7 17 16 (ninth sunday after pentecost)

HOLY LOVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4210 S. Chambers Road Aurora, CO 80014 [email protected] www.holylovelutheran.org 303.693.1162 www.facebook.com/HolyLoveLutheran Job’s Prayer July 17, 2016

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HOLY LOVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4210 S. Chambers Road Aurora, CO 80014

[email protected] www.holylovelutheran.org 303.693.1162 www.facebook.com/HolyLoveLutheran

Job’s Prayer

July 17, 2016


HOLY LOVE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4210 South Chambers Road

Aurora, CO 80014 (303) 693-1162

Pastor: Matthew Bolz-Weber

Sunday, July 17, 2016 The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Prelude How Great Thou Art


Confession and Forgiveness

All may make the sign of the cross, the sign marked at baptism, as the presiding minister begins.

In the name of the Father,

and of the ☩ Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.

Silence is kept for reflection.

Most merciful God, we confess that we are captive to sin and cannot free ourselves. We have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. For the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, to the glory of your holy name. Amen.

In the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for his sake God forgives us all our sins. As a called and ordained minister of the church of Christ, and by His authority, I therefore declare to you the entire forgiveness of all your sins,

in the name of the Father, and of the ☩ Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Gathering Hymn I Know That My Redeemer Lives


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

And also with you.


Hymn of Praise


Prayer of the Day The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Let us pray. Gracious God, you guide us through the most difficult times of our lives. Give us hope in Christ that we, like he, will rise again. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


scripture readings are in the pew bibles and on the back of the bulletin

First Reading Job 14:7-22; 19:23-27 after the reading:

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Children’s Sermon

Gospel Acclamation

Gospel John 12:23-26 before the reading:

The Holy Gospel according to John, the twelfth chapter: Glory to you, O Lord.

after the reading:

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.

Sermon Following the sermon, we pause for a few moments of silence, expecting that God’s Holy Spirit will continue to speak to us


Hymn of the Day My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less Baptism of Drisdan Jeffery (DJ) Willert Presentation

God, who is rich in mercy and love, gives us a new birth into a living hope through the sacrament of baptism. By water and the Word God delivers us from sin and death and raises us to new life in Jesus Christ. We are united with all the baptized in the one body of Christ, anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and joined in God's mission for the life of the world. Called by the Holy Spirit, trusting in the grace and love of God, do you desire to have your child baptized into Christ?

I do.


As you bring DJ to receive the gift of baptism, you are entrusted with responsibilities: to live with him among God's faithful people, bring him to the word of God and the holy supper, teach him the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments, place in his hands the holy scriptures, and nurture him in faith and prayer, so that he may learn to trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made, and work for justice and peace.

Do you promise to help DJ grow in the Christian faith and life? I do.

Sponsors, do you promise to nurture DJ in the Christian faith as you are empowered by God's Spirit, and to help him live in the covenant of baptism and in communion with the church?

I do.

People of God, do you promise to support DJ and pray for him in his new life in Christ? We do.

Profession of Faith As God’s people of faith let us together confess the faith in which we baptize:

Do you believe in God the Father? I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God? I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

Prayers Rooted in Christ and rising to serve, let us pray for the church, the world, and all in need.

after each petition:

Hear us, O God. Your mercy is great.

the prayers conclude:

We lift our prayers to you, O God, trusting your promise to hear us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.



Thanksgiving at the Font Listen to the water! * It speaks of the miracle of life itself: like the splash of a baby’s bath, the crash of waves on the ocean shore, the gentle patter of falling rain, the tear in a friend’s eye, the delicate dew glistening in the morning sun.

Listen to the water! * It’s the water of our history and God’s flowing together. Out of the waters of chaos God’s Spirit brought life and goodness at creation. After the flood God placed a rainbow in the sky as a reminder of God’s promise. God led the chosen people out of slavery, through the waters, and to new freedom.

Listen to the water! * It points to the Redeemer. Jesus was born in the water of a womb, baptized in the waters of the Jordan River. He changed water into wine and calmed the waters of the stormy sea. He invites us to share in His baptism and to make disciples.

Baptism Drisdan Jeffery is baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Blessing Gracious God, pour out your Holy Spirit upon DJ, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and power, the Spirit of knowledge and faith in the Lord, the Spirit of joy in your presence.


Welcome You are a child of God and have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever!

Thanks be to God!

I present you with your baptismal candle. The candle represents God’s promise of steadfast love that comes in baptism. We present it with the earnest hope and prayer that your life will always shine so brightly before others, that others would also be inspired to glorify God!

Through baptism God has made DJ a brother in the priesthood we all share in Christ Jesus. Together we are called to proclaim the praise of God and bear God’s creative and redeeming Word to all the world.

We welcome you into the Lord’s family. We receive you as a fellow member of the body of Christ, child of the same heavenly Father, and a worker with us in the kingdom of God. Amen.

Peace The peace of Christ be with you always.

And also with you.

The people greet one another with a sign of Christ’s peace, saying “Peace be with you” or similar words.


Sharing Of Life And Ministry


Offering It is Well With My Soul

Offertory Response

Offertory Prayer Let us pray. God of mercy and grace,

the eyes of all wait upon you, and you open your hand in blessing. Fill us with good things at your table, that we may come to the help of all in need, through Jesus Christ, our redeemer and Lord. Amen.


Great Thanksgiving

Proper Preface It is our duty and delight … we praise your name and join their unending hymn:



Eucharistic Prayer Holy God, you alone are holy, you alone are God…

...Remembering his love for us on the way, at the table, and to the end, we proclaim the mystery of our faith:

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

...Blessing and praise and thanks to you, Holy God, through Jesus Christ by your Spirit, in your Holy Church, now and forever


Lord’s Prayer Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, let us pray as Jesus taught us:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Invitation to the Table

Christ invites you to a place of honor at this banquet. Thanks be to God.

Communion Christ is the Host at this feast; All are welcome at the table of God's grace. The Chalice contains wine; red wine and white grape juice are provided in the trays. After you receive the bread, you may either dip (intinct) the bread in the chalice and receive the bread and wine together; or, you may eat the bread, and drink either from the chalice or from a small glass in the tray. Please let the server know if you require a gluten-free wafer.

Hymns During Communion Goodness is Stronger Than Evil


We Are Called


Thy Holy Wings


after all have returned to their places May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the gifts of His body and blood strengthen, keep, and unite us now and forever.


Prayer After Communion Let us pray. O God,

as a mother comforts her child, so you comfort your people, carrying us in your arms and satisfying us with this food and drink, the body and blood of Christ. Send us now as your disciples, announcing peace and proclaiming that the reign of God has come near; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.



The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord’s face shine upon you with grace and mercy.

The Lord look upon you with favor and ☩ give you peace. Amen.


Sending Hymn Lord of All Hopefulness

Dismissal Go in peace. Proclaim the good news.

Thanks be to God.

Postlude Precious Lord Take My Hand *****************************************************************************

From Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2016 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #23336; CCLI license #1363214 and/or OneLicense.net #A710482

Please join us for Ice Cream Sundaes in the Fellowship Hall immediately after worship.

If you are a guest this morning, WELCOME! Please sign the "Friendship Pad" as it is passed to you. As you join us in worship, our hope is that

you will find renewed strength in God. If you would like to be added to the weekly e-mail list to find out what’s going on at Holy Love, e-mail Keely in the office - [email protected]


Now - September 11 Worship at 9:00 a.m.

Theology Pub will not meet in July.

We will meet again August 18th from 6-7:30pm at Lubo’s Pizza.

Social Networking Want to hang out with some other folks from Holy Love in a relaxed setting? Want to chat with the Pastor about ... well, anything really? Want to sit in a friendly environment with good people? That, essentially, is "Social Networking" at Holy Love. Please join us :

July 28, 5-6:30pm at Peak to Peak Taproom, 16701 E Iliff Ave

Habitat for Humanity/Holy Hammers Construction on our 2016 home continues. Thank you to all who have volunteered so far!!! This current home is being built in Aurora at Sable Ridge. Holy Love has been assigned the following work day: July 30. Work days in the summer begin at 8:30. Please visit http://holyhammers.denver.volunteerhub.com/events/index to sign up and find detailed infor-mation. Call Melissa Waples at 303-519-1339 with any questions.

URGENT! We Need Volunteers! We have lost a couple of key people. Please contact Keely in the office or me. Thank you. Bruce Merritt (720)876-1065

July 23rd - Team 5

July 30th - Team 6

Holy Love Prayer Chain If you haven't yet signed up for the prayer chain, and would like to be included in our weekly (approximately) e-mail with people to pray for, please e-mail Keely in the office.

Preschool Director Opening – St. Mark’s St. Mark’s Lutheran Church is currently seeking an energetic, enthusiastic Director. For further in-formation or to obtain an application e-mail [email protected] or call Mary Ste-phenson at 303-366-1440 or. Please leave a message if necessary.


Christmas in July

Food Drive No, it is not Christmas already but we can still buy gifts for our neighbors in need. A

Holy Love tradition is to donate non-perishable foods to our church food pantry

and also the pantry at Aurora Interfaith. Every Sunday in July we will be giv-ing out empty grocery bag(s) and all you have to do is fill the bag and return it to the church by the end on July. Get your children involved, encourage them

to help shop for a child their age or maybe for a Grandma or Grandpa.



LFS Backpack Drive Lutheran Family Services has asked for our help with backpacks for refugee children and children in foster care. We will need donations of supplies or completed back-packs. We will be collecting your donations through July 24th for delivery to LFS. If you make a completed backpack, please label the backpack with the appropriate grade. Consider putting a smile on the faces of these children when they get their

new backpack for school. For more information, contact Debi Young at [email protected]. Flyers with detailed information are on the counter in the Narthex.

Confirmation Class - Info meeting 8/24 10:30 Confirmation will be gathering soon! If your youth is in 6th – 8th grade keep a look out

and join us in August 21st at 10:30am for a parent information meeting. We will go over the upcoming schedule with all the fun and learning that will be happening this year! New and current families should plan on being at this meeting. Please contact

Jennifer at [email protected] if you have any questions.

High School Time ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Jennifer needs your input on bringing

you all together this fall. Jennifer will be putting together a calendar with service opportunities and community fun! Please join her at Starbucks on Smoky Hill

and Chambers on Sunday August 14th at 3pm to connect and plan out a fun en-ergetic year! See you all there!

Youth Peach Sales We will start selling palisade peaches for our annual Youth Peach Fundraiser on

August 7th – 17th. Peaches will be $25.00 per box. Peaches will be sold after service on the 7th and 14th. All profits will go towards a Youth Mission Trip fund. You can

also email your order to Jennifer at [email protected].



Contact Information Church Office Phone – 303.693.1162



Pr. Matthew email – [email protected]

cell phone (call or text) – 720.301.9411

facebook message – facebook.com/hikerrev

Jennifer Pulscher Faith Formation Director

email – [email protected]

cell phone (call or text) – 719.660.4022

Keely Teynor Office Manager

email – [email protected]

The Holy Love office is open Tuesday - Friday from 9:00 – 1:00.

Worship Assistants

Sign up Online You can sign up on our website under the “Worship” or “Youth and Family” tabs.

If you have questions, or need help, please see Debbie Anderson, Jennifer Pulscher or contact

Keely in the office.

If you are a guest this morning,


Please sign the "Friendship Pad" as it is passed to you. As you join us in worship, our hope is that you will find renewed strength in God. If you

would like to be added to the weekly e-mail list to find out what’s going on at Holy

Love, e-mail Keely in the office - [email protected]

Today’s Worship Assistants

Organist Michelle Kneipper

Music Praze Song


Minister Emily Yoder

Lector Sarah Bentz


Greeters Mary Unrein Joy Knutsen

Ushers Eric Hermanson Hal Traver

Communion Assistants

Marsha Abbott



Altar Guild Marsha Abbott


Hosts Worship and Music Team


Our thoughts and prayers are with:

Family and Friends of Kathryn Neumeister (Karen Then's mother and Kait & Kerry Then's grandmother), Beth Helm (Rick and Holly Thorstad's Daughter-in-law's mother), Jean

Thompson (Phyllis Mueller's sister), Joel Sorenson (Judi Vogel's son), Kari Wynne (Beth Whitney's coworker's wife), Nancy Collins, Christine Hinze (Dorothea Madry's sister), Kev-

in Lyster, Brooke Knuth (Steve Knuth's niece), Becky Millett (Mary Unrein's friend), Darice Schaefer and Family (HL Preschool family), Kelly Jones (Julie Hansen's niece), Bill Smith (Debi Young's friend's dad), Fiorenzo Bettoni (Friend of Bruce & Rhonda Merritt),

Robert Waeltz (Lorie Eby's father), Gary and Michael Smith (family of Bruce, Val & Darlene Smith), Jim Thares (Kristen Trom's brother and Lucille Thares son), Cameron Stupanski (friend of the Truett's, Har-ter's & Smith's), Karen Davis & Family (Steve Knuth's friend), Randy Goings (Sabrina Jones' coworker), Keith Barbier (Gayle Newell's brother), Phyllis Mueller, Ed Truett, Jane Warner (Jolene Ebert's mom),

Beth Gilease (Dave Yoder's sister), Nell Beshirs (Debbie Anderson's aunt), Joey Wiseman (Caryl Young's great-grandson), Marian Madrid (Emily Yoder's friend), Paul Trippiedi (Debbie Anderson's father), Julie

Hansen, Elliana Walsh & Family (Former Holy Love Preschool Family), Renate (Dorothea Madry's aunt), Jennifer Coffman (Greg Watson's niece), Reyna Olson (Joy Knutsen's son-in-law's cousin), Heidi Lyster

(Maridee Lyster's daughter-in-law), Caryl Young, Sandy Lahmann (Beth Newsom's friend), Bernice Wal-lace, Amber Miller (Beth Whitney's cousin's daughter), Suzanne (Friend of Dorothea Madry), Zach and

Sydney Brinkmann (Earl & Sue Weihe's great nephew and niece), Dewy Hertz

Pray for our Military: Jason Voss (Lori Eby's nephew), Justin Clabaugh (Diana Stigleman’s Nephew), Stephen Terell, Wyatt Stout, Garrett Beebe, Heath Terrell, Trevor Toft, Matthew Lusher, Jason Anderson, Chase Pofahl, Tyler

Pofahl, Lara Pitt, Alicia Phelps, Trevor Koch, Josh Moyer, Jesse Newell, Malaina Collins

Today at Holy Love Lutheran Church

9am Celebration of Holy Communion 1:00 pm Harvest Dream Korean Church

This Week at Holy Love Lutheran Church Monday 6:00 pm Praze Song 6:30 pm NA 6:45 pm LaLeche League Tuesday 7:30 pm Juwon Mosaic Church Wednesday 9:45 am LaLeche League 6:00 pm Nar Anon 6:30 pm NA Meeting 7:30 pm Juwon Mosaic Church Thursday 7:00 pm The Holy Knit Wits Friday 7:00 am Men’s Breakfast at Village Inn 6:30 pm NA Meeting

Holy Love Evangelical Lutheran Church is committed to proclaiming and living the Good News of God's love in Jesus Christ as we gather for worship and study, and

scatter for witness and service to our neighbors.


Job 14:7-22; 19:23-27 7 Indeed there is hope for a tree. If it’s cut down and still sprouting and its shoots don’t fail, 8 if its roots age in the ground and its stump dies in the dust, 9 at the scent of water, it will bud and produce sprouts like a plant. 10 But a human dies and lies there; a person expires, and where is he? 11 Water vanishes from the sea; a river dries up completely. 12 But a human lies down and doesn’t rise until the heavens cease; they don’t get up and awaken from sleep.

13 I wish you would hide me in the underworld, conceal me until your anger passes, set a time for me, and remember me. 14 If people die, will they live again? All the days of my service I would wait until my restoration took place. 15 You would call, and I would answer you; you would long for your handiwork. 16 Though you now number my steps, you would not keep a record of my sin. 17 My rebellion is sealed in a bag; you would cover my sin.

18 But an eroding mountain breaks up, and rock is displaced. 19 Water wears away boulders; floods carry away soil; you destroy a people’s hope. 20 You overpower them relentlessly, and they die; you change their appearance and send them away. 21 Their children achieve honor, and they don’t know it;

their children become insignificant, and they don’t see it. 22 They only feel the pain of their body, and they mourn for themselves.

23 Oh, that my words were written down, inscribed on a scroll 24 with an iron instrument and lead, forever engraved on stone. 25 But I know that my redeemer is alive and afterward he’ll rise upon the dust. 26 After my skin has been torn apart this way— then from my flesh I’ll see God, 27 whom I’ll see myself— my eyes see, and not a stranger’s. I am utterly dejected.

John 12:23-26 23 Jesus replied, “The time has come for the Hu-man One to be glorified. 24 I assure you that un-less a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it can only be a single seed. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25 Those who love their lives will lose them, and those who hate their lives in this world will keep them forever. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me. Wherever I am, there my servant will also be. My Father will honor whoever serves me.

Next Sunday’s Readings: Job 31:35-37; 38:1-11

John 6:16-20

July 17, 2016 Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Scripture quotations noted CEB are taken from the Common English Bible, copyright 2011. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 Clergy Stuff. Used with Permission. Find more at www.ClergyStuff.com.