7. evaluation

FMP Evaluation Jake

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FMP EvaluationJake

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Production Process Evaluation

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Research• The research helped me pick out good features in montages e.g.

mixing the clips to the beat of the music. I learnt that all montages are different not because there about different movies or shows, but the way people edit them, for instance if a character is talking the editor might use text, or use an effect to describe a certain scene. I tried to use all of these methods to produce a great video.

• The questionnaires help as it let me know what fans and non fans of the show want to see in the montage and also what they think of the show. For instance one of the questions was who is your favourite character and the most popular answer would be the character I use in the montage.

• Like the questionnaire the interview let know what people thought of the show, and also what they thought about montages for instance if they liked them of if they found them annoying. The only problem I had with the interviews where that they are very similar to the questionnaires so I would similar answers for questions.

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Planning• To plan my product I watched scenes from the show to see what sort of

story line to go for. I also had a look at existing montages on the show to see if I should do the same layout as them or a completely different layout. Because there are so many different story lines it was quite hard to pick one, so I pick the one which I thought would have the most action.

• I also planed it out on a mind map where I just put all my ideas together and picked the ideas which I thought would be the best for my project. I think maybe with the mind map I should have spent a bit more time on it and put more ideas down.

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Time Management

• I managed my time very well as I finished my power points early I could start on my product early, so I had plenty of time to complete my montage. If I had more time I would probably add more effects to the clips, and a lot more quotes.

• I managed to stay on track with the time plan.

• If the time plan was a bit longer then I would probably focus more on each PowerPoint and think more carefully about what I want to put. And I would make sure there where no mistakes a made.

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Technical Qualities

This montage is similar to mine as it is based

on the same story line and the clips are mixed

with the beat. It also has fast transitions between clips. The difference is that it

doesn’t use any text.

This montage is similar to mine

because it uses the same music. It also

has a dramatic feel to it. But the difference with this montage is that the clip sizes are a lot bigger than mine

This montage is similar to mine as it uses text and effects, It is also based off the same story line, and show most of the same clips I use. The difference is that the whole montage is a lot shorter than mine.

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Aesthetic Qualities

The music and the clips worked well together, because

the clips were to the beat of the music.

And to get a precise moment in a clip I

would click the space bar.

The effects helped describe a scene, for

instance I used a black and white effect in

some clips to let the audience know that

they where flash backs.

When ever I had text in the clips, I would highlight important words to catch

the audiences eyes.

Though out the whole thing I was using two to three second clips but at

the end I used a ten second clip so it didn’t

blend well with the music.

I could have maybe picked some better music. Maybe more

dramatic music

I only based it off one character when I could have probably used at

least three.

The clip sizes worked well as when the music picked up the pace the

clips where a lot shorter but when the music slowed down the clips

where longer

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Audience AppealAnother reason why I used a lot of violence is because in my questionnaire one of the questions was do you want

violence, and the majority put yes.

I used a lot of violence to satisfy my audience (Teens) but it

wasn’t all violence there where points in the montage where

was just talking to satisfy people who may not like violence, and I

laid it out like violence then a quote then more violence and then another quote so I could split the violence up so that it

wouldn’t all be violence.

The majority of people who answered the questions

where male so I based the montage around a male

character. One of the questions was who is your

favorite character and most people put Jon snow which

is another reason why I used that character.

On the questionnaire people said that they wanted to see more than one main character so instead of just having Jon snow I added multiple characters to the montage.

I made the video just under two minutes as in the questionnaire a lot of people asked

for a two minute video and a lot asked for a three so I compromised. Another question

was how long should each clip be, the answers where quite varied so I make each clip a different length, some were 3 seconds

and some were 5 seconds.

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Peer Feedback

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Feedback 1

• What did you like about the product?I think that the way the clips all fit in together and the timing he has used is perfect making each clip used fit well together, I also like the choice in music it fits the montage and all the action packed within it.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?

I don’t believe that the video needs much improving overall, but the one thing that may be changed is the text and the colours of the text chosen I don’t think they fit the montage and do not look quite as professional as the rest.

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Feedback 2

• What did you like about the product?– The clip is very good and I think it shows exactly what the show is about in a 2

minute long vide. It includes some great parts including lots of action which Is very appealing to me and probably most audiences

• What improvements could have been made to the product?– The one thing that may be changed is the text and the colours of the text

chosen I don’t think they fit the montage and do not look quite as professional as the rest.

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Feedback 3

• What did you like about the product?– I really enjoyed the product and thought the editing was great throughout, in

fact fantastic throughout, I think the choice of music was excellent as it really went well with the battle scenes incorporated in the film. I think the clips were excellently chosen as they were timed and used perfectly to the time of the music. In which it attracted you to fixate your eyes upon the screen and not take them off.

• What improvements could have been made to the product?

• Not a lot of improvements could have been made for this product as it really was quite good. But one thing I would say is some footage was quite blurry and hard to see, not a big issue and easy to change. Another improvement I would give would be the writing could be a different colour as some of it doesn’t really go with the screening of the film, so it could possibly be change to a darker colour.

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Peer Feedback Summary

• What do you agree with from your peer feedback?

• I do agree that the text colours do no mix with the video, I definitely should have tried to make them fit with the tone of the video.

• What do you disagree with from your peer feedback?

• I don’t disagree with any of the feedback.

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Peer Feedback SummaryEveryone who gave feedback all said that the text colour does not mix with the rest of the video, so I would change the font to a more darker colour or try and add some effects to the text so they fit the tone of the video. I would also try and fix the quality of some of the videos as some clips where a bit blurry, or instead of trying to fix them I could look for some other clips to use, so that it is clear to see what is going on in the scene.