapse rate. Low-altitude inversions can result in significant loss of thrust if throttles are not advanced with the rising temperature as the airplane climbs. The wind. Only 50% of headwinds but 150% of tailwinds are use to compute TOGW limits. The higher the wind, the better the actual performance. The wind that may be encountered after liftoff. Horizontal wind gradients and vertical wind components are not figured in TOGW calculations, but they can have a significant effect on performance over the ground. If wind shear is suspected and the takeoff is not obstaclelimited, a speed in excess of V2 + 10 may be used for the initial climb to provide additional protection from decreasing headwinds or downdrafts. The thrust. TOGW limits are based on a specific takeoff thrust. Set exact EPR.3

Standard Takeoff Procedures Standard takeoff procedures include the following: The captain will use nosewheel steering to 80 knots. The first officer will hold the nosewheel on the runway and keep the wings level to 80 knots. The pilot not making the takeoff will call out Airspeed, 80 knots, V1, Vr, V2, Positive climb, and 800 feet. The engineer will automatically switch to an operating generator if essential power is lost. The pilot making the takeoff will advance the throttles to about 0.10 below the target takeoff EPR value. The engineer will trim the engines to takeoff thrust and monitor the power throughout the takeoff regime. Once set, the captain will position his hand on the throttles until V1. The captain will make any decision to discontinue the takeoff and will execute the RTO procedures. The captain will remove his hand from the throttles at V1.

Takeoff Positioning Takeoff performance calculations presume the use of all available runway. Good judgment dictates that a minimum amount of runway be used in positioning for takeoff, especially when TOGW is runway-limited. Applying Takeoff Thrust On all airplanes, set the chart rolling-takeoff EPR values, with appropriate turbocompressor corrections, on the EPR gauges. When aligned with the runway: Advance throttles smoothly. Pause until all engines have accelerated and are stabilized at 60% to 65% N1. If using brakes, ease them off. Smoothly advance the throttles to about 0.10 below target takeoff EPR-bug value. Call for takeoff thrust. Between 40 and 80 knots, adjust the thrust to bug value. Do not readjust EPR after 80 knots except to stay within EGT or N1-N1 limits. During the takeoff roll, the ERP may drop as much as 0.03 by Vr. Do not adjust or recover for this drop since engine over-boost will occur. Also, be alert for N1 over-speed on hot weather takeoffs.

This technique of applying thrust permits even heating and expansion of the engines, reduces peak temperatures and avoids controllability problems associated with asymmetric engine acceleration. Takeoffs made from a static condition may be made as required. Set static takeoff EPR before releasing the brakes. Ease the brakes off. All other procedures remain the same.4

Advancing the number 3 throttle to the takeoff setting will cause an intermittent horn to sound for any of the following reasons: Speedbrake lever out of the zero detent. Stabilizer index out of the green band. Flaps not in a takeoff position.

Ground Roll Through Initial Climb Use nosewheel steering as the primary means of directional control up to about 80 knots. The rudder becomes effective at approximately 60 knots. The first officer holds the nosewheel on the runway with the yoke and keeps the wings level. Use only the roll input required to maintain wings level. Excessive roll inputs create drag and increase the takeoff roll. V1. The takeoff may be rejected before reaching V1 with assurance that a safe reject capability exists. Normally, once V1 is passed, the takeoff should be continued. Remove hand from throttles at V1. Rotation. The rotation maneuver should be a smooth continuous pitch change to the V2 + 10 climb attitude. (For 300B/C/B-ADV airplanes, the V2 + 10 climb attitude is determined from the Takeoff Speeds table in the Performance section. For 300B and 300C Old Cowl airplanes, see the following V2 + 10 climb attitude chart).V2 + 10 CLIMB ATTITUDE 300B AND 300C OLD COWL Weight, Lb x 1000 300 to 305 305 to 280 280 to 255 255 to 230 230 to 205 205 or less Pitch, Degrees 13 14 15 16 17 18

Begin the rotation maneuver approaching Vr at a rate that causes the nosewheel to leave the ground at Vr. The airplane should reach the target climb attitude and V2 + 10 simultaneously. If the airplane is not airborne at 10 pitch, stop rotation until liftoff occurs, then adjust attitude as described above to reach V2 + 10. Retract the gear when a positive climb is indicated on the pressure altimeter. Landing gear retraction increases drag while the gear doors are open. Initial Climb. After establishing the initial climb attitude by reference to the attitude indicator, monitor the airspeed and adjust the pitch attitude to maintain V2 + 10, to a maximum of 18 nose up. The speed V2 + 10 is very close to the maximum-angle-of-climb speed and also provides normal maneuvering capability. Do not exceed 30 bank.


707 Standard Takeoff Profile


707 Noise-Restricted Takeoff Profile


Turbocompressors For Takeoff Normally the takeoff is made with two turbocompressors on (usually numbers 2 and 3) using the chart EPR correction for turbocompressor on. Engine bleeds are not to be used for any takeoff. As specified in the Performance section, a higher takeoff gross weight may be authorized for takeoff with one or both off. Ignition The engine ignition switches should be turned off after the first power reduction if ignition is no longer required (maximum of 5 minutes in FLIGHT START). Landing Lights For collision avoidance in VMC, turn on the desired landing and/or runway turnoff lights and keep them on through climb-out to 10,000 feet. Crosswind Takeoff Unless a strong wind exists, no unusual characteristics should be expected during takeoff. Inlet distortions in high crosswinds may cause the engine(s) to momentarily stall as thrust is applied. Maintain wings level by applying aileron into the wind as required. To avoid a high-drag, rollspoilers-up condition, use no more aileron control input than necessary. Stay on the centerline. Smooth rudder inputs combined with small lateral control inputs will result in a normal takeoff roll. At Vr rotate with smooth, positive back pressure. Lift off cleanly. As rotation takes place, more roll control input will be required to keep the wings level. The airplane will be in a slideslip with crossed controls at liftoff. After liftoff, ease out the cross control inputs and establish a crab angle to maintain the desired track. Reduced Thrust Takeoff The majority of takeoffs are not restricted by FAR performance limits; therefore, the use of reduced thrust should be considered to achieve the increased life of engine hot section parts. Do not use reduced thrust on runways that are contaminated with any measurable water, snow, slush or ice, to a point where acceleration or braking action would be adversely affected. It is not necessary to use minimum EPR. A performance cushion may be provided through use of an EPR between normal and fully reduced EPRs. When the calculated maximum allowable OAT results in more than a .12 EPR reduction, a performance cushion automatically exists because the reduced thrust procedure limits the EPR reduction to .12. Consider these conditions which might dictate using less than the full amount of thrust reduction available: Tailwinds which exceed a nominal 1 or 2 knots. Antiskid inoperative, since the runway required obviously increases if a stop must be made.

The reduced thrust procedure provides, at least, the normal FAR performance protection without resetting EPR to full takeoff thrust.


NORMAL OPERATION, CLIMB Climb Speed: 300 KIAS / .78M The normal climb speed is 300 KIAS until reaching .78M (about FL290), then hold .78M. This schedule is very close to the best rate of climb speed and provides the desired compromise considering passenger comfort, fuel consumed and elapsed time at climb thrust. The aerodynamic best-rate-of-climb speed varies considerably with gross weight and temperature and the fuel savings to be realized by varying the climb speed is minimal. Setting Climb Thrust Climb at rated thrust. This setting gives the best overall fuel economy and climb performance. Avoid continuous thrust trimming. Normally, once thrust is set, only occasional adjustment is required for variations in the lapse rate. Monitor EPR for engine anti-icing. Maintain rated thrust after leveling off until about .01M above the desired cruise mach, then reduce to cruise thrust and trim the airplane. Air Conditioning and Pressurization Monitor the cabin altitude. After the first power reduction, add turbos or bleeds as required to maintain about 300 to 500 fpm cabin rate of climb. Takeoff-Flaps Climb Although rarely required for other than clearing obstacles, the speed for maximum angle of climb with Flaps 14 or 17, is approximately V2 + 10. Although the angle achieved is less than that achieved with flaps up, this schedule is used on close-in obstacles because of the distance required to accelerate to flaps-up maximum angle climb speed. The speed for maximum rate of climb with flaps at 14 or 17 is approximately V2 + 40. Maximum-Angle Climb If obstacle limited or attempting to cross a checkpoint at a relatively high altitude, climb at maximum angle of climb speeds until the desired altitude, then accelerate to a more appropriate climb schedule. A climb which very closely approaches maximum climb angle while maintaining adequate maneuvering margins is obtained by holding the placard 2/3 engine climb speed for your gross weight. Above FL200 add 1 knot for each 1,000 feet above FL200. Do not exceed 18 pitch attitude. High-Speed Climb Maintain Vmo (barber pole) minus 15 knots to .82M. The high indicated airspeeds of this climb schedule reduce maneuverability, may reduce passenger comfort and increase the airplanes stress levels during turbulence and maneuvering. On an average day, a high-speed climb to FL350 will save about 2 minutes and will require about 500 lbs additional fuel. If using this schedule, revert to normal climb speed when the rate of climb drops below 1000 fpm. Turbulence If turbulence is anticipated or encountered, maintain 280 knots or .80M, whichever is slower. If below maximum landing weight, maintain 250 knots below 15,000 feet instead of 280 knots. This schedule provides the best buffet margins and optimizes the airplanes ability to withstand structural loads in turbulence.


NORMAL OPERATION, CRUISE Altitude Selection Buffet boundaries, optimum cruising levels and performance ceilings are all directly dependent upon gross weight. Before accepting an altitude for cruising, determine optimum altitude, considering the top-of-climb gross weight and anticipated temperature. Optimum altitude is the altitude that gives the best nautical miles per thousand pounds of fuel for a given gross weight. It provides a 1.35g or better buffet protection. Minimum Maneuvering Speed at High Altitude The stall speeds in the Limitations section are applicable only for use at 10,000 feet and below. At higher altitudes, these speeds must be adjusted to maintain a safe maneuvering margin. Add 1 knot per thousand feet of altitude to Vth + 50 to obtain the minimum maneuvering speed for that altitude. Cruise Thrust When level at the cruising altitude at a speed .01 Mach above the cruising mach number, set cruise EPR. Speed Operating charts are based on true mach number and indicated airspeeds. Indicated airspeed should be used for speed control. Compare the corresponding true mach with indicated mach and note the difference. Thereafter, apply this difference when reading the instrument (assuming IAS is reasonably accurate). Cruising Fuel Penalties The cruising conditions below result in the corresponding increases in fuel burn: Altitude 4000 feet below optimum, approximately 4%. Altitude 4000 feet above optimum in LRC, as much as 5%. Speed .01 Mach fast, 3 to 4.5%. An increase in headwind or decrease in tailwind, 150 to 250 pounds per minute difference from flight plan.

Fuel For Enroute Climb The additional fuel required for a 4000-ft enroute climb is 300 to 400 lbs, depending on the gross weight. This fuel will be recovered in approximately 25 minutes at the higher altitude if the airplane is not then cruising above the optimum altitude.


NORMAL OPERATION, DESCENT Landing Bugs Shortly after TOD, the engineer should announce the landing gross weight and the go-around EPR. The pilot not flying will set the EPR bugs. Threshold Speed, Vth V-threshold (Vth) is the minimum maneuvering speed in the landing configuration. It is also the airspeed used to establish the landing field length requirement. The low airspeed bug should be set to Vth. The term 40 Vth denotes Vth for a flaps 40 landing. The term 50 Vth denotes Vth for a flaps 50 landing. Programmed Speed, Vprog V-programmed (Vprog) is the target airspeed in the landing configuration. Depending on conditions, Vprog is determined by adding only one of the following adjustments to Vth: 5 kt, or optional 300B-ADV/C performance adjustment, or gust and headwind adjustments, or possible wind shear adjustment.

To determine which adjustment should be made, consider the following: 5 kt. For steady winds up to 10 kt and when not using the optional 300B-ADV/C performance adjustment, obtain Vprog by adding 5 kt to Vth. Vprog = Vth + 5 kt Set one bug to Vth and one bug to Vprog. Optional 300B-ADV/C Performance Adjustment. If runway length is not limiting, Vprog may be 10 kt above Vth. Vprog = Vth + 10 kt The benefits of this are improved capability to control rate of descent with elevator action alone, especially during the landing and increased visibility over the nose. However, you need to determine if the performance adjustment can be used with the runway length available. Set one bug to Vth and one bug to Vprog. Gust and Headwind Adjustment. For steady winds over 10 kt and gusting winds, the effects of high inertia and the lack of direct lift production from increased thrust require a more significant adjustment to Vth. The maximum total gust and headwind adjustment is 20 kt. Vprog = Vth + reported gust value + runway headwind component Set one bug to Vth, one bug to Vgust (Vth + gust value) and one bug to Vprog.11

Possible Wind Shear Adjustment. The following are conditions that indicate the possibility of wind shear during approach: frontal passage, extreme temperature inversion at low altitude, thunderstorms, reported surface winds significantly different from winds observed at altitude, and pilot reports of approach path wind shear.

When the possibility of wind shear exists, a Vth adjustment up to 20 kt may be made. Vprog = Vth + 20 kt maximum. Set one bug to Vth and one bug to Vprog. In no case may Vprog exceed Vth by more than 20 kt. Setting Altimeter Bugs For Approach The altimeter bugs should be set as follows: Radio Altimeter Bug o For a CAT II ILS approach, the radio altimeter bug must be set to DH, RA value. o For any other approach set the radio altimeter bug to 500 ft. Pressure Altimeter Bugs Set one bug to TDZ or airport elevation. Set the other bug to the DH or MDA. o For all straight-in approaches use TDZ, if it is published. If not, use airport elevation. o For circling approaches, use airport elevation. Normal Descent: .80 Mach OR 320 Knots The normal descent is with idle thrust (or minimum thrust for pressurization) at .80 Mach or 320 kt, whichever is slower (.80 Mach above approximately FL275, and 320 kt below). Depending on the gross weight, the normal descent schedule results in an average descent rate of 2700 fpm between FL400 and FL250. Below FL250, the average descent rate is approximately 1500 fpm. Even though clean descents are preferred, speedbrakes should be used when they are needed to maintain the desired descent profile. High-Speed Descent Maintain cruise mach to Vmo minus 15 kt, then hold Vmo minus 15 kt but do not exceed 350 kt. Descent angle, range and fuel burn are not appreciably changed from the normal descent. Use thrust to vary altitude profile. Average rate of descent is about 3200 fpm. The high indicated12

airspeeds of this descent schedule reduce maneuverability, may reduce passenger comfort and increase the airplanes stress levels during turbulence and maneuvering. A high-speed descent from FL300 can save about 5 minutes. High-Angle Descent If descent is delayed from the normal TOD point, a steeper angle of descent must be used. To avoid an excessive airspeed increase, the configuration is changed to produce more drag. Three configurations can be used; they are listed in order of preferred use. All give approximately 2 times the normal descent angle. Descent With Speedbrake Extended. Do not use speedbrakes with wing flaps extended because excessive roll-rate, severe buffet and high sink-rate may be encountered. When using the speedbrake, maintain normal descent speeds (.80 Mach/320 KIAS). On a 300C airplane loaded with cargo, do not use the speedbrakes at airspeeds below 270 kt. The cargo dampens tail buffet so it cannot be felt in the flight deck. Descent With Gear Extended. Observe the gear operating speeds limits. Set throttles to idle before extending gear. Gear extension will give about 3500 fpm rate of descent. Descent With Flaps Extended. Observe the 20,000 ft flap extension limit. Set throttles to idle before extending flaps and observe flap limit speeds. Extend the flaps to 25 and hold 190 to 160 knots. Flap buffeting makes this descent undesirable, so consider the other options.

Thrust Frequent thrust changes make smooth cabin altitude control difficult, especially in earlier airplanes. Landing Lights For collision avoidance in VMC, turn on desired landing and/or runway turnoff lights when descending through 10,000 ft. Holding If holding clearance is received, maintain normal cruise or descent speed. Start reducing speed three minutes from the holding fix so that proper speed will be attained before crossing that fix. Time to reduce speed in level flight is as follows: from Vmo to 180 kt: 2 min, from Vmo to 250 kt: 1 min, from 250 kt to 220 kt: 30 sec, from 220 kt to 180 kt: 30 sec.

If the holding airspeed is above the ATC maximum and ATC cannot approve a higher speed, use flaps as necessary to comply with the ATC speed limitations. Use of flaps 14/17 will increase fuel consumption up to 60%. If you have a choice, a holding altitude of about FL200 is a reasonable compromise between low and high altitude holding. This is low enough for an approach in a reasonable time, but high enough to decrease climb fuel requirements in event of a diversion.13

Prolonged flight in icing conditions with the flaps extended is not permitted. NORMAL OPERATION, APPROACH Airplane Control The normal approach is an ILS approach. All ILS approaches are essentially the same, but depending on the airplane and the facilities, the pilot can elect to fly the approach in several ways by varying the degree of automation. The approved methods of control during approaches are: fully coupled, and manual (uncoupled, handflown).

In general, as the level of automation increases: minimums are lowered because of the improved accuracy, equipment redundancy requirements increase to provide the necessary safety, pilot manual input is decreased to permit more attention to cockpit management and instrument monitoring, and variations in procedures become difficult for automatic equipment to handle because of fixed programming.

Speed Control Approach target speeds are noted on the profile diagrams and are referenced to Vprog. Minimum maneuvering speeds are also noted on the profiles and are referenced to Vth. All approach target speeds should be held within plus or minus 5 kt. Thrust Control Maintain a balanced thrust condition throughout the approach. If unbalanced thrust is allowed to affect the heading of the airplane, it is interpreted by the autopilot and flight director computers as crosswind. Rate of Descent Control Below 500 ft AGL, for any descent rate of more than 1000 fpm, take immediate corrective action or abandon the approach. Gear and Flap Extension The cabin noise levels, both while the gear is extending and with the gear extended, are in proportion to airspeed. Airplane buffet from gear and flap extension is also in proportion to airspeed. Operating the gear and flaps at lower airspeeds minimizes the passenger reaction to these conditions and also increases airframe service life. As the speed is reduced for landing, the flaps should normally be extended at or near the minimum maneuvering speed for the existing flap setting. The advantages of minimizing the time during which the airplane is in a high-drag configuration include considerable savings in fuel and reduced noise levels, both on the ground and in the cabin.14

Regardless of weather conditions, for all straight-in approaches, the airplane should be in the landing configuration, with the landing checklist complete, not lower than 1000 feet AFE. At this point, the airplane should be stabilized on the glidepath, stabilized on Vprog, with the proper sink rate and trimmed for zero control forces. Flight Director Management Although it is used in other phases of flight, the primary purpose of the flight director is to provide roll and pitch commands during the final stages of an instrument approach. In the approach area the flight director should be used to aid in heading control. Select FLT INST. Use the heading bug to set steering commands. During coupled approaches, if the autopilot malfunctions, transition to manual flight can readily be made if the flight director has been properly set up and used.


707 ILS Approach With Flight Director Respond to pitch command bar commands with elevator control. Maintain speed with thrust.


ILS Approach With Autopilot If the autopilot was not used during the descent, trim the airplane for hands-off flight before engaging the autopilot. Engage the autopilot in the HDG mode and use the pitch trim knobs for pitch control. Use ALT hold as required. Maintain appropriate maneuvering speed with thrust. After being cleared for the approach, on the final intercept vector or procedure turn inbound, select GS AUTO. The annunciator lights will display V/L and G/S AMBER. The coupler is now programmed for automatic capture of the localizer and glideslope. The airplane will stay on the last selected heading until within 2 dots on PDI. Normally, the intercept angle should be from 35 to 45 degrees. When localizer capture begins, the V/L light changes to green and G/S light remains amber. The autopilot will now command automatic localizer tracking. When the PDI glideslope bar centers, the autopilot G/S annunciator light turns green, the altitude hold and pitch trim wheels disengage and the autopilot will now command automatic glideslope tracking. When on the glideslope, make thrust changes smoothly. The autopilot computer can be easily overloaded with pitch change information, which results in porpoising. At 1000 ft radio altitude, ILS signal attenuation automatically begins. As altitude is decreased, localizer and glideslope signals are attenuated and bank angle is limited so that the autopilot will maintain a constant response to a given displacement from the beam. Disconnect the autopilot by 50 feet AFE. Below 400 ft AGL, if the autopilot disengages or if the captain is not satisfied with autopilot performance, the autopilot may be disengaged and the approach continued if at least one flight director system is operating and providing a dual display.


707 ILS Approach With Autopilot


707 Non-Precision Approach


707 Circling Approach


Visual Approach Use all available aids such as ILS glideslope, VASI and PAR monitor to maintain the proper flight path. Take special care to maintain established approach profiles over noise-sensitive areas. Landings at the wrong airport and on the wrong runway and touchdowns short of the runway are frequently associated with good weather and visual approaches. 707 Visual Approach


707 Missed Approach


NORMAL OPERATION, LANDING On all straight-in approaches before 1000 ft AFE the airplane should be: in the landing configuration, with the landing checklist complete, stabilized on target speed, on glide path with proper sink rate, and trimmed for zero control forces.

Airplane Control The VFR touchdown target is 1000 ft from the threshold. Landing gross weight affects more than just Vth. At landing speeds the difference in momentum between a 247,000 lb airplane and a 180,000 lb airplane is more than 22 million ft-lb an increase of over 65%. The greater the momentum, the more time and control force required for flightpath corrections, and with the higher approach speeds, the less time available. Heavy-weight landings require extra attention to flightpath and speed control. Glidepath angles are difficult to judge without additional visual clues. At night many of these cues are not available. Special attention should be given to cross checking and verifying the desired flightpath. Be conscious of how things should look and how they do look. For example, at night, when you are too low on the glideslope, the runway lights begin to merge into two lines instead of remaining as distinct individual lights. Flaps 40 Landing With the exception of the conditions noted below, use flaps 40 for landing when stopping distance is not a significant concern. Using flaps 40 reduces noise and fuel consumption during the final approach. At flaps 40, changes in airplane handling and performance are relatively minor, except that at high landing weights the pitch attitude will be about 1 higher than at flaps 50. In addition, Vth will be from 2 to 4 kt higher than at flaps 50, and up to 800 ft more landing distance will be required. Flaps 50 will be used: when antiskid is inoperative, for some 300B airplanes during coupled approaches, for landings from CAT II approaches, on short, wet or slippery runways, and whenever stopping may be a problem.

Final Approach Be alert for high sink rates whenever possible, especially with the engines spun down. Engine acceleration time seems lengthened at high gross weights because more thrust is required to overcome the high inertia.23

During approach it is essential that the stabilizer be trimmed to relieve sustained elevator forces. In an out-of-trim condition, the remaining elevator control capability may be insufficient for a safe landing or missed approach. Maintain a constant glidepath. Use of a 2.75 to 3 degree slope is recommended for all landings. Using the same angle every time trains your eye and gives the smallest average touchdown dispersion. On a 3 glidepath, sink rate is approximately 700 fpm no-wind for an average approach speed. Sink rates at 100 feet AFE should not exceed 800 fpm regardless of conditions. Touchdown Reduce the rate of descent with the runway. As elevator input becomes effective, reduce thrust. The capability of the elevator to arrest sink rate and throttle reduction timing varies significantly with weight and speed. Normally, throttles are at idle just before touchdown. Ground effect is not apparent until very close to the runway and may not be noticed at all is the sink rate is high. In ground effect, drag is reduced about 50%. Ease off elevator back-pressure to lower the nose and fly or roll onto the runway under positive elevator control. Avoid hold-off, stall-type landings because they reduce wing tip and engine pod clearance and require more runway. Do not trim during the landing flare. Stopping Upon touchdown, extend the speedbrakes fully and pull the reverse levers to the interlock. Speedbrakes increase drag quickly and kill wing lift so that the wheel brakes are more effective. As soon as the nosewheel is on the runway, increase reverse thrust on all engines. Apply brakes promptly as soon as the spoilers are up, the nose wheel is down and runway tracking is established. Maintain a constant deceleration rate down to the desired taxi speed. If an engine does not indicate being in reverse (or if a reverser is inoperative), it is recommended that only symmetric reverse thrust be used. Expect a nose-up tendency when extending speedbrakes and when applying reverse thrust. Counter with forward yoke pressure. As the airplane slows, engine noise level builds but reverse effectiveness drops. Maintain the desired deceleration rate by smoothly applying the brakes. Start reducing reverse thrust at 80 kt, continuing lever motion forward at a rate which avoids engine surging. It is not necessary to lead with the inboard reverse levers. Be in idle reverse by 60 kt to minimize cross ingestion. Make sure to wait until the engines are spun down and the speed is under control before coming out of idle reverse. Crosswind Landings Make a normal approach. Maintain runway alignment by crabbing. Before touchdown, gradually remove as much of the crab as possible with rudder, thereafter preventing downwind drift by a slight wing-low attitude into the wind. Overcontrolling can induce dutch roll. It may be necessary to land with some crab angle if the crosswind is high. This presents no problem if the angle is not excessive and the flightpath is aligned with the runway.24

Touchdown with a large crab angle and the wings level may result in a rapid rising of the upwind wing and may cause an engine nacelle to drag on the runway. Make a normal touchdown. Slightly increased airspeed will flatten the attitude and reduce the likelihood of scraping a pod. After touchdown and while decelerating, keep directional control with the rudder. Aileron inputs should be used only to maintain a wings-level attitude. NORMAL OPERATION, AFTER LANDING Parking Before stopping the airplane, center the nosewheel and taxi straight ahead a short distance to relieve side loads on the landing gear. Engine Shutdown If no longer required for taxi, parking or electrical needs, the outboard engines should be shut down after landing to conserve brake life and save fuel. If high thrust was used after landing, allow the engines to idle for at least two minutes prior to shutdown.