7 things really successful people do quietly

7 Things Really Successful People Do Quietly We all want to believe we have the potential to be super successful. When it comes down to it, the prime thing that separates successful people from the rest of us are smart decisions. A common pitfall on the way to success is boasting, exaggerating, or losing your perspective. However, by changing the way we approach challenges, we can better position ourselves to attack the next obstacle successfully. Let’s take a look at this inspiring video first. At 6:17, it’s when you have to pay extra attention to. To help unlock the secrets of successful people, the following seven qualities are ones you should try to do quietly. They Network One thing truly successful people do quietly is network. In the professional world, networking is a balance between corporate interests and personal relationships. This means that

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Page 1: 7 things really successful people do quietly

7 Things Really Successful People Do


We all want to believe we have the potential to be super

successful. When it comes down to it, the prime thing that

separates successful people from the rest of us are smart

decisions. A common pitfall on the way to success is

boasting, exaggerating, or losing your perspective.

However, by changing the way we approach challenges,

we can better position ourselves to attack the next

obstacle successfully. 

Let’s take a look at this inspiring video first. At 6:17, it’s

when you have to pay extra attention to.

To help unlock the secrets of successful people, the

following seven qualities are ones you should try to do


They Network

One thing truly successful people do quietly is network. In

the professional world, networking is a balance between

corporate interests and personal relationships. This

means that overwhelming your new connections with

business concerns can easily work against you. Not only

that, but advertising far and wide your intentions to

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network could lead to new connections catching wind of

your business strategy. This often makes people feel as if

the have bee used and will impede your ability to form

meaningful connections.

They Start New Projects

Successful people also start new projects with humility.

Whether a new undertaking is at home or work, if your

project is ultimately shelved, postponed, or changed,

advertising your new undertakings too early could make

you look foolish. That and bragging too much about new

opportunities can be a tempting setting in which to

lampoon your current or old positions. Don’t forget that

mocking your previous positions is nothing more than ego

run amok. Nearly everyone starts off small, and making

fun of this will likely alienate those beneath your position.

Additionally, being too open about fresh projects could

give competitors inside information and allow them to

offer competing products or services that are better than


They Deal With Challenges

Other things successful people do modestly is conquer

challenges. Much like being too open about upcoming

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projects, giving away too much information about the

challenges you’re currently facing might give competitors

an extra edge. Not only that, challenges and assignments

tend to look more intimidating while you are dealing with

them; and seeming too stressed out or swamped could

make you appear less capable, especially if your boss, or

future employers, are considering you for a project. If you

complain widely regarding feeling overwhelmed, you may

miss out on a new opportunity or promotion.

They Incubate Ideas

Successful people also know to consider ideas quietly.

Even if an idea you have leads to a successful project or

venture, it usually takes time to refine a concept before it

makes any sense. In addition, competitors are happy to

steal ideas from others, so it’s better to quietly sit on

a plan until you’re putting it into practice.

They Interact Socially with Humility

Much like networking, interacting socially is something

successful people do quietly. Flaunting accomplishments

and opportunities is off putting and abrasive. Additionally,

nobody appreciates it when somebody habitually drops

names. Basically, treat everyone you interact with as

equals and value and foster humility.

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They Manage Employees Ethically 

Another way successful people become and stay

successful is by managing any employees under them

privately and with respect. Employees always prefer when

their superiors communicate with them in private. This

way you avoid potentially embarrassing someone in front

of others and preserve a professional atmosphere.

They Invest

Finally, something potential successful people do quietly

is invest. Whether you are investing in real estate or

stocks, giving away all your personal details can come off

as crass if the people you’re sharing this with are not as

financially secure. Additionally, giving away too much

information about your investments is another way to give

competitors information they can use to further their
