7-30 gold loan · 2-#tory frame, m-w ; firit:-< la-« bouwr: 1 -i .orx.'m. - ji jolin-w.ii...

VOL. XXVI. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1871. NO. 8561. LOST AND FOUND. f o r sa l e h o u se s . I D-'i KKIiiA i MORNING, ON « HJl’I'EWA, 1 . la.-tf.rafla >.r NIo/ama »ir.-»-t#, * /*»)" l.rsf-e-tet. A n y <..,•• r e f u n d " / -cun*- 157 • liipiw-wa 5lr«-l will X p- •till;.!.!y rewarded. 11 1 AR FlltsT-ULABB DWELLINGS FOR SALE. iTl Delaware Bt.. ?-*U>ry brick, wltb all modern Jnii.rov.-fiieriUi: lot 6"f»-»-i to alley : l.arn on alley. •C- Main 2-»tory brick ; /aa. water, A>. ; tot I#" fe.-t io North Pearl f#i Dtf-laware »L. i-orm-r E a/le. 2-itory frame, wltl br)> k addition: /a# and water. l«l Johnson Place, V-ntorjr brick : /*<• hot and cold v. aler. and other modern improvement) : lot -'2x1 Aj. w Ith brick barn. 3; Llnwoort avi nne. v.utliwe-t corn, r Sunin.er st-, 2-#tory frame, m-w ; firit:-< la-« bouwr: 1 -i .orx.'M. - Ji Jolin-w.ii Elace, 2-*tory brick: ga.«, water, ac.. North went corner Oak and North D'vUloti -itreetB, 2-wtory l.rlck. with ail m.rl- ni i u * p r o v e ii_ UOARDIMO AMO LODGING. l.K J NIAGARA -TKK.KT—I'LKABANT FRONT 1^0 ruon:.* t*» let with board. <111 W ANTED. l i ’ A N II'U HV A >11 ALL FAMILY. A t OT- 1 VGK i 'IC ol 1 1 OK lt"0\D»: renliinttoex- . . . - $_■>! | . . r v> A<i<!r>--« " A UiD office. D I I ' A N I E l' A UOOil I)i"S I’LASKK. NEW ..r -a ■-u.-J baii-l. )•' i" ir—J r. j-alr. Adrtres* « A 1'.ROLL, .lOllNaON A <O., Union Mill*. 1'a. •11<*—41 fh .rifl HHAN ID bIDEN« E FoK bAI.K GEN ■RE reel. «oliU. dtfle. third !»• ;>'** •«•* '’*f fb^llr-.' l-.il /Ml. , and dlretf-tly f.pte «He tr* New H ELP W ANTED—FEMALES. A ii »O l 1 AG tt MT. v SN Th • A GIRL IO 1»G jf.-nerai ii" i*<-w<.rh In a Annul fam ily: refer- rl u..d /tr i. " I-. • ontalni"* .> , e»n ix ina-i.-a n-ry beaulifn rephlenre. it in - r . V.r a ‘ w—1 l-.t. Price SAM*. Ar ,v ll No 5 Nlx/ara -t. LEON ARD W1LSON ,1 V i, i;. ,| h»i:,n . n i Insurance A/eola. d6 A — WKHT BV An - I WANTED a GIRL TO *§ i do ireneral Itouaewwrk. I> aste M i:: SALE «<-£ KENT—THK DKMKABLE sa an 1 ci :i' r.‘H) locahid pren<l»eH, No. 4" (d u rt e*. fl.tf r.-Id. "- e Of EUJall P. William*. ■/ CAROLINA BT. WANTED A GIRL FOR 1 * F»4 |f f era >i. l-^'t A*CO MAIN »T. WANTED a COMPETENT <)*>•) a .-. ..ii 1 *rirl. N «#!.•• need aj.ply wnlioul K'**d re«-<»ujineii<latlnn-a. rttu-iw MAIN B 1. -I.IKI. W AVI KD 1 "K LIGHT A M l'.l' I.A III KV TO K NOW WE AljK"K- ME ri KBT-4 LASS RESIDENCE FOR SALE ON B S t-,c An” Roa l. xtioui >ey«n mile-, from Main iT :- ' flue 8.-W brick iiouae wlUi Krencli roof, and it acre* of eyi elh nt land under a fine - i .1 i-ultivaltoii. UUMK A BANFORD. IS West »wan at. <1# FOR HALH. OR TO RENT—IW CLINTON -li.et, IX U r/e lot, a K'8#l tmm ; lio.l-x-1" order, w ill. all tbe tin pro) eiuent a. JOHN OTTO. 81 Pearl Irert .30 T o n a l >N V* Main dli-'l I " \17ANTKI* UVK GIR 1.8 TO DO GENERAL Y> Iif>ii~ewirk : XI .. ..................... four fw.. tflrl* for p!»i>tn work, an" i w<. t<> <ar.- for chil dren; Gin. _____ : i.iail*."#, an.l la- Ct ) S A L E —If* *1 S E AND LOT. .No. 215 Pat Seneca M. I^»t SSxhf), wiu, /<ri>il tlone walk lr-.i.i back to front. H«.:iv in perfect order through out, with a /<xel dry c.-liar under xl . < oiitaln# (• n riK.tiiB. b« side* aiiipltf- j.antrles - ulna a.d clotlu-H nrexaea, aud * d. Titiih u?). Tllle 1 r f.-tf Applv if. J o h n OTTO. «1 P> arl -I. •lltf-x #1... wi-.il r .r fir-» - 1..-- • <- xnl^wlH i i- •mj.y.ih .l *i.rraii-•tf^1 '*..'. 1 N -.rin 1» i- m ’ . "te-talra. <11" 0k FOK BALK~1«M8 GEN I'.SKE B l.; I." l 4IM5"; JE| small lioii-c. Pri. I-*4t-caeti. J"IIN "TT", 8l Pearl -1. clO HELP W AHIED-M ALES. ta r ANTI D GFEU I. H"V. VIRTUE A YO B- f V TUN, m It ll'A N 1 ED I «».'* IIM A N ; 1 MAN TO DRIVE >> . ll/IH 1. .<-ii : I in.i.i l<» work In h Imlei, nnd 2 DWH.I.ING b FOR HAI.E. ■9. No. 22*. N la/ara «t. A li;st-cla? hrlck dw. . - ffl5t.wo*U.ri.-x and llm-h.d m il-. fri.nt : jia#. j of ■ Also. N,.. SZJ N in lb 1U • .1 new l.rlek .1*. Ihnjr. two FOR SALE—'HOUSES. KOK SALE—A NEW AND FIKaT-ULABB 2V«u>rr residence. wlih *11 the modern lm- i r,r<>vezuer.i«: *outh side of Kerry street. west ef I)el- ' mware, l>ot i5»x5H«It*:L Terma easy. F. BUELL, 2 ! Hollister.Building _______________ 13U-U i KOR SALE—NO 60* SOUTH DIVISION ST., 2-«u >r>' frame house, trout part fitted up for a store or *a!oon. ln gn<8l repair, with flue iranlen. lot . 25x117?*. JO H N «r r T <». 81 P ea r l st- h4 FOK SALE—THE 2*-»TOKY FRAME. WITH Lent, anrt lhe 1-* 'I 4# Elm -treet; 40 feet front m 2M11 6 tollable t l»a*en_ent, anrt lhe 1-atory franc " ' t brHW feet deep: WUl be sold on ter. d6 61 A I'earl I L ALE—NO. 104 I AUOLINA ST.. A 2- *tor> frame house with a 2-story wine, roulain- ij rooms, ya, an<l water. Lot 37xlUi. Price . . Tinas <>f payment «aay. JOHN OTTO. Al Pearl st._______________________________________ c34 | KOR SALK CHEAP—NO. 254 FRANKLIN sL, lar/e house lu tine onler, large lot. «me of j 7»est lotalloiiB In Buffalo. Also. No. 4-# Waahlng- lon st.. 3-?-lory hrlck house, gas and water, to close an estate. TO LET—HOUSES. I TO KENT.—ISO EAnT EAGLE ST.-*34u. fl' Do North Division 481 W a s h i n g t o n s t r e e t —$5<*'. 466 W aalilugn.n street—$>>•;. 7# W est Eagle street—$600. 766 Delaware street—$50". SIS Delaware street—***). 42 Gooden street: furnhrtiert —$AJU. Wash Ington street—*300. X* Norris Place. Day’s Park—ANN. • *' Norris Place. Day’s Park—*SUU. S3' Eliicott street—fx». A”. H.-venth street- pft). 1Z7 Weal Eagle street -*55". 'Ill JOHN OTTO. Sl Pearl st. FOR RENT-BY M. McCOMB, 5 SOUTH DI RS. VISION ST. 1*2 Fourteenth st. l\,.9tory—|l fiu. 66 Franklin »U : ga* aurt water—*3#". 239 »en<->a it., hrlck : gas anrt w ater—WBO. .'. 2 » swan »L : kas anrt water —*225. 3M swan st.. 2-aU ry fram e; new anrt ln first Nit* order: 14 rooms: cel D r: gaa anrt water— >426- E iT T I L. S-'-u-ry hrlck liouse. gas and water, to close an OWFI I ing e. Apply to JOHN OTTO,81 Pearl st. 11« | K .mod rtwrilll FOK SALE—NO. ZS) SUMMER ST.-A FINK ^ v .Tn‘ NOS TO KENT—WE HAVE A FEW •llliigs not vet rented: possession to • and also three or four, possesnlou ,.p .„ U,S ufhr,u-C O .V & rtT ll I L » » » « L » J slocked With a variety of fruit. FOK KENT—THE UPPER 8TOKIES UF tlie new hrlck building on_the north al'ie of A (>am ou tlie | premises that cost *5»JU. Kor terms. Ac., apply t o UICIK. ........... •... -------- -------- - JOHN OTT*». Ml Pearl st. i21__ Onppewa St., between Main and Pearl sta; acapi! i s r - *— “ V ■Si furniture ol a Arst-elast hotel. This hotel Is ------ _— — ---------------------------. _ ZT.,_ elTgihiy hxated and Is now doing a good and paying ,4g| HOTEL OK SALOON EOK KENT—THE ho-lness. The present proprietor lias a four years’ BMia large trame building In Spring Abbey, at win iernu- from May next, at a low rent. hut will s.11 at a ! ff^ngs. is offered f »r renL The grounds wfll be . i i . . . — i : ____ . ... .v/ «i 11.. i . . .. — .. —... —>iii ..... ui.it a larv> low flgurt which __ — ... HOW AK11 A CHAPPKLl he has other h Id- personal attention -/Ef ’ ajju . 5 SOUTH FOK BALE; BY M. M’COMlt. ■9L iBvDioii st. , *TlVnUi IIL. that rteslrahle 1q-story frame dwell- Ing.In excellent condition : lot 26x1'*-: will sell cheap, a Uie parties are going to leave the city ; call soon. 182 14th iit., tliat lq-story frame dwelling. In fit*" condition; lot 5"x15"; will sell cheap and on eai ^IW PrrLpect avt-n’ue, that 2-story frame dwellln Ir. goo.I order; lot 25 by IU6S; will sell for *250 t.rm s easy *22 J'wai f” ^Throughout with gas, aud a large first-claas able is being erected on the property, which will -atlr increase the value of Uie rental of Uils build- LYON, BAKER A CO., Erie Land Office. 546 rpo KENT-TWO J-STORY FRAME DWELL- j lug Houses, with ga=. water anrt all lu go.sl or- if r. Nos. 282 anrt 2*4 Neventh street, near \ irginia HKEK’S, I i: 1.1 on , BAK El. \ \ 2*gOr*. W" " « A N O F F 1< K 1!' f nHthAl.E. I’ll* iPEKTY ON I W& we.: ...rnerof Ma.hlm.i-.il an I “ ,r,Mi adapted for a foum'ee e N I IIF so l I'll- ..tl str.eta. IIN OTTO, | DM El.LINGS Ft i d Franklin street, 2- h SITUATIONS WANTED. a Vo. N A •ngin 1 MAN DE - IKES A .1 business chances • ER V I •» J.E I' A ND sT< > ' K OF •. l.rlck; '•ry" fra\ ;. 2-dory; g...-. wan I.V ON. RAKEK FRAME DWELLINGS KOK SALE ME jpjli have 4 o rJ dw.illngi ami I..Don b..th ^lde» of K'lit.'ii Hlrwt. Set ween C hhag" »tre*t and the Skill- ner canal: will lie sold at a nurgal BALK—A DESIRABLE ie hors.-. No. n\ Bowerv ^ I w.aalshert, goml cellar: 1 II tn g>x>d order; lot WxlOU. Teri i '. eon T kd TWikSTOKY B F o K rAI.E TJIF. 2-STOKY AND ATTIC Cik brick dwelling. No. I3n M’.est Tupja-r slr.e!. Ttii gaa, water, hath amt furnace, and elegantly lllrdled throughouL LEE A PICK EKING, 13 M e,» (Sill UN STREET STfiH jT* ...» «.. V'itU' lien: Br..w G -vJLS.'iS,.,. Brown'- itiiilding. It SALE—WILL _„d lot in part payment. EOM AKDS A HI CKLAND. I.cau Broker*-, No. 2 Hl'KEET STOKE FOK SALE WK a store on Main street, lietwven Swan Street-. LYON, BAKER A CO., Kile X46 M.Uu st. bid I -It SALK- NEW 1>M E g£x T weltth. Vt rioont at reel |. lees ranging f t. nos. I.KK A a K* 'It SA I ! Property - 1,1.1 NGSON TE eels, and Farg* tsjnu TH 11l>erai* :c»; lot 30 t 27x160- E\< HANGK 11ri 11 country ig. large and < all necessary c III ME A SANE' try frame, uew ; I itory frame, new ; lot 2if\Hn story frame, corner truer fram e; lot 2*xd5--*•»>. m of I.EE .<• I 'l l wam,m: »hle I' m en I High: KE.KING, It \\. A PART s r IL INCH DING ""IS!" ' LVoN. BAKER A < - Lai ; Mai sl. I|o\\ AKDA CHAPPELL, HORSES and carriages . m -. E’ti U S A I .K SlOliE No. 31 MAIN STREET. l?°li in deptll to WanhlngloM st. JOHN OTTO, NoThj h ai c7 0 REAL ESTATE FOK BALE AT KKDUCED prices Io Cl. we an estate. '1 nis pro|>erly Is wel- i improved and r. ul. 1 to Umi-rlns*. t. naiit -. Partletil ! lars furnl.siie.1 hy 11 CM El A SANFORD, Id W. 6w«n ■1. 12 B" .2- A( UKS OF and directly on hltfalo A Wa«h- i Mean. ,lo|IN JKSALK CHEAP. s... 22 Norrli ndltlon; h>: No. 27 Clift-.i V". <iK Misci;i.LA.ai;oTJs. E.DM AHDSA 111 I KLAND. No. , 2-siory frame house. Ill gor ■et, 1l,-story frame hou EDM ARDS A Bl CKLAND, No. 2 Brown's 1 lngs. _____________________ vie- with all necessary outhuihllng~: ll.srns; plenty of choice fruit,Ai. -aid allis als.ilt 7" acres of good lam I. of which ' ii tlrnl er. This place Is rtesirahly loeat- nine miles from Main street, one mile -i -Corner-and three miles from \Vhlle'» long the plank road leading Irom Buffalo. • tor less than buildings cost. Apply at • * - •’ - i Bull.l- cl B KOK BALE— KKSIDKN4 E o r THE LATE F. E.. I orn well, Esq., located on the southwest corner oi Llr.wofHl avemip anrt Brvant streeL The house Isa two-story hrlck with a’ tw*»-atory wlua, contains twelve rooms, all nearly square, closets In ev.-ry ro-.m; hath room, water closets, gas. large nl tic, ci !ar under whole house. L o lls 120x237, well la; 1 out ami stocked with fruit an.l slia-le tree-. N- w frame lam . co* sheds, lieuerv. Ac. Location Is very tine and everything about ihe premises lu order. The aD.ve nrcmlaeB win Ik- rente*|, either furnished or nnlurnisliert. If not sold on or l*eforc Felt. 1, IfiiL Apply to JOHN OTTU, 81 Pearl 113-U e l iKrd I; A I’l.E 1 Allen street, a 1 , -torv frame cottage-, coi 1 1 ig b room*, gas, water and cemented cellar; 1 12*. I.EE I Pl* KERING. 13 West Swan sL *: I.YOl E Io. ate l».-storv order: lo tory frame house; well W ith 1lt>- hotise, with iU > , AK1I D • u O' M'KAGE El»K BEN I W llll mis* El- van , s. x PICK EKING K FIL.S 'U < LABI OK BALE I." T ’i laud -n il We- I*" .;!!, I) V k / n I I'll A oil. I FEET FRONTING EK A PH KERING ! Inquire of HOWARD A CHAPPELL, 548 MalnsL dftCOT'lAGEB Foil SALE. j '^U agfira Btreet," l-storv fram e: lot 27xlHO~S1.2U". ! 43; Twelfth sl.ee;. I - I .y f. auie ; 1--I 27* 1 VJ 81.1"". street, l-story frame: lot 25xS»— , 1-siory fram e: lot 22xlis*-$l.fl"«. LVoN, BAKER A CO. MAM’FAt TI RING AND per!) 1-.I -ale. - 3 « \ U», Loiil.-iaua rn. r of Hamburgh Canal. i KE'I ' F or - a I I H IE 11ABI N. I'll AND FROM IlMC.it Enrol.. . • lhe un .Ii BIN OTTO. \ P. arl Bl. | vKAFTB F' »K > \1.E o'-. A I f E.unqM-an - ll . • UTCIIKK FIXTL'UKB— .1 I HE l lll NCI PAL H" N-4.302 West K. rty-tlrstoL, near Klgr.th av.. New F. GALLON. rpil'.'M AB Cl.AIIIC, : 1 IB-own. Ite. Hiving an 1 P. ir) -is., loiiial". Illgliwin.'s. Al- ol.ol, Pi, 4)1.1 l i v e W h '- ‘ -Dorn. a.mug valiiidii. ui.- k a . ry, a mg. This pr..|N-rty I- admli klu i of nui iiuf.se lu ring l.usin VV I A PROPERTY FOR SALK-NO. 1"". •ri.-- i.riek : -lore and dwelling ; lot 26x16"; ■Hal as la -I n e t, 2-story brick; l.»t2ixi o. A K E; 11^ A CO._________________________C4_ FOK SALE- A VERY DEBIICAIfLE, PLEAS- itly l-<cated, and mo«icriite-prlce>l residence, ated on Delaware street. Apply to JOHN OTTO, 81 Pearl street. ^ _ 4 1 >1 AiN STREET STORE KoK BALK ORTO ■K L-t. -'I lie hrlck storv aud hrlck warehouse in rear, with lot .-xt.-itdlng from Main to Washington -t.eet. hetw. on Ohio and Perry streets, formerly «•.:- i-ii iii.t! hi F. VV. New hold as a hardware store. A good bargain will >*.■ given a purchaser. LYON. I! VK EIJ A I t).. Erie Land Ofllce. 34o Main st. cl 4p*f F1KBT-4 LABS DWELLINGS FOR SALE;. bI-11 From Mav l-L the 4-story hrlck dwelling No. -•V. I’earl street; has gas, water, hath, furnace, Ac., very convenieutly located for business or profes sional men. LV ON. BAKER A CO., Erie Land Office . 346 M ain s t b8 FOK SALE THK 2-STORY FRAME I)W ED ling. N... 5"Sixth street, with gas and watei. T.-rm- ea-v. 1'rlce low. Inquire on Ihe premises Mr particular*. ___________________________ el5-lm V"-1 ic-11 chanj age; PROPERTY FOK SALE OK E change.-A store and dwelling, two bar ;iu ae re of land, fruit, A c.; stock will Ik-s< with the property, if desired, ami city property w - ....................... LEE A PICKERIN I.V oN. HAK Eft 13 W e f l; i In part payiu a2S MA1N STREET SToKK KoK BAI.K- No. 23 w11!; Main street, m ar Ohio. 4-story l.rlck : tlu r-s-l; iTTk warehoiiM- in rear. I.oi 2" feet front ami run ning through to VVaalilngtou st. LYON, 1IAKKK A k. phk V kin 6 DELIGII I’Fl L •r sale in the vllh Mine hulldlllg. W West Bwa THAT COUNTRY KEBIDKNI E‘ . ge of Aurora, heingatwo- lh whig, til tine order, and ,.w. l\ nns easy. LEE A FOR SALIi w. down-towii »• •el wet'll Vlohawk ot. rn conveiilene VERY DESIRABLE, © WKLL1 NGS FOK ton «tr«vL No. 1X6 2- irl st. sale ;. LLINGS FOR SALE—DELAW AKK w.-en Allen and North sts., 3 story hrh k, is; alDnodi rii Improvements; lu-stetl hy sieain ; g.H»l hum : large lot; would take smaller pre mises worth fr^ui $5.iA«J to $U»,UW lu part payiuenL Price *21'.""". Pearl street. No. 51. 3-Morv brlcA: lot 26x136; would take a .small stm-k of In pari payiuenL Apply at No. 5 N i a g a r a «!:■«•<-t. I.I .ON A KD WILSON A SON. Rea. E-'.aU m ! I n- aumnce Agenfa. a|7 Q FOtt SALE—NO. Xsl WASHINGTON si-. 2-ttV.ry frame house lu a part of Uie rp > where property Is rapidly improving, and Iti u location ad- mlral.lv adapt, d fora Dentlsf, Physician. Attorney, or anv kind of mercantile business. Contains baUi ......1 good cellar; lot45x164. Aj"- IVarl st. 127 ply p. JoHN OTTO,81 Pearl st. F< *K l-«tory ifile. ST., ALE — NO. 17# NIAGARA p house, with barn, lestrnhle. House contains gas, water, furnace. FOR SA/.t. FZ,vm Iirick, # or l"rf iarg.dll. corner of Mlg me; Hue lot grape LiNAKD WII.BON For terms, etc , ap] 4; LOW PRICED HOUSES FOR SALE;. Vn street—No. 236; IS story frame, lid 27S*1- story frame; lol 1 story frame; lot ; 1 story fram 4 * FOR BALK- NO. *5 S"UTH DIVISION ST.. a 2-st<.ry basement and attic l.rlck house, li i p. rf.-.-l repalr.has g:t-and water. Is slutat* <1 In a veri pi* aaani neigtPiorhood an.l convenient to the bushier 1 part of the city. Lot 27 0- front and tn depth ti I » paved alley. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN O I I«», Ml P e a r l »L _ W g*?} FOR B-M.l. P k E M lS E S NOS. 5!W. 635 A N D PH ;e«7 Frujir.l'.n lot I "• fo-t front hy 22" fo-t In ■TrTv: D u. Pearl =t.. with tnro- hrlck houses on It, or --------------- if canf R RENT—A 2-STOKY BRICK HOVSE, Ith wliuf. on the upper part nf Franklin sL ; desirable residence, has deep lot. and the ,ual coi.veulem es. LYON, BAKER A CO., Erie '1 I Iffice. X4*» M-iln sl. ___ I-22 f l 1 for lhe PEL! 9 SiES TC _ rifhonsii Tlie balance of I. 1'KLL. W- Main -I. RENT—WE HAVE A NUM to rent, at a reasonable figure. - season. HOWARD A CHAP- LEGAL NOTICES cl u* Mwntgomerv against Mlchaei HoUurau and Ann Holloran. hia wife. the above naiueil defendant*. of March. I87L and lo aerve a copy of yoar answer on liie Mibncrtber at hi* office in Akron, New York, within twenty day* after the service of U»D ium- rnons, exclusive of the day of *ervtee. or the plalu- tlff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded 1U. w f h 6 t m P W M - . I~ P A H >N. Plainttff*g Attorney. CL’PEKIOR COURT OF B U FFA L O .—J O H li O Lvth. Allred Lvth. and John l yth, Jr., p.aln- t -rTn, against Edwin a. AlporL defendant. To the JefendanL , . . You are herebv aummoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which was filed in tbe office of the « ierk of this Court on Un* 22.1 .lav of M arch, 1871, and serve a copy of your answer on us. at our office. In Uie city of Buffalo, within twentr days after the service here of. exclusive of the day.nf such service; and If you fall to answer the complaint as aforesaid, the plain tiff will lake judgment against yoa for the sum of one hundred dollars aud Interest thereon from Uie eth dav of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-nlne. besldaa the costs of this acUon. Ik M W rtam B..X1I-EKKIVS. c.vn-Thfiw Plaintiff*’ Attorneys, Buffalo, N. Y . REAL ESTATE. KENT-ABOUT 2 i on <hitarlo street. i. Kent *15 V. AR1»B A HI ................ it $15" p**r year. Apply to E.->- K I.A M I.2 Hr-.WI.’- Hu- .ling*. .'27 THE: 2-STOKY FRAME U O U A In street: cas: aoo<l w« Il nf'wau-Y; •. 512. d6- 4t Inlre next dm if* i • • n $5| 'io LET. \« O.MMODIOI’B ■SL dwelling I...use. within thn ff m. the -t.u;. •, < . E. SHE 2-STOKY BRICK three minutes walk PAUD, 243 Main cZJ-tf FOK KEN ! THE ELEGANT NEW DWEL- ......................... itreeL tietweer 3. with all mod- cellar, furnace, Ac. Chippewa ml c6 I I e; l A ipl il IvT f l " " . l s! TO KF.NT—I'OSS __ g a u tlv rVirnlriK-d •asantly local* d. 11 * . " ■ :U8 Main sL BION APRIL 1. AN ELE- loiise. centrally and very ir. ..fH owardachap - :S T o RENT, FROVI MAV I, 1871, BY WIN Bill P. No. 1" East Eagle st. i.gi.in : very roomy house suitable for 'r i c e *.<»*. als*ve house; r<*oin>- Kei <•*• $20". st.. brick cottages. Kent $20 „ 2-story brick ; gas, water, a d cel- M Beiu-ca st.. roomv, 1‘,-story frame. Kent $22*. 151 and t:-'. I.oiil-lana st , two genteel cottage* op- iv.-lt. the 1 re!gl.l D. JS.L Kent, eaeh $2W. - Louisiana st., double 1L sti.rv frame, '.milie.-. <>r roomy for two ramlllc-s ; i-.lie.I. Kent for each hull'*2wi. Water, Evans, Lc. outeulx, Btat*-, and Fly »ts.; several roomv buildings, -ulta'.le for saloons. gr.>- r. ides and sailor's U.ardlng houses. Kent *120 to *35". FARMS FOR SALF..-S«-veral desirable farms for sa.e in tills and adjoining counties. INSURANCE—The undersigned will make surveys an.l insure lu seveial of the best com Stiit*'. HOUSES FOR SALE.—No. 472 Niagara sL ;2-st.»rv frajiie : lot3Ux!2*) P r i c e *4.28)0 y.i Tenth sL ; l'4-story frame. P ric e SS.ai1". 1* Tweltth sL. I ‘.-story traiue. Price $3.W. I1 .* Carroll St., 2-story brick, basement and attic. Price $4.50". 3-6 E llicott SL ; 1‘,-sU.rv frame. Price *3.""". .VIS Seneca -t., I -..-a'.orv GoUiIc fram e. Price $2.0u". Yandalia ;L, two l-story frame cottages; eaeh lujiaiiius lu Uie ’ brick ( Price $1.d--. vj,. 357. and 56# Elk *L, $3.14)0 e a c h . Bfncca at., a block of six 2-story hrlck houses, near Gr.flln -L Price, eaeh $!.*"". Hnu.-k avenue, corner of North V. akhlngtou. three wooden cottages, nearlv new. Price il.'JisTeach. Hi Virginia oL. first li.m-e from Niagara St..2-story briyk: ga^. water, an.l cellar. 1’rlc.- *4,"i4i. LOTS F<>R BALE;. Delaware st.. near Virginia, easj side : will .-e ll :W. 4". or 55 leet at *15" p. r loot. EVanklin St., opjioslte Uie Cathedral. Price *115 per foot. Lula on northerly aide of Exchange ‘ t. through to Carroll St., iM'tween Raiuhurg arid Jefferson streets. Price $25perr«»ot. Lots same as last, easterly of Y’an Rensselaer sL; same price. E’uur lots on westerly side of Grlflin St., between Senecaand Exchange sta. Price *12.5" tier foot. rM A. N. W1NSHI1*. N->. 10 K. Eagle st. flfl TO KENT A 1L-STOKV FRAME HOUSE on Allen street: Immediate possesaiou given. Trm N «)TT<», Ml 1 '. arl sL a27 fi' APPLY TO TO LET—ROOMS. i a t 3S4 l ’e a r l .111-41 KMSHED APARTMENTS TO KENT ith lumiediate possession: South Division Michigan street, first story of a 2-story frame, two rooms, 1wo liedrooms. In very go**.! order and newly 'umlr-hed : Niagara w*t* r. Two or three other furnished apartments from two to four rooms earl iu different portions ol Uie city. Apr Iv at Ni 5 M’lgara sL LE7‘~ * "■* e Fl i with fi 1N A It D W IL S O N A WITH BOAK1 FOK KENT large front rooms, connecting les. gratis and water, with lir •• >01119 arc very pleasant and thclo.-au N. BAKER A CO.,Erie Land Offic THREE Wltli closeta, -class ttoard. ation central. 346 51a in " A REHOUSE! AND OFFICES ON CENTRAL fcp W harf for rent: also, the fine office on Wash- f um street, in rear of E. 1.. Hedstrom'scoal office. E A PICKERING. 13 West Swan st. ell JOHN OTTO, 81 Pearl sL TO LET-STORES. _ ... lothiug store, and the Iiase-iuent well nmsied for a r«'st».iraiit or victualling saloon. E’ .lth t will be rented separately or both together. licihrdUt*- possession for th*- basement; store Mav Applv at No. 5 Niagara 9t. LK« *N A Kl» W ll.' SON A Si iN'. Real Estate and Insurance Agents. <11 FOR SALE—FARMfe. jSj&E VKVIB E'«*R BALE: OK EXCHANGE j j-i l.H f A PH KERIN... U W-M ? Wc pa Jrtt.r, |*.»« paid M M x JroU'if. <- 1‘r c i f * JIIVEK f i Uj3i l«»'t j.ric-fiN). Walnut sl 25x132; j.rlc. •; l.rl. e *4.8"". I No. 4U;2 suiry et - No. 3M3; 1 story' fram e; lo t25x125; I’.1*! ; lot 3"xl"ti; story frame; first frame : r a>. water. ; lo t 25x11'#; •nine fisl. p • it each. abut. HNDS AND FARM EoK ml 4;> a c ri-: good dwellings, line young orchard. There - sin ex- V id Ua* loiiipr a nd on,*. SALE r at a xt-r\ low j.ri. e. LVOV, HAKKK A ( O , 346 Main hl. cor. NiaganrU- fine ; ( ountky kesi - dence hIhiiii 1 miles from E;a.->t P. Game bouse, with g<a.d barn, 011I- ..1 land well cultivate*!, fruit imt-housM, * «■ . 11! Ia-.lr.-dgi d eiiliffir sail or A pill’ SALE- \ : •am. a: \V i.-re of lam .1 with a lai .liil'fN oKV FRAME. HOUSE. nisvlUe, with tlireequar- nder tb.e cultivation, and arl-ty of fruit Ir. vx IHIN OTT. *. Ml Pearl «t. • to.-k. d wlih ht The pr.qu rtv is'Hunt*- near Budalo ami Coming Railroad, •rtuiiity lo a fM-rsoii of pisca- h a husui*'*s paving vert large KK A ( O.. Erie Land Office, c25 « FARM FOP BALE'.-BEST GARDEN LAND In Erl*- Couatv. Mu-.t la; sold to ch.se ut an i-iale. - ', ac- s. two miles from the ’ourt house. WIU !>e soid c.scap hy HOW AKD A CllA PPEl., 3*8 Main sf. ^ f’AKMS Fl SALE ON GRAND ISLAND, m w al.r; buildings goo.1; sult- A Iso. a •• 1run .»* ui • ■»*.— , ; - trees. I" acre- r.f No. I ta-aeh land; g.nal huildu *.g. ih f acre ; clieapest farm In Erie <..uiity. ( .Y JOHN QTTO.81 P. *rl 9 -.•ripllon. A I*." 1lie purcnase num.-. -- EN. \ 11'.’2 N l a g a i .^ -L _Li ITS- WE. MAV Eli*- 1 G A VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOK sal. .Main str.-eL northwest corner of North, ..ii-.-.. . I'"’ feet on North and 167 feet on Main streeL con- dlt will j Uilnlng a 2 story frame dwelling; a very pleasant ’• wIM sell In lot*. I • 7 ‘ 111vthing to I... paid • 'V l.iilld dwelling* the. -I, LE'ON ARD VV I Ls •rs, and 1 led Hie p ic. soN. l>5 1 a le: on "’il- Lot WX3N', with •j; M.’lu M. alK »^A K F.K A • ’• Erl.- Land 31 NE LOIS KOR KESIDENCF.B FOK S U .E F" Mfixl.S', on Cod. ge Street. 1.10X316, on N ortli st re d . Will be sold In l-t* :■• -"I PICKERING, 13 West Swui 1 ■chasers. LEE A l teu oil. ni lo. allot r flfte* r w li •■lUle. • lei told at a ellj X ml Insuram. i.T l N AKD W 1Ll • Agents. _ HOTEL FOR SALK OU EXCHANGE KoK etty projH*rty ; Uie tavern stand, knowo as the ill’s Corners.' alx ut ten miles from this city. Tba house Is 4"x6" and 2-storv htgn, with one of Uie flieat.vllart* iu E’ .rle County; has a fine ball-room. The bar ioom, dining ps t.i and parlors are sjtacious and w.'1! asrabge.1: there Is a fine l.arn 4"\«". and a horse am ' wagmishe.1 2"xW; two gotxl wells of water, cuterna aln.ut two a* resof land. Thl? ' a irood ciiauce 'or au.au that understands the hi b.ess The new ratlr-oul going fn.ni Kuff.do Mnrlnrvllle will have * Uepo*J»-’»te._l within a_ ah. FARM EOK BALE AT A B A R G A I N .—47 a r. s In Batavia, near Elast Pembn.ke, MU irom depd; line orchard, an abundance of small fruits, good house and harm Apply to JOHN OTTO. Ml p. arl sl _ ___________________ «» jjfik bale : ok exchange .—a most Z j Z desirable farm of 13" acres lu a high stale of enulvatlon. located favorably near the oejiot and in the lake w ine growing region, with 16 acres ot vtn.- vard. more that. l.'M' choice fruit trees, a tine brtck hotis*-. large bar us, wagon she Is and workshops. It win !«• ,..ld oi: reasonable terms ..r exchanced for vessel propertv. Apply to JOHN OTTO, 81 I earl s ' -,•«•!. P* A FARM WORTH $2S,UUU, FOR WHICH A went side of Maiu St worth $8000 will be change, balance ou easy terms. Also, a (ami worth $:c,.w, for wtdch Improved city proptsrtj will la- taken f<>r a large portion ot price, t>y H U " - AKD A CHAPPELL .\ui ViaiusL 1»» TO KF.NT j-.ils side of ane ught 1 I.) BATAVIA STREET.! ONI lew hrtck store, with a good window Iness. c30-tf CLEARING OUT SALE or Real and Personal Property. BUSINESS ARRANGEMENTS requiring my re moval U> the cltv of Baltimore, Md., 1 offer f-.r sbi. my real and jM.-r 9. 1 ual property iu the city of Buffalo, as follows: The 2',-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 274 SWAN ST., with gas. water and liath. and ln g<M>d condltl .11 throughout; new 2-story brick stable 2Ux24 ou rear of loL Lot 24x115 to a jtaved alley. The 2-STOKY BRICK HOUSE. 310 SWAN ST., with gas and water: cement cellar under whole ' .use; i* uewlv painted and papered throughout id In the best possible condition ; shinbbe-ry, shade —id ornamental Jr.-es, etc. Lot 25x115 to au alley. The IS-BTtiKY FRAME HOUSE, 3US EAGLEsT. Nearly new with ga* and water: very convenient and lu good condition. Ix»t 26x127. The 2-STORY FRAME HOUSE, 224 VAN RENS- BALAEK ST.. near Seneca #L; will jiav liberally on the Investment. L o t 3Ux8U. Also, the flne building lot on SOUTH SIDE I'F SWAN ST.. tietween Michigan an.l Chicago streets being 82 feet front by l'W feet deep. Also, ONE LARGE OFFICE SAFE (Herring’*): weight 3.600 lbs. Also, oue bav horse, 7 years old; perfectly sound. f en tie and kind, stylish, and a good trotter. One top uggy. One Cutter. Burial.* aud W olf Robes, ete. Bargains will lie given on any of tlie above proper ty «.. j>artiea desiring P. pay CASH, or to MAKK LARGE CASH PAYMENTS. LOUIS OTTO. Of HASTINGS A OTTO, Real Estate Brokers, No. 4 Brown's Buildings. JjKSlKABLK BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. No. 178 Swan St., near Michigan St., MY FokMEK RESIDENCE A SUBSTANTIAL BUILT BRICK HOUSE, 2 1-2 Stories, 15 Rooms, tu, Closet; I :o., with GOOD BRICK BARN ON REAR OF LOT, FRONTING ON ALLEY', t y PRICE LOW AND TERMS EAST. Apply to ai' FOR SALE, The Residence 293 Franklin St., Occupied by the subscriber. LOT 70x115 feet. The premise* can be examined anv dav between 10 aud 12 o'clock a. si. »lll-6t____________________ JOHN M. GILBERT. TO LET. THE DOCKS adjoining and being part <>f the property or BROWN ELEVATOR, about 760 feet water irouL Apply to C. M. HORTON, ier Pearl and 9en- FINANCIAL. 7-30 GOLD LOAN o r TIIK Northern Pacific Railroad RAPID PROGRESS OF THE WORK. The building of tlie Northern Pacific Railroad, be gun July last). Is being pushed f rward with great energy Irom both extremities of the line. Beveral thousand men are employed ln Minnesota and on thc Pacific coast. The grade is nearly completed 266 miles westward Irom Lake Superior; trains are running over 130 miles of finished road, and track- lavlng is jirogrespsing at the rate of one to two miles per day. Including Us purchase of the Bt. Paul and Pacific Road, the Northern Pacific Company now has *13 miles of completed road, and by September next this will lie Increased t<> a’ least 5dU. A GOOD INVESTMENT.—We are now selling, and unhesitatingly lecomtueud, aa a Profitable and perfectly Bafe Investment, tue First Mortgage Land Grant Gold Bonus of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. They have •#> years lo run. hear Seven and Three-Tenths j*er cent, gold interest (more titan I>cr cent, currency) and are secured by fir nly mortgage on the entire Road aud its_ incuts, aud also on , 23,000 ACRES UF LAN I) to every mile of track, or 500 Acres for each $l,»Mi Bond. They are exempt from U. rt. Tax; Principal aud Interest are payal"“ ln Gold. Denominations Registered. $100 to $1",000. Coupons. *100 to $1,08 LANDS JruKBUNDS.—Northern Paclflc7-3"s are at all times receivable at ten per cent, above par. In exchange for the Company s Lands, at their lowest cash J.ri.e. That 1*. In add IJ ion u*^.t^^character a" first-class prompt-paying Rai road s • Bonds are fn effect 1 ..... ...................... .. uri.\ M AIN I g(»K RENT-THE FINE STORK, NO. 207 $ Main stiet’t. Ajijilv on tlie premises, or to K A I'M KERING. 13 W.-.-t Bwan c25 STOKE FDR- REN ’1.—4-BTuK V west fiu.- of Main st.. n> ar Seneca ?t-, hv S. Bergman. E«|. W ill Ih- rented M ay I. 1871. LYON, aid EC A MAKER.t CO.. Erfe Land . 'flic, LET STORE NO. 203 EAST SEN I III st. A pj.lv To J O H N 1' I T. >. hi PeaiI st. f l I) R E N T —F R O 51 MAY 1. NEXT, THREE _ very desirable and centrally located stores, suitable for grocery stores, drug, saloon, or almost ativ ether kind «>f business, with or without family it vim- rooms in connection. Several suites of room's l'..r i umediate oeciijiancy. HOWARD A CHAP- PEL G.3I8 Main st. _______________ c4 ® STORE TO LET—FLOUR AND FEED-ON Washington neai Huron street: a brick store to- a long time used as a fijur ami feed store. LY ON, BAKER A CO., Erie Land Office, 346 Main MORTGAGES. $5000' SprlngTtlle wiil have •f this jirojx-rty. utaklug It N otice to builders t .■heap lots whieh l will wll HAVE SOME 1 long time, re- 1 ,MT? will llll- 'rarl nt. 1.17 TOR SALE—HOUSES. DWELLINGS F«»i: ? and french n-.f. -it- , Park and North Wil- iHtam e of Uil* property. I and will increa-w-hi value r^nJ'By- Call »o..u a ^51. Met OMIPS. No. 6 Houth Division"t. _ FOR SALE,THE FINE FRAME .DWELLING I B l,..u-*-. w iw um ialhr built, with all the u""*; ™ i improvements. No. I45iflxlii streeL with la'g* }Pt> LEE * PICKERING. 13 West Hwan s L | »)5 DELAWARE ST.. A I -ov*»rj uuUhlc brick houw. with aff emenls. Lot50xl73. Apply to JOHN £ farm v will Ih ARD . FOR BALE—A DESIRABLE FARM OK 25 1-5 acres, within three miles of Main st., on .enesee street r..a*i. opposite ( lark’s Distillery. Will exchange rfor a farm .>t a)8>ut 15" a<-res. Apply !•> K D W A K llS A BUCKLAND, No. 2 Brown's Buildings. 114 r. 'K SALE—NO Rna tluo two-story doubl. modern linprovcnm ' ’ " OTTO. 81 Pearl sL m ffl) IK STORY BRICK 1 lire— St., for Wile cheap on < P t l ' K E K 1N «j . 13 w e't swan st. TO LET—HOUSES. I IIOU..E T() RENT—25 SIXTH ST. N»' W OC- B ciipte.l u;r the suliarrlbvr. lnquDe of A. PAK- I) TO INVEST oortgages: purchase monev niort- HUME A SANFORD, lo West alk M i>NKY. MONEY. — l^tC H A S t MONEY mortgages wanted by HOW AKD A CHAPPEL, 34* Xsin sL_ __________________ e31 M o rtg ag es fo r b a le . —*i7,«*i m ortgage pavabic lu 5 annual payments; *5,'«*) mortgage juiyable'lu 41. annual payments; $1,UU0 m o r tg a g e j.avahle ln 4 annuel payments. LYON, BAKER A Cl».. «rie Land Office. 346 Main st. kl9 NEV MoUiGAh* rt streeL al2 1 »t7ftCHABE M('NEY MOTGAGES WANTED liu ........ I Hwan st M” . _______ semi innually. Also one moffigage of $*4U>. payable In fiv ■ annual payments: lift*-rest annually. Also, $7iwu j»avahle lu four annual pavmeuts. The re iuru^., ^.—.il W arrant- bearing profitable rale of interest until exchanged for llome- steans. at len percent- premium. ..................... Bl.NKl.N4i FUND,—The Land (.rant ot the Road exceeds Fifty Million Acres, having an average s..11 of great fertility. In a climate that Is .-Imply im.iir- jiassed. 1 he Trustees of the Mortgage, yiessra. Jay ( .H.ke an.l J. Edgar Tliosuson. are r.-qulred t*. de- v,.te the pr.H-eedaof all Land sale- to the rvPi.rcbase a.id cancellation <>f the ( ..mjiaiiy » »Joii;le. 1 hi- 1m- m.-ii-e Sinking Fund will undoubtedly cancel the principal oCUm entire l-u e "f I- irsl. Mm igvge 14. ,n. * tnow selling) In-fore they fall due. W ith their am|.le security and high rat*- of Interest there is uo invest ment accessible to the pvojile, which is more profit- "►VoYasgixg r. ?■ riVB-TWESVBSS.-". View of the Government’s expectation soon to . all f r the surrenderor lisoutstanding finer cent. Bonds, under tlie present movement for funding the debt at lower interest, many holders <>f United ? tales k l\«?- T well ties are exehangtng them for Northern I at Ific rteven-Thlrti*-?. thus realizing a handsome proflL aud greatly Increasing thel* yeariyhicjime. i'THER BECIjRITIEH-AGENCLEB.—All mar- k,-table Stocks and Bonds will he recelved at Uieir highest current price In exchange for Northern Pacific Heven-Tblrtles. Express charg'-s on Money ..r Bonds received, and on S. ven-Thirt'es srot ln re- timi. will he paid )*v tlie Financial Agents. Agent 1<» f. r the sale of this loan are establish.*.! ln nearly every cU^ and 1mpor I an t Jown Ummgh^ttJ.e United states and Canada. I*uU Inforuiat on. u»aj ». pamphlets, elr.. can be obtained on appllcaUon at any agency, or from the undersigned. Folt Balk by JAT COOKE A CO.. Philadelphia. New York. Washington. Principal Agents Northern Pacific Railroad Oo. Subscriptions for the above Bonds received In Buffalo by First National Bank. Third National Bank. , , Farmers’ and Mechanics' National Bank. Bank of Attica, Manufacturers and Traders Bank. Marine Bank, New York and Eric Bauk, W bite’s Bank. Georger A Paul, John stellwagen, II. W. Burt A Co., Candee A Co . Lyon. Baker A Co- -»7 Lee A Picketing. _______ *od Investments. MISCELLANEOUS. BU : FAL0 PLANING M ILL <ll«s*&'ed lii-tant. a *21 ui furnish".! In modern slv.e and c. II". «. Lot .aix2-'. With eaeh h-ure. kor - -y t. ru - LYi'N. BAKER A CO.. Erie La •e. 34fi Statn al ____ 1-1 of- MODERATE PRICED HOUSES KOR SALE. - "irlncr sL. l-story frame; lot 80s 106. Trice ; l«* «'..liege st., corner Maryland, l-story tri «4xl *'. Price *2.6"". Tenth -t.. No- 1"". l-story frame. Price $2,250. North william Sl. No. 32; lot i'.x"»i. Price $].«*>. T w elfth St., No. 449; lo l27x14#. Price $85". tteventh St.. northeast corner Virginia, 2-storles; jot*lxi“*. Price $:umi. Twelfth vt.. No. 437. l-story fram e; lot 27x’ .49. Price $l : 25x89. Eleventh -E, N Price $129*'. North Division -1., No. 437, l-story trame; lot 30x 130. Price $1.4"". W alnut *L, No- I*-1- l-st**ry fram e; lot 25x115. Price $1,470. Herman sl . hetwren Batavia and Genesee stre* is: tw*. l-story Coltag. s; iot^O^xlW. P r i c e $W*0. di» ____ _ FOR SALK—THE RESIDENCE OF KEY . B. Hath. ri. <>n tin* southwest corner of L In wood nm e and’ Summer street: lot 1U2 on Lin wood avenue bv 18" on Bummer street; trame house, two- -t-.rv. will done off and in goo«l order throughout: collar und.-r whole h.Hjw; a large quantity of fruit trees, small fruit and -had*? tr.-es, and Jf*‘ng.°"f t'-.e .le-lrahle l.M-atton* In Un.* city- HOWARD* OHAffi’VLI. _________________ ^ FOR SALE—THE TWO-STORY WITH A one-story wing, hrlck dwelling, situated on northeast corner ot South Division and Cedar sts. Lot 81 xl 10 to an alley. This ls a very desirable dwelling and wtll l>e sold at a low price and on easy «Y » ° U 'KER1N(«. 13 W. Bwan sL a5 Fl»R B A L E —122 P E A R L BTREET; COM- plete tn all Its respects for a "welling house or Tfding house, and,for Jmstne#s jyurj***-*; nnr of, m FDR HALE BY M. McCOMB. 5 SOUTH 1)1- |-|on st- 2#u N Inth *t.. I ^-story fram e; 2[par- Inlng room, kitchen, pantrv; 5 tw**| rooms; cwraent cellar: gas and water. Lot Vx 132 fL ; choice fnitt tree* and grape vines, and ganten. Terms to suit purchasers. ______ _ fl' I, I terms. *LEE A PI' f l 1 boarding ho —— the most desirable locations . tTTO. »1 Tearl »L ______________________ 1,1 IF IR S M ’LAHB HOUBK ON NIAGARA ST. i tor sale. The residence of John A. Moore, I .No. 226 Niagara streeL This lmus.- D 2^-sto- rles brick, with tower, and ma-tlc front. .There Is a brick barn on the alley In tlie rear. The lot to to T’>‘» ‘ta tP tV o S .'fflm i ) city. JOHN flft 472 DELAW AKK AVENUE (THE dence of 8. L. Clemens. Esq..) for sale, by flUMK A BAN FORD, 16 W est Swan «L J«T'» LET-FIRST-CLASS BRICK DW F.L- ling*. r ranklin st.. N.x 5CS, 2-ftories and wing ; ga*. wa ter. *i- R»nif3w'. Franklin *t.. near Huron, 4-stories; gas. water, *c. R e n t $1,"W). Delaware -L, No. 142; 2-storles: gas. water, Ae. Rent $6"t)> Chippewa St.. N<^ 21, 3-stories; gas, water, Ac. K**nt$.5U. . .. Park Place. No. 31, 2-stories: gas. water. Ac. Keut ^'tVashington sL. corner Goodell, 2-storles; gas, water. Ac. Keilt $7tW. Pearl St., No. 2S5. 3-stones: gas, water. Ac. Ucut Eagle »t.. No WL 2-stories and basement; gas. WEagie*sL, ^fo!*l^l^J-storie* and basement; gas. WEagie*Ht.. 123; 2-storiea and basement: gas, wau r. Ac. Kent $5UJ. LT<)„ BAKER A CO., ,jj5 Erie Land Office. 3J> Main sl ® T(' LET—i[)NE OF THOSE 2-BToRY BRI*'K houses on: North Pearl streeL east side. No. 41, tie! wt*«-n Virginia and Allen streets: ta i dotN* parlors, cellar, cistern, gas. Ac . and a well failing water, gnd a large garden in rear. I ersons doing business .down town and desiring an uj>-town residence can »vall themselves of tlie cars, ss the lot run* to Main st. Inquire on tlie premise*. dl3-tf Tlie firm of Colle A Co.. com pose.1 of Hamuel D. nlle, Al.ram B. Lawrence and John B. Ganson. was ed bv mutual consent on the 15th of March in«f said Ganson and Charles J. Hamilton, *niau for tlie last eighteen years ln the Eaton Planing Mill, have formed a copartnership as suc- c-ssors te ( <>de A <'.x In lhe Planing Mill business, at tbe same place, under the firm name of HAM ILTON Sc C O ., iocatf- int. part of “ Ganson Block.” corner of Erie »!." .Texfa.-e street-*, where Planed Lumber. Doors. -.Mouldings and other Joiner work will d at wnoiesaie and retail. Also, matched, ■ed. re-sawed, scroll sawing, etc., done to HAMILTON A CO. m isc e l l a n e o u s BY TELEGRAPH. OSctal W utkar R-port. W ar DepartroenL Signal Service, Unite*1 SUti Army. Division of Telegrams and Reports for the benefit of Commerce. Meteorological Record. W ashington'. April 12. SYNOPSIS FOR PAST 24 HOURS. Tbe storm, which on Friday evening was ln cen tral New York, has moved northeastward beyond our stations. A short and severe gale prevallad In portions of the Middle State* on Tusaday night. Brisk westerly winds are now reported on the lakes and east At lantic. The light rains aad snows thst were experienced on Tuesday night on the lower lakes are to-day fol lowed by partial cloudy weather. Tbe weather re mains cloudy with a low barometer on the Gu’ .L Clear weather has prevailed lu the Southern States' The weather remains eenslbly the same at tbe Rocky Mountains and on the Pacific stations so far as beard from. PROBABILITIES. Partially cloudy weather, with light wiuds. will probably be experienced on Tharsday In the Middle aud Southern States, and the Mississippi \'alley: cloudy weather and fresh westerly winds ou the lakes; fresh winds on tlie east Atlantic. NEW YOKK. THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN. N ew York, A pril 12.—Tlie *ul*-< *>mmit- tee appointed to name the ex|>erls to ex amine the accounts of the Methodist Book Concent, adjourned without haviDgmade an appointment. It has transpired, however, that Dr. Carlton, the agent of the Concern, has, on his own responsibility, appointed three ex pert a to examine the aecouuts and management ot the Concern during his otli- eial connection with it since INY2. The ex perts are Messrs. J. Van Ylick, a Methodist, the chief bookkeeper of the firm of Phelps, Dodge *,t Co.: Charles Callender, a Baptist, the United States bank examiner for this eity. and F. W. Uunn. a Presbyterian, wbo bas had forty years’ experience a* a book keeper and accountant. These experts will soon report the state of aecouuts of thc Book Concern. AN EXTRA SENATE SESSION. A Washington dispatch says the Presi dent has intimated to several senators that be will call the Senate together in executive session on or about tbe tirst of May, to con sider treaties agreed ui>ou by the Joint High Commissioners. ^ A “BLACK FRIDAY" CASE. Argument iu the case of Orlando W. Jos- lyn vs. Albert SpeyflFs, JaMett Fisk, Jr.. lleury N\ smith and’ others, was concluded in the Supreme Court, general term, at Brooklyn, to-*lav. The amount involved is $1,500,000. Decision reserved. act, but on point of order rained by Mr* Maynard tbe amendment was excluded. The amendment in relation to meeting of Congress was again Brought before the House by a demand for yeaa and nayi upon concurrence. The yea* and nays were or dered. Mr. tiABFIELD (Rep.. O.) argued agaiust the repeal of the existing law re quiring a meeting of each Congress on the 4th of March. Messrs. Bingham and Butler (.Mass.) also argued against repealing tbe law. Messrs. Dawes and Farnsworth favored the repeal. Without taking a vote, the House st 4:40 adjourned, aftei announcement by the Speaker of the foliowmg appointments: On Committee of Rules—The Speaker, Bank*, OarfiHd, Cox and Randall. On Public Buildings and Ground*—Halsey, starkweather, Tyner, Platt, Morphia, Orr, Getz, Wells and Perry. WASHINGTON. FOR SALE, THE STEAMER 1VANH0E. NEW IRON HULL, lor/. 22 tret branij_“ Ih- fUwili planed, order. Buffalo. M arch 22. 187!. town places now In the Ol Erie Land Office. 346 Main *L FOK KENT. Pearl s t . _____________ __ ______________ f l i FOR BALK—NO. 75 SOUTH DIVISION ST. I flfl House lu fine order and well worth looking at by purchaser*. JOHN OTTO, 61 Ptarl »t- Delaware street, 3-story brick: gaa. water, bath. Ac. IS Pearl »L, 2-story frame; gas, water, bath, Ac.; baru. 215 Pearl sL, 2-story. haaemenL brick; gaa aud water. 217 Pearl *L, 2-story, basement, brick; gas and water. 101 oak sL, 2-itory. basemen L brtckjgua and water. dfi HUME A SANFORD, I* Wsat tfwas st FELTON Sc'. BRO. Have just received A. Fine Lot of Paper* Initiil, Congress, Commercial Billet and Mourning Notes, LE.TER, CONGRESS, LEGAL AND BILL CAPS. . Foi- saio la quautUlea and price# to au:L 140 F E E T 'JIS w K&?»K'.an™ ” 'tr!*i'% zssrr£i rrbiru flu. uotl.r S f.b ’ lurt of water 4 fret 6 laches: can carry I,"u0 paareng 'r S r ^ 'S L partlralM, Iwltili* BEU-VSJ™- S sglm- Works. Buffalo. N. Y.______ ________ ____ SOMETHING NEW! "DAMASK" WALL*PAPER, WITH AEAT-TirrL TAPESTRY BORDERS.” NEW DECORAT1Q.NS NEW GOLD PAPERS. NEW FRENCH PAPERS. AT na MAIN STMEKT. M. H. BIRGE. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIH By ostng NITROUSOX1DX(orlss|hlB|t BAB M. S. Stralcht. - - " B m M o rr ic* u v u sa mau . st . •J9UE BUFFALO GALVANIZING WORKS, No^ 11 Amd IS So»tt SA, N. T. Wonld respectfully call attjmUoa tar Hi ties for G alvanlxing all kinds of Work, men sa BTOV* RESERVOIRS, STOVE HOLLOW WARF. CAST IKON SINES, RIVETS, CHAINS. WIRE. HOOP IRON, WROUGHT or CANT IRON PIPES. Nalls and Spikes a sparlaltv. Sheet ireo mads ln (oodnctor rip^. Coal Hods, SLp and Water Palls, Ac. A1I work doDe promptly, and saUsiaaNon rwaran- teod In ovory respooL MMw THE LETTER THAT SENATOR CONKLING DIDN'T CIRCULATE. W ashington, April 12.—It is state<l ou comi>etent authority that tbe dispatch seut from this city a few days ago to the effect that Senator Conkling had circulated among the Republican members of tho House of Representatives from New Y'ork for signa ture a letter strongly recommending tbe continuation of Laflin and Darling, but ob tained signatures of only six of them, was erroneous. The facts are that Conkling cir- ulatcd uo paper. One was put in circula tion in favor of I.afliu, aud every Republican member from New Y'ork to whom it was presented signed it, with a single exception, and iu that ease tbe member’s personal re lations with Grinnell prevented. It is un derstood that fourteen of the fifteen Republican members from New York favored tbe confirmation ol 1.allin. ON THE FRONTIERS. The W ar Department has not yet received any advices relative to the rejiorted fight between the United states troops and Mexi cans on the Texas frontier. THE LEGAL TENDER CASES. Mr. Justice Clifford announced iu the Su preme Court this morning that in conse quence ofthe indisposition-of Justice Nelson, the legal tender cases wbich were set for argument to-day would not be now heard. No day was fixed for the argument. PERSONAL. The captain of the Austrian frigate No- varra, now at Annapolis, paid a complimen tary visit to the Secretary of the Navy to- tia* ' NOMINATIONS CONFIRMED. The Senate in executive session to-day confirmed the following nominations: Elias Root. Collector of Customs ior the district of Oswego, N. Y. Postmaster* for New Y'ork: Thomas S. Blodgett. Ct operstown; Charles S. Jackson, Goshen; Marcus Lyon, Ithaca; Jno. A. Deeremer, S heuectady; Wm. Polleys, Waverly. FORTY'-8ECOND CONGRESS. W ashington, April 12. SENATE. Mr. ROBERTSON (Rep., S. C.) entered a motion to amend the order of business, so as to get up the House General Amnesty Bill. Action upon the motion was deferred until to-morrow. Mr. Sherman’s resolution instructing the Finance Committee to consider during the recess the best system of reducing taxe* so us to leave only enough revenue to pay the working expense of the government, was adopted. Mr. SCOTT (Rep., Pa.) desired to have tbe bills from the House relative to reducing tbe taxes referred to tbe Finance Commit tee, but Mr. Trumbull objected, in order that the measure reported in reference to coal and salt duties might remain before tbe Senate so as to be acted upon whenever op- poitunitv was presented. Mr. COLE (ltep., Cal.,) offered a resolu tion for the printing of filtv thousand of the President's message and the Commissioners' rejKirt on San Domingo. Referred to the Committee on Printing. Mr. Sl'MNER i Rep., Ma«s. > presented the petition of De Weniy»s Jobson. praying for redress of alleged a<-ts of violence at the hands of United States Marshal Sharpe, of New Y'ork. Referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. Mr. SAl'LSBURY' (Dem., Del.: opposed the bill. Mr. POOLE (Rep., N. C.. delivered a lengthv speech upon North Carolina j»oIi- tics, and in defense of official* in that state. Mr. BAY ARD tDt-in., Del.) spoke in op- position to the bill. At4::*Utbe Senate went into executive session, and subsequently adjourned. HOUSE. Messrs. Strong and Starkweather, mem bers elect from Connecticut, appeared aud took oath a* members. Mr. MYERSIItep.. Pa.) introduced a bill supplementary to the acts to prohil.it the Coolie trade, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. The bill provides that tho United States Consul or Consular agent shall not deliver to the master of any I nited States vessel in tending to convey’ the subjects of China. Japan or any oriental countr.y the certifi cate of voluntary immigration now required bv law, if there he a contract on the part of such coolies for service in the United States longer than three months. Mr. Myers also introduced a bill to provide for the adjustment and satisfaction of tbe French sj»oilation claims prior to the 31st of July, 1871. The House then resumed the consideration of Senate amendments to the Deficiency bill. The following Senate amendments were concurred in : Appropriating $35,1«3 for the completion of tbe custom house at St. Paul, Minn.; appropriating $12,000 for the relief of destitute aged j»erson» in the District of Columbia: repealing tbe law limit ing the expenditure for the Marine Hospital at Chicago to $300,000, and extending it to $359,779; appropriating $350,000 for increas ed compensation to Assistant Marshals in taking the census of 1S70; regaling the act requiring the meeting of each new Congress on the 4th of March, and providing that appropriation* heretofore made for public works, buildings or grounds, for the fiscal vear commencing July 1. 1871, shall be available for the' current fiscal year. An amendment was made to the latter amend ment in reference to the- salaries of steain- l*>at mspectors. Mr. KERR i Dem., Ind.) offered an amend ment for payment to lawful owners or their legal representatives of proceeds of all cotton seized in possession of rightful owners or of tbeir representatives after the 30th of June, 1865. , , _ Point of order was made and sustained that the amendment proposed new legisla tion. Mr. HOLMAN (Dem., Ind.) offered an amendment for payment of $100 bounty promised to troops who entered ths service under ths President'* proclamation in May, 1861. , A . Mr. DAWES (Rep., Maas.) made a point of order on the amendment and asked Mr. Holman how much money it would take out of tbs treasury. Mr. Holman mid he wm Informed it would only require about a Bullion dollar*. Mr. STOUGHTON (Rep.. Mich.) prom- ised that the military committee would re port inch a bilL The point of ©rdw wm sustained, and the amendment excluded. Mr. BUTLER (R*p. MmeJ offered an amendment repealing the tenure of offlee FOREIGN. THE FIGHTING AROUND PARIS. P aris. April 12—via London, 10:30 p. M.—A loud and uninterrupted cannonade has been kept up since last evening between. Chatillon and the southern forts. The in fantry are also engaged and the noise of mitrailleuses and musketry has been inces sant since five o'clock this morning. Cannonading around Neuilly. Port Mail lot and Port des Femes, has beeu resumed and is as violent as that on the south. FIGHTING IN TUE BOIS DE BOULOGNE. Fighting is now going on in the Bois de Boulogne and at Astiieres. Tbe Commune is forwarding reinforcements to the troop* engaged. Tlie wounded are coming in In large numbers. Loses are heavy. THE GOVERNMENT TROOPS REPULSED. The official report* of the Commune claim the Versailles forces were repulsed on Tues day evening in an attack on the southern lorts, and that their loss was heavy, while that ofthe Communists tvas very light The Commune believe that tbe attack was in tended to mask an attempt to carry the Maillot gate by surprise. THE COMMUNISTS LOSE D I5SY. A rumor come* from the Van Girard quarter, in the southern part of the city, that, the Communists have lost the park of D’Lssy, where they were.intrenched, aud that the commandant of fort DTa«y has been hhot by bis own men. A LULL IN THE FIGHTING. N e w Y'ORK, April 12.—A Tribune special from Paris, April 11, says: There is a lull in the tightiug, and both sides are burying tbeir dead preparatory to new efforts. Dombrowski reports himself firmly In stalled at Asnieres. He holds the northeast corner of Neuilly, and is strongly posted at Y'illiers and Lev'allois. Porte Maillot is nearly repaired. PENSION* TO THE NATION AL GUARD. The (Jjficial Journal publishes an appeal um sundry women adjuring the guards to fight to the last extremity. The same jour nal also publishes a decree promising pen sions of 800 francs to the wives of tho na tional guards killed and 305 franc* for eaeh hi Id legitimate or illegitimate, other rel atives are also promised pensions in certain ases. THE FAILURE OF THE VERSAILLES TROOPS. A Tnbune special from London says: A dispatch from Paris Wednesday says the rnnnonade which was sustained h11 last night was continued vigorously this morning and tliat u simultaneous uttuck-Avas made on the west and south—tbe Versailles troop* opening with thirty new and heavy guns. The principal effort was directed against Vanvres. It was bui>- posed tliat they intended to mask a serious movement against porte Maillot. There was a general alarm in tlie city when it yvhs reported that the Versailles troops were in side the gates. The Communists now sav shat the attack everywhere failed. THE PEACE CONFERENCE. B russels , April 12.—The representative of the (7rand Duchy of Baden in thc peace conference arrived in this city. No meet ing of tin* conference is however to be hold this week. GERMANY NOT TO INTERFERE IN TUE PARIS FIGHTS. The Official Journal of to-day says Ger many Yv’ill only interfere in domestic’ affairs of France until it shall become necessary for collection of money due to herself. ILLNESS OF NAPOLEAN. London, April 12.—Napoleon is 111 at Chiselhurst and has been confined to bis room beveral day*. AUSTRIA'S LOSS. V ienna , April 11.—Mr. Joy, Minister of tbe United Mates, ba* received a disputch from President Grant expressing deep re gret at tlie painful loss to Austria by tho death of Admiral Tegethoff. pel led to move that ita consideration be poet* poned until this evening. Mesars. Field*, Jacob* and Hnested op* goeed the postponement and the motion wa* The Houae then went Into Committee of the Whole on the Supply bill, The bill wa* read and named upon each Item mparaU * Mr. Alberger moved to lnanrt $190,060 to complete the Insane Asylum at Buffalo. Carried. . Mr. Uih-liman moved to Insert $25,000 for improvement ofthe institution of deafmutca in Nm, York. Carried. ICectie till EVENING SESSION. »n rt-euembUng tbe Hou* ureul Into oommittec. again on the Sunni, Bill. Au item authorizing the State olgeere to invee- tigete e claim of Hlchanl Calc-ow for *8,000 wee etncken out. The Item of *2.1,000 to the State Poultr, Society waa etrickcu out Mr. Alvord moved to strike out the item of $10,000 to Henry M. Williams, for acting as Commissioner to the French Exposition, appointed by Governor Fenton. Lost. Mr. Alvord moved to strike out the fol lowing: “The sum of $250,000 to hereby ap propriated toward the erection, and Hamil ton Harris, Wm. Kingsly, Wm. ▲. Rice, Chnuucey Depew, Delos De YVolf, and E. A. Merritt, are hereby appointed Commis sioners for tbe purpose of erecting a new capitol building m place of tbe preaeut iKtard,” and leave standing thto: “In construction of the new capitol the skilled mechanics of this State shall have preference at the same price* ln all work that to dons by days labor. ’ Mr. Alvord advocated his motion. He was not opposed to the construction of thto building, but be agreed with the Governor tbat no appropriation should now be made. He belieted this making annual appropria tions was not the way to carry on this work. He referred to the sectional controversy in the Republican partv and said he waa not a representative of either of the sections, and whenever there was auy such controversy he wouhl take no part in it. He stood here, however, as the friend of Alen/.o Cornell and Jaraea Terwilliger. Mr. Alherger protested against the pro- !K>**ed change in the commission aa * base and shameful imputation on the gentleman to l»e removed. He moved to increase the amount to Sl,COO,000. The motion to in crease the amount to $1,000,000 was lost. The motion to strike out the accliou was also losL Mr. Weed moved $20,000 »o W. H. Rhodes, Suj>eri0tendeiit of Manufactures of Clinton rnsonflM-'arried. On motion olM r. Selkreg, $1,000 was in serted for the Commissioners of Willard Asylum to Kettle with farmers. Mr. Goodrich moved to strikeout $*20,000 to Mrs. Lewis W. Washington, oi Hall- town, West Virginia, for certain relics of Gen. Washington. Carried—54 to 53. Mr. Randall moved to insert $5,000 for the Normal School at Cortland. Carried. Mr. Alvord moved to strike out the item of $10,000 to Gen. Storms. Jie said this claim had hecn stricken out of the supply bill an nually for twenty-seven years. Lost—46 to 55. The section to pay YVeed, Parsons A Co., for work partially done at the time their printing establishment was burned, was stricken out. Mr. Alvord moved to increase the appro priation lor the Idiot Asylum at Syracuse, from $15,000 to $30,000. Carried. Mr. Alvord renewed his motion to striko out the section relative to tho new Capitol otnmisslonem, which was lost—33 to 63. The bill was then ordered to be put on its tiuai passage, and, at 11 o'clock the House adjourned. ALBANY. COURT OF APl’EALS CALENDAR. A lbany, April 12.—The following Is the Court of Appeals Dav Calendar for April 13: Nos. 103, 28, 170, 107, 150, 143, 174, 142. NEW YORK LEGISLATURE. Albany, April 12. SENATE. BILLS RKPORTXD. Relative to costs in Surrogate’s Courts. BILLS PASSED. Incorporating tbe National Mortgage Company. To provide for better prevention of fires iu New York, an.l prescribe the power and duties of the city Fire Marshal. Amending ihe law relative to Commis sioners of Emigration. Relative to Reado street. Brooklyn. Amending the charter of Buffalo. Incorporating the Co-operative Savings and Loan Association. Amending the law relative to Surrogate’s Courts. Amending the Rensselaer County Poor Law. Lost and laid on thc table. To repeal the aet of 1844 relative to State Prisons. Authorizing the city of Troy to fund its floating debt. Providing that aliens may bold and con vey real and personal estate. Lost. Mr. Chapman moved tliat the Committee oil Internal Affair- be diM-harg. d from tbe further consideration of tbe lull providing: for towns, etc., deriding by vole the ques tion of licensing for tbe sale of intoxicating liquors. Mr. Hubbard moved to lay the motion on the table. Carried—14 to 12. Recess till 7 l\ M. EVENING KK**IOX. Almost the entire session was devoted to discussion, mainly hy Mr. Lewis of Buffalo, on the Police Bill, which wa* fiually ordered to a third reading. Adjourned. ASSEMBLY. Mr. Fields proj»osed to limit speeches to two minutes each. lie waa anxious to ad journ this week. Mr. Alvord—There are several important measures. Mr. Fields—If the gentleman from Onon daga objects I will withdraw the motion. I only wanted il understood that we can ad journ this week if we will. WLI.S PASSED. Making provisions f<>r thc storage of com bustible material. Concerning the pra»rtice of physic and »ur- gery. . , For tbe protection of stockholders m joint stock companies. Amending the revised statutes relative to guardians and wards. Relative to the law of libel and the trial of libel. Lo*t, aud a motion to reconsider was tabled. To incorporate the Grand Commamtory of the Mate of New York. Mr. Frearcslled up tbe motion to recon sider the vote defeating the bill relative to employers and apprentice*. Carried. The bill w’is then amended by striking out the 6th and 7th sections and passed—^70 lo 23. Placing restriction* on broker* and to protect the public against unauthorized Banking. Lost, and motion to reconsider tabled. To authorize th* ciiy of Elmira to issue bends to pav present indebtedness. Fixing the fees of justices of tbe peace for certain service*. To allow further coat* in suit* brought by working women. To authorize the payment of the steno grapher iff Onondaga County Court aud Court of Session*. The Governor returned without hi* *p- proral tbe bill to incorporate the New York IteaV Estate Banking Company. Tb* hill and veto were referred to the Judiciary Committee. Appropriating $33,484 to tb« 9th Regi ment of National Guards to refund moneys paid hy the regiment for uniforms during tbe late war. Itoeeas Ull 4 p. m. AFTERNOON SEMIO*. Mr. Alvord, on a q— tim At P.rivPfg^ Mated notwithstanding tt w— Um Hupp!, BUI .baud *• « rjisit rruLter Imnortanee than «naL He did not 2mU disposed to lose »»7 **■•» bul W t eom- MISCELLANEOUS. THE C'OA). MINER*. Mancii Chunk, Pa., Feb. 12.—The grand council of the Workingmen'* Benev olent Association adjourned at noon, after adopting a resolution for a general board of arbitration to settle present ditficultiea, to meet the operators here on the 17th of April. Scranton, April 12.—Two of the late rioters surrendered themselves to the au thorities this morning. They were released on bail, leading miners being their bonds men. A DEFAULTER ARRESTED. T oronto, April 12. —T he defaulting cashier of the branch bank of Montreal nl Perth ha* been arrested at Rowe, N. Y'., and the missing funds found in his possession, lie is believed to be insane and guiltless ot criminal intent. RAILWAY ACCIDENT. ST. Locih, April 12.—A locomotive, two baggage and one passenger car were thrown from tho North Missouri Railroad track last night. The locomotive, tender, and one baggage car were badly smashed. No i»cr- 8on seriously injured. BRIDGING THE MISSIUBll’r i . The railroad and wagon bridge, across the Mis.-ii»ippi River, was completed yesterday. Its cost ii about $1,000,000. GENERAL BTONEMAN. &AN Francisco, April 12.—Gen. Mono man has gone to Arizona, but his health would not permit him to participate in an active campaign again the Apaches, even if an adequate force were at rommaud. There are onlv 1,000 effective troops in the terri tory, afl of which are required for garrison duty, and the government declines to per mit volunteers to take the field independ ently. PERSONAL. Wm. II. Seward, Jr., and MeRars. Knapp and Osborne, and their ladies, are resting here a few days before making a tour of this State and Oregon. A VALUABLE IMPORTATION. Eleven Japanese merchants have arrived here with 185,000 canto of silk worms’eggs, costing in Japan $675,000. They are con tracted for by a French house, but the order was cancelled in consequence of the war. THE RIGHTS OF COLORED MEN. Richmond, Va., April 12.—The suit for $5,000 damages, instituted fn the United Mat*** Court by Judge J. P. White(epl*r*di of the fiu pri-me Court of South Carolina, agaiust the Richmond and Danavill* Rail road Company, was eoinpiomise.1 this morning, by tbe payment of $1,200 to th« plaintiff. He claimed damages on the ground that he waa forcibly ejected from a firat clans car solely on account of color, not withstanding he had a first class ticket. The case wa# partially heard yesterday. EXTENSIVE KIRKS. G rand Rapid*. April 12.—A fir* last night burned Wilkins & Brother*’ planing and turning shop, Winchester & Co.’s furni ture Store, A. P. Judd's coffin manufactory, Liettel A Brothers' machine shop, Pierce A Briggs' drv good* atore. I>. L. Newberg’s clothing store. J. Cornelliaae'* grocery store, John Canfield's wholesale graoery, J. P. Cregnes’ furniture atore, R. H. Smith’s furniture store, E. Scott's drug store, J. If. Martin’a grocery atore, Klee’s picture frame factory, De VinDejr’e stencil cutting shop, Spalding & BeoneH’s turning shop, C. C. Comstock'* u w mill, Clark'* brush factorv, Cox’s file works, Clark k Co., pumps. Bissell k Son, gypsum ornaments, Fread well's joiner shop. Daniels k Son join* r shop and Mattison'a harnesa shops. Th* loss estimated from $250,060 to $300,060; in surance a!>out $100,000. N e w rk rn , N. C., April 12.—Seventeen houses on Maiu strei t were destroyed by fire last night. Lok« $205,000; ms’urance about $100,o00. The losers are: Joseph Schwerin, Moses Patterson, Dr. J. W, Hughes, M. Gold-mitb. Kihs Davison. K. Ulrich, William Rosuianaffy, F. S. Duffy, Mrs. Curt to. A- McLaelan. II. k B. Em manuel, Weinstein A Bro., D. Marks, J. M. Agostine, E. D. Meadows, M. Hahn, Prim rose A Tate, J. MeSorley, Mnallwood fl Tate. EDUCATIONAL X rtf Haven, Ct., April 12.—The comer stone of the Mapiuand Chapel of divinity school of Yale College was laid thia L gei $10,000 to endow a Lyman ship ou preaching. Rev. Brooklyn haa Beecher lecture- given eture- llenry Ward * V**1 .°°“ P“ 7 °n account of loan. Judge Gilee in tbe U.S. Circuit Court to- day decided that the government coo id not t ix the hoods in question a* they were is sued hy a municipality, a part of tbe sov ereignty of the State. THE TURF. New Orleans. April 12. At the Metaire racea, Unlay, Billy William* won the first race, Victory the second, and Mc Donald the third. A nother I ncident in the R uloff R omance .—The dark features in the career of Ruloff are gradually coming to light, hut are doubtless somewhat colored to suit the purpoeeof the great criminal. The story of the flight across the river, after the burgfarv of the store at which the clerk M ernck waa killed, to now told by Ruloff himself. Before Ruloff wa* put upon trial, he became con vinced that the evidence in poseeeaion ofthe prosecution would convict him, and he of fered to plead guilty of manslaughter in the second degree, and thereby escape the gal lows by serving a short time in the State Prison. The District Attorney very prop erly refused to allow him to do that, believ ing that he should receive punishment for the full degree of his heinous crime, which could be established beyond a doubt. A day or tw® ago Huioff made a toll and connected statement of the flight from the store and the drowning of bto companion*- A* said that Dexter was so badly wounded that he sank from fainting ones before they got to the river, and they were delayed a few seconds on that account. A t ths hank of lb. rir.r tbe, atopped ,k 1 ulruleUd upon tho ebonceo of Retting neroee. but !■ there was no alterative, they waded ln and attempted to cross. Dexter eould not touch b ttom, and at the next step thev were all in the w ster over their heads. Dexter clung to Ruloff, who only saved himself from drowning by a deeeprate struggle, iu which he broke away from hts drowning compan ion. Jarvis was a good swimmer aud at tempted to reach the bank, but his strength failed and he perished a few feet from the shore. Ruloff says that neither of them »auk, and when he climbed the hill he eould see them lying on the water. He belistel that Jarvis waa ao badly injured by Mlrnok that, had he succeeded in reaching*the weal shore, he would hare bet-n unable to walk after be got there. Ruloff waa asked hy the person who heard his story where he went after he crossed thc river, and he de lined to give any information about hia place of concealment. M ating in M ashachusetth.—The Reg istration Report of tbe State of Massachu setts for the year 1869 gives some curious marriage statistics, from which Impatient youths anti desolate old maids and bachelors may both take heart. During the year 7 maidens were married at the age of 14, aud no fewer than 41 at the comparatively ma ture age of 15. The lads are not so veuture- aorne as the girla, the youngest husband having wedded al 16 a wife of the same age. Ou the other hand, an old uiuid of 78 found a husband, and four other women were married after they had passed the ago of 70. One mau of 32 was married, for the sixth time, to a maiden of ‘ ; also, another man, for the sixth time, to a widow of 62, it being her second marriage. The ages of the oldest parties married for the firat time were the mal* aud female 60 each. The greatest disparity in the first marriage was the male 6 . and the female 20 . Forty-five males were married during the year who were over 70, aud one widower of 80 waa uuited for tbe sticond time a widow of 54, It being also her second marriage. A widower of 80 was married for the second time to a young widow of 20 , it being her fourth mar riage. Bi.it one marriage is reported where both parties were married for tbe fourth time each, their ages being 73 and 62. There was also one marriage, the male being 73, bis fourth marriage, to a widow of 5., her third marriage. One male of 29 was united to a widow of 30, it t>eing hia first marriage aud her fourth A widower of 56 waa united to a widow of 52, it Iffing ber fifth marriage. The sixth marriage of a male is reported at the age of 32 to a spinster of 30. A second larrfage of a man of 56 is reported to a fe- iaio of 52, it being her fifth venture. The Story of a M odel Lawyer. A well-to-do English squire refused to pay hi# shoemaker's bill. The honest shoe maker (who, although he had no vindictive feelings agaiust the squire, could not afford to be deprived of his honest earnings) took legal proceedings against the squire for the amount of hia debt, £2. The squire, on the receipt of the legal process, was ao enraged that he at once w’ent to the office of an at torney and addressed him as follows. "Tbat scoundrel, my shoemaker, has pro cessed ine for my shoe hill, and I have coma to nsk you what to do?*’ “ Well,” ^aid tho lawyer, “and is the hill due?” “ Y’es,” said the squire, "hut. as he has processed me for it 1 won't par him. How much is your fee?” "I shall require £10 to begin with," said the attorney, "and of course. If there is any extra trouble I shall expect to be rewarded for it.” ‘’All rigut,” said the squire, laying down £ 10 , 1 will call in a few days and sec how my case Is getting on.” ShortlyaItert.be squire hail left lhe attorney stepp'd over to the shoemaker’s and offe'red to pay him the full amount of bis bill, if bn withdrew all proceedings in tbe matter. The shoemaker waa, of courae, only too glad to accent the offer. Iu a few day* the squire called on the attorney and asked him how bis case wa* getting on. W hy,” said thc attorney, “ I gave it to him so strong that he had to withdraw the case altogether.” “ Brave!” said the squire, “ you slialT have all my business.” And ao the attorney wbo waa tbe means of rewarding an honest and deserving man for hia labor, was amply rewarded for it, and laat, hut not least, gained a wealthy and influential clieut. Wan not this a model lawyer? A L ittle G irl N early B uried Alive. A little daughter of a cigar maker named Diehn. living on Teutonia street, having ap parently died of croup the day previous, was on Saturday last arrayed for the grave and placed in a coffin, and the friends came to the funeral. Rev. John Bading, pastor of the Lutheran Church of s»L John, on Prairie street, came to conduct the funeral services, and placing his hand on the forehead of the supposed corps* while the friends were assem bling, be felt it to be slightly warm. He had the arrangement for burial stayed, and it waa soon discovered that the warmth was that of life, the blood Mill cir culating. It appeared as if reanlmatlon waa coming on itaelf; atill restorative, were used, and whether by their means or In the ourae of nature tbe’ result was that life re turned in fullness, and with it constant dis appearance ot the malady, till th* little girl Is now out of danger and will *oon be about again. We have been unable to learn posi tively tbe name of the physician wbo gave the certificate of death, or whether such *er- tiricatc was given.— Mil. Wisconsin. Baccber is to occupy this position ia the Y ale divinity school. EXAMINATION OF ARTILLERY OFFICERS- Fortress Monroe, April 12 .—The An nual examination of officers of th* artillery school ia now in progress. PERSONAL Havana, April li.-Hi.hop Mirtiaoc *r- rivwl boro Nv4*v from Spain,.hot 1 allowed to laad, and will probabla ba amt b*fk- JAMAICA, Kingston, Jamai**, April IL A num- bar of He, tied toward* th* annexation of Hayti to th* I'nitad State*. Dispatches from tbe British government announce the determination of tb* cabinet to make Honduras a frown colony, to form a nart of tbe Weet Indies confederation. The Dacia haa gone to lay the eabt* bo- Tbe 8afolk t* Mill grappling for th* loM Porto Bioo cable. The authorities bav* seiaed rXxtj-tonxr package* of m and ammunition Intended for the Cuban*. THE TAX OM RAILROAD RONDO. Baltimore. April IS.—In th* caa* of th* United fltote.7*. MttmosnterfOhtoBnl!- • Company to raeovar 00,609 Internal M atoxfer th* years IMS, 9k and TO, r th* aet af 1804. being a tax aa ths to ft on hoods of tha dty of Baltimore to The Moh in 1‘ari* and tiie Mob in New York France is besieging Paris. The UniUd Matos may have to march uu the city of New Y'ork. The State of Con necticut, which stood ready, through Re publican disgust, to pronoun<5e against the administration, hearu the wbiaper, “Tam many Hall has crossed the line,” and every village opened fire like Mount Valerian. The socialists, the canaille , must be driven across Harlem River. And ao, straighten ing up like a nation, Connecticut expressed the shudder of every American community at the infamous Celtic despotism which haa reduced our greatest and noblest eitv to slavery; aeized tbe highways and eharitfro of our grandest commonwealth; outraged justice and hospitality to the common injury of the American name; and which, witn appetite beyond th" power even of New York t» ,».*« It. Ihrr.lrn. to wlaa lb» re public far tba >anu pur|ow«a ol .lrbaui lu-ry. Washington fjajnial. A Remarkable Piece of Hubceey. A rounfC la<ir, iba -laogbtar of Mr. laatah Thomas, of New Castle, Del., received a se vere injury in the face about four years ago, from the effects of which her lower jaw bone had grown perfectly solid and immovable. Her front teetb bail been removed to enable ber to receive nourishment* which bad to be injected in an aiinoet liquid state. The In convenience of this arrangement and the to tal lorn of speech rendered life almost intol erable, and ner case waa laid before eminent surgeon* of Philadelphia. After mature de liberation, two of then, Doctors Charles D. Green and J- Gilbert, undertook an opera tion which haa scarcely a parallel to tbe an- nals of surgery. The jaw bone waa aawed off below each socket, kept in motion till healed ami a new and artificial joint waa tha result. It ia aaid aha ean now open and shut ber mouth aa well a* ever, and can eal and talk without difficulty. W heat Prospects. — W. C . writes Health and Homo tbat. aa far aa hfa SE37L -.s r - a. - ww- arealbnrila^a A J Oow.-M nC-I; £2 f" £ ” *£5 a i r t ii M KLta ba,, H quart* af mtal aad 1 <iUArta af a

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Page 1: 7-30 GOLD LOAN · 2-#tory frame, m-w ; firit:-< la-« bouwr: 1 -i .orx.'M. - Ji Jolin-w.ii Elace, 2-*tory brick: ga.«, water, a c .. N orth went corner Oak and North D'vUloti -itreetB,

VOL. XXVI. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. 1871. NO. 8561.

L O S T A N D F O U N D . f o r s a l e — h o u s e s .

I D - 'i KK IiiA i M O R N IN G , ON « H Jl’I 'E W A , 1 . la.-tf.rafla >.r NIo/ama »ir.-»-t#, * /*»)" l.rsf-e-tet.

A ny <..,•• r e f u n d " / -cun*- 157 • liipiw-wa 5 lr« - l w ill Xp- •till;.!.!y rew ard ed . 11 1

A R F lltsT -U L A B B D W E L L IN G S F O R S A L E .

iT l D e law are Bt.. ?-*U>ry b rick , w ltb all m odern Jnii.rov.-fiieriUi: lot 6"f»-»-i to a lley : l.arn on alley.

•C- M ain 2-»tory b rick ; /a a . w a te r, A>. ; to t I#" fe.-t io N o rth P ea rl

f#i Dtf-laware »L. i-orm-r E a / le . 2 -ito ry fram e, w ltl br)> k a d d itio n : /a # and w a te r .

l«l J o h n so n P lace , V-ntorjr b rick : /*<• hot and cold v. a le r . a n d o th e r m odern im p ro v em en t) : lo t -'2x1 Aj. w Ith brick barn .

3; L lnwoort av i n ne. v .u tliw e-t co rn , r Sun in .er st-, 2-#tory fram e, m-w ; firit:-< la-« bouw r: 1 -i ’.orx.'M.

- J i Jolin-w.ii E lace , 2-*to ry b ric k : ga.«, w a te r, a c . .

N o rth w ent c o rn e r O ak and N orth D 'vU loti -itreetB, 2-wtory l.rlck . with ail m .rl- n i i u * p r o v e i i _

U O A R D I M O A M O L O D G I N G .

l . K J N IA G A R A -TK K .K T—I'L K A B A N T F R O N T1 ^ 0 ruon:.* t*» le t w ith board . <111

W A N T E D .

l i ’ A N I I 'U HV A >11 A L L FA M IL Y . A t O T - 1 VGK i 'IC o l 1 1 OK l t " 0 \D » : r e n l i i n t t o e x -

. . . - $_■>! | . . r v> A<i<!r>--« " A UiD office. DI I ' A N I E l ' A U O O il I ) i " S I’L A S K K . N E W > » ..r -a ■ -u.-J baii-l. )•' i" i r —J r. j-a lr. A drtres*

« A 1'.R O L L , .lO llN aO N A < O., U nion M ill*. 1'a.• 11 <*—41

f h . r i f l HHAN ID bIDEN« E F o K bA I.K GEN ■RE re e l. «oliU. dtfle. th ird !»• ;>'** •«•* '’*f fb ^ l l r - . ' l-.il /Ml. , and dlretf-tly f.pte «He t r * New

H E L P W A N T E D — F E M A L E S .

A i i »O l 1 AG tt MT. v S N T h • A G IR L IO 1»G jf.-nerai ii" i*<-w<.rh In a Annul fa m ily : refe r-

r l u..d / t r i. " I - . • o n ta ln i" * .> , e»n ix ina-i.-a n -ry b eau lifn reph len re .

i t in - r . ■ V .r a ‘ w —1 l-.t. P r ic e SAM*. Ar ,v ll No 5 N lx /a ra -t. LEO N A R D W 1LSON ,1 V i, i;. ,| h» i:,n . n i In su ran ce A /e o la . d6

A — WKHT BV A n - I W A N T E D a G IR L TO *§ i d o iren era l Itouaewwrk. I>

aste M i:: SA L E «<-£ K E N T —T H K D K M K A B L Es a an 1 ci :i' r.‘H) locahid pren<l»eH, No. 4" ( d u r t “ e*. fl.tf r .- Id . "- e Of EUJall P . W illiam *.

■ / C A R O L IN A BT. W A N T E D A G IR L F O R 1 * F»4 | f f e ra >i. l-^'t

A * C O MAIN »T . W A N T E D a C O M PE T E N T < )*> •) a.-. ..ii 1 *rirl. N «#!.•• need aj.p ly w nliou l K'**d re«-<»ujineii<latlnn-a. rttu-iw

M AIN B 1 . - I .IK I . W A V I KD 1 " K L IG H T

A M l '. l ' I.A III KV TO K N OW W E A ljK " K -

M E r i KBT-4 LA SS R E S ID E N C E F O R S A L E O N B S t-,c A n” Roa l. xtioui >ey«n mile-, from M ain i T : - ■' flue 8.-W brick iiouae wlUi K rencli roof, and it acre* o f ey i elh n t land u n d e r a fine - i .1 i-u ltiva lto ii. U U M K A B A N FO R D . IS W est » wan at. <1#

FO R HALH. O R T O R E N T —IW C L IN T O N - l i . e t , IX U r /e lo t, a K'8#l tm m ; lio.l-x-1" o rd e r,

w ill. all tb e tin p ro ) e iu en t a. JO H N O T T O . 81 P ea rl I r e r t .3 0

T o n a l >N V* M ain d l i - 'l I "\1 7 A N T K I* U V K G IR 1.8 T O DO G E N E R A L Y> Iif>ii~ewirk : XI .. ..................... fou r

fw .. tflrl* for p!»i>tn w ork, a n " i w<. t<> < ar.- fo r c h il­d re n ; G in . ____ _ : i.iail*."#, an .l la-

C t ) S A L E —If**1 S E A N D L O T . .No. 215 P a t Seneca M. I^»t SSxhf), w iu , /<ri>il t lo n e walk

lr-.i.i back to fro n t. H«.:iv in perfect o rd e r th ro u g h ­o u t, w ith a /<xel d ry c .-liar u n d e r xl . < o iita ln# (• n riK.tiiB. b« side* aiiipltf- j.an tr le s - u lna a .d clotlu-H nrexaea, aud * d . T i t i i h u ? ) . T llle 1 ■ r f.-tf A pp lv if. J o h n O TTO . «1 P> arl -I.

•lltf-x #1... wi-.il r .r f ir -» - 1..-- • < - xn l^w lH i i- •mj.y.ih .l

*i.rraii-•tf^1'*..'. 1 N -.rin 1» i- m ’ . " te - ta l r a . <11"0 k FOK BALK~1«M8 G E N I'.SKE B l . ; I . " l 4IM 5"; J E | sm all lioii-c. P r i . I -* 4 t-cae ti. J " I I N " T T " , 8l P e a r l -1. clO

H E L P W A H I E D - M A L E S .

t a r A N T I D G FEU I. H "V . V IR T U E A YO B- f V T U N , m I tl l ' A N 1 ED I • «».'* IIM A N ; 1 MAN T O D R IV E >> . ll/IH 1. .<-ii : I in.i.i l<» w ork In h Im lei, nnd 2

D W H .I .IN G b FOR HAI.E.■ 9 . No. 22*. N l a /a r a «t. A l i ; s t - c la ? hrlck dw . . - f f l5 t.w o * U .ri.-x and llm -h .d m il- . fri.n t : jia#. j

o f■ Also. N,.. SZJ N in lb 1U • .1 new l.rlek .1*. Ihnjr. tw o

F O R S A L E —'H O U S E S .

• KOK SA L E —A N E W A N D FIK aT-U LA BB 2 V «u> rr residence . w lih *11 th e m o d e rn lm -

i r,r<>vezuer.i«: *outh s ide o f K erry s t re e t . w est e f I)e l- ' mware, l>ot i5»x5H«It*:L T e rm a easy . F . B U E L L , 2 ! H o llis te r.B u ild in g _______________ 13U-U

i KOR S A L E —N O 60* S O U T H D IV IS IO N ST ., 2-«u >r>' f ram e house, t r o u t p a r t fitted u p fo r as to re o r *a!oon. ln gn<8l re p a ir , w ith flue iran len . lo t

. 25x117?*. JO H N «r r T <». 81 Pear l st- h4

FOK SA L E —T H E 2 * -» T O K Y F R A M E . W IT H Lent, anrt lh e 1-*

'I 4# E lm - t r e e t ; 40 fee t fro n t


6tollable t

l»a*en_ent, anrt lh e 1-a to ry franc" ' t brHW fee t d e e p :

W Ul be sold on ter. d6 61

AI 'ea rl


A LE—NO. 104 I A U O L IN A S T .. A 2- * tor> fram e house w ith a 2 -story w ine, ro u la in -

• ij room s, y a , an<l w a te r. L o t 37xlUi. P r ic e . . T i n a s <>f p ay m e n t « a ay . JO H N O T T O . Al P e a rl st._______________________________________ c34 |

KOR SA LK C H E A P —NO. 254 F R A N K L IN sL, la r /e house lu tine o n le r , la rg e lo t. « m e of j

7»est lotalloiiB In Buffalo. A lso. No. 4-# W aahlng- lon st.. 3-?-lo ry h rlck house, gas and w a te r, to close ane s ta te . ‘

T O L E T —H O U S E S .I T O K E N T .—ISO E A n T E A G L E S T .-*34u .fl'Do N o rth D iv ision

481 W ash in g to n s tre e t—$5<*'.466 W aalilugn .n s tre e t—$>>•;.7# W e st E ag le s tre e t—$600.766 D elaw are s t r e e t—$50".SIS D e law are s t r e e t—***).42 G ooden s t r e e t : furnhrtiert — $AJU.

W ash Ington s tre e t—*300.X* N o rr is P lace . D ay’s P a rk —ANN. •* ' N o rr is P lace. D ay’s P a rk —*SUU.S3' E liic o tt s tre e t—fx » .A”. H.-venth s t r e e t- p f t) .1Z7 W eal E agle s tre e t -*55".'I l l JO H N O TTO . Sl P e a r l st.

FO R R E N T -B Y M. M cCOM B, 5 SO U T H D I­R S . V ISIO N ST.

1*2 F o u rte e n th s t . l \ , .9 to ry —| l fiu.66 F ra n k lin »U : ga* aurt w a te r—*3#".239 »en<->a i t . , h rlck : gas anrt w a te r—WBO..'.2 » sw a n »L : kas anrt w a te r — *225.3M sw a n st.. 2-aU ry f ra m e ; new anrt ln firs t Nit*

o rd e r : 14 ro o m s: cel D r : gaa anrt w a te r— >426- ■

Ei T T I

L. S-'-u-ry h rlck liouse. gas and w a te r, to close an O W F I I i n ge. A pp ly to J O H N OTTO ,81 P e a r l st. 11« | K .mod rtwrilllFO K S A L E —N O . ZS) S U M M E R S T . - A F IN K ^ v .Tn‘

NOS T O K E N T —W E H A V E A F E W•llliigs n o t ve t r e n te d : possession to • and also th re e o r fou r, possesnlou

, . p . „ U, S u fhr,u-C O . V & r t T l l I L » » » « L » Jslocked With a v a r ie ty o f fru it. F O K K E N T —T H E U P P E R 8 T O K IE S U F

tlie new h rlck b u ild ing o n _ the n o rth a l'ie o fA (>am ou tlie |

p rem ises th a t c o s t *5»JU. Kor te rm s. Ac., a p p ly t o UICIK. . . . . . . . . . . . •... -------- -------- -JO H N O T T *». Ml P ea rl st. i21__ O n p p e w a St., b etw een M ain an d P e a r l s ta ; a cap i!

i s r - *— “ V■ S i fu rn itu re ol a A rst-e last ho tel. T h is ho tel Is ------ _— — ---------------------------. _ ZT. , _elTgihiy h x a te d and Is now do ing a good and p ay in g ,4 g | H O T E L OK SALOON EOK K E N T —T H E ho-lness. T h e p re sen t p ro p r ie to r lias a fou r yea rs’ BMia la rg e tra m e b u ild in g In S p rin g A bbey, a t w in iernu- from May n e x t, a t a low re n t. hut will s.11 a t a ! f f ^ n g s . is offered f »r renL T he g ro u n d s w fll be• . i i . . . — i :____ . . . . .v / «i 11.. i . . . . — . . —. . . —> ii i . . . . . u i.it a larv>low flgurtw hich __ — ...HOW AK11 A C H A P P K L l

he has o th e r hId- persona l a tte n tio n -/E f ’ ajju

. 5 SOUTHFOK BALE; BY M. M’COM lt.■ 9L iB vD ioii s t. ,

*TlVnUi IIL. th a t r teslrah le 1 q -s to ry fram e dw ell- Ing.In e x ce llen t cond ition : lot 26x1'*-: w ill sell cheap, a Uie p a r t ie s a re g o ing to leave th e c ity ; c a ll soon.

182 14th iit., t l ia t lq - s to ry fram e dw elling . In fit*" c o n d itio n ; lot 5 "x15"; w ill sell ch eap and on eai^ IW P rrL p e c t avt-n’ue, th a t 2-s to ry fram e dw ellln Ir. goo.I o rd e r ; lo t 25 by IU6S; will sell fo r *250 t . rm s easy

*22 J'wai

f”^T hroughou t w ith gas, aud a la rg e first-c laas

able is being e rec ted on th e p ro p e r ty , w h ich w ill -a tlr increase the value o f Uie re n ta l o f Uils b u ild -

L Y O N , B A K E R A CO., E r ie L and Office. 546

r p o K E N T -T W O J-ST O R Y F R A M E D W E L L - j lug H ouses, w ith ga=. w a te r anrt all lu go.sl o r-

if r . Nos. 282 anrt 2*4 N eventh s tre e t, n e a r \ irg in ia H K E K ’S,


1.1 o n , BAK El.

\ \ 2 * g O r* .

W " " «A N O F F 1< K 1!'

f n H th A l .E . I’ll* iPE K T Y ON I W& w e.: . . . r n e r o f M a.h lm .i- .il an I “ ,r,Mi adapted for a foum'ee


N I I IF s o l I 'll-..tl s t r .e ta . IIN O TTO ,

| DM E l.L IN G S Ft i

d F ran k lin s tre e t, 2-

hS IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D .

a V o . NA • ngin

1 MAN DE - IK ES A .1

b u s i n e s s c h a n c e s

• ER V I •» J .E I' A N D sT< >' K O F •.

l . r l c k ;

'•ry" fra\

;. 2- d o r y ; g...-. w an


F R A M E D W E L L IN G S KOK S A L E M E jpjli have 4 o r J d w .i l ln g i am i I ..D on b ..th ^lde» of K 'lit.'ii H lrwt. S e t ween C h h a g " » tre*t and th e Skill- n e r c a n a l : w ill lie sold a t a nurgal

BALK—A D E S IR A B L E ie hors.-. No. n\ Bow erv ̂I w .aalshert, gom l c e lla r : 1

II tn g>x>d o rd e r ; lo t WxlOU. T eri

’ i' . e o n T k d

T W ik S T O K Y

B F o K rA I .E TJIF. 2-STOKY AN D A T T IC Cik b rick dw elling . No. I3n M’.est T u p ja -r s l r .e ! . Ttii gaa, w ater, ha th am t fu rn ace , an d elegantly lllrdled th roughouL L E E A P IC K E K IN G , 13 M e,»

( S i l l U N S T R E E T STfiH jT * ...» «.. V 'itU 'lien:


G- v J L S . ' i S , . , .

B ro w n '- itiiild ing .

It S A L E —W IL L _„d lot in p a r t paym en t.

EOM A KDS A HI C K L A N D .I .cau Broker*-, No. 2

H l'K E E T ST O K E FO K S A L E W K a sto re on M ain s tre e t, lietw ven Sw an S t r e e t - . L Y O N , B A K E R A CO., K ile

X46 M.Uu st. bidI -It SA LK - N E W 1>M E

g £ x T w eltth . Vt rio o n t at reel|. lees ra n g in g f “t. n o s . I.KK A

a K* 'I t SA I !P ro p e rty -

1,1.1 N G SO N TE ee ls , a n d Farg*

ts jn u


11 l>e rai*

:c»; lo t 30

t 27x160-

E \< HA N G K 11 ri 11 c o u n try ig. la rge a n d < all necessary


try fram e, uew ; I

ito ry fram e , new ; lo t 2if\Hn

story fram e, c o rn e r t r u e r

f ra m e ; lot 2*xd5--*•»>.

mo f I.EE .<• I 'l l

w am,m:»hle I 'm en I High: KE .K IN G , I t \ \ .

A P A R T s r IL


""IS!"'L V o N . B A K E R A <- Lai ; Mai sl.

I | o \ \ A K D A C H A P P E L L ,

H O R S E S a n d c a r r i a g e s .

m - .

E’tiU S A I.K S lO l iE N o . 31 MAIN S T R E E T . l?°li in dep tll to WanhlngloM st. JO H N O TTO ,

NoThj h a i c7

0 R E A L E S T A T E FO K B A LE A T KKDU CED p rice s Io Cl. we an e s ta te . '1 nis pro |>erly Is wel-

i im p ro v ed and r. u l. 1 to Umi-rlns*. t. naiit -. P artle til ! la rs furnl.siie.1 hy 11 CM El A SA N FO R D , Id W . 6w «n

■1. 12


.2- A( UKS OF and d ire c tly on hltfalo A W a«h- i Mean. , lo |IN

JK S A L K C H E A P .

s... 22 N orrli n d ltlo n ; h>: No. 27 Clift-.i



M is c i ; i .L A .a i ;o T J s .

E.DM A H D SA 111 I K L A N D . No.

, 2-s io ry fram e ho u se . Ill gor

■et, 1l,-s to ry fram e hou

EDM A R D S A B l C K L A N D , No. 2 B row n 's 1 lngs. _____________________

vie- w ith all n ecessary o u th u ih lln g ~ : l l . s r n s ; p len ty o f choice f ru i t ,A i . -a id a llis a ls .ilt 7" a c re s o f good lam I. o f w hich ' ii tlrnl e r. T h is p lace Is rtes irah ly loea t- n in e m iles from M ain s t re e t , one m ile

-i -C o rn e r - a n d th re e m iles from \V hlle '» long th e p lank ro ad lead ing Irom Buffalo.

• to r less th a n bu ild ings cost. A pply at • * - •’ - i B ull.l- c l

B KOK B A LE— KKSIDKN4 E o r T H E L A T E F. E.. I o rn well, E sq ., lo ca ted o n th e so u th w est

c o rn e r oi Llr.wofHl avem ip anrt B rv an t s treeL T he house I s a tw o -sto ry h rlck w ith a’ tw*»-atory w lua, c o n ta in s tw elve room s, a ll n ea rly sq u a re , c lo se ts In ev.-ry ro-.m ; h a th room , w a te r c lo sets, gas. large nl tic , ci !a r u n d e r w hole house. L o l l s 120x237, well la; 1 out am i s to ck ed w ith f ru i t an .l slia-le tree -. N- w fram e l a m . c o * sheds, lieuerv . Ac. L ocation Is very tine and e v e ry th in g a b o u t ih e p rem ises lu o rd er. T he aD .v e nrcmlaeB w in Ik- rente*|, e ith e r fu rn ish ed o r nn lurn isliert. If n o t sold on o r l*eforc Felt. 1, IfiiL A pply to JO H N O T T U , 81 P e a r l ’


e l iKrd I; A I ’l.E 1 Allen s tre e t, a 1 , - to rv f ram e cottage-, coi 11ig b room*, gas, w a te r and cem en ted c e l la r ; 1

12*. I .E E I Pl* K E R IN G . 13 W est Sw an sL

* :I .Y O l

EIo. a te

l» .-s to rv o rd e r : lo

to ry fram e h o u se ; well ” W ith 1lt>-

hotise, w ith

iU > , AK1I

D• u


M 'KAGE El»K BEN I W llll mis* El- v an

, s. x PIC K E K IN G


O K BA LEI . "

T ’ilau d -n

i l W e-

I*".;!!, I) V

k / n II 'l l A

o i l .



! Inqu ire o f H O W A R D A C H A P P E L L , 548 M aln sL

d f tC O T 'lA G E B F o i l S A L E .j '^ U a g f ira Btreet," l -s to rv f ra m e : lo t 27xlHO~S1.2U".! 43; T w e lfth s l .e e ;. I - I . y f. au ie ; 1--I 27* 1 VJ 81.1"".

street, l- s to ry f ra m e : lo t 25xS»—

, 1-siory f ra m e : lo t 22xlis*-$l.fl"«.L V o N , B A K E R A CO.

M A M ’F A t T I R IN G A N D pe r!) 1-.I -ale. - 3 « \ U», Loiil.-iaua

rn . r o f H am burgh C anal.

i K E 'I ' F o r - a I


I 'll A N D FROM

IlMC.it Enrol.. . • lhe un.Ii BIN O TTO . \ P. a r l Bl.| vK A FTB F ' »K > \1 .E o '-. A I f E.unqM-an - ll .

• U T C IIK K F IX T L 'U K B —

.1 I H E l l l l NCI P A L

H"N-4.302 W est K. r ty - tlr s to L , n e a r K lgr.th av .. New

F. G A L L O N .

rp il '. 'M A B C l.A IIIC , :1 IB-own. Ite. H iving

an 1 P. i r ) - is ., lo iiia l" . Illg liw in .'s . Al- ol.ol, Pi, 4)1.1 liv e W h '- ‘ -D orn.

a .m u g valiiidii. ui.-k a . ry, a mg. T h is pr..|N-rty I- adm li klu i o f nui iiuf.se lu r in g l.usin

V V I A P R O P E R T Y FO R S A L K -N O . 1"". •ri.-- i.riek : - lo re and d w elling ; lo t 26x16";■ Hal as la -I n e t , 2-s to ry b r ic k ; l.»t2i x i o.

A K E; 11̂ A CO._________________________C4_FOK SA L E - A V E R Y D EBIICAIfLE, P L E A S -

itly l-<cated, and mo«icriite-prlce>l residence, a ted on D elaw are s tree t. A pply to JO H N O TTO ,

81 P e a r l s tre e t. ^ _4 1 >1 AiN S T R E E T S T O R E K oK BALK O R T O ■ K L -t. -'I lie h rlck sto rv au d h rlck w arehouse in r e a r , w ith lot .-xt.-itdlng from M ain to W ash ing ton - t .e e t . hetw . on O hio a nd P e rry s tre e ts , fo rm erly «•.:- i-ii iii.t! h i F. VV. New hold a s a h a rd w a re sto re . A good barg a in w ill >*.■ g iven a p u rch ase r . LY O N . I! VK EIJ A I t) .. E rie L an d Ofllce. 34o M ain s t. cl4p*f F1KBT-4 LABS D W E L L IN G S F O R SALE;. bI-11 F ro m Mav l-L th e 4 -story h rlck d w elling No. -•V. I’e a rl s t r e e t ; has gas, w a te r , h a th , fu rn ace , Ac., very con v en ieu tly loca ted fo r business o r profes­sional m en. LV O N . B A K E R A CO., E rie L and Office . 346 M ain s t b8

FO K S A L E T H K 2-STO RY F R A M E I ) W E D ling . N... 5"S ix th s tre e t, w ith gas and w a te i. T.-rm- ea-v . 1'r lc e low. In q u ire on Ihe p rem ises

M r p a r t i c u l a r * .___________________________ e l5 -lm

V" - 1 ic-11 chanja g e ; P R O P E R T Y FOK S A L E OK E

c h a n g e .-A s to re and dw elling , tw o bar ;iu ae re o f land , f ru it , A c .; stock w ill Ik-s<

w ith the p ro p e rty , i f desired , am i c ity p ro p e r ty w - ....................... L E E A P IC K E R IN

I.V o N . HAK E ft

13 W e

f l ;

i In p a r t payiua2S

/ » MA1N S T R E E T S T oK K K oK B A I.K - No. 23 w 11!; M ain s tre e t, m a r O hio. 4 -story l.rlck : tlu r -s - l; iT T k warehoiiM- in rear. I.oi 2" feet fro n t am i ru n ­n in g th ro u g h to VV aalilng tou s t. LY O N , 1IAKKK A

k .p h k V k in


D E L IG II I’F l L •r sale in th e vllh Mine hulld lllg . W

W est Bwa


C O U N T R Y K EBIDKNI E‘. ge o f A u ro ra , h e in g a tw o - lh w hig, til tine o rd e r, and ,.w. l \ n n s easy. L E E A

F O R S A L Iiw. dow n-tow ii »••el wet'll Vlohawk ot. rn conveiilene

V E R Y D E S IR A B L E ,


ton «tr«vL No. 1X6 2-

irl st. s a l e ;.

L L IN G S FO R S A L E —D E L A W AKK w.-en A llen and N orth s ts . , 3 s to ry hrh k, is ; a lD nod i rii Im p ro v em en ts; lu-stetl hy

s ieain ; g.H»l hum : large l o t ; w ould tak e s m a lle r p re ­m ises w orth fr^u i $5.iA«J to $U»,UW lu p a r t pay iuenL P rice *21'.""".

P earl s tre e t. No. 51. 3-Morv b r lc A : lo t26x136; would tak e a .small stm-k of Inp a r i pay iuenL Apply a t No. 5 N iag a ra «!:■«•<-t. I.I .ON A KD W IL S O N A SON. R ea . E-'.aU m ! I n- aum n ce A genfa. a |7

Q F O tt S A L E —N O . Xsl W A SH IN G T O N s i - . 2-ttV.ry f ram e h ouse lu a p a r t o f Uie r p > where

p ro p e rty Is rap id ly im proving , and Iti u loca tion ad- m lral.lv adap t, d f o r a D en tlsf, P h y sic ian . A tto rn ey , o r anv k in d o f m e rcan tile business. C on ta in s baUi

■......• 1 good c e lla r ; l o t 45x164. Aj"-IV arl s t . 127ply p . J o H N O T T O ,81 P ea rl st.

F< *K l-« tory


ST.,A L E — NO. 17# N IA G A RA p house, w ith barn ,

lestrnhle. H ouse co n ta in s gas, w a te r, fu rnace .

F O R S A / . t .


Iirick, # o r l " r f iarg.dll. c o rn e r o f Mlg

m e ; Hue lot g rap e


F o r te rm s, e tc , ap]

4 ;


V n s tre e t—No. 236; IS s to ry fram e, lid 27S *1-

sto ry fra m e ; lol

1 s to ry f ra m e ; lot

; 1 s to ry fram

4 * FO R B A LK - NO. *5 S " U T H D IV IS IO N ST.. a 2-st<.ry basem en t and a tt ic l.rlck house, li

i p. rf.-.-l r e p a lr .h a s g :t-an d w a te r. Is s lutat* <1 In a veri pi* aaani neigtP iorhood an .l c o n ven ien t to th e bushier

1 p a r t o f the c ity . Lot 27 0- f ro n t and tn d ep th ti I » paved a lley . T e rm s easy . A pp ly to J O H N O I I «»,

Ml P earl »L _ Wg*?} FO R B-M .l. P k E M lS E S NOS. 5!W. 635 AN D PH ;e«7 Frujir.l'.n lo t I "• fo - t fro n t hy 22" fo -t In

■TrTv: D u . P earl =t.. w ith tn ro - h rlck houses on It, o r --------------- i f

c a n fR R E N T —A 2-STO K Y B R IC K H O V SE , I th wliuf. on th e u p p e r p a r t n f F ra n k lin sL ; d e sirab le residence , has d eep lo t. and the

,ual co i.veulem es. L Y O N , B A K E R A CO., E rie '1 I Iffice. X4*» M-iln s l. ___ I -22

f l 1fo r lheP E L !


SiES TC _ rifh o n s ii Tlie balance o f I.

1 'K L L . W- M ain -I.

R E N T —W E H A V E A NUM to ren t, a t a reaso n ab le figure. - season. H O W A R D A C H A P -


c l u* M wntgom erv a g a in s t M lchaei H oUurau andA nn H ollo ra n . h ia wife.

th e a bove naiueil defendant* .

o f M arch . I87L a n d lo a erve a co p y o f y o a r a n sw e r on liie M ibncrtber a t hi* office in A kron , N ew Y ork , w ith in tw e n ty day* a f te r th e se rv ice o f U»D iu m - rnons, e x c lu siv e o f th e d ay o f *erv tee . o r th e p la lu - tlff w ill ap p ly to th e C o u rt fo r th e re lie f d em anded

1U.w fh 6 tm P WM-. I~ P A H >N. Plainttff*g A tto rney .C L ’P E K IO R C O U R T O F B U F F A L O .—JO H li O L v th . A llred L v th . and Jo h n l y th , J r . , p .a ln - t -rTn, ag a in s t E d w in a . A lpo rL defendan t.T o th e Je fen d an L , . .

You a re h erebv aum m oned and re q u ire d to a n sw er th e com p la in t in th is ac tio n , w hich w as filed in tb e office o f th e « ie rk o f th is C o u rt on Un* 22.1 .lav o f M arch , 1871, a n d serve a copy of y o u r an sw er on us. a t o u r office. In Uie c ity of Buffalo, w ith in tw e n tr d a y s a f te r th e se rv ice h e re ­of. ex c lu siv e o f th e d ay .n f such s e rv ic e ; and If you fa ll to a n sw e r th e c o m p la in t a s a fo re sa id , th e p la in ­tiff w ill la k e ju d g m en t a g a in s t y oa fo r th e sum of one h u ndred d o lla rs aud In te re s t th e reo n fro m Uie e th d a v o f D ecem ber, one th o usand e ig h t hundred an d s ix tv -n ln e . besldaa th e co s ts o f th is acU on.

I k M W r t a m B . .X 1 I - E K K I V S .c.vn-Thfiw Plain tiff*’ A tto rn ey s , Buffalo, N . Y .

R E A L E S T A T E .

K E N T -A B O U T 2 ■ i on < h ita r lo s tree t.

i. K ent *15V. AR1»B A H I................

it $15" p**r yea r. Apply to E.->- K I .A M I.2 Hr-.WI.’- Hu- .ling*. .'27THE: 2-STO K Y F R A M E U O U A In s t r e e t : c a s : aoo<l w« Il nf'w au-Y ;

•. 512. d6- 4tIn lre n e x t dmi f * i • • n

$ 5 | ' i o L E T . \« O.M M ODIOI’B ■SL dw elling I...use. w ith in th n ff m. the - t .u ; . •, < . E. SH E

2-STOKY B R IC K th re e m in u te s walk ’ P A U D , 243 M ain

cZJ-tfFO K KEN ! THE E L E G A N T N E W D W E L -

......................... itre e L tie tw eer3. w ith a ll mod-

ce lla r , fu rn ace , Ac. C h ip p ew a ml c6

I Ie; l A ipl

i lI v T

f l " " . l s!

T O KF.NT—I'OSS __ g au tlv rVirnlriK-d •asantly local* d. 11*. " ■ :U8 M ain sL

BION A P R IL 1. A N E L E - loiise. c e n tra lly an d very ir. . . f H o w a r d a c h a p -

:S T o R E N T , FROVI MAV I, 1871, BY W IN B ill P . No. 1" E a s t E ag le st. i.gi.in : very room y house su itab le fo r 'r ic e *.<»*.

als*ve ho u se ; r<*oin>-


<•*• $20".s t.. b rick co ttages. K en t $20

„ 2 -story brick ; gas, w a te r , a d cel-

M Beiu-ca s t.. room v, 1‘,-s to ry fram e. K en t $22*.151 and t:-'. I.o iil- lan a st , tw o gen teel co ttage* op-

iv .-lt. th e 1 re!g l.l D. JS.L K ent, eaeh $2W.- L ou is iana st., double 1L s ti.rv f ram e,

'.m ilie.-. <>r room y fo r tw o ramlllc-s ; i-.lie.I. K ent fo r each hull'*2wi.

W a te r , E vans, Lc. ou teu lx , Btat*-, and Fly » ts . ; severa l room v build ings, -u lta '. le for saloons. gr.>- r . ides and sa ilo r 's U .a rd ln g houses. K ent *120 to *35".

FA RM S FO R SA L F..-S«-veral d e sirab le fa rm s fo r sa .e in tills a nd ad jo in in g counties.

IN S U R A N C E —T h e undersigned will m ake su rveys an .l in su re lu sev e ia l o f th e b est com Stiit*'.

H O U SES FO R S A L E .—N o. 472 N iag a ra sL ;2-st.»rv frajiie : lot3Ux!2*) P r ic e *4.28)0

y.i T en th sL ; l ' 4-s to ry fram e. P r ic e SS.ai1".1 * T w e ltth sL . I ‘.-s to ry tra iue . P r ic e $ 3 .W .I1.* C arro ll St., 2-story b r ic k , b a sem en t and a ttic .

P r ic e $4.50".3-6 E llico tt SL ; 1 ‘,-sU .rv fram e. P r ic e *3."""..VIS S eneca -t., I -..-a'.orv GoUiIc f ram e . P r ic e $2.0u".Y an d a lia ;L , tw o l-s to ry fram e c o tta g e s ; eaeh

lujiaiiius lu Uie

’ b rick ( P r ic e$1.d --.

v j,. 357. and 56# E lk *L,$3.14)0 each.

B fncca at., a block of s ix 2-story h rlck houses, n e a r G r.flln -L P rice , eaeh $!.*"".

Hnu.-k avenue , co rn e r o f N o rth V. akhlngtou. th ree w ooden co ttages , n earlv new . P r ic e il.'JisTeach.

H i V irg in ia oL. first li.m -e from N iagara S t..2-story b r iy k : ga^. w a te r , a n .l ce lla r. 1’rlc.- *4,"i4i.

LO TS F<>R BALE;. D elaw are s t.. n e a r V irg in ia , ea s j side : w ill .-e ll :W. 4". o r 55 leet a t *15" p. r loot.

EVanklin St., o p jio slte Uie C ath ed ra l. P rice *115 p e r foot.

Lula on n o rth e r ly a ide o f E x ch an g e ‘ t. th rough to C arro ll St., iM 'tween R a iu h u rg arid Jefferson s tree ts . P rice $25perr«»ot.

L o ts sam e as la s t, e a s te r ly o f Y’an R en sse lae r s L ; sam e p rice .

E’u u r lo ts on w este rly side o f G rlflin St., betw een S en ecaan d E x ch an g e sta. P r ic e *12.5" tie r foot.

rM A. N. W 1N SH I1*. N->. 10 K. E agle st.f l f l TO K E N T A 1L-STO K V F R A M E H O U SE

on A llen s t r e e t : Im m ed ia te possesaiou g iven. T rm N «)TT<», Ml 1 '. a r l sL a27

f i 'A P P L Y TO

T O L E T —R O O M S .

i a t 3S4 l ’ea rl .111-41

K M S H E D A P A R T M E N T S TO K E N T ith lum ied ia te p ossession : South D ivision

M ichigan s tre e t, first s to ry o f a 2-s to ry fram e, tw o room s, 1 wo liedroom s. In very go**.! o rd e r and new ly 'um lr-hed : N iag a ra w*t* r. T w o o r th ree o th e r fu rn ish ed a p a r tm e n ts from tw o to fou r room s ea r l iu d iffe ren t p o rtio n s o l Uie c ity . A pr Iv a t Ni 5 M ’lg a ra sL L E7‘~ * "■*

e F l iwith

f i


larg e f ro n t room s, co n nec ting les. g r a t i s and w a te r , w ith lir •• >01119 a rc very p lea san t and th c lo .-au N. B A K E R A C O .,E r ie L and Offic

T H R E E Wltli closeta, -c lass ttoard. a tio n cen tra l.

346 51 ain

" A REHOUSE! A N D O F F IC E S ON C E N T R A L fc p W h a rf fo r r e n t : also, th e fine office on W ash -

f‘ um s tre e t, in r e a r o f E. 1.. H ed s tro m 'sco a l office. E A P IC K E R IN G . 13 W est S w an s t. e l l

JO H N O T T O , 81 P e a r l sL

T O L E T -S T O R E S .

_ ... lo th iu g s to re , an d th e Iiase-iuent welln m s ie d fo r a r« 'st» .ira iit o r v ic tu a llin g saloon. E’.lth t w ill be re n te d sep a ra te ly o r bo th to ge ther. lic ih rdU t*- possession for th*- b asem en t; s to re Mav

A pplv a t No. 5 N ia g a ra 9t. LK« *N A K l» W ll.' SON A Si iN'. Real E s ta te a n d In su ran ce A gents. <11

F O R S A L E —F A R M fe .jSj& E VKVIB E'«*R BALE: O K E X C H A N G E

j j-i l.H f A PH K E R IN .. . U W -M ?

W c pa

J r t t . r , |*.»« paid M M x JroU 'if. < - 1‘r c i f *

JIIV E K f i Uj3i l«» 't

j.ric -f iN ).W aln u t sl

25x132; j.rlc.

•; l.rl. e *4.8"".I No. 4 U ;2 su iry

e t - No. 3M3; 1 story' f r a m e ; l o t 25x125; I ’.1*!

; lo t 3 "x l"ti;

s to ry f ram e ;

firs t fram e : r a>. w a te r.

; lo t 25x11'#;

•n in e fisl. p • it each . abut.

HNDS A N D FA RM EoK m l 4;> a c r i - : good dw ellings, line young o rc h a rd . T h e re

- ‘ s i n ex -

Vid U a*lo iiip r a

nd on ,* .


r at a xt-r\ low j.r i . e.LV O V , HAKKK A ( O

, 346 M ain h l . co r . N iag an rU -f i n e ; ( o u n t k y k e s i -

dence hIhiiii 1 m iles from E;a.->t P. G am e bouse, w ith g<a.d b a rn , 011I-

• ..1 land well cultivate*!, fru itim t-housM , *

« ■

. 11! Ia-.lr.-dgi d eiiliffir sa il o r

A p ill’S A L E - \ : •am . a : \V i.-re o f lam .1 w ith a lai

.liil'fNo K V FRAME. H O U SE. nisvlUe, w ith t l i r e e q u a r - nder tb .e c u ltiv a tio n , an d a r l - ty o f fru it Ir. v x IHIN O T T . *. Ml P e a r l «t.

• to.-k. d w lih ht T he p r.qu rtv is 'H unt*- n ea r

B udalo am i C o m in g R ailroad , • rtu iiity lo a fM-rsoii o f p isca- h a husui*'*s p av ing v e r t large KK A ( O.. E rie Land Office,


« FA RM F O P B A L E '.-B E ST G A R D E N LA N D In Erl*- C ouatv . Mu-.t la; sold to ch.se u t an

i - ia le . - ' , a c - s. tw o m iles from th e ‘ ’o u rt house. WIU !>e soid c.scap hy HOW AKD A C llA P P E l. , 3*8 M ain sf. ^


m w a l . r ; bu ild in g s goo.1; su lt-

A Iso. a •• 1 ru n .»* ui • ■»*.—, ; -tree s . I" a c re - r.f No. I ta-aeh la n d ; g.nal hu ildu *.g. ih f a c re ; c lieapest fa rm In E rie < ..u iity .

( .Y JO H N Q T T O .81 P . *rl


-.•rip llon . A I*."1 lie p u rcn ase num .-. -- •E N . \ 11'.’2 N la g a i.^ -L_ L i ITS- WE. MAV Eli*- 1

G A V E R Y D E S IR A B L E R E S ID E N C E FO K sa l. .Main str.-eL n o rth w est c o rn e r o f N orth , . .i i- .- . . . I '"’ feet on N o rth and 167 feet on M ain s treeL con-

dlt w ill j U ilnlng a 2 s to ry fram e dw e llin g ; a very p le a sa n t

’• wIM sell In lot*. I • 7 ‘111 v th ing to I... p a id • 'V l.iilld dw elling* the.-I, LE'ON A RD VV I L s

•rs, and 1 led Hie p

i c .

s o N . l>5

1 a l e : o n " ’i l -L ot WX3N', w ith

•j; M .’ lu M. alK»̂ A K F.K A • ’• Erl.- Land 31 N E L O IS KOR K ESID EN CF.B FO K S U .EF "Mfixl.S', on Cod. ge Street. 1.10X316, on N ortli st r e d . W ill be sold In l-t* :■• -"I

P IC K E R IN G , 13 W est Swui 1■chasers. L E E A

l teuo i l . n i lo. a llo t

r flfte*r w l i

•■lUle.• lei

told a t ae llj


ml Insuram .i . T lN AK D W 1 Ll

• A gents. _H O T E L FO R SALK OU E X C H A N G E K oK e tty projH*rty ; Uie ta v e rn s tan d , k now o as the

ill’s C o rn e rs .' alx u t ten m iles from th is c ity . T b a house Is 4"x6" a n d 2-storv h tgn, w ith one o f Uie fl ie a t.v lla rt* iu E’.rle C o u n ty ; has a fine ball-room . T h e bar io o m , d in in g p s t.i and pa rlo rs a re sjtacious and w .'1! asrab g e .1 : th e re Is a fine l.arn 4"\«". and a ho rse a m ' w agm ishe.1 2"xW ; tw o gotxl w ells o f w a te r, c u te rn a aln .u t tw o a* re so f lan d . Thl? 'a irood c iiauce 'o r a u .a u th a t u n d e rs tan d s the hi b .ess T h e new ratlr-ou l go ing fn .n i Kuff.do M nrlnrv llle w ill have * Uepo*J»-’»te._l w ith in a_ ah.

FA R M EOK BA LE AT A B A R G A IN .—47 a r . s In B a tav ia , n e a r Elast P e m b n .k e , MU

iro m d e p d ; line o rc h a rd , an ab u n d an ce of sm all fru its , good house a nd harm A p p ly to JO H N O T T O . Ml p . a r l sl _ ___________________ «»j j f ik b a l e : o k e x c h a n g e .—a m o s tZ j Z d e s irab le fa rm of 13" a c re s lu a h igh s ta le o f e n u lv a tlo n . lo ca ted favo rab ly n e a r th e o e jio t and in the lake w ine g row ing reg ion , w ith 16 a c re s o t v tn .- v a rd . m ore th a t. l.'M ' choice f ru it tree s , a tine brtck hotis*-. la rge b a r us, w agon she Is and w orkshops. It w in !«• ,..ld oi: reaso n ab le te rm s ..r e x ch an ced for vessel p ro p e r tv . A p p ly to JO H N O T T O , 81 I ea rl s ' -,•«•!. P *

A FA RM W O R T H $2S,UUU, F O R W H IC H A went side o f M aiu St w o rth $8000 w ill be

change, b a lan ce ou easy te rm s . A lso, a(am i w o rth $ :c ,.w , for w tdch Im proved c ity p ro p ts rtj will la- tak en f<>r a la rg e p o rtio n ot p rice , t>y H U " - A K D A C H A P P E L L . \ u i V iaiusL 1»»

TO KF.NT j-.ils side o f a n e

ug h t 1

I.) B A T A V IA S T R E E T .! ONI lew h r tc k s to re , w ith a good window I ness. c30-tf

C L E A R IN G OU T S A L Eo r

Real and Personal Property.B U SIN E SS A R R A N G E M E N T S re q u ir in g m y re­

m oval U> the c ltv o f B a ltim o re , M d., 1 offer f-.r sbi. m y rea l an d jM.-r9. 1u a l p ro p e rty iu th e c ity o f Buffalo, a s follow s:

T h e 2 ',-S T O R Y B R IC K H O U SE , 274 SW A N ST., w ith gas. w a te r and lia th . and ln g<M>d co n d ltl .11 th ro u g h o u t; new 2-story brick s tab le 2Ux24 ou rear o f loL L o t 24x115 to a jtaved alley .

T h e 2-STO K Y B R IC K H O U SE . 310 S W A N ST ., w ith gas a n d w a te r : c em en t c e lla r u n d e r w hole ' .u se ; i* uew lv p a in ted and p ap e red th roughou t

id In th e best possib le c o n d itio n ; shinbbe-ry, shade —id o rn am en ta l Jr.-es, e tc . L o t 25x115 to au alley .

T h e IS -B T tiK Y F R A M E H O U SE, 3US E A G L E s T . N ea rly new w ith ga* and w a te r : very convenien t and lu good co n d itio n . Ix»t 26x127.

T h e 2-STORY F R A M E H O U S E , 224 VAN R E N S - B A LA EK ST.. n e a r S eneca # L ; w ill jiav lib e ra lly on th e Investm en t. L o t 3Ux8U.

Also, th e flne bu ild in g lo t on SO U TH S ID E I 'F S W A N ST .. tietw een M ichigan an .l C h icago s tre e ts b e ing 82 fee t f ro n t by l'W feet deep .

Also, O N E L A R G E O F F IC E S A F E (H err in g ’*): w eight 3.600 lbs.

A lso, o ue bav ho rse, 7 yea rs o ld ; p erfec tly sound.

fen tie an d k in d , sty lish , and a good tro t te r . O ne top uggy. O ne C u tte r . Burial.* a u d W o lf R obes, e te . B arg a in s w ill lie g iven on any o f tlie above p ro p e r­

ty «.. j>artiea d e s ir in g P. p a y C A SH , o r to MAKK L A R G E CASH P A Y M E N T S .

L O U I S O T T O .O f H A ST IN G S A O TTO ,

Real E s ta te B rokers , No. 4 B row n 's B uildings.

J jK S lK A B L K


No. 17 8 S w a n S t . , n e a r M ic h i g a n S t . ,MY F o k M E K R E S ID E N C E


2 1 -2 S to r i e s , 15 R o o m s ,tu, C lo se t; I :o., w ith


t y P R IC E L O W A N D T E R M S E A S T .A pply to a i '


The Residence 293 Franklin St.,O ccup ied by th e su b sc rib e r. L O T 70x115 feet.

T he prem ise* can be e x am in ed anv d av betw een 10 aud 12 o 'c lock a . si.

»lll-6t____________________ JO H N M. G IL B E R T .

TO LET.T H E DOCKS ad jo in in g a n d b e ing p a r t <>f the

p ro p e rty o r B R O W N E L E V A T O R , ab o u t 760 feet w a te r irouL A pply to

C . M . H O R T O N ,ie r P e a r l and 9en -

F I N A N C I A L .


Northern Pacific Railroad

R A P I D P R O G R E S S O F T H E W O R K .

T h e build ing o f tlie N o rth e rn P acific R a ilroad , be­gun Ju ly last). Is being pushed f rw a rd w ith g rea t energy Iro m both e x tre m itie s o f th e line. Beveral thousand m en a re em ployed ln M inneso ta an d on thc Pacific coast. T he g rad e is n ea rly com ple ted 266 m iles w estw ard Irom L ak e S u p e r io r ; tra in s are ru n n in g ov e r 130 m iles o f finished ro ad , an d track - lav lng is jirogrespsing a t th e ra te o f o n e to tw o m iles p e r d ay . In c lud ing Us p u rch ase o f th e Bt. P a u l and Pacific Road, the N orthern Pacific C om pany now has *13 m iles o f com pleted ro ad , and by S ep tem b er n e x t th is w ill lie Increased t<> a ’ le a s t 5dU.

A GO O D IN V E S T M E N T .— W e a re now selling , and u n h esita tin g ly lecom tueud , aa a P ro fitab le and p erfec tly Bafe Investm en t, tu e F ir s t M ortgage Land G ra n t G old B onus of the N o rth e rn P acific R ailroad C om pany. They have •#> y e a rs lo ru n . h ea r Seven an d T h ree -T en th s j*er c en t, gold in te re s t (m ore titan

I>cr ce n t, currency ) and a re secu red by fir nly m o rtg ag e on the e n tire R oad aud its_

in cu ts , aud also on ,23,000 A C R ES U F LAN I) to every m ile o f tra c k , o r

500 A cres fo r each $l,»Mi Bond. T hey a re e x em p t from U. rt. T a x ; P rin c ip a l aud In te re s t a re p a y a l" “ ln G old. D enom inations R eg is te red . $100 to $1",000.

Coupons. *100 to $1,08

L A N D S Jru K B U N D S .—N o rth e rn Paclflc7-3"s a re a t all tim es receivab le a t ten per cen t, above p a r. In ex ch an g e fo r th e C om pany s L an d s, a t th e ir low est cash J .ri .e . T h a t 1*. In add IJ ion u * ^ .t^ ^ c h a r a c te r

a" f irs t-c lass p ro m p t-p ay in g R a i road s• Bonds a re fn effect 1 ..... ‘ ...................... ..

u r i . \


I g(»K R E N T - T H E F IN E STO R K , NO. 207 $ M ain s t ie t ’t. A jijilv on t lie p rem ise s , o r to K A I'M K E R IN G . 13 W.-.-t Bwan c25

S T O K E F D R - REN ’1.—4-BTuK V w est fiu .- o f M ain s t . . n> a r S eneca ?t-, hv S. B ergm an . E « |. W ill Ih- ren ted

M ay I. 1871. LY O N , — aid

EC AM A K E R .t CO.. E rfe L and . 'flic,

L E T ST O R E NO. 203 E A ST SEN I III st. A pj.lv To J O H N 1 ' I T . >. hi P ea iI st.

f lI) R E N T —F R O 51 MAY 1. N E X T , T H R E E

_ very d es irab le and c e n tra lly lo ca ted s to res , su itab le fo r g ro ce ry s to re s , d rug , sa loon, o r a lm o s t ativ e th e r k in d «>f b usiness, w ith o r w ith o u t fam ily it vim- room s in c o nnec tion . S evera l su ite s o f room's l'..r i um ed ia te oeciijiancy . H O W A R D A C H A P- P E L G .3I8 M ain s t. _______________ c4

® S T O R E T O L E T —F L O U R A N D F E E D -O N W ash in g to n neai H uron s t r e e t : a b rick sto re

to - a long tim e used a s a f i ju r am i feed sto re . LY ON, B A K E R A CO., E rie L and Office, 346 M ain

M O R T G A G E S .


SprlngT tlle w iil have•f th is jiro jx-rty . u tak lu g I t

No t i c e t o b u i l d e r s t.■heap lo ts w h ieh l w ill w ll

H A V E SOM E 1 long tim e , re -

1 ,MT? will llll-'r a r l nt. 1.17

T O R S A L E —H O U S E S .D W E L L IN G S F«»i:

? a n d french n -.f . - i t- , P a rk and N o rth W il-

iHtam e o f Uil* p ro p e r ty . Iand will increa-w-hi value r^nJ'By- C all »o..u a 5̂1.M et OM IPS. No. 6 H outh D iv is io n " t . _

F O R S A L E ,T H E F IN E F R A M E .D W E L L IN G I B l,..u-*-. w iw u m ia lh r b u ilt, w ith all th e u""*; ™ i

im p ro v em en ts . No. I45 iflx lii s tre e L w ith la 'g * }Pt>L E E * P IC K E R IN G . 13 W e st Hwan s L |

»)5 D E L A W A R E ST .. A I -ov*»rj uuUhlc b rick houw . w ith aff em en ls . Lot50xl73. A p p ly to JO H N

£fa rm v will Ih A R D .

FO R B A LE—A D E S IR A B L E FA RM OK 25 1-5 a c re s , w ith in th ree m iles o f M ain s t., on

.enesee s t r e e t r..a*i. o p p o site ( la rk ’s D istille ry . W ill ex ch an g e rfor a fa rm .>t a)8>ut 15" a<-res. A pp ly !•> K D W A K llS A B U C K L A N D , No. 2 B row n 's Build ings. 114

r . 'K S A L E —NO Rna tluo tw o -sto ry doubl. m odern l in p ro v c n m ' ’ "O TTO . 81 P ea rl sL

m f f l ) IK S T O R Y B R IC K 1 lire— St., fo r Wile ch eap on <

P t l ' K E K 1N«j . 13 w e ' t s w a n st.

T O L E T —H O U S E S .I IIO U ..E T () R E N T —25 S IX T H S T . N »' W OC- B ciipte.l u;r th e su lia rrlbv r. lnquD e of A . PA K -

I) TO IN V E S T oo rtg ag es: p u rc h a se m onev n io rt- H U M E A S A N F O R D , lo W est


Mi>N K Y . M O N E Y . — l ^ t C H A S t M O N EY m o rtg ag es w an ted by HOW A K D A C H A P P E L ,

34* X sin sL _ __________________ e31

Mo r t g a g e s f o r b a l e . —*i7,«*i m o r t g a g ep av ab ic lu 5 a nn u a l p a y m e n ts ; *5,'«*) m ortgage

ju iy a b le 'lu 41. an n u al p a y m e n ts ; $1,UU0 m ortgage j.avahle ln 4 an n u e l pay m en ts . L Y O N , B A K E R A C l».. « r ie L an d Office. 346 M ain s t. kl9

NEV M o U iG A h * rt s treeL al2

1»t7ftCHABE M( 'N E Y M O TG A G ES W A N T E Dl i u ’ ‘ ........ I

Hwan st

M” . _______sem i innually . A lso one m offigage o f $*4U>. payable In fiv ■ ann u a l p a y m e n ts : lift*-rest an nua lly . Also,

$7iwu j»avahle lu fou r an n u a l p avm eu ts . T he

re i u r u ^ . , ^.—.il W a rra n t- bearing pro fitab le ra le o f in te re s t u n til ex ch an g ed fo r l lo m e-steans. a t len p e rc e n t- p rem iu m ......................

Bl.NKl.N4i F U N D ,—T h e L and ( .r a n t ot th e Road exceed s F ifty M illion A cres, hav ing an average s..11 o f g re a t f e r ti l i ty . In a c lim ate th a t Is .-Imply im .iir- jiassed. 1 h e T ru s te e s o f the M ortgage, yiessra. Jay ( .H.ke an .l J . E d g a r Tliosuson. a r e r.-qulred t*. de- v,.te the pr.H -eedaof all L and s a le - to th e rvP i.rcbase a .id can ce lla tio n <>f th e ( ..m jiaiiy » »Joii;le. 1 h i- 1m- m .-ii-e S in k in g F u n d will undoubted ly cance l the p rin c ip a l oCUm e n tire l - u e " f I- irsl. Mm igvge 14. ,n . * tnow selling) In-fore they fall due. W ith th e ir a m |.le s ecu rity and h igh rat*- of In terest th e re is uo in v est­m en t accessib le to the pvojile, w hich is m ore profit-

" ► V o Y a s g i x g r . ?■ r iV B - T W E S V B S S .- " .View of th e G overnm en t’s e x p ec ta tio n soon to . all f r the s u r re n d e ro r liso u ts ta n d in g fin e r cen t. Bonds, u n d e r tlie p re se n t m ovem ent fo r fund ing th e d e b t a t low er in te re s t, m any ho lders <>f U nited ? ta le s k l\«?- T well tie s a re ex eh an g tn g them for N orthern I at Ific rteven-Thlrti*-?. th u s rea liz ing a h andsom e proflL audg re a tly In c reasin g thel* yeariy h ic jim e.

i 'T H E R B E C IjR IT IE H -A G E N C L E B .—All m ar- k,-table S tocks a nd B onds w ill he recelved a t U ieir h ig h est c u r r e n t p rice In exchange fo r N o rth e rn Pacific H even-T b lrtles. E x p re ss charg '-s on Money ..r Bonds rece iv ed , and on S. v en -T h ir t 'e s s r o t ln re- tim i. w ill he p a id )*v tlie F in an c ia l Agents. A gent 1<» f. r th e sale o f th is loan a re establish.*.! ln nearly every cU^ and 1 m por I an t Jo w n U m m g h ^ t t J . e U nited s ta te s a n d C anada. I* uU In fo ru ia t o n . u»aj ». pam ph lets, e l r . . c a n be ob ta ined on ap p llcaU on a t any agency , o r from th e undersigned .

F o lt Ba l k byJ A T C O O K E A C O ..

P h ila d e lp h ia . N ew Y ork. W ash ing ton .P r in c ip a l A gen ts N o rth e rn Pacific R a ilroad Oo.

S u b sc rip tio n s fo r th e above B onds rece ived In Buffalo by

F irs t N a tiona l B ank.T h ird N ationa l B ank . , ,F a rm ers ’ an d M echanics ' N a tio n a l Bank.B ank o f A ttica ,M anufac tu re rs a n d T ra d e rs Bank.M arine B ank,N ew Y ork a n d E ric Bauk,W b ite ’s B ank.G eorger A P au l,Jo h n s te llw ag en ,II. W . B urt A Co.,C andee A Co .Lyon. B aker A C o - -»7Lee A P ic k e tin g . _______

*od Investm en ts.

M IS C E L L A N E O U S .

BU : FAL0 PLANING M ILL<ll«s*&'ed lii- ta n t. a


ui fu rn ish" .! In m odern s lv .e and c.II". «. Lot .aix2-'. With eaeh h -u re . k o r - -y t. ru - L Y i'N . B A K E R A CO.. E rie La •e. 34fi S ta tn al ____

1-1 o f -


"irlncr sL . l-s to ry f ra m e ; lo t 80s 106. T ric e ; l«*«'..liege s t., c o rn e r M aryland , l- s to ry tri

«4xl *'. P r ic e *2.6"".T en th -t .. No- 1"". l-s to ry fram e. P r ic e $2,250. N o rth w illia m Sl. No. 32; lot i '.x"» i. P r ic e $].«*>. T w e lfth St., No. 449; lo l27x14#. P r ic e $85". t tev en th St.. n o r th e a s t co rn e r V irg in ia , 2 -s to rle s ;

j o t* lx i“ *. P rice $:u m i.T w elfth vt.. No. 437. l-s to ry f ra m e ; lo t 27x’.49. P rice

$ l : 25x89.E lev en th -E , N P r ic e $129*'.

N o rth D iv ision - 1., No. 437, l-s to ry t r a m e ; lo t 30x 130. P r ic e $1.4"".

W a ln u t *L, No- I*-1- l-st**ry f ra m e ; lo t 25x115. P r ic e $1,470.

H erm an s l . h e tw re n B atav ia and G enesee stre* is : tw*. l-s to ry Coltag. s ; iot^O^xlW. P r ic e $W*0.

d i» ____ _

FOR SA LK —T H E R E S ID E N C E O F KEY . B. H ath . ri. <>n tin* so u th w est c o rn e r o f L In wood

„ n m e a n d ’ S u m m er s t r e e t : lo t 1U2 on L in wood avenue bv 18" o n B um m er s t r e e t ; t ra m e house, tw o- -t- .rv . w ill done o ff a n d in goo«l o rd e r th ro u g h o u t: co llar und.-r w hole h .H jw ; a la rg e q u a n tity o f f ru it trees , sm all fru it and -had*? tr.-es, and J f* ‘n g .° " f t'-.e .le-lrah le l.M-atton* In Un.* c ity - H O W A R D * O H A ffi’ V L I . _________________ ^

F O R SA L E —T H E T W O -S T O R Y W IT H A one-sto ry w ing , hrlck dw elling , s itu a te d on

n o rth e a s t c o rn e r ot South D iv ision and C ed a r s ts . L o t 81 x l 10 to a n a lley . T h is ls a very d esirab le d w elling a nd wtll l>e sold a t a low p ric e a nd on easy

«Y » ° U 'KER1N(«. 13 W . Bw an sL a5

Fl»R BA LE—122 P E A R L B T R E E T ; COM - p le te tn a ll I ts re sp e c ts for a "w e llin g house o r

T fd in g house, a n d , fo r Jm stn e# s jyurj***-*; n n r of,

mF D R H A LE BY M. M cCOM B. 5 SO U TH 1)1-

|- |o n st- 2#u N In th *t.. I ̂ - s to ry fra m e ; 2[par- Inlng room , k itch en , p a n trv ; 5 tw**| ro o m s ;

cwraent c e l la r : g as a n d w a te r. L ot V x 132 fL ; choice fn i t t tree* a n d g ra p e v in es , and g a n ten . T e rm s to s u it pu rch asers . ______ _

f l '

I ,I

te rm s. *L E E A P I '

f l 1b o a rd in g ho ——th e m o st d e s irab le lo ca tio n s. tT T O . »1 T e a rl »L ______________________ 1,1

I F I R S M ’LAHB HOUBK ON N IA G A R A ST. i to r sale. T h e resid en ce o f Jo h n A. Moore,I .N o . 226 N ia g a ra s treeL T h is lmus.- D 2 ^ -s to -

rles b rick , w ith to w er, a n d m a -tlc fro n t. .T h e re Is a b rick b a rn on th e a lley In tlie re a r . The lo t t o t o

T’>‘» ‘t a t P t V o S . ' f f l m i

) c ity . JO H N

f l f t 472 D E L A W AKK A V E N U E (T H Edence o f 8. L . C lem ens. Esq..) fo r sale, by

flU M K A BAN FO R D , 16 W e st S w an «L

J « T '» L E T -F IR S T -C L A S S B R IC K DW F.L- ling*.

r ran k lin s t.. N.x 5CS, 2 -fto ries a n d w ing ; ga*. w a­te r. * i - R » n if3 w '.

F ran k lin *t.. n e a r H uron , 4 -s to ries ; gas. w a te r , *c . R en t $1,"W).

D elaw are -L, No. 142; 2 -storles: gas. w a te r , Ae. Rent $6"t)>C h ippew a St.. N<^ 21, 3 -s to rie s ; gas, w a te r , Ac. K**nt$.5U. . . .

P a rk P lace . No. 31, 2 -s to ries : gas. w ate r. Ac. K eut

^ 'tV ash in g to n sL . c o rn e r G oodell, 2 -s to r le s ; gas, w a te r. Ac. K eilt $7tW.

P e a rl St., N o. 2S5. 3 -s to n e s : g a s , w a te r. Ac. U cu t

E ag le »t.. No WL 2 -sto ries and b a se m e n t; gas.

WEagie*sL , ^ fo !* l^ l^ J -s to r ie * and b a se m e n t; gas.

WEagie*Ht.. 123; 2-sto riea and b a se m e n t: gas, w a u r. Ac. K en t $5UJ. LT<)„ B A K E R A CO.,

,jj5 E rie L a n d Office. 3J> M ain sl

® T ( ' L E T —i[)NE O F T H O S E 2-B T oR Y B R I* 'K houses on: North Pearl streeL east side. No. 41, tie! wt*«-n Virginia and Allen streets: ta i dotN*

parlors, cellar, cistern, gas. Ac . and a well failing water, gnd a large garden in rear. I ersons doing business .down town and desiring an uj>-town residence can »vall themselves of tlie cars, ss the lot run* to Main st. Inquire on tlie premise*. dl3-tf

Tlie firm o f C olle A Co.. com pose. 1 o f Hamuel D. nlle, A l.ram B. L aw ren ce a nd J o h n B. G anson . was

ed bv m u tu a l co nsen t on th e 15th o f M arch in«f sa id G anson and C h arles J . H am ilton ,

*niau fo r tlie la s t e igh teen y e a rs ln th e E a to nP la n in g M ill, have form ed a co p a rtn e rsh ip a s suc- c -sso rs te ( <>de A < '.x In lh e P la n in g Mill business, a t tb e sam e p lace , u n d e r th e firm n am e o f

H A M I L T O N S c C O . ,ioca tf- in t . p a r t o f “ G anson B lock.” c o rn e r o f E rie »!." .Texfa.-e street-*, w here P lan ed L um ber. D oors.

- .M o u ld in g s and o th e r J o in e r w ork w ill d a t w noiesaie and re ta il. Also, m atch ed , ■ed. re -saw ed , scro ll saw in g , e tc ., done to


m i s c e l l a n e o u s

B Y T E L E G R A P H .O S c ta l W u t k a r R - p o r t .

W a r D ep a rtro en L S ignal S erv ice, Unite* 1 S U ti A rm y . D ivision o f T e leg ram s a n d R ep o rts fo r th e benefit o f C om m erce. M eteoro logical R ecord .

W a s h in g to n '. A pril 12.S Y N O P S IS FO R P A ST 2 4 H O U R S.

T be s to rm , w hich on F rid ay evening w as ln cen­tr a l N ew Y ork , h a s m oved n o r th e a s tw a rd beyond o u r s ta tio n s .

A sh o rt a n d severe g a le p rev a llad In p o rtio n s o f the M iddle S tate* on T usaday n igh t. B risk w esterly w inds a re n ow rep o rted on th e lakes and ea s t A t­lan tic .

T h e l ig h t ra in s a a d snow s th s t w ere experienced on T uesday n ig h t o n th e lo w er lak es a re to -day fol­low ed by p a r tia l cloudy w eath er. T b e w ea th e r re­m ains c loudy w ith a low b a ro m e te r on th e G u’.L

C lear w e a th e r h as p reva iled lu th e Sou thern S ta tes ' T h e w e a th e r rem a in s een s lb ly th e sam e a t tbe

R ocky M o u n ta in s a nd on th e P acific s ta tio n s so fa r a s b e a rd from .

P R O B A B IL IT IE S .P a r tia lly c loudy w eather, w ith lig h t w iuds. w ill

p robab ly be e x p e rie n c e d on T h a rsd a y In th e M iddle aud S o u thern S ta te s , an d th e M ississipp i \ 'a l le y : cloudy w e a th e r and fresh w este rly w in d s ou the lak es ; fresh w inds o n tlie east A tlan tic .


N ew York, April 12.—Tlie *ul*-< *>mmit- tee appointed to name the ex|>erls to ex­amine the accounts of the Methodist Book Concent, adjourned without haviDgmade an appointment. I t has transpired, however, that Dr. Carlton, the agent of the Concern, has, on his own responsibility, appointed three ex pert a to examine the aecouuts and management ot the Concern during his otli- eial connection with it since INY2. The ex ­perts are Messrs. J . Van Ylick, a Methodist, the chief bookkeeper of the firm of Phelps, Dodge *,t Co.: Charles Callender, a Baptist, the United States bank examiner for this eity. and F. W. Uunn. a Presbyterian, wbo bas had forty years’ experience a* a book­keeper and accountant. These experts will soon report the state of aecouuts of thc Book Concern.

A N E X T R A S E N A T E SESSION.A W ashington dispatch says the Presi­

dent has intimated to several senators that be will call the Senate together in executive session on or about tbe tirst of May, to con­sider treaties agreed ui>ou by the Joint High Commissioners. ^

A “ BLA C K F R ID A Y " CA SE.Argument iu the case of Orlando W. Jos-

lyn vs. A lbert SpeyflFs, JaMett Fisk, J r .. lleury N\ sm ith and’ others, was concluded in the Supreme Court, general term, at Brooklyn, to-*lav. The amount involved is $1,500,000. Decision reserved.

act, but on point of order rained by Mr* Maynard tbe amendment was excluded.

The amendment in relation to meeting of Congress was again Brought before the House by a demand for yeaa and nayi upon concurrence. The yea* and nays were or­dered.

Mr. tiA B F IE L D (Rep.. O.) argued agaiust the repeal of the existing law re­quiring a meeting of each Congress on the 4th of March.

Messrs. Bingham and Butler (.Mass.) also argued against repealing tbe law. Messrs. Dawes and Farnsworth favored the repeal.

Without taking a vote, the House s t 4:40 adjourned, aftei announcement by the Speaker of the foliowmg appointments: On Committee of Rules—The Speaker, Bank*, OarfiHd, Cox and Randall. On Public Buildings and Ground*—Halsey, starkw eather, Tyner, P latt, Morphia, Orr, Getz, Wells and Perry.

W A S H IN G T O N .



l o r / . 22 t r e t b ran ij_ “

Ih- fUwili planed , order.

Buffalo. M arch 22. 187!.

to w n p laces n ow In the Ol E rie Land Office. 346 M ain *L


P e a rl s t . _____________ ________________f l i FO R BALK—NO. 75 SO U T H D IV IS IO N ST.

I f l f l H ouse lu fine o rd e r and w ell w o rth looking a t by pu rchaser* . JO H N O TTO , 61 Ptarl »t-

D elaw are s tre e t, 3 -s to ry b r ic k : gaa. w a te r , b a th . Ac.

I S P e a r l »L, 2 -story f ra m e ; gas, w a te r , b a th , A c .; baru.

215 P e a rl sL , 2 -story. haaem enL b r ic k ; gaa aud w ater.

217 P ea rl *L, 2 -story, b asem en t, b r ic k ; gas and w ater.

101 o a k sL, 2 -ito ry . basem en L b r tc k jg u a and w ater.dfi HUME A SANFORD, I* Wsat tfwas st

FELTO N Sc'. BR O .Have just received

A . Fine Lot of Paper*

In itiil, Congress, Commercial Billet and Mourning Notes,


. Foi- saio la quautU lea and price# to au:L

140 F E E T

' J I S w K & ? » K ' . a n ™” ' t r ! * i ' % z s s r r £ i

r r b i r u flu . uotl.r S f . b ’ lurt of w a te r 4 fret 6 laches: can carry I,"u0 paareng

' r S r ^ 'S L partlralM, Iwltili* BEU-VSJ™- Ssglm- W orks. Buffalo. N. Y.______ ________ ____



“ T A P E S T R Y B O R D E R S . ”





By ostng NITROUSOX1DX(orlss|hlB |tBAB

M . S. S t r a l c h t . - - " B m Mo r r i c * u v u s a m a u . s t .

•J9U E


Wonld re sp ec tfu lly call a ttjm U oa t a r Hi tie s fo r G a lvan lx ing all k in d s o f W o rk , m e n saB T O V * R E S E R V O IR S ,


R IV E T S , C H A IN S. W IR E . H O O P IR O N ,W R O U G H T o r CANT IR O N P IP E S .

N a lls a nd S p ik es a s p a r la ltv . S h ee t i r e o m ads ln ( o o d n c to r r i p ^ . C oal H ods, S L p a n d W a te r P a lls , Ac.

A1I w ork doDe p ro m p tly , a nd saU siaaN on rw aran - teo d In ovory respooL M M w


W ashing to n , April 12.—It is state<l ou comi>etent authority tha t tbe dispatch seut from this city a few days ago to the effect that Senator Conkling had circulated among the Republican members of tho House of Representatives from New Y'ork for signa­ture a letter strongly recommending tbe continuation of Laflin and Darling, but ob­tained signatures of only six of them, was erroneous. The facts are tha t Conkling cir-

ulatcd uo paper. One was put in circula­tion in favor of I.afliu, aud every Republican member from New Y'ork to whom it was presented signed it, w ith a single exception, and iu that ease tbe member’s personal re­lations with Grinnell prevented. I t is un­derstood that fourteen of the fifteen Republican members from New York favored tbe confirmation ol 1.allin.

ON T H E F R O N T IE R S .The W ar Department has not yet received

any advices relative to the rejiorted fight between the United states troops and Mexi­cans on the Texas frontier.

T H E L E G A L T E N D E R CASES.Mr. Justice Clifford announced iu the Su­

preme Court this morning that in conse­quence ofthe indisposition-of Justice Nelson, the legal tender cases wbich were set for argum ent to-day would not be now heard. No day was fixed for the argument.

PE R S O N A L .The captain of the Austrian frigate No-

varra, now at Annapolis, paid a complimen­tary visit to the Secretary of the Navy to-t i a * ' N O M IN A T IO N S C O N F IR M E D .

The Senate in executive session to-day confirmed the following nominations: Elias Root. Collector of Customs ior the district of Oswego, N. Y. Postmaster* for New Y'ork: Thomas S. Blodgett. Ct operstow n; Charles S. Jackson, Goshen; Marcus Lyon, Ithaca; Jno. A. Deeremer, S heuectady; Wm. Polleys, W averly.

FORTY'-8ECOND CONGRESS.W ashington , April 12.S E N A T E .

Mr. ROBERTSON (Rep., S. C.) entered a motion to amend the order of business, so as to get up the House General Amnesty Bill. Action upon the motion was deferred until to-morrow.

Mr. Sherman’s resolution instructing the Finance Committee to consider during the recess the best system of reducing taxe* so us to leave only enough revenue to pay the working expense of the government, was adopted.

Mr. SCOTT (Rep., Pa.) desired to have tbe bills from the House relative to reducing tbe taxes referred to tbe Finance Commit­tee, but Mr. Trumbull objected, in order that the measure reported in reference to coal and salt duties might remain before tbe Senate so as to be acted upon whenever op- poitunitv was presented.

Mr. COLE (ltep., Cal.,) offered a resolu­tion for the printing of filtv thousand of the President's message and the Commissioners' rejKirt on San Domingo. Referred to the Committee on Printing.

Mr. Sl'M N ER i Rep., Ma«s. > presented the petition of De Weniy»s Jobson. praying for redress of alleged a<-ts of violence at the hands of United States Marshal Sharpe, of New Y'ork. Referred to the Judiciary Com­mittee.

Mr. SAl'LSBURY' (Dem., Del.: opposedthe bill.

Mr. POOLE (Rep., N. C.. delivered a lengthv speech upon North Carolina j»oIi- tics, and in defense of official* in tha t state.

Mr. BAY ARD tDt-in., Del.) spoke in op- position to the bill.

At4::*Utbe Senate went into executive s e s s io n , and subsequently adjourned.

H O U S E .

Messrs. Strong and Starkweather, mem­bers elect from Connecticut, appeared aud took oath a* members.

Mr. M YERSIItep.. Pa.) introduced a bill supplementary to the acts to prohil.it the Coolie trade, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The bill provides that tho United States Consul or Consular agent shall not deliver to the master of any I nited States vessel in­tending to convey’ the subjects of China. Japan or any oriental countr.y the certifi­cate of voluntary immigration now required bv law, if there he a contract on the part of such coolies for service in the United States longer than three months.

Mr. Myers also introduced a bill to provide for the adjustment and satisfaction of tbe French sj»oilation claims prior to the 31st of July, 1871.

The House then resumed the consideration of Senate amendments to the Deficiency bill.

The following Senate amendments were concurred in : Appropriating $35,1«3 for the completion of tbe custom house at St. Paul, M inn.; appropriating $12,000 for the relief of destitute aged j»erson» in the District of Columbia: repealing tbe law limit­ing the expenditure for the Marine Hospital at Chicago to $300,000, and extending it to $359,779; appropriating $350,000 for increas­ed compensation to Assistant Marshals in taking the census of 1S70; reg a lin g the act requiring the meeting of each new Congress on the 4th of March, and providing that appropriation* heretofore made for public works, buildings or grounds, for the fiscal vear commencing Ju ly 1. 1871, shall be available for the ' current fiscal year. An amendment was made to the latter amend­ment in reference to the- salaries of steain- l*>at mspectors.

Mr. KERR i Dem., Ind .) offered an amend­ment for payment to lawful owners or their legal representatives of proceeds of all cotton seized in possession of rightful owners or of tbeir representatives after the 30th of June, 1865. , , _

Point of order was made and sustained that the amendment proposed new legisla­tion.

Mr. HOLMAN (Dem., Ind.) offered an amendment for payment of $100 bounty promised to troops who entered th s service under th s President'* proclamation in May, 1861. , A .

Mr. DAW ES (Rep., Maas.) made a point of order on the amendment and asked Mr. Holman how much money it would take out of tb s treasury.

Mr. Holman mid he w m Informed it would only require about a Bullion dollar*.

Mr. STOUGHTON (Rep.. Mich.) prom- ised th a t the military committee would re ­port inch a bilL The point of ©rdw wm sustained, and the amendment excluded.

Mr. BUTLER (R*p. MmeJ offered an amendment repealing the tenure of offlee


P aris. April 12—via London, 10:30 p. M.—A loud and uninterrupted cannonade has been kept up since last evening between. Chatillon and the southern forts. The in fantry are also engaged and the noise of mitrailleuses and musketry has been inces­sant since five o'clock this morning.

Cannonading around Neuilly. Port Mail­lot and P ort des Femes, has beeu resumed and is as violent as tha t on the south.

FIGHTING IN TUE BOIS DE BOULOGNE.Fighting is now going on in the Bois de

Boulogne and at Astiieres. Tbe Commune is forwarding reinforcements to the troop* engaged. Tlie wounded are coming in In large numbers. Loses are heavy.

THE GOVERNMENT TROOPS REPULSED.The official report* of the Commune claim

the Versailles forces were repulsed on Tues­day evening in an attack on the southern lorts, and that their loss was heavy, while that ofthe Communists tvas very lig h t The Commune believe tha t tbe attack was in­tended to mask an attem pt to carry the Maillot gate by surprise.

THE COMMUNISTS LOSE D I5SY.A rumor come* from the Van Girard

quarter, in the southern part of the city, that, the Communists have lost the park of D’Lssy, where they w ere.intrenched, aud that the commandant of fort DTa«y has been hhot by bis own men.

A LULL IN THE FIGHTING.N ew Y'ORK, April 12.—A Tribune

special from Paris, April 11, says: There is a lull in the tightiug, and both sides are burying tbeir dead preparatory to new efforts.

Dombrowski reports himself firmly In­stalled at Asnieres. He holds the northeast corner of Neuilly, and is strongly posted at Y'illiers and Lev'allois.

Porte Maillot is nearly repaired.P E N S IO N * T O T H E N A T IO N A L G U A RD .

The (Jjficial Journa l publishes an appeal um sundry women adjuring the guards to

fight to the last extremity. The same jour­nal also publishes a decree promising pen­sions of 800 francs to the wives of tho na­tional guards killed and 305 franc* for eaeh

hi Id legitimate or illegitimate, o th e r rel­atives are also promised pensions in certain


A T n b u n e special from London says: A dispatch from Paris Wednesday says the rnnnonade which was sustained h11 last night was continued vigorously this morning and tliat u simultaneous uttuck-Avas made on the west and south—tbe Versailles troop* opening with th irty new and heavy guns. The principal effort was directed against Vanvres. I t was bui>- posed tliat they intended to mask a serious movement against porte Maillot. There w a s a general a l a r m in tlie city when it yvhs reported tha t the Versailles troops were in­side the gates. The Communists now sav shat the attack everywhere failed.

THE PEACE CONFERENCE.B r u s s e l s , April 12.—The representative

of the (7rand Duchy of Baden in thc peace conference arrived in this city. No meet­ing of tin* conference is however to be hold this week.G E R M A N Y N O T TO IN T E R F E R E IN T U E

P A R IS F IG H T S .The Official Journa l of to-day says Ger­

many Yv’ill only interfere in domestic’ affairs of France until it shall become necessary for collection of money due to herself.

IL L N E S S O F N A P O L E A N .London, April 12.—Napoleon is 111 at

Chiselhurst and has been confined to bis room beveral day*.

A U S T R IA 'S LOSS.V i e n n a , April 11.—Mr. Joy, Minister of

tbe United Mates, ba* received a disputch from President Grant expressing deep re­gret at tlie painful loss to Austria by tho death of Admiral Tegethoff.

pel led to move tha t ita consideration be poet* poned until this evening.

Mesars. Field*, Jacob* and Hnested op* goeed the postponement and the motion wa*

The Houae then w ent Into Committee of the Whole on the Supply bill, The bill wa* read and named upon each Item mparaU *

Mr. Alberger moved to lnanrt $190,060 to complete the Insane Asylum at Buffalo. Carried.. Mr. Uih-liman moved to Insert $25,000 for improvement ofthe institution of deafmutca in Nm , York. Carried.


» n rt-euembUng tbe H ou* ureul Into oommittec. again on the Sunni, Bill. Au item authorizing the State olgeere to invee- tigete e claim of Hlchanl Calc-ow for *8,000 wee etncken out. The Item of *2.1,000 to the State P o u ltr , Society waa etrickcu o u t

Mr. Alvord moved to strike out the item of $10,000 to H enry M. Williams, for acting as Commissioner to the French Exposition, appointed by Governor Fenton. Lost.

Mr. Alvord moved to strike out the fol­lowing: “The sum of $250,000 to hereby ap­propriated toward the erection, and Hamil­ton Harris, Wm. Kingsly, Wm. ▲. Rice, Chnuucey Depew, Delos De YVolf, and E. A . M erritt, are hereby appointed Commis­sioners for tbe purpose of erecting a new capitol building m place of tbe preaeut iKtard,” and leave standing thto: “ In construction of the new capitol the skilled mechanics of this State shall have preference at the same price* ln all work tha t to dons by days labor. ’

Mr. Alvord advocated his motion. He was not opposed to the construction of thto building, but be agreed w ith the Governor tbat no appropriation should now be made. He belieted this making annual appropria­tions was not the way to carry on this work. He referred to the sectional controversy in the Republican partv and said he waa not a representative of either of the sections, and whenever there was auy such controversy he wouhl take no part in it. He stood here, however, as the friend of Alen/.o Cornell and Jaraea Terwilliger.

Mr. Alherger protested against the pro- !K>**ed change in the commission aa * base and shameful imputation on the gentleman to l»e removed. He moved to increase the amount to Sl,COO,000. The motion to in­crease the amount to $1,000,000 was lost. The motion to strike out the accliou was also losL

Mr. Weed moved $20,000 »o W. H. Rhodes, Suj>eri0tendeiit of Manufactures of Clinton rnsonflM-'arried.

On motion o lM r. Selkreg, $1,000 was in­serted for the Commissioners of Willard Asylum to Kettle with farmers.

Mr. Goodrich moved to strikeout $*20,000 to Mrs. Lewis W. Washington, oi Hall- town, West Virginia, for certain relics of Gen. Washington. Carried—54 to 53.

Mr. Randall moved to insert $5,000 for the Normal School at Cortland. Carried.

Mr. Alvord moved to strike out the item of $10,000 to Gen. Storms. Jie said this claim had hecn stricken out of the supply bill an­nually for twenty-seven years. Lost—46 to 55.

The section to pay YVeed, Parsons A Co., for work partially done at the time their printing establishment was burned, was stricken out.

Mr. Alvord moved to increase the appro­priation lor the Idiot Asylum at Syracuse, from $15,000 to $30,000. Carried.

Mr. Alvord renewed his motion to striko out the section relative to tho new Capitol

otnmisslonem, which was lost—33 to 63. The bill was then ordered to be put on its

tiuai passage, and, at 11 o'clock the House adjourned.


A lb a n y , April 12.—The following Is the Court of Appeals Dav Calendar for April 13: Nos. 103, 28, 170, 107, 150, 143, 174, 142.

N EW YORK LEGISLATURE.Al b a n y , A pril 12.


Relative to costs in Surrogate’s Courts.BILLS PASSED.

Incorporating tbe National Mortgage Company.

To provide for better prevention of fires iu New Y ork, an.l prescribe the power and duties of the city Fire Marshal.

Amending ihe law relative to Commis­sioners of Emigration.

Relative to Reado street. Brooklyn. Amending the charter of Buffalo. Incorporating the Co-operative Savings

and Loan Association.Amending the law relative to Surrogate’s

Courts.Amending the Rensselaer County Poor

Law. Lost and laid on thc table.To repeal the aet of 1844 relative to State

Prisons.Authorizing the city of Troy to fund its

floating debt.Providing that aliens may bold and con­

vey real and personal estate. Lost.Mr. Chapman moved tliat the Committee

oil Internal Affair- be diM-harg. d from tbe further consideration of tbe lull providing: for towns, etc., deriding by vole the ques­tion of licensing for tbe sale of intoxicating liquors.

Mr. Hubbard moved to lay the motion on the table. Carried— 14 to 12.

Recess till 7 l \ M.EV EN IN G KK**IOX.

Almost the entire session was devoted to discussion, mainly hy Mr. Lewis of Buffalo, on the Police Bill, which wa* fiually ordered to a third reading.


Mr. Fields proj»osed to limit speeches to two minutes each. lie waa anxious to ad­journ this week.

Mr. Alvord—There are several important measures.

Mr. Fields—If the gentleman from Onon­daga objects I will withdraw the motion. I only wanted il understood that we can ad­journ this week if we will.

WLI.S PASSED.Making provisions f<>r thc storage of com­

bustible material.Concerning the pra»rtice of physic and »ur-

gery. . ,F or tbe protection of stockholders m joint

stock companies.Amending the revised statutes relative to

guardians and wards.Relative to the law of libel and the trial

of libel. Lo*t, aud a motion to reconsider was tabled.

To incorporate the Grand Commamtory of the Mate of New York.

Mr. F rearcslled up tbe motion to recon­sider the vote defeating the bill relative to employers and apprentice*. Carried. The bill w’is then amended by striking out the 6th and 7th sections and passed—7̂0 lo 23.

Placing restriction* on broker* and toprotect the public against unauthorized Banking. Lost, and motion to reconsider tabled.

To authorize th* ciiy of Elmira to issue bends to pav present indebtedness.

Fixing the fees of justices of tbe peace for certain service*.

To allow further coat* in suit* brought by working women.

To authorize the payment of the steno­grapher iff Onondaga County Court aud Court of Session*.

The Governor returned w ithout hi* *p- proral tbe bill to incorporate the New York IteaV Estate Banking Company. Tb* hill and veto were referred to the JudiciaryC o m m i t t e e .

A ppropriating $33,484 to tb« 9th Regi­ment of National Guards to refund moneys paid hy the regiment for uniforms during tbe late war.

Itoeeas Ull 4 p. m .AFTERNOON SE M IO *.

Mr. Alvord, on a q— tim At P.rivP fg ^ Mated notwithstanding tt w—Um Hupp!, BUI .b a u d *• «

r j is itrruLter Imnortanee than «naL He did not 2mU disposed to lose »»7 **■•» bul W t eom-


M ancii C h u n k , Pa., Feb. 12.—The grand council of the Workingmen'* Benev­olent Association adjourned at noon, after adopting a resolution for a general board of arbitration to settle present ditficultiea, to meet the operators here on the 17th of April.

Scranton, April 12.—Two of the late rioters surrendered themselves to the au­thorities this morning. They were released on bail, leading miners being their bonds­men.

A D E F A U L T E R A R R E S T E D .Toronto, April 12. —The defaulting

cashier of the branch bank of Montreal nl Perth ha* been arrested at Rowe, N. Y'., and the missing funds found in his possession, lie is believed to be insane and guiltless ot criminal intent.

R A IL W A Y A C C ID E N T .ST. Locih, April 12.—A locomotive, two

baggage and one passenger car were thrown from tho North Missouri Railroad track last night. The locomotive, tender, and one baggage car were badly smashed. No i»cr- 8on seriously injured.

B R ID G IN G T H E MISSIUBll’r i.The railroad and wagon bridge, across the

Mis.-ii»ippi River, was completed yesterday. Its cost ii about $1,000,000.

GEN ERA L BTONEMAN.&AN F ra n c is c o , April 12.—Gen. Mono­

man has gone to Arizona, but his health would not permit him to participate in an active campaign again the Apaches, even if an adequate force were at rommaud. There are onlv 1,000 effective troops in the terri­tory, afl of which are required for garrison duty, and the government declines to per­mit volunteers to take the field independ­ently.

P E R S O N A L .Wm. II. Seward, J r . , and MeRars. Knapp

and Osborne, and their ladies, are resting here a few days before making a tour of this State and Oregon.

A V A L U A B L E IM P O R T A T IO N .Eleven Japanese merchants have arrived

here with 185,000 canto of silk worms’eggs, costing in Japan $675,000. They are con­tracted for by a French house, but the order was cancelled in consequence of the war.

T H E R IG H T S O F C O L O R E D M EN .R ichm ond , Va., April 12.—The suit for

$5,000 damages, instituted fn the United Mat*** Court by Judge J . P. White(epl*r*di of the fiu pri-me Court of South Carolina, agaiust the Richmond and Danavill* Rail­road Company, was eoinpiomise.1 this morning, by tbe payment of $1,200 to th« plaintiff. He claimed damages on the ground that he waa forcibly ejected from a firat clans car solely on account of color, not­withstanding he had a first class ticket. The case wa# partially heard yesterday.

E X T E N S IV E KIRKS.G r a n d Rapid*. April 12.—A fir* last

night burned Wilkins & Brother*’ planing and turning shop, W inchester & Co.’s furni­ture Store, A. P. Judd's coffin manufactory, Liettel A Brothers' machine shop, Pierce A Briggs' drv good* atore. I>. L. Newberg’s clothing store. J . Cornelliaae'* grocery store, John Canfield's wholesale graoery, J . P. Cregnes’ furniture atore, R. H. Smith’s furniture store, E. Scott's drug store, J . If. Martin’a grocery atore, Klee’s picture frame factory, De VinDejr’e stencil cutting shop, Spalding & BeoneH’s turning shop, C. C. Comstock'* u w mill, Clark'* brush factorv, Cox’s file works, Clark k Co., pumps. Bissell k Son, gypsum ornaments, Fread well's joiner shop. Daniels k Son join* r shop and Mattison'a harnesa shops. Th* loss estimated from $250,060 to $300,060; in­surance a!>out $100,000.

N e w rk r n , N. C., April 12.—Seventeen houses on Maiu strei t were destroyed by fire last night. Lok« $205,000; ms’urance about $100,o00. The losers are: Joseph Schwerin, Moses Patterson, Dr. J . W, Hughes, M. Gold-mitb. Kihs Davison. K. Ulrich, William Rosuianaffy, F. S. Duffy, Mrs. Curt to . A- McLaelan. II. k B. Em­manuel, Weinstein A Bro., D. Marks, J . M. Agostine, E. D. Meadows, M. Hahn, P rim ­rose A Tate, J . MeSorley, Mnallwood f l Tate.

EDUCATIONALX r t f H a v e n , C t., April 12.—The comer

stone of the Mapiuand Chapel of divinity school of Yale College was laid thia

L g e i$10,000 to endow a Lyman ship ou preaching. Rev.

Brooklyn haaBeecher lecture-

given eture-

l l e n r y W a rd

* V**1.°°“ P“ 7 °n account of loan. Judge Gilee in tbe U .S. Circuit Court to- day decided tha t the government coo id not t ix the hoods in question a* they were is­sued hy a municipality, a part of tbe sov­ereignty of the State.

THE TURF.N e w O r l e a n s . April 12. — A t the

Metaire racea, Unlay, Billy William* won the first race, Victory the second, and Mc­Donald the third.

A n o t h e r I n c i d e n t i n t h e R u l o f f R o m a n c e . —T h e d a r k fe a tu re s in t h e c a re e r o f R u lo ff a re g ra d u a l ly c o m in g to l ig h t , h u t a r e d o u b tle s s s o m e w h a t co lo re d to s u i t th e p u rp o e e o f th e g re a t c r im in a l . T h e s to ry o f t h e f l ig h t a c ro s s t h e r iv e r , a f te r t h e b u rg f a rv of t h e s to r e a t w h ic h th e c le rk M e r n c k w a a k il le d , to n o w to ld by R u lo ff h im se lf. B efo re R u lo ff w a* p u t u p o n t r ia l , h e b e c a m e c o n ­v in c e d t h a t th e ev id e n c e in poseeeaion o f t h e p ro se c u tio n w o u ld c o n v ic t h im , a n d h e of­fered to p le a d g u i l ty o f m a n s la u g h te r in th e second d e g re e , a n d th e re b y e sc ap e th e g a l­lo w s by s e r v in g a s h o r t t im e in t h e S ta te P r is o n . T h e D is t r ic t A t to r n e y v e r y p ro p ­e r ly re fu sed to a llo w h im to d o t h a t , b e liev ­in g t h a t h e sh o u ld re c e iv e p u n is h m e n t fo r th e fu ll d eg ree o f h is h e in o u s c r im e , w h ic h co u ld b e e s ta b lish e d b e y o n d a d o u b t.

A d ay o r tw® ag o H uioff m a d e a to l l a n d c o n n e c ted s ta te m e n t o f th e f l ig h t f ro m th e s to re a n d th e d ro w n in g o f b to co m pan ion*- A * sa id t h a t D e x te r w a s so b a d ly w o u n d e d t h a t h e sa n k fro m f a in t in g o n e s b efo re th e y g o t to th e r iv e r , a n d th e y w e re d e la y e d a fe w sec o n d s on t h a t a c c o u n t. A t t h s h a n k o f l b . r i r . r t b e , a to p p e d , k 1 u l r u l e U d u p o n th o ebonceo o f Retting neroee. b u t !■ th e r e w a s n o a l te r a t iv e , th e y w a d e d ln an d a t te m p te d to c ro ss . D e x te r eo u ld n o t to u ch b t to m , a n d a t t h e n e x t s te p th e v w e re a l l in t h e w s t e r o v e r t h e i r h e a d s . D e x te r c lu n g to R u lo ff, w h o o n ly sa v e d h im se lf fro m d ro w n in g b y a d e e e p ra te s t ru g g le , iu w h ich h e b ro k e a w a y fro m h ts d r o w n in g c o m p a n ­io n . J a r v i s w a s a g o o d s w im m e r a u d a t­te m p te d to re a c h th e b a n k , b u t h is s t r e n g th fa iled a n d he p e r ish e d a fe w fe e t fro m th e sh o re . R u lo ff s a y s t h a t n e i th e r o f th e m » au k , a n d w h e n h e c lim b e d th e h il l h e eo u ld see th e m ly in g on th e w a te r . H e b e l i s t e l t h a t J a r v i s w aa ao b a d ly in ju re d b y M lrn o k th a t , h a d h e su cc eed e d in r e a c h in g * th e w e a l s h o re , h e w o u ld h a r e bet-n u n a b le to w a lk a f te r b e g o t th e re . R u lo ff w aa ask e d hy th e p erso n w h o h e a rd h is s to ry w h e re h e w e n t a f te r h e cro ssed th c r i v e r , a n d h e d e ­

l in e d to g iv e a n y in fo rm a tio n a b o u t h ia p lace o f co n c e a lm e n t.

M a t i n g i n M a s h a c h u s e t t h . —T h e R eg ­is tr a t io n R e p o r t o f tb e S ta te o f M a ssa c h u ­s e t ts fo r th e y e a r 1869 g iv e s som e c u r io u s m a rr ia g e s ta t is tic s , f ro m w h ic h Im p a t ie n t y o u th s an ti d e so la te o ld m a id s a n d b a c h e lo rs m ay b o th ta k e h e a r t . D u r in g th e y e a r 7 m aid en s w e re m a r r ie d a t th e ag e o f 14, a u d n o fe w e r th a n 41 a t th e c o m p a ra tiv e ly m a ­tu r e a g e o f 15. T h e lad s a r e n o t so v e u tu re - aorne as th e g ir la , th e y o u n g e s t h u sb an d h a v in g w e d d ed a l 16 a w ife o f th e sam e ag e . O u th e o th e r h a n d , a n old u iu id o f 78 fo u n d a h u s b a n d , a n d fo u r o th e r w o m e n w e re m a rr ie d a f te r th e y h ad p asse d th e ago o f 70. O n e m a u o f 32 w a s m a rr ie d , fo r th e s ix th t im e , to a m a id e n o f ‘ ; a lso , a n o th e r m a n , fo r th e s ix th t im e , to a w id o w o f 62, i t b e in g h e r second m a rr ia g e . T h e ag e s o f th e o ld e s t p a r t ie s m a r r ie d fo r th e fira t t im e w e re th e m al* a u d fem ale 60 e a c h . T h e g r e a te s t d is p a r i ty in th e f irs t m a r r ia g e w a s th e m a le 6. a n d th e fe m a le 20. F o r ty - f iv e m ales w e re m a r r ie d d u r in g th e y e a r w h o w e re o v e r 70, a u d o n e w id o w e r o f 80 w a a u u ite d fo r tb e sticond t im e

a w id o w o f 54, I t b e in g a lso h e r second m a rr ia g e . A w id o w e r o f 80 w a s m a r r ie d fo r th e second t im e to a y o u n g w id o w o f 20, i t b e in g h e r fo u r th m a r ­r ia g e . Bi.it o n e m a r r ia g e is re p o r te d w h e re b o th p a r t ie s w e re m a r r ie d fo r t b e fo u r th t im e e a c h , t h e i r ag e s b e in g 73 a n d 62. T h e r e w a s a lso o n e m a rr ia g e , t h e m ale b e in g 73, b is fo u r th m a r r ia g e , to a w id o w o f 5 . , h e r th i r d m a rr ia g e . O n e m a le o f 29 w a s u n ite d to a w id o w o f 30, i t t>eing h ia f irs t m a r r ia g e a u d h e r fo u r th A w id o w e r o f 56 w aa u n ite d to a w id o w o f 52, i t I f fin g b e r fifth m a rr ia g e . T h e s ix th m a r r ia g e o f a m a le is re p o r te d a t th e a g e o f 32 to a s p in s te r o f 30. A second

la rr fag e o f a m an o f 56 is re p o r te d to a fe- iaio o f 52, i t b e in g h e r fifth v e n tu re .

T h e S t o r y o f a M o d e l L a w y e r . A w ell-to -do E n g lis h s q u ire re fu se d to p a y hi# sh o e m a k e r 's b i l l . T h e h o n e s t sh o e ­m a k e r (w h o , a l th o u g h h e h ad no v in d ic tiv e fee lin g s a g a iu s t th e s q u ire , co u ld n o t affo rd to b e d e p r iv e d o f h is h o n e s t e a rn in g s ) to o k legal p ro c e e d in g s a g a in s t th e s q u ire fo r t h e a m o u n t o f h ia d e b t , £2 . T h e s q u ire , on th e re c e ip t o f th e leg a l p ro cess , w a s ao e n ra g e d th a t he a t o n ce w’e n t to th e office o f a n a t ­to rn e y a n d a d d ressed h im as fo llo w s . " T b a t s c o u n d re l, m y sh o e m a k e r, h a s p ro ­cessed ine fo r m y sh o e h ill, a n d I h a v e com a to nsk y o u w h a t to do?*’ “ W e ll,” ^ a id th o la w y e r , “ a n d is th e h ill d u e ? ” “ Y’e s ,” sa id th e s q u ire , " h u t. as h e h a s p ro c essed m e fo r i t 1 w o n 't p a r h im . H o w m u ch is y o u r fe e?” " I sh a ll re q u ir e £10 to b e g in w i th ," sa id th e a t to r n e y , " a n d o f co u rse . I f th e re is a n y e x t r a t ro u b le I sh a ll e x p e c t to be re w a rd e d fo r i t . ” ‘’ All r i g u t ,” sa id th e s q u ire , la y in g d o w n £ 10, 1 w ill c a ll in a few d a y s an d sec h o w m y case Is g e t t in g o n .” S h o r t ly a I te r t .b e s q u ire hail le f t lh e a t to rn e y s t e p p 'd o v e r to th e s h o e m a k e r’s a n d offe'red to p a y h im th e fu ll a m o u n t o f b is b il l, if bn w ith d re w a ll p ro c e e d in g s in tb e m a t te r . T h e sh o e m a k e r w aa, o f co u rae , o n ly to o g la d to a c c e n t th e offer. Iu a few d ay * th e s q u ire ca lle d o n th e a t to rn e y an d ask e d h im h o w b is case w a* g e t t in g o n .

W h y ,” sa id th c a t to rn e y , “ I g a v e i t to h im so s t ro n g t h a t h e h ad to w i th d ra w th e ca se a l to g e th e r .” “ B ra v e !” sa id th e s q u ire , “ y ou slialT h a v e a l l m y b u s in e s s .” A n d ao th e a t to rn e y w b o w aa tb e m e a n s o f r e w a r d in g an h o n e s t a n d d e s e rv in g m a n fo r h ia la b o r, w a s a m p ly re w a r d e d fo r it , a n d laa t, h u t n o t lea st, g a in e d a w e a l th y a n d in f lu e n tia l c l ie u t . W an n o t th i s a m odel l a w y e r?

A L i t t l e G i r l N e a r l y B u r i e d A l i v e . A l i t t l e d a u g h te r o f a c ig a r m a k e r n am e d D ie h n . l iv in g on T e u to n ia s t r e e t , h a v in g a p ­p a r e n t ly d ie d o f c r o u p th e d a y p re v io u s , w as on S a tu rd a y la s t a r ra y e d fo r th e g ra v e an d p lac ed in a coffin , a n d th e fr ie n d s c a m e to th e fu n e ra l . R ev . J o h n B ad in g , p a s to r o f th e L u th e r a n C h u rc h o f s»L J o h n , on P r a i r i e s tre e t , c a m e to c o n d u c t th e fu n e ra l se rv ic e s , a n d p la c in g h is h a n d on th e fo reh ea d o f th e su p p o sed co rp s* w h ile th e fr ie n d s w e re assem ­b lin g , b e fe lt i t to be s l ig h t ly w a rm . H e h ad th e a r ra n g e m e n t fo r b u r ia l s ta y e d , an d i t w aa soon d isc o v e re d t h a t t h e w a rm th w a s t h a t o f life , th e b lo o d M ill c i r ­c u la tin g . I t a p p e a re d as i f re a n lm a t lo n w aa c o m in g on i ta e lf ; a t i l l r e s to r a t iv e , w e re u sed , a n d w h e th e r b y t h e i r m e a n s o r In th e

o u rae o f n a tu r e t b e ’ r e s u lt w a s t h a t life r e ­tu rn e d in fu lln e s s , a n d w i th i t c o n s ta n t d is ­a p p e a ra n c e o t t h e m a la d y , t i l l th * l i t t l e g i r l Is n o w o u t o f d a n g e r a n d w ill *oon b e a b o u t a g a in . W e h a v e b e e n u n a b le to le a rn p o s i­t iv e ly tb e n a m e o f t h e p h y s ic ia n w b o g a v e th e c e rt if ic a te o f d e a th , o r w h e th e r su c h *er- tirica tc w a s g iv e n .— Mil. Wisconsin.

Baccber is to occupy this position ia the Y ale divinity school.E X A M IN A T IO N O F A R T IL L E R Y O FFIC ER S-

F o r t r e s s M o n r o e , April 12. —The An­nual examination of officers of th* artillery school ia now in progress.

P E R S O N A L H a v a n a , April l i .-H i.h o p Mirtiaoc *r-

r i v w l boro Nv4*v from Spain,.hot 1allowed to laad, and will probabla ba am tb*f k - JA M A ICA ,

K in g s to n , Jamai**, April IL A num- bar of H e , tied

toward* th* annexation of H ayti to th* I'n itad State*.Dispatches from tbe British government announce the determination of tb* cabinet to make Honduras a frow n colony, to form a nart of tbe Weet Indies confederation.

T he Dacia haa gone to lay the eabt* bo-

Tbe 8afo lk t* Mill grappling for th* loM Porto Bioo cable.

The authorities bav* seiaed rXxtj-tonxr package* of m and ammunition Intended for the Cuban*.

T H E TAX OM RAILROAD RONDO.Baltimore. April IS.—In th* caa* of th*

United fltote.7*. MttmosnterfOhtoBnl!- • Company to raeovar 00,609 Internal

M ato x fe r th* years IMS, 9 k and TO,r th* aet af 1804. being a ta x aa th s to­ft on hoods of tha d ty of Baltimore to

T h e M o h i n 1‘a r i * a n d t i i e M o b in N e w Y o r k — F ra n c e is b e s ie g in g P a r is . T h e U n iU d Matos m ay h a v e to m a rc h uu t h e c i ty o f N e w Y 'ork. T h e S ta te o f C on­n e c t ic u t , w h ic h stood re a d y , th ro u g h R e­p u b lic a n d is g u s t, to pronoun<5e a g a in s t th e a d m in is tr a t io n , h e a ru t h e w b ia p e r , “ T a m ­m a n y H a ll h a s c ro s se d th e l in e ,” an d e v e ry v il la g e o p e n e d f ire lik e M oun t V a le ria n . T h e so c ia lis ts , t h e canaille, m u s t b e d r iv e n a c ro ss H a r le m R iv e r . A n d ao, s t r a ig h te n ­in g u p l ik e a n a t io n , C o n n e c tic u t e x p re s se d th e s h u d d e r o f e v e ry A m e ric a n c o m m u n ity a t th e in fa m o u s C e lt ic d e sp o tism w h ic h haa re d u c e d o u r g re a te s t a n d n o b le s t e i tv to s la v e r y ; ae ized tb e h ig h w a y s an d e h a ritfro o f o u r g ra n d e s t c o m m o n w e a l th ; o u tra g e d ju s tic e a n d h o sp ita l ity to th e com m on in ju ry o f th e A m eric an n a m e ; an d w h ic h , w i tn a p p e t ite b ey o n d th " p o w e r e v e n o f N ew York t» ,» .* « I t . I h r r . l r n . to w la a lb » re­p u b lic fa r tb a > a n u pur|ow «a ol .lrbaui lu -ry . Washington fjajnial.

A R e m a r k a b l e P i e c e o f H u b c e e y . A rounfC la<ir, iba -laogbtar of Mr. laatah Thomas, of New Castle, Del., received a se­vere in ju ry in the face about four years ago, from th e effects of which her lower jaw bone had grown perfectly solid and immovable. Her front teetb bail been removed to enable b e r to receive nourishment* which bad to be injected in an aiinoet liquid state. The In­convenience of this arrangement and the to­tal lorn of speech rendered life almost intol­erable, and ner case waa laid before eminent surgeon* of Philadelphia. A fter mature de­liberation, two of then , Doctors Charles D. Green and J- Gilbert, undertook an opera­tion which haa scarcely a parallel to tbe an- nals of surgery. The jaw bone waa aawed off below each socket, kept in motion till healed ami a new and artificial joint waa tha result. I t ia aaid aha ean now open and shut ber mouth aa well a* ever, and can eal and talk without difficulty.

W h e a t P r o s p e c t s . — W. C. writes H ealth and Homo tbat. aa far aa hfa

S E 3 7 L - . s r - a . - w w -

a r e a l b n r i l a ^ a

A J O o w . - M n C - I ;

£2 f" £ ” *£5 a ir t iiM K L tab a,, H quart* af m tal aad 1 <iUArta af a