7 things that increase your pharma s criteria for a why do ...syphilis, herpes and others cause cell...

7 Things That Increase Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer Pharma’s Criteria For A Cancer Cure Why Do You Need 5000 IU Of Vitamin D Daily? Resveratrol Proven To Slow Brain Aging

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Page 1: 7 Things That Increase Your Pharma s Criteria For A Why Do ...syphilis, herpes and others cause cell injury and DNA mutation. Viruses like Herpes simplex incorporate their genetic

7 Things That Increase Your Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Pharma’s Criteria For A Cancer Cure

Why Do You Need 5000 IU Of Vitamin D Daily?

Resveratrol Proven To Slow Brain Aging

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’3

Prostate cancer is something you should be concerned about as you age.

It’s sad that some dismiss this thought.

“I won’t have prostate cancer. It doesn’t run in our family.”

But don’t ever think that it’s impossible for you to have it.

Statistics don’t lie, and 1 out of 7 men worldwide are being diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Also consider your current lifestyle.

There are factors that we cannot prevent or reduce (age, ethnicity, genetics, etc), but there are modifiable factors of prostate cancer that you can do something about to prevent its


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High Fat Diet

Think about cutting your fat intake. Studies suggest a relationship between high fat intake and prostate cancer. There is evidence that this is linked with numerous underlying mechanisms, such as high levels of androgens, free radical formation, fatty acid metabolites that increase inflammation and insulin-like growth factors.

Having a low-fiber diet also aggravates the effect of fat, as fiber helps you excrete toxins and other carcinogenic materials in your body. In addition, there is evidence that eating processed meats and red meats also contribute to the development of prostate cancer.

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Being overweight can also increase your risk of having prostate cancer. According to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR), obesity is a probable cause of advanced prostate cancer.

Body fatness is classified by the World Cancer Research Fund /American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) as a probable cause of advanced prostate cancer. Studies claim that the risk of advanced prostate cancer is 9-50% higher per 5-unit increment of body mass index (BMI).

Another study claims that obese men are more prone to have prostate cancer because of hormonal changes associated with being overweight.


Don’t think that smoking only causes damage to your lungs. A meta-analysis reveals that smokers have a 24% to 30% greater risk of developing prostate cancer than non-smokers. This is a

highly significant percentage.

Smoking also elevates hormones that contribute to cancer progression.

Male smokers are also found to have higher androsterone and testosterone

levels that circulate in their systems, and this is associated with cancer development.

Think twice before lighting up that cigarette. Although cigarette smoking is not a direct cause of prostate cancer, it is known to contain multiple carcinogens that could spread to your body.

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Chemicals and Pesticides

Certain chemicals and pesticides are known carcinogens, and avoiding them can dramatically decrease your risk for prostate cancer.

One particular chemical is arsenic. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), arsenic is a probable cause of prostate cancer. It is detected in contaminated water, but is also found in rubber manufacturing plants. Those who work in rubber production are prone to prostate cancer when exposed.

Men who are routinely exposed to pesticides are also at risk. A meta-analysis provides evidence that prostate cancer risk is 13-24% higher in men who work with pesticides. Such chemicals are known to cause DNA mutation and cancer. If you are handling these chemicals on a regular basis, make sure you have protective equipment.

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Just like chemicals, radiation is known to cause various cancers, and it is highly advisable that you don’t expose yourself to it. Although there is limited evidence, the IARC also claims that exposure to Thorium-232, X-radiation, gamma radiation and its decay products are risk factors for prostate cancer.

One study also showed that diagnostic radiological procedures of the prostate gland also can cause cancer. While the evidence suggests that this occurs along with genetic factors, it is established that ionizing radiation exposure is a risk factor.

An X-ray may be a necessary diagnostic procedure, but you should inform your doctor when you were last exposed to radiation. A careful medical assessment can help you prevent its harmful effects.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Safe sex not only prevents you from getting infectious diseases, but it decreases your risk of having prostate cancer too. Sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes and others cause cell injury and DNA mutation. Viruses like Herpes simplex incorporate their

genetic material into the host cell’s DNA, and such change can be cancer-forming.

Various systematic reviews were conducted to establish sexually transmitted infections as a risk. While no single microorganism is found to cause prostate cancer, there is evidence that STIs increase the risk.

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Lack of Exercise/Sedentary Lifestyle

Apart from having a high-fat, low-fiber diet, your lack of exercise can also increase the risk of having prostate cancer. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, your body accumulates fat that produces cancer-causing metabolites.

Several studies provide evidence of the relationship between the lack of exercise and prostate cancer development. The key lies in controlling weight gain, and along with modifying your diet, regular exercise is needed.

Having a healthy lifestyle and preventing these risk factors can dramatically change the outcomes of developing prostate cancer. This involves eating healthy foods, keeping yourself active and fit and preventing exposure to harmful carcinogens.


Caini, S., et al. 2014. Sexually transmitted infections and prostate cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancer Epidemiol. Aug;38(4), pp. 329-338.

Cogliano VJ, Baan R, Straif K, et al. 2011. Preventable exposures associated with human cancers. J Natl Cancer Inst;103:1827-39.

Davies, NJ., et al. 2011. The role of diet and physical activity in breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivorship: a review of the literature. Br J Cancer.Nov 8; 105(Suppl 1): S52–S73.

Discacciati A, Orsini N, Wolk A. 2012. Body mass index and incidence of localized and advanced prostate cancer--a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies (link is external). Ann Oncol. 23:1665-71.

Hu MB, Liu SH, Jiang HW, et al. 2014. Obesity affects the biopsy-mediated detection of prostate cancer, particularly high-grade prostate

cancer: a dose-response meta-analysis of 29,464 patients.(link is external) PLoS One. Sept 3;9(9):e106677.

Huncharek, M., et al. 2010. Smoking as a Risk Factor for Prostate Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of 24 Prospective Cohort Studies. Am J Public Health. April; 100(4), pp. 693–701.

Myles, P. et al. 2008. Diagnostic radiation procedures and risk of prostate cancer. Br J Cancer. Jun 3; 98(11): 1852–1856.

Sonn GA, et al. 2005. Impact of diet on prostate cancer: a review. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 8(4), pp. 304-310.

Van Maele-Fabry G, Libotte V, Willems J, et al. 2006. Review and meta-analysis of risk estimates for prostate cancer in pesticide manufacturing workers. Cancer Causes Control;17:353-73.

World Cancer Research Fund. 2014. Diet, Nutrition, Physical Activity and Prostate Cancer(link is external).WCRF:London.

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You may be surprised to learn that pharmaceutical corporations often find very promising cancer cures but they don’t follow them up and fund them.

What is the problem?

The problem is they cannot make a sufficient profit from that chemical if it is not patentable.

For example, there is a potential treatment in an experimental, synthetic cancer drug, DCA (dichloroacetate)—which has, in the early stages of clinical trials, demonstrated effectiveness at fighting cancer.

The drug seems to exhibit antitumor effects against several forms of cancer, including brain, cervical, prostate, breast, and colorectal cancers.

The drug’s mechanism of action seems, in brief, that DCA alters

cancer cells’ metabolic processes and awakens the cancer cells’ mitochondria. When the mitochondria realize that the cell is cancerous, the “kill switch” is

flipped and the cell self-destructs.

Early results have been encouraging, but rather mixed. A 2007 study found that DCA

Dichloroacetate Molecule

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reduced rat tumors by up to 70% after three weeks of treatment with no negative side effects.

In other studies, however, DCA appears to make cancer even worse.

This could be because DCA is a byproduct of a chemical used in adhesives and paint removers and for degreasing metal parts—and it may cause cancer on its own. Some cancer patients who have self-administered the drug also report some serious side effects, such as encephalopathy (abnormal brain function).

While preliminary studies on DCA are cause for cautious optimism, we will not know what we have with the drug until more research is done.

Sadly, but predictably, the drug companies aren’t exactly stampeding toward a full-scale effort to conduct trials and harness the full potential of DCA—or other possible treatments, for that matter. DCA is an inexpensive, non-patentable compound, which means it is of little interest to Big Pharma.

Rather than saving lives, drug companies are concerned mainly with creating expensive, patentable drugs that treat chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heartburn.

This is partly because the cost of gaining FDA approval is so high due to the need to conduct randomized controlled trials to prove a drug is “effective.” If a substance isn’t patentable, the cost of getting FDA approval is prohibitive.

There are natural compounds that have similar effects on cancer cells as DCA, such as curcumin, and ellagic acid.

Does the FDA care? Does Big Pharma? Not one bit, since these are also not patentable and cannot make drug companies money. But you will find both curcumin and ellagic acid in total health for the prostate because of their beneficial effects.

Beyond DCA, medical researchers now know that cancers survive by masking themselves

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from the immume system. If the chemicals they use for masking are stripped away, the cancer is history. We already know some of the chemicals that can do this, including some metabolites of vitamin D. Those metabolites can be chemo preventative. That is one of the reasons why my total health for the prostate contains 5000 IU of vitamin D3. That is a far more generous dosage of vitamin D3 than any other prostate supplement.

Of course, once chemotherapy drugs or radiation therapy has destroyed the immune system, it can no longer do the job even if the cancer is unmasked. And chemo and radiation is a huge industry, supporting doctors and other medical professionals in style.

Very often, chemo kills cancer cells, but it doesn’t kill the cancer stem cells which are the main problem. After treatment, stem cells just get much more aggressive and the patient dies sooner than would have happened otherwise.

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What happens when you begin exercising and cutting back on calories? Some may say “weight loss” and “getting healthier,” which are good answers, but researchers have found that resveratrol, a compound in the skin of grapes, blue berries and

dark chocolate may impart many of the same neuroprotective benefits that working out and eating smaller portions offers.

In fact, a new study1 reports that resveratrol is comparable to metformin, a drug often prescribed to treat type 2 diabetes, as it helps preserve the muscle fibers that break down during the aging process. It can also protect the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) between neurons, known as synapses.

Synapses are important for voluntary movement because they relay motor commands from neurons in your spinal cord to your muscles. Scientists say they’re hopeful the information will eventually help alleviate the detriments of ageing as it did in studies on 2-year-old mice which, in mouse years, is considered elderly.

The mice were treated with resveratrol for a year, during which time the researchers watched how their NMJs performed in comparison with mice fed a typical diet, and found the resveratrol group had fewer age-related symptoms. In fact, their muscles and nerves were more like those of 3-month-old mice.

Gregorio Valdez, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, where the study took place, who had already found that the double benefits of a good diet along with exercise can protect against age-related synapse damage, led the featured study.

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He explained:

“We all slow down as we get older. Gait, balance issues and impaired motor coordination contribute to health problems, accidents, lack of mobility and a lower quality of life.

We work on identifying molecular changes that slow down motor deficits that occur with aging. I believe that we are getting closer to tapping into mechanisms to slow age-induced degeneration of neuronal circuits.”2

Resveratrol, which acts like a potent antioxidant, is a compound found in grape skins, red wine, raspberries, pomegranates, rawcacao and dark chocolate, among other plant-based foods.

It’s a polyphenol designed to increase the life span of plants through disease resistance and such stressors as drastic changes in climate, too much ultraviolet light and disease.

It was probably intuition that caused scientists to explore what resveratrol might be able to do for humans and, sure enough, it imparts very similar protective benefits. But if you read this and think you’ll get the neuroprotective and anti-aging benefits by drinking more red wine, that’s not how it works. As Valdez explained:

“Alcoholic beverages like red wine may damage both your brain and your organs and is itself a neurotoxin, which makes drinking large amounts of red wine for this or any other purpose irresponsible and counterproductive.”

A U.S. National Library of Medicine article backs this up:

“Drinking too much alcohol is a sure-fire way to speed up deterioration of thinking skills and can cause brain damage. Too much alcohol in the long term is linked to several cancers, heart disease, stroke and liver disease.”

Antioxidants, on the other hand, stave off the damage done by free radicals, which is one reason why resveratrol is so remarkable. It can also help fight the aging process throughout your body, from your skin to your cells. A list of several functions resveratrol may help with includes:

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Neuroprotective benefits:

1. Improves brain blood flow2. Suppresses brain inflammation3. May prevent a plaque that leads to Alzheimer’s4. Antioxidant and antimicrobial properties5. Combats free radicals6. May protect against depression 7. May improve learning and memory

I have a supplement which I take myself everyday called super antioxidant. That contains 325 mg of resveratrol extracted from the Japanese fleeceflower. It is also stuffed full of other anti-ageing anti-inflammatories and antioxidants such as – acetyl cysteine, carnosine, Gynostemma Pentaphyallum, alpha lipoic acid, looting and zeaxanthin.

My super antioxidant is the most comprehensive combination of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet. That is my most anti-ageing supplement and I love it. I can’t tell you how powerful it is for an older man. Once you start taking it you’ll never want to stop taking it.

Another crucial way resveratrol helps your brain is that it can cross the blood-brain barrier, or BBB. Examined Existence explains that a century ago, scientists found that blue dye injected into animal tissues turned those tissues blue, but would not permeate the brain or spinal cord.5

That resveratrol is able to get across your brain barrier means that brain inflammation can be regulated and decreased in your central nervous system.

Part of the significance of this ability is that brain inflammation is a factor in the development of most neurodegenerative diseases.

The fact that resveratrol improves your brain blood flow is an indication that it may also improve brain function. According to a Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC):

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“Resveratrol given to Alzheimer’s patients appears to restore the integrity of the blood-brain barrier, reducing the ability of harmful immune molecules secreted by immune cells to infiltrate from the body into brain tissues.

The reduction in neuronal inflammation slowed the cognitive decline of patients, compared to a matching group of placebo-treated patients with the disorder.”6

Scientists equated the role of resveratrol as imposing a sort of “crowd control” at the brain border, shutting out unwanted immune molecules that can worsen brain inflammation and kill neurons.

According to Dr. Charbel Moussa, scientific and clinical research director of the GUMC Translational Neurotherapeutics Program:

“These are very exciting findings because it shows that resveratrol engages the brain in a measurable way, and that the immune response to Alzheimer’s disease comes, in part, from outside the brain.”7

Inflammation can be implicated in nearly every disease. Dr. Josh Axe, founder of Exodus Health Center, one of the largest functional medicine clinics in the world, asserts that it’s also been found to be associated with just about every health condition:

“Although inflammation has long been known to play a role in allergic diseases like asthma, arthritis and Crohn’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and Parkinson’s disease may all be related to chronic

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inflammation in the body.

Inflammation isn’t always bad; it is the body’s natural defense against damaged cells, viruses, bacteria, etc. It aims to remove these harmful or foreign invaders and heal itself.”10

Because of resveratrol’s extraordinary capabilities as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, taking resveratrol supplements Four common aggravators include:

1. Oxidized cholesterol, such as from overcooked scrambled eggs2. Any food cooked at high temperatures3. Trans fats (read labels to avoid interesterified or hydrogenated oils)4. Sugar and grain

Resveratrol also has a significant impact on cancer. A study in Spain discussed how free radicals play a key role in disease, cause DNA damage and leave the door wide open for carcinogens to take root. In fact:

“Epidemiological studies have established a relationship between the incidence of cancer and consumption of certain types of food. The presence of antioxidants in diet has been directly related to lower incidence of cancer.

In fact, chemoprevention has attracted the attention of oncologists and molecular biologists to modulate carcinogenesis. A chemopreventive agent can inhibit carcinogenesis either by blocking initiation or by stopping or reversing promotion and progression.”12

Additionally, resveratrol’s ability to lower inflammation also helps prevent certain enzymes from forming that would trigger the development of cancerous tumors.14 Resveratrol helps cut down cell reproduction, which in turn lowers the number of cell divisions that might cause cancer cell growth.15

One very interesting review from Denmark revealed that it’s a balance between resveratrol intake via supplementation and food sources, along with exercise, that keeps

your sugar levels on an even keel and minimizes inflammation that helps maximize your health.

Providing you can afford it, my super antioxidant is one supplement no man over the age of 60

should be without.

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I quite often get asked why’do you put 12 ½ times the recommended amount of vitamin D3 in your total health of the prostate supplement.

The simple answer is: because it is really good for my customers and protects them against cancer and other significant diseases.

It is only in recent years that studies have emerged to show that a substantial volume of the sunshine vitamin is really essential for good health. It protects you against osteoporosis and inflammation that can lead to cancer.

The standards committee for vitamins do not want you to be in good health, they work hand in glove with the pharmaceutical industry who really need you to be sick so that you buy their prescription drugs and that helps them to maximise their profits. So they still recommend 400 IU as their recommended dosage for vitamin D3

If you take only 400 IU of vitamin D3 it will raise the level of vitamin D3 in your blood to minimal levels, this is what the Endocrine Society and Vitamin D Council standards, would say about your level of vitamin D3:

You’re still deficient in vitamin D. According to the Institute of Medicine, you’re mildly deficient, or insufficient, in vitamin D. If you’re African American or Hispanic American you’re likely to be in this range.


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With vitamin D levels in this range you’re more likely to develop

osteoporosis and your bones may be affected because your body isn’t

absorbing enough calcium. This means you’re more likely to fracture or break bones

and more likely to have a fall.

You may also have high levels of parathyroid hormone in your body. Parathyroid hormone controls the levels of calcium

and phosphorus in your body and too much can affect your bones.

If you took 2 ½ times their recommended level of 400 IU that would be 1000 IU, that still would not be sufficient. But it is probably the maximum dosage provided by the majority of better quality multivitamin supplements. This is what the vitamin D Council has to say:

You are deficient in vitamin D. According to the Endocrine Society, you’re insufficient. By the Institute of Medicine’s standards, you’re getting enough vitamin D. If you’re Caucasian American, you’re likely to have a vitamin D level in this range.

With a vitamin D level in this range you’re less likely to have health problems than when vitamin D is at lower levels. However, your body may still be producing too much parathyroid hormone and not fully absorbing calcium, which can affect your bones. Research shows that levels above 30 ng/ml may be more likely to prevent bone problems such as fractures.

If you were to take 3200 IU of vitamin D3 per day, the comment you would get from the vitamin D Council is:

You’re still not quite sufficient in vitamin D, though your levels are better than most people’s. By Endocrine Society and Institute of Medicine standards, you’re getting enough vitamin D.

The good news is, with vitamin D levels in this range, your body is absorbing calcium well and you should have the right levels of parathyroid hormone. This means strong and healthy bones. In some research studies, vitamin D levels in this range have been shown to reduce your risk

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of developing cancer and improve your immune system, which fights infection.

Now at 3200 IU of vitamin D3 you would at least be beginning to get the benefit of vitamin D3 for your immune system and reducing your risk of developing cancer.

It is only when you take 5000 IU of vitamin D3 per day that level of your vitamin D3 in your blood will reach the point where the vitamin D Council would say:

You’re getting the right amount of vitamin D by the standards set by the Vitamin D Council and Endocrine Society. Some vitamin D researchers believe that these levels are the best to aim for, though more research is needed to be sure about this.

You’re getting the right amount of vitamin D3 by the standards set by the Vitamin D Council and Endocrine Society.

Even if you took 10,000 IU of vitamin D which would double the amount you would generate in your blood as a result of taking twice as much vitamin D, there is no evidence that would suggest it could cause you any harm.

So that is why I ignore standards because they’re almost meaningless. The conventional medical establishment who set those standards either don’t know any better or they have an agenda.

My objective is to improve the health of my customers. And if it takes 5000 IU of vitamin D3 or whatever amount it takes of any nutrient that I put in my supplements, that is the amount I shall put in, regardless of standards all cost.

So if you are already taking my total health of the prostate supplement on a regular basis, you can have the confidence that you are doing the best you can for your health.

If you are not taking my total health of the prostate on a regular basis, you really should consider whether you should. If you believe in investing in your health, that is something you should do.

Of course, my total health of the prostate supplement contains more than one vitamin.

It is in fact a premium supplement packed full of another 22 vitamins, minerals, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and nutrients all at the optimal dosage to ensure many health benefits. It’s worth reading about it if you don’t already know.

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Need something quick and easy but that’s also tasty whilst filling the mid section? This recipe is perfect for the morning or as a light snack. We suggest you experiement with as much herbs and vegetables as you wish!

1. Dice or slice vegetables as desired.

2. Add the cup of cherry tomatoes, and your other vegetables you have chosen

3. Chop some fresh basil and add to the other ingredients

4. Mix your extra virgin olive oil and pink Himalayan salt and drizzle over your mixed vegetables.

5. Finally crumble the goats cheese on top and enjoy!

• Cherry Tomato ( 100g) • Extra Virgin Olive Oil• Basil (1tbsp)• Himilayan Salt• Avocado• Spinach/Kale• Goat’s Cheese• Garlic

Optional Extras

• Coriander/Mint• Peppers• Lime/Lemon Juice• Nuts







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SLow Cooked meat WITH LETTuCE Cups

Everyone’s favourite gone keto style! In this recipe we combine some really healthy extras with the same protein rich regulars so you can have the best of both worlds. Be sure to add as many vegetables as you can to maximise your daily nutrition for a healthier and happier you.

1) Coat bottom of the slow cooker with olive oil. Place your onion slices and garlic on the bottom of your cooker and place meat on top of onions and garlic.

2) Combine stock, soy sauce, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon olive oil, in a medium bowl, s rring with a whisk and pour mixture over beef and onions in slow cooker. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 hours.

4) Place carrot in shallow bowls 15 minutes before meat is done. Combine remaining vinegar, 1 cup water and bring to a boil.

5) Remove from heat; divide vinegar mixture evenly

over carrots. Let stand un l ready to serve & drain well.

6) Transfer beef from slow cooker to a large pla er and shred with 2 forks. Heat remaining 1 tbsp olive oil in a large cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat; add shredded beef to pan, pressing into an even layer.

7) Cook 2 to 3 minutes, without s rring. Turn on heat. Sprinkle evenly with salt and 1/4 cup cooking liquid from slow cooker; toss to coat.

8) Divide beef among lettuce leaves.

• Beef (5.3 oz) • Beef Stock• Crunchy Lettuce (3.5 oz)• Vinegar• Chopped Onions &

Garlic• Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Optional Extras:• Carrots• Soy Sauce

• Chopped Peppers• Rocket Lettuce• Sesame Seeds• Himilayan Salt• Basil • Parsley• Chopped Spring Onion • Chilli Sauce/Chopped

Chilli’s• Goat’s Cheese







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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’27


Ask any oncologist what the cause of cancer is and you’ll most likely hear one answer: it’s genetic.

This is why the doctor will run all types of genetic tests if you or your wife are diagnosed with cancer.

For example, up to 10% of men with prostate cancer have a mutation in the BRCA2 gene. Mutations in the BRCA1, BRCA2, PTEN, CDH1, TP53, and STK11 genes are associated with an increase in breast cancer.

And once it’s discovered that you have a certain type of genetic cancer by the type of gene that is expressed, your treatment is based on what could be done to possibly reverse the genes. All these new treatments were the result of the Human Genome Project, which gave us all new information and understanding about DNA and the genes that make up DNA.

But the problem is that this whole idea is 100% theoretical.

To date, no research studies have proven that administering gene therapy to someone with cancer actually helps and extends the lifespan.

There are Surer Solutions for Cancer – But They are Ignored

Meanwhile, good medical research studies that actually show promise is buried by the medical profession who realizes much more profits can come with genetic therapies.

One of those research studies appeared in the medical journal called Carcinogenesis in March 2014 and proposed some pretty


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interesting paradigm changes in cancer ideology:

Cancer is primarily a metabolic disease.

It involves disturbances in the mitochondria structure and function.

Darwin’s evolution idea can’t possibly explain cancer.

Cancer growth and progression can be managed when the source of energy is changed from glucose and glutamine to ketone bodies.

Now hang on for a minute because everything will be explained for you, and there will even be the big solution shortly. It won’t be that technical.

Paradigm changes 1 and 2 tell us all that by

making some simple changes, you can do everything in your own power to stop cancer and/or prevent its growth.

Here are two simple changes – and why they’ll work.

Simple Change #1 – Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

Metabolic disease means diabetes, metabolic syndrome and pre-diabetes. Can you change your blood sugar levels? Absolutely!

There are herbs that were created at the beginning of time that lower blood sugar levels to help you immensely in this regard. Ben has created some pretty effective blood sugar lowering nutritional supplements that you can check out if you don’t know where to start.

By removing the metabolic disease, you then start reversing the cancer. Cancer

feeds off sugar, and elevated sugar levels will contribute to the

progression of cancer.

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Simple Change #2. Stop Taking Unnecessary Medications

One thing that you will never hear from your medical doctor is the negative side effects of medications, including antibiotics. Just yesterday, I heard a patient with cancer tell me that she HAD to take her medications and it didn’t matter that they were causing mitochondrial dysfunction to her; she had to get over her infection. Big mistake! All medications cause mitochondrial dysfunction – and as the Carcinogenesis medical study reported, it’s a CAUSE of cancer.

Just so you understand, I wasn’t suggesting she go without treatment for infection. There are many natural remedies that have already proven to be more effective at wiping out infections and the harmful biofilm caused by the antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.

How Do You Know If You Have Mitochondria Dysfunction?

Mitochondria in your cells are the biggest link to your energy levels during the day. If you

have fatigue, your mitochondria are dragging. But that’s not the only sign or symptom of mitochondrial dysfunction. Here’s a more inclusive list:

• weakness • cramping • muscle pain • eyelid drooping • developmental delays • mental retardation • autism • dementia • seizures • exercise intolerance• cancer • hepatitis C • Alzheimer’s disease • bipolar disorder • schizophrenia • aging • anxiety disorders • nerve pain • neuropathy • constipation • GI problems • excessive sweating • loss of electrolytes • kidney disease • low blood sugar • heart blocks • optic neuropathy • diabetes • pancreas failure • hearing loss • demyelinating disorders • liver failure not from alcohol• weakness from nerve problems• heart disease including hardening of the arteries• neurological disorders such as Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease• fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome

The author of that article states, “Medications have now emerged as a major cause of mitochondrial damage, which may explain many adverse effects. All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to damage mitochondria, as have stain medications, analgesics such as acetaminophen, and many others.”

Wow, that says a lot right there. The only solution is natural healing. And that means you have to get natural healing help to

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stop the mitochondrial damage from these medications if you want to prevent or reverse cancer.

What Medications Disrupt Your Mitochondria and Can Cause Cancer

Here’s a list of the medications that could cause cancer:• alcoholism medications• analgesics for pain• anti-inflammatory medications• anesthetics• angina medications• anti-arrhythmic medications• antibiotics• antidepressants• antipsychotics• anxiety medications• barbiturates• cholesterol medications• cancer medications• dementia• diabetes medications• HIV/AIDS medications• epilepsy and seizure medications• mood stabilizers• Parkinson’s disease medications

Ketogenic Diets Could Definitely Help You Heal

Paradigm changes #3 and 4 are next to discuss. The third paradigm that Darwin’s evolution idea can’t possibly explain cancer really is beyond the scope of this article. But the fourth one - Cancer growth and progression can be managed when the source of energy is changed from glucose and glutamine to ketone bodies

– is something that you should sit up and pay attention to. What this one is saying is that the fuel of glucose for energy, which feeds cancer cells, is changed to ketone bodies, then the cancer essentially runs out of energy and has to shrivel up.

Intermittent Fasting or Ketogenic Diets

Your mind might be going into high drive right now just from that last statement. You can change your diet to run off ketone bodies instead of sugars, and it’s not that difficult. It just takes a bit of time to get used to it. You can simply start the process of intermittent fasting – take a look at some of the other articles on our site about this. Or you can also start a ketogenic diet.

A ketogenic diet is one that restricts carbohydrates to 50 grams per day (less may be better – work with a practitioner who understands this diet and uses it) and limits protein as well. It’s higher in fat but doesn’t include ‘bad’ fats such as fried foods, hydrogenated fats, canola oil and seed oils. One way to ease into the ketogenic diet is to eat a diet where you have 1 gram fat for every 1 gram carbohydrate and protein.

Check out some of our other articles on our site that explain this diet in detail. This is one smart move you would never regret if you have cancer.

Sources:Seyfried, Thomas N., Flores, Roberto, E.; Poff, Angela M. and D’Agostino, Dominic. Cancer as a metabolic disease: implications for novel therapeutics. Carcinogenesis 2014 Mar; 35(3):515-527. Accessed online Feb. 19, 2017.

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This ketogenic 30-Day challenge is specifically designed for your prostate and general health. I recommend this Ketogenic diet to everyone, whether you have cancer or not. This will help you optimize your weight and health. It will prevent virtually all chronic degenerative disease.This is the holistic way of looking at disease prevention. Living healthily with a better diet and regular exercise has many ways of making you more resistant to disease.

For example, you will accumulate belly fat if you eat a diet containing many refined carbohydrates, pizza, pasta, cakes, bread and beer. It is notoriously difficult to lose that belly fat especially once you are past your 40s. Your belly fat is constantly increasing your levels of estrogen and encouraging insulin resistance. Both will work towards inflaming and enlarging your prostate. But this is only step one in a multistep process towards prostate cancer. The ketogenic diet will not specifically shrink your prostate but it will help you avoid later disease including prostate disease.

My previous 30-day challenge was a great success and those who took part started to see some amazing results and felt better over all. My next challenge starts on the 1st of June 2017. Just like in my previous challenge, it’s completely free. I will be I’ll be sharing recipes and tips on my Facebook page. Including a full breakdown on what foods you should eat during this challenge, followed by a list of foods you should avoid. Let me help you achieve your health goals. I provide free information and support to everyone in my community and if you are not already a member of my 30-Day Keto Challenge, make sure to stay tuned, I will be doing another announcement in May.

It’s completely free and very beneficial to your health. Just have a look at my five lucky challenge winners from my last challenge who won some well-deserved prizes. Let’s stay motivated together and join our community. “Our Mission Is To End Prostate Disease For Good.”

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Congratulations to everyone who won, and everyone who improved their health!

This exclusive 30-day keto challenge, was a journey but one that I found extremely rewarding. Together we have been encouraging one another to share our experiences and to take the right steps to achieving better health.

Thank you to all my Keto-Warriors, you’ve helped me create a strong community where we can share your experiences in confidence, for that I am sincerely grateful..

The winners of my prize draw worth $1500 is as follows;5th place prize winner- Bill McCabe4th place prize winner- David Annis 3rd place prize winner- Tom Freese 2nd place prize winner- Terry Villars1st place prize winner- Alex Nwokoji

Meet Steve Diahy winner of my first ever Keto challenge, and now a challenge veteran.

“Another great 30 day Journey. I have lost about 7 pounds, started working out again hard for the first time since my October 14th surgery, and have reduced my night time bathroom breaks to once a night. I actually slept 6 1/2 hours straight Sunday into Monday morning, which is the longest in 2 years. I will convert from keto to Paleo now, and even try to tighten things up more. I have an MRI in april, and I want my prostate to have no suspicious spots so there is not even a mention of a biopsy. Don’t really care what the PSA number is as mine seems to fluctuate for no apparent reason between 3.5 and 4.5 but a clean MRI will be huge. Good luck to everyone and a special thanks to ben and his team. what a first class organization.”

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’35

#KetoWarriors - I found another recipe I tried and thought you would enjoy it as much as I did.Thai Turkey Lettuce Wraps:1. Steam wild rice. 2. In a skillet, cook 2 medium sized bell peppers chopped and seeded in coconut oil for 3 minutes. Add 3 cloves of garlic chopped for 30 seconds. Add 1 pound of ground turkey and cook for 5 minutes, while breaking up the meat. Add the steamed rice.3. Stir in a 1/4 cup each of packed fresh cilantro and fresh mint leaves, chopped. Add 3 Tbsp. of lime juice. Season to your liking.Serve in lettuce cups (I used butter lettuce). Add a hot sauce if desired.

“I have to write to say thanks to Ben for Total Health - I’ve been taking this for about 6 months now, as well as recommended changes to my diet and my constant pain in the perineal area has dramatically reduced and my night time trips to the toilet have reduced from 3 on average to just 1 and sometimes none! Thanks Ben”

Example of a delicious recipe he shared with all the Keto-Warriors

Meet David Annis, second time prize winner and keto veteran.

Meet Terry Villars - This year’s second place winner

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’36



In case this is your first issue of our monthly journal The Natural Choice, Ask Ben is a recurring segment in every issue in which Ben responds to questions from you, the reader.

Many of our readers love engaging with us and asking a multitude of deep questions regarding their lifestyle. We provide feedback that inspires and equips our customers on exactly what they need to do for themselves in order to be victorious in their battle with health problems.

We believe all of your questions are valuable and choose some of the best to include in our monthly Natural Choice Articles. This is so that others going through similar experiences can learn how they can also live a more fulfilling life with the contribution of you and the community.

We are empowered by your feedback and this propels us to do more to provide the best service can.

If you would like to have your prostate health or supplement related question, no matter the nature, answered by Ben in an upcoming issue of The Natural Choice then please feel confident to email your question to [email protected].

If your question is of an urgent nature, we advise you seek more immediate advice from your doctor.

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