7 pillars of digital marketing success


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Examines key digital marketing best practices for advanced manufacturing companies looking to streamline and prioritize their efforts.


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“ By the time a B2B purchaser actually engages with a company or with a sales rep from that company, they’re 57% of the way through their decision process.” —Google

Digital ad spending will increase 13% to $118 billion globally this year, accounting for 23% of all ad spending. Next year, digital’s share of ad spend is expected to reach nearly a full quarter, 24%. As spending increases, it is now more important then ever for B2B marketers to take advantage of digital marketing opportunities.

B2B marketers want to take advantage of the new digital tools tools available; however, they are having challenges navigating the complex landscape.

This eBook will give B2B marketers a framework for evaluating digital marketing opportunities and help marketers prioritize their time and resources.

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Table of Contents


Know Your Keywords

Continuous Quality Content

Perceived Value > Perceived Cost

Cross Channel Experience



Get Out of the Building

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It all starts with keyword research.

Keywords: The words and phrases typed into a search box on a search engine, such as Google, to find websites matching the criterion.

Search engines crawl the web and categorize websites by keyword.

They then serve up relevant websites based on user’s search queries.


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Keyword Research

“In all cases of content, you have to think about your audience. Keyword research can help you to understand your customer better, to understand

what they are looking for, and to create content to meet that need. If you take a traditional marketing stance that you know best what your customer wants, you will miss the mark, your customer, and search engine result opportunities.” —Forbes

» Depending on where customers are in the buying cycle, they might use different kinds of search terms to find your product. For example, someone in the research stage might search using generic terms. As people become more familiar with available products and move toward the conversion stage, they might start searching for specific brand names. Returning customers also might use favorite brand names, rather than generic product terms, as search terms. Balance your use of generic and branded keywords to capture a wide range of customers and increase conversion opportunities. (Google)

» Customer acquisition is costly, natural search is for the most part free. Understanding keywords can help businesses capitalize on the 100 billion Google searches per month.

» According to Ascend2 and Research Underwriters, 44% of businesses rate keyword management as “the most effective SEO tactic”.

“It’s not always about getting visitors to your site, but about getting the right kind of visitors. Keyword research is one of the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search marketing field. Ranking for the “right” keywords can make or break your website.” —SEO MOZ

Google alone fields over 100 billion

(YES BILLION) search queries per month.

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Continuous Quality Content

Give visitors the information they’re looking for

“Content marketing is more important than ever. The B2B buying

process has changed, and so has the B2B buyer. Gone are the days

when salespeople actively “sold” to prospects and marketers would

participate in “interruption marketing” — doing their best to get in front of

prospective customers regardless of their level of interest or qualification.”


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“Provide high-quality content on your pages, especially your homepage. This is the single most important thing to do. If your pages contain useful information, their content will attract many visitors and entice webmasters to link to your site. In creating a helpful, information-rich site, write

pages that clearly and accurately describe your topic. Think about the words users would type to find your pages and include those words on your site.” —Google

“Traditional marketing and advertising is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world that you are one.” —Robert Rose

» 80% of business decision makers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement. 

» 9 in 10 organizations market with content.

» More than 9 in 10 CMOs think custom content has a positive effect on audience attitudes, strengthening the bond with consumers. 

» 70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads.

» 37% of marketers say blogs are the most valuable content type for marketing. 

» 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing.

» Per dollar, content marketing produces three times more leads.

» 329 million people read blogs each month

» 27 million pieces of content are shared each day

» B2B companies with blogs generate 67% more leads per month on average than non-blogging firms.

Continuous Quality Content

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Perceived Value > Perceived Cost

The Customer Perceived value of a product is the difference between the prospective customer’s evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering, in comparison to the perceived alternatives. Essentially, for anything you ask your customers to do, the value force has to outweigh the cost force.

Value Force vs Cost Force

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Perceived Value > Perceived Cost

Value ForceWhat’s in it for your customer? The value force considers how your customer perceives the benefits of taking the action.

Why does your product offer more value than any other product your customer can buy? Additionally, are you clearly and credibly communicating that?

Of course, this goes beyond products. This applies to any “ask” you make to your customers. For example, a paid search ad. Do you communicate more value than any other paid search ad or organic result on the page?

Cost ForceValue is relative to the cost inherent in taking the action. When the cost is extremely low, the perceived value doesn’t have to be that high.

The value can’t be nonexistent. For example, putting “Like us on Facebook” as a call-to-action (CTA) on a billboard, print ad or menu. The cost isn’t that large – whip out my phone, find you on Facebook, click like. But, what, if anything, is the perceived value communicated by that call-to-action?

The force of a value proposition can be measured by four essential elements of the offer:

Appeal…How much do I desire this offer?

Exclusivity…Where else can I get this offer?

Credibility…Can I trust your claims?

Clarity…What are you actually offering?

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Cross Channel Experience

77% of marketing professionals agree with the statement

“We will drive more sales and profit by evolving into an effective multichannel marketing company.” —Forrester

Optimize the Cross-Channel Experience

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Perceived Value > Perceived Cost

“Multichannel marketing is important for the simple reason that you must be where your customers are. And they are everywhere. If you need another reason, consider this: multichannel customers spend three to four times more than single-channel customers do.“ —SAS

» Continuity: Ensure each step in the conversion process either states or supports the Value Proposition.

» Congruence: Ensure every element of your page either states or supports the Value Proposition.

» Make each Touchpoint additive to a greater happy experience.

» The key is to build enough forward momentum from the previous series of micro- yesses so the prospect will “roll on” through any potential “chokepoints.”

“Touch points share the customer experience along a journey. Customer journeys are characterized by a series of touch points. These are all times when a customer encounters your brand, product or service.” —Forrester

Business Value in Managing the Customer Experience Effectively:

» Strengthen brand presence through differentiated experiences

» Boost Revenue with incremental sales from existing customers and new sales from word of mouth

» Improve customer loyalty (and create advocates) through valued and memorable customer interactions

» Lower costs by reducing churn

According to Harvard Business Review, companies can boost profits anywhere from 25% to 125% by retaining merely 5% more of their existing customers.

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“ Consumers are demanding more personalized relationships with their favorite brands, so as marketers we must

provide our customers with the most relevant content at the right moment throughout the customer journey,” said Alexandra Braunstein, Senior Marketing Manager at XO Group Inc.

Big Data Requires Personalization

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In exchange for personal information, purchase history, and the countless other datapoints driving the big data trend, customers expect timely, relevant, and valuable marketing, not just the broadcasted campaigns of the past.

In order to succeed in today’s crowded marketplace, marketers need to personalize their marketing and web experiences for their customers and sales prospects alike. However, according to a new study from Econsultancy, many marketers are struggling to implement personalization in their digital marketing efforts.

» Over 90% of surveyed marketers stated that personalization is ‘critical to current and future success’

» 52% of marketers say the ability to target and personalize content is fundamental to their online strategy

» 61% of consumers feel more positive about a brand when marketing messages are personalized

» 53% are more likely to purchase when a brand personalizes digital communications

» Brands that allow consumers to share their preferences around when and how to be contacted are more trusted than those who do not. Of this group, 66% are more inclined to purchase from brands that enable them to share their preferences.


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According to research by Nielsen, 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family more than all other forms of marketing.

©David // Armano Darmano.typepad.com

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500,000,000,000 the number of brand impressions each year generated by word of mouth marketing, according to Forrester Research.

» 85% of fans of brands on Facebook recommend brands to others. (Syncapse)

» 43% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it on social media. (Nielsen)

» 77% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it from friends or family. (Nielsen)

» 81% of U.S. online consumers’ purchase decisions are influenced by their friends’ social media posts versus 78% who are influenced by the posts of the brands they follow on social media. (Market Force)

» 79% of U.S. consumers who’ve “Liked” a brand on Facebook did so in order to receive discounts or other incentives. (Market Force)

» 49% of U.S. consumers say friends and family are their top sources of brand awareness, up from 43% in 2009. (Jack Morton)

Net Promoter is a management tool used to gauge loyalty of a firm’s customer relationships. It serves as an alternative to traditional customer satisfaction research.

Nevertheless, even in the face of empirical evidence proving the effectiveness of word of mouth marketing, 72% of marketers still don’t recognize and leverage the value of customer referrals.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Net promoter score = % promoters - % detractors*

Detractors FenceSitters


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Get Out of the Building

Refinefrom here

Many alternatesolutions explored

Best solutionis missed

Refinement Exploration

“ There are no facts inside the building so get outside.” —Steve Blank

Meet Your Customers and Prospects

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Steve Blank, who developed the customer development methodology and launched the lean startup movement, notes that industry conferences and trade shows are invaluable and essential.

“Never say, I’m too busy to attend. Attend at least two key conference or trade shows. Conferences and trade shows are the prime areas for both talent-and trend-spotting. Get demos of competitive and adjacent products. Get your hand on the products themselves, get

competitors’ literature, talk to their sales people. Attend as many conference sessions as possible.”

A Company Must Be Market Driven » 48% of event attendees say face-to-face interactions are more valuable today than two years ago

» 99% of exhibitors find unique value delivered by B2B exhibitions which is not provided by other marketing channels

» 76% say their event and experiential marketing initiatives are integrated with their other marketing campaigns

» On average, over 50% of trade show attendees are there for the first time. Since new players in the industry emerge each year, an exposition is an ideal place to meet these people.

» 67% of B2B marketers rate trade shows as the most effective content marketing tactic

In a recent Harvard Business Review subscriber global survey: » 79% stated trade shows meetings are the most effective way to meet new clients to sell business

» 89% stated trade shows meetings are essential for ‘sealing the deal’.

» 95% stated trade shows meetings are a key factor in successfully building and maintaining long-term relationships.

“There will always, one can assume, be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.” —PeterDrucker

Get Out of the Building

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Products to Help Create Meaningful Marketing with Measurable Results

+ Tradeshows/Live Events

+ Conferences

+ Online Supplier Directories

+ Keyword Sponsorship Model

+ White Papers

+ Webcasts

+ Content Marketing

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Trade Shows

UBM Canon is the leading B2B event producer, publisher, and digital media company for the world’s $3 trillion advanced, technology-based manufacturing industry.

We produce more than 50 events and conferences in a dozen countries, connecting manufacturing professionals from around the globe. Our extensive manufacturing events portfolio covers medical design and manufacturing, packaging, assembly and automation technology, design engineering, process technology, plastics processing, quality assurance, and electronics for a wide array of industries.

Why Exhibit? » Co-Located Format Offers More Opportunities—UBM Canon’s signature co-located event model offers more business opportunities for exhibitors. With an expanded crossover audience of prospective customers and decision makers under one roof, the diverse and industry-relevant customer base provides your company increased visibility and access to more quality leads. Attendees are most interested in discovering new products, services, and technologies, as well as ideas and inspiration. Networking and education also rank high on objectives, and tailored onsite programs meet these face-to-face needs.

» Enhanced Attendee Marketing & Engagement—Extensive outreach and advertising to the customers you want to meet plus new event show floor activities to enrich their experience.

» New Conference, Seminar, and Show Floor Programs & Presentations—for all industries offering a variety of options and topics to fit individual educational needs and schedules.

» Unparalleled Digital & Print Media Partnerships

Decision makers from 14,473 unique company facilities conducted 160,567 project development meetings with 2,105 exhibiting companies during the 2013 co-located event in Anaheim.

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Conference Programs

UBM Canon Conferences deliver decision makers from your target markets who have immediate buying needs and requirements.

We invest months of research with key industry executives to uncover their most pressing needs, and our carefully curate programs to deliver the most relevant solutions to the industry’s needs, helping us achieve high level, quality turnout at our events.

Why Sponsor a Conference?

» Gain exclusive access to an engaged, pre-selected senior level audience of potential clients

» Align your brand with thought leadership content elevating your position above those of your competitors

» Complement other elements of your marketing plans such as advertising, direct mail, and exhibitions by bringing your solutions to the forefront of the industry through your company’s expertise

» Reinforce brand messages through one-to-one meetings enabling you to emphasize the USP’s of your business

» Benefit from broad brand exposure through extensive marketing reach as well as on-site, face-to-face networking with senior decision makers

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Online Supplier Directories

Did you Know?

» 89% of OEMs utilize Supplier Directories to stay informed about their industry

» 56% of OEMs use Online Supplier Directories monthly

» 54% of OEMs use Online Supplier Directories to identify new suppliers

Easily measure your online marketing ROI.Online Supplier Directories give suppliers the opportunity to get in front of customers who are in the sourcing process. They also allow companies to measure the effectiveness of their online supplier profile and provide access to lead-driving and sales-generating tools.

Online Supplier Directories give companies the ability to include important content buyers and manufacturers search for, including:

» Product Information  

» White Papers

» Certifications

» Case Studies

» Photos

» Videos

» Company Description

» Social Media Links

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Keyword Sponsorship Model

Hyper-Target Your Ad to Reach Your Target AudienceUBM Canon offers a unique opportunity in this industry for advertisers to place their targeted, custom ads on content pages relevant to their specific product or service. Your ad’s message and creative should be tailored to match the content. This concept of keyword ads creates topic-specific connections between industry professionals, the targeted content they’re interested in, and specific products and services related to that content offered by the advertiser. There’s no better way to connect with your target audience.

What are Keywords Ads?Contextual ads on relevant content pages delivering users to a highly targeted advertiser page.

Customize your message to catch your audience’s attention and create meaningful connections.

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White Paper Programs

White Paper ProgramsWhite Paper Programs aid professionals in research and product development providing highly qualified lead generation. Readers interested in downloading white papers are required to register and provide contact information in order to download.

White Paper Programs provide a targeted lead generation opportunity while providing valuable information to potential customers researching and making purchasing decisions.

Reach the right contacts today with a white paper program from UBM Canon Marketing Services.

White Papers provide: » Quality content and education on your solutions answering the problems and project needs of readers

» Information in a non-sales format assists the reader in making informed decisions on products and services

» An opportunity for you to share quality content with a targeted audience and generate highly qualified leads

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Get a White Paper Tips Sheet
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Webcast Programs

Webcasts are seen across the industry as an easy to use thought-leadership and lead generating platform.

Webcasts: » Set you apart as a thought-leader or industry expert

» Help drive qualified sales leads into the funnel

» Increase current and future customer-base around your product/service offering

» Accelerate product adoption

The people who register to view your webcast have already expressed a proven interest in both your webcast’s subject matter and your company.  Webcasts work because they offer a focused, topic-specific presentation with meaningful content, images, and other graphical elements that bring your presentation to life. Webcasts can convert readers into leads by inspiring them to take action and learn more.

With a UBM Canon webcast, you can introduce, educate, and place your products and services in front of an active and qualified audience interested in your topic and generate leads from attendees.

We offer a range of packages to fit your budget and strategic goals including live/semi-live, on-demand, and editorial webcasts.

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Why On-Demand Webinars Work
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Content Marketing

Content Marketing ProgramThe UBM Canon Content Marketing Program addresses a growing need among B2B marketers to generate ongoing, consistent and compelling content at a technical level, attracting target customers and generating contacts and leads.

The Challenge: Generating leads by getting found online, and staying front of mind with existing clients

The Solution: Create compelling content on a regular basis—through blogging

The Content Marketing Program serves as an extension of your marketing team by delivering high quality content written specifically for your company.

You can rely on regularly generated, unique content, delivered to you on a monthly basis to maintain your blog and create content for your site.

Custom eNewsletters and Admails enable you to: » Target leading industry decision-makers by sponsoring custom e-newsletters and admails

» Announce your latest products, services, and events where you will be exhibiting

» Drive website traffic

» Build brand awareness

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10 Tips, Tricks, and Ideas for Content Marketing
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